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Indonesia Malaysia Singapore

The Ministry of National Education administers all educational Opting to study in Singapore. Commonly known as the Garden City,
policies, guidelines and implementation in Indonesia. All citizens in the country is famous for its cleanest streets, lush gardens,
the country have to finish 9 years of education, 6 years at Education in the country is consisting of pre-school, primary, skyscrapers as well as top-ranked academic institutions imparting
elementary level and 3 in middle school. The constitution stated that secondary, tertiary and postgraduate. Beginning in 2003, the quality education.
education in the country is divided into two parts, formal and non- government initiated the use of English as a standard of teaching in
formal. A formal education is divided again into three levels, the entire science subjects. The Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia is The Ministry of Education, Singapore aims to “help students discover
primary, secondary and tertiary education. responsible from pre-school up to secondary stage of education and make the best of their own talents, to help them realise their full
while, the Ministry of Higher Education is in-charge in tertiary potential, and develop a passion for lifelong learning”. The country
Children with ages 5 to 6 or 7, attend kindergarten. It is not education in 2004. has opted for a one-of-its-kind approach towards education with the
mandatory for Indonesian toddlers but the objective is to train them core focus on ensuring holistic personal and professional growth of
for primary school. Normally, the kindergarten years are divided into every individual. Broadly, the Singapore education system is divided
"Class A" and "Class B" pupils spending a year in each class. into 4 levels, namely, Pre-School, Primary, Secondary and Post-
Malaysia is famous not just for its bustling capital and cultural
Indonesian attends elementary school from ages 7-12. Based on the Secondary.
charm, it's also famous for its stunning coastal areas. This Southeast
national constitution, this stage of education is mandatory to all
Asian country is completely surrounded by water and is comprised of Singapore—known variously as the “Lion City” or “Garden City,” the
Indonesian citizens.
a whopping 99 islands. latter for its many parks and tree-lined streets—has also been called
“instant Asia” because it offers the tourist an expeditious glimpse
into the cultures brought to it by immigrants from all parts of Asia.
Indonesia is famous for its volcanos. They are pretty much
everywhere and erupting all the time. To be more precise, Indonesia
has 147 volcanos, and 76 of them are active. Only the US and Russia
have more.
China South Korea Japan

Pre-school education is an important component of education cause Kindergarten is optional in South Korea and most parents prefer Japan, children typically undergo 12 years of formal education
in China. In urban areas, it is mainly kindergartens of 3 years, two to keep their little ones at home as long as possible. However, at consisting of elementary, lower secondary, and upper secondary
years or one year which could be full time part-time, boarding or age 6 their child must move on to 6 years compulsory chodeung- education. Before beginning their elementary education at the
hour-reckoned.Primary and Secondary Education in China hakgyo elementaryeducation age of 6, children have the option to attend kindergarten
between the ages of 3 and Compulsory education begins with 6
Since the promulgation of the "Compulsory Education Law of the Middle Education years of elementary school and ends with 3 years of lower
People's Republic of China" in 1986, the 9-year compulsory secondary school for a total of 9 years. Students then proceed to
Places in secondary schools are awarded by lottery and everybody
education has been implemented by governments at various levels upper secondary school, which caters to children who have
and made significant progress. gets an equal chance,classrooms teaching core subjects, including
completed their compulsory education and is completed in 3
English, Korean, Maths, as well Social Science and Pure Science.
Higher Education in China years. There is also an option to attend a secondary school after
Optional programs include Art, Ethics, History, Home Economics,
elementary school which combines lower and upper secondary
Music, Physical Education, Technology, and Hanja Chinese
Higher education in China has played an important role in the education. In recent years, locales with smaller populations have
economic construction, science progress and social development by been given the option to establish compulsory education schools
bringing up large scale of advanced talents and experts for the Secondary Education which are schools that combine elementary and lower secondary
construction of socialist modernization. schools
The final 3 years of school education take place at high schools.
China known as the Land of the Dragon. These may specialize according to subjects taught (e.g. Science Higher education in Japan is divided into colleges of technology,
versus Languages), or present more general academic curriculae. junior colleges and universities.
Some are state owned and some are privately run. The quality of
Japan is famous for natural sights like cherry blossoms and
their results is legendary. Standards are high
Mount Fuji, cutting-edge technology like Japanese cars and bullet
It is a place of great natural beauty, featuring stunning mountains, trains, wacky inventions like karaoke and vending machines,
clear waters and serene countryside. Indeed, its tranquil scenery has cultural values like politeness and punctuality, popular anime and
led to Korea being traditionally known as the “Land of Morning manga, and mouth-watering food like ramen and sushi.
Columbia Venezuela Dominican Republic
In Colombia the primary and secondary education use a uniform. The educational system in Venezuela is highly centralized.. For all preschool education, one year became compulsory, as did nine years
This is so that all children have the same clothes. So you cannot levels of education there are public and private institutions. The of basic primary school, effectively extending compulsory schooling
identify if someone is from a family wich is rich or poor. structure of the whole educational system is comprised of Basic by four years. Middle school (to receive the bachillerato degree) has
Education (Educación Básica), which lasts nine years (from 5 to 14 been reduced to only three years and is noncompulsory, as is higher
Children between 6 and 12 years go to primary school. This school is years); Diversified Secondary Education (Educación Media education. Middle school students are separated into academic and
free. In 2001, 86.7% of children attending this school. 89% of these Diversificada), which lasts 2 years (14 to 16); and Specialized technical-professional tracks, receiving high school diplomas that
children succeed. In 2002 a rule changed that up to 5% of students Secondary Education (Educación Media Profesional), which lasts specify their tracks. Education provided by the Dominican
at a school may sit a year. Because of this people automatically go to three years (from 14 to 17), after which the student is awarded a universities continues to confer licenciaturas, ingenerias, and
the next year. As regards the delay whatsoever so. This rule tries to technical degree. Secondary education (Educación media) is divided doctorados, but with extended programs, especially in the areas of
push de costs down for the goverment. into two cycles: medicine and law, whose programs have been effectively doubled in
both material and time. Also of note is the inclusion of maestrias and
After primary school children go to secondary school. This takes just Higher education is provided by universities, institutes, university nonmedical doctorados as the higher education system expands its
as in the Netherlands four years. The first two years is generally, the colleges, and university institutes. There are two ecclesiastic postgraduate degree systems.
last 2 years attempting to form a career. The problem is that only university institutes and three military university institutes. These
people with a reasonable income are able to move their children to institutions are grouped in two sub-systems: Planificación del Sector The Dominican Republic, the land of merengue and baseball,
the university for further study. Universitario(OPS. occupies two-thirds of the island Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea.

The University has two types of courses. For those with a certificate land of Venezuela, located at the northern tip of South America, was
or people still need to get a certification. dubbed “Land of Grace” by Christopher Columbus. With a climate
that ranges from Amazon rain forest to high mountain peaks to
Venezuela, was dubbed “Land of Grace” by Christopher Columbus.
balmy beaches, Venezuela is indeed a land of beauty.
With a climate that ranges from Amazon rain forest to high
mountain peaks to balmy beaches, Venezuela is indeed a land of
Brazil Paraguay Argentina

Since the enactment of its Constitution in 1988, the education Education has not always received the recognition it deserves in The educational system of Argentina is divided into four categories:
system of Brazil has seen major improvements in both attendance Paraguay. These days this is changing as political stability returns, pre-primary, primary, secondary and higher education. While the
and performance and is now considered one of the finest systems in although the poorer children in more rural areas still are not reached country provides all of this, not all of it is mandatory. Students are
all of South and Latin America. by the same opportunities, especially in terms of hours per day at only required to attend primary school, which consists of seven
school. As a result 10% to 15% of them are still illiterate. The 6 years grade levels (when the students are between the ages of six and
The education system in Brazil is divided between 5 distinct levels or of primary school start nominally at age 7, and education is twelve). Adults who missed out on elementary school are often
stages: pre-primary or preschool education, primary education, mandatory through to age 14 educated right along with the younger students. All of these grades
lower secondary education, upper secondary education and tertiary must be completed, unless the student has to repeat a year, in which
or higher education. Of these five levels, only primary education and The secondary school program that is split into 2, 3-year phases is case, he or she only needs to stay until the age of fourteen. Around
lower secondary education are compulsory. not well regarded by the local people who prefer to send their that age, children often go to work to help support their families.
children across to Chile if they can afford it. This is causing conflict They have the option to return to secondary school later.
Pre-school Education between educational authorities, which the Education Minister of
Paraguay is addressing by improving local facilities at home. University education is provided by public universities, either
Preschool education in Brazil, known locally as Educação Infantil, is
national or provincial, and by private universities. Since 1955,
entirely optional. The system offers parents two options when it tertiary education system in Paraguay does not enjoy widespread university entrance has been open to all students who have
comes to preschool education: Maternal, or state run crèches, for recognition despite the government having introduced a number of completed secondary school.
children aged 2-5, and Jardim, for children aged three to six years of new institutions in recent years.
age. Argentina is known for its world-famous footballers, but that is not
Paraguay has had the longest dictatorial regime in South America. the only thing that makes it one of the top destinations in South
The official Portuguese name of the land, in original Portuguese Between 1954 and 1989 Alfredo Stroessner was in power as a America
records, was the "Land of the Holy Cross" (Terra da Santa Cruz), dictator. He was the son of a German father and was nicknamed El
but European sailors and merchants commonly called it the "Land Rubio, the blonde guy. During his regime, Paraguay became a
of Brazil" (Terra do Brasil) because of the brazilwood trade. popular safe
USA Canada Mexico
The US education system consists of 12 years of elementary and Education in Canada is available to children the year they turn five
secondary education before students can advance to post-secondary (except in Ontario and Quebec, where children may start a year
education. earlier). Depending on the province, kindergarten may be optional. In Mexico, basic education is divided into three levels: primary
The table below shows, generally speaking, the ages between which school (ages six to 12), junior high school (ages 12 to 15) and high
Elementary and Secondary (K-12) Education children are required to attend school (note that requirements may school (ages 15 to 18). Throughout all three levels of schooling,
differ for homeschooling, which is legal across Canada). attendance is compulsory
Elementary and secondary school is similar across the US. However,
there are minor variations from state to state. Elementary and Primary Education Public schools in Mexico are free of charge and secular.
secondary education is divided into: Unfortunately, the schools are often underfunded and lacking in
Also known as elementary school, this level runs from Kindergarten resources. This is especially true in rural areas, with urban centres
Elementary School: Runs for 6-7 years starting in Kindergarten or Grade 1 (ages six to seven) and runs through to Grade 8 (ages 13 being only somewhat better.
through to Grade 5 or 6 to 14). The school year normally runs from September through to
the following June. Private schools in Mexico
Middle School: Runs for 2-3 years starting in Grade 6 or 7 through to
Grade 8 Secondary Education There are many private schools in Mexico, most of which can be
found in the big cities. Most private schools offer a good standard of
High School: Runs for 4 years starting in Grade 9 through to Grade 12 Also known as high school, this level runs from Grade 9 (ages 14 to education, but there are some exceptions and it pays to be cautious.
15) to Grade 12 (ages 17 to 18). Ontario has a Grade 12+. In Quebec,
Once a student has completed Grade 12, they will receive a high When considering a private school, it’s best to ensure that it is
students attend high school until the age of 16. They may then
school diploma. Students must complete secondary school (high accredited by the relevant authorities, and to personally visit the
proceed to CEGEP, a publicly-funded two-year college where
school) to qualify for post-secondary education. Public education in school to see its quality first-hand. Parents are advised to meet with
students may pursue either a university preparation diploma, or a
the US is generally free, however, students may come across some teachers and check the curriculum to determine suitability
vocational diploma.
fees including field trips, uniforms, books, etc.
Post-secondary Education cities.
Post-Secondary Education
Canada has a wide network of colleges and universities, offering
The US has more than 4,500 post-secondary institutions. The US is
some of the best post-secondary education worldwide.
unique as their institutions are not centrally organized but are Mexico is known as the land of extremes with its dense rainforests
accredited on a national or regional level. There are many different Canada has many internationally recognized university programs and deep canyons. Mostly covered in mountains, Mexico is famous
types of post-secondary education systems within the US. located in both urban and rural regions throughout the nation. not just for its rich natural resources but for its vibrant culture. It's
Degrees awarded from Canadian universities are generally
Each type of institution provides students with a unique schooling recognized as equivalent to those from other universities worldwide. home to a great many artists and jawdropping beaches
experience, giving students the flexibility to choose the path that
works best for them and their career. The university year usually runs from September to April or May, and
is comprised of two semesters, or terms. Many post-secondary
Public and Private Institutions institutions offer the option of taking courses in a third semester
during the summer months. Generally speaking, students may begin
Public or state institutions are supported by state or local a study program at a university in September (in most cases), or in
governmminimum of one state university and college. With support January.
from the government, students are provided with an affordable post
secondary option. We all know that Canada is the land of maple leaf is the nickname of
Canada and the beauty of The Laurentians justifies the statement
United States is by far the most famous country in the world. It's with utmost conviction.s.
famous for its attractions, such as the Grand Canyon, tech
innovation, sports, and it has a large imprint on the global culture
thanks to famous movies, television shows, and musicr

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