06 Open Channel Part 1

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Open Channels

Engr. Kevin Tanguin

Open Channel

 Uniform Flow
 Alternate Stages of Flow
 Non-uniform Flow
Open Channel

 An open channel contains fluid that has a free

surface. That is, the liquid surface is exposed
to the atmosphere.
 The primary driving force of flow is gravity
Open Channel

 Examples of open channels include

-rivers and streams
Classification of Open Channel Flow

 Uniform Flow (S = So)

-defined as the flow where the depth of flow
at a given location does not change with time
 Non-uniform Flow (S ≠ So)
-occurs when the flow depth at a given
location changes
Uniform Flow
Uniform Flow
So d2
ho θ
Uniform Flow

d – depth of flow
V2/2g – velocity head
s – slope of energy grade line
so – slope of channel bed
ho – difference in elevation in the channel bed
hL – head loss
L – length of channel bed
Geometry of Uniform Flow

Rise ho
So= =
Run Lcosθ
For very small values of θ, cosθ becomes 1.0.
Energy Equation
Since velocity and depth of flow are constant, the
Bernoulli’s energy equation can be further simplified.

v12 P1 v22 P2
+ho+ - hL = +
2g γ 2g γ
hL = ho
hL = soL = sL
Specific Energy, H
-Height of the hydraulic grade line above the channel

H= + d
Flow Measurement
The equation used for flow measurement in open
channels is called the Chezy’s Formula;
v=C Rs
Q = A x C Rs
R – Hydraulic Radius
S – slope of the energy grade line
C- Chezy’s Coefficient
Chezy’s Coefficient

1) Darcy-Weisbach

C= 8 g /f

g – gravitational acceleration
f – friction factor
C- Chezy’s Coefficient
Chezy’s Coefficient

2) Kutter and Ganguillet Formula

1 0.00155
C= n s (SI Units)
n 0.00155
1+ 23+
n – roughness coefficient
R – hydraulic radius
s – slope of energy grade line
C- Chezy’s Coefficient
Chezy’s Coefficient

3) Manning’s Formula
1 1/6 Where:
C= R
n n – roughness coefficient
1 2/3 1/2 R – hydraulic radius
V= R S s – slope of energy grade line
C- Chezy’s Coefficient
(SI Units)
Chezy’s Coefficient

4) Bazin Formula
87 m – Bazin coefficient
C= m
1+ R – hydraulic radius
√R s
(SI Units)
Chezy’s Coefficient

5) Powell Equation

C ε Where:
C = −42log ( + ) Re – Reynold’s Number
Re R
ε – Roughness in meters
(SI Units)
Boundary Shear Stress

- Average shear stress, τo, acting over a wetted surface.

τo = γRs Where:
τo – boundary shear stress
R – hydraulic radius
s – slope of the energy grade line
Problem 43
Water flows uniformly in a rectangular concrete open
channel that is 10m wide at a depth of 3m. The channel
slope is 0.0025. Using roughness coefficient of 0.013, find
the velocity, flow rate and boundary shear stress.
Problem 44
An earth canal carries water at a depth of 1.8m. The canal
is 6m wide on the bottom and has side slope 1.5 to 1V.
S = 0.0002. Using the value of n=0.025, compute the
a) Discharge by manning’s formula
b) The value of n using Kutter’s formula
c) The value of m using Bazin Formula
Problem 45

A 600mm radius sewer pipe is laid on a slope of 0.001 and

has a roughness coefficient n = 0.012, was found to be 7/8
full. Determine the discharge through the pipe.
Normal Depth, dn

-The depth at which uniform flow will occur in an open

-Can be determined by setting s = so
Most Efficient Sections, MES

-Or most economical sections for a given slope, s, and area, A.

-achieved when the perimeter is minimized for a given cross
Proportions for MES

-Rectangular Section

b = 2d

b R = d/2
Proportions for MES

-Trapezoidal Section

R = d/2
b b

-all sides must be equal

Proportions for MES

-Triangular Section

d A = d2
Θ = 90 deg
Proportions for MES

-Circular Section
Maximum Discharge
d = 93.8% D

D Maximum Velocity
d = 82% D
Problem 46

A rectangular channel, 15m wide is to carry water at the rate

of 22 m3/s. If the channel slope is 0.00025, determine the
normal depth of flow. Use roughness coefficient = 0.013.
Problem 47

Determine the maximum flow through a 1.2 meter diameter

concrete culvert which is laid on a slope of 0.009. n = 0.013.
Problem 48

A triangular channel with the most efficient proportions

discharges water at the rate of 1 m3/s. Assuming n=0.018
and s = 0.0021. Calculate the normal depth of flow.

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