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Pros 1

I’m Tasya represent the pro team of the motion “Gender segregation is a
wise movement”.
( aku disini Tasya mewakili tim pro dari gerakan “Segregasi gender
adalah gerakan yang bijaksana”. )
We believe that teachers can look after and monitor students in school in
their social life. Teachers have a big role and impact on students in every
learning and social life of students. However, in the social life of the
students, there are often deviations or actions of not showing respect
between genders, such as the male gender having a higher dignity than
female, even students that are already teenagers and adults who are
familiar with courtship will try to take actions that are less appropriate
for their age.
(Kami percaya bahwa guru dapat menjaga dan memantau siswa di
sekolah dalam kehidupan sosial mereka. Guru memiliki peran dan
pengaruh yang besar bagi siswa dalam setiap pembelajaran dan
kehidupan sosial siswa. Akan tetapi dalam kehidupan sosial mahasiswa
seringkali terjadi penyimpangan atau tindakan tidak menghormati antar
gender, seperti jenis kelamin laki-laki yang memiliki harkat dan
martabat yang lebih tinggi dari pada perempuan, bahkan mahasiswa
yang sudah remaja dan dewasa yang sudah terbiasa pacaran akan
mencoba melakukan tindakan yang kurang sesuai dengan usianya.)

The male gender who is more aggressive and difficult to manage, wants
to win on his own and is easier to express something through his logic.
Meanwhile, the female gender is more expressive, shy, and uses feelings
more. This comparison is what causes friendships and type of
friendships that are not good.
( Jenis kelamin laki-laki yang lebih agresif dan sulit diatur, ingin
menang sendiri dan lebih mudah mengungkapkan sesuatu melalui
logikanya. Sedangkan jenis kelamin perempuan lebih ekspresif, pemalu,
dan lebih banyak menggunakan perasaan. Perbandingan inilah yang
menyebabkan pertemanan dan jenis pertemanan yang kurang baik.)

In Arab countries, male and female students are even separated by their
own schools. Even the teachers are regulated the way that male students
are taught by male teachers/lecturers, as well as female students are
taught by female teachers/lecturers. In Indonesia, some schools have
implemented a class division according to gender because according to
some schools, male students are more difficult to get managed than
female students. They are more aggressive and like to disturb. Even in
the classroom male students collide, in other word they fight. While the
female students are more calm and shy. So, we agree that male and
female students should be divided into 2 different classes. Thank you!

( Di negara-negara Arab, siswa laki-laki dan perempuan bahkan

dipisahkan oleh sekolah mereka sendiri. Bahkan guru diatur bagaimana
murid laki-laki diajar oleh guru/dosen laki-laki, begitu juga murid
perempuan diajar oleh guru/dosen perempuan. Di Indonesia, beberapa
sekolah telah menerapkan pembagian kelas berdasarkan jenis kelamin
karena menurut beberapa sekolah, siswa laki-laki lebih sulit diatur
daripada siswa perempuan. Mereka lebih agresif dan suka mengganggu.
Bahkan di dalam kelas siswa laki-laki bertabrakan, dengan kata lain
mereka berkelahi. Sedangkan santri putri lebih pendiam dan pemalu.
Jadi, kami sepakat bahwa siswa laki-laki dan perempuan harus dibagi
menjadi 2 kelas yang berbeda. Terima kasih! )

I’m Santana representing the contra team. The opposing team said that students and girls should
be separated according to their gender. Isn't that too cruel? Gender differences are not the main
problem, we believe that they must learn to respect each other's differences from early age of
In our opinion, teachers in schools should be the companions and friends of students in teaching
and learning activities and students' social life. Teachers should know the right way so that
students can respect each other's genders and should start training from an early age, right rom
the introduction of what a woman is, what a man is. Then how to get along with the opposite sex
like what, and others. So that there is no dividing wall between male and female students.
With a dividing wall, the social life of male and female students will be disrupted, they will find
out more for themselves because in children's social activities at school, talking about gender
differences is big taboo. Even though it is something that is important to be taught so that in the
future, students do not make mistakes in the association.
In addition, it is also necessary to make school policies that can limit student behavior the once
that are inappropriate, impolite or unrelated to their education. For example, prohibiting students
from dating, prohibiting students from mocking each other (especially those of the opposite sex),
and so on.
Finally, the separation of male and female students does not guarantee the achievement of
educational goals perfectly.

Pros 2:
Dear auditors and opposite team, I’m Muhammad Imam, I want to continue my teammate's
argument. I would like to add that immoral acts often occur lately, both between teachers and
students, as well as students and teachers. Although are the law on the protection of children and
women, and the law on immoral acts can be implemented properly? I do not think so.
The opposing team mentioned that policies should be made, but what about their
implementation? Can it be implemented properly? There are more teachers in the teacher's office
than in the field. Gadgets and grade textbooks are the main base compared to children's character
In our opinion, it is more effective if the classes between male and female genders are separated
so that schools can minimize the occurrence of deviations and acts of disrespect for gender, even
worse, immoral acts in schools. And also the teachers must be separated so that the lessons for
female students are taught by female teachers, and male students are taught by male teachers.
Thus, the teacher will not commit immoral acts against his or her own students. Thank you in

Con 2:
Thank you, I am Alpi. As a final speaker of opposing team let us agree that we must minimize
immoral acts. We must also remember that the written law states that specifically all Indonesian
citizens are entitled to proper and good communication. Based on this, that the law does not
prohibit women and men from communicating and socializing, it is only a good way to socialize.
I want to respond to our fellow’s statement, that we must be aware that immoral acts are
happening a lot these days, and the separation of learning spaces for men and women is the
solution. Because basically it goes back to how a teacher plays an important role in the social life
of students at school, how teachers can provide character education in schools.
Good character education will be well received and implemented as a Social education. Thank
you for your kind attention.

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