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Page No.

Tutoial 12
Gxeup amd Rimge--Paxt B

Fn te cooleunnds gunem beleus


Lafmd tae uammimg_diktamcabehoeam t

Cede wBNds sa

Let n

z 01lo ww.

d(a,yyEx 10O =3
d la,z) - z 2 OLLLO
d (,s)= E) 101O

dljw)= OuE 000LL2

dlz,us)= z0 u 0002
b &perily what d the miimum spamning
duttamce amd findautdhe numbex
exmor8that cambe dtteetedl amd corrected
mim Cd) = 2

ol 2
ktE 2
Page No.:


d2 la
2k 2
0 AKONS aACokectc

Cc Rauwitr a ceolurals o Cby addimg

-ettth eum_paxity duwsk bit and sdd
pOuLty claeek bitt

Censidu eum paxity clhuck encoleing

umctio amd d cold paxity chec
encoding umtien
e lo0.o.0o)
eToLo) 010
e (Lolo)EoLLOI

9(o0000) O000oL
9(Lo10L) L010LO

g2) Degine
The stuuctuke (R,tiA) CouLtinga
Page No.:

nenemnpty getRamd tue bma bimary

opoxatiern& demstec by amd. *
s callad a uin44follsuing anieme
axe satisfied
LDCRt i s am abeliam gtuaup
(a k) a semigaHBup
(3)Fox_alo a,bamd ceR
Cbt Caxb)+ lax
la+b)x C (a «c) + lbxO

Lb) Field:
AHing F ig callad Held
ti s a cmmutaiiUL Ang
(2 t i8 aHiMg us h_ umty
L8)EuLRA 1&m- 1ne elemest is muertide

A UmgLE,t*)isa Feld
LD CF,+)s aMabeliam Msup
) E isaMabeliam gHeup (umUENe exsirta)
laputuibutia Jaus8 ake aPplucable

L Tnteaxal Demaim
A MuM Di8Aaid te ha mtearal demain
t 48Lemmutatiua HUNg itt wmity
amd uuitthout Zreduuusst

93) 3sus tat (E,tu)is a Buld uwthexe F

Page No.

8 8 t a l l Katieual uMbers amd

Omdtaxe 0Hdimauy addtionasmd
multipliuatien opoxkatons

A) Ceu&ider_lP,+)
(E,+) atb amda,b eF

0 atfamd b EF
. at b e F L
atbis a clLosid ep0Katiem

(2) Catb) t c 2 a t b tc
a t bitc)E a t b. t e
atb R am asoiatiuo epAKationd

( bzo an atb =a

(u) atb aD aenb=-a

b -aef ig tta muexge element

(s) atb= bta

atb 18a Cmmutatiue epexatien

i(E,t) is aM aeliam Kaup

LB) Cernaider (e,A)

LE,*) E a¥ b Md aheF
Page No.

(D aeF amd bef

ax bEF
a*b isa dekadeperation

L2 Ca*b) * c a*b *c
ax lb * c)E a*b *C
'a*b ug an assouaiiun eperapiem

CaFo b = , a b a
b EF tie solontuty elemeutE

far a*b=, b a
b= Ya ¬ E8 h mverse lemet

axb = b*a 2
a*b s a Cemmutatiiu patLsm

(F *)s am abeliam eup and

MULNe emiM

Cc Ceuaide a=l, b 2, c =3

FozfFo let distributiua popuxty

LHS a Lbtc)F.5
RHS= (a*b) + (a*c) 5
L t disttubuzinapxepuuty is applicakle
(2)for i t disibutiu pxopty
2324 4
Page No.:

LHS=latb)*c =1
RHS la* c)+Lb* ) 9
Riglat disinibuhLAprsperty 8applicable

A Bcit ds prousd at
LF x 8auldfuld

gu) Shous tiat LL,8.0)is a_commadatria

9uing witta olsututy wua amd
O as

a b = atb-L
a b= atb

Censudes a,h, ceI

Iha ziun ztucture u8(I,O,O)
A)Cornauden (IO)
a b atb -1

a bel1
ab : atb -1 eI
a b 8 a cdeed 9puratin

(2 a (b c)-a CbtC-)
atb+ c-2
Cab) cE(a +b-1) c
a+bt c-2
ab askedatiue epmatiion
Page No.:

C3 For a b =a,
a t b - = a_

Zolemtity elemeut exauta

FO ab =L,
a th L 2324

b 2-a
Imvese elemmesnts enHt ga

_L5) ab=at6 -/
b a a t 6 -1
a b is cemunutatiu opuaisn

CI i g an abeliam qkip_

a Ob = atb
a,b Er
a o b61
aOb is acLoLad bperatien

(aOb) O atbtc
aO CbO c) at b tc
a Obs associatiua epexatie

(1, 0) a Semignsup

Page No.:

cFs Logt dustxibudiue pepenty

LHSE a 0 Cb Oc)
_ a tb t c -

RHS =Ca Ob) (aoc)

a t b tatC-
20a +b t c-
aft dugtuubuituua psunpauty s n8t

Fon usat dustxubutus puepety

LRS= a b) O J
a tb tc
RHS Cao c) C6O
Eatbt 2c 9
Riglct digtubutiua pepexty nst

Stuuctua lI,,0) i s s t a Ximg

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