Midterm Activity 2 What Is Sin

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Read each passage and fill in each blank questions and Use King James Version.
Pls. encode your answers. (20 points)

1. Is God the author of Sin?

a. Sin, The Satan is the author of sin. 1 John 3:8; John 8:44. “Evil which is murderer the beginning
hath not done; truth which is a lie for sin, the Lord bringeth”.

2. What is the nature of sin?

a. Sin is a desire to exercise pleasing - gaining wisdom in disobedience. Gen.3:6.

3. How does sin manifest itself?

a. In transgression of the law 1 John 3:4

b. bear record 1 John 5:17

c. Not doing sin James 4:17

d. Things not faith Rom.14:23

e. Missing the propitiation Rom.3:25

4. What does Paul say about sin?

a. “All have sinned and come fall short (missed the mark) of the glory of God”. Rom3:23.

5. How do we become sinners?

a. We are a part of Adam’s sin Rom.5:12.

6. Is sin under God’s control?

a. God turned it See Gen.50:20 and 1 John 3:8

7. What are the wages of sin?

a. “The wages of sin is death ”. Rom.6:23; Rev.20:14.

8. Will all men die a physical death?

a. behold Believers alive at Christ’s resurrection , sinners will not 1 Cor. 15:51,52.

9. What is the final result of sin?

a. To be put in the lake of fire.Rev.20:15.

10. What is the sinner’s greatest sin?

a. To lord Jesus Christ, our Sin-bearer and savior. John 3:36; John 5:40;

John 12:48.

SEARCH AND SEE: Study carefully Genesis 3:1-6, and tell the five steps that led to Eve’s sin. See if you
can express them in five verbs.

1. Tempted

2. Decieved

3. Approximation

4. Desire

5. Enticed

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