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1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 3

2. PHYSICAL HEALTH................................................................................................................. 3

3. MENTAL HEALTH.................................................................................................................... 4

4. SOCIAL WELLBEING.............................................................................................................. 5

5. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 5

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 6

Having good health is an infinite gift from the Almighty Creator. The three things that need to be
taken care of to stay healthy are being healthy from a physical and mental point of view and
spiritual. A healthy lifestyle is defined as a life practice that brings impact positive for a person,
his family and society. Nowadays, health and style healthy living is considered a dynamic and
ever-changing and highly dependent concept on personal choice that is a person can influence his
health either positively or negative through the lifestyle choices he likes.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) (2003), health is defined as a state in which
physical health, mental health and social well-being are complete, and not just without disease
and weakness. In addition, according to Md. Safian bin Mohd Tajuddin (2007) health carries the
concept that a person is in a perfect state physically, mentally, emotionally, socially and
spiritually and not just disease-free. Although however, if problems from physical, mental and
spiritual aspects are not given attention, then the perfection of the concept of health and well-
being may not be achieved by individuals and ultimately affect the health level of society in

Therefore, health can be concluded as an all-encompassing state physical, mental and spiritual of
an individual. Therefore, to achieve well-being in life, health plays a very big role. Health
physical and mental and social well-being needs to be emphasized because they are
interconnected to each other. Good health can give birth to a productive individual and
competitive which at the same time has a positive impact on the community and the country

Physical health

Individuals who are physically healthy are those who are active, making exercise as a daily
routine, eat a balanced diet, maintain weight recommended and minimize exposure to
environmental pollution. According to Norliah Lamaseng (2017) health from the physical aspect
brings great importance to an individual, society and country because can reduce chronic patients
while helping the heart to function with good This component is related to a person's body
condition, body shape as well the individual's ability to perform certain tasks. Hence, physical
health refers to an individual condition free from pain, disability physical, chronic and infectious
diseases and body discomfort which requires medical attention.

One of the strategies to stay physically healthy is to exercise regularly in addition to always
choosing a balanced diet. Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) (2019) also encourages 15 minutes
of exercise for all employees public and private sector to stay active during working hours with
issued a guideline for the implementation of light exercise at workplace. In addition, it is
recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle promote positive health by avoiding harmful drugs
and participate in activities that help prevent disease. Various program that has been
implemented by the National Anti-Drug Agency for provide awareness of the dangers of drugs in
the community such as the Family on program Alert for families to understand the effects of
drug abuse to health.

A healthy body will certainly give birth to an intelligent mind and intellect. For to get a healthy
mind and intellect one needs to get good sleep enough Getting enough sleep means that a person
has getting enough rest will help give you a good mood to do various healthy activities.

Mental health

According to the Malaysian Ministry of Health, the definition of mental health is one a
prosperous state in which an individual is aware of his own capabilities, able to handle pressure
well, work productively and efficiently contribute to society. This clearly means that if mental
health is affected, to some extent it will also affect the life function of a Mental individual who
healthy can recognize and handle emotions well. Awareness is important mental health in the
world community has begun to develop celebration of World Mental Day which is celebrated
every October 10 every year since the year 1992 with a different theme. The MyHealth(2019)
portal shares strategies for achieve mental health by practicing a guided way of life statement.
An individual needs to recognize strengths and weaknesses yourself by only aiming at attainable

In addition, managing time well also plays a role important role. This is because good time
management will be able to reduce pressure on individuals. The way to plan time is like making
one a list of all the things that need to be done or practiced and the time allocation appropriate to
perform, for example, when given a task, someone the officer needs to make a mileage chart or
Gantt chart to enable monitoring and managing time well so that the individual does not feel
burdened and depressed

If we can handle pressure well, then it will work balancing mental health and surrounding
conditions. Therefore, someone who having good mental health will always feel comfortable
with yourself, feel comfortable with others and continue the challenges of everyday life.

Social well-being

Good interpersonal relationships require complex social dynamics that include diversity the type
of physical and psychological well-being found in the individual. Always behave positivity is
one way for a person to try to maximize attractiveness social.

Do exercise and leisure activities with family or friends not only keep the body healthy, even the
relationship between family and friends will also become closer. In addition, when doing outdoor
leisure such as jogging, the individual has the opportunity meet and get to know new friends and
expand human relationships. Good interpersonal relationships with people around also have
other benefits for example someone who practices a healthy lifestyle will attract many people
because People around tend to trust and support. When we believe other people and accept others
as best as possible, as will be done by people around us.

The importance of interpersonal relationships includes strengthening relationships when the

ability to communicate effectively verbally or non-verbally will be able to describe the level of
relationship between individuals. All information, instructions and orders accurately can be
delivered well and easily understood. In terms of teaching and learning on the other hand,
students try to get the maximum understanding depends to the ability of educators to deliver
effective teaching.


In conclusion, health affects all daily activities and lifestyle an individual. Health that includes
physical, mental and spiritual is very important interrelated and play an interdependent role. It is
a responsibility individuals, families, communities, societies and countries to mobilize energy
and efforts in order to achieve a healthy and prosperous life by maintaining balance that is
healthy between the mind, body and soul by nurturing taking into account the needs physical,
mental and spiritual. Therefore, having a healthy body, mind and soul is a blessing which is
priceless and demands sacrifice, high self-discipline to be achieved with provided with a positive
mindset and attitude to achieve.


Dr.Firdaus Abdul Ghani (2019, October 10) World Mental Health Day 2019: Mental health
promotion and suicide prevention. Astro Awani, accessed from mental-

Dr.Aminah Kassim (2008). Intelligence & Spiritual Health. Reached from

Dr.Safian Bin Mohd Tajuddin. (2007). Effects of Health Aspects Against Work Productivity
Among Teachers College, University Lecturers Malaysian Science

Lasemang, Norliah. (2017). PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH. Reached from

Ministry of Health Malaysia (2012) Mental Health and Physical Health achieved from

Ministry of Health Malaysia. Mental: Definition of Mental Health. Accessed from

National Anti-Drug Agency. (2019). Drug Free Family. Kajang, Selangor. Accessed from

Open University Malaysia (OUM). (2017). Health and Wellness 2, Open University of Malaysia

Public Service Department. (2019). Light Exercise Or X-Break 15 Minutes During Working
hours. Putrajaya, Malaysia Accessed from

1. INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 2

2. BENEFITS THAT COULD MOTIVATE................................................................................. 3

3. CONCLUSION............................................................................................................................ 9

REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 6
Task 2


Performing a health risk assessment (HRA) and maybe a biometric screening might save a
person's life by letting them know how dangerous their conditions such as high cholesterol,
hypertension, and diabetes. Similar to this, the HRA can assist in identifying propensity to fatal
diseases that need prompt treatment, including cancer. HRAs are a type of wellness intervention
that can increase awareness, encourage people to make better health decisions, and lower the cost
of medical treatment. Providing chances to enhance health is just not enough, despite the
substantial personal benefits that come from health promotion and wellness programs, as we've
seen from the overall experience with wellness programs. We think that people need to identify
their own incentives for healthy behavior in order to develop intrinsic motivation for change.
They need help to develop their own objectives, expand their expertise, and implement their own
specific action plans within a corporate health culture.

People can create their own intrinsic values or motivations that support maintaining their efforts
towards reaching health objectives through this health culture. Humans cannot be made to
modify their habits, such as what and how much they eat, what they feed their children, whether
they smoke, or whether they exercise. This is a fundamental truth of motivation. Extrinsic
motivation, or external forces that affect how an individual behaves, may be the cause of these
behavior changes. This is the central concept of behaviorism, a branch of cognitive psychology
that studies how people learn (WM Baum, 1994). However, 50 years of psychology research
have repeatedly shown that incentives and motivation in people have a nuanced relationship
(Pink DH., 2009). Human nature makes it unlikely that we will always integrate reward-based
motivation. In fact, rewards might work against us, making us less inclined to repeat actions that
were encouraged by rewards. Depending on their success, several groups received modest,
medium, or substantial financial prizes. Higher incentives did result in improved performance for
mechanical tasks, when no thinking is required. But the bigger incentive resulted with worse
performance if the activity even remotely required cognitive competence. The latter may apply to
changes in health-related behavior.

Benefits that could motivate

Aid in identifying one's own goals and advantages

The study of psychology offers a plethora of information on how to assist individuals in

achieving their goals (Bandura A., 1977). For instance, a recent study revealed incentive theories
were effective in explaining temporary weight reduction (Palmeira AL, Teixeira PJ, Branco TL,
et al., 2007). These ideas claim that internalized goals are more likely to be carried out than those
imposed by outside factors. It goes without saying that people's values and internal motivators
will vary. However, wellness programs might assist people in recognizing and upholding the
values that are significant to them. People become actively accountable for their health and
driven to take action when they are guided by an internal value. Consider how these two people
might respond to a "reminder" screen saver that was tailored to their respective objectives.
Personal intention-building initiatives have an effect. Programs for promoting health that assist
in emphasizing and clarifying personal aspirations can promote intrinsic motivation and long-
term behavior change. When using this strategy, the first step that must be taken is creating the
person's identity (March J., 1994). Moving from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation can be
facilitated by assisting people in identifying the incentives that are effective for them.

An example would be A telephone wellness coach employed by a program may concentrate on

the person's identity as a person who values their health. Motivational interviewing approaches
can be applied during the coaching process to identify personal intentions and revisit them as
needed. You may receive notifications from the program that say, "This is for you and what you
want to achieve with your health." Always emphasize the personal advantages of achieving the
qualifying behaviors for the reward program in all communications on wellness programs and
incentives. Another illustration is including the person's personal wellness objectives in the
standards that must be met in order to be eligible for the incentive award.

Encourage a sense of recognition and belonging

The main intrinsic motivator referred to as "belonging" is the sense of worth one derives from
participating in a program (Baumeister RF., 1991). The sensation of belonging, which is a
fundamental desire for all people, may maintain motivation past the point of waning interest.
This tactic calls for group membership based on a shared objective or degree of accomplishment.
Status is connected to belonging, and participants often place a great value on it. This kind of
incentive technique includes tangible evidence of membership in a fitness program, such a
branded T-shirt. Another example is giving all program members monogrammed sweatpants or
shirts; when these items are worn, internalization of the group's ideals starts.

By praising group members for their accomplishments, you may improve your members'
sentiments of belonging. Many programs employ tangible membership status markers as
incentives for success, including program T-shirts, milestone decals, or pins. Some of the more
conventional methods include writing up a special wellness accomplishment in a work
publication, receiving certificates of achievement, being singled out for special comments and
accolades, losing a lot of weight and keeping it off, competing in a triathlon or marathon, scaling
a mountain, or finishing a lengthy bike or sea kayak trip. Recognition is a motivating factor that
is nearly universally valued. Giving individuals the chance to influence programs they participate
in can help to promote a sense of recognition and belonging. This can offer a direct incentive for
their own engagement in the program and motivates members to participate by advising, aiding,
or mentoring others in its activities. Contributing may increase one's sense of achievement and
uplift one's mood (George J.M., 1992). This tactic can also aid in increasing program support and
cultural affinity. People may take satisfaction in their own contributions to the program by
sharing information on group performance and combining objectives like fund raising for a well-
known charity.

The use of peer leaders or mentors in training sessions to assist the program's direction and
policies be refined, as well as the use of wellness mentors to offer a peer support opportunity for
people who wish to successfully make a specific health behavior change, are notable examples.
The importance of belonging and the contributions of others to the program can be emphasized
in communications for the program. It is possible to utilize a wellness program intervention to
collect money for a reputable charity.

Changes in a much more engaging way

According to behavioral research, adding suitably crafted motivational embellishments to a
learning activity while controlling for cognitive factors produces improvements in learning from
the activity that are proportional to the additions (Lepper MR., 1998). In experiments conducted
at schools, both boys and girls demonstrated strong, and equally big, preferences for a
motivationally enhanced "game" version of arithmetic exercises over the plainer version
(Cordova D, Lepper M., 1996). Additionally, game-based learning increased students' interest in
the subject matter afterward. The addition of a gaming element to the lesson directly increased
engagement and learning. This programming method may be used by wellness programs to
improve intrinsic motivation by including comedy, joy, and lightheartedness into the learning
process. Malone and Lepper (1996) recognized four fundamental internal motivational drivers:
challenge, curiosity, control, and imagination. A wellness program might focus on any or all
these sources. Humor is a powerful motivator for behavior change when combined with elements
like surprise and appealing design. Most people place a high value on humor, which is a fantastic
antidote to the often-serious nature of job life (A. Dalton.,2010). It draws people in and
encourages their return, making it a beneficial and well-liked component of health programming.

Providing courses on comedy in the workplace, holding a quiz to assess health knowledge, or
developing a humor-cultivating plan focused on quality of life are a few examples of this
method. Another example is posting cartoons with a health message in a dedicated section of
websites or on message boards with links to announcements of wellness programs. Another
option is to include games as a good icebreaker or novel experience for participants at the
beginning of a course on resilience.


By offering incentives to get people started, health promotion and wellness initiatives have
proven successful in encouraging individuals to join. The use of incentives to encourage the
adoption of new habits has shown promise. The initial step in behavior change is sometimes the
most difficult. Extrinsic rewards are necessary to encourage people to start new actions that may
not feel pleasant on their own or may have advantages that are too far off or abstract. Extrinsic
incentives have been effective in increasing participation rates and enticing people to participate
in health promotion and wellness initiatives. We think the next crucial step for health promotion
and wellness professionals is to assist people completely or partially wean themselves off
extrinsic rewards by educating them about the intrinsic worth of these healthy activities. We
know how to increase intrinsic motivation, which will result in long-term behavior change,
thanks to the abundance of discoveries from the behavioral sciences. This strategy may help
people generate their own motivations by giving them information, examples, instructions, and
even a little fun.


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Baum WM. Understanding Behaviorism: Science, Behavior, and Culture. NewYork, NY:
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Palmeira AL, Teixeira PJ, Branco TL, et al. Predicting short-term weight lossusing four leading
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Pink DH. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York, NY:Riverhead
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