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A pleasant day to everyone and welcome to Annual Parents’ Orientation program.

This is spearheaded by the Guidance

Services Center.

Just a reminder for everyone Firstly,

-------- Thank you --------

And to start the program! May I invite everyone for the doxology and this is to be followed by the singing of the
Philippine National Anthem.

-------- Video Doxology --------

And to formally open in this today’s event let me call on no other than our School Director, Dr. Raul S. Acapulco, for the
Opening Remarks.

Thank you Dr. Acapulco, for the inspiring words to our parents.

Moving on with our program inorder for us to know the people behind the success of the shinning institution. Please fix
your eyes on the screen for the presentation of the Administrators & Staffs of Immaculada Concepcion College (ICC).

Moving on to our program it is a must that our students memorize and understand the institutions Vision and Mission.

Let me present to the Vision and Mission of Immaculada Concepcion College. (read)

-------- PRESENTATION --------

Moving on to the 2nd part of the program. It is important to know the different services that are being offered by the
institution. Let’s start, the student’s services orientation starting with the Health Services, to be narrated by Ms. Cristine
The next services is Prefect of Discipline, to be discuss by Ms. Michelle Estorninos
Moving on is the Registrar’s Office, to be discuss by Ms. Jaylyn Esquivel
The Admissions Office, to be discuss by Ms. Ziel Je Cadelina
For the Accounting Office this will be discuss by Ms. Rowena Lagana
The Learning Resource Center will be discussed by Ms. Camille Magistrado
The Guidance Services Center will be presented by Ms. Janette Yu

There you are we are done with the Students Services for the Academic Year 2022 - 2023; The Academic Orientation will
be discussed later after the Ice Breaker of Mr. Jehhan Gabas.

-------- Thank you --------

Let’s proceed to the 3rd part of the program, it is essential to be aware on the Crime Prevention program of the PNP, to
promote a safer community by developing a strategy to prevent crime. This will be discussed by our guest speaker from
PNP, (Read the credentials) Mr. ------------------------.

-------- Thank you --------

For the academic orientation, this will be discussed by Ms. Novena T. Sibay, Grade 11 Vice Principal.

-------- Thank you --------

So now, we will be entertaining some queries/questions, you may write down your questions on the chat box and we will
try to accommodate those questions.
So that’s all for today. Thank you, Parents’, for sharing your valuable time with us. Again, I’m Ms. Marjory Hufano,
your host for today. Keep safe and have a great day!

To end this program let sing the ICC Hymn……

------- ICC Hymn --------

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