21st Midterm 2

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GRAPHIC NOVEL - narrative in comic book format

MANGA - comic books and graphic novels originally published in Japan

WEBTOON - a type of digital comic that originated in South Korea

DOODLE FICTION - a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and hand written graphics in
place of traditional font

CHICK -LIT - fiction which addresses issues of modern womanhood, often humorously and lightheartedly

SPOKEN -WORD POETRY - oral art that focuses on the aesthetics of word play and intonation and voice inflection

SPECULATIVE FICTION - Explores stories about the unknown. It includes all genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction, and
magical realism, dystopian, and post - apocalyptic fiction

AVANT-GARDE POETRY - poems that push the boundaries of what is expected as the norm; these kinds of poems
experiment with form, phrasing, ideas, and imagery

CONTEMPORARY ESSAY - unrestricted and explores diverse topics such as dysfunctional families, LGBT issues, terrorism,
religion and politics

POSTMODERNISM - an attitude of skepticism, irony or rejection toward grand narratives, ideologies, including objective
notions of reason, human nature, social progress, moral universalism, absolute Truth, and objective reality. It asserts
that knowledge and truth are products of social, historical or political discourses or interpretations, and are therefore
socially constructed.

EVERYTHING - is merely fictitious constructs and that they cannot be trusted to develop meaning or to give order. In
fact, the very act of seeking order or a singular Truth is POSTMODERNISM absurd because there exists no unified truth.

DECONSTRUCTION - a philosophical or critical method which asserts that meanings are always rendered unstable by
their dependence on ultimately arbitrary social constructs

- Jacques Derrida

WORLD LITERATURE - Literature is meant to be universal. It has been proven that literature has the capacity to reach
and touch people from all walks of life.

WELTLITERATUR - Johann Wolfgang Goethe, a German literary critic, predicted the rapid transit and transmission of
literary works around the world. He coined the term Weltliteratur which literally means, "world literature”

1. Classical Literature - Greek and Roman Literatures

2. European Literature - French, German, Russian, Spanish Literatures
3. Anglo-American Literature – American and British Literature
4. Asian Literature - East Asian, Southeast Asian, Middle East Asian, Southwest Asian Literatures
5. Latin American Literature - South American Literature
6. African Literature - Hebrew and African Literatures

CLASSICAL LITERATURE - The glory that was Greece; the grandeur that was Rome

GREEK LITERATURE - Greek literature primarily revolved around myths and include the works of Homer; the Iliad and the

All ancient Greek literature was to some degree oral in nature, and the earliest literature was completely so. The Greeks
created poetry before making use of writing for literary purposes. Poems created in the Pre-classical period were meant
to be sung or recited (writing was little known before the 7th century BC). Most poems focused on myths, legends that
were part folktale and part religion. Tragedies and comedies emerged around 600 BC.

PRECLASSICAL (800 BC-500 BC) - At the beginning of Greek literature stand the works of Homer; the Iliad and the

ERIS - Goddess of discord

The first beauty pageant - Hera Athena Aphrodite

PARIS / ALEXANDROS - Prince of Troy; Son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba

APHORODITE - “I will give you the most beautiful woman in the world.”

TROJAN WAR - Rome conquered Greece. The conquered became conquerors; the conquerors became the conquered.

1. Apir – up here
2. Sirit – share it
3. Istambay – stand by
4. Pikon – picked on
5. Tsuper – chauffeur
6. Syota – short time
7. Shorpet – sure fit
8. Susmaryosep – jesus mary joseph

ROMAN LITERATURE - The ancient Roman literature was written in the Latin language. It maintains an enduring legacy of
ancient Rome, its culture, and its people. The earliest Roman literary works were historical epics retelling Rome's early


- ‘Desiderata’, a word which means “things desired” in Latin, is a widely popular prose poem that was written by
Max Ehrmann in the early 1920s. Ehrmann copyrighted the work in 1927 but a few years later gave out copies
without copyright, therefore, forfeiting his US copyright.
- It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that this poem reached its widest audience. Spoken word recordings were
made in those decades, allowing even more of the world to hear to and benefit from Ehrmann’s tenants of
happiness. Due to the universal appeal of the text it was printed on posters in the seventies and distributed in
that form. The poem has been read and quoted in a variety of high profile public settings since its publication.
- “Desiderata” offers a simple set of values, ethics, and morals which are capable of making life much happier,
peaceful and meaningful
- Desiderata encapsulates some timeless truths which we can revisit to better understand and appreciate this life
of ours. The beauty of this poem lies in its honesty and its ability to help one acknowledge and rise above certain
uncomfortable facts about human existence

THE 46 LINE POEM - is a long commentary on how we should consider our day to day life. This includes how to keep
what’s important in life, balance one’s career, maintain inner peace, and keep our aspirations while also striving to be a
good person in a world that doesn’t always treat you fairly

STRUCTURE - This piece does not rhyme, nor does it conform to a specific metrical pattern. The lines read more like
sentences, with breaks in places that make them poetic, than they do lines of verse. It is easy to approach this piece as a
speech, a kind of manifesto on how to live one’s life.


1. Enjambment - As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
2. Alliteration - “peace” and “possible” “however humble

READER RESPONSE APPROACH - It asserts that a great deal of meaning in a text lies with how the reader responds to it.
reader+reading situation+text = meaning

EAST ASIA - Human civilization is said to trace back in East Asia where the first Homo Erectus or “upright man” lived and
migrated to other parts of Asia


COMMUNISM - is a political theory derived from Karl Marx and based on Marxism, advocating class war and leading to a
society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

MAO ZEDONG (MAO TSE-TUNG) - The rise of Communism in China. He was poorly educated as a child but highly
intelligent. Zedong left home and had become a member of the Nationalist Army as the Revolution began around 1911.
He was soon introduced to and became powerfully influenced by the philosophies of Marxism.

THE LITTLE RED BOOK - Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung was originally compiled by an office of the PLA Daily
(People's Liberation Army Daily), a book of statements from speeches and writings by Mao Zedong (Mao Tsetung), the
former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, published from 1964 to about 1976 and widely distributed during the
Cultural Revolution and served as an inspirational political and military document

KOREAN LITERATURE - s the body of literature produced by Koreans, mostly in the Korean language and sometimes in
Classical Chinese. For much of Korea's 1,500 years of literary history, it was written in Hanja. It is commonly divided into
classical and modern periods.

Modern Korean Literature is often linked with the development of hangul, which helped increase working class literacy
rates. Sinsoseol, for instance, are novels written in hangul in the 19th Century. The emergence of KDrama and its
outstanding plot marks the Korean dominance in the 21st Century.

JAPANESE LITERATURE - Early works of Japanese literature were heavily influenced by cultural contact with China and
Chinese literature, and were often written in Classical Chinese. Indian literature also had an influence through the spread
of Buddhism in Japan

THE ELEPHANT VANISHES - On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning is part of Haruki Marukami’s
Elephant Vanishes, which is a collection of short stories he wrote between 1983 to 1990. They were translated and then
published in English in 1993. Murakami’s writing style is well manifested in this collection; the stories combine normality
with surrealism and involve themes such as, destruction, loneliness, confusion, and loss. His short story On Seeing the
100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning keeps faithful to this and through a very simple encounter in a narrow
side street in Japan, Murakami is able to tell a beautiful story of guy who longs to have the courage to approach a girl.

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