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engines, and war beasts through Tale’s End Canyon to raze

AGAINST THE HORDE the village. Tale’s End can’t withstand the might of the
Ivory Throne, but some villagers may yet make it out alive.
Against the Horde is no ordinary encounter. It’s a fearsome The people of Tale’s End have a chance to escape
gauntlet featuring a band of heroic adventurers in a last through secret tunnels in the mines, but someone needs to
stand against impossible odds. There is no hope of escape buy them time. A bold group of heroes, the player
or chance at victory, only glorious death worthy of story characters, have pledged their lives to hold the Ivory
and song. However, it's also a competition; how long can Throne at a choke point in the canyon until their last
your players hold out against the ever-advancing horde? If breath. Many a battle throughout the centuries has been
you stream this encounter, you can share your score on waged in Tale's End Canyon, and today another will join
the MCDM leaderboards for bragging rights and glory! those glorified in the bards’ songs.
Such a dramatic experience requires special resources
and preparation to run. Included with this scenario is
everything you need to run this encounter like a pro: a
detailed battle map, stat blocks, premade characters, The player characters begin the encounter at the
tactics, rules, and more. New GMs will receive all the southernmost end of the Tale’s End Canyon map,
support required to run this encounter with confidence, defending the chokepoint that leads to the village. The
while veterans can enjoy the rare chance to hand their Ivory Throne keeps up a constant barrage of magic and
players a crushing defeat. No matter your experience level, mundane smoke to heavily obscure the area north of the
prepare for a thrilling encounter of legendary proportions. map. The throne attacks in waves, emerging from the fog
GMs should read this document fully before running the of war section of the map at specific times in a tactical
scenario. Players should read up until “GM Information” formation, which is detailed later in this scenario. The
and then stop. walls of the canyon are smooth stone that is impossible to
climb, and the throne refuses to negotiate. There is no
PREPARATION escape! The characters waste their time if they attempt to
do anything but take out as many enemies as possible.
Against the Horde can be run one of two ways. If you are
streaming it as part of the official MCDM competition and MCDM LEADERBOARDS
looking for a chance to earn bragging rights, then you
should follow the parameters laid out in this scenario as If you stream your game, you can submit your score and
rules that shouldn’t be broken. video of your game on the MCDM Discord at
However, the competitive element is completely We will post the scores online
optional. If you are playing this encounter for fun, treat the at, and the highest-
rules as suggestions for the best play experience. scoring group can claim bragging rights above all!
Within this section you will find essential information
that should be made clear to all players before the
encounter begins.
The player characters succeed through sacrifice, but
GAME RULES greater glory is measured by scoring points. It helps GMs if
a player volunteers to keep track of the score. Points are
Against the Horde is run using a strict interpretation of awarded as a team based on the following criteria:
fifth edition rules and doesn’t include any optional rules,
such as flanking in combat. Players and GMs should have Killstreak (2 Points): Awarded for every five enemy
their respective rulebooks on hand for reference, and GMs creatures (aside from a scyza or Dohma Raskovar) that
are encouraged not to bend the rules in anyone’s favor. the characters kill
Additionally, use the provided tactical battle map of Tale’s Minion Mayhem (2 Points): Awarded each time a
End Canyon for the encounter, rather than theater of the character kills five or more orc blitzers with one attack
mind or other options. or spell
One Shot (2 Points): Awarded for each non-minion
THE STORY SO FAR creature the characters bring from the creature’s hit
point maximum down to 0 hit points with a single attack
Dohma Raskovar leads the orcs of the Ivory Throne or spell
toward Tale’s End, a small village of miners that sits at the To the Death (2 Points): Awarded for each character that
back of a canyon. After the miners refused to pay tribute to uses their Heroic Sacrifice trait
the Ivory Throne and ignored an iron-handed warning, the
dohma is sending his force of mercenary orcs, siege
Let Them Come (5 Points): Awarded if the characters BANNER OF GLORY
don’t attempt to close the Ivory Throne’s portal after it Wondrous Item, Very Rare
While holding the banner, you can use an action to wave it
Bring Down the Bird (5 Points): Awarded for killing a
heroically to inspire willing creatures of your choice within 30
scyza after the round they appear
feet of you. An affected creature immediately gains the benefits
Bring Down the Bird Faster (10 Points): Awarded for
of a short rest. Once used, the banner can’t be used again for 24
killing a scyza during the round they appear (instead of
the 5 points for “Bring Down the Bird”)
Ride the Bird (2 Points): Awarded if a character climbs Heroic Sacrifice. Each premade character has a unique-
onto a scyza's back (once per scyza). A character within to-them trait called Heroic Sacrifice, which allow them to
5 feet of a scyza can use a bonus action to make a leave their enemies devastated before they die. If you’re
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check not using the premade characters for this encounter, the
contested by the scyza’s Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If GM can assign each player one of the existing Heroic
the character wins the contest, they climb onto the Sacrifice traits to use with their character.
scyza's back.
Assassination (10 Points): Awarded for killing Dohma CODE OF CONDUCT
Raskovar after the round he appears
Quicker Assassination (20 Points): Awarded for killing In a competitive environment, excitement and thrills walk
Dohma Raskovar during the round he appears (instead hand in hand with stress and disappointment. Don’t let
of the 10 points for “Assassination”) your desire to win overpower your group’s enjoyment! A
Last Stand (10 Points): Awarded if at least one character strong sense of sportsmanship ensures everyone has a
is alive at the start of round 4 good time. Since this is a new dynamic for many groups,
Longer Last Stand (20 Points): Awarded if at least one players should adhere to the etiquette listed below:
character is alive at the start of round 8
Guts without Glory (10 Points): Awarded if the • Play YOUR Character. Play the character(s) you
characters never use the banner of glory control. If another player is struggling to make a
Honorable Combatant (5 Points): Awarded if all the decision or figure out what to do, politely ask if they
players follow the competitive Code of Conduct would like help before offering it.
• Be Efficient. Time is of the essence! You should aspire to
PLAYER CHARACTERS complete your turn as quickly as possible. This is more
than just rolling all your dice simultaneously. Keep up
Against the Horde is an encounter for four reasonably with the situation on the battlefield, communicate with
optimized 5th-level characters of different classes. A group your fellow players, and act decisively.
running this encounter as part of the official MCDM • Celebrate Defeat. No matter how well you play, you will
competition must use the premade characters included lose. Whether you meet your end because of an unlucky
with this scenario. If a group doesn’t have four players, a string of natural 1’s or too many orc knives in your
player can run multiple characters. Players need to choose character’s back, embrace the nature of defeat with a
their character(s) before the encounter begins. heartfelt camaraderie.
• Respect Your GM. Being a game master is hard work,
PREPARATIONS especially when running something different like
Before the battle begins, the player characters can cast Against the Horde. Your GM will make mistakes when it
spells to benefit themselves such as aid and mage armor if comes to rules. Don’t make them regret running this
they wish. However, they don’t have time to rest and encounter by giving them a hard time for making an
regain resources lost from these preparations (such as a error that works against your party.
wizard using Arcane Recovery to gain back a spell slot lost
from casting mage armor). The characters also have a full
round on the battlefield alone that they can use to position
themselves and prepare.

The player characters have two special tools to call upon
during Against the Horde.
Banner of Glory. The banner of glory is a magic item
carried by a character of the players’ choice at the start of
the encounter.
Creature Initiative Number Active Number Killed
From here on out, the information in this PDF is for the GM Count
running the encounter. If you’re a player, stop reading. Scyza 20



This encounter puts you, the GM, in a unique position. Wizard* 17

Your job is to kill the player characters by the best means
Orc Garroter 16
available and to make that fun. A successful running of
Against the Horde makes your players feel like they won
Orc 14
by making a noble sacrifice, even as the last hero falls to an
orcish blade. Be a comrade in moments of defeat and loss,
Barbarian* 13
celebrate the players’ moments of triumph and endurance,
and praise their skill as you tally up their points with Orc 12
dramatic flair. Bloodrunner
Orc Fury 10
Cleric* 9
If you’re running Against the Horde competitively, it’s
primarily your responsibility to ensure the encounter’s Orc Conduit 8
integrity. A healthy competition between honorable
opponents is tremendously fun for many players, so do Orc Rampart 6
your best to avoid spoiling this dynamic. It isn’t expected
Paladin* 5
for you to be perfect and make no mistakes in arbitrating
the game—only that you take efforts to ensure Orc Blitzer 4
sportsmanship. Even when the dice are mercilessly unfair
or favorable, resist the temptation to bend the rules of the Orc 2
game. The d20 is a fickle beast that can foil any strategy, Terranova
but it’s one every table must contend with. Mohler 2

MONSTER MANAGEMENT *If you’re not using the premade characters, one player
character of the GM’s choice should act on this initiative.
Against the Horde involves running a lot of enemies, which
can prove challenging, particularly if they all act on
individual initiative counts. As new foes appear on the
battlefield, the encounter grows more complicated. To
keep the pace of the game swift, all creatures with the
same stat block act on the same specific initiative counts
as shown on the Combat Tracking table, and player
characters should act on initiative counts 17, 13, 9, and 5
as indicated on the table. You can also use the table to
keep track of the number of creatures on the battlefield
and the number of creatures killed. The creatures detailed
in this PDF are included in Flee, Mortals! Packet 1.
Once the players have the information they need and have The battlefield has the following features.
their characters, read or paraphrase the following boxed
text to begin the encounter: BOULDERS
Two types of boulders adorn the canyon floor.
The narrow passage south of you is sealed with stone to buy Big Boulder. The largest boulder on the battlefield is 10
the villagers of Tale’s End extra time to escape. There is no feet high and provides total cover (can't be targeted
turning back. Over the centuries, many armies have made a directly by an attack or a spell) for Large or smaller
last stand in this canyon. Today your names shall be added to creatures and half cover (+2 bonus to AC and Dexterity
its history. saving throws) for Huge or larger creatures.
An endless tide of enemies, led by the fearsome Dohma Smaller Boulders. The smaller boulders are 3 feet high
Raskovar, advances from the north. The air is choked with and provide half cover (+2 bonus to AC and Dexterity
dust and stinks of sweat. From within the smoke, Raskovar saving throws) for Medium creatures and three-quarters
unleashes a triumphant war cry. The horde surges forward, cover (+5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws) for
offering neither terms of surrender nor mercy. Die well, and Small creatures.
may the bards sing songs of your heroic last stand.
Each player character starts the encounter in an The northern end of the map is heavily obscured in smoke
unoccupied space of their choice within 10 feet of the that the Ivory Throne’s forces generate to hide their
southern end of the map. numbers and plans.


The midday sun fills the canyon with bright light.
The Enemy Waves table shows which creatures appear at
the start of a round of combat. Each creature appears on MUD POOL
the battlefield in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of the
northern end of the map as they emerge from the fog of This 1-foot-deep mud pool is difficult terrain.
war. When a wave appears, the creatures within don’t act
until their specified initiative count. At the start of the TRENCH
second through sixth rounds of combat, an event occurs This battlefield trench was dug decades ago. It is 3 feet
before the next wave appears, as shown on the Battlefield deep and provides half cover (+2 bonus to AC and
Events table. Dexterity saving throws) for Medium creatures and three-
quarters cover (+5 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving
throws) for Small creatures. Small creatures must use 5
feet of movement to climb into or out of the trench.
Round Wave Event? Notes

1st None No The characters can use this round to prepare for the oncoming

2nd 20 orc blitzers, 4 orc furies, Yes The blitzers and furies rush into melee. The godcaller follows
1 orc godcaller behind to support them.

3rd 10 orc blitzers, 1 scyza Yes The scyza runs into the fray, eager to get within reach of as many
enemies as possible. The blitzers ride the scyza into battle.
4th 4 orc bloodrunners, 2 orc Yes The bloodrunners target characters staying behind the others. The
conduits, 2 orc ramparts conduits use ranged attacks at the back of the battlefield while the
ramparts enter the fray and protect the scyza, if alive.

5th 3 orc garroters, 2 orc Yes The garroters, enter the battlefield invisible and hidden, requiring
terranovas a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher to detect. The
terranovas stay at maximum range, summon mohlers on their first
turn, and otherwise provide support. The mohlers burrow and try
to knock characters engaged in melee prone.
6th 1 Dohma Raskovar, 1 scyza Yes Dohma Raskovar rides the scyza into battle, then leaps into the
fray, using his villain actions the first chance he gets and fighting to
the bitter end.

7th and every odd 10 orc furies, 5 orc No At this point the orcs have lost patience and send wave after wave
round after conduits each round until the characters are overwhelmed.

8th and every even 10 orc bloodrunners, 3 orc No At this point the orcs have lost patience and send wave after wave
round after ramparts each round until the characters are overwhelmed.

Round Event

2nd Siege Weapon. An orcish catapult launches a great pot of alchemist’s fire at a point of your choice on the battlefield, which
explodes on impact in a 15-foot-radius sphere. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 10
(3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

3rd War Portal. A 20-foot-diameter portal appears within 5 feet of the southern wall of the canyon. Whenever a new wave of
enemies arrives, including the round this portal appears, any number of orcs from that wave can appear within 10 feet of the
portal. The portal only works one way. A character can attempt to close the portal by using an action to make a DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, the portal disappears.

4th Explosive Boulder. An explosive barrel hurled by a catapult hits the large boulder on the map, destroying it in an explosion. Each
creature within 10 feet of the boulder must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

5th Mohler Hole. The ground shakes as a group of mohlers dig a 10-foot-square, 20-foot-deep pit beneath an area where at least
one character is standing. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature falls
into the pit, taking 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and landing prone. On a successful save, a creature can move to
the nearest unoccupied space that isn’t in the pit without provoking opportunity attacks. The steep walls of the pit require a
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check to climb.

6th Ivory Throne Enthusiasm. The Ivory Throne cheers on their comrades in battle. Until the start of the next round, all orcs are
emboldened by the support and have advantage on attack rolls.
Design Director: Matthew Colville Playtest Coordinators: Aaron Flavius West, Adam
Lead Designer: James Introcaso McLaughlin, AJ Metzger, Alex Adkisson, Alex Hencinski,
Designers: 2C Gaming, Ryan Servis Anna Guimarães, Bennoni Thomas, Casey Bell, Casey
Editor: Amber Litke Williams, Chris Catterson, Claire Buzzelli, Clayton
Sensitivity Consultant: Maple Intersectionality Salamon, David Lake, Durante Bozzini, EagleRuler,
Consulting Essjae, Ethan Dunning, Harley Kewish, Iris Gorton, Jack
Production: Lars Bakke Vidulich, Janek Dalkowski, Joel Russ, John Bryant,
Playtest Director: Lars Bakke Madeleine Bray, Matthew "OneEyed" Vansprang, Moises
Raul Montero, Nick Pierson, Reuben Hung, Roman

MCDM CONTRACTORS Penna, Shane Parker

Alpha Playtesters: @andrewdagiant, @ElfSy, 0XiDi,
Community Coordinator: John Champion 5quids, abculatter_2, Adam McDivitt, Adrian
Customer Support: Bobby McBride "EvenTallerTree" Orlando, Adys, Aidan Griffith, Alex
QA Senior Tester: Spencer Hibnick "Kevin" Lover, Alex Chapman, Allister Scott,
Testers: Alecson de Lima Junior, Cassandra “Dig” Crary, Alpacnologia, Andrew Kane, Andrew Ng, Andy Heinrich,
James Dewar, Nathan Clark Ayden Birch, Brandon Alan McClenahan, Brandon
Wanner, Brett DeCosimo, Brian Diehl, Bridge Squitire,

MCDM PRODUCTIONS Bryce Beggs, ButterScotchParadox, CarlsXeEinar, Chris

Hopper, Christopher Berry, Christopher Teale, Cole
Lars Bakke: Development & Production Carey, Cole Guest, Cole Sharp, Cory Muraglio, Craig
Jerod Bennett: Technology Getting, Dan Keyser, Dana Monahan, Daniel Franco,
Grace Cheung: Art Daniel Lake, David Fleming, davidqshull, Delfi Collard,
Matt Colville: Writing & Design Dennis Ware, Derek Fisher, Drew Flowers, Drew
Nick De Spain: Art & Art Outsource Management VandeLune, Duskers, Dustin Hammersmith,
Jason Hasenauer: Art & Art Direction EndlesNights, Eran Arbel, Eric Stefen, Eris, Evelyn
James Introcaso: Lead Game Designer Keeley, Fábio Mesquita, Félix Gauthier-Mamaril,
Hannah Rose: Managing Editor FULLMETAL337, Gabriel Sortica Reichmann, Gina
Delvin, Grumpy, Guilherme da Silva Moser, Hans

PRODUCT IDENTITY "Horroar" Van den Eynde, Harrison Howe, Harry Morris,
Hazel Margaris, Hunter Jones, Hunter Loose, Isaiah
The following items are hereby identified as Product Smith, Jai Gautam, James Bull, James Cook, Jared "Jay"
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version 5.1 or has otherwise been specifically designated Kirkpatrick-Peet, Kevin Conway, Kristoffer Mejborn
as Open Game Content, including Dohma Raskovar, Ivory Eliasson, Kyle McCordic, Lance Hobbie, Leonardo Vechi,
Throne, mohler, scyza, Tale’s End, and all Trademarks, Lexie Bryan, Liam Kearney, Liam Lefferts, LlamaThor,
registered trademarks, proper names (including the Luiz Felipe Kormann, Luke M., Luke Zich, Lynn, Lys
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Tom Comte, Treb, Troy Gabriel, Vince Porter, Vincent
Cramer, Vinicius "Teco" Bellé, Walter Ferrufino, William
Pfeiffer, Zachary Scott, Zachary Smith, Zehl Day

6 Against the Horde version 1.0 ©2022 MCDM Productions, LLC. All rights reserved
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Authors: Matthew Colville, James Introcaso, 2C Gaming,
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7 Against the Horde version 1.0 ©2022 MCDM Productions, LLC. All rights reserved

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