The Life of A Freshmen College Student Comedy

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“The Life of a Freshmen College Student”

Character: Narrator, Teacher, Althea, Shane, Nicki.

Narrator: This Drama is all about comedy that express ideas with images that performs a funny tone that
depicts entertaining conversation between the Teacher and the Students and it plays with a funny and
happy ending.


Teacher: Today we shall learn on how to write the basic letter writing.

Althea: But Ma’am, I learnt how to write letters when I was in Elementary. Here I’ll show you.

Teacher: Not those Alphabetical letters Althea! What I mean is writing a letter to actual people and to
tell them about your life.

(Shane and nick laughing to each other)

Shane: And Ma’am why do we need a letter to do that?, We have Messenger and Facebook.

Teacher: Shane Phones are not allowed in the classroom unless it’s necessary important!. Now open
your notebook and write a letter to your parents, about what did you did in the holidays.
Nicki: Ma’am? (He raises his hands)
Teacher: What Nicki?
Nicki: I live with my parents, but they already know what I did in the Holidays.
Teacher: Fine!, Then just write a letters to anybody you need to talk to.
Nicki: Ma’am? (He raises his hands)
Teacher: No more questions!! Only Writing!
( The bell suddenly ring)
Teacher: Everybody, write the letter as Homework and bring it tomorrow.
Althea: But Ma’am, I need to……
Teacher: No buts!!!! Just do what I told you…
Althea: Ok Ma’am…..(silent)
Teacher: Ok class, I hope you have all done your homework I’ve said yesterday..
Teacher: What about you Shane? Have you written your letter?
Shane: Yes Ma’am
Teacher: Good, now come here in front and read it out loud to the class.
Shane: Ok!!
Teacher: What have you written your letter to?
Shane: I have written it to you Ma’am!!
Teacher: Me??
Shane: Yes Ma’am, you asked us to write it to someone and I needed to talk to you!
Teacher: Well, Read it out then!
Shane: “Dear Ma’am, I am writing you this letter to ask if I can write a letter to my cousin in Tickle town”
Teacher: Shane!!! Do you think this is a joke?!
Shane: But Sir, you didn’t answer the questions of althea yesterday, so I thought I would write a letter
and clarify.
Teacher: Shane!!! Enough of this nonsense!! Please get a note from your Mother tomorrow!
Shane: Ok Ma’am, but Ma’am?, what should my Mother write the note about? Should she tell you about
her Holidays?
Teacher: Shane!!!!!!


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