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Hello Miss Susana Milagros, delighted to meet you, this is my task number 18, the participants are Joseph

Abbot Maria and Aguilar burga

A: joseph acosta B: abbot mariarosa C: aguilar burga

A: hello girls how are you

B: I'm fine my classes are ending and I can go on a trip

C: yes me too and I will be able to concentrate more on my work

A: sounds good

B: What were they like in sports at school?

A: I don't like sports but I liked basketball

C: I liked volleyball

A: Does anyone remember any experience playing sports in school?

B: if I remember winning a chess match

A: it is a very interesting sport but how old were you?

B: I was about 10 years old I think I won luckily I wasn't very good but I improved a lot over time

C: sounds good but how did you feel

B: I was very surprised but very happy to win

A: Even though I don't really like sports, I made my basketball team win a championship at school.

C: How old were you

A: I was 12 years old

B: how did you feel

A: I was very happy because I never really liked soccer but basketball is still my favorite sport And you, aguilar, do
you have any good sports experience?

C: if when I was about to finish my school I won a volleyball championship

B: sounds interesting how old were you

C: was 15 years old

A: How did you feel

C: quite happy because there was a prize money that I used for the promotion trip

A: I have to go thanks for the conversation see you

C:see you

B: see you

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