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Acland took a leading part in the revival of the

continent. It will be seen that the act dealt with other

invertebrate host. By this time the embryo has all the

Memoiren der Kaiserin Agrippina (1884); B. W. Henderson, The Life

526). In the 8th century Bede wrote Quamdiu stabit Coliseus,

Alex. d. Grossen Feldzuge in Turkestan, 1893, v.).

ADVENT (Lat. Adventus, sc. Redemptoris, ``the coming

storms. D'Estaing sailed to Boston on the 21st of August.

siege, and to accept the position of a subject-ally (c. 456

Italy. Agrippa's first care was to provide a safe harbour

conditions. They are effected chiefly by some alteration in the

prerogative in which art vainly endeavours to participate.

Commission of 1895 settled its north-eastern border. Finally the

Babylonian, Assyrian and Egyptian records. Seleucus Nicator

and 4 atlases, Paris (1846-1850); Annales du Musee du

chloroform on the lower animals, but no notice was taken

which was probably prolonged beyond Tibur at this very

world was thus found ready to accept a rigorous discipline as

of parish (1901) 1052. The village is situated at the base of

life. The chapter-house (C) always opened out of the east

mice, by C. C. Hurst for rabbits, and by L. Doncaster and

the validity of the acts of the chancery; and they obtained in

south. Then followed a time of great ethnical confusion

defined, and the negus Johannes (King John) of Abyssinia viewed

of 37,000 ft. But that figure was based, not on actual

the Federal general Curtis, outnumbered and outmanoeuvred

Morat (Murten See), and not far from the eastern extremity
literature there was in the hands of its leading citizens

the supposed others are all furos or canos4 In 1864-1868

individuality among the works of contemporary painters.

year. The secretary is now charged with the supervision

various races composing the population, but that the number

regard to the date at which the profitable manufacture

in her acceptance of the office of inspector of streets and

the active materials are in a porous, spongy condition,

its picturesque old Moorish houses, which formerly rose in

not members of the Academy, in need of assistance.

period, as well as with the Latin writers since Ennius and

became acquainted with Solon, from whom he rapidly acquired

between the brothers, during which Zaman Shah, Shuja-ul-Mulk

Embargo Bill and sent it to the House. The support of a

manuscripts; they suggested new readings or new interpretations;

variety of soils encountered therein; but in part may be

Petersburg, which was repulsed with heavy loss. Grant felt

enabled feeling in Portugal to cool down, and on the 11th of

Although the soda-crystals contain the alkali combined

This, and related general questions, have been treated--besides

Schwarzenstein (Z) . . . . . . 11,057 Zsigmondyspitze. . . . . . . . . 10,122

streets. Two long piers shelter the harbour, and vessels

whom it was known as Taorert, and there is still a considerable

extended to little more than taking astute advantage of the

Linseed . . . 70 1 1.4

salts of zinc in small quantities. These are introduced by

practised. Dawson of Frogden in Roxburghshire is believed to

his labours was the defence of the orthodoxy of his former

prepare a legitimate article of food from the remainder, while

to be observed in this is that the fewer the natures of weapons

See Choiseul-Gouffier, Voyage dans l'empire ottoman (Paris, 1842).

pleasant valley, 44 m. W. of Cologne and contiguous to the

he considered the chief excellence of dramatic composition,

drawn up in echelon along the frontier of the desert, especially

period saw the beginning of a series of great earth movements

in Abyssinia a few inscriptions, some of which had been

style, the problems of which were beginning to be raised by

by the descendants of Columbus, the dukes of Veraqua, in

has been too great, and to-day the practice is almost

foreign aggression, on the condition that the amir should

the particulars as to the seat of such courts, their members and

of Egypt), which enabled the Arabs to traverse the desert.

that is sensible to our coarse perceptions contains myriads of

of Lugh, a town on the Juba, which eventually fell to Italy.

Marlborough, Eugene and Villars, under allied conditions.

similar lines has been made by Ehrhardt; in form (fig. 11) it

tubes, each weighing 75lb., are required to fill a 10,000-ft.

Altham till after the middle of the 19th century.

to the Albanians, except in defence of local or tribal

statue (by Richard Kissling of Zurich) of Tell and his

branch of decorative art, and it may have been that the ancient

Almoravides, and to supply them with a capable military

the original e-sound (see ALPHABET: Greek). The vowel

and his works did more than had ever been done before to make

streams, two large rivers water the province, the Segura in

sister Miriam appears in a genealogy of Caleb (1 Chron. iv.

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