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ABION, Johanna Mari S.

Activity #4

1. Based on your understanding of the lessons, compare and contrast the following:
A. Plans & strategies
- Plans and strategies are both needed to achieve the organization’s mission and
vision. A plan is more of an arrangement or a specific outline that provides guidance to
achieve the objectives. On the other hand, strategy is more about considering different
actions and careful planning on what the management needs to be done in order to
achieve the goals with fewer problems and difficulties.
B. Rules & policies
- Policies are set of orders formulated by the top management to help achieve the
objectives of the organization while rules are very specific to maintain proper discipline
within the organization.
C. Business & corporation
- Business and corporation are both organizations that have goals and missions to
achieve. Business can be owned by an individual or group and it is owned by the
shareholders while corporation is where a group of individuals provide their share in the
organization but its business exists separately from its owners

2. Which strategy—business or corporate level—should a firm develop first?

Describe the relationship between a firm’s business- and corporate-level
- A firm should develop first the corporate-level strategy. Corporate-level strategy is
where we set strategic alternatives from which we manage different operations on how to
maximize our profits and to expand the organization in the long run. This strategy is
needed before developing at the business-level. In business-level strategy, this is where
we take into consideration the target markets we want to aim and how to handle

3. What kind of plan—tactical or operational—should be developed first? Why?

Does the order really matter? Why or why not?
- Tactical plan must be developed first because it is where we oversee the goals we
want to achieve, provide solutions to address problems, and accomplish the objectives
within a certain period of time. The order of tactical plan and operation plan matter
because we must first take action in achieving the strategic goals before moving to
operational plan. Operational plan is where the organization implements the strategies
and solutions. To conclude, a tactical plan is for setting goals while an operation plan is
for implementing goals.

4. Cite examples of operational plans that you use or encounter (now or in the past)
at work, at school, or in your personal life.
- One example of operational plan is to prepare my day-to-day routine schedule
every month. Back when I was a working student before, I had to manage my time for
work, school, and family. Setting a schedule gives me an advantage on how to use my
time productively and wisely.

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