English 113B Essay

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`Tage Fink

English 113B
Professor Khadka
The use of spaces
People need to realize how important it is for them to be able to take time out of

their days to relax and take time to reflect and reset. I feel like I used pathos here.

This space is a benefit to a lot of people. It's a type of space where there's a transitional

gap between what you do , also known as the third space . Stress is going to be with us

as we get older however it’s actually necessary to deal with it in a correct way . Some

Ways people achieve this transitional gap is by using the social web of Instagram and

the public sphere of the mall and that is what gives these physical or social spaces their

titles .

There are many different spaces to people depending on their own personal view

on what these spaces are . Spaces like the mall are considered a physical space , other

examples of a physical space would be a park or a beach . Then there are other spaces

such as the social web , these spaces on the web or apps , such as instagram ,

facebook , and tik tok. People talk about whether Instagram is a Public or Private space

while others use it as a third space

.I feel like in this area I use logos because I’m just talking about the facts of social

media .

Instagram, a very popular social media app gives you the ability to create your own

personal account and space, but the problem is that Instagram is an app run by their

headquarters and they will always have access to your information on your account. It's

very easy to view someone's private account as Anne Hubbel talks about in her article “

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Impersonators create fake accounts and steal information to make themselves look like

someone else”(1). Even though people believe that the privacy settings on these apps

make the app a private space to them , it is never truly a private space . In the article

“tactics and facebook” Doctor Khadka talks about the category that instagram falls into “

neither public or private sphere”(210). The app instagram is an always available space

to be at unlike the mall which closes at certain times of the day restricting public access.

Malls have been a thing for a long time now and have been seen as mostly

public . I have somewhat of an argument to that as I interviewed multiple employees at

my local mall their thoughts on the mall being a public or private sphere. One employee

responded with “ yes the mall is public because anyone can go to it”. That seems to be

the case for all public spaces , but then I had asked him a follow up question concerning

the private business and ownerships inside the mall. The employee's answer stayed the

same regarding the mall saying “ there is little to no privacy in the mall and it should be

considered a public space” . This one article “The Effects of Hanging Out at the Mall”

by Jeremy Bonham talks about how “their private nature does not allow for the full

spectrum of social interaction that true public space offers(1).” Shopping malls control

the utilization of their space shows that these spaces are just accessible for use for

what the confidential proprietors consider fitting social way of behaving and thoughts

. Logos

By restricting who utilizes the space and what lies under the surface for utilizing the

space, shopping centers impact people by hindering their social collaborations inside

these spaces. Regardless of what is being stated here , malls are open to anyone and

everyone , there is no fee or ticket needed to enter the mall . That may not be the case

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for some of the stores inside the mall like the movie theaters for example , you need a

ticket to be able to watch a movie there but you are still allowed to walk around the mall.

Even though there are privately owned businesses in the mall they are still open to the

public for a certain amount of time everyday . The mall sort of falls in a middle category

in an article called “ malls of america” by Firmin Debrabander he talks about how “ they

masquerade as public spaces but they just want us to shop” (1) . I agree with

Debrabander on this take, a mall isn’t a place where you can go somewhere to have

privacy. The mall is an attention grabbing place for people to shop and buy things, it

isn't really seen as a public space where people can regularly have their own freedom of

speech . Further into the article Debrabander discusses the details of how malls made

themselves into a private property by doing these thighs, “Americans were rudely

reminded of this when, in the build-up to the war in Iraq last decade, several malls

evicted patrons sporting antiwar T-shirts; they invoked their status as private property,

and were not obliged to tolerate free speech at all”(3). If a mall is kicking people out for

certain clothing or protest then it is not truly a public space .

Throughout my research I have gone over what a physical place is like the mall

and how it is deemed to be a public space for use by anyone , but that is shown through

marketing tactics that the owners of the mall want the consumers to believe that it is a

public space . As expressed in the articles and the research I did, it shows that

Instagram being a private can be a public space also a Third space as well . The mall is

seen as a public space that has a lot of benefits to the public with all its resources and

stores .Some may see the mall as public and some may see it as private , yet, is

essential to have an opportunity to yourself to acquire a comprehension of what you will

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do next throughout everyday life or that day. By and large, I believe that it is critical to

have a liminal space for ourselves to have a better and better day and life . I feel like my

whole essay within its self is mostly just factorial statements and is fully logos

Works cited

Bonham, Jeremy. “Are Shopping Malls Private or Public Space?: The Effects of

Hanging out at the Mall.” Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research),


Elmborg, James K. “Libraries as the Spaces between US - Jstor.org.” Libraries

and the Space between Us , American Library Association, 1 May 2015,


Khadka, Santosh. “Sporting Safe in the Liminal Sphere: ‘Tactics’ and Facebook.”
IGI Global

Bonham, Jeremy. “Are Shopping Malls Private or Public Space?: The Effects of
Hanging out at the Mall.” Revue YOUR Review (York Online Undergraduate Research),

“Evaluating Public Space.” Taylor & Francis,


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