Bible Story Scrap Book

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As I left to go to Uncle Laban's city, I stopped for the night because the sun was going down.

I took one rock to use it for my pillow and slept. I had a dream, and I saw a stair way which starts from the earth and reaches on top of the heaven. The Angle of the Lord were climbing and going sown. One the top of the stair way there was God. And He said, I am the Lord, the God of everything. I will give you and your descendants this land you are laying on, and your descendants will be big. It will spread to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. You and your descendants will be bless because of you and I will watch over you day and night. I will not leave you until you are back to this land. When I woke up I knew God was where I was, so I was afraid and said this is the gate of Heaven. The next morning, I set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. And I named the place Bethel. I had my second son Isaac. But he will be my heir. But Sarah who thought Ishmael was mocking, wanted me to send Hagar and Ishmael away. So I got them food and water and sent them into the desert of Beersheba. When she had no more water, she put the boy under a bush and went away from him. She did not want to see him die. But the angle of God herd Ishmael cry and told her that he will become a big nation. Then God opened her eyes and she found a well of water. She gave some water to the boy. The boy grew up there and became an archer. After sating with Uncle Laban for about a month. Because I was working for him he told me I should work for something. So I told him I will work for seven years for him and return for his daughter Rachel. So he knew I was better for her husband than other men so he agreed. I worked for him for seven years but for me it felt only like few days because I was in love. Uncle Laban gathered a lot of people and and gave a feats. But in the night instead of Rachel, Leah was with me. So I asked him why he have done this and he told me that he gave Leah because it is not good to give a younger daughter first when the older younger is not married. And he said that after you finish the bridal week then he will give me Rachel. And for the return I have to work for another seven years. Because Laban was cheating on me, I left to go to my hocloak me town. I sent my servants to go and tell Esau that I was coming and have gifts for him. And the servants came back and told me that he was coming to meet me with 400 men. I prayed to God to give me courage and got 200 female goats, 20 male goats, 200 ewes, 20 rams, 30 female camels, 40 cows and 10 bulls, 20 female donkeys and 10 male donkeys. I divided my people into two groups and told them that if some one ask whose stuff are these, and who do you belong to, tell them that it is for Esau's servant Jacob and these gifts are for Esau. So my two groups left but my wife and my children and I stayed. That night I made my wife and children to go across the stream so that I could be by my self. When I was alone someone came from the back so I started wrestling with him. Because I was stronger than him, he touched the socket of my hip so that it was wrenched. The day light was coming out so the man told me to let him go. Instead I told him to bless me. He changed my name to Israel and blessed me. The next morning when I looked up I saw Esau coming with is 400 men. So I put my servants on the first row, Leah and her children on the second, Rachel and Joseph in the very back. I went to front and bowed down seven

times, but Esau hugged me and kissed me and we weeped. Then all of my people came to bow down seven times to Esau. And I gave him the gifts. When my father died, Ishmael and I buried him in the cave of Machpela, next to Sarah. He died when he was 175 years old,1991 B.C.. And before he died he had another wife, Keturah. She bore six children. He gave everything to me. I had 12 sons, but my youngest son was born a long after the other sons. My first wife Leah's sons are Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun. Sons from Leah's maidservant were Gad and Asher. Sons from my lovely wife Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin. And her servant Bihah had two sons which were Dan and Naphtail. Out of all these sons my favorite sons were Joseph and Benjamin for they were Rachel's sons. Before Benjamin was born, I gave the best clothes to Joseph, because I wanted him to look the best out of all of my sons. One day I had a dream. Me and my 11 other brothers were in it, and we were binding some grains out of the field. But suddenly my grain stood up straight, and my brothers' grain came nearer to mine and bow down. I also had another dream. There were me, sun, moon, and the eleven starts were bowing down to me. My father thought someday my parents and my brothers would bow down to me but I wasn't sure. When my brothers were watching my father's flock near Sechem, he told me to go check on my brothers and tell him how they are doing. So I went to Sechem but I could not find them so I asked a man where they are. He told me that they were in the land of Dothan. So I went towards Dothan. My brothers must have seen me before I was there, and they planned to kill me. But Rueben, Jacob's first son told them not to kill me, instead just throw me into the cistern near by. He wanted to rescue me and take me back to my father later. So they pulled of my colorful robe threw me into the cistern, but gladly it was empty. Later they saw Ishmaelite so they soled me for 20 shekels of silver. But when they did Rueben was not there to rescue me. Because they had my colorful robe, they dipped into a goat's blood and gave it to my father. And my father cried for my fake death for many many days. My father Isaac lived for 180 years. He died when there were a lot of people around them. We were very dad, but grateful for that he had died in a good old age. Esau and I buried him with tears. After I was sold to the Ishmaelite, I was taken to Egypt so that I will be a slave. I was bought by the captain of the guard who is one of the Pharaoh's officials. Because God was with me, I success everything I did. So my owner made me the household. When he was gone, his wife wanted to sleep with me, but of course I refused. But she kept on asking me. One day when no one was around, she forced me to again, but I ran out of the house, leaving my cloak behind. So when my master was back, she told him that I tried to sleep with her and when she screamed I ran out of the house with my cloak behind. He became very mad and put me in the jail where the king's prisoners go. Because I was blessed by my Lord, the jail watcher put me in

charge of the other prisoners. And that is when I met the cup bearer and the baker. One day they had a dream, and they knew there was a meaning in the dream but they could not figure it out. The cup bearer had a dream about a vine. On that vine, there were three branches which had grapes on, and in his hand was the king's cup. He squeezed the grape and gave it to the king. I knew the meaning of the dream for God had told me. The three branches represents three days, and in that three days, the king will put him back for his job. The baker's dream was about his bread. He had three baskets and on the top were good, fresh breads. But the birds were eating the breads. And for this too I knew the meaning of the dream because of the Lord. The three baskets means three days, and he will be hanged and be eaten by the birds. And on the third day everything became what I had said. After over two years from me being in jail, the Pharaoh had a dream. He had two dreams, one was about cows. There were seven fat cows and seven thin cows, but the thin cows ate the fat, healthy cows. And another dream was about seven grains. There were seven thin grains, and seven healthy grains. The seven thin grains swallowed the seven healthy grains. For this dream too, I knew the meaning. But that was after the cup bearer told the king because no one was able to solve his dream. So they shaved me and put clean clothes on me and took me to the Pharaoh. I told him the meaning of the dream; the seven cows and seven grains equals seven years. For seven years there will more food than we need, but after the seven satisfying years there will be seven years of a famine. Then I suggested to have a leader who will store food for seven years. The Pharaoh saw favor in my eyes, so he chose me to become the leader of this work. I was thankful for God's blessing.

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