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The Good Life

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

• At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:
1. Define the idea of the good life;
2. Discuss Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia and
arete; and
3. Examine contemporary issues and come up with
innovative and creative solutions to contemporary
issues guided by ethical standards leading to a
good life.
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
What does it really mean to live a
good life?

What qualifies as a good existence?

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

The School of Athens

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

Plato The School of Athens Aristotle

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

The Good Life According To Ancient Thinking
•Before the word “Science” has been coined,
the need to understand the world and reality
was bound with the need to understand the
self and the good life.
•For Plato, the task of understanding the things
in the world runs parallel with the job of truly
getting into what will make the soul flourish.
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
•A good life, according to Plato, involves
living in harmony with one’s inner nature
and understanding the true nature of
•To do this, one must overcome negative
emotions such as anger and greed and
embrace truth and knowledge.
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
Aristotle and How we all aspire for a Good life

Theoretical science Practical science

• Logic • Ethics
• Biology • politics
• Physics
• metaphysics

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

•It is abbreviated as NE or sometimes EN

based on the Latin version of the name,
and is a treatise on the nature of moral
life and human happiness based on the
unique essence of human nature.

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

Aristotle and How we all aspire for a Good life
•Explained that every action aims at some good.
•Instrumental good
•Intrinsic good

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

Eudaimonia: The Ultimate Good
•What then is the ultimate good?

1. Pleasure
2. Wealth
3. Fame and honor
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
• Happiness (or flourishing or living well) is a complete
and sufficient good.
This implies
• (a) that it is desired for itself,
• (b) that it is not desired for the sake of anything else,
• (c) that it satisfies all desire and has no evil mixed in with
it, and
• (d) that it is stable.

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

• spelled eudaemonia
• in Aristotelian ethics, the condition of human flourishing or
of living well.
• The conventional English translation of the ancient Greek
term, “happiness,” is unfortunate because eudaimonia, as
Aristotle and most other ancient philosophers understood it,
does not consist of a state of mind or a feeling of pleasure or
contentment, as “happiness” (as it is commonly used)
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
• For Aristotle, eudaimonia is the highest human
good, the only human good that is desirable for
its own sake (as an end in itself) rather than for
the sake of something else (as a means toward
some other end).
•Only possible by living a life of virtue

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

Aristotle’s Tripartite Soul

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University


•Greek term defined as “excellence of any kind”

•“moral virtue”
•Is what makes one function well.

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
• How is virtue related to the attainment of
• Happiness consists in the activity of the mind in
conformity with virtue
• The true goods of man are the spiritual goods that
consist in virtue of his soul, and this is happiness
• The care of the soul remains the only way that leads to
• Being sufficiently endowed with the possession of
exterior goods is indispensable, but they don’t
guarantee happiness
J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University
What is Good? Good Life?

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

J.A. Huliganga Notre Dame of Marbel University

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