Make Up Exam - 5to

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Circle the correct answer :

1. I plays / play tennis every afternoon.

2. My parents live / lives in Ramat-Gan.

3. Tom listens / listen to the radio in the morning.

4. We eat / eats eggs for breakfast every morning.

5. My dog barks / bark at night.

6. Mrs. Gold sweep / sweeps the stairs once a week.

7. My brother never watches / watch television.

8. My family go / goes to the beach together in the summer.

9. I often eat / eats dinner at my grandmother’s house.

10. Sharon do / does her homework regularly.

11. They takes / take a bath daily.

12. You seldom listen / listens in class.

13. Dana and Liat goes / go to the swimming pool every afternoon.

14. I never hurt / hurts my cat.

15. He never finish / finishes his work on time.

Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple.

1. Janet....................................... (enjoy) going to clubs on Friday evenings.
2. Mr. Wilson is a famous scientist who........................... (give) lectures every Tuesday.
3. Mike....................................... (catch) the 8.30 train to work every morning.
4. They........................................ (not/stay) at luxury hotels when they go on holiday.
5. Alice....................................... (not/spend) a lot of money on clothes.
6. ....................... .............................................. (he/usually/ride) his motorbike to college?
7. A: Ben..................................... (sing) well. B: I agree. But he....................................... (not/dance) very
8. A: What does Helen................................... (usually/do) on Sundays? B: She .:..................... (meet) her
9. A: ...............................................(Frank/know) how to ride a bicyc1e? B: No, he ........................ . He is only
10. A: .................................................(Sue and Nick/work) long hours? B: Not really. They ....... ..............................
(always/leave) at 5:00 o'c1ock.
..................................................... (the train/always/arrive) in York at 7 am?


Fill in the following sentences in the present progressive

1. They ____________________(wait) for us on the corner now.

2. Listen! I think the telephone______________________(ring).

3. I see that you_____________________(wear) your new suit today.

4. The boys___________(make) a lot of noise. Please tell them to be quiet.

5. Mr. Zehavy ______________(not work) in his office today.

7. The bus driver______________(not drive) carefully.

8. _______the pupils____________(decorate) the room at the moment?

9. You________________(not take) a shower right now.

10. They______________(have) sales in all the big stores now.

11. Look! It________________(begin) to rain

12. At present my grandparent___________(travel) in London.

13. The maid______________(clean) the room now.

14. ________you________________(watch) TV right now?

15. Sharon______________(not swim) in the pool at the moment.

16. My brother_____________(not come) home today.

17. Two old ladies_____________(sit) under a tree.

18. ________they__________(laugh) at what I said?

19. Ronen___________(look) for the book which he lost.

20. Mom is sick. She__________(lie) in bed.

The Bus

The bus________(come). The passengers____________ (sit down). One woman ____________ (give) the driver
the money. An old man ____________ (read) his newspaper. The young boy ____________ (ring) the bell. Two
children ____________ (run) for the bus. The bus ____________ (stop) and the people ____________ (get off) it. .

22. Autumn Is Here

It is beginning of autumn. I can see though the window that it ____________ (rain). The wind ____________ (blow)
and some leaves ____________ (fall). My brothers____________ (listen) to records and they ____________
(discuss) the weather. It seems that the summer is over and there is nothing to look forward to. A small dog
outside____________ (run) and ____________ (bark) in happily. I guess he____________ (look) for shelter. I think
that the best thing about autumn and winter is that spring and summer are soon to follow.

23. A Busy Afternoon

It is 06:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Everybody is busy. Father ____________ (read) the Evening paper. Mother
____________ (help) David with his homework. Miriam ____________ (do) the dishes. Uri ____________ (wash)
the family car. Our little dog ____________ (bark) unhappily. He _____________ (wait) for somebody to take him
out. There are a lot of actives outside. People ____________ (come) from work. Mothers ___________ (call) their
children to come back home. Another day ____________ (come) to an end.

Haz oraciones con esta información y el present perfect:

- I / never / read / Shakespeare.

- I / break / my arm / three times.
- Peter / pay / for his lessons?
- Joe / change / his job / twice a year.
- You / ever / write / a poem?
- I / never / climb / a mountain.
- How often / she / ask / you for money?
- I / often / try / to stop smoking
- Alex / phone / me / six times this week.
- Charles / speak / to you / today?
- Mary / not / tell / me / her new address
- You / ever / break / your leg?
- We / not / play / football / this year.

- Complete with the correct form of the simple past.

1. A: Where .................................. (you/go) last night, Paul? B: I ......................... (go) to the cinema with my friend,
2. A: What .......................... (she/have) for breakfast? B: She ............................ (eat) pancakes with syrup.
3. A: They .................................. (see) their favourite band play in concert. B: Wow! ........................ (they/enjoy)
4. A: Why ................................. (you/leave) school yesterday? B: Because 1 ............................. (not/be) well. I
............................... (go) home.
5. A: Be quiet! 1 ............................ (heard) something outside the window. B: That's strange. I
..........................(not/hear) anything.
6. A: ........................ (you/get) my message last night? B: No, I ............................. (not/receive) any messages.
7. A: What .................................... (you/do) last weekend? B: First, I .......................... (play) tennis and then
............................(swim) in the ocean.
8. A: I .............................. (read) this book about Great White Sharks. B: ...................................... (you/like) it?
A: Yes. I ..................................... (think) it was very interesting.

1 Fill in the missing verbs. Use the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.

1 Yesterday I ______________ to school by bus. (go)

2 Last year we _______________ in Spain. (be)

3 Bob ________________ his friend a few minutes ago. (phone)

5 I ___________ her yesterday. (see)

6 He ________________ her flowers. (bring)

7 Betty ___________ her homework in the evening. (do)

8 Last night Sita and Ben ______________ TV. (watch)

9 Yesterday my mum _______________ shopping. (not/go)

10 Last week I ______________ my bike. (clean)


Use will or won’t to make predictions about the future.

1. People ………………. use flying cars.

2. People............................. prepare food. A machine will do this for them.
3. People .............................. live longer. Life expectancy will rise to 150 years.
4. Children .................................. have online schools. They will get education at home.
5. People ................................. go to Mars on holiday. It will take only 30 minutes!
6. People ......................... go shopping. They will buy everything online.
7. Parents............................. take children to the park. A robot will do this for them.
Complete the questions with the right form of the future simple and give short answers.
1. Mum,…………………………….. (you/buy) me a motorbike, please? No ………………………..,
2. ....................................... (yon/post) this postcard for me on your way home, please? Yes, ………………….
3. .............................................. (they /be) at home this afternoon? No,………………………………..
4. .................................................. (you /carry) these bags for me? Yes,……………………………..
1. If we ………………………………… (come) to the party, you ………………………………….(have) fun.
2. If the weather ………………………………………………(be) good, we …………………………………………….. (go)
for a picnic.

3. If you ………………………………………………..(eat) a lot of sweets, you …………………………………………..…..

(get) fat.
4. If she ………………………………………………. (call), I ……………………………………………(tell) her to come
back earlier.

5. If Mary …………………………………………………….. (not/ study), she ……………………………………….(not

pass) the exam.

6. If it ……………………………………………….. (rain), we ………………………………………….(stay) at home.

7. If you …………………………………………… (do) your homework now, we

……………………………………………..(go) to the park later.

8. If I ……………………………………….(buy) the book, I ……………………………………………….(lend) it to you.

9. If we …………………………………………….(not / leave) now, we …………………………………………………(miss)

the bus.

10. If we …………………………………………….(miss) the bus, we …………………………………………(be) late.

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