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Appendix D Career Self-Reflection I

Maintaining patient files occurs within varioustypes of health care and health care settings. One goal of this course is to help you contemplate choices for your career. From what youve learned about medical records and health care settings so far, highlight the choicesthat best reflect your career interests and explain your reasons: 1. My career interest at this time is more oriented toward:Specialist services by referral y y y Primary carepoint of first contact Secondary carespecialist services by referral Tertiary careunusual disorders

because: secondary care, specialists by referral provides a diversity of settings to work. I use to work at a specialists office which was Cardiology and I loved it. Other specialists are Oncology, Orthopedics, Pediatrics, and etc.

2. If I were to work in a hospital department, I would prefer:Ambulatory Care y y y y y Ambulatory care Ancillary services Emergency care Critical care Surgery

because: Working with Ambulatory care allows a person the opportunity to choose from a variety of Health Care settings. For example, one could work in his or her local hospital as well as the local community health clinic where health care is provided to individuals with low or no income and who cannot afford health insurance. This would allow one the opportunity to give back to their hometown community. Or one could work in an industrial health clinic, which is located in a textile business factory or other type of factories

3. If I were to work in behavioral health care, I would prefer Dependency/ Substance Abuse Clinic or Developmental Disabled/Mentally Retarded Facilities
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because: Many personal reasons. Probably due to the fact that sister was a substance abuser and I would like to work in a setting where I might be able to provide help and support for people who suffer from this type of illness

4. The medical specialty that interests me most is:Cardiology because: When I lived in Delaware I use to work at Cardiology Consultants and I loved my job. I got to work with older patients which I enjoyed. Its amazing with they have done to prolong life especially now with heart surgeries. 5. The patient population that I am most interested in working with is: _all ages and ethnic backgrounds. Consider age, language-base, special needs, etc. because: I love people of all ages and races and communicate well with people of all ages and races. Young or old both require medical treatment and can all contact illnesses and diseases. For example children as well as adults can develop cancer and other various disorders.

6. The career tracks that interest me most are: Health information specialist/ Health information management also perform medical billing, coding, record keeping, and other medical office administrative duties. y y y y y y y y y Registry work Coding and reimbursement Transcription Health information management Health services management Staff coordination Risk management Privacy Compliance Other: _________

because: This is a field I have always wanted to do and I work well with numbers, I was a physicians secretary with Cardiology and I enjoyed the administrative duties that came with my job. Now Im interested in the medical billing and coding the most.

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