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Market Watch Report

Government Policies
and Investment in
Egypt’s Real Estate Sector

October 2016 /invest-gate /invest.gate_magazine
Information in this report is based on official an-
nouncements by both developers and the Egyp-
tian government. All figures and facts obtained
through news mediums have been confirmed
from at least two different sources. This text is
intended solely for general market evaluation
purposes. Any decisions based on conclusions
from this document are the sole responsibility of
the reader. Reproduction of any part of this doc-
ument is prohibited without written consent.


Madbouly: Housing Ministry Allocates EGP 5,706 Units Offered for Rent for Low-income
37 B Budget to NUCA Citizens
The Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities has Residential units were offered for low-income citizens start-
allocated a budget of EGP 37 billion to the New Urban Com- ing October in several governorates and cities, according to
munities Authority (NUCA) this year in a plan to attract new Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Mostafa
investments and implement projects, Minister of Housing Mo- Madbouly, reported Invest-Gate. Citizens will be able to rent
stafa Madbouly said in an interview with Daily News Egypt. the units within 10 governorate if their income is below EGP
The ministry has moreover set policies that were considered 1,500. Residents will pay between EGP 300 and 410 with an
controversial due to increasing the prices of lands in the Great- expected rent increase of 7% annually and a rental period of
er Cairo area. Additionally the ministry committed to providing seven years, said Salah Hassan, Deputy Executive Director of
more than 100,000 units in three phases to middle-income citi- the Social Housing Fund. In case of a large demand among
zens through the Dar Misr Project while offering lands to Egyp- applicants, priorities are given to those living under more pre-
tians living abroad through Beit Al Watan project to solve the carious circumstances.
dollar shortage crisis.

Ministry of Housing Studies Establishing

Chinese Company Co-Finances New Middle-Income Compounds
Administrative Capital The Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities has
A Chinese construction company, China Fortune Land Devel- started studying a plan to establish compounds geared towards
opment (CFLD), will invest $20 billion in Egypt’s New Adminis- middle-income earners, an official source told Invest-Gate. The
trative Capital, reported Amwal Elghad. The company obtained plan is currently being studied, and follows from the great de-
the right to develop and market the new capital within the sec- mand that met the Dar Misr middle-income housing project es-
ond phase of the mega-project, according to Al Mal News. The tablished by the New Urban Communities Authority, the source
contract was signed by Egyptian Minister of Housing, Utilities, added. The Dar Misr project revealed the great demand for
and Urban Communities Mostafa Madbouly, Minister of Invest- such projects, prompting the government to take steps to build
ment Dalia Khorshid, and the Chairman of CFLD, Tahrir News a comprehensive middle-income housing project, rather than
reported. The new $20 billion investment adds to a previous separate residential units in different locations. The ministry is
$15 billion agreement with China State Construction Engineer- studying the possibility of establishing an area within the com-
ing Corporation (CSCEC) for a previous phase of the Adminis- pound to be dedicated to Egyptian expatriates working abroad.
trative Capital, according to USA Today.

NUCA to Finalize Electricity Station in New

Egypt Partners with France to Develop Aswan in 2017
Sustainable Cities The New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) has launched
The Egyptian Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Commu- a new main power electricity station in New Aswan with two
nities will partner with France’s Sustainable Cities Task-Force generators that will be completed next year, reported Al Borsa.
to build a joint technical office designated for sustainable cities, The total cost of the project has amounted to EGP 60 million,
reported Amwal Elghad. A protocol was signed by Egyptian according to Alaa Naseem, Executive Manager of Electricity
Minister of Housing Mostafa Madbouly and President of the and Telecommunications in the NUCA. The new enhancement
Sustainable Cities Task-Force Gerard Wolf, in Cairo. A total of will boost power from 10 MV to 50 MV, Naseem added, noting
160 French firms will participate in developing sustainable cit- that the total value of completed electricity projects in New As-
ies. The office, operated by the New Urban Communities Au- wan recorded EGP 138.7 million, stretching over 635 kilome-
thorities (NUCA) and the French task force, is to assess and ters within the city, while other networks are under construction
implement projects related to sustainable cities in Egypt and to stretch over 333 kilometers.
France, according to the ministry.

Orascom Completes Al Masah Hotel in New

Madbouly Discusses Possible Partnership Administrative Capital
with UK Trade Envoy Orascom Construction has finalized construction on Al Masah
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Mosta- Hotel in the New Administrative Capital, in collaboration with
fa Madbouly met with British trade envoy Jeffrey Donaldson the Armed Forces Engineering Authority, reported Al Borsa.
to discuss the possibility of partnership in a number of fields, Further developments are being constructed around the hotel,
reported Al Mal News. Among the proposed projects for co- which is owned by the Armed Forces. The hotel will be built
operation were building low-cost developments and potential on 10 acres, and several contracting companies are construct-
residential units in the New Administrative Capital and other ing water and power facilities for the building. The total cost of
new cities. Madbouly also discussed the New El Alaimen City, the hotel ranges between EGP 700 million to EGP 900 million
as well as future developments, noting that a large budget has due to a recent surge in prices of building material. Orascom
been allocated to New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) is responsible for developing the area surrounding the hotel,
to build the basic foundations and public services in the new while the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) will be
cities as soon as possible, according to Al Shorouk News. constructing on site facilities.

HCCD Subsidiaries Sign EGP 3 B Worth of NUCA Partners with GAFI to Offer 345 Lands
Contracts The New Urban Communities Authorities (NUCA) has agreed
Subsidiaries of the Holding Company for Construction and De- with the General Authority for Investments and Free Zones
velopments (HCCD) have signed contracts worth EGP 3 billion (GAFI) to offer 345 land plots, reported Al Brosa. Both parties
for projects to be completed in a year and a half, according are expected to agree on the conditions of the offerings, ac-
to Mohamed Hegazy, CEO of HCCD, reported Amwal Elghad. cording to Tarek El Sebaey, Supervisor of NUCA’s Commercial
The company has received orders from the government to work and Residential Sector. The lands will be targeted for multiple
on national projects, including the New Administrative Capital. purposes in new cities with some being offered for residential
The company expects revenues of EGP 600 million at the end projects to citizens with low-income. The total cost is EGP 4.7
of the current fiscal year as a result of the increasing business billion, EGP 3.5 billion of which will be dedicated for lands that
conducted by the company. Works is expected to commence will include public services, while EGP 1.2 billion will be allocat-
on the New El Alamein City and Toshka projects. Construction ed for land plots that will include social housing projects.
works recorded a total of EGP 11 billion last year.
Madbouly: Construction of 216 Units Com-
Government Postpones Land Offering for pleted in New Qena
Residential Development in Fayoum A total of 216 residential units have been completed out of the
The Fayoum Housing Directorate has postponed the offering of total 4,892 units within a housing project located in New Qena,
158,000 square meters earmarked for residential and service according to Minister of Housing, Utitlities, and Urban Devel-
projects to 2017, when all facilities on site have been construct- opment Mostafa Madbouly, reported Invest-Gate. Facilities are
ed, reported Al Borsa. Currently, only 60% of the facilities have also being constructed in the project, including a hospital with
been built on site, according to Ali Zain Al-Abdin, Representa- 175 beds that will be built on land measuring six acres in area
tive of the Housing Ministry in Fayoum. The governorate is also of Al Nawadi, located north of the first district, as well as sever-
considering revoking the construction contract from Al Sadeek al other buildings, according to Ahmed Arafa, the Head of the
Contractors and offering it to other contractors, as the company New Qena Development Authority.
violated its contract with the governorate, since facilities were
scheduled to be completed last month. Al Sadeek Contractors
5 Contractors Appointed for Asmarat Project
preciously received EGP 41.5 million to commence work on
building the project’s facilities. Five contractors will start construction on the third district of
the housing project in Al Asmarat that will replace informal set-
tlements, according to Ahmed Taymour, Deputy Governor of
NUCA Installs Monitor Control Devices in New Cairo, Amwal Elghad reported. The project is funded by the
Cities Tahya Misr Fund and is set to be constructed on an area of 80
The New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) will supply and acres, where the third district costs EGP 500 million and will be
install 315 electronic remote street lighting, monitoring, and finalized in 2017. The third district will include 7,440 housing
control devices within new cities, reported Daily News Egypt. A units, as well as several amenities. Around three schools were
school is also expected to be constructed in New Nubaria City also built in Al Asmarat district that aim to service the new res-
with 33 classrooms, as well as a kindergarten building and a idents who will move in to the area, according to state-owned
new market. New Minya will also launch a tender to construct Al-Ahram.
a road that will link the army road with the residential area and
expand the Minya-Assiut road between the army road and NUCA Drafts Conditions for Purchase of Dar
Al-Safa checkpoint. Additionally, more facilities will be imple-
Misr Units
mented, such as sewage and electricity.
The New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) has com-
pleted the drafting of the conditions for the purchase of over
50 Acres Allocated for Social Housing in New 10,000 units offered next month in the second phase Dar Misr
Fayoum project, targeting middle-income citizens, reported Al Borsa.
The New Fayoum Administration has announced the availa- The NUCA is also expected to finalize the procedures to offer
bility of 50 acres dedicated to social housings in a statement 11 land plots in the first phase of the Dar Misr project , as offi-
sent to New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA), reported Al cials in the NUCA have stated that the conditions will be sent to
Borsa. The land plots were prepared before the announcement the Housing and Development Bank in the next few days. The
was sent to NUCA, which will in turn offer them for sale in new draft includes details about measures for acquiring the units,
cities, stated Ashraf Abdelrahman, Head of the New Fayoum remaining available houses in each city, reservation deposits
Administration. The revenues that will come from the land of- and several other conditions for applicants.
ferings will contribute to implementing projects dedicated for
public services in the next phases in the city, which has an area
of 13,500 acres.


World Bank Commends Egyptian Social Real Estate Developers to Construct Social
Housing Projects Housing Projects
Officials at the World Bank has praised the efforts made by the The Cabinet approved the draft of terms and conditions regard-
Egyptian Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communi- ing collaboration with real estate developers in building units in
ties in the implementation of social housing schemes, reported the Social Housing Project aimed at low-income citizens, re-
Amwal Elghad. Minister of Housing Mostafa Madbouly has ex- ported Al Borsa. The draft included determining the land plots
plained the project to a World Bank delegation in a meeting that where the project will be constructed and the areas in which
was held to review the progress of the project and future plans. developers will be employed, provided that these developers
The Ministry is currently building over 500,000 units across the have worked on previous projects with the government. The
country, as part of the social housing scheme, stated Madbou- conditions, applying to all new cities except for New Cairo and
ly. The plan will also include 6,000 units that will be offered for Sheikh Zayed, determined that payments for units should be
rent to low-income earners, according to Al Mal News. made in cash up-front, or with a minimum 15% down-payment
of the total unit price, according to Al Shorouk News.

Real Estate Prices Increase by 25% in Obour

City CAPMAS: 1.2 M Residential Units Completed
Obour City recently experienced a rising demand on resi-
in 5 Years
dential and commercial properties, according to real estate The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and statistics (CAP-
experts who projected an increase of property prices by over MAS) issued a report on Egyptian real estate revealing that
25% compared to last year’s prices, reported Almal News. The 1.2 million residential units have been completed in total in
average price per square meter in Obour City has recorded five years in both public and private housing projects, reported
EGP 2,500. The satellite city has a total area of approximately Ahram Online. The total investments for the 1.2 million units
16,000 acres, with the aim of accommodating 640,000 citizens recorded approximately EGP 109.6 billion, according to the
by the time construction is completed. Obour City recently fell report. It further highlights that public expenditure in the hous-
under the management of the New Urban Communities Au- ing sector constituted 41.7% of all expenditure with 497,000
thority (NUCA), while some investment companies have com- units, while the private sector made up the remaining 58.3%
menced works in several real estate projects across the city with 694,000 units. CAPMAS also reported that FY 2014/2015
due to its proximity to Cairo. recorded the highest number of completed units at 352,000.

Promotion Campaigns Set to Attract New Administrative Capital to Offer Lands,

Foreigners to North Coast Finalize Agreements with Developers
The Tourism Promotion Authority is expected to begin promot- The company handling the New Administrative Capital project
ing tourism in the North Coast for people living abroad within is set to decide on offering the first phase of investment land
the next weeks, President of the Authority Samy Mahmoud told plots, with total areas ranging between 3,000 to 3,500 acres,
Invest-Gate. The campaigns aim to attract tourists to visit the reported Al Borsa. The Administrative City company estimat-
North Coast during winter, aiming to make use of the 95% va- ed that revenues from the first phase of the project, which will
cancy rate of over 100,000 during non-peak times, Mahmoud measure 14 million square meters, will amount to EGP 30 bil-
said. The Authority will focus on introducing several projects lion. The previous phase of the project included 12,000 acres,
in North Coast to foreigners, he noted. He moreover pointed with EGP 60 billion worth of investments. The company is also
out that there is very little exposure on the North Coast among discussing the possibility of selling the units located in the resi-
foreign markets, despite having some of the best beaches in dential district within the previous phase in the project.
Egypt, thereby making it a prime potential touristic hub.
Government to Develop Slums in Red Sea
Colliers: Housing Demand Expected to Grow Cities
Demand on residential units is expected to increase to approx- Slums located in Red Sea cities are expected to be developed
imately 115,000 units per year, according to Ian Albert, the Re- by the Egyptian government at a cost of EGP 330 million, ac-
gional Director at Colliers International Middle East and North cording to Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communi-
Africa, reported Daily News Egypt. This compares to Colliers’ ties Mostafa Madbouly, reported Amwal Elghad. New residen-
previous estimate, setting annual demand at 90,000 to 100,000 tial units are expected to be built instead of the informal ones
units annually. A recession in the real estate market is unlikely located in Red Sea areas. Approximately 75% of the projects
to happen due to the low supply in residential units compared are completed, while Madbouly confirmed that the remaining
to the high demand, Albert said, noting that Greater Cairo is ex- construction should be completed over the next three months,
pected to witness a deficit of 400,000 units for middle-income according to Al Watan. Some of the new homes will be deliv-
citizens by 2020. He also noted that the retail sector is witness- ered to residents of informal settlements in the Radwa District
ing increased investment, along with significant opportunities in next January according to Madbouly.
urban regeneration.


Ministry of Housing Completes Construction 5,400 Residential Units to be Launched Next

of Facilities for 8,734 Units Month in Rehab and Madinaty
The Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities has The Ministry of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communitues
announced the completion of construction of units and facilities launched 5400 units in Madinaty and Rehab in New Cairo,
in 12 governorates across the country, reported Invest-Gate. reported Invest-Gate. The units include 3,912 apartments in
These include 960 units in a social housing project located in Madinaty, and 1,488 apartments located in Rehab. Madbouly
the Amlak area in Salam City in Cairo. The completed con- also clarified in a released statement that the units are fully
struction work was undertaken in the govern orates of Cairo, ready for living and their sizes range between 58 square me-
Suez, Red Sea, South and North Sinai, Damietta, Gharebya, ters and 162 square meters. Tarek El Sebaey, Supervisor on
Sohag, Sharqia, Kafr El Sheikh, Beheira, and Menoufiya. Ac- trade and real estate affairs in the Al Omranya committee that
cording to Mohamed Nasser, Head of the Central Authority for the conditions to acquire the units are present at all branches of
Construction affiliated with the ministry, hundreds of units were “The housing and construction” Bank starting of 9th of October
constructed in each of the aforementioned governorates. during the bank’s working days.

Housing Ministry to Offer Rent Option in 20,867 Residential Units Connected to the
Social Housing Projects Water Supply Grid
Residential units will be offered for low income citizens start- The National Authority for Potable Water and Sewage has
ing October 9 in several governorates and cities, according to connected 20,867 residential units to the water supply grid, in
Minister of Housing, Utilities, and Urban Communities Mostafa addition to constructing a sewage facility serving 18,112 resi-
Madbouly, reported Invest-Gate. Citizens will be able to rent dential units, reported Invest-Gate. Current construction work
the units within 10 governorate if their income is below EGP is underway to connect an additional 40,209 residential units
1,500. Residents will pay between EGP 300 and 410 with an to reach a total of 75,563 residential units. Sayed Ashry, Head
expected rent increase of 7% annually and a rental period of of the Authority, stated that infrastructure work has taken place
seven years, said Salah Hassan, Deputy Executive Director of in 12 governorates, adding that construction of pipelines has
the Social Housing Fund. In case of a large demand among been extended to reach more than a thousand additional units,
applicants, priorities are given to those living under more pre- mainly in the Luxor area.
carious circumstances.

NUCA to Launch New PPP Projects in Upper

Housing Ministry to Launch 4,632 Units in Egypt
10th of Ramadan New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) offered new part-
Dar Misr social housing project is planned to include 4,632 new nership projects to property developers in Upper Egypt in Sep-
residential units located in 10th of Ramadan City, reported Al tember, NUCA’s Vice President, Kamal Fahmy, told reported
Borsa. The first phase of the project will include 2,832 units, Amwal Alghad. The new projects are part of the second phase
while the second phase will include 1,800 units. The project will of the government’s public-private partnership (PPP) program,
also include facilities such as water and electricity, gas, and tel- according to Fahmy, and will be located in New Beni Suef, New
ecommunications as part of the services that will be offered as Minya, New Assiut, and New Tiba. NUCA is said to currently
part of Dar Misr project, as well as two schools, a nursery, and carry a knowledge bank of all details about the investor includ-
two commercial building according to Adel Al Nagar, Head of ing the authority’s assessment, approvals to provide lands, and
the Development Committee of 10th of Ramadan City, stated- guarantees. The first stage of PPP projects was launched dur-
Shorouk News. ing Egypt’s Economic Development Conference held in Sharm
El-Sheikh in March 2015.

Al Wadi Al Gedid Invests EGP 71 M in Slum

Development Suez Governorate Announce 47,000 Square
The Governorate of New Valley (Al Wadi Al Gedid) started im- Meters for Residential, Tourism Projects
plementing the first phase of its plan to develop its slum areas Approximately 47,000 square meters will be assigned for
at costs of EGP 71 million, reported Al Borsa. The governorate residential and tourism projects in Suez, which investors can
seeks to develop areas of Old Nowt and Islamic Balatt during reserve starting next month, stated Hassan Kamal, Head of
the first phase in collaboration with the general project of ren- Housing Committee in Suez, reported Al Borsa. Kamal added
ovating slums, according to Mahmoud Ashmawy, New Valley that the land is divided in to five areas within the governorate
Governor, Plans include the improvement of other areas in- and has been priced in collaboration with Ministry of Invest-
cluding Dakhla and Kharga, Paris area, and Farfra; in addition ment. Six plots of land were previously showcased and sold
to well as preserving areas of antiquities that are endangered out of a total of 17 land plots, constituting 40% of the total land.
to collapse. Kamal also mentioned that Suez has appointed EGP 140 mil-
lion for several projects, such as sanitation, electricity, water,
and residential.


The Key to Egypt’s Future:

New Alamein Eco-City By Ahnie Litecky


Egypt’s official tourism website describes

the Mediterranean city of Alamein as the
“key to Egypt.” This Mediterranean city,
located halfway between Alexandria and
Marsa Matrouh, is famous for witnessing
several World War II battles. The Egyp-
tian government has targeted the country’s
north west coast for development and New
Alamein, a multi-billion pound eco-city de-
signed to boost the country’s economy, will
be an important part of that long-term goal.
With initial construction underway on New
Alamein, a more apt name may soon be
“key to Egypt’s future.”
Construction Underway
New Alamein, to be built at an estimat-
ed initial cost of EGP 2 billion, is one of works. In October of last year, Minister The first phase of infrastructure and fa-
multiple new urban centers that the gov- of Housing, Utilities and Urban Commu- cilities construction should be complet-
ernment has planned to accommodate nities, Moustafa Madbouly, announced ed in two years at an estimated cost of
a booming population, curb unemploy- that the project was underway with road EGP 1.5 billion, according to Daily News
ment, and help the economy. network surveys and designs. The Arab Egypt.
Contractors Company was working to
Former Prime Minister, Ibrahim Mahlab, Infrastructure and facilities construction
prep road network sites.
announced the establishment of New is handled 3 different entities, each cov-
Alamein at a press conference in August Kamal Fahmy, Vice President of the Au- ering different areas.
2014. He stated, “…the new city falls un- thority of New Urban Communities for
Foreign investors are pursuing a stake
der the ‘fourth generation of new cities’ Development, said that the Arab Con-
in the new city project, which would also
meaning that the infrastructure will be tractors’ Company has been assigned
provide a boost to the Egyptian econo-
eco-oriented, aiming at sustainable de- to implement drinking water, sanitation,
my. A French delegation that met with
velopment, exploring water desalination drainage, irrigation, electricity, communi-
Madbouly in mid-April expressed inter-
and other renewable energy methods,” cations, and civil works on about 1,466
est in investment opportunities in mul-
according to Cairo Post. acres. The Egyptian Contracting Com-
tiple Egyptian projects, including New
pany (Mokhtar Ibrahim) will build roads,
The Ministry of Housing aims to complete Alamein. Representatives of UAE’s Abu
drinking water, sanitation, drainage, ir-
the first phase of construction by 2020. Dhabi Investment Authority have also
rigation, electricity and civil works on
This initial phase will be completed on shown interest in investment in New
another space of about 284 acres. The
an area of 41,000 acres. An additional Alamein housing projects.
company has also been contracted to im-
8,000 acres will be set aside for an In- plement drinking water, sanitation, drain- After the groundwork is laid, the Minis-
ternational Tourism Zone. A further 13 age, irrigation, electricity, and civil works try of Housing plans to offer projects on
kilometers along the shoreline will be on an additional space of about 250 areas of up to 2,000 acres to investors,
designated for public beaches. The city acres. The Armed Forces Engineering according to a statement from the Min-
will feature housing for all income levels. will complete all road works on an area istry of Housing. Next year the Ministry
A general plan for the new city is in the totalling 1,717 acres. of Housing will begin construction on
10,000 residential units in New Alamein.
These government-subsidized units will
hopefully encourage workers to move to
the new city.
Other planned projects for the new city
include an industrial zone, business
zone, educational zone, medical center,
universities, renewable energy stations,
and a global tourism center.
A New Kind of Egyptian City
New Alamein is one of several “eco-cit-
ies” the Egyptian government is working
towards building. An eco-city aims to im-
plement “a wide range of environmental,
social, and institutional policies that are
directed to managing urban spaces to
achieve sustainability,” according to Ho-
sam K. El Ghorab and Heidi A. Shalaby,
who wrote about eco-cities in a February

2016 article in the Alexandria Engineer-

ing Journal. An eco-city also provides an
adequate living standard without deplet-
ing the surrounding ecosystem.
The Egyptian government expects New
Alamein to rely on renewable resources.
Plans for the city include a desalinization
plant, solar energy, and other renewable
sources. A shift towards an eco-friend-
ly model of city building could help miti-
gate Egypt’s long-term issues with water
shortages and the ongoing energy crisis.
Northwest Coast Development Project
The construction of New Alamein is part billion) investment to be demined, with
late May 2016 the Egyptian government
of the Northwest Coast Development cost ranging between EGP 2,600 – EGP
received an EGP 222 billion ($25 billion)
Project, a large-scale government plan 8,800 ($300- $1000) per mine.
loan to finance construction of a nuclear
to generate economic growth, improve
power station in Dabaa, located west of
social and living conditions for local com- Water scarcity is another issue that chal-
Alexandria. The loan will cover 85% of
munities, increase infrastructure, and lenges development of New Alamein and
construction, while the Egyptian govern-
provide housing and job opportunities for the northwest coast in general. There
ment will provide the rest of the funding.
millions of Egyptians. The Egyptian gov- are limited quantities of surface wa-
The government has almost finalized
ernment inaugurated this project in 2014. ter available in the region and it mostly
plans with the Russian nuclear firm Ro-
The Northwest Coast Development Pro- comes from rainfall during the winter
satom to construct the power plant. Con-
ject could provide roughly 11 million job season. With improved infrastructure,
struction should be completed by 2022.
opportunities by the project’s expected this water could be captured and used for
completion in 2052. Challenge to Development: Land irrigation. Groundwater resources are
mines and Water more extensive but much of the water is
To achieve these lofty goals, the Egyptian brackish and water quality varies great-
government aims to establish interna- The site for New Alamein was chosen
ly from place to place and seasonally.
tionally renowned tourism centers, indus- specifically to attract surplus population
Treated water is pumped from Alexandria
try, agriculture, and urban communities from the Nile valley and because it pro-
through the Marsa Matrouh Governorate,
in the northwest coast region, which ex- vides opportunities for economic and
but there is often insufficient water. The
tends 500 kilometers from El Alamein to social development. The New Alamein
Egyptian government recognizes the wa-
Salloum. With acres of available land, site is in close proximity to Alexandria.
ter scarcity issue and has plans to build
including grazing land; resources such However, the region does face ongoing
a desalination plant in Alamein. The pub-
as dolomite, limestone, natural gas, and issues that will need to be addressed for
lic-private partnership unit of the Minis-
crude oil; and multiple tourist attractions, the New Alamein project to come to fru-
try of Finance plans to offer the Alamein
such as beaches, monuments, and mon- ition.
desalination project to investors before
asteries, the northwest coast is a prime Landmines are a major issue facing the the end of the fiscal year. However, until
spot for economic development. development of New Alamein and the funding is secured, the problem of water-
Infrastructure and Energy northwest coast in general. There were ing New Alamein remains a serious chal-
an estimated 17.5 million land mines left lenge.
Improving infrastructure in the region will
behind by World War II troops in many
also play an important role in building up A City for the Future
areas of the Western Desert. While the
the northwest coast. Roads are need- If New Alamein lives up to its many prom-
Egyptian military has been working to
ed to improve access to the region and ises, then the city will have a significant
remove landmines since 1983, there are
through the National Roads project, the impact on Egypt’s future. The timely and
still millions buried and unexploded ordi-
Egyptian government has begun renovat- successful completion of New Alamein
nances spread throughout the Alamein
ing roads in the north coast region. The could provide a model for how Egypt should
135 kilometer Wadi Al Natrun-Alamein address many serious issues: what to do
road that connects Wadi Al Natrun area In anticipation of construction projects
with the growing urban population around
in Beheira governorate to Alamein was the Egyptian military has cleared by the
the Nile River, water shortages, the energy
recently renovated at a cost of EGP 1.9 end of 2015 26,190 acres of landmines
crisis, economic instability, high unemploy-
billion, and included upgrades, toll gates, on the New Alamein site. The Egyptian
ment. If New Alamein is a success, then it
and the addition of a third lane. The ren- government, United Nations Develop-
could also be the first of many eco-city pro-
ovations were partly undertaken to en- ment Program, the United States Agency
jects in Egypt that address broader global
courage tourism between Cairo and the for International Development, and the
issues of climate change and sustainability.
northern coast, said Transportation Min- European Union, have all supported and
New Alamein represents a new perspective
istry spokesperson Ayman al-Sheraie in worked together to fund costly demining
on city planning and construction and can
2015, according to Nile Net. activities in the north west coast. The
help lead Egypt into a sustainable future.
Egyptian government estimated in 2009
Egypt has big plans for developing clean
that the Alamein fields alone would re-
energy options on the northwest coast. In
quire more than an EGP 177 billion ($20

What Happened in New Obour City?

By Fatma Khaled

In efforts to expand the reach of urban New Obour City ownership through procedures that were
landscape, moving away from the con- set by the ministry, whereas the applica-
The total area of the New Obour City is
gested banks of the Nile, the government tion deadline ends at the end of Septem-
58,914.4 acres, as the new borders of
has launched numerous new cities, in- ber.
the city will include borders of a gate that
cluding New Obour City.
is located at east of 10th of Ramadan Ownership Validation
The land on which the city was planned City. The city’s entrances are set to be
“We will not seize any land from any of
was originally designated for agriculture from the Ismailia Desert Road and west
the current owners, but we will not allow
purposes, with 16,672 acres falling under of Nahda Road, and south of the Ismailia/
any informal settlements. We are cur-
the jurisdiction of the Public Authority for Cairo Desert Road.
rently in the process of regulating land
Reconstruction Projects and Agriculture
The decision was followed by the Hous- activity in the region, to transform it from
Development, in addition to 16,649 acres
ing Ministry assigning the Obour City agriculture activity into urban activity,”
of agricultural land that were set under
Authority to take over the lands, confirm- said Minister of Housing, Utilities, and
the jurisdiction of New Urban Communi-
ing state ownership over them based on Urban Communities, Mostafa Madbouly,
ties Authority (NUCA).
the issued presidential decree for 2016, in a meeting with representatives of the
However, a presidential decree issued which also stipulates that the Egyptian entities and associations with properties
earlier this year redefines the borders of Armed Forces owns six plots within the in the new city. The meeting was held in
the city in efforts to transform it from ag- city, measuring a total of 13,770 acres, response to mounting uncertainty among
riculture activity to an urban community, while the NUCA owns the remaining land owners, in fear of losing ownership
due to what Housing Minister Mostafa 45,145 acres. to their properties.
Madbouly described as “the scarcity of
As a result of the decision, original land Owners were requested to prove own-
water in such areas that makes it unrelia-
owners were uncertain on how to act ership of land within the areas that fall
ble for agriculture.”
upon the lands following the declaration inside the borders of the city by submit-
The move has stirred quite some drama, that is was state-owned land. Madbouly ting documentation proving ownership.
between proof of ownership, required released statements later assuring land 62,000 applicants –to date- have submit-
documentation, and removal of illegal owners that the government would not ted their ownership documents for vali-
encroachments. seize any lands from owners, however dation, according to Amin Ghonim Head
noting that owners had to validate their of Obour City Authority, and the person


responsible for arranging matters related the new borders will abide by the new au- to Ghoneim, who also confirmed that the
to the new city. thority, according to Ragaa Fouad, Vice removal orders came as a result of build-
President of NUCA. ing without a license in the fourth district,
The procedures for land validation also
increasing the heights of some buildings,
included owners preparing and submit- Building Violations
and store owners who built walls, which
ting only documents detailing any activity
The Ministry of Housing has announced is considered a construction violation.
that was previously undertaken on the
that any building violations will be fined
land plots by owners and prove that they The Housing Ministry has taken over the
and removed, encouraging land own-
are the original owners, added Ghonim. vacant lands in efforts to develop pro-
ers to validate their lands. Meanwhile,
jects in various sectors. Around 12,240
NUCA previously held several meetings Ghoneim, has confirmed that there are
residential units are currently being con-
with the Ministry of Housing and other campaigns for the closure and remov-
structed and 15,000 residential units are
housing associations to decide on the als of building violations, including some
being implemented by the Armed Forces,
conditions for reconciling land ownership shops located on the main road of the
according to Kamal Fahmy, Vice Chair-
amid the announcement of the presiden- first district, which is considered one of
man of the NUCA.
tial decree that outlined borders. The au- the first neighborhoods in the city. Addi-
thority will also be deciding on the fees tionally, NUCA has ordered the removal Future plans in New Obour City have
that will be paid in order to proceed with of residential buildings that turned their not been announced to date, nor has the
land’s activity after the deadline for ap- ground floors into unauthorized commer- head of the newly established authority
plications. cial shops and administrative units and for the city bee appointed.
has deviated from serving residential
One of the strategic plans for the new city The city’s proximity to Cairo is believed to
is that it will have a separate administra- increase land value sharply in the coming
tive body from the current Obour City, Around 123 removal orders have been years, especially as further commercial
where all privately owned lands within implemented against violators, according and residential expansions take place.


Everything You Need to Know About

Property Mortgage in Egypt By Noha Abdel Bary

Despite the housing boom in Egypt, and to low- and middle-income homebuyers. ers with a chance to build their homes,”
the myriad payment options that have The EGP 10 billion will be loaned out to the Chairman of the Egyptian Financial
recently become available to buyers, local banks by the CBE at low interest Supervisory Authority (EFSA), Sherif S.
mortgages have nonetheless maintained rates, with a 20-year repayment period. Samy, told Daily News Egypt in an inter-
a limited popularity, despite being wide- In turn, mortgage loans will be provided view.
spread in other parallel markets interna- to low- and middle-income buyers with
The Mortgage Finance Fund, a subsidi-
tionally. Aiming to tackle this issue, and a 7% and 8% interest rate respectively.
ary of the CBE, regulates the entire mort-
to moreover bridge the housing gap, the Mortgage loans are defined as loans in
gage scheme in Egypt.
Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) launched which the purchased house is put up as
its mortgage financing initiative in 2014, collateral for the loan, wherein a buyer In February 2016, new amendments were
aiming to provide EGP 10 billion to banks who defaults on a loan is subject to hav- introduced to CBE’s initiative. Under the
to provide mortgage loans to homebuy- ing his/her house repossessed. new agreements, low-income individu-
ers. als earning less than EGP 1,400 will be
“Egypt is an equities market where mort-
qualified for a loan at an interest rate of
The initiative was forestalled for a peri- gage is a developing field, however it still
5% instead of 7%. Down payments have
od of time, but picked up again last April is considered to be inadequate and with
been reduced to EGP 12,000 instead of
when banks withdrew EGP 1 billion of the the initiative launched by the CBE, fi-
EGP 15,000, with governments providing
allocated EGP 10 billion to begin loaning nancing mortgages provides home seek-

an incentive to banks to finance income There are always two sides to every story “The investment culture in the domestic
brackets that may have difficulty obtain- and Egyptians are considering properties market classifies real estate and land in-
ing proof of income through insurance to be a way of guaranteed and sound vestments as the safest investment sec-
policies. investment. The value of the Egyptian tors nowadays” as Tarek Shoukry, Chair-
pound is declining and where to invest man of Arabia Group puts it. Shoukry
Mortgage Firms
the money and which construction pro- posited a rather important claim that the
Other than banks, there are numerous jects and units to focus on is a fundamen- real estate industry is on the rise and is
firms in Egypt specializing in finance tal part of the process of property mort- guaranteed to not decline and so using
mortgage loans. A few examples of mort- gage in Egypt. The value of the currency the money to invest in houses instead
gage firms include the Egyptian Housing is diminishing against a plethora of real of safe boxes at banks is the safest type
Finance Company (EHFC), Tamweel estate property and striking the balance of investment in Egypt today. Compared
Mortgage Finance, Sakan Finance, Al is challenging. The benefit of using the to the US, hardly any hard transactions
Ahly Mortgage Finance, Taamir Mort- mortgage system to finance a property take place, cards are being used for any
gage Company, Arab African Internation- lies in investing in current investments payments and mortgages are being in-
al Mortgage Finance, Egyptian Mortgage against an inevitable increase in prices vested in on every given chance, while
Refinance Company, Al Naeem Mort- of real estate properties by a minimum in Egypt no one uses mortgages, and the
gage Finance Company, Amlak for Real of 15% increase annually; Ayman Sami, CBE’s initiative would be utilized to pump
Estate, among others. Country Head of Jones Lang Lasalle money for investment purposes and cash
(JLL), stated that annually a 5% to 15% is would only be used in the form of build-
Islamic Mortgage
added to residential units and properties. ings and houses and not for transaction
The Egyptian Financial Supervisory Au- While currency depreciation is not a nov- purposes.
thority has provided the Islamic banks ice concept, the best method of investing
There is always room to invest, how-
with regulations under mortgage financ- the money available needs studying.
ever, finding the right opportunity in the
ing. As a result Faisal Islamic Bank
Following the launch of the property right moment is an integral opportunity
assigned EGP 200 million for individ-
mortgage initiative, real estate projects to grasp and the abovementioned lists of
uals who comply with low and middle-in-
have taken leads and have topped lists firms to invest in and types of mortgages
of news agencies and news announce- listed would ease the process of com-
Islamic mortgage is believed to develop ments. Other benefits for using property mitting to a life-long asset. The CBE’s
and sustain applicable Islamic laws, reg- mortgage lie in building and sustaining specific regulations of how much money
ulations and principles to financial trans- consumers’ confidence, which would be an individual can borrow depending on
actions. Unlike a traditional mortgage attained through CBE’s system regula- their income level ensures a smooth re-
system where the money borrower is giv- tions. payment system of how much money in-
en a certain amount, which is then repaid dividuals can eventually pay back which
Real estate is an embodiment of profit mak-
with interest, Islamic mortgage is based guarantees an efficient overall system.
ing and a safe haven; the prices keep ris-
upon the Islamic funding principles of a From an economical point of view, per-
ing and the value of the Egyptian currency
co-ownership and leasing, according to taining to certain property mortgage per-
keeps decreasing, and so investing now is
Al Rayan Bank. centages would reduce the burden on
the best solution to an economic rise. The
banks, and therefore, boost the credibili-
The Investment Benefits of Mortgages majority of investors in Egypt favor real es-
ty of customers and this would achieve a
tate investments compared to investments
Property Mortgage in Egypt has opened win-win system.
in other liquid assets such as shares, gold,
new segments of investment, a new
or bank certificates, said Ahmed Al Masou-
scheme of property financing is to reflect
di, the CEO of AqarMap, in an interview with
on the rapidly expanding Egyptian mar-
Daily News Egypt.
kets, such as the real estate market.


FDI in the Residential Market: A Closer Look By Tim Nanns

The multitude of building projects across come buyers, but also the region of or- the top tiers of real estate companies list-
Egypt’s various construction sites is near- igin of their investors – they are almost ed at the Egyptian stock market.
ly endless, from huge, narrow apartment exclusively from Gulf countries like Sau-
Another major player in the residential
buildings for lower-income households, di-Arabia, Qatar, and the UAE. Some of
market is Qatari Diar. Despite strained re-
to the luxurious shopping malls springing the companies running these residential
lationships between Egypt and its home
up all over the main population hubs. development projects are joint ventures,
country, the company is developing sev-
some exclusively owned by their foreign
Built with a similar view to luxury as these eral large-scale projects in the Greater
malls are the housing schemes in resi- Cairo area: with New Giza and City Gate
dential projects geared towards mid- to Current Market Activity – over 1,500 and around 2,100 acres in
high-income earners. With the exception size respectively – it features two major
Probably the largest investors in the
of government-funded social housing upscale developments. Additionally, it is
housing sector is the UAE’s Emaar Misr,
projects, the flags flying over these resi- also building the St. Regis Nile Corniche
the Egypt-based subsidiary of Emaar
dential projects are often those of foreign complex, which involves an upscale hotel
Properties. Its CEO, Mohamed El-Da-
construction or investment companies. and serviced apartments. The New Giza
han, labelled his company as one of the
and City Gate projects are both designed
Though foreign investors are also in- largest foreign direct investors in Egypt,
as integrated communities, with parks,
volved in low- to middle-income residen- in a March interview with Daily News
hotels, clubs and golf courses.
tial projects, like the Kuwaiti firm Al Ju- Egypt. Indeed, Emaar Misr has a num-
wisry which is running a social housing ber of projects under development, most Among the prominent developers is the
project in 6th of October City, high-in- prominently Mivida and Uptown Cairo in joint venture Saudi-Egyptian Construc-
come buyers are the main focus of for- the Greater Cairo area and Marassi at tion Company (SECON), established
eign companies. the North Coast. It also achieved a 21.2% through an international agreement be-
growth in sales from 2014 to 2015, from tween the two countries in 1975. In 2015,
What most residential projects have
EGP 7.1 billion to 8.6 billion, taking it to the company announced its plans to
in common are of course their high-in-

build two residential towers overlooking for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI), equality between local and foreign inves-
the Nile in the Maadi district in Cairo, in- stating that there are now about six times tors when acquiring lands, entailing pro-
cluding a five-star Hilton Hotel with a to- as many companies on the market as visions for voluntary liquidation within a
tal investment of approximately EGP 1.6 in 2015, while the capital invested rose 120-day deadline.
billion. more than tenfold – signifying a peak in
Main issues foreign investors are still
the incentive climate for FDI in the boom-
What is notable about SECON’s projects facing however include the transfer of
ing real estate industry.
is their sheer number, though they mostly foreign exchange out of Egypt since larg-
lack the scale of Marseilia’s, Emaar’s or Surprisingly, the UK accounted for 41.5% er transfers need to be approved by the
Qatari Diar’s community projects. of foreign investment into Egypt, ac- CBE. According to a 2015 report by the
cording to Santander’s 2014/15 figures, US State Department, legitimate trans-
Moreover, across Egypt’s North and East
while the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait fers can sometimes be delayed for sev-
coasts, Egyptian-Gulf company Marseil-
together comprised only 17.5% of the eral months. In light of the recent curren-
ia is building a range of residential units
investments. However, since there has cy crisis, currency-related issues like this
with investments worth EGP 1.7 billion in
been an enormous rise of companies are not likely to vanish anytime soon.
2016 and 2017, the company’s chairman
working in the real estate sector, and in
Yasser Ragab told Al Borsa in August. Additionally, there are legal restrictions on
lights the major trend towards foreign
The main focus of its flagship projects the number of foreign workers in foreign
investors coming from the Gulf, it is es-
are beach communities on the North companies working in Egypt. The OECD
timated that the UAE and Saudi Arabia
Coast and near Alexandria. Further, ac- further stated in a 2014 report that, de
together account for the largest share of
cording to Ragab, in an interview with facto, foreign personnel are not permit-
FDI in the residential market.
Daily News Egypt, the company aims to ted in certain sectors, calling for codifica-
achieve sales of EGP 1bn this year, de- Opportunities and Challenges Faced tion of these limits or their abolishment.
spite planning to deliver only 824 housing by Foreign Investors Another issue is law no. 89 governing
units this year, down from 1,470 last year. tenders, which allows the government
The residential sector in Egypt is natu-
Ragab also stated that social housing ac- to prioritize bids from domestic contrac-
rally driven by an extremely fast-grow-
counts for 70% of Marseilia’s 8,000 cli- tors over foreign ones when awarding
ing population, and the attendant surge
ents, and it would thus compete for land contracts, which could dissuade some
in demand. This compounds an existing
offered by the Ministry of Housing, aiming foreign companies from even competing
housing crisis due to the inability of the
to implement social projects in the Nile over government contracts.
government to meet current demand.
Delta, Upper Egypt and Cairo.
Nonetheless, despite these problems
Colliers International estimated the resi-
Last but not least is Capital Group Prop- foreign investors might face when invest-
dential market to require 500,000 units in
erties (CGP), owned by Abu Dhabi Capi- ing into Egypt, the recent improvements
2020, which entails an annual demand of
tal Group and Al Ain Properties. It started of the legal framework – specifically tar-
90,000-100,000 units, with annual sup-
its first project on the Egyptian market geting foreign investment – were large-
ply meeting only half the demand. Of the
– labelled Al Burouj – this year. Accord- ly praised for improving the investment
total demand, 77% is generated by mid-
ing to CGP, the project aims to establish climate, as highlighted by the US State
dle-income Egyptians.
an integrated urban community between Department report.
the Suez and Ismailia Desert Roads on This, however, does not account for the
What makes Egypt’s residential mar-
1,212 acres, at an investment volume of great numbers of high-end and luxurious
ket of Egypt so attractive for investors
EGP 40 billion. CGP claims its new pro- housing currently under construction in
in general, not just foreign ones, is the
ject will create housing for all segments Egypt. Incentives for foreign capital in-
aforementioned steadily high population
of society. volve a weak Egyptian pound, currently
growth, which guarantees a high demand
in a severe crisis after a recent 13% de-
FDI in the Residential Market: for housing units. However, the tradition-
preciation of its value, changing hands at
The Figures al role of real estate as a safe haven for
EGP 8.88 per dollar in Egyptian banks,
investments plays a part in this: with the
To delve deeper into the matter, foreign and at far higher rates in the unofficial
Egyptian pound in a perilous situation
direct investments (FDI) are by defini- market, with analysts expecting further
and inflation as a very real risk, many
tion direct investments or investments by devaluation.
people consider real estate as a safe in-
companies in which foreign shareholders
Additionally, the government has recently vestment opportunity.
have at least 10% stake, though some
made an effort to attract foreign inves-
definitions put the percentage at 25. Furthermore, as Egypt’s mid- to high-in-
tors with flagship conferences, like the
come residents – particularly those in
While figures on FDI in residential pro- Egypt Economic Development Confer-
large urban cities – seek to move further
jects are scarce, numbers from 2014/15 ence (EEDC) in 2015, but also with an
away from urban centers and the con-
by Santander show that construction improved legal framework for FDI, like
gestion and other issues associated with
and real estate together only amounted offering a range of incentives to foreign
them, demand for a new kind of housing
to roughly 3.6% of the total FDI flowing investors and reducing the bureaucracy
has been established. In turn, foreign in-
into Egypt. According to the UNCTAD’s surrounding foreign business activities.
vestors have sought to take advantage
World Investment Report the total FDI in
The investment law, which was amend- of this urban sprawl, effectively changing
Egypt has risen by 14.1% and 49.3% in
ed days prior to the EEDC, introduces the landscape of Egypt’s property mar-
2014 and 2015 respectively. In particular,
incentives for foreign investors, includ- ket.
the real estate sector has made improve-
ing, but not limited to, reduced customs,
ments in terms of easing investment
reduced sales tax rates, and ensuring
procedures with the General Authority

The Influence of FDI Investment on Egypt’s

Commercial Real Estate By Julian Nabil

Viewed as one of Egypt’s stronger in- (GRETI), reaching the Semi-Transpar- tail space in 2015, increasing total mall-
dustries, real estate ventures have been ent category, which is a sound indicator based retail space to around 1.3 million
on the rise despite economic conditions. of the positive trend the local market is square meters, according to a report by
With state efforts in attracting investment currently experiencing. Among the con- JLL.
to numerous sectors, many investors, es- tributing factors to the boost, is the flow of
The market saw the launch of a number
pecially foreigners, have begun directing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), namely
of large mixed-use commercial projects
capital towards one of the underserved from Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia
and the development of existing projects
segments of the industry, commercial and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
in the recent years.
In terms of figures, public and private
One of the most known Saudi’s commer-
Including office buildings and retail devel- capital poured into the real estate mar-
cial projects is Citystars Heliopolis which
opments, commercial real estate is con- ket as a whole stood at a total of EGP
was launched in 2004 with total invest-
sidered by many as a promising sector 47.5 billion ($5.3billion) in the previous
ments over EGP 800 million. The mixed-
as statistics have shown a significant de- fiscal year of 2014/2015, according the
use development, which includes Citys-
mand supply gap. According to a report Ministry of Housing. Similarly, the Cen-
tars, office buildings and other facilities,
by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), demand for tral Bank of Egypt (CBE) reported that
is managed by Golden Pyramids Plaza.
Gross Leasable Areas (GLA) in Egypt is investments pumped in the real estate
expected to climb to 3.28 million square market by foreign investors, in the same Launched late November 2013, Cairo
meters, while currently supply stands at fiscal year, account for 6% of total FDI in Festival City (CFC) is another major pro-
only 1.3 million square meters, rendering the Egyptian market. ject that contributed to the standing of the
the market a profitable venture, at least local commercial market. Developed by
Market Overview – FDI in Retail
by figures. Al-Futtaim Group Real Estate, part of Du-
The retail market, in terms of real es- bai-based Al-Futtaim Group (MAF), the
In recent years, Egypt’s commercial real
tate, has continued to maintain a robust project was constructed with investments
estate market became on more solid
growth since 2015, with vacancy rates reaching EGP 7 billion.
footing than it has been before, serving
falling 14% year-on-year in the second
as a hedge against the stock market vol- Additionally, MAF is currently developing
quarter (Q2) of 2016, despite the rise of
atility. It is also largely seen as a safe ha- a mega retail project, Mall of Egypt, in 6th
rental rates by 13% year-on-year during
ven against inflation and the devaluation of October City with total investments of
the same quarter, reflecting the persis-
of the Egyptian pound due to its high re- EGP 4.9 billion. The project is expected
tently growing demand.
turns on investment (ROI). to be finalized in Q4 2016.
Being positioned in a very dynamic tier,
The country has moved up to fourth The UAE developer has also launched
Cairo saw the completion of around
place within the MENA region in the 2016 other landmark shopping destinations in
93,000 square meters of additional re-
Global Real Estate Transparency Index Egypt; City Centre Maadi and City Cen-

tre Alexandria, with a total investment of

around EGP 2.5 billion. The company is
also in the preparation phase of a EGP
2 billion expansion of City Center Maadi,
according to Mouien Al Madhoun, MAF
Chief Human Capital Officer, interview
with Daily News Egypt.
In early January 2016, the company un-
veiled plans to start a third City Centre
project, the new City Centre Almaza, with
an investment of over EGP 4 billion. The
new project is expected to open its doors
in 2019.
A similarly prominent commercial project
is Mall of Arabia, with its phases one and
two hitting EGP 5 billion in investments.
The mall’s owner, Saudi-based Fawaz
Abdulaziz Al Hokair, earlier announced
plans for a third phase which is still under
Furthermore, Dubai’s Emaar Properties
launched Emaar Square in the Mokat-
tam area within its Uptown Cairo project,
which is expected to be finalized in 2017.
The venture is worth EGP 12.8 billion
in investments, EGP 3 billion of which
will be directed towards construction of
Egypt’s largest open mall.
The market has also started to see the
entry of Arab investors outside the gulf
region, such as Libyan HNS Group, own-
er of Sun City Mall; a project worth EGP Overlooking the main CFC Boulevard,
3 billion in investment. the Southern Business District has been
There are also some concerns that rising
divided into several phases. The first
Market Overview – FDI in Office Space investment inflows into the commercial
of which was launched in 2012 and in-
property market may lead to oversupply
The office buildings market is also pick- cludes two buildings with an area of
or a potential asset bubble. However, the
ing up, especially grade A offices in east 40,000 square meters; while the second
market is backed by strong demand that
and west Cairo, which have witnessed phase includes five buildings with around
will help to protect it from any steep fall,
increasing demand during the past peri- 50,000 square meters.
according to Oxford Business Group.
od. It is believed that tenants, when able Challenges and Market Resilience
to, tend to relocate to quality office space In order to better understand the percep-
with better geographical locations. Although the Egyptian government is fo- tion of the impact of FDI on the sector,
cused on fostering a better investment Invest-Gate asked its readers about the
The rise of entrepreneurial start-ups, environment, foreign investment flow is expected influence of the currently flow
especially ones focused on technology still facing roadblocks. of foreign investment on the sector, a
and mobile applications reflect a grow- whopping 62.5% believed that FDI is of
ing need for small office space. In 2015 Unlike the residential market where rev-
moderate influence on the real estate
alone 31,000 square meters were added enue stream begins with the announce-
sector’s performance.
to the market, bringing the current total ment of the project, and ROI is relatively
to 92,000 square meters based on JLL covered in a short period, commercial Despite all the economic challenges
estimates. property requires longer periods to cover facing Egypt, the commercial real es-
its initial capital investment. Part of this tate sector has succeeded to maintain
While the need for business space is investment is land, and higher land pric- a buoyant performance with the capital
increasing, supply is also growing as es offered by the state are straining prof- it has continued to attract from investors
developers have ramped up their office itability prospects. The price increase is both local and foreign. Being considered
projects. As part of CFC project worth mainly attributed to the state’s continued as a safe investment for many, such
EGP 19 billion in investments, the Busi- monopoly over the sale of land, Egyp- fast-expanding industry will contribute to
ness District was launched to address tian Businessmen’s Association’s (EBA) the recovery of the overall economy by
the growing need for business space. Chairman, Hussein Sabour said, adding bringing in more inflows of hard curren-
The project is divided to the Northern that the state role should focus on mon- cy, as well as securing more employment
District and Southern District, offering a itoring and supervising land-offering pro- opportunities to balance out the recent
combined total of 250,000 square meters cedures. rise in unemployment.
of premium office space.

Why Invest in Income Property? By Fatma Khaled

Despite the instability of the Egyptian from the property. Among the pioneers of Successful Examples
market over the past few years, it has income property in the Egyptian market
A vibrant example is Porto Group, a sub-
become common knowledge that one are Porto Group, Brouj Egypt, and Italian
sidiary of Amer Group, one of the most
market has withstood the repeated eco- Square.
prominent developers in the Middle East
nomic shocks and has managed to flour-
Income property is defined as earning and North Africa. Porto Group managed
ish against the overarching downwards
income through renting, leasing, or price to develop projects in several destina-
appreciation of a property that can be res- tions that combine residential, retail, of-
Real estate is perhaps the only industry idential or commercial, where residential fice spaces and international restaurants.
that continues to see tremendous growth properties are referred to as “non-own-
Porto Group operates mainly on four vital
amid the complications of the economy, er occupied” that carry a mortgage of a
interlinked lines of business that include
with many—both investors and individu- higher interest rate than that of an “own-
not only real estate, but also malls, ho-
als alike—relying on it as the safe haven er-occupied” mortgage.
tels, facilities’ management and sales,
for investing their cash.
The Egyptian market is currently filled and vacation club services.
Seeking to set themselves apart in a high- with real estate developers and compa-
The company states that it provides fa-
ly competitive sector, a number of com- nies that offer the service of managing
cilities management and maintenance
panies have segued into a new branch those income properties, a process of-
for all of its developments, offering many
of the real estate market, offering rental ten referred to as property management.
retail spaces in its recently established
and management of properties as a ser- This involves the management of per-
entities, and some found in Porto devel-
vice offered alongside their regular prop- sonal property, tooling, systems, physical
opments, which have sold approximately
erty market, promising that in conjunc- capital assets, and manpower required
19,571 units since 2005.
tion with the regular appreciation of the to maintain acquisition, control, account-
property value, the buyer will also benefit ability, maintenance, utilization and dis- Porto Group is not the only real estate
from a regular flow of income generated position. company that provides such services;

many competitors have emerged recent- buildings rather than old ones, which is value can be funded by a financial insti-
ly to the scene, such as Italian Square, considered a form of an income property tution.
which mainly focuses on running and investment.
The Indian investment market has wit-
managing properties for its owners.
There are two primary factions behind nessed advantages behind income prop-
Italian Square is a commercial brand that the expected increase in demand, ac- erties, including confirmation by Indian
was developed and managed by Misr Ita- cording to the company’s analysis; multi- private bankers and clients of wealth
lia, which focuses on running the unit and national businesses seeking a presence management firms that they have strate-
renting it with what they describe on their in Egypt and Middle Eastern companies gically started investing in income com-
website as a guaranteed income that in- that have recently started to relocate in mercial properties because of the gained
creases annually. Egypt to escape avoid the challenging assets that can protect their portfolios
environments and cost of operating in from inflation and stock market instability.
The company the focused on renting and
Dubai and Lebanon.
managing an investor’s business offering Another potential advantage, which can
approximately 119 retail, administrative, “Our current projects include properties also be found in the Egyptian market of
and service units for coffee shops, offic- in North Coast resorts, where customers income properties, is the availability of
es, clinics, nurseries, beauty centers, etc. buy a residential chalet at a starting price chances for small investors who can in-
of EGP 650,000 and sign a contract with vest in newly-built retail units and offices
The company has stated on its website
the resort’s hotel that will be further re- of smaller spaces.
that their main goal is to develop a high-
sponsible for attaining the monthly rental
er return on investment (ROI) than from Investors, however, also face a number
rate and providing maintenance before
other sectors, such as banking, the stock of challenging potential disadvantages
offering it for rent,” said Ayman Kamel, a
market, and real estate investments. in the market when running an income
sales administration employee at Brouj.
property, which include the unstable in-
According to Misr Italia, it is internation-
Considerations before Investing in In- crease of net rental income; according to
ally recognized that the return real estate
come Properties the Global Property Guide, it is taxed at
commercial investment reaches 18%; a
progressive rates ranging between 20%
number that is uncontested in any invest- Considering the challenging investment
and 30%.
ment project. climate in Egypt and the volatility of the
Egyptian pound against the US dollar, One example is the rental control in Del-
The company recently began selling its
some Egyptian real estate companies hi, which is based on the maximum annu-
commercial units in the final phase of its
advise investors to answer certain ques- al rent, i.e. 10% of the construction cost
projects in New Cairo and 6thof October
tions before investing in an income prop- and the land’s price, which are assessed
City, which boast a modern design and
erty in order to cut potential losses. based on historical value rather than the
superb location, with shops, cafes, res-
property’s current value in the market.
taurants, banks, and nurseries, a sales- Investors must decide on several factors,
person told Invest-Gate. including whether they will invest in a unit Similar to Egyptian investors, Indian in-
for accommodation or investment, the vestors may face trouble as landlords in
She also added that customers make a
size of the space needed and its internal protecting their property from unwanted
down-payment of as little as 10% of the
division, the facilities that can be provid- or overstaying renters, and although the
total price of the unit as prepayment, and
ed by the residential or commercial unit, case may be taken to court, the enforce-
can choose to pay the rest over six years
and the price compatibility with similar ment process may take years.
from the date of purchase, describing
projects in the same area.
this as the “competitive edge that makes The very low Indian gross rental revenue
Italian Square different from other com- The concept of income properties has is another disadvantage. In other words,
panies.” existed in the Egyptian market for some the percentage of return on purchase of
time, and similar investments have also property is low, even though residential
“The price of one meter costs EGP
been applied in other developing coun- property prices are high.
84,000, and will be rising by 5% next
tries with economies similar to that of
month. The increase is primarily based Bottom Line
Egypt, such as India.
on supply and demand,” another Italian
Income property, while a new and emerg-
Square employee told Invest-Gate. Investment in income and commercial
ing trend, currently can be seen as one of
properties in India have witnessed both
Brouj for Real Estate is another compet- the most lucrative investments in Egypt.
advantages and a number of challenges
itor with a business model based on in- Combining both the safe haven of turning
due to the same disadvantage Egypt is
come property management. It is known a devaluating currency into appreciating
facing currently, one of which is the In-
for marketing projects in accommodation, brick and mortar, and securing regular
dian rupee’s continuous depreciation
administration, and luxury resorts, and is income.
against the dollar. Therefore, the quest
dedicated to property management and
for high returns poses a challenging task. Delegating companies to run and man-
real estate investment.
age your property, ensuring maximum
Similarly to Egyptian investment laws,
The company’s real estate marketing output is an ideal process for those seek-
Indian investment laws stipulate that
analyst stated that there has been a not- ing a detached source of capital, and
non-residential Indians can own unlimit-
ed increase in the supply of commercial one which will pave the way to income
ed residential and commercial properties.
units since 2009. In addition, with the regardless of economic status.
However, they are not allowed to pur-
expansion of commercial and residen-
chase agriculture lands, farm houses or
tial units for rental usage, businesses
plantation properties. The law also states
have an opportunity to operate in new
that a maximum of 80% of the property’s

Trend Analysis:
Devaluating Currency vs. Real Estate Boom
By Heba Eid

Egypt’s real estate market, described by the black market to flourish, with the dollar A Surge in Property Sales
many as rock solid, may not necessarily reportedly crossing EGP 12.
A weaker local currency has curtailed
need a boost, yet the Egyptian pound’s
In a move designed to reinvigorate a sales and market growth, which means
(EGP) recent devaluation did exactly that.
slowing economy and the depleted for- that the average consumer can afford
Since the 2011 revolution, the economic
eign reserves, and to subdue the growth less, and thus becomes more selective in
decline has caused foreign reserves to
of the black market, the Central Bank of purchasing habits. The real estate sector,
dwindle to an all-time low, which has dis-
Egypt (CBE) downgraded the EGP value contrary to the norm, has seen a real rise
turbed the economic, political, and social
by 14% against the US dollar – the larg- in sales.
climate. Adding insult to injury, tourism
est devaluation since 2003. The monu-
suffered a major hit last year, dramatically The real estate market was remarkably
mental devaluation has been applauded
affecting one of the country’s key sources resilient while other industries stumbled
by many economists and bankers, who
of foreign currency. As a major importer of in the wake of the 2011 and 2013 revolu-
view it as a step in the right direction.
commodities, the dollar shortage fuelled tions. The stability of the property market
Many Egyptians, however, are appre-
inflation, led imported goods to pile up at is due in part to the trend amongst Egyp-
hensive of how the devaluation will affect
the ports, and disrupted businesses that tians to convert their cash to assets of the
the prices of everyday goods and most
rely on imported raw materials for produc- rock and mortar kind.
importantly, their savings.
tion. These developments have allowed


Around 45% of investors in Egypt favor

investments in real estate compared
to investments in shares, gold, or bank
certificates, said Ahmed Al Masoudi, the
CEO of AqarMap, in an interview with
Daily News Egypt. In times where the
economic landscape is unstable, Egyp-
tians tend to hedge against inflation and
a weakened currency by investing in real
“The investment culture in the domestic
market classifies real estate and land in-
vestments as the safest investment sec-
tors nowadays; most Egyptians consider
investing in real estate, better than the
stock market or buying gold under the Prior to the EGP’s devaluation, last year following the CBE’s announcement.
globally and locally volatile prices,” Tarek speculation of a weak currency caused
Shoukry, Chairman of Arabia Group said, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) real
a surge in property sales. Examples in-
commenting on the trend. estate developer, Capital Group Prop-
clude Palm Hills Development’s rise
erties, has launched a major residential
Shoukry added that the recent decline in in property sales by 69% and Talaat
property in Egypt: Alburouj project. The
the price of the Egyptian pound against Moustafa Group’s revenue increasing by
project’s investment is estimated at EGP
the dollar has encouraged Egyptians to 17%. Similarly, Emaar Misr for Develop-
40 billion, and it will create 30,000 hous-
change the foreign currency in their pos- ment’s 2015 revenue reached EGP 8.6
ing units between Suez and the Ismailia
session, and use the price difference to billion, an increase of 21.2% compared
Desert Road.
invest in housing units, since they are as- to that of 2014, according to Amwal El-
sured that the real estate market prices Ghad. Another project was recently launched by
will not decline compared to other sec- the Saudi Egyptian Construction Compa-
EGP Depreciation and Foreign Invest-
tors, and that prices will actually continue ny (SECON). Riyadh-SECON will be built
to increase. in New Cairo, with investment worth 3 bil-
The decision to devaluate the local cur- lion, covering an area of 68 acres.
Ayman Sami, Country Head of Jones rency is viewed as part of the govern-
Lang Lasalle (JLL), explained to The Na- Saudi Arabia and Egypt signed about
ment’s larger scheme to attract foreign
tional that prices of residential units have EGP 222 Billion ($25 billion) worth of
investors. Structural reforms, state in-
been increasing annually by 5% to 15%. agreements during Saudi King Salman
centives, and government proposed in-
bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud’s visit to Cairo in
With the demand for residential units out- frastructure spending are part of a grand
April, according to Al Ahram. This move
stripping supply, potential buyers from plan to boost a rather stagnant economy.
demonstrates the confidence regained
Cairo’s young and growing population, Currency devaluation is nothing new to by investors.
and the projected growth of the market the global market – the Chinese Yuan,
as a whole, investment in real estate is a In May, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Eco-
the Euro, and the Japanese Yenall saw
sound decision compared to other forms nomic Development (KFAED), agreed
a weakening of currency in an attempt to
of investment. on a KWD 100 million loan to Egypt to
stimulate their economies and boost ex-
finance the construction of five seawater
Following the CBE’s announcement of the ports.
desalination plants in South Sinai, ac-
change in exchange rate, the EGX 30 Real The rise in the price of the U.S. dollar cording to Daily News Egypt.
Estate Index has risen by 22.6% according against the local currency may be one
to Bloomberg. Within 48 hours of the re- In Egypt, the shockwaves of the weaker
of the positive upsides that are expected
lease of Palm Valley project in west Cairo, currency and inflation are felt by busi-
to attract foreign investors to the real es-
all of the 108 units offered by Palm Hills nesses as well as the average Egyptian.
tate market, said Mohamed Saif Al Nasr,
Development were sold, raising EGP 491 The silver lining, though, is reflected in
Head of the Central Department of Build-
million. In late May, an iconic image circu- the performance of the real estate mar-
ings in the Urban Communities Authori-
lated social media of hundreds of people ket, with locals safeguarding their mon-
ty. He added that foreign investment in
crowding in front of Mountain View’s offices ey by investing in property. Developers
Egypt will appeal to investors, cost-wise,
for a chance to reserve a unit in their lat- are noticing this trend and encouraging
provided the cost of construction is not
est project iCity. The reason for the signifi- it by competing through incentives, more
overly impacted by the EGP’s devalua-
cant interest in the project is believed to be relaxed installment plans, and huge pro-
due to its relatively lower price compared motional campaigns. The instigation of
to neighboring areas in New Cairo, where Government support and noticeable re- multiple large-scale real estate plans
prices for range between 10,000 to 20,000 forms alongside currency devaluation also indicates that the devaluation has
per square meter, while iCity is priced at have been reliable indicators to investors positively impacted foreign interest in
EGP 8,000 per square meter, according to of the government’s commitment to ease Egyptian projects.
the Chairperson of Themar for Real Estate, any obstacles for investment.
Maged Abdel Fadeel, who addressed the It is not surprising that Egypt has seen an
topic in an interview with Daily News Egypt. influx of projects and investments launched

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