Greening Project Documentation-NISTAL

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National Service Training Program

Civic Welfare Training Service

Holy Name University


In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for

NAME: Lord Emman M. Nistal

1st semester
2020 – 2021
I. Rationale

This type of fruit bearing tree has lots of benefits we can get. It helps our mental health
and well being. Apart from providing us with the sheer joy of picking out fresh fruit
without stepping out of our home, fruit trees can also contribute to a healthy ecosystem.
Planting trees reduces erosion and pollution in our waterways and may reduce the effects
of flooding. 

Importance of tree growing

Trees are vital. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon,
stabilize the soil and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with the
materials for tools and shelter. Trees take in the carbon dioxide in the air and produce
oxygen for living, breathing organisms around it.

Importance of tree in the environment

Trees contribute to their environment by providing oxygen, improving air quality, climate
amelioration, conserving water, preserving soil, and supporting wildlife. During the
process of photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and produce the oxygen we

Role as stewards of God’s Creation

We are stewards of God's creation. We care for the earth and act in ways that will restore
and protect the environment. We ensure that our development activities are ecologically
sound. We are the protector of God's creation, we must all know and believe that all the
we have is not our own.
II. Planting Site

Planting site Description

The planting site was good enough for planting tress like fruit bearing tree. The site was
far enough from our home and other houses.


The reason why I choose this site because except for I have no other place where to plant
is that this site is good enough for planting trees. It is far enough from our house, and in
times of naturals disaster like typhoon there’s no casual damage.

Figure 1.P-7 Mariveles, Dauis, Bohol

III. Planting Process

My experience was first cleaning the area where I was supposed to plant the tree. My
brother was there in the site to witness that I planted a tree. It was a good feeling being
able to help our environment in a simple ways like planting trees.

What did you do?

What I did was planting a fruit bearing tree that will also help our mental health and well
being. And will properly maintain the growth of the tree.

Preparations Before and After

I first plan what fruit bearing tree I must plant that has more purpose in maintaining our
mental health and well being. And then locate where the location available that I can
plant a tree. When I found site where I must plant I clear the area so that the tree can
grow well. I dig a hole, enough for the plant to grow. And then lastly watered it.
Plant 1: Guyabano

Figure 2. Preparation Figure 3. Seedling near the

Figure 4. Planted seedling with a with a witness
Plant 2. Guyabano

Figure 5. Preparation 2nd seedling Figure 6. 2nd seedling near the hole Figure 7. Planted 2 nd
seedling with a witness.
Plant 3. Guyabano

Figure 8. Preparation 3rd seedling Figure 9. 3rd seedling near the hole

Figure 10. Planted 3rd seedling with a witness


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