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Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

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Constructing urban dynamic transportation planning strategies for T

improving quality of life and urban sustainability under emerging growth
management principles
Wey Wann-Ming
Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University, 151 University Road, San Shia District, New Taipei City, 23741, Taiwan, ROC


Keywords: Since the beginning of twenty-first century, urban development worldwide has successively deviated from our
Growth management ideal design and original plans. There have subsequently accompanied numerous urban problems, such as
Smart growth, sustainable growth, inclusive congestion, serious air pollution, urban endlessly sprawl and inappropriate land development with low urban
growth density. All of these features we often called urban illnesses significantly created negative influence to our urban
Sustainable urban transportation
life. The growth management concepts were thus emerged firstly to confront such negative influence. Not un-
Quality of life (QoL)
Fuzzy delphi method
iquely, numerous developed countries also failed to achieve its initial development strategy goals and soon
Dynamic network process (DNP) afterwards implemented a more specific and essential strategies in which it introduced three innovative growth
Gray forecasting model (GFM) constructions: smart growth, sustainable growth, and inclusive growth. They confidently claimed that urban
development would certainly improve quality of life (QoL) if the concept of development may be replaced by the
concept of growth. Following various innovative growth constructions or management principles, contemporary
urban agents including practical planners or official decision units, thus could pursue urban sustainable de-
velopment and QoL simultaneously.
Based on the current status and development processes, this study aimed at the urban transportation planning
strategy and its dynamics according to the advanced international experiences. Firstly, this study surveyed in-
ternational experiences or researches related to quality of life concepts, growth management principles as well as
sustainable transport issues. Secondly, we then make an effort to identify critical sustainable transportation
indicators under various growth constructions or management principles through the Fuzzy Delphi Method
(FDM) modeling results. The FDM requires repetitive surveys to confirm the final convergent values of all expert
opinions and exclude less feasible sustainable transportation indicators at the same time. Thirdly, the Dynamic
Network Process (DNP) was also applied to the expert survey to obtain four different weights during the period
from 2014 to 2040 in response to actual changes or future trends of each indicator we selected. And then this
research combined Gray Forecasting Model (GFM) to reflect changes or trends of each indicator over time by
above several DNP surveys for making more realistic and suitable priorities or weights to achieve the efficiency
of resource allocation. Finally, this study tried to conduct an empirical analysis with New Taipei City in Taiwan
to indicate our planning philosophy and consequently validate planning strategies emphasized by this study. We
believes that research frameworks and findings here not only provide new insights into the functioning of
current growth constructions or management principles, but also could be used as a well reference basis for
practical planners or official decision units to facilitate QoL and urban sustainability in further.

1. Introduction these features we often called urban illnesses significantly created ne-
gative influence to our urban life (Bettencourt, Lobo, Helbing, Kühnert,
Since the beginning of twenty-first century, urban development & West, 2007; Din, Shalaby, Farouh, & Elariane, 2013). The growth
worldwide has successively deviated from our ideal design and original management concepts were thus firstly emerged to confront such ne-
plans. There have subsequently accompanied numerous urban pro- gative influence. Past relevant studies have argued that growth man-
blems, such as congestion, serious air pollution, urban endlessly sprawl agement is achieved by imposing rigorous guidance and control on
and inappropriate land development with low urban density. All of regional development to ensure QoL. Chapin (2012) asserted that

E-mail address:
Received 13 March 2018; Received in revised form 7 October 2018; Accepted 8 October 2018
Available online 15 October 2018
2210-6707/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

growth management policy has focused on control in the past, but indicator over time by above several DNP surveys for making more
should focus on more smart and sustainable growth in the future. realistic and suitable priorities or weights to achieve the function of
Similarly, numerous developed countries also failed to achieve its planning and the efficiency of resource allocation. Finally, we tried to
initial development strategy goals and soon afterwards implemented a conduct an empirical analysis with New Taipei City in Taiwan to in-
more specific and essential strategies in which it introduced three in- dicate our planning philosophy and consequently validate the planning
novative growth constructions: smart growth, sustainable growth, and strategies emphasized by this study.
inclusive growth. They confidently claimed that urban development
certainly could improve quality of life (QoL) if the concept of devel- 2. Literature review and research background
opment may be replaced by the concept of growth. Following various
innovative growth constructions or management principles, con- 2.1. Scope of the literature review
temporary urban agents including practical planners or official decision
units, thus could pursue urban sustainable development and QoL si- For the important literature reviewed in our research, the following
multaneously. subsections been categorized as: scope of the literature review, quality
Emphasis on urban QoL has gradually increased in the context of of life concepts, growth management concepts, sustainable transport
rapid social and economic development. Related problems have been issues, sustainable transport indicators, and finally, the key themes of
studied internationally in health care, nursing, medicine, political sci- the literature review. By means of the reviewed references and be no-
ence, architecture and urban planning, education, and sociology (e.g., ticed literature which contain contributed important indicators for our
Biagi, Ladu, & Meleddu, 2018; Felce & Perry, 1995; Macke, Casagrande, study then be put in right place in order to connect more naturally to
Sarate, & Silva, 2018; Morag, 1995;Ribeiro et al., 2018). Nevertheless, a the following section 4 on indicators statement.
consensus has not yet been established on the definition of QoL. Doi,
Kii, and Nakanishi, (2008); Senlier, Yildiz, and Aktas¸, (2009), and Din 2.2. Quality of life concepts
et al. (2013) have stated that QoL is a crucial element in urban sus-
tainable development; in a similar way, it is critical to urban compe- QoL is a complex concept without an accepted definition. Cheung
titiveness (Rogerson, 1999). Therefore, measuring the quality of life (1997) and Diener, Suh, Lucas, and Smith, (1999) have argued that QoL
(QoL), including its elements and indicators, serve as a dominate tool reflects the current degree of happiness, satisfaction, and desire felt
for evaluation, planning and management for the policy making or toward life, including material well-being and the degree of benefit and
development strategies of cities (Li & Weng, 2007; Turkoglu, 2015). pleasure experienced. QoL mainly reflects how people perceive worth.
Numerous studies and institutions have developed both objective and Academically, it belongs to the domain of sociology. In other words,
subjective indicators of QoL from the perspective of sustainability. urban QoL mainly concerns the evaluation of urban living spaces with
These indicators are often used to evaluate the habitability and sus- respect to physical (material) and nonphysical (psychological and
tainability of an urban environment or examine past land use as well as “spiritual”) necessities on the basis of the consciousness, experiences,
development strategies. and psychological feelings generated by the interaction between people
On the other hand, current trends and projections also suggest that and the urban environment. The relative importance of each QoL in-
urbanization would continue in both developed and developing world. dicator may change over time.
Overall, it is expected that 7 out of 10 people will be living in cities by Bonaiuto, Fornara, and Bonnes, (2006) divide urban QoL indicators
2050 (UN-Habitat, 2010: p.5). These social and natural phenomena into four factors: 1) space (i.e., architectural planning space, space or-
both demonstrated that the urban environment and its planning policy ganization and accessibility, and green space); 2) humanity (i.e., the
should be regarded as a crucial research topic more than ever before. relationship between people and society), 3) functionality (i.e., bene-
Based on the current status and development processes, this study fits, leisure, commerce, and transportation services), and 4) social
especially aimed at the urban transportation planning strategy and its connectivity (i.e., pace of life, environmental health, and maintenance).
dynamics according to the advanced international experiences. Nu- Bonaiuto et al. (2006) already explored the positive and negative im-
merous scholars, both nationally and internationally, believe that ef- pacts of transportation services on QoL.
fective transportation planning accessing and means greatly contribute Din et al. (2013) state that urban QoL can be divided into seven
to improve urban QoL or habitability. However, comprehensively in- main constructs that are useful for achieving the enhancement of urban
creasing QoL or solving all relevant urban illnesses from the perspective QoL: first, the urban environment, which refers to the natural resources
of sustainable transportation alone is certainly impossible. Conversely, nearby cities; second, the urban constructed environment, namely
what we mainly intend to deal with is identified sustainable transpor- urban framework facilities, land use, services, amusement facilities, and
tation indicators that met advanced growth concepts or management infrastructure; third, urban mobility, which includes concerns such as
principles and then constructed and proposed sustainable transporta- barrier-free movement and transportation; fourth, urban sociology,
tion strategies with our additional considerations of dynamic urban referring to interactions among people such as individual decision
physical environment, rather than confront and promote urban QoL or making and citizen participation problems; fifth, urban psychology,
habitability comprehensively. which concerns neighborhood, local identity, and the feeling of being a
In general, the following content of this study is arranged as follows. citizen; sixth, the urban economy, which refers to the peripheral area of
Firstly, this study surveyed advanced international experiences or re- economic activity; and seventh, urban politics, which denotes urban
searches related to quality of life concepts, growth management prin- QoL and the degree of urban political acceptance of the implementation
ciples as well as sustainable transport issues. Secondly, we then make of related policies.
an effort to identify critical sustainable transportation indicators under This study reviewed past studies related to urban QoL and identified
various growth constructions or management principles through the that QoL incorporates a broad range of fields. Therefore, this study
Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) modeling results. The FDM requires re- explored QoL specifically from the perspective of sustainable trans-
petitive surveys to confirm the final convergent values of all expert portation. Numerous scholars, both nationally and internationally, be-
opinions and exclude less feasible sustainable transportation indicators lieve that effective transportation planning can be a basis for assessing
at the same time. Thirdly, the Dynamic Network Process (DNP) was also urban QoL and habitability. However, comprehensively increasing QoL
applied to the expert survey to obtain four different weights during the from the perspective of sustainable transportation alone is impossible.
period from 2014 to 2040 in response to actual changes or future trends This study only explored sustainable transportation indicators that met
of each indicator we identified before. And then this research combined growth management principles and proposed sustainable transporta-
Gray Forecasting Model (GFM) to reflect changes or trends of each tion strategies under different time constraints. The purpose of this

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

research was to increase QoL using transportation-related strategies in

dynamic urban physical environments.

2.3. Growth management concepts

The concept of growth management was first emerged in the United

States in the 1950s. Its goal was to solve problems stemming from urban
sprawl through applying integrated planning, management, and reg-
ulation, and to adjust to different development trends in different
spaces and times. As described by Timothy Chapin, there are four
emerging wave of growth management policy in the United States has
been evolving since the 1950s (Chapin, 2012). He identified its first
phase as the growth control phase (from 1950 to 1975), which aimed to
protect environmental resources and adopted rigorous control and en-
forcement strategies. The second phase was the comprehensive plan-
ning phase (from 1975 to 2000) which aimed for balanced growth and
adopted a multiple-objectives method for simultaneously developing
Fig. 1. Europe 2020 growth strategy mechanism.
urban infrastructure and QoL. The third phase is the smart growth
Source: Çolak and Ege (2013)
phase (from 1999 to the present), which develops a closer relationship
between the public and private sectors to facilitate economic develop-
ment and city center revitalization, as well as provide basic urban high-rise blocks everywhere standing in dense or compact cities create
services. In addition, the New Urbanism design movement has brought gated communities which are not friendly to children, teens or seniors,
new vitality, perspectives, and government subsidies. and are unsuitable for urban citizen participation and management at
New Urbanism concepts and urban re-planning strategies can be the same time (Cheshmehzangi & Butters, 2016). In general, a dense or
combined to enhance growth management and meet the continuous compact city also means a higher concentration or proportion of urban
changes in market demand. New Urbanism incorporates urban design illness, such as pollution, crime, heat island, noise and traffic conges-
into growth management plans and strengthens urban functions to tion, that is, the positives and the negatives necessarily come as an
formulate a public transportation-oriented development pattern that integrated or concomitant package (Bettencourt & West, 2010).
increases land-use efficiency and QoL. And, the fourth phase discussed The EU has adopted the Europe 2020 strategy and expects to es-
above, existing concurrently with the third, is the sustainable growth tablish a competitive and vibrant knowledge-led economy. Its targets
phase (from 2012 to the present), which aims to solve the challenges of include economic, environmental, and governmental problems. The
high unemployment rates induced by continued economic recession, plan focuses on three development fields, namely: (1) prioritize smart
the negative impact of climate change on communities and national growth focused on achieving economic growth through knowledge
ecology, the urgent need for energy, and changes in the food supply. accumulation and innovation; (2) prioritize sustainable growth that
Contemporary governments have started to apply the concept of builds an economy that conserves resources, environmentally friendly,
growth management to urban planning. In the Hamilton Urban Growth and is more competitive than before; (3) prioritize inclusive growth that
Strategy (2010) report, the New Zealand government proposed growth facilitates high employment, low poverty, and greater social cohesion
strategies for the city of Hamilton. It established seven growth chal- (Çolak & Ege, 2013).
lenges to be met within the next 10 years, including creating integrated As shown in Fig. 1, each priority development field comprises five
development in the city center, pedestrian and bicycle access to offices implementation goals. Because Europe 2020 aims to achieve economic
in the city center, and high-technology and innovation capacity. Behan, growth to solve the current economic problems in Europe, these im-
Maoh, and Kanaroglou, (2008) studied changing patterns in the appli- plementation goals focus on the employment rate, education, poverty,
cation of smart growth strategies to transportation and land-use plan- energy use, and innovation capacity. In addition, Pasimeni (2011)
ning in Ontario, Canada from 2005 to 2031. The study demonstrated noted that the EU proposed eight indicators to monitor the progress of
the changes in travel time and mileage after adopting smart growth implementing Europe 2020 and allocated resources for each im-
strategies, and explained that appropriate smart growth strategies can plementation phase according to the prioritization of each growth field.
mitigate dense urban housing and create a more vibrant, habitable, and The EU expects to use resources and capital more efficiently through
economically attractive city; their transportation solutions to internal progressively staged funding. Although American growth management
urban problems can improve QoL through lifestyle and behavior and the three growth management fields (i.e., smart, sustainable, and
changes. Maoh and Tang (2012) used multiple regression analysis to inclusive growth) of the EU have somewhat different developmental
explore the key factors affecting urban commuting in Windsor, Canada. principles, American growth management and the Europe 2020
The authors demonstrated that mixed land use involving smart growth strategy are essentially quite similar.
discourages automobile dependency. They asserted that the use of Regarding smart growth, American planners have turned from the
smart growth to facilitate sustainable urban transportation should be strategy of controlling urban sprawl to the current strategy of com-
emphasized in contemporary urban planning. bining transit-oriented development (TOD), compact cities, urban de-
It should be noted here that a dense or compact urban housing is sign, and New Urbanism. American planning strategies closely resemble
usually considered a desirable outcome of planning strategies for a the EU smart growth strategies of improving R&D, innovation, and
traditional inhabitable city (Frey, 1999). However, this argument is not education. The sustainable strategy of the EU emphasizes low carbon
strictly true or remains questionable (Bramley & Power, 2009; Chen, use and energy conservation and is similar to the new American cli-
Jia, & Lau, 2008). For example, in developing countries, acquisition of a mate- and environment-related management strategies proposed by
private car is a seemingly unstoppable ambition or even is considered as Chapin (2012). Regarding inclusive growth, although no similar term
a symbol of status. Hereafter, they make a more significant distribution has been developed in the United Sates, Chapin (2012) argued that
to the heat island effect as cities in a dense or compact urban form economic and sustainable development should be balanced during
(Cheshmehzangi & Butters, 2016). In other words, high urban density economic recession. In other words, the growth principles of the EU
only makes sense if there is low car using, and it is widely recognized as raise employment rates and lower poverty rates, thus increasing urban
one of the greatest challenge in modern cities. Furthermore, the typical prosperity, enhancing social cohesion, and realizing local identity

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

through smart growth. In this research, we use the DNP technique to development patterns in recent years. In response to the smart growth
prioritize the weight of each sustainable transportation indicator, then principle, the TOD concept has been introduced and has led to plans for
applies GFM to estimate the weight of each form of sustainable urban improving pedestrian environments and increasing the use of non-
transportation according to time factors. In other words, we propose motorized vehicles to reduce pollution emissions and enhance public
inputting resources to sustainable transportation indicators with rela- health.
tively higher weights to improve the efficiency of resource allocation.
To conclude the aforementioned development trend of American 2.6. Key themes of the literature review
growth management, the adopting of growth management worldwide
and EU’s three growth management fields: smart growth, sustainable The preceding research analysis indicated that the recent sustain-
growth and inclusive growth, although their developmental principles able transportation trend entails a gradual shift toward slower move-
are all not the same, both American growth management and EU’s 2020 ment and effective public transportation that combines walking with
Strategy are quite the same spiritually. Furthermore, EUROPE 2020 bicycling, thereby building sustainable transportation that is rooted in
adopts (1) smart growth field, (2) sustainable growth field, and (3) human beings and a habitable, healthy urban environment. The main
inclusive growth field those are similar to our proposed research purpose of this research was to develop sustainable urban transporta-
methodology which uses the DNP technique to prioritize the weight of tion indicators for forming sustainable transportation strategies. The
each sustainable transportation indicators, then applies GFM to esti- preceding literature review has provided discussion of transportation
mate the weight of each sustainable urban transportation due to time topics such as motorized vehicles (automobiles, scooters), non-
factor, that is, to input resources to those sustainable transportation motorized transportation (walking, bicycling), and public transporta-
indicators with relatively higher weights, in order to improve resources tion (metros, trains, high speed rail, and buses). Hence, this study ad-
allocation efficiency. dressed these transportation modes when forming indicators and
strategies. In addition, this study explored sustainable transportation
2.4. Sustainable transport issues that can increase QoL, and therefore included an in-depth discussion of
transportation in the empirical study area to provide an evaluation
Research into sustainable urban transportation has indicated that factor for dynamic changes and future trends.
the transportation problems generated by urban sprawl produce en-
vironmental pollution, consume energy, reduce economic production, 3. Research design and methodology
and lower QoL. All of these consequences discussed abovementioned
generate huge social costs (Johnson, 2001). Moreover, sprawl increases The purpose of this study was to develop sustainable urban trans-
automobile use, travel distances, and air pollution, indicating the close portation indicators for growth management and use these indicators as
relationship between urban sprawl and QoL. From the perspective of a basis for forming planning strategies. A brief literature review was
urban development, transportation is a major, urgent problem for conducted to explore sustainable transportation development in growth
megacities worldwide; rapid urbanization and adoption of automobiles management and propose relevant indicators that increase QoL.
will directly and substantially affect the development of sustainability. However, each sustainable transpiration indicator has a different
Governments worldwide have already proposed various strategies for weight related to its degree of importance. This research uses the Fuzzy
achieving more sustainable transportation systems. Steg and Gifford Delphi Method (FDM), a type of multiple criteria decision-making
(2005) suggested that behavioral changes can reduce automobile use method. Expert opinions were used to evaluate the relative weight of
and facilitate the use of lower-carbon public transportation. Such each sustainable transportation indicator. The perceived importance of
strategies can improve the environment, urban QoL, and destination each indicator was then used to select feasible evaluation indicators.
accessibility. Transportation technology change entails reducing the Such selection is a relatively objective method for forming sustainable
negative impact of traveling by automobile per kilometer; for example, transportation strategies. After using FDM to eliminate improper in-
using vehicles fueled by new, cleaner energy sources increases energy dicators, the DNP and GFM methods were used to assess the changes in
efficiency and reduces airborne noise. Indicators have become a the weight of each indicator over time. Based on the trend of each in-
common element in transportation planning and policy formation. dicator, appropriate transportation strategies were developed.
Numerous studies have focused on the function of transportation in- The Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) applies the concept of 3-piont
dicators in accurately measuring various planning and monitoring tasks estimation to converge expert judgments and make forecast. On the
(Gudmundsson & Sørensen, 2013; May, Page, & Hull, 2008). Santos and basis of the values obtained by FDM, triangular membership functions
Ribeiro (2013) divided sustainable transportation indicators into three can be constructed. Then, all of the forecast values and those provided
constructs: the environment, economy, and society. Their study de- by each forecaster are computed. If a distance that satisfies a given
monstrated that more complete and inclusive indicators can help public convergence criterion is found, the FDM process is completed and the
sector managers to reach more meaningful decisions. They used Rio de corresponding expected value becomes a forecast value. The FDM cre-
Janeiro, Brazil as an example for exploring the feasibility of using ates a better effect of criteria selection. It features the advantage of
sustainable urban transportation indicators and the selection and use of simplicity, and all the expert opinions can be encompassed in one in-
indicators. They argued that the development and use of indicators vestigation (Kuo & Chen, 2008). The FDM steps are as follows (Chan,
facilitate the monitoring of the development of sustainability. Explored Wey, & Chang, 2012):
the adoption of sustainability, security, and smart approaches in the Step 1: Design Fuzzy Delphi expert questionnaire of values to be
urban transportation system of Singapore. evaluated, and then create a team of experts to give a possible interval
value for each project to be evaluated. A minimum value represents the
2.5. Sustainable transport indicators experts’ most “conservative cognitive value” of the project. On the other
hand, a maximum value represents the “optimistic cognitive value” of
Gudmundsson and Sørensen (2013) stated that indicators have be- the project.
come a common element for transportation planning and policy for- Step 2: Make statistical analysis of the most “conservative cognitive
mation. Numerous studies have focused on the effectiveness of trans- value” of the project and the “optimistic cognitive value” of the project
portation indicators for proper measurement of various planning and respectively to each evaluated value i, exclude the extreme values that
monitoring tasks. Furthermore, the use of nonmotorized vehicles must falls out of two standard deviation. Then calculate the remaining
be considered in sustainable transportation planning. Wey and Chiu minimum values of the most “conservative cognitive value” CLi , geo-
(2012) found that urban development has abandoned auto-oriented metric mean CM i
, maximum score CUi , and the minimum value of the

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

calculated from the fuzzy relation of the two trigonometric values,

and then obtain the quantified value of the fuzzy collection with the
maximum degree of membership.
(3) If two of the fuzzy trigonometric values overlap, which means
(CUi > OLi ), and the grey zone of the fuzzy relation Z i = CUi OLi is
larger than the interval range of “optimistically cognitive geometric
mean” and “conservatively cognitive geometric mean” of the ex-
perts’ evaluated project M i = OM i
, which indicates although
there is no consensus interval-valued section of each experts, and
the two experts that gave extreme views (the most conservative of
the optimistic cognitive and the most optimistic of the conservative
Fig. 2. Bio fuzzy trigonometric value. cognitive) differ with the opinions of other experts and lead to an
Source: Chan et al. (2012).
opinion divergence. Hence, collect evaluated values which opinions
do not converge and provide to experts as the reference, repeat
most “optimistic cognitive value” OLi , geometric mean OM i
, and max- steps 1 through 4, continue to make a next questionnaire until the
imum score OUi . entire evaluated project receives convergence in order to acquire
Step 3: For each evaluated value i, set up the fuzzy trigonometric consensus importance value Gi.
value of the most “conservative cognitive value” C i = (CLi, CM i
, CUi )
and the fuzzy trigonometric value of the most “conservative cognitive The DNP proposed by Saaty (2007) can be applied in sturctural or
value” Oi = (OLi, OM
, OUi ) . (See Fig. 2) functional form. The structural form incorporates different time points
Step 4: Examine whether expert judgments are identical using the as alternative programs and compares the criteria with the programs in
following measures: pairs. The functional DNP involves using the standard dynamic judg-
ment matrix A(t), which explicitly includes the functions of time. The
(1) If the fuzzy trigonometric value don’t overlap, which means typical form of a judgment matrix in dynamic form is:
(CUi OLi ) , the interval value of respective experts have consensus
section and the opinion of each expert tends to fall in the consensus a11 (t ) a12 (t ) a1n (t )
interval. Therefore, “consensus importance degree value” Gi of the …
a21 (t ) a22 (t ) … a2n (t )
evaluated value i equals the arithmetic mean of CM i
and OM i
, ex- A (t ) = … where aij > 0, aji (t ) = aij 1 (t ).

pressed as G = (CM + OM )/2.
i i i
an1 (t ) an2 (t ) ann (t )
(2) Itwo of the fuzzy trigonometric values overlap, which means
(CUi > OLi ) , and the grey zone of the fuzzy relation Z i = CUi OLi . is
As in the discrete case, when A(t) is consistent, we have
smaller than the interval range of “optimistically cognitive geo-
aij (t ) = wi (t )/ wj (t ) . The functional DNP, which explicitly incorporates
metric mean” and “conservatively cognitive geometric mean” of the
time variables, clarifies the dynamic weight curve of each factor ac-
experts’ evaluated project M i = OM i
, which indicates although
cording to the relative rate of change in each factor over time, the
there is no consensus interval-valued section of each experts, but
findings of which are then assessed by experts.
the two experts that gave extreme views (the most conservative of
Fig. 3 illustrates the difference in structures and the corresponding
the optimistic cognitive, and the most optimistic of the conservative
super-matrix between a linear hierarchy and a nonlinear network
cognitive) did not differ with the opinions of other experts and lead
(Saaty & Takizawa, 1986). As shown in Fig. 3, a node represents a
to differences of opinion divergence. Hence, we make “cognitive
component with elements inside it; a straight line or an arc denotes the
importance degree of value Gi” equal to the fuzzy collection min
interactions between two components; and a loop indicates the inner

Fig. 3. Linear hierarchy & Nonlinear network (from left to right).

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

dependence of elements within a component. When the elements of a for a fixed moment in time; the numerical values of the eigenvectors
component Node1 depend on another component Node2, this relation obtained for that instant are substituted in a supermatrix; the super-
is represented with an arrow from component Node1 to Node2. In ad- matrix problem is solved and the priorities for the alternatives are de-
dition, w21 is a vector that represents the impact of the Node1 on the rived. Repeating the process for different values of time generates a
Node2; W32 (W22, W13, W23) is a matrix that represents the impact of curve for the priorities of the alternatives and then approximates these
the Node2 (Node2, Node3, Node3) on each element of the Node3 values by curves with a functional form for each component of the ei-
(Node2, Node1, Node2); and the mathematic symbol “I” is the identity genvector.
matrix. Note that there are some relationships between three levels in
AHP matrix, but the constituent elements (in the component or cluster 3.4. Step 4. Estimate the dynamic change trend of each indicator according
of AHP) are independent. Conversely, in addition to the relationships to the GFM result
between three levels, the ANP matrix also contains interactions within
same levels, and there may be external dependencies among constituent The DNP was used to obtain the original value of the dynamic
elements (in the component or cluster of ANP). change of each sustainable urban transportation indicator and then
When encounter complex problems and do not know the exact re- estimate the future dynamic change trend for each indicator. GFM can
lationship in the nonlinear network structure or the degree of inter- efficiently deal with uncertainty, multiple inputs, discrete data, and
dependence among considering criteria, we should try to seek and incomplete data. This study used the accumulated generating operation
collect assessment opinion by adequate decision makers and group GM (1, 1) model (with first order differential equations and one vari-
expert discussion. In consideration of such needs, the most important able input) to perform the forecast value estimation. Calculation and
function or duty of ANP is thus to assist and cooperate with decision simulation analysis using GFM were performed, and the dynamic
maker and group expert to objectively determine the relationship of a change of each indicator with time and its future changes were then
network structure or the degree of interdependence (e.g., Chang, Wey, revealed on the basis of the computation result of the mathematical
& Tseng, 2009; Wey & Wu, 2007). This study assisted the weighting dynamic equations of DNP proposed by Saaty (2007). Mean absolute
designation of sustainable transportation strategies through ANP. percent error (MAPE) was used to test the accuracy of predictions, and
Moreover, the future trend and prediction of various obtained in- was calculated as follows:
dicators that predicted by grey forecasting model would serves as n
predictive scenarios or dynamic frames (e.g., Börjeson, Höjer, Dreborg, 1 xˆ (0) (t ) x (0) (t )
Ekvall, & Finnveden, 2006; Lai, Huang, & Han, 2017; Saaty, 2007) to n 1 k=2 x (0) (t )
conduct follow-up judgments and decision-making.
The FDM, DNP, and GFM methods were used to evaluate the re-
lative weights of sustainable urban transportation indicators and form X (0) = (x (0) (1), x (0) (2), …, x (0) (n))
strategies. The steps of the proposed research design model were as
X (1) = (x (1) (1), x (1) (2), …, x (1) (n)), x (1) (k ) x (0) (i ).
3.1. Step 1. Survey the literature to identify initial sustainable urban
transportation indicators

This study surveyed past studies related to QoL, growth manage- 3.5. Step 5. Conduct indicator strategy planning for the empirical study area
ment, and sustainable urban transportation and discussed and identi-
fied transportation indicators that would increase QoL through growth The weight of each indicator was computed according to compre-
management. hensive considerations and obtained from the DNP expert survey of the
second phase as an original value. Using GFM as a forecast mean, the
3.2. Step 2. Select indicators according to the FDM modeling results future dynamic trend of each sustainable urban indicator under growth
management was estimated. The current conditions of the empirical
The first phase of this research entailed a survey of experts based on study area were included when providing feasible sustainable trans-
the FDM method. The method requires repetitive surveys of the experts portation strategies and recommendations.
(ordinarily more than twice) to allow the forecast values to converge
(Ishikawa et al., 1993); therefore, it is considered to be suffering from 4. Empirical research analysis
low convergence expert opinions, high execution cost, and the possi-
bility that opinion organizers may filter out particular expert opinions. 4.1. Empirical research scope
The double triangle FDM method proposed by Zheng (2001) was
adopted to perform the FDM survey and exclude less feasible sustain- This study selected Banqiao Station on the Taipei Metro Circular
able urban transportation indicators. Line as the empirical study area because metropolitan areas are typi-
cally used as study subjects when measuring indicators. However, when
3.3. Step 3. Build initial dynamic weights using the Dynamic Network evaluating a megacity, research results are biased because of the un-
process method even development between urban and suburban areas. The Banqiao
district of New Taipei City belongs to the metropolitan center of New
The Dynamic Network Process (DNP) method was applied to the Taipei City (as shown in Fig. 4), and Banqiao Station integrates three
second expert survey of this study to establish techniques for four transportation modes (railway, high speed railway, and metro). A bus
weights from 2014 to 2040. Because of the likelihood of dependence or station is located nearby, providing a fourth transportation mode.
feedback relationships when using DNP, the ANP method was in- Furthermore, another metro circular line will pass by this station in the
corporated with a time element and addressed dependence between future. This station can thus be considered a forerunner of a sustainable
indicators. This research used DNP to more accurately reflect changes transportation system.
in each indicator over time. This study entailed empirical research within 500 m of Banqiao
The numerical approach involves obtaining the time-dependent Station (as shown in Fig. 5). The purpose was to use a real urban en-
principal eigenvector through simulation. The judgments are expressed vironment to form a sustainable transportation planning strategy
functionally, but the eigenvectors are then derived from the judgments that applies growth management principles. In addition, Cervero,

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Fig. 4. Location of Banqiao Station, New Taipei City.

transportation. Accordingly, the empirical study area adopted for this

research was a radial distance of 500 m from the center of Banqiao
Station center.

4.2. Using of FDM in the selection of sustainable urban transportation

indicators according to growth management principles

We adopted FDM to select sustainable transportation indicators

through the analysis of our research results and relevant studies. This
study used the three growth constructs of growth management princi-
ples as the subgoals of sustainable transportation strategies aimed at
increasing QoL. The analysis of research result of this research, is to
adopt FDM to select sustainable transportation indicators, through the
analysis of literature review, this research uses the three growth con-
structs (A. Smart growth, B. Sustainable growth and C. Inclusive
growth) of growth management principles as the sub-goals of sustain-
able transportation strategies that are aimed to increase quality of life,
under these sub-goals, we propose sustainable transportation in-
dicators, indicators and their descriptions are provided in Table 1.
For the purpose of identifying key planning principles as the im-
portant indicators, the first step was choosing the experts group which
Fig. 5. Research area. consists of urban design, urban planning and engineering, neighbor-
hood organization, community and property management, as well as
Sarmiento, Jacoby, Gomez, and Neiman, (2009) and other studies re- combines the characteristics of local development units and dwelling
lated to TOD have indicated that a metro station must be built within a users to determine the indicators. The profiles of 6 experts are shown in
10-minute walking distance (i.e., a radial distance of 500 m) of the Table 2. All of the experts had at least ten years of working and studying
station center. Features such as parking, transfer routes, shopping areas, experiences in the urban design & planning and held high-level man-
cultural exhibitions, and public facilities must be provided within a agement positions at urban studies. According to previous research, a
well-planned and well-designed peripheral area of the public trans- sample of size ten to fifteen participants would provide a homogeneous
portation station. Full public facilities can maintain the environmental group (Hwang & Lin, 1987). Thus, in this study ten questionnaires were
quality of the peripheral area of the station. Moreover, smart growth sent out to the experts in Taiwan, and ten questionnaires were returned
combines the concept of TOD and, through more efficient land-use with sufficient responses. Furthermore, the questions for the ques-
development, can effectively reduce the chance of private transporta- tionnaire also focused on the possible growth management planning
tion being used. This is an essential concept in sustainable principles as mentioned in this research.

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Table 1
Sustainable Urban Transportation Planning Indicators under Growth Management Principles.
Growth Management Indicators References

Smart Growth A-1 Create friendly spaces for pedestrians and Haque, Chin, and Debnath, (2013); Henning, Muruvan, Feng, and Dunn, (2011); Hidalgo and
cyclists Huizenga (2013); May et al. (2008); Miller and Hoel (2000); Miranda and Silva (2012)
A-2 Increase investment in transportation Abdallah, Belloumi, and DeWolf, (2013); European Union (2011a); Figueroa and Ribeiro
infrastructure (2013); Haghshenas and Vaziri (2011); Miranda and Silva (2012); Pasimeni (2011); Santos and
Ribeiro (2013)
A-3 Integrate land use and transportation Haque et al. (2013); European Union (2011a); Miller and Hoel (2000); Santos and Ribeiro
planning (2013)
A-4 Realize innovative transportation services Haque et al. (2013); Hidalgo and Huizenga (2013); European Union (2011a); Miranda and Silva
(2012); Pasimeni (2011); Santos and Ribeiro (2013)
Sustainable Growth B-1 Reduce the environmental impact of the Abdallah et al. (2013); Castillo and Pitfield (2010); European Union (2011b); Figueroa and
transportation system Ribeiro (2013); Gudmundsson and Sørensen (2013); Haghshenas and Vaziri (2011); Henning
et al. (2011); Hidalgo and Huizenga (2013); Hiremath, Balachandra, Kumar, Bansode, and
Murali, (2013); Miranda and Silva (2012); Pasimeni (2011); Santos and Ribeiro (2013)
B-2 Use renewable energy or alternative fuel Abdallah et al. (2013); Castillo and Pitfield (2010); European Union (2011b); Figueroa and
Ribeiro (2013); Hidalgo and Huizenga (2013); Hiremath et al. (2013); May et al. (2008);
Miranda and Silva (2012); Pasimeni (2011)
B-3 Develop a green transportation system to European Union (2011b); Miranda and Silva (2012)
maintain an urban ecosystem
B-4 Provide a diversified transportation system Haque et al. (2013); Miller and Hoel (2000); Miranda and Silva (2012); Santos and Ribeiro
Inclusive Growth C-1 Reduce the economic cost of transportation Castillo and Pitfield (2010); Gudmundsson and Sørensen (2013); Haque et al. (2013);
Haghshenas and Vaziri (2011); Henning et al. (2011); May et al. (2008); Miranda and Silva
(2012); Santos and Ribeiro (2013)
C-2 Increase the accessibility of public European Union (2010); Haghshenas and Vaziri (2011); Haque et al. (2013); Hidalgo and
transportation Huizenga (2013);May et al. (2008)
C-3 Enhance “barrier-free” transportation Gudmundsson and Sørensen (2013); Haghshenas and Vaziri (2011); Haque et al. (2013);
system design Hiremath et al. (2013); May et al. (2008); Miranda and Silva (2012)
C-4 Increase the usage rate of nonmotorized Castillo and Pitfield (2010); Figueroa and Ribeiro (2013); Hiremath et al. (2013); Santos and
vehicles Ribeiro (2013)

Table 2 eight indicators that reached the threshold of the minimum standard.
The Profiles of 6 Experts. These were selected as importance indicators for further criteria eva-
Items Division Title Seniority
luation. Ranked by weighting order, they were: C1) land use and
transportation plan integration; C2) friendly spaces for sidewalks and
1 New Taipei City Director 42 bikeways; C3) increased accessibility of public transportation; C4)
2 New Taipei City Senior Specialist 32 green transportation system development; C5) diversified transporta-
3 Urban Planning Consultant Company Vice President 20
tion; C6) environmental enhancement through barrier-free transporta-
4 Urban Planning Consultant Company Manager 15
5 University Department of Urban Planning and Professor 22 tion; C7) renewable energy and alternative fuels; and C8) enhancement
Design of the usage rate of non-motorized transportation.
6 University Department of Urban Land Professor 19
4.3. Determining the weights of sustainable urban transportation indicators
according to growth management principles

We then proposed sustainable transportation indicators according to This study selected initial sustainable urban transportation in-
these subgoals. The indicators and their descriptions are provided as dicators based on the input of six experts from industry, the govern-
Table 3. ment, and academia in the first FDM survey. DNP modeling was per-
This study applied the FDM and fuzzy triangle methods to integrate formed to determine the weight of each sustainable urban
expert perceptions and used the Gray Zone test to examine whether transportation indicator according to growth management principles
these comments reached convergence. Convergence indicated that the based on the input of three experts from industry, the public, and
experts had reached a consensus regarding the criteria. The calculated academia in the second phase, using the mean method to determine the
Gi value represents the degree of importance of an evaluated sub- weight of the indicators. Because ANP is a general theory of relative
criterion; the higher the Gi value, the higher the degree of importance. measurement used to derive composite-priority-ratio scales from in-
This study selected design factors on the basis of expert consensus va- dividual-ratio scales that represent relative influence of factors that
lues that were larger than a threshold Gi value of 6.90 in that the steep interact with respect to control criteria. Through the “supermatrix”,
is most significant among those threshold numbers. The threshold was which is composed of matrices of column priorities, the ANP framework
set according to the ranking of expert consensus values (in ascending catches the consequence of dependence/feedback within and among
order); the difference in steepness between two expert consensus values components. To generate global priorities in a system with inter-
determined the threshold, such as the threshold value of the expert dependent influences, the obtained local priority vectors and matrices
consensus for the indicator C4. The increase in the usage rate of non- are entered in a matrix to form a “supermatrix” as follows:
motorized vehicles was 6.90, slightly smaller (0.49) than the threshold
value of the expert consensus for the indicator A4. To realize an in- Goal Criteria Alternatives
Goal 0 0 0
novative transportation service technology, the two steepest indicators W= Criteria W21 W22 0
from all expert consensus values were applied. Thus, we used 6.90 as Alternatives
0 W32 I
the threshold in the second expert survey and we performed the DNP
technique using the first FDM expert survey result. Fig. 6 shows the where “I” is the identity matrix, and entries of zeros correspond to those

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Table 3
Sustainable transportation indicators under Growth Management Principles.
Indicators Descriptions

A1 Create friendly spaces for pedestrians and cyclists This entails providing comfortable walking and biking spaces, which enhance the urban environment with
nonmotorized vehicles, provide links to the public transportation system, and further increase public preference for
using nonmotorized and public transportation.
A2 Increase investment in transportation infrastructure Investing in transportation infrastructure such as bikeways, sidewalks, metros, bus networks, and light rail networks
can increase transportation efficiency and further decrease regional development disparities, as well as overcome the
shortage of long-distance transportation.
A3 Integrate land use and transportation planning This encourages a mixed, high-density land-use pattern and can not only increase the diversity in the region but also
provide transportation hub services within a short walking distance, thereby reducing the likelihood of using private
A4 Realize innovative transportation services Transportation systems necessitate smart and effective control, information management, monitoring and law
enforcement, and a revenue management system. Investment in resources is necessary to develop new transportation
systems such as an intelligent transportation system that can increase transportation efficiency, reduce environmental
impact, and increase energy efficiency.
B1 Reduce the environmental impact of the Effective control and monitoring of noise, greenhouse gases, hazardous substances, and wastes can reduce damage to
transportation system the environment and human health.
B2 Use renewable energy or alternative fuel Developing renewable energy or alternative fuel, generating energy for effective reuse, and recycling and reducing
the consumption rate of resources and fossil fuels can not only ensure safe energy use but also reduce fossil fuel
B3 Develop a green transportation system to maintain The transportation system should be designed in response to the creation of public spaces such as parks and green
an urban ecosystem areas to avoid inconsistent developments that damage the environment and to maintain sustainable development.
B4 Provide a diversified transportation system Diversified transportation modes such as bicycles and public transportation should be provided to meet public
requirements. A convenient transfer service can reduce the use of private transportation, thereby reducing carbon
dioxide emissions and realizing the goal of sustainability.
C1 Reduce the economic cost of transportation The safety of public areas, parking, transportation systems, and street design in urban environments is crucial to lives
and property. Moreover, safe roads can reduce the risk of traffic accidents and the rates of injuries, thereby reducing
the economic damage caused by casualties.
C2 Increase the accessibility of public transportation Increasing the accessibility and convenience of public transportation systems such as transfer services provided by
metro, bus, and railway stations can reduce the transportation cost of intercity travel and further increase the
employment rate.
C3 Enhance “barrier-free” transportation system design Transportation design should consider elderly, underprivileged, and handicapped people to meet the basic
transportation requirements of the public. Specific services should be provided to special groups to achieve social
diversity and equality.
C4 Increase the usage rate of nonmotorized vehicles Nonmotorized transportation such as the U-bike system in Taipei City facilitates short-distance travel for people
lacking means of private transportation, thereby creating a beneficial environment and further maintaining health
and QoL.

elements that have no influence. After forming the supermatrix, a Accordingly, there exist interdependence relationships among these
weighted supermatrix is derived by transforming all columns sum to criteria, that is, the C1 criterion influences C2, C3, and C4; the C2
unity, i.e. like the concept of Markov chain for ensuring column sto- criterion influences C1, C3 and C8 criteria (see Fig. 7). Where all the CI
chastic. The detail of mathematical processes of the ANP approach can and CR values considered in this computation process, show the con-
refer to Saaty (1996). And then, if the supermatrix formed covers the sistence for the pairwise comparison results.
whole network, the priority weights of alternatives can be found in the In order to check network structure or relationship in considered
column of alternatives-to-goal in the limit supermatrix (Sarkis 2003). criteria, we need to have group discussion because the type of network
The process for solving interdependent sustainable transportation or relationship depends on the decision makers' judgment. Changes in
evaluation criteria prioritization is summarized as follows: In order to the weights of the analyzed sustainable transportation indicators from
consider interdependence, the first step is to identify the multiple cri- 2014 to 2040 are shown in Fig. 8. By observing each sustainable urban
teria that merit consideration and then draw a relationship which transportation indicator and the ranking changes, we determined that
shows the degree of interdependence among the criteria. Next is to C1 is the most important indicator from 2014 to 2030. C2 is the second
determine the degree of impact or influence between the criteria. When most important indicator for 2014 to 2030, although its weight is
comparing the criteria for each criterion, the decision maker will re- slightly reduced in 2040. The high ranking of this indicator demon-
spond to questions such as: “In comparing criteria A and B, on the basis strates the perceived importance among the three experts of a human-
of A, which criterion is preferred?” The responses are presented nu- centered transportation system. Although the ranking of C3 is not
merically, scaled on the basis of Saaty's 1–9 scale (Saaty, 1996) with stable, it nevertheless is considered a key indicator. The ranking of C4 is
reciprocals, in a project comparison matrix. The final step is to de- also relatively unstable; however, it has the highest ranking in 2040.
termine the overall prioritization of these sustainable transportation The perceived degree of importance of C5 decreases with time. The
evaluation criteria. ranking of C6 decrease firstly and then increases, indicating that re-
The AHP technique introduced by Saaty is applied to a problem sponses to the increased elderly population in the future must involve
without considering the interdependence properties among criteria. enhancing the design of a barrier-free transportation system. The
However, there exist interdependence relationships among the identi- ranking of C7 is relatively low before 2040, but increases after 2040.
fied criteria in sustainable transportation evaluation criteria prior- This may be caused by the anticipation of a surge in energy demand.
itization problem. Generally, if we promote a C1 Land use and trans- The ranking of C8 increases firstly, then decreases. Over time, the dif-
portation plan integration in the development region, the performance ferences in the weights of the indicators decrease, especially nearer to
of C2 Friendly spaces for sidewalks and bikeways will be increased in 2040 when the difference between the highest and lowest ranking is
hereafter operations. Similarly, in order to increase the C3 Increase the reduced from 0.18 to 0.134, demonstrating convergence of the in-
accessibility of public transportation, we will have to increase C6 dicators.
Environmental enhancement through barrier-free transportation.

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

and costly, but more importantly, it is easy for experts to make mistakes
in the process of answering and is likely to cause considerable in-
vestigation errors. The role and positioning of the grey prediction
model is thus to provide us with scientific and correct prediction in-
formation under the constraints of a small number of samples or a small
number of surveys. After using FDM to eliminate improper indicators,
the DNP and GFM methods were used to assess the changes in the
weight of each indicator over time. Based on the trend of each in-
dicator, appropriate transportation strategies were developed. In other
words, each indicator was individually estimated through the grey
prediction modeling to obtain the concise future trends of the indicator
to year 2110. In short, this study adopted the dynamic concept in-
troduced by Saaty (2007) to analyze and explain dynamic change in the
weight of each indicator. The estimation result using gray prediction is
provided in the figures in following sections.

4.4.1. C1. Land use and transportation plan integration

The estimated weights of C1 are 0.22, 0.22, 0.21, and 0.19 in
2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively (Fig. 9). The MAPE of the C1
indicator is 2.38%, exhibiting a high predictive accuracy of 97.61%.
The indicator tends to decrease gradually with time, suggesting that C1
may be a linear indicator (i.e., a1 t + a2 , where a1 is the coefficient, a2 is
the constant, but a1 is negative). The weight of this indicator decreases
progressively with time. However, although the weight of the C1 in-
dicator decreases, it retains the highest ranking for the four assessment
periods, demonstrating the high importance of the C1 indicator. This
confirms that the first priority is to combine land use with transporta-
tion, followed by implementing transportation-related infrastructure,
until the efficient combination of land use with transportation systems
is achieved after 2040.

4.4.2. C2. Friendly spaces for sidewalks and bikeways

The estimated weights of C2 are 0.22, 0.18, 0.19, and 0.16 for
2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from
2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 10) using the MAPE of the C2
indicator yields a value of 5.36%, showing a high predictive accuracy
of 94.64%. The magnitude of decline for the indicator is initially
quite substantial; however, the magnitude tends to decrease
gradually with time, suggesting that C2 is a logarithmic indicator (i.e.,
b1 log (t + 1) + b2 , where b1 is the coefficient, b2 is the constant, but b1
is negative). This demonstrates that the importance of this indicator
decreases progressively with time. However, the C2 indicator remained
highly ranked for all four assessment periods, demonstrating that the
indicator is highly important from 2014 to 2040. Therefore, resources
should first be allocated to the C2 indicator during this period; after
2040, when the construction work on sidewalks and bikeways will be
nearly complete, resources can be allocated to other indicators.
Fig. 6. Eight indicators reaching the minimum standard threshold.
4.4.3. C3. Increase the accessibility of public transportation
The estimated weights of C3 are 0.18, 0.16, 0.18, and 0.15 for
4.4. Mathematical formula for the weights of all analyzed dynamic criteria 2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from
2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 11) using the MAPE of the C3
After determining the DNP expert survey results, we obtained the indicator yields a value of 5.58%, showing a high predictive accuracy
weights for the sustainable urban transportation system in 2014, 2020, of 94.41%. Although the estimated weight peaks in 2030, some dis-
2030, and 2040. We used the mean method to compute the compre- crepancies may occur. According to the GFM result, the weight of the
hensive average weights of the planning indicators based on the input C3 indicator does not exhibit a significant change after 2020. Therefore,
of the aforementioned three experts. According to the average weight of we take a constant and it shows a stable weight over time as the ex-
the indicators, this research used GFM (which only requires four sets of plainer of the equation. The C3 indicator mainly concerns how a
data) to forecast and estimate the trends of each indicator. completed transportation system can improve accessibility and con-
It must be noted that the investigation of expert questionnaires with venience, as well as reduce the cost of intercity travel and increase
ANP in this study is cooperated with the consideration of future trends employment rates. The weight of the C3 indicator falls roughly in the
and predictive scenarios which both objectively predicted by grey middle of the ranking for the four assessment periods, demonstrating
prediction modeling to approach a more realistic and dynamic situa- that experts perceive the indicator to be relatively major. However, this
tions. Certainly, the more intuitive approach is that we can also conduct indicator is not perceived to be the most critical. Resources should
dozens of expert surveys to obtain the forecasting information needed therefore be allocated carefully to the C3 indicator to avoid creating a
for our study. However, repeated expert surveys are not only practical situation where an area with potential for urban development does not

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Fig. 7. Interdependences among eight criteria.

have an adequate transportation system to meet intercity travel de- time, demonstrating that developing open spaces or green areas near
mand. the selected site for a transportation system should be considered.

4.4.4. C4. Development of a green transportation system 4.4.5. C5. A diversified transportation system
The estimated weights of C4 are 0.12, 0.16, 0.08, and 0.19 for The estimated weights of C5 are 0.09, 0.08, 0.08, and 0.06 for
2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from 2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from
2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 12) using the MAPE of the C4 2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 13) using the MAPE of the C5
indicator yields a value of 37.15%, showing a high predictive accuracy indicator yields a value of 6.43%, showing a high predictive accuracy
of 62.84%. The C4 indicator initially exhibits a gradual increase, but of 93.56%. The C5 indicator tends to decrease gradually with time,
then decreases progressively with time, suggesting its status as an index suggesting that C5 is a linear indicator (i.e., a1 t + a2 , where a1 is the
indicator (i.e., c1 e c 2 t + c3, where c1 is the coefficient, c2 is the constant, coefficient, a2 is the constant, but a1 is negative). The weight of this
but c1 is positive). The weight of this indicator increases gradually with indicator decreases gradually with time. The C5 indicator mainly

Fig. 8. Broken line graph for all analyzed indicators and time-dependent weights.

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Fig. 9. C1. Trend graph for dynamic changes in the integration of land use and transportation plans.

concerns the possibility of providing travelers with diversified trans- will increase in the future, it has the lowest ranking for the four as-
portation modes such as bicycles, electric vehicles, metros, and buses. sessment periods, demonstrating that current experts do not perceive
However, transport mode selection tends to be based on relative con- the C7 indicator to be crucial. However, emphasis on environmental
venience, implying that the provision of overdiversified transportation sustainability concerns such as alternative fuel and zero-pollution fuel
options will not necessarily improve sustainability. Therefore, the will gradually increase.
weight of the C5 indicator decreases gradually.
4.4.8. C8. Enhancement of the usage rate of non-motorized transportation
4.4.6. C6. Environmental enhancement through barrier-free transportation The estimated weights of C8 are 0.06, 0.08, 0.08, and 0.05 for
The estimated weights of C6 are 0.06, 0.05, 0.13, and 0.12 for 2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from
2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from 2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 16) using the MAPE of the C8
2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 14) using the MAPE of the C6 indicator yields a value of 8.29%, showing a high predictive accuracy
indicator yields a value of 24.67%, showing a high predictive accuracy of 91.71%. C8 is a parabolic indicator (i.e., d1 t 2 + d2 t + d3 , where d1
of 75.32%. The C6 indicator initially increases gradually then decreases and d2 are coefficients, d3 is the constant, but d1 is negative). The
progressively with time, suggesting that C6 is an index indicator (i.e., weight of the C8 indicator peaks in 2020, indicating that the necessity
c1 e c 2 t + c3, where c1 is the coefficient and c2 is the constant, but c1 is of servicing travelers who lack private transportation will be prioritized
positive). This indicator exhibits an upward trend over time, possibly in 2020; after 2020, the importance of this indicator will gradually
because socio-demographic structures will change in the future. For decline. The main reason for this is that the C8 indicator targets special
example, the proportion of elderly citizens will increase and a barrier- groups, including the elderly, children, and people without cars. Con-
free design that is related to elderly or underprivileged people will sequently, if these groups prefer not to use public transportation, other
therefore receive a gradual increase in emphasis. alternative transportation modes should be promoted in the future.

4.4.7. C7. Use of renewable energy or alternative fuel 5. Conclusions and policy implications
The estimated weights of C7 are 0.04, 0.07, 0.05, and 0.08 for
2014, 2020, 2030, and 2040, respectively. Estimating the trend from 5.1. Proposed urban dynamic transportation planning strategies based on
2014 to 2040 on the basis of GFM (Fig. 15) using the MAPE of the C7 emerging growth management principles
indicator yields a value of 24.43%, showing a high predictive accuracy
of 75.56%. The indicator decreases gradually with time, suggesting This study combined the DNP expert survey results with the GFM to
that the C7 indicator is linear (i.e., a1 t + a2 , where a1 is the coefficient, estimate the future trends for the weight of each sustainable urban
a2 is the constant, but a1 is positive). The weight of this indicator in- transportation mode. Using the prediction results of GFM, we then es-
creases gradually over time. Although the weight of the C7 indicator timated the trend of each sustainable urban transportation indicator

Fig. 10. C2. Trend graph for dynamic changes in the creation of friendly spaces for sidewalks and bikeways.

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Fig. 11. C3. Trend graph of dynamic changes in the accessibility of public transportation.

Fig. 12. C4. Trend graph of dynamic changes in the development of a green transportation system.

Fig. 13. C5. Trend graph of dynamic changes in providing a diversified transportation system.

Fig. 14. C6. Trend graph of dynamic changes in the development of a barrier-free transportation environment.

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

Fig. 15. C7. Trend graph of dynamic changes in the use of renewable energy and alternative fuel.

Fig. 16. C8. Trend graph of dynamic changes in the usage rate of non-motorized transportation.

Fig. 17. Trend graph of changes in all indicators, expressed using a Gray forecasting model.

after 2040. The DNP shows that the C1 (Land use and transportation trend and unknown dynamic situation. For example, the dynamic trend
plan integration), C2 (Friendly spaces for sidewalks and bikeways), C3 of the C3 indicator is S-shaped, rendering it more difficult to identify
(Increase the accessibility of public transportation), and C4 feasible strategies for any decision makers or decision units. Therefore,
(Development of a green transportation system) indicators are per- one of the greatest contributions or highlights of this research for
ceived to be the most critical for the period from 2014 to 2040. constructing urban transportation development strategies, perhaps, is
However, if the selection of a feasible strategy was based on only the the planning and design that change over time (Fig. 17). In other words,
DNP results, then the selection would encounter a dis-continuous future our contributions may also provide a well reference for future decision-

W.-M. Wey Sustainable Cities and Society 44 (2019) 275–290

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