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Rafael Hernandez 10141182

Article Summary

In the article presented by Cassie Lipp, "Education in the Dominican

Republic", the author exposes the main reasons the Dominican Education
is known worldwide for being underachiever, the lack of an infrastructure
suitable for studying, the absence of a decent salary for professors and the
difference in quantity between teachers and students. Around 40 percent of
Dominicans drop out of school before the eighth grade due to the poor-
quality facilities in which they study, where the conditions for proper
learning are not met. In addition, the salary received by teachers is not
enough to be able to support themselves or their families, making teaching
one of the last options when deciding on a career. This, generates a very
high student teacher ratio, leading to overcrowded classrooms where a
student cannot receive the individual attention he may need. Lack of an
infrastructure suitable for studying, the absence of a decent salary for
professors and the difference in quantity between teachers and students
are presented as the reasons of why the Dominican education is known
worldwide for being underachiever.

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