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Learning Competencies (Essential Competencies)

Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation, evaporation, filtering,

sieving and using magnet


At the end of this activity, learners should be able to enumerate and describe
techniques in separating mixtures

Brief Introduction
A mixture is made when you combine two substances in such a way that no new products
formed between the components and you can separate them again.


Let’s Recall (Review)

Identify the following materials as a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.

______ 1. pebbles and rocks _______ 6. powdered juice and sugar

______ 2. pizza with toppings _______ 7. starch and soy sauce
______ 3. chips and dips _______ 8. cocoa powder and milk
______ 4. gravel and sand _______ 9. mixed nuts
______ 5. coffee and hot water _______ 10. flour and water

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

The ways of separating the substance that make up mixture depend on the
physical properties of the substances. Mixtures made up of large particles like rice and tiny
stones may be handpicked.

A technique in which an insoluble solid is separated from a liquid.
It uses a filter like mesh cloth or a filter paper to separate solid
components from a liquid.

A technique used in separating a soluble solid from a liquid.
It is used by people who produce salt by evaporating sea
water under the sun.

Decantation is a technique used in separating a less-dense
substance from a denser one. In the process of decantation,
the mixture is left undisturbed. Oil and water could be
removed using the decantation technique.

Use of Magnets
Mixture of metals and nonmetals could be separated
using a magnet. Metals are attracted to the magnet
while nonmetals are not. In this way, the use of magnet
is good in separating metals from nonmetal

Let’s Apply

Do the following activities and answer the questions in your notebook.

A. 1. Get a glass of water and a scoop of sand.

2. Mix the water and the sand. Pass the mixture through a cheesecloth.
3. Observe what happens.
4. Record your observations in your notebook.
a. How did you separate the sand from the water?

B. 1. Get some iron filings.

2. Mix them with flour.
3. Hold a magnet over the mixture.
4. Observe and record what happens.
a. What happened?
b. Why do you think this happened?

C. 1. Get a candle, evaporating dish or foil formed into a box, old feeding bottle
and soft drinks.
2. Pour 10 ml of the soft drink into the evaporating dish or foil.
3. Gently heat it until most of the water has evaporated. (Be careful not to burn
4. Allow the dish to cool. Examine the substance remaining in the dish.
Describe the
product left in the foil/dish. Where did the water go? What made the water
a. What do you think is left in the evaporating dish/foil?
b. Where did the water go?
c. What made the water disappear?

Let’s Analyze

Using a pack of Dingdong snack, separate each nut or components present

using pieces of clean paper.
Answer the following questions and write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. How many kinds of nuts or components are in a pack of Dingdong snack?
2. How did you separate each nut or component in a pack of Dingdong snack?
3. Did you use any material or instrument to separate each nut or component in a
pack of Dingdong snack?
4. Which activities at home do you use separation technique? Give at least three
5. Is it helpful to use separation technique in our day-to-day activities? Why?

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Given below are set of mixtures, separate each component from the other by
using the appropriate separation technique. Look at the given example below.

Picking Separation technique

Plastic Scrap iron

Scrap iron and plastic

1. Avocado, mango, and Chico seeds

2. Lime and water
3. sand and gravel
4. pebbles and water
5. Salt and water

Let’s Create

How will you get coconut milk from coconut meat? Show your extraction through illustration
or concept map



Brief Introduction:

Mixtures are formed when you combine two or more substances. You can separate
components of mixtures in many ways. Components of suspension can be separated by


Investigate the process of separating mixture through decantation.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Fill in the missing technique of separating mixtures describes in each

number. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

__________1. It is a technique in which an insoluble solid is

separated from a liquid.
__________2. It is a technique used in separating a soluble solid
from a liquid.
__________3. It is a technique that can be used to separate mixtures
with big and fine components.
__________ 4. It is a technique that can be used to separate metals
from non - metals.
__________ 5. It is a technique used in separating less dense from
a denser one.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Decantation is a method for separating a mixture of a liquid and a heavier solid. In

this process the solid impurities are allowed to sediment at the bottom of the container.
The pure liquid is poured out carefully from the container into another container. The
solid is left behind at the bottom of the container.



Let’s Apply

Decantation of water and soil

Materials needed:
Glass or Plastic cup
Small amount of soil

1. Get the plastic cup and fill it with water.
2. Put soil inside the plastic cup with water and stir.
3. After mixing the soil and water, set aside it.
4. After a few minutes, observe what happened.
5. Separate the water from the soil by pouring water in another container.


1. What have you noticed while stirring the soil and water?
2. Did the soil dissolve in water? Why?
3. When you left the mixture undisturbed, what have you observed?
4. How did you separate the water from the soil?
5. What technique did you use to separate the water from the soil?

Let’s Analyze
Study the diagram below.




1. What have you noticed when you mixed the oil and water?
2. Did the oil combine with water? Why?
3. When you left the mixture undisturbed, what have you observed?
4. What technique of separating mixture should you use to separate the oil from
the water?


Brief Introduction:

Evaporation is a very important technique in separating components of

mixtures. Do you know how to make salt? You can apply this technique in making salt.


Investigate the process of separating mixture through evaporation

Let’s Recall (Review)

Write Y if the mixture can be separated by decantation and N if does not.

________ 1. Oil and water
________ 2. Salt solution
________ 3. Soil and stone
________ 4. Mongo seed and water
________ 5. Orange Juice

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Evaporation is a technique used in separating a soluble solid from a liquid. It

is used by people who produce salt by evaporating sea water under the sun.

Evaporation is a technique that removes off the liquid components from the
solid components. The process typically involves heating the mixture until no more liquid

Let’s Apply

Salt Solution

Salt (1 tablespoon)
Water (1 glass)
Pan (kawali)

1. Prepare a salt solution by dissolving salt in water.
2. Put the salt solution in the pan.
3. Heat the solution until the water evaporates and the salt remains in the pan.

1. What kind of mixture do you have?
2. What are the different components of the mixture?
3. How did you separate the components of the mixture?
4. What technique did you used to separate the mixture?

Let’s Analyze

Sugar Solution

1. What kind of mixture do you have?
2. What are the different components present in the mixture?
3. How will you separate the components present in the mixture?
4. What technique did you use to separate the mixture?


Brief Introduction:

Filtration is one of the most useful techniques of separating mixtures in your home
and community. It can be used in producing mineral water and different juices .Do you know
how to prepare them using filtration?


Investigate the process of separating mixture through filtration

Let’s Recall (Review)

Write Y if the mixture can be separated by evaporation and N if does not.

________ 1. Fruit salad
________ 2. Salt solution
________ 3. Drying clothes under the sun
________ 4. Mongo seed and water
________ 5. Drying of wet hair

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Insoluble solids in a liquid can be separated by filtration. Filtration is a

technique in which an insoluble solid is separated from a liquid. It uses a filter paper
to separate solid components from a liquid. Filtration is good in separating an
insoluble solid from a liquid. This process is used if you want your water free from
soil particles. You can also use filtration if you want to separate sand from a mixture
of sand and water because sand does not dissolve in water.

Let’s Apply

Direction: Perform the activity given below.

Ask the assistance or help of your parent/guardian.

Glass of water
Clear Glass or plastic bottle
funnel (embudo)
cloth (katsa or any white or light-colored cloth)

1. Prepare a mixture of soil and water
2. Place the cloth inside the funnel.
3. Slowly pour the mixture in the funnel.

1. What kind of mixture do you have?
2. What are the different components present in the mixture?
3. How did you separate the components present in the mixture?

Let’s Analyze

Direction: Perform the activity with the help or

guidance of your parent or guardian.

Muddy water

Muddy water

1. Prepare a mixture of muddy water
2. Place the cloth inside the funnel.
3. Slowly pour the mixture in the funnel.

1. What kind of mixture do you have?
2. What are the different components present in the mixture?
3. How did you separate the components present in the mixture?

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Investigate and explain briefly how mixtures below are separated. Write your answer on
your answer sheet. (2pts each)

1. calamansi juice and seeds

2. marble and water
3. water and impurities
4. salt and water
5. soda and ice

Let’s Create

Create your own mixture using available materials in your home. Investigate and
explain briefly how you separate the components of your mixture. Show a diagram (similar
to Day 1 activity on Let’s Evaluate).


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Presentation Attractive Format is very Format is Format is Format is
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Visual/pictures All pictures Some picture Few of the Poor Pictures do
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and make it make it easier the topic. topic.
easier to to understand


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