Extinctions of Interactions Quantifying A Dung Bee

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Extinctions of interactions: quantifying a dung

beetle–mammal network
Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3PS UK
Embrapa Florestas, P.O. Box 319, Colombo, 83411-970 PR Brazil
Marwell Wildlife, Colden Common, Winchester SO21 1JH UK
Departamento de Biologia e Zoologia, Instituto de Bioci^encias, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, Av. Fernando, Corr^ea da Costa,
2367, Boa Esperancßa, 78060-900 Cuiaba MT Brazil
Lancaster Environment Centre, University of Lancaster, Lancaster LA1 AYQ UK

Citation: Raine, E. H., S. B. Mikich, O. T. Lewis, P. Riordan, F. Z. Vaz-de-Mello, and E. M. Slade. 2018. Extinctions of
interactions: quantifying a dung beetle–mammal network. Ecosphere 9(11):e02491. 10.1002/ecs2.2491

Abstract. Loss of large-bodied mammals across the globe through hunting, habitat degradation, and frag-
mentation is one of the most significant anthropogenic impacts on the environment. Cascading effects of
these extinctions through ecosystems have been little studied, although correlative studies have revealed
co-extinctions in closely linked groups, with implications for ecosystem structure and function. Despite play-
ing important roles in seed dispersal and hence seedling recruitment, mammals have been largely neglected
in network studies. Similarly, the role of secondary seed dispersers, such as ants and dung beetles, has been
largely unexplored. Most dung beetles rely on mammal feces for feeding and breeding and provide a suite
of important ecosystem functions and services. While dung beetle community responses to environmental
change have been widely investigated, studies quantifying the network of associations between dung beetle
and mammal species are lacking. By developing the first quantitative mammal–dung beetle networks, we
address several important knowledge gaps contributing to the understanding of how interactions in
networks involving mammals and secondary insect seed dispersers are structured. We use the resulting
quantitative interaction networks to model mammal species extinction scenarios to further explore the conse-
quences for dung beetle populations, and the extent to which networks change the strength of interactions
through resource switching. Dung beetle feeding and breeding networks did not differ significantly in struc-
ture and showed high nestedness and low levels of trophic specialization. Simulations suggested that
mammal extinction scenarios based on mammal body mass and mammal dung volume will impact dung
beetle populations to a greater extent than random scenarios of mammal loss. Thus, despite their generalist
feeding preferences, realistic mammal extinction scenarios have the potential to negatively impact the dung
beetle community, which may have consequences for ecosystem functioning.

Key words: co-extinction; commensalism; defaunation; food webs; interaction networks; mammals; Scarabaeinae;
tropical forest.

Received 28 July 2018; accepted 15 August 2018; final version received 7 October 2018. Corresponding Editor: Debra
P. C. Peters.
Copyright: © 2018 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
  E-mail: elizabeth.raine@zoo.ox.ac.uk

INTRODUCTION continue to drive species extinctions across the

globe, with particularly rapid biodiversity loss in
Habitat loss, defaunation, climate change, and tropical forests (Canale et al. 2012). While the
other large-scale anthropogenic disturbances majority of research has focused on species as the

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unit of biodiversity loss, an overlooked compo- that do include vertebrates, most focus on birds
nent is the extinction of ecological interactions as frugivores dispersing seeds, and only a few
(Valiente-Banuet et al. 2015). These extinctions are include bats (Mello et al. 2011) and fewer still,
important as they often accompany or precede the other mammals (Donatti et al. 2011). Thus,
loss of species and may have direct effects at the despite their important roles in seed dispersal
ecosystem level (Koh et al. 2004). Loss of large- and hence seedling recruitment, mammals have
bodied mammals across the globe through hunt- been largely neglected in network studies (Vidal
ing, habitat degradation, and fragmentation is one et al. 2013). Moreover, there have been few stud-
of the most significant anthropogenic impacts on ies of networks of commensal species (Sayago
the environment (Peres and Palacios 2007, Wright et al. 2013, Nichols et al. 2016) and the role of
et al. 2007). Cascading effects of these extinctions secondary seed dispersers, such as ants and
through ecosystems have been little studied, dung beetles, remains largely unexplored.
although correlative studies have revealed Most dung beetles use mammal dung as a
co-extinctions in closely linked groups, with food and nesting resource, meaning that dung
implications for ecosystem structure and function availability is directly related to dung beetle
(Colwell et al. 2012, Kurten 2013, Nichols et al. reproduction and survival (Hanski and Cambe-
2016). fort 1991, Moczek and Emlen 2000, Shafiei et al.
One approach to understanding direct and 2001). Dung beetles play an important role in
indirect interactions in multi-species communities dung removal and associated ecosystem func-
is to construct and analyze quantitative trophic tions such as secondary seed dispersal and nutri-
networks, which document both the incidence ent availability, factors which may ultimately
and frequency of interactions among species influence plant dynamics and diversity (Spector
(Tylianakis et al. 2010). Quantitative interaction 2006, Slade et al. 2007, Santos-Heredia et al.
networks have proved valuable in identifying 2016). Mammal abundance and the abundance
shifts in food web architecture in response to and species richness of dung beetles have been
anthropogenic environmental change (e.g., Tylia- found to covary (Andresen and Laurance 2007,
nakis et al. 2007) and have provided a tool for Viljanen et al. 2010, Culot et al. 2013, Nichols
predicting indirect interactions within communi- et al. 2016), yet beyond estimating interactions
ties (e.g., Morris et al. 2014). They have also been from co-occurrence data (Nichols et al. 2016),
used as the basis for simulating species extinc- there are no dung beetle–mammal association
tions and the resulting trophic reorganization, networks and there is a lack of data demonstrat-
using the quantitative information embedded ing this association directly through trapping
within the networks to predict rewiring and real- with native mammal dung (Nichols et al. 2009).
location of feeding interactions, and concurrent Studies of the direct interactions between dung
changes in network properties associated with beetles and the mammal dung they feed on are
community stability and robustness (e.g., Ramos- therefore needed to understand the effects of
Jiliberto et al. 2012, Evans et al. 2013). mammal species extinctions on dung beetle com-
Quantitative interaction networks have been munity structure, and the cascading effects on
employed widely to document plant–herbivore ecosystem functioning (Larsen et al. 2008, Slade
and plant–pollinator interactions (e.g., Kaiser- et al. 2011, Nervo et al. 2017).
Bunbury et al. 2010, Novotny et al. 2010). Despite numerous studies addressing dietary
However, most such studies of plant–animal preference in dung beetles, few have used meth-
interaction networks have been phytocentric, i.e., ods that enable the interactions between dung
compiling data from focal plant species in the beetles and mammalian dung sources to be
form of, for example, visitation frequencies of quantified reliably. Most sampling of dung beetle
pollinators or attack rates by herbivores or communities use standardized human- or pig
predators (King et al. 2013), rather than zoo-cen- dung-baited pitfall traps (Marsh et al. 2013), a
tric, i.e., sampling animal activity, such as the method that may not accurately represent spe-
analysis of fecal samples (Jordano et al. 2007), or cies’ use of different resources (Amezquita and
pollen samples from the body of pollinators Favila 2010). Furthermore, dung size influences
(Bosch et al. 2009). Of those interaction networks the abundance and size of dung beetles attracted

❖ www.esajournals.org 2 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


(Peck and Howden 1984). Several recent studies sampling sites separated by 0.5–1 km within
have attempted to ascertain dung beetle feeding continuous lowland tropical forest, with an alti-
preferences and have suggested that defaunation tude of 40–100 m. Sites were predominantly pri-
has strong effects on dung beetles (Martın-Piera mary forest but with signs of hunting or heart-of-
and Lobo 1996, Culot et al. 2011, Enari et al. palm (Euterpe edulis) harvesting.
2013, Bogoni and Hern andez 2014). However, no
previous work has used wild animal dung at the Data collection
realistic sizes necessary to enable the incidence Dung beetle sampling.—Dung samples from
and frequency of interactions between individual seven mammal species native to the Atlantic for-
dung beetle and mammal species to be calcu- est were obtained from the Municipal Zoo of
lated and to construct whole interaction net- Curitiba, and the natural mass of each dung sam-
works. In addition, the dung type used for ple was recorded before use (Table 1; Appen-
breeding influences brood mass and adult beetle dix S1). All dung was stored at 18°C until use
size (Arellano et al. 2015), and dung beetle selec- to keep it fresh and to kill any beetles or beetle
tivity could vary between dung used for feeding predators.
or breeding. Dung beetles use olfactory cues to locate dung
Here, using mammal and dung beetle data col- (Dormont et al. 2004, 2010), and the odor profile
lected from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, we pre- of dung is a crucial aspect of its attractiveness.
sent the first fully quantified interaction networks Pitfall trapping with unrealistic dung sizes is
for a coprophagous dung beetle community and likely to provide odor cues that differ substan-
associated mammalian dung resources. We com- tially from those generated by the spatiotempo-
pare a feeding interaction network derived from rally ephemeral distribution of dung in a tropical
pitfall trapping data with a functional interaction forest (Filgueiras et al. 2009, Whipple and
network that can more accurately represent the
breeding interactions between dung beetles and
mammal dung. Finally, we present the effects of Table 1. Atlantic forest mammal species, mean dung
simulating mammal species extinctions from the mass, mammal status for Paran a state (Mikich and
interaction network on dung beetle populations Bernils 2004), and trophic guild feeding group for
and communities under a variety of extinction the dung used in this study.
scenarios. Dung Mammal Trophic
Species mass (g) status guild
METHODS Myrmecophaga 23–28† Critical Insectivore
Study area (Linnaeus, 1758)
Giant anteater
Fieldwork took place between 6 November Sapajus nigritus 37.2  5.3 Not at risk Frugivore
2015 and 13 April 2016 within a large remnant of (Linnaeus, 1758)
Atlantic Forest in the Serra do Mar mountain Black capuchin
range, in southeast Brazil (25°270 11″ S, 48°520 57″ Cerdocyon thous 32.5  14.5 Not at risk Carnivore
(Linnaeus, 1766)
W). The Atlantic rainforest supports high levels Crab-eating fox
of endemic flora and fauna, but only 12% of the Panthera onca 73.6  5.4 Critical Carnivore
original forested area now remains (Ribeiro et al. (Linnaeus, 1758)
2009, Tabarelli et al. 2010). There are records of Leopardus pardalis 33.0  3.3 Vulnerable Carnivore
local extinctions of medium- and large-bodied (Linnaeus, 1758)
mammal species from the area, resulting in Ocelot
Galictis cuja 11.9  1.0 Not at risk Carnivore
impoverished mammal assemblages in many (Molina, 1782)
remaining fragments (Canale et al. 2012). The Lesser Grison
Serra do Mar mountain range is recognized as a Procyon cancrivorus 46.1  2.9 Not at risk Omnivore
(Cuvier, 1798)
center of species endemism and is the second lar- Crab-eating racoon
gest area of continuous Atlantic forest remaining
Note: Dung mass is expressed as mean  SE.
with an extent of 41,000 km2 (Ribeiro et al. † Only two dung samples obtained. For all other dung
2009). The study was conducted in three types, n = 11–25.

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Hoback 2012, Enari et al. 2013, da Silva and each mammal species in naturally occurring vol-
Bogoni 2014). Therefore, we used mammal dung umes (Table 1) was randomly allocated to sam-
of realistic sizes in our sampling. To distinguish pling positions along each transect. All traps
between the functional use of dung, we deployed were set in the morning between 0900 and 1100.
two types of trap, to identify dung beetle visita- Dung beetles from both trap types were stored
tion (pitfall trap) and dung removal (bag trap). in 70% ethanol in a freezer until they were
Pitfall traps attract coprophagous dung beetles identified by a dung beetle taxonomist (F. Vaz-
that would both feed and breed on a dung de-Mello) and using genus-specific keys (Vaz-de-
source. We buried 700-mL plastic cups (10 cm Mello and Edmonds 2011). Voucher specimens
top diameter, 7 cm bottom diameter, 15.5 cm were deposited at the Universidade Federal de
depth) flush with the ground, half-filled with a Mato Grosso (UFMT) and Embrapa Florestas,
water, salt, and detergent solution. The dung bait Parana. Dung beetle dry biomass was quantified
was suspended over the cup, protected with a by weighing up to 30 individuals per species
rain cover, and left for 48 h before collection. Bag (depending on the abundance of the species)
traps (Arellano 2016, Goh and Hashim 2018), with a microbalance accurate to 0.001 g.
designed to capture dung beetles exploiting the Mammal sampling.—Mammal sampling coin-
dung to form brood balls or balls buried for feed- cided with dung beetle sampling. For each site,
ing, were made from large agricultural plastic line transect surveys were carried out twice per
bags with drainage holes in the bottom, buried in week between 0900 and 1500 from 17 November
the ground, and back-filled with approximately 2015 to 4 March 2016. Line transect surveys con-
70 L of soil (0.45 9 0.45 m). Bags were buried sisted of following two 1400-m trails within each
flush with the soil surface; mammal dung was of the three sites, with observations of footprints
placed on top of the soil inside the bag and left recorded and photographed, fecal samples col-
for 24 h. Upon collection, the bags were sealed, lected and identified, and visual sightings
and dung beetles collected by sifting through the recorded. Motion detection cameras (LTL Acorn
soil onto a white sheet. Bag traps capture a realis- 5210 and 6210) were set at each site covering 141
tic abundance and biomass of dung beetles camera-trap nights from 24 November 2015–13
attracted to a dung type as dung burial limits the April 2016. Eight cameras were used in a grid
period that the dung is attractive to beetles. This configuration spread across both dung beetle
method does not reliably capture dung beetles trapping transects, with cameras spaced approxi-
that roll away dung balls from a dung pad for mately 200 m apart and rotated among the sites
burial (rollers), but these make up a small to enable high-density sampling in each site for
proportion the dung beetle fauna in the Atlantic three weeks (24 November 2015–2 February
forest (Filgueiras et al. 2011), which mainly 2016). Following this, three cameras were placed
consists of tunneling dung beetles (that bury in each site for 11 more weeks (3 February 2016–
dung directly beneath the dung pad). Dung of all 13 April 2016). Following standard protocols,
seven mammal species was used for pitfall cameras were placed within sites in areas where
trapping, and six dung types were used in the animals were likely to pass (Kays and Kranstau-
bag traps due to insufficient quantities of giant ber 2009, O’Connell et al. 2010).
anteater dung (Appendix S1: Table S1 and
Appendix S2). Data analysis
In each of the three sites, two 1400-m line tran- As the three sites were not spatially indepen-
sects were established spaced at least 150 m dent in terms of mammals or dung beetles, data
apart and starting at least 100 m from the forest were pooled to produce two matrices, the first
edge. One transect was used for pitfall traps and (from the bag trap data) representing dung bee-
the other for bag traps. Each line transect had tles using dung as a resource for their offspring
eight sampling points spaced 200 m apart, to (breeding) and the second representing dung
limit interference between traps (Appendix S1: beetle–mammal interactions based on attraction
Fig. S1). Both types of traps were set once per to pitfall traps (feeding).
month, on three occasions for the bag traps and The total number of camera sightings, sign,
four occasions for the pitfall traps. Dung from and visual sightings per species was used to

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calculate the relative abundance of each mammal Quantifying dung beetle–mammal interaction
species across the three sites. Due to the mis- networks.—The feeding and breeding dung
match between the detection of animals and the beetle–mammal dung networks created were
dung used (e.g., jaguar dung was used in trap- based on the relative volume of dung available in
ping; puma but not jaguar was recorded in the the ecosystem. This was estimated based on the
field), the categories large felid and small felid abundance of each mammal species recorded
were used in place of species as nodes in the that also had dung available to use for dung bee-
interaction network, indicative of the mammal tle trapping. Dung volume (g) produced per
trophic guild (Bogoni and Hern andez 2014). mammal species per day (dj) was estimated
To test sampling completeness, coverage-based based on the mammal species body mass (mj;
rarefaction (Chao and Jost 2012) was applied to Blueweiss et al. 1978, Emmons and Feer 1997)
the network using the iNEXT package (Gotelli and raw proportional occupancy (aj), following
and Chao 2013). Both dung beetle species and Nichols et al. (2016): dj ¼ ð0:85mj 0:37 Þ mj aj . The
mammal dung types were tested to assess the
interaction frequency between dung beetle spe-
sampling completeness in terms of diet breadth
cies i and mammal species j was based on dung
of dung beetle species, and the range of dung beetle numbers recorded, defined for each trap
beetles detected on each dung type. An interac- d
tion accumulation curve was plotted to identify type as: Iij ¼ pjj  Bij where pj is the total volume
completeness of feeding interactions. of dung of mammal species j in one trap type
To test whether the dung beetle–dung (bag or pitfall), and Bij represents the number of
networks differed in structure from a random beetles captured through trapping of dung beetle
network with similar structural properties, link- species i on dung from mammal species j in one
age density (L/S), specialism (H20 ; Blu
€ thgen et al. trap type. The relative abundance of a dung bee-
2006), and nestedness were compared between tle species is therefore
Pn the sum of the interactions
the observed network and 10,000 random net- it is a part of: bi ¼ j¼1 pj  Bij .
works. Linkage density (L/S), specialism (H20 ; Mammal species extinction scenario simulations.—
Blu€ thgen et al. 2006), and nestedness were com- To explore the effect of mammal species extinc-
pared between the bag network and the resam- tions on the dung beetle community, the feeding
pled pitfall network using a one-sample t-test and breeding networks were combined to create
(Tylianakis et al. 2010). Nestedness values range one network using the methods described above
from 0 to 100 where 0 is perfectly nested, and to represent the total interactions (both feeding
H20 values range from 0 (no specialization) to 1 and breeding) of dung beetles with each dung
(perfect specialization). Linkage density is the type. We estimated the average biomass of dung
mean number of links per species (Dormann beetles reproducing within a realistic mass of
et al. 2009). Random networks were simulated dung of each mammal species using a linear
using the bipartite package (Dormann et al. model fitted between the transformed log bio-
2008), constraining the total species abundance mass of dung beetles and log dung mass from
and links, and compared to the empirically the bag trap network. This was incorporated into
observed networks using a one-sample t-test the interaction frequency equation (Iij, see above)
(Dormann et al. 2009). To identify whether there for the mammal species extinction scenarios.
were differences in structure between the feeding We simulated network responses to four alter-
and breeding network, while controlling for sam- native mammal extinction scenarios. Scenarios
pling intensity, subsets of beetles were selected at were selected to reflect extinction risk on the
random 1000 times from the pitfall network to basis of (1) rarity, where the least abundant
create networks of the same size as the bag net- mammal species goes extinct first (Cardillo et al.
work. In addition, to test whether there were dif- 2006), based on relative mammal abundance
ferences in the dung beetle community attracted from this study; (2) local status of extinction-pro-
to each trap type, a permutational multivariate neness from the Parana Red Book (Mikich and
analysis of variance (MANOVA) was calculated Bernils 2004), where the most endangered mam-
and visualized using nonmetric multidimen- mal species goes extinct first; (3) body size, with
sional scaling (NMDS). the largest mammal species going extinct first,

❖ www.esajournals.org 5 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


which has been used as an indicator of extinction species. For each simulated network, we calcu-
risk (Cardillo et al. 2006); (4) dung volume, lated dung beetle species richness, dung beetle
where mammal species extinction was based on abundance, total dung beetle biomass, and aver-
total volume of dung produced per day by mam- age biomass per beetle individual. These metrics
mal species dj (mammal species with the largest were compared between the realistic scenarios
dung volume removed first; Appendix S1: and random null scenarios of mammal species
Table S1 and Appendix S2). Based on the gener- extinction using confidence intervals. Code for
alist interactions of many dung beetles with extinction scenarios is available in the Support-
mammal dung (Hanski and Cambefort 1991), the ing Information. All data analyses were carried
simulations incorporated the potential for dung out in R (R Core Team 2016), and interaction net-
beetle individuals to change their feeding inter- works visualized using Food Web Designer (Sint
actions to alternative resources following mam- and Traugott 2016).
mal extinctions. Where jr represents the mammal
species that are removed from the network, the RESULTS
dung beetle individuals feeding on this dung
type (Iijr) were reallocated to other remaining Dung beetle and mammal data
dung types available (Iij), in proportion to that In total, 435 dung beetles of 15 species were col-
species’ use of each dung type as recorded from lected using 69 dung-baited pitfall traps and 44
the combined bag and pitfall traps. Thus, the dung-baited bag traps (Appendix S1: Table S2).
reallocation of dung beetles to the mammal spe- The majority of dung beetle species captured were
cies remaining in the network is represented as: coprophagous or generalist in their feeding pref-
Rij ¼ Iik  Pn ij erences according to the existing literature
where Bijr represents the
Bij Bijr (Appendix S1: Table S3). Rolling dung beetles
dung beetles feeding on the dung of the mammal made up only 6.8% of individuals. Mammal sur-
species that have been removed (k). Dung beetle veys identified 17 mammal species through 151
individuals (drawn from all species feeding on a camera records, 40 animal signs, and five visual
dung source) were then removed at random until sightings (Appendix S1: Table S4).
the biomass (s) of dung beetles feeding on a dung
type (Bsij) was equal to that predicted to be sup- Trophic networks
ported by that dung source (based on the bag The networks for breeding (Fig. 1a) and feed-
trap data): Rsij ¼ Bsij . Each extinction scenario ing (Fig. 1b) interactions of Atlantic forest mam-
ran for 1000 iterations to attain the range of dung mals and dung beetles incorporated half of the
beetle populations that would persist given the mammal species identified at the site through the
stochastic element during dung beetle individual mammal census. All mammal dung types had
reallocation. The scenarios assume a direct asso- high sample completeness (76–100%), indicating
ciation between dung beetle biomass and volume that the data are robust in terms of the number of
of dung used and incorporate competition into dung beetle species attracted to each bait type.
the network by restricting the total biomass of Equally, dung beetle species had high sample
dung beetles that can be supported on a dung completeness (>90%), with the exception of Can-
source. Our method of feeding reallocation thidium punctatostriatum (73%), indicating that
assumes that dung beetle individuals are capable diet breadth detected for dung beetle species was
of switching their feeding source to other dung also robust. The interaction accumulation curve
types used by the same species and that this showed that sample size, as expected, is an
occurs without any fitness cost to the dung beetle important influence on the number of interac-
individual. tions detected for each dung beetle species
Each mammal loss scenario (1000 iterations) (Appendix S1: Fig. S2). There were no specialist
was compared with a null model (1000 itera- dung beetles interacting with a single dung type,
tions) with a random order of mammal species other than those with very low abundances (two
extinction. For simplicity, we assumed that mam- or fewer individuals).
mal species extinctions would not result in any The feeding interaction network included 15
compensatory response from other mammal dung beetle species and seven mammal species,

❖ www.esajournals.org 6 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


Fig. 1. (a) Dung beetle breeding interaction network. (b) Dung beetle feeding interaction network. Networks
depict the dung beetle–dung–mammal interactions based on relative mammal abundance. Bottom level: relative
mammal species abundance; mid-level: dung volume produced per day per mammal species, numbers represent
number of samples of each dung type; top level: proportional abundance of dung beetle species. Connecting bars
represent the proportional frequency with which each dung beetle species utilizes the dung. (1) Dichotomius seri-
ceus, (2) Phanaeus splendidulus, (3) Deltochilum furcatum, (4) Dichotomius mormon, (5) Canthidium sp. 1, (6) Onthopha-
gus catharinensis, (7) Dichotomius quadrinodosus, (8) Coprophanaeus dardanus, (9) Deltochilum aff. irroratum, (10)
Canthidium punctatostriatum, (11) Coprophanaeus saphirinus, (12) Coprophanaeus bellicosus, (13) Deltochilum morbillo-
sum, (14) Dichotomius fissus, (15) Canthon smaragdulus.

and the breeding interaction network included and specialism (P = 0.011), but not nestedness
11 dung beetle species and six mammal species. (P > 0.05), were significantly different from the
Connectance (the realized proportion of possible null model expectation (Appendix S1: Table S5).
links, from 0 to 1) was 0.49 for both networks. The metrics for the feeding network subsampled
For the feeding network, nestedness, specialism, to the same number of beetles as the breeding
and linkage density did not differ significantly network revealed significant differences in nest-
from the null expectation under random associa- edness (P = 0.002), specialism (P = 0.001) and
tion (P > 0.05). In contrast, in the breeding inter- linkage density (P = 0.001), all of which were lar-
action network both linkage density (P = 0.19) ger in the feeding network.

❖ www.esajournals.org 7 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


Dung beetle biomass increased significantly interactions based on mammal dung types. By
with dung volume (F1,47 = 14.43, R2 = 0.22, using a range of dung sources of native mammal
P = 0.00042), and the fitted regression was used species of the Atlantic Forest at realistic sizes, the
to calculate maximum biomass of dung beetles interaction networks display the true magnitude
attracted to each dung type in the equation for Iij of interactions between dung beetles and mam-
(see Methods). There was a small, but significant, mals, in addition to separating the functional
effect of the trap type—dung bait interaction on interactions of dung beetles into feeding and
dung beetle species composition (F16, 161 = 1.85, breeding networks. Moreover, quantifying the
R2 = 0.16, P = 0.001): The dung beetle species strength of interactions between mammals and
composition captured in bag traps overlapped dung beetles allows specialization within this net-
but was distinct from the composition found in work to be measured more robustly on a commu-
pitfall traps (Appendix S1: Fig. S3). We therefore nity-wide basis, rather than on a species-by-
pooled the bag and pitfall trap data for simula- species basis (Ings et al. 2009). Both the feeding
tions of mammal species extinction scenarios. and breeding interaction network were character-
ized by high nestedness, consistent with other
Extinction scenarios commensalist interaction networks, for example,
The effects of mammal extinctions differed for epiphytes and their host trees (Burns and Zotz
among scenarios and for each measure of the 2010, Piazzon et al. 2011, Sayago et al. 2013). A
dung beetle community (Fig. 2). The mammal highly nested dung beetle–mammal dung net-
extinction scenarios based on local mammal status, work is likely to be formed by a set of common
dung volume, and body mass all showed higher dung beetle species interacting with many dung
predicted losses of dung beetle abundance, bio- types, and where rarer species feed on a subset of
mass, and species richness than the random extinc- these dung types.
tion scenarios. The extinction scenario based on Realistic dung sizes were used in both the
local mammal status showed a greater range of feeding and breeding networks to account for
predicted effects on dung beetle abundance, bio- species specialization that might have been
mass, and species richness from the third species undetected in previous studies, which often use
extinction onwards. This can be accounted for by non-native dung types (e.g., human, pig) and/or
the low-risk status of four mammal species, which unrealistic dung sizes (Enari et al. 2011, Whipple
were removed at random following removal of the and Hoback 2012). The bag traps enabled the
higher risk species (see Table 1). Extinction due to quantification of a breeding interaction network
mammal rarity, as based on the mammal survey (for tunneling species) that represents the pat-
data collected in this study, resulted in declines in terns of dung beetle species interactions within
dung beetle abundance, biomass, and species rich- the process of dung removal. Both networks
ness that were within the confidence intervals of showed community-wide generalism. While
the random extinction scenarios. However, extinc- some rare dung beetle species were found to feed
tion scenarios based on mammal body mass and on only one dung type, this may be a conse-
dung volume resulted in dung beetle average bio- quence of small sample sizes for these species.
masses that fell below the 95% quantile of the ran- The structure of the feeding and breeding net-
dom extinction scenarios, whereas the extinction works is therefore consistent with the ecological
scenarios based on mammal rarity and local mam- theory that the majority of dung beetle species
mal status resulted in average dung beetle bio- will show generalist feeding behavior in order to
masses within the confidence intervals found in utilize patchily distributed and ephemeral dung
the random extinction scenarios. resources (Hanski and Cambefort 1991). Altho-
ugh specialist feeders do exist (Larsen et al.
DISCUSSION 2006), none were reliably identified in this study.
It is possible that the defaunated state of the for-
Structure and specialization of dung est has already resulted in selective local extinc-
beetle–mammal networks tion of any trophic specialist dung beetle species.
We present the first documented dung beetle– Differences in dung preference for breeding
mammal networks that quantify dung beetle and feeding could be driven by increased

❖ www.esajournals.org 8 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


Fig. 2. Mammal species extinction scenarios (1000 iterations per scenario) plotted against dung beetle popula-
tion metrics of abundance, biomass, species richness (as a percentage of the intact community), and average
dung beetle body size (g). Gray areas represent the 95% quantiles produced from the 1000 random mammal
species extinction scenarios. See Methods for explanation of extinction scenarios.

resource selectivity for the formation of brood component, the breeding networks represent the
balls where dung quality is of high importance ecosystem function contributions of dung beetles
(Shafiei et al. 2001, Moczek and Nijhout 2004, to a greater extent than feeding networks. This is
Arellano et al. 2015). This is relevant for the con- analogous to pollination networks, which can
struction of interaction networks: by burying identify ecosystem functioning in plant–pollina-
dung, rather than just feeding on the liquid tor systems more reliably than visitation

❖ www.esajournals.org 9 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


networks (King et al. 2013, Popic et al. 2013), (Culot et al. 2015), seed burial (Lugon et al.
and help predict functional consequences of spe- 2017), and seed germination (Lawson et al. 2012)
cies extinctions (Anderson et al. 2011). The feed- at rates higher than predicted for random extinc-
ing network had higher specialization and lower tion scenarios. As mammal body size is closely
connectance than the breeding network, when correlated with dung size (Blueweiss et al. 1978),
comparing networks of equal size. However, the extinction scenario based on mammal body
comparison of the fully sampled feeding network size represents the community-level effect on the
revealed very similar structure to the breeding dung beetle population of loss of dung source by
network, with the same specialization and con- size. Both the abundance and size of dung bee-
nectance. The dung beetle community of the tles decrease with decreasing bait sizes (Peck and
breeding network overlapped with the feeding Howden 1984, Andresen 2002), trends that were
network, which suggests that more dung beetle also found in our analysis. A reduction in the
species choose to feed than breed on any dung average body size of beetles would reduce the
particular type. This suggests that standardized amount of dung buried per beetle and could
pitfall trapping approaches to gathering data on reduce the potential for complementarity in
dung beetle species dung preferences can also dung removal between dung beetle functional
reliably identify the functional interactions of guilds (Slade et al. 2007).
dung beetles. However, using bag traps can The mammal extinction scenario based on rar-
reveal realistic numbers of dung beetles breeding ity as detected in this study did not result in
in a dung source, unlike pitfall traps (Arellano losses in dung beetle populations that differed
2016), and so may be useful when linking dung from those observed under a scenario of random
beetle communities to ecosystem functioning mammal species extinction. This suggests that
measures. In both networks, the number of inter- the dung of less common species may not repre-
actions documented between resources and sent a critical contribution to maintaining dung
dung beetle species increased with sample size beetle populations. The defaunated ecosystem in
(i.e., the number of individuals of a species that the study area lacked key Atlantic forest mam-
were recorded), again indicating a highly gener- mal species, such as the South American tapir
alist feeding ability. (Tapirus terrestris) and white lipped peccary (Sus
pecari), and primate species were apparently rare,
Consequences of mammal species extinctions for a common scenario in many degraded neotropi-
dung beetles cal forests (Redford 1992, Wilkie et al. 2011,
Mammal extinction scenarios based on total Galetti et al. 2015). This suggests that the dung
dung volume available in the system, the local profile within the study sites may have already
extinction status of the mammal species, and shifted away from large moist defecations to
mammal body mass resulted in patterns of sec- smaller pellets (Nichols et al. 2009), with the
ondary extinctions in dung beetles where abun- loss of many large herbivores and frugivores.
dance, species richness, and total biomass Thus, functional interactions and specialist dung
declined more rapidly than the majority of ran- beetles may have already been lost from the
dom extinction scenarios. This suggests that the observed networks (Harvey et al. 2017), and
extinction of mammals will have severe impacts some dung beetle species may have already
on dung beetles in this system, despite the model changed their feeding preferences to other dung
accounting for their trophic flexibility. For two of sources.
the scenarios, dung volume and mammal body
mass, mammal extinction resulted in greater Assumptions and uncertainties
declines in individual dung beetle biomass than The dung used for this study came from ani-
the random extinction scenarios. As the total bio- mals fed diets which may not be realistic for wild
mass of dung beetles is closely related to dung animals, which could have impacted the attrac-
removal (Nichols et al. 2016), these extinction tiveness of the dung to dung beetles (Edwards
scenarios indicate the potential for the loss of the 1991, Bogoni and Hernandez 2014). However,
associated ecosystem functions provided by the generally broad dietary preference detected in
dung beetles, such as declines in seed dispersal this study suggests minor changes in consistency,

❖ www.esajournals.org 10 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491


odor, or nutritional quality of dung would not higher selectivity in the breeding network com-
have had great effects on the dung beetle compo- pared to the feeding network, and both networks
sition detected. The networks represented here showed a similar structure to other commensalist
consider dung beetles attracted to fecal material. systems that have been previously quantified.
We note that carrion, fungi, and rotting fruit are However, despite this low trophic specialism,
also important food sources for some dung beetle simulations of mammal extinction scenarios sug-
species (Hill 1996, Halffter and Halffter 2009). In gest that dung beetle populations will be strongly
addition, the displayed interaction network is a negatively impacted by mammal extinctions, with
case study and not a systematic analysis of the the potential for cascading consequences for
dung beetle–mammal interaction network in the ecosystem functioning.
Atlantic Forest, and repeated sampling would be
needed to elucidate the variation in network ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
structure over time or environmental gradients
(Tylianakis and Morris 2017). We thank Embrapa Florestas for their support and
The species extinction scenarios displayed here assistance with fieldwork, and for allowing access to its
represent a static system without the potential field station, in Morretes, Paran
a. We are also grateful
for mammal species populations to vary in to two private landowners for access to forest in this
response to the modified community structure. municipality. We thank field assistants Otaıde
The loss of large-bodied mammal species could Goncßalves and Ademar Ceccon, as well as Adriana De
result in population increases in smaller mammal Almeida and Dieter Liebsch for support during field-
work. Manoel Lucas Javorouski and Zoolo gico Munici-
species and a subsequent compensation in dung
pal de Curitiba provided dung samples. Financial
availability (Wright 2003, Nichols et al. 2009).
support for fieldwork and collections came from a
This could prevent declines in dung beetle popu- NERC studentship to EHR (grant number NE/L02612/
lations by buffering dung beetles against the loss 1), and funding from Embrapa Florestas. EMS is funded
of mammal species, although the extent to which under UK Natural Environment Research Council grant
changes in dung composition effects reproduc- (NE/K016407/1; http://lombok.hmtf.info/).
tive success is still unknown (Holter 2016). We
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❖ www.esajournals.org 15 November 2018 ❖ Volume 9(11) ❖ Article e02491

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