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(AC-S12) Week 12 - Task: Assignment -



Escudero Torres, Shirley Najarro Paredes, Frank Gallo Cabrera Mauro

Cód. U 21231938 Cód. U18300054 Cód. U20237316

Frank: Hello Mauro and Shirley, how are you?

Mauro: Great, Frank.

Shirley: Very well, thank you. And you, Frank?

Frank: Fine, thanks! I was just thinking... What will be the new study activities after the end

of the pandemic? Have you thought about that?

Mauro: Yes, I think it will definitely be different. People will no longer go to university since

now everything is virtualized, it is as if you had a teacher at home.

Shirley: Wow, what do you think will happen to the malls?

Frank: Maybe people don't go shopping much anymore because they can make purchases

from their cell phones or maybe their purchases are teleported when selecting by computers.

Mauro: Oh, how interesting! I think it would be fun to shop like this, Shirley tell me, what's

your prediction about workplaces?

Shirley: I think that the work centers are going to be very different, in terms of the pandemic

situation. Perhaps, they will require monthly exams to know their health status. Although

there is also the possibility that people continue to work virtually from home. We practically

have control in a single button.

Frank: I definitely think that in the future we will have absolute control of everything using


Muaro: I think the changes will take place in about 20 years.

Shirley: Wow, so I'll have 49 years to go through those changes.

Frank: Yes it will be amazing well guys take care I'm going to do some homework.

Mauro: Take care

Shirley: Okay, see you soon.

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