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Learning Area Philippine Politics And Governance

Learning Modality Face to Face

School Sta. Clara Integrated National High School Grade Level 11
Teacher Jeza B. Magalang Learning Area Philippine Politics and
Teaching Date(s) September 12-16, 2022 Quarter First
Teaching Time 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. No. of Days 4

I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, learners are expected to:

Differentiate the political ideologies
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of politics and political science, governance, political
ideologies, power, states, nations, and globalization.
B. Performance Standards The learners shall be able to clearly identify a specific political phenomenon and how it can be
C. Most Essential Learning  define power HUMSS_PG12-Id-11
Competencies (MELC)  recognize the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power. HUMSS_PG12-Id-12
 analyze the nature, dimensions, types, and consequences of power. HUMSS_PG12-Id-13
 assess how power is exercised in different situations. HUMSS_PG12-Id-14

D. Enabling Competencies
II. CONTENT Power: Nature, Dimensions, Types and Consequences
A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Philippine Politics and Governance by Renan Ramos pages 23-30
b. Learners’ Materials pages Philippine Politics and Governance by Renan Ramos pages 23-30
c. Textbook pages Politics without Borders (Phoenix Publishing House) by Mendoza and Melegrito pages 24- 36
Philippine Politics and Governance by Renan Ramos pages 16-35
d. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources -dimensions-of-power/ A3u4fc
B. List of Learning Resources for Les Misérables | Do You Hear the People Sing? - YouTube
Development and Engagement Fiddler on the roof - Tradition ( with subtitles ) - YouTube
A. Introduction What I need to know?

The content of the lesson will be presented.

Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the learning targets
Ask students about their understanding about political ideologies.

B. Development What’s new?

Activity 1 Group Work: Concept Mapping

Divide the class into (5) five groups.

Concept to map: What is power? (Based from the processing of the group concept maps of ‘power’,
the KWL chart will be filled initially.)
Hugot/ Pick-up Lines Have each group arrive at a ‘hugot line’ or ‘pick up line’ about the concept of
POWER. They should present these in front.

Activity 2 Brainstorming
The students will brainstorm on a definition of POWER.
Guide Questions:
 Is power always positive? negative? both?
 What is the purpose of power?
 We have many different definition of power.
 Based on the given definition what is the best definition of power for you? Why?
What is it? (Approach: Direct Strategy: Discussion Method)
Definition of Terms
1. FORCE – it is the actual (physical force) or threatened (latent force) use of coercion to impose
one’s will on others.
2. INFLUENCE – it is the ability to affect the decisions and actions of others.
3. AUTHORITY – is the right to influence another person

POWER is composed three basic elements namely: force, which can be manifested using
physical/latent force or other instruments to make a person act according to one’s wish; influence,
element affecting the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of another person; & authority, is the element
that gives a person the right over another person.
In social science and politics, power is the ability to influence or control the behavior of people. The
term “authority” is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can
be seen as unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings.
The Malacańang Palace symbolizes power where the highest authority of the land resides
“Power is the capacity to impose one’s will on the other by reliance on effective sanctions in case of
non-compliance.” – George Schwarzenbarger
A community in Metro Manila has underwent total lockdown during COVID19 pandemic in which
everyone in the community has to stay home.
In global politics, power includes of a country to conduct its own affairs without the interference of
other countries.
Power is usually thought of as a relationship; that is the ability to influence the behavior of others in
a manner not of their choosing, or power over others.
“Power is the capacity to centralize, regulate or direct the behavior of persons or things.” – Maclver.
Characteristics of Power
1. Power is the capacity to influence the behavior of others - An individual wields power to the
extent he is capable of changing other’s behavior according to one’s wish. Example: A teacher who
inspired his/her unruly student to finally graduate with honors.
2. Power is situational – its function or use depends on situation, circumstances, & position.
Example: A Brgy. Official may use power and authority on his/her constituents but not after his/her
loss in the election.
3. Power depends on its use – it describes how power is being utilized in carrying it out. Example: A
president of a nation who enjoined his/her Arm Forces to execute every criminal without due
4. Power is not absolute – means that power is not fix but dynamic instead. Example: Women
before has no power to vote nor have the same privileges and opportunities as men have.
5. Power has two aspects – Actual & Potential Actual power – refers to the power that a person
currently enjoys. Potential power – refers to the power that a person may enjoy sometime but not
now. Example: a teenager first born son may assume the power as head of the family today in the
absence of his father. But there is also the possibility that he can be the head of a nation someday.
From the different characteristics of power, it is very important to note that power implies
relationship. It is an interaction between two people or among people which necessitate someone,
somebody whom to have power over with. Thus, power is relational in nature.
The Bases of Power
French and Raven described 5 types of power, sometimes referred to as the 5 bases of social
power. Each is described briefly below and then in more detail later.
1. Coercive: here power comes from one’s ability to punish someone else for noncompliance, for
example, through fear of losing their job or their annual bonus.
2. Reward: here power comes from one’s ability to issue rewards, for example, through a bonus or
allowing time off in lieu.
3. Legitimate: here power comes from a person’s formal right to issue directives or commands
because of their position in the organization, for example, the CEO has the right to dictate the
4. Expert: here power comes from one’s experience or knowledge, for example, a senior surgeon
displays the expert knowledge for subordinates to trust them.
5. Referent: here power comes from being trusted or respected, for example, the boss who treats
everyone fairly and with respect.

What I can do?

C. Engagement Activity 4:
Group Work: Slogan Writing
Direction: Divide the class into five groups. Let the students create a short slogan about the use of
D. Assimilation What I have learned?
Activity 5
Direction: Draw an object that will illustrate your idea of POWER in the first box below and give your
explanation in second box as provided.
E. Evaluation I. True or False: Read each item carefully. You just have to identify which statement is correct by
answering true or if otherwise you just write false in the space provided.
_________ 1. Power have always a positive effect.
_________ 2. One characteristic of power is dynamic.
_________ 3. The Malacañang Palace symbolizes authority.
_________ 4. Power is absolute.
_________ 5. Force is a basic element of power.
II. Categorize each of the items and pick the category to which category it belongs. Choose from the
choices provided below and write only the letter corresponding to your choice answer.
A. Power B. Force C. Authority D. Influence
1. A term often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure _______
2. Closure of the TV network ABS_CBN. _______
3. It is either physical and latent. _______
4. Informing residents to stay home. _______
5. Pres. Duterte declared martial in Mindanao_______
F. Reflection
1. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
2. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
3. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson
4. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
5. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these works?
6. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
7. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Noted by:

Jeza B. Magalang Raymundo F. Hermo

Teacher I Principal II

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