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Young people in Cardiff's Grangetown have put forward suggestions for enhancing

their neighborhoods. They are taking part in a Cardiff University initiative that asks
participants to describe how they would enhance their neighborhood. Observations
are as follows: Yahya wants a safer place, and less pollution; Moneab wants the green
light to last longer; Young people want to live in a society that is cleaner and safer;
participants are offered a small amount of money to change one thing they want
Giving the council's planners specific insight into what young people desire for the
city is the goal. The Cardiff University study demonstrates the significance and
benefits of play for children.

To grow a city to become more liveable, it is good and sensible to solicit suggestions
from people, particularly children, as we can listen to their effective and practical
objectives, that's what makes that campaign so great, this is why I was very excited
when reading this article. Since the covid pandemic, it has had a profoundly harmful
effect on children, therefore I feel very worried because according to a study by
Cardiff University, playing an important role in children, very vital and necessary
because it has an impact on their overall development. As a result, I discovered how
important and crucial it is to create a clean, safe environment to live, especially a play
space for kids. And I feel that this is a great campaign, because it not only speaks to
the aspirations of children, but can also help people have a better living environment
In summary, I not only hope this campaign is spread to many more places, but I also
want the local authorities in many places to make more efforts to have more effective
policies for children so that they can live a better life, in a safe, clean and beautiful

No. Component Description Weighting

1 Task fulfillment fully satisfies all the requirements of the task; clearly 3,25
presents a fully developed response. In other words,
students demonstrate a thorough understanding of the
news and summarize the main points of the
text. Besides, they must assess knowledge gained from
the content as well as link these assessments to their
own viewpoint on the issue.
2 Coherence and Style Demonstrate control of the conventions with essentially 1,5
no errors, even with sophisticated language.
3 Lexical Resource Uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and 1,75
sophisticated control of lexical features; Uses
sophisticated language that is precise and engaging,
with a notable sense of voice, awareness of audience,
and purpose.
4 Grammatical Range uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and 1,5
and Accuracy accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as “slips”.
Total 8

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