Science 6 w2

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Module in SCIENCE 6


Name: ___________________________________ Grade & Section: ________ Score:_______

Teacher: _____________________ Date: ______________________________

Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

Describe the appearance and uses of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures



Brief Introduction

When you combine two or more substances, you form a mixture. Mixtures are different from
compounds because the mixture doesn’t form a new compound material when blended. The
substances combined in a mixture can be separated into pure elements. The two main categories of
mixtures are homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous mixtures have a unified or same
composition throughout, while heterogeneous mixtures have an uneven composition.


Classify mixtures into uniform (homogeneous) and non-uniform (heterogeneous).

Let’s Recall (Review)

Identify the mixture with uniform appearance by putting a check ( / ) on the blank
before each number.

_____ 1. sand and water

_____ 2. baking soda and vinegar
_____ 3. salt and water
_____ 4. rock and soil
_____ 5. sugar and salt

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Mixtures can be homogeneous. A mixture is homogeneous, or what is commonly

called as a solution, when the materials in the mixture cannot be recognized from one another.
You were able to identify the different components that were mixed because they were not
evenly distributed in the mixture. The components retained their own characteristics. The
mixture produced in this activity is a coarse or heterogeneous mixture.
A heterogeneous mixture is not uniformly mixed. An example is muddy water. In a
mixture of mud and water, the heavier mud particles settle near the bottom of the container, so
the separation of the components is seen.

Figure A. Salt and water is a Figure B. Mud and water is a
homogeneous mixture heterogeneous mixture.

Let’s Apply
Complete the table.
Mixture Ingredients Numbers of Phases Kind Of Mixture


Macaroni Salad

Iced tea



Based on the ingredients of the two mixtures, how will you differentiate these with respect to
the number of phases observed? ______________________________________

Juice Drink Macaroni Salad

Let’s Analyze

From the previous activity, you have learned that homogeneous mixture refers to a substance
that is consistent or uniform throughout its volume. They consist of a single phase, be it liquid, gas,
or solid. (Example, air is considered a homogeneous mixture of gases.)

While heterogeneous mixture is a mixture having a non-uniform appearance. The

composition varies from one region to another, with at least two phases that remain separate from
each other, with clearly identifiable properties. If you examine a sample of a heterogeneous mixture,
you can see the separate components. Example banana con yelo.




Brief Introduction

There are two kinds of mixtures. They are homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures. Each
kind has its own characteristics. Homogeneous mixture has the same uniform appearance and
composition throughout. A heterogeneous mixture consists of visibly different substances or phases.


Describe the characteristics of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture

Let’s Recall (Review)

Write U for uniform mixture and NU for non-uniform mixture.

_________1. Pork Sinigang

_________2. Rubbing alcohol
_________3. Vinegar
_________4. soda with ice
_________5. Copper wire

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

A homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components that make up the mixture
are uniformly distributed throughout the mixture. The composition of the mixture is the same
throughout. There is only one phase of matter observed in a homogeneous mixture at a time.
So, you wouldn't observe the component parts in a homogeneous mixture.
A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components are not uniform or
have localized regions with different properties. Different samples from the mixture are not
identical. There are always two or more phases in a heterogeneous mixture, where you can
identify a region with properties that are distinct from those of another region, even if they are
the same state of matter (e.g., liquid, solid).

What is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture?


Milk Orange Juice Cereal Salad

Let’s Apply

Given below are examples of mixture. Classify them according to their physical

air blood pizza sugar solution vinegar soap

salad dressing dishwashing detergent salt solution mixed nuts

Components are uniformly distributed Components are not uniformly distributed

Let’s Analyze

Describe the characteristics of each mixture. Write Homogeneous or Heterogeneous


_______________ 1. Fruit salad

_______________ 2. Pinakbet
_______________ 3. Vinegar
_______________ 4. Water and oil
________________ 5. Water and pebbles

DAY 8 and DAY 9

Brief Introduction

Solution is formed when a substance is dissolved in another substance. Solution can be solid,
liquid or gas. It has different components such as solute and solvent and has many uses.


1. Identify the common examples of solutions found at home.

2. Define and identify the solute and solvent in a solution.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Write HM for homogeneous and HR for heterogeneous mixture.
___________________1. fruit salad
___________________2. vinegar
___________________3. pizza pie
___________________4. water and oil
___________________5. sugar solution

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

In a solution the liquid that does the dissolving is the solvent.

In a solution the solid that dissolves is called solute
A solution is a mixture formed when one or more solutes dissolve in a solvent

Uses of solutions in Homes

Water is a solvent is used for drinking , cooking, washing, bathing, cleaning and
dissolving detergents. Household cleaners like bleach are solutions, they help us to make our
houses clean. Soap and detergents are dissolved in water to help us wash our laundry.
Syrups are dissolved in the water to make drinks. Salt, sugar and other condiments are
dissolved in liquids when we cook.

Let’s Apply


1. Prepare 3 glasses of water. Label them as A, B, C,

2. Put a small amount of coffee into glass “A”
3. Put a small amount of sugar into glass “B”.
4. Observe how the coffee and sugar behave in water.
5. Put a small amount of salt into glass “C”. Observe how the salt behaves in water.
6. Set them aside. After 5 minutes, see what kinds of mixtures were formed.
7. Remove all the solutes in the water and wait for another 5 minutes.
10. Write your observations.

1. Which are the solvents used in the activity?
2. Which are the solutes in the three solutions?
3. What are the uses of the solutions?

Write your answers in the table below.

Solute Solvent Uses

Let’s Analyze

Complete the table below. Write the answer on the answer sheet.
Solution/Mixture Solute Solvent Uses
Powdered juice and water
Coffee and hot water
Sugar and water
Salt and water

DAY 10

Brief Introduction

Some mixtures are easily dissolved while others are not. Stirring, crushing and temperature
affects the formation of a mixture.


Infer through simple experiment the conditions (e.g. size of particles, stirring of mixture,
temperature) that affects the formation of a mixture.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Complete the table. Identify the solute and solvent in each of the following solutions.


1. sugar solution
2. salt solution
3. rubbing alcohol
4. hot chocolate
5. hot coffee

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

There are some factors that affect the conditions of a mixture such as

stirring, crushing (size of particles) and temperature.

●Stirring or shaking causes the particles to move faster resulting to greater contact or

even collision of the particles of solute and solvent. When this happens, the solute

dissolves faster. Example: powdered juice and water

●Crushing, cutting or grinding reduces the solute into smaller pieces, resulting in a

decrease in its surface area. When the surface area is smaller, it is easier for the solute to

make contact with the solvent so dissolution is faster. Example: ice and water

●An increase in temperature (heat energy) will result in faster movement of the particles.

When this happens, possibility of contact between the solute and solvent increases thus

results in faster dissolution of the solute in a given solvent.

Example: powdered milk and hot water

Let’s Apply

Combine the following materials in each number to form a solution. Apply and

write the factor/s that affect the condition of a mixture.

1. maggi cubes and hot water

2. powdered milk and hot water

3. salt and water

4. 3-in-1 coffee and hot water

5. sugar and pure buko juice

Let’s Analyze

Identify which of the following mixtures needs stirring, crushing and heat

energy (temperature) to dissolve solutes faster. Write the correct answer on your

answer sheet.

1. solid sugar and water

2. rock salt and water

3. sugar and calamansi juice

4. powdered soap and water

5. solid chalk and water

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Read the sentences carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the answer sheet.

1. Which of the following mixtures has uniform components?

a. halo-halo b. pizza pie c. fruit salad d. water
2. Your mother cooked kare-kare. You noticed that you easily distinguish the components of
kare-kare. In what kind of mixture does kare-kare belong?
a. homogeneous b. heterogeneous c. solute d. solvent
3. Which solution is known as universal solvent and is used in drinking and washing clothes?
a. water b. alcohol c. soda d. wine
4. Chloe mixes coffee and sugar to a cup of hot water to form a solution. Which are solutes
in her solution?
a. water b. coffee and sugar c. cup d. cup and water
5. Bleach, alcohol, thinner and water are solutions. Which solution is used for drinking,
washing and bathing?
a. alcohol b. water c. thinner d. bleach
6. Why does powdered milk dissolve easily in hot water?
a. because of the high temperature of water.
b. because powdered milk is solid
c. because I stirred the powdered milk.
d. because I drunk the milk.

7. Your brother wants to prepare a cold orange juice. What advise will you give to your
brother for the powdered orange juice to dissolve fast in cold water?
a. Pour and stir the powdered juice in a pitcher of cold water.
b. Use hot water to dissolve the powdered juice easily.
c. Let the powdered juice dissolve in water without doing anything.
d. Pour the powdered juice in a pitcher of cold water.
8. You are going to prepare halo-halo. What will you do to a block of ice?
a. Crush the block of ice.
b. Let it melt
c. Put a block of ice in a glass with stuff.
d. None of the above.
9. What is the best description of a heterogeneous mixture?
a. It could break down easily.
b. We could easily see the particles.
c. We could not easily see the particles.
d. It could transfer the particles to another place.
10. Why is spaghetti a heterogeneous mixture?
a. its ingredients cannot be distinguished easily.
b. it has a main component or based ingredient.
c. its ingredients can be seen easily.
d. it is delicious and mixed well.

Let’s Create

Make your own mixture using the materials below. If it is a solution, identify the solute and
solvent. Describe the characteristics of each mixture you formed. (1 point for every correct answer)


salt, water, sand

Materials Combined Kind of Mixture Formed Solute Solvent

Writers from Fourth Estate Elementary School
Elizer C. Purgosa
Aileene B. Jarandilla
Cherry J. Ventura

Quality Assurance
School Level
Glady A. Mutya, Master Teacher
Apolonia F. Soriano, Principal

Division (Elementary) Level

Chairman: Corazon A, Javier, PhD – EPS
Mario P. Madriaga, Master Teacher-San Antonio ES-Silverio Annex
Salvador Nasol, Master Teacher-La Huerta ES
Brenda B. Samson, Master Teacher-Paraňaque ES-Central
Joseph A. Villaralbo, Master Teacher-San Antonio ES


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