A. Group I: Major Minerals: Food Sources Function Deficiency/Toxicity

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Exercise on Group Trace Minerals and Minerals

Name: Columbe, Mechelle M.

Year: and Section: BSN – 2D


CALCIUM Milk, cheese • Development of bones and teeth Deficiency
Sardines • Transmission of nerve impulses ➢ Osteoporosis
Salmon • Blood clotting ➢ Osteomalacia
Some dark green • Normal heart action ➢ Rickets
leafy vegetables • Normal muscle activity ➢ Tetany
➢ Retarded growth
➢ Poor tooth and bone

MAGNESIUM Green, leafy • Synthesis of ATP Deficiency

vegetables • Transmission of nerve impulses ➢ Normally unknown
Whole grains • Activation of metabolic enzymes ➢ Mental, emotional, and
Avocados • Constituent of bones, muscles, and muscles disorders
Nuts red blood cells
Milk •Necessary for healthy muscles and nerves
SODIUM Table salt • Maintenance of fluid balance Deficiency
Eggs • Transmission of nerve impulses ➢ Nausea
Seafood • Osmosis ➢ Exhaustion
Milk • Acid-base balance ➢ Muscle cramps
• Regulation of muscle and nerve irritability Toxicity
➢ Increase in blood pressure
➢ Edema
POTASSIUM Oranges, bananas • Contraction of muscles Deficiency
Beef, eggs • Maintenance of fluid balance ➢ Hypokalemia
Poultry • Transmission of nerve impulses ➢ Muscle weakness
Milk, cheese • Osmosis ➢ Confusion
• Regular heart rhythm ➢ Abnormal heartbeat
• Cell metabolism Toxicity
➢ Hyperkalemia
➢ Potential life-threatening
irregular heartbeats
PHOSPHORUS Milk, cheese • Development of bones and teeth Deficiency
Lean meat • Maintenance of normal acid-base ➢ Poor tooth and bone
Poultry balance of the blood formation
Fish • Constituent of all body cells ➢ Weakness
Whole-grain • Necessary for effectiveness of some ➢ Anorexia
cereals Legumes vitamins ➢ General malaise
Nuts • Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats,
and proteins
SULFUR Eggs • Maintenance of protein structure Unknown
Poultry • For building hair, nails, and all body tissues
Fish • Constituent of all body cells

CHLORIDE Table salt • Gastric acidity Deficiency

Eggs • Regulation of osmotic pressure ➢ Imbalance in gastric acidity
Seafood • Osmosis ➢ Imbalance in blood pH
Milk • Fluid-base balance ➢ Nausea
• Formation of hydrochloric acid ➢ Exhaustion


IRON Liver (Pork) • Constitute of hemoglobin and ➢ Anemia
Enriched Rice myoglobin ➢ Hemosidorosis
Rice Bran iron has important role to play as a carrier ➢ Hemochromatosis
Saluyot of oxygen needed for cellular respiration
Sitao Leaves • Necessary for hemoglobin
Spaghetti formation • An active component of tissue
Dried Beans enzyme involved in the conversion of
Ampalaya Leaves beta carotene to vitamin A, synthesis of
Kamote Leaves purines, antibody production, collagen
Gabi Leaves, synthesis & the other functions associated
Seaweeds with the respiratory chain.
Leaves, Peanuts
Green & Red
Mustard Leaves,
Sesame Seeds
Petsay, Soybeans
Pork Kidney,
Spleen, Lung, Beef
Alimango, Aligue,
Clams, Hipon,
IODINE Iodized salt • Synthesis of thyroxine, a hormone in the ➢ Goiter
Seafood thyroid gland ➢ Cretinism
Some plant foods ➢ Myxedema
grown in soil
bordering the
MANGANESE Nuts • Activator of a number of metabolic ➢ Its deficiency has not been
Whole cereal reactions documented
grains • Acts as catalyst of a number of ➢ Toxicity from excessive
Dried legumes enzymes necessary in glucose & fat ingestion of manganese is
Tea metabolism unknown
Green leafy • Increases storage of thiamine ➢ However, people who have
vegetables Dried inhaled high concentrations
of manganese dust have
Fresh fruits Non-
developed neurological
leafy vegetables
COPPER Organs of meats • Essential in the formation of hemoglobin ➢ Depigmentation of the skin
Shellfish (oyster) and hair

Nuts • Promotes absorption of iron from ➢ CNS abnormalities

Cocoa the GIT & the transportation of such from ➢ hypotonia
Leafy vegetables the tissues to the plasma. ➢ hypothermia
Eggs • Valuable catalyst in oxidation- ➢ Skeletal mineralization in
Muscle of meat reduction mechanism s of living cells as infants & children
Fish well as a constituent of several of the
Poultry oxidative enzymes for amino acids.
Cherries • Also helps to maintain the integrity
Mushroom of the myelin sheath to surrounding nerve
Whole grain fibers.
Cereals • It is part of tyrosinase which is
Beans involved in the formation of melanin
Peas pigment of hair and skin.
Fresh fruits • It helps in bone formation.
Refined cereals
COBALT Liver • Constituent of B12 Deficiency
Kidney • Essential factor which is necessary for ➢ pernicious anemia
Oyster, clams RBC formation.
Lean meat • Essential for normal function of all Excess
Poultry cells. ➢ polycythemia
Salt water fish
ZINC Meat • It is involved in a wide range of cellular ➢ Decreased appetite and
Fish functions being an taste acuity alopecia
Eggs integral part of several metallo enzymes and ➢ delayed growth, dwarfism,
Dairy products also acts as regulator of activities of certain ➢ hypogonadism (subnormal
Wheat germ Nuts enzymes in the body. ➢ development of male sex
Legumes. • It is present in RNA. ➢ organs),
• It is related to the hormone insulin, poor wound healing,
glucagons, ACTH- adrenocorticotropic ➢ anemia acnelike
hormone, growth hormone, gonadotrophin ➢ rash,
& testosterone. ➢ impaired immune response
• It plays a role in the acceleration of ➢
wound healing and for a normal sense of
MOLYBDENIUM Milk • Constituent of enzymes and is thought ➢ No deficiencies have been
Liver to play a role in metabolism noted in people who
Legumes • Present inbound as an integral part of consume a normal diet.
Cereals the various enzyme molecules. ➢ Headache, irritability, night
blindness, lethargy, coma,
abnormal metabolism of
containing sulphur
containing amino acids.
➢ Excessive intake can inhibit
copper absorption.
FLOURIDE Fluoridated Water • It forms a more stable compound in ➢ The deficiency of fluoride
Fish the dentine and enamel of the teeth thus can result in increased tooth
Tea contain reducing dental caries and minimizing bone decay.
fluoride loss. ➢ Excessive amounts of
• It is effective in the treatment of fluoride in drinking water
osteoporosis. have been known to cause
permanent discoloration or
mottling of children’s teeth.

CHROMIUM Meat • Associated with glucose and lipid ➢ Chromium deficiency

Mushrooms metabolism appears to be related to
Nuts • Decrease with age except in the lungs, disturbances in glucose
Organ meats where chromium accumulates metabolism
Wheat germ
SELENIUM Seafood • Component of an enzyme that acts as ➢ Symptoms of selenium
Kidney an antioxidant deficiency are unclear, but
Liver • Protects cells against oxidation and selenium supplements
Muscle meats spares vitamin E appear to be effective in
treating Keshan disease.
➢ High doses (1 mg or more
daily) are toxic and can cause
vomiting, loss of hair and nails,
and skin lesions.
VANADIUM Mushrooms • Involved in the appetite crystal formation of ➢ Growth retardation
Shellfish tooth enamel, hence may contribute to ➢ Bone deformities
Black pepper resistant to dental decay. ➢ Infertility
Dill weed
Grain and grain
sweetened drinks.

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