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Filet Mignon - The Origin and in-depth

It all started on a lonely tuesday evening, a young and handsome man was sitting in his cold
room, surrounded by shadows and with eyes glued to the computer screen. After finally
finishing watching ''League Of Legends Funny Meme Compilation #23'' on YouTube, he
thought to himself -: ''I'm hungry, I could take a whole filet mignon right now''. Immediately
the gears in his brain start running, full speed, almost overheating and the quick witted boy
shouted: ''FLAY MINION!''. He did it, he had it, surely noone would ever think of a more
clever and overwhelmingly hilarious wordplay before! But in an instant his mind was starting
to doubt, ''...will the people of popular social media website Twitter understand a wordplay
this complex and crafty?''. But the doubts he had vanished as soon as he remembered: ''..! I
can make a screenshot fitting to the wordplay so the wordplay cannot be missed!''.
But oh, how wrong he was.

Disaster strikes
The next day he proceeds to post the thoroughly edited Filet Mignon on popular social media
website Twitter, thinking he had landed the next biggest hit, surely this one will be his
breakthrough, he thought. Minutes passed, hours even but it did not obtain the amount of
recognition he thought it should've. Very irritated from the situation he was in, he gave up.
Filet Mignon (Flay Minion) was a failure.

Days have passed, but Filet Mignon doesn't leave his great and ever so capable mind.
''What could i have done different?'' he thought. He looks at the Twitter timeline once more,
in agony. He spots Twitter user @VengLoL. ''...Certainly he would understand me!'' he
spouts. But for his surprise, VengLoL definetly, evidently and most assuredly did not
understand it either.

He was shocked! Not even the mastermind of Twitter @VengLoL understood it.
''Is it really that complex?'' he thought, and started to write an in-depth explanation to let the
ones that are deep down in the abyss of sadness and pain to understand this convoluted
meme and have an outburst of laughter.

Some Words
Perhaps one of the most popular growing activities that we see people of all ages dive
themselves in, is the e-sport game called League of legends. Whether you choose to watch
this game like a sport or decide to play the game casually or competitively, League of
Legends has a home for your interest. League of legends is an online MOBA game created
by the company called Riot. The objective of the game is quite simple. Two teams consisting
of five players battle it out to destroy the opposing team’s base. Just like in real sport,
different strategies will invoke players to play different positions to be successful. Unlike
other online e-sport games, the professional scene of league of legends has definitely been
a hot topic in the US government, news channels across the globe, and especially family.
Within the span of 3 seasons, which is the equivalence of 3 years, League of legends has
exploded in popularity and branched out their franchise to different continents all over the
world. But what makes league of legends so successful and different from other e-sport
games like starcraft, that it would influence the community to expanded exponentially since it
first began?

One of the most significant factors that attributes to League of Legends success is definitely
family. One thing that should be noted is that Riot invest a minimum total of one million
dollar, in US, each year, for tournaments that professional players play in. Many parents
would never support their kids when it comes to playing videogames. Most parents believe
that it is not financially beneficial and would send their kid to do a post-secondary education
study. This would be the safest life choice to make considering that a profession in gaming is
so scarce. But, family members are slowly realizing the opportunities presented by Riot is
reliable. For Yiliang “Doublelift” Peng the support from his family came immensely slow.
Although the most recognized and popular pro player in League of Legends, his struggles
and difficulties are considered legendary. When he took his first step to becoming a pro
player, his parents said ” you will die out there if you go.”1 Eventually, he got kicked out of
his house for pursuing this career.

He was 17 years old at that time, with no job. He made his resolve, was determined to
become a pro player, and became a pro player. Now two years later after facing many
adversities, his minimum salary is approximately $100,000.00. In August 2013, Doublelift
finally saw his parents for the first time since he got kicked out. In this reunion, his parents
stated that they failed to recognized the opportunity Riot provides and is happy that he is
happy and financially stable. Because of Doublelift’s story, many of NA’s current rising stars
were able to take off the league of legends professional scene explosively. Parents are now
more open-minded and supportive with their child’s decision to become pro, which also has
a direct correlation with league of legends popularity. Obviously if the child becomes pro, his
friends and family are more inclined to watch their games and support them like they would
for their favourite hockey team.

However, family and friends are not the only support these players are getting. The US
government has also recognized the increasing growth within this community and issued
VISA’s to League of legends pro players on August 8th 2013. Danny ‘Shiphtur’ Le was
recognized as the first pro gamer to receive a visa acknowledging him as an ‘internationally
recognized’ athlete.2 This is the first e-sport game to have ever establish this. Other games
such as Starcraft and Dota, that have been around longer than league, has never set such a
precedent for online gaming as a sport or a profession.

Shortly after the releases of these visas, Riot President, Ryze, remarked that “we had to
make a case that this is just like Major League Baseball or the National Hockey League.
Weekly online broadcasts draw about 1.7 million unique viewers, that is almost four times an
average NHL game gets. “3 These viewers also come from all over the globe, from NA to EU
to China to Korea and a lot more. Riot’s effort to simulate League of Legends like a real life
sport is commendable. There is easy access to player statistics and schedules on their main
website, just like the NHL website. Four days out of each week there is always something
happening in the league of legends professional scene. Games are always proactively on
and VODs can be easily accessible through many free and HD streaming websites. These
games have great commentators who analyze the game in real-time, just like hockey. They
also provide in-depth analysis on major team fights. Those who are new to league of
legends can quickly pick up what is going on, because of these explanations and great
commentaries. But simply put it, when combining great commentary with a passionate and
excited individual, it is evident that outsider who just happened to walk by would also be
interested too. This is also one of the key influences that has impacted on the popularity of
League of Legends.

But the key to the league of legends popularity is the Riot Companies dedication for
success. Not only have they establish this gaming platform in North America, this franchise
is also internationally executed. The president of Riot said this, “We’re going to start doing
more global experiences with fans. We have five distinct leagues in China, Korea, Southeast
Asia, Europe, North America and we just launched in countries like Brazil, Russia and
Turkey. It’s a unique situation where we have a global sport that is tough to benchmark
outside of any sport except maybe FIFA or the Olympics.”4 Their dedication to establish
League of legends as an actual e-sport is commendable. Their efforts have allowed league
of legends to be a part of the 2016 Olympics.5 Not just any event can be a part of the
Olympics. If there is a lack of interest in an event, that activity that was previously apart of
the Olympics can be discontinued, as seen with polo and tug of war. This definitely highlights
the popularity of League of Legends.

To summarize, League of legends is growing in popularity because of the dedication for

success made by the company and professional players. Without the efforts and willingness
to purse this career by the pioneers of the professional players, League of legends would not
have gain its popularity that it has today. Extensive efforts were made and is quite
commendable. Thus, these efforts have been acknowledged by a greater amount of
outsiders who initially thought League of legends was a joke.

When you asked us to name off some of the current “fandoms,” my classmates mentioned
things like athletes, celebrities, and vampire novels, amongst other topics. The first idea that
came to my mind, however, was the eSports scene, and the exponential growth in its fan
base over the past few years. With work consuming the better part of my weekend, along
with driving and school during the rest of the week, my social life is not exactly that of the
stereotypical college student. I don't participate in clubs, haven't played a physical sport in
years, rarely go to parties, and the majority of my friendships exist through both Skype and
one of the few things that make me genuinely happy anymore: League of Legends. League
of Legends is, by definition, a “multiplayer online battle area,” or MOBA for short. Although
the game is incredibly complex, a quick way to sum it up is that it is a real-time, team-based
strategy game, and over the past three years, it has become the single most popular online
game today, with over one million players in the United States alone. The question
presented regarded the social aspects of a hobby. In general, when someone calls their
hobby a video game, other people associate that with spending the majority of your time in
your basement, alone, rather than going out and doing other social activities. That
assumption is precisely why I am interested in this topic.

Throughout high school, I was always a kid who got along with everyone; however, this does
not necessarily mean I was friends with everyone in my grade. Honestly, by the end of senior
year, I couldn't stand a lot of them. That being said, the people who I did call my friends were
closer to me than my family is. I was never a good student. I won't even say something
vague, like “I was never the best student,” because I will admit it: I was an awful student.
While all of my prestigious friends moved onto schools like University of Michigan and
Michigan State University, I settled for Oakland University. Right now I would like to quickly
reemphasize what I said about my friends and I being close, because I am being completely
honest when I say that many of them are closer to me than my family is. Two of those people
are my friends Jake and Kacper. We were known at school as “those three dudes.” You
know, the ones that always did everything together- inseparable. Jake and Kacper both
moved onto Michigan State, and while I stayed home to study at Oakland University,
suddenly a hole became apparent in our friendship. The hole felt like those first twenty-four
hours of emptiness you feel after you high school girlfriend ends the relationship only to
move onto someone else within a day, or when you realize your lack of studying just cost
you your International Baccalaureate diploma. I know this may come off as an exaggeration,
but the realization of this hole was about the equivalent of realizing that your 2.7 GPA in high
school potentially cost you your future. With that feeling in the pit of our stomachs, we did the
one thing that we all knew and loved: video games. A few weeks before our IB exams, Jake,
Kacper, one of our other close friends, Henrih, and I had what we regretfully call a
“Bananazinga.” As exciting as that sounds, all it is is the four of us getting drunk in Jake's
basement at night and playing video games until it's light out again. During our final
Bananazinga, we found out about League of Legends. We played it on and off for the next
couple of weeks, stopped a bit during the summer, then picked it back up again during the
school year to keep in touch with each other.

As we became more experienced with the game, we became hungry to learn more about the
game, watching videos, reading guides, following professional players. After watching a little
over an hour of a professional player live stream a few matches, I decided to scroll through
some live streams of other games. I came across this kid from California named Matt, live
streaming an old first person shooter from the 90's. I was his only viewer. Realizing I was the
only person in the chat room, and that there was a good chance I was the only person
viewing his stream all day, I started talking to him. At first, it was primarily to be nice, and to
possibly give him some encouragement to continue doing what he enjoyed. I asked if he
played League of Legends. Unsurprisingly, he said he did, and we decided to play a match
together. We played two competitively ranked matches. I found him on Skype, and we set up
a call. We said almost nothing to each other during those two matches, other than the
occasional chuckle or the shared loathing for our awful team mates. Four months later, we
are in a Skype call, along with our now mutual friends also from California, every single
night, regardless whether we are playing League of Legends or not. I have never met him in
real life, nor do I think I will ever meet him any time soon, but I can honestly say that he,
along with the people I met through him, are some of my best friends. Through me, my
friends from California have also become good friends with Jake and Kacper, as we will, on
most nights, all be in a call together, playing a match of League of Legends.

What I find most interesting is the psychology behind social norms. If someone says they are
going to do something social, many people will immediately think they are going to a movie,
or a party, or going bowling, when in reality, saying you are going to do something social
could mean anything. Nowadays, being social doesn't even have to include physically being
with other people. In my situation, with my close friends living both 140 miles away and over
2000 miles away, being physically with them is a rare and difficult to achieve occurrence. I
am, however, still able to keep a social relationship with all of these people through
something we all mutually enjoy, that being this game. That is not to say, however, that my
friendships are the only social aspect about this game. Earlier I mentioned the eSports
scene, and how it has grown since the game's initial launch. With media such as live
streams, Reddit, and Youtube, a community of fans has grown from the few players
thousand people who saw the Season 1 World Championship, to the over 32 million people
watching from home, while a sold-out Staples Center audience watched the Season 3 World
Championship live. Obviously, this kind of growth is impressive, regardless of the medium.
Websites like Reddit, Twitch, and Youtube all contributed to the explosive success of this
game and the franchise.

Reddit is a website where users can create content related to the respective “subreddit” they
are posting in. For example, if a user decided to post in r/Dogs, the subject matter would be
something related to dogs. In r/LeagueOfLegends, hundreds of posts are submitted every
hour, with thousands of comments being added to these posts every minute. According to
the page, over 425,000 people are subscribed to the thread right now, and that isn't including
the people who do not have a Reddit account, and simply browse the subreddit rather than
posting. One might ask why so many people spend time on this website. There are several
possible and easily justifiable responses to this question. The first being that it is a place to
share opinion, show off your knowledge, and potentially learn something new about a topic
these people all love. Another aspect of the site is the fact that professional players are also
frequent users. Take away, for just a moment, the fact that these people get paid hundreds
of thousands of dollars to play a video game millions of kids fail classes just to play for no
money at all. They are still just kids playing a game they love, and are incredibly skilled at.
They too want to discuss, share knowledge, and sometimes even learn from others. Now
return that previous notion about them getting paid to play a video game. Obviously,
amongst the community, these people are praised like gods. These people possess skills the
rest of these players strive for, and to be sharing a website with these other less skilled
players is something incredible. Take for example the fact that millions of people praise
celebrities because they are, for whatever stupid reason, more successful than the 99% of
people who praise them. There are no websites like Reddit where these celebrities will have
full conversations about the movies they just played in or the music they just wrote. Think of
these professional players as the celebrities, and the nonprofessional players as the 99%.

There is also another website called Twitch, which provides video to people who seek to
watch them. One way the aforementioned professional players make money is through live
streaming. They will stream their competitively ranked matches, and hundreds of thousands
of people will be watching them, hoping to pick up the next game breaking strategy or, many
times, to contribute to the interesting chat that happens during the stream. Although the
stream is interesting, and it is the main reason so many people view the page in the first
place, and entire subculture has developed from the chat. It is actually interesting to look at
the way things develop through the Twitch chats. Phrases and idioms that start in one
streamers Twitch chat can become internet famous within hours. For instance, something
funny or interesting happens on a stream or in chat. Someone then posts that happening on
a website like Reddit. Something that only a few tens of thousands of people saw now has
500,000 people seeing it. From there, it might travel to other sources of media, like
Facebook or Twitter. The exponential growth of these things is incredible, and it never fails
that the League of Legends community alone can make something go viral within a day.
While we are on the topic of the League of Legends community, it is important to look at the
other side of things. League of Legends is notorious for having a toxic community, full of
people who get angry over simple mistakes. To explain further into the competitively ranked
matches mentioned earlier, League of Legends offers two types of play: casual and ranked.
Ranked consists of 6 tiers that you are placed in according to your skill level, ranging from
Bronze to Challenger. People will often abuse this system by saying someone in one tier
belongs in a lower tier if they make a mistake. Each of these tiers also develop standards for
themselves. For example, someone in the lowest tier, Bronze, is considered someone who
show little to no skill at the game whatsoever; whereas, someone in Diamond, the second
highest, shows both exceptional mechanical skills in the game, as well as quick thinking and
decision making. Because these tiers are made up entirely of players, standards are all
relative to the players. There are also overzealous people who compare themselves to
professional players, thinking of themselves as better than they actually are. In a similar
respect, people will often compare less skilled players to professionals, saying that because
they cannot preform at the level of the professional players, they don't deserve to play the

In recent months, many highly respected people have called eSports not actual sport. This
has upset many die-hard fans. Although I am incredibly invested in the eSports and video
game scene, in general, it hasn't really affected me. What does interest me, however, is why
people don't consider video games a form of social interaction. Whether it be “no-lifers” who
play World of Warcraft all night or people writing fan fiction about a certain game, there is
always a community behind them. There is always someone else there who shares these
interests. In World of Warcraft, your guild mates For fan fiction writers, there are forum users.
In League of Legends, your team mates, you enemies, your idols, your best friends. League
of Legends may just be a video game to some people, but to me it is more than that. League
of Legends is the where I spend my days when I'm not in class, at work, or writing a paper.
League of Legends is what keeps me connected to the people I love. It is my social life, and
I know for a fact that it is millions of other people's too.

Thresh, Minions and the joke to unite a nation

Thresh, The Chain Warden.
Sadistic and cunning, Thresh is an ambitious and restless spirit of the Shadow Isles. Once
the custodian of countless arcane secrets, he was undone by a power greater than life or
death, and now sustains himself by tormenting and breaking others with slow, excruciating
inventiveness. His victims suffer far beyond their brief mortal coil as Thresh wreaks agony
upon their souls, imprisoning them in his unholy lantern to torture for all eternity.

E - ability
His E ability is called Flay.
The wordplay goes into another dimension and depth of comedic value, as Filet from Filet
Mignon, is not quite written the same but said aloud.

To understand this we shall go over the aspects within Minions.
Minions are units that comprise the main force sent by the Nexus. They spawn periodically
from their nexus and advance along a lane towards the enemy nexus, automatically
engaging any enemy unit or structure they encounter. They are controlled by artificial
intelligence, and only use basic attacks.

There are four types of minions: melee minions melee minions, caster minions caster
minions, siege minions siege minions and super minions super minions.
Gameplay - Summoner's Rift
Minion waves

Minions on Summoner's Rift

Minions start spawning from the Nexus at 1:05 and keep spawning in waves every 30
seconds for the rest of the match. Each wave comprises several types of minions, which
spawn in this order:

Super minions Super minions

If one of the allied inhibitors on a lane is destroyed, one super minion spawns for the enemy
team on that lane.
If all the allied inhibitors of a team are destroyed, two super minions spawn on each lane for
the enemy team.
Melee minions Melee minions
Three of them spawn in each wave.
Siege minions Siege minions
They do not spawn on lanes on which super minions super minions are spawning.
For the first 15 minutes, one spawns every three minion waves.
After the 15 minute mark, one spawns every two minion waves.
After the 25 minute mark, one spawns every wave.
Caster minions Caster minions
Three of them spawn in each wave.
First Wave
The very first minion wave is Ghost.png ghosted for a few seconds:

Top and bot lane minions are ghosted for 28 seconds.

Middle lane minions are ghosted for 18 seconds.
Minions walk along a lane until they find an enemy unit. When they find an enemy unit, they
attack it. Champions aggro enemy minions when they attack a nearby enemy champion with
basic attacks, targeted abilities or spells. When minions find several enemy units they
choose their target using a priority system that follows this order:

Enemy champions attacking an allied champion.

Enemy minions attacking an allied champion.
Enemy minions attacking an allied minion.
Enemy turrets attacking an allied minion.
Enemy champions attacking an allied minion.
The closest enemy minion.
The closest enemy champion.
Once a minion has chosen a target, it only switches to a new target if the new target has
higher priority. If they see a new target with the same priority as their current target, they
keep attacking their current target.

Minions reevaluate their target every few seconds. For instance, if an enemy champion
attacks an allied champion and then stops attacking, minions will keep targeting the enemy
champion for a short time after he stops attacking.

When the target of a minion leaves its sight, the minion switches to a new target or keeps
advancing if there are no targets left within sight.

Stats mechanics
Every 90 seconds (i. e., every third wave) minions upgrade, increasing their strength.
Minions deal 50% reduced damage to enemy champions.
The armor of turrets is reduced when enemy minions are nearby.
Minions start with 325 movement speed and gain 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 (based on minutes)
movement speed as the game progresses.
New spawning minions level up based on their team's average level (e.g. one level 15, 10
and 18 would make a minion level 14).

Destroying an enemy Inhibitor Inhibitor provides a small buff to allied minions in the lane
where the inhibitor was destroyed.
Minion Pushing
Minions in the team with higher average champion level receive a buff that increases the
damage they deal and reduce the damage they take, which is proportional to their lane's
turret advantage and their team's level advantage.

Bonus damage = (5% + (5% × Turret advantage)) × Team level advantage

Damage reduction = 1 + (Level advantage × Turret advantage)


Team level advantage is the difference between the average level of one team and the
average level of the other. This value can be decimal and is capped at 3.
Turret advantage is the difference between the number of turrets destroyed in one side of a
lane and the number of turrets destroyed on the other side.
Since there are three turrets on each lane, the maximum possible benefits are:

Bonus damage = (5% + (5% × 3)) × 3 = 60%

Damage reduction = 1 + (3 × 3) = 10

This buff starts to apply at 3:30. Note that nexus turrets are not lane turrets.

Neutral Buffs
Hand of Baron Hand of Baron
Champion Abilities
Some champion abilities work on minions, but generally prioritize champions.

The following abilities can be targeted on lane minions but will not buff them in any way:

Braum's Braum's Stand Behind Me Stand Behind Me

Lee Sin's Lee Sin's Safeguard Safeguard
Lulu's Lulu's Help, Pix! Help, Pix!
The following abilities will affect lane minions with their area of effect:

Orianna's Orianna's Command Dissonance Command Dissonance (bonus movement

Sivir's Sivir's On the Hunt On the Hunt increases the movement speed of minions
Janna's Janna's Monsoon Monsoon heals/displaces minions
Gangplank's Gangplank's Cannon Barrage Cannon Barrage with the Raise Morale Raise
Morale upgrade.
Creep Score
Creep Score (CS) is the number of minions, monsters, and champion pets a champion has
slain by dealing the killing blow to these units. Dealing this hit is known as last hitting and is
considered one of the most important skills in League of Legends.

In the early and mid game, CS along with KDA can be used to compare how well a player is
doing against their lane opponent.

Wave Gold Value

A group of spawned minions is considered a wave.

In Summoner's Rift, an undistributed wave consists of three melee minions melee minions,
three caster minions caster minions and possibly a siege minion siege minion.

As of V8.23, a minion wave has an average gold value that varies from 125 Gold 125 and up
to 195 Gold 195 at 25:00.
Game time Average gold per wave Calculations
0:00 125 Gold 125 (3 × 21 21) + (3 × 14 14) + (60 60 ÷ 3)
15:00 147 Gold 147 (3 × 21 21) + (3 × 14 14) + (84 84 ÷ 2)
17:15 150 Gold 150 (3 × 21 21) + (3 × 14 14) + (90 90 ÷ 2)
25:00 195 Gold 195 (3 × 21 21) + (3 × 14 14) + (90 90)
Wave Strategy
Without player interference a lane's wave is neither advancing or retreating in any significant
A minion wave that catches up with its preceding wave starts pushing the lane towards
enemy turret.
Big waves of minions can overwhelm a turret.
When a player interrupts an enemy minion wave by ensuring their side is making more
damage to the opponents minions than they are receiving, the lane starts to push.
In simplest way this is made by killing every minion without interference from your own
minions thus moving the point where the minion waves clash.
On more sophisticated turning the player makes sure their side is making just slightly more
damage thus allowing the wave to build up as the wave gets reinforcements before than the
enemy wave.
Game Terminology
Some game terms related to minions:

Farming: Last hitting minions to earn gold and experience.

Lane Momentum: The strength with which the minions in a lane advance without champion
Pushing: Attacking enemy minions to keep allied minions alive and allow them to advance
along their lane.
Freezing: Preventing enemy minions from pushing the lane without pushing them back.
Winions: A wave of minions so big or so strong that it can destroy turrets, nexuses, or
champions without champion aid.
Free Farming: Farming without being confronted by an enemy champion.
Proxy Farming: Farming behind an enemy tower. It's easier than conventional farming
because there is no interference from allied minions, but it's usually much more dangerous.
Split Pushing: Attacking several objectives at the same time when at least one of the
objectives is a lane turret.

Now that we have gone over the basics,

We add together the fact that Thresh's E ability is named 'Flay' and the function of Minions,
moreso the general name of Minions being 'Minions'.

It will result in Flay Minion(s).

Now we go over the second, more complex part of the joke.

Filet Mignon
Filet mignon (/ˌfiːleɪ ˈmiːnjɒ/̃ ;[1] French: [filɛ miɲɔ̃]; lit. '"tender, delicate, or fine fillet"') is a
steak cut of beef taken from the smaller end of the tenderloin, or psoas major of the cow
carcass, usually a steer or heifer. In French, this cut is always called filet de bœuf ("beef
fillet"), as filet mignon refers to pork tenderloin.

The tenderloin runs along both sides of the spine, and is usually harvested as two long
snake-shaped cuts of beef. The tenderloin is sometimes sold whole. When sliced along the
short dimension, creating roughly round cuts, and tube cuts, the cuts (fillets) from the small
forward end are considered to be filet mignon. Those from the center are tournedos;
however, some butchers in the United States label all types of tenderloin steaks "filet
mignon". In fact, the shape of the true filet mignon may be a hindrance when cooking, so
most restaurants sell steaks from the wider end of the tenderloin – it is both cheaper and
much more presentable.

The tenderloin is the most tender cut of beef, making it one of the more desirable cuts. This,
combined with the small amount given by any one steer or heifer (no more than 500 grams),
makes filet mignon generally the most expensive cut. Because the muscle is not
weight-bearing, it contains less connective tissue than other cuts, and so is more tender.
However, it is generally not as flavorful as some other cuts of beef (e.g. primal rib cuts). For
this reason it is often wrapped in bacon to enhance flavor, and/or served with a sauce.

In conclusion the Mignon that comes from the Filet Mignon sounds verbally similiar to
Minion(s). And where did we have Minions? Exactly, in League Of Legends.
So furthermore adding Thresh's E ability to a wave of one or more Minion(s) results in a
thought that could go like so - Flay Minion! Now that we have Flay Minion, you can already
see that Filet Mignon does sound verbally quite similiar to Flay Minion.

Now the last part of the joke that will unite the nations
To further extend the credibility and comprehensibility of the wordplay i went ahead to play
Thresh in a custom game.
I waited for the Minions to spawn so i can use Thresh's E Ability on the coming enemy
minion wave and screenshot it in the right moment. Now I had the perfect image to go with
the wordplay (Filet Mignon - Flay Minion).

Lastly i would like to say that Filet Mignon - Flay Minion has been a rollercoaster of emotions
but most importantly a 'roam' (Lol!) of joy the recent days.
This joke has advanced and bygone the general comprehensibility one can know of, so do
not feel inferior for not understanding such complex piece of work, I would not be surprised
when even the smartest minds of the world wouldn't understand it.
Such brilliance and quick wittedness, not to mention the vast, cosmic brain power one would
require to create such a hilarious wordplay.

I hereby conclude this essay with the following words:

Filet more Mignons! (Lol! :D)



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