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hi mga ate musta na kyo malapit na ko manganak heheeh excited at the same time nervous..

sya nga pla darating dito pangsamantala yun kapatid ni raffy para tumulong sa min in the future magwork na rin para mas makatulong din sa family nila ..bka july 8-10 sya darating kaya may mga bilin ako. 1.yung attach file may panty dyan yung nasa unahan na blue yun ang sinasabi ko padalhan nyo naman ako ng mga 3pcs (plastic panty ) AT cotton panty rin para sa bata mga 5 pcs gud for 6mos na and above .. 2.pajama para sa bata -ksi walang availble dito 2 pcs lang yung maliit yung iba medyo pang 6mos na for 1 year ksi mabilis naman lumaki ang bata (6pcs) 3.breast pump ko (mahal ksi dito sobra) sympre food gusto ko yung pili tart or ensaymada nung muchlachs (kso baka ma expire bago dumating sa akin,.,,,siguro pulvoron(plain lng ha) na lang o pastillas ..takaw ko 5. at kung may ipapadala pa kayo feel free to suggest heheehe miss ko na kyo aral kayong mbuti ,,natanggap nyo na ba yung package ko ..yung blue na shirt malamang kay ate say kasya ...pang bday ko tama lagn ba masyadong malaki...yung sweat shirt bahala na kyo kung kay eji or kay aika hiraman na lang sensya na wala ksi ako makitang iba pa..chocolate enjoy may mga its a boy na chocolate dyan yan yung souvenir ko nung baby u..musta kay ganda at sexyng nanay kimoy hheheeh

On a sheet of paper (one paper per pair). A. Determine whether the following shows simple random, convenience, systematic, stratified or cluster sampling. 1. A medical student researches the prevalence of aspirin usage by questioning all of the patients who enter her clinic for treatment. 2. The Department of Health obtains an alphabetical list of 2,537,243 adult residents and constructs a pool of survey subjects by studying every 1000th name on that list. 3. In a Gallup poll of 1059 adults, the interview subjects were selected by using a computer to randomly generate telephone numbers that were then called. 4. A dietician has partitioned people into age categories of under 18, 18-49, 50-69, and over 69. She is surverying 200 members from each category. 5. Motivated by a student who died from binge drinking, the College conducts a study of student drinking by randomly selecting 10 different classes and interviewing all of the students in each of the classes. 6. In phase 2 testing of a new drug designed to increase the red blood cells count, a researcher creates envelopes with the names and addresses of all treated subjects. She wants to increase the dosage in a subsample of 12 subjects, so she thoroughly mixes all of the envelopes in a bin, then pulls 12 of those envelopes to identify the subjects to be given the increased dosage.

7. A researcher observed a sobriety checkpoint at which every 15th driver was stopped and interviewed. 8. A farmer has 5267 orange trees. She randomly selects 20 trees then picks all of the oranges on those trees and measures the sugar content in each orange. 9. A researcher is studying the effect of education on health and conducts a survey of 150 randomly selected workers from each of these categories: less than a high school degree, high school degree, more than a high school degree. 10. A Johns Hopkins University researcher surveys all cardiac patients in each of 30 randomly selected hospitals. B. Determine whether the given description corresponds to an observational study or an experimental study: 1. Patients are given Lipitor to determine whether this drug has the effect of lowering cholesterol levels. 2. Much controversy arose over a study of patients with syphilis who were not given a treatment that could have cured them. Their health was followed for years after they were found to have syphilis. 3. The Federal Drug Administration randomly selects a sample of Bayer aspirin tablets. The amount of aspirin in each tablet is measured for accuracy. 4. Cruise ship passengers are given metallic bracelets, which they can agree to wear in an attempt to eliminate or diminish the effects of motion sickness.

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