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LESSON 3. FORMALITIES OF ENTRY IN AND EXIT FROM THE PHILIPPINES Foreigners’ entry and admission to the Philippines ere privileges, because every foreign state has absolute and exclusive government power over its own territory. While they are entitled to all the rights and privileges of a friendly visitor, they cannot claim the right to enjoy privileges that belong exclusively to the host by nature. This course covers the eriteria for foreigners and Filipinos entering and leaving Philippine territory Lesson Proper Philippine Immigration Act of 1940, CA 613 as Amended Sec. 10. Presentation of unexpired passport. - Nonimmigrants must present for admission into the Philippines unexpired passports or official documents in the nature of passports issued by the governments of the countries to which they owe allegiance or other travel documents ‘Showing their origin and identity as prescribed by regulations, and valid passport visas granted by diplomatic or consular officers forthe purpose offouriem, gn Pippin in route to another ip gockng ina port of entry in the COUN i ho Is antoring Philippines ‘5. Foreign government official Forelgn government oficial who are traveling for g nator nti dplonsie meson. ; e Bract nor cora wie ee enodin a Phppe Scho! ot Unvery, 7. rearranged employment ~ Foreign workers who have already a Philippine. 2. Stal of Three Types of Passports According to RA 8239 or Philippine Passport Act of faye 12 $197 2 SEC. 7. Types of Passports. ~ The Secretary or the authorized representative or co ‘officer may issue the folowing types of passports: A) Diplomatic passport for persons imbued with diplomatic status or are on diplomatic ‘such as: 1. The President and former Presidents of the Republic ofthe Philippines; 2 The Vice-Presitent and former Vice-Presidents of the Republic of the Philippines; 3 The Senate President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives; +4. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court 5. The Cabinet Secretaries, ‘and the Undersecreteries and Assistant toi ees ssistant Secretaries of the| +. undersecrtaries ond Assistant Secretaries of he Cablet ore than 0 1 Under, tre Assocete usices and ober marbers ote aude, members oe For Mind of oer goverinent cls and employeos reveling on ofl busiest and onoarine, 2. St eicrs and employees ofthe Department of Frwign A ES tonalr pots ana ofcrs ond rpresertawes of Pe goverment SGences assigned abroad: fois assigned to diplomatic jariments and ‘g.Persons in the domestic service and household members of ofcals assigned (0 clplomatc ‘or consular posts; ‘4, Spouses end unmarried minor chikren of the fils mentored sbove When ‘accomeanying oF following to join them. cy Regular Passport issued to Filipino citizens who are not ofgbe ov ented diplomatic or oat passport, Including goverment offcials or employees going abroad fr leary cpt personel reesons. Goverment oflls and ermpoyees and members of ls families a, curing their Incumbency in office, hold two passports simulonaousyy (1) a reguar Peseport for private travel; (2) 2 aplomatic or ofcial passpor whan travelling abroad on diplomatic or official business. The wife a ren of persons entitled to @ diplomatic orofficial passport shall be issued regu ympanying or following tojointhem. a ind minor child ‘passports, f they are not @CcOr ‘The Philippine Passport ‘A passport is @ document issued by the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs that cotifies to hotder’s Philippine ciizonstip and is used for evel. Visa Requirements on travel document or passport ‘indicating that the visa appli ied and that the bearer is to enter the county trance of foreign ‘ilty ofthe Immigration officials at the port of erty, the visa lippines is a respons! “ensure that tho rokser would be automatically allowed. aoe Fegan os ronnie maya wan ue rovilon tne Aan Regarton Ae 2 ENS (0) Ary enw mn ries ln tne fh a ‘Atand uno yous fa of ore end wi a nie ‘of the Alion Registration (©) Any an who eras he Ppines ater approval of te A “ {90nd whois years of ogo mere wn wl romain nts Phippnes er 30 or longer, provided that this provision shall rot apply to an aken admitted into Philipines for 60 days or longer. ’ (6) Every parontor log quarcan of any ation hid who isn the Philippines a the the approval ofthe Alan Ragtraton Act of 1950 and who is below 14 years of ‘nd wit remain inthe Phappines for 30 days or longer: (@) Every parent or oga guaran of ary alon child Who enters the Philippines ater ‘approval of said Act and who is below 14 years of age and who wil remain in the Phipines fo: 30 days or longo” Provided however, that his provision aha nat {© an alion child admit nto the Philppnes asa temporary visor oc transient, unless Said eh wit remain in the Phillepines (or 60 days or more, {6) Every parent or egal quarcian of any aon chikd bom in tho Philippines. (0) Whenever an ain tans his 14 Bnd nthe Plippnes. Laat, itis imperative for government medical offcers, immigration officers and ‘board of special inquiy io conduct @ sufficient medical examination of all alens artiving in Philipines. Such examination is focused on physical and mental health, or may extend on inquiry on the cheracter of tie ariving allen. Any alien who falls to meet the health Character standards estabished by inmigraton laws, rules end rogulatona for ety ‘admission shall be excluded under Saction 29 of the Immigration Law, Extension of Stay the required immigration costs. The entrance and admission of ali sues of pviege, and the Commissioner of nnigation as ro minioeray \ ‘0 extend the stay of a temporary quest. ; _1he power ofthe Commissioner of immigration to extond the sauna Mela vested wh te power and autory to grant such exenlog {ets or insane persone and persons 2 Persone afficied with a loathsome oF eptepey: 4 Pontons ho have been conveted ofa cme lvolving marl hue 4 Prostitute, or procurers, or persons coming fr any imenonet PTBase; '5, Persons likely to bocome pubic charg {8 Paupers, vagrants, and boggers: oar poem ox wno bebo i of dvocse IM BEES vocal the overtvon by force and woke of He Perrone tone Phippnee of of consdued aw ad auton or we dibs! Rear reiiad to omenizes goverment or who advocate SmRakt Gt Fo sae of pubcoffas because of he ofc, of who advocate OF BSy ideas contrary 12 ‘avoeate orto act aah ony enganizaton enterarig of waching uch doetines se. Pomans over toon years of age, physica capable of eadng, ws canna err nator ovina use in alanquage slated by te sien XK: Fane pe ar rember ofa tari eccompanying an excluded alin, uses Por ne Commoner omnia ership war Torn OE admission; 11 companying an eicuded parson whe is hepise fom ment of Perens eal or kdacy, whon the prcecion or quaanship of a arr sng peron or person srequred By th excluded person, as shat be aera by the Cormissioner of Immigration, toherwse admissible: 42. Children under fifteen years of age, ‘unaccompanied by a parent, except that any once rddren may bo edmied in tho dretin of the Commissioner of emigration, if otherwise admissible; s9.gomnways except that any stowaway may be admitad inthe dictation of he ‘Gommisslone of migration, i otherwlse admissble; 14, Ponone coming to porform Unekilod manual faber in pursuance of a promise of ‘offer of employment, express or implied, but this provision ‘shall not apply ‘wenty of this Ack (AS ‘upon the warrant of ‘Section 37. (a) The follwing alions chall be arrested upon ; Commissioner of Immigration or of any other officer designated by him forthe purpose deported upon the warrant ofthe Commissioner of Immigration after a determination by the oars of Commissioners of the exstence of the grounds for deportation as charges again the alien, ) Ary alan who entre he Pins ater te efetve dat ofthis AC by mans of PE ister sarees ceemos nection ad orcas a Inmaratn aurea» dated pao nyo a any lace co ey at Sosgated et eo, @) _Arvaien vio enters he Paitens ater eof lawfully admissible at the tine of entry, ‘Any alion who, ater the effective date of this Act, I convicted in the Philippines and @ Sentenced fer a torm of one year or more for a crime involving moral turpitude ‘committed within fve years after his eny to the Philpines, or who, at any time after such entry, ls so convictad and sentenced more than once; ‘Any alian wio is convicted and sentenced fora violation ofthe law goveming prohibited) (4) rugs (5) _A2y sien who practeas presttuon orf an inmate ofa house of prostuton ori) Exit Req ‘connected with the management of a house of prostitution, or is a procurer, The Law (©) Any alin who becomes a pubic charge within iva years ater entry trom causes atfmately shown to have arson subsequent o only, (@) Any allen who remains inthe Philippines in viclation of any limitation or coneltion und Which he was admitted as a nonimmigrant; ped (8) Any alien who boloves in, advises, advocates or teaches the overthrow by force and) hat Wiolence of the Goverment of the Philippines, or of constituted law and ‘authority, P ‘Who disbeliaves in or is opposed to. ‘organized government or who advises, oF teaches the assault or assessinai ‘who advises, advocates, truction of property, ‘amber of or affliated with ny erpenzatonemtriane advocating tach Recon bythe Commission f mmagton Wen 2 cee nipcn payor byt an concord A A SOE ae oe ‘rey at approved by he Deparment He a any tee wrth ve years star ary. shah ha Trolaing the provisions of the Phiipine Cc [Any allen who engages in profiewsn, IA criminal action which may be brought against {ny lion who t= convicted of amy ofense pen Numbered Four hundred and soventyiniee, of Mitratzation Laws ofthe Phitppioes, or any law relatea 2 czonst: 19) anyaton who darts his ceatr by econo seta Bee grarecceet aay Detention of Foreign Travelers ‘The Law ‘sec, 25. For the purpose of detern ippines belong to any ofthe classes 0 Cxamining immigration officers may rae fringing them or in such other piace 25 Eaton sufficient longth of tme to ena belong toan excluded class and ofthe vessel Dringing them nat pace ta be at the exoerse Exit Requirements, TheLaw ‘00. 22-A. Any afion about 10 dopert For TN philippines tamporerly 0F {OF permanent residence abroad shal. Ie veaving the country, apply © the Commissioner of a8 issoner finds tat the applica POS OY fance certificate. I ernment is inswurentaiie®, 22028 and subdivisions, ant veh, by aw requres Pie surender of Immigration for 8 clear jponding obligation with the GOV that there is no pending: ce, inthe Philippi the alien oral other certificates Previn. tre tagon enaorresfence inne PMNS p04 cireular dea ‘Hold Departure Guleins (Leer of traction Ho, 28 ‘7. March 9, 1998) a “The btwn grounder hs esuace ofa hak dopa oro are aca im compu arnaboas coms cas (@) Pusuanto a cout rst a ci eh Se Te overnment of any of ts agencies; {0 rn agreed eden pare me govommentot sy tS CORI: {5 Seto pence evergreen rn be aft of pub haath s vd een {o) finer acinar depotaton casas ponding against ho Hence hold departure err apn aFlipino ot oer wil rst he ight to ave bios ted he Bure of rman Policy Guidelines for all Departing Passengers (Office Memorandum Order No. 33-93, March 18, 1993), 1) Pilppine Passport Holders shal in aden to tel passports, present tho following ') For convact workors ~ they must present an Oversaas Employmont Cerificate (CEC) from the Pmippine Overseas Employment Agency (POEA), ) For tours - tne immigration affine must ensure that the passenger hi tip Uckot ase rom a vad and genuine passport. ©) For government erployocs~ they shall prasent an approved authority to trav 2) Foreign Passport Holdors 4) Tourist who stayed for more than 6 months must present @ regular immigration Giearanes Cerificate issued by tho Bureau of Immigration, rmanenTemporary Residents ~ they shall present Immigration Clearance Cerificate and Reentry Permit (RP) for permanent residents or Special Return Centncate (SRC) for temporary reskents round ») Non-compliance with the foregoing requirement shall bo a ground’ for denying Clearance to a doparing passenger Republic Act No. 9225 (Oual Citizenship Law) Under his law, natural bom etizens ofthe Phi 2untyshallbe deemed not to have lost fie apetiton underoath othe Commis CCorifeate, Former natural born ete Hippines who became citizens of another ‘heir Phiippine ciizenship, Consequently, they must sion of Immigration for the Issuance of an identification ens living abroad may fie the petition to the nearest bith certicate authenticated 5 Office is required to be submited as by the National Statstes

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