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Adrian Gabriel D.

Maranan 19118049

List at least 3 common Filipino values that we often practice in the family or in the
society. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of each of these values.


It is already in our tradition as Filipinos how we give importance to our families.
They place high regard on family first before anything else. The love and care that we
show off are beyond immeasurable. Filipinos believe that families should be together
and help each other out. The spirit of “sama-sama, salo-salo, tayo-tayo and
bayanihan” are always present. Even through the darkest times, we remain resilient and
assured as long as we have our families by our side. If a family is disunited, problems
arise. Close family ties make for a robust and progressive society. Moreover, Filipinos
worked all day to provide for the needs of their families. We give them the best the
world has to offer. They are our important investments, after all. 
One weakness I can see is that we became responsible for each other. For
instance, when a child simultaneously works and studies at the same time. They make
a way to earn money to suffice the education expenses and even help with household
expenses. The mentality that they will not be a burden to their parents manifests in this
situation. In my perspective, parents should be responsible for supporting their children;
they should not be pressured to work, especially when they are still studying. The
parents should be the ones responsible for the needs of their children. But because we
are family-oriented, we prioritize our families and support them as best as possible. We
cannot judge people for doing it. It’s their choice, after all. And that is how we show our
strong family ties and value each other.  
Moreso, a weakness was pointed out by Ricardo Tolentino, which stated that
family ties create a feeling of dependency that makes us unproductive. For example, a
married couple is still dependent on their parents. Furthermore, according to William
Gonzaga, it causes a breakdown in discipline and encourages law violators. With the
use of political powers, a violator, despite his guilt, may escape punishment as their
family may use the money to influence the courts. Lastly, Sahlee Reyes pointed out that
another weakness would be a parent who shows love for their child by tolerating their
needs and wants, even when it’s wrong. They give the young a free hand on things that
are basically contrary to moral principles and are socially unacceptable. 

It is already in our nature as Filipinos to be hospitable. Whenever we have
visitors or important people coming, we take the time to warmly welcome them and
make them feel comfortable regardless of where they come from. We even serve food,
drinks, or even a sumptuous meal. They are treated as kings and queens or even like a
VIP. Filipinos usually greet their visitors with the phrase "Feel at home!" to ensure they
are at ease during their stay. Hospitality is certainly a trademark of Filipinos. I can say
that Filipino Hospitality is our culture which makes us outstandingly distinct from the
rest. It just comes naturally to us. Whenever foreign people come here to the
Philippines, they are amazed by our warm hospitality. It is in our loving actions and
smile which radiates and are deeply appreciated by others.

One weakness would have to be that some Filipinos are forced to spend money
to provide something to their visitors. Even though their money is not enough to satisfy
their needs, some spend to make their visitors feel welcome because they feel
embarrassed when they cannot give something to them. Some would even buy fancy
plates and glasses and even change their houses' aesthetic. That is how we value
others that we sometimes forget if it is indispensable to do. In my perspective, if you are
rich and have the means to buy everything you want, you may proceed. But if you have
financial problems, you might consider prioritizing your family's needs first and try not to
spend too much because your warm greetings, smile, company, and presence are all
that matter. Regardless, it is still your decision.
Filipinos are considered diligent workers. They work years, months, and long
hours to provide for the needs of their families. It became their moral obligation to work
to provide a better life for their families. Concerning this, the Filipino workforce is being
recognized worldwide because of their strong work ethic. The Philippines is one of the
sought-after countries for investors and companies because of our warmth, dedication,
and passion at work. Furthermore, the passion and commitment of Filipinos are
recognized because they don't stop until they get the job done. They have a good
sense of work ethic, productivity, and discipline to excel in an ever-changing
competitive work landscape. They often have a goal in mind, which becomes their
motivation to strive hard and achieve greatness.
One weakness in mind would have to be that some Filipinos are already
compromising their health by working long hours to provide for their families needs.
Even though their body is telling them to rest, they still push their limits and have the
mentality of never giving up. In my perspective, they should always prioritize health at
all costs. It will be your weapon when you work, and you don't want to suffer
complications because you choose to overwork.
Another weakness would be some Filipinos are lazy to go to work. Some don't
have a plan to work and choose to be unemployed. They have the mentality wherein
they wait for opportunities to come, and they don't make a way to create those
opportunities. In line with this, being unemployed or unemployment itself creates many
problems affecting both individuals and the economy.

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