Al Farabi

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+ Ideology: islam * Focus: Political virtue + Before: A. C380 BCE: Plato proposes rule by philosopher kings in the republic B, 3” century CE: Philosophers such as Plotinus reinterpret Plato’s works introducing theological and mysticol ideas. ©. 9 century: The Arab philosopher Al-Kindi brings Classical Greek texts to the House of Wisdom, Baghdad. + After: ‘A. C.98—1037: The Persian write Avicenna incorporates rational philosophy into Islamic theology. 8, 13" century: Thomas Aquinas defines the cardinal and theological virtues. *Key-Works: €940-950 The principles of virtuous city, Epistle on the intellect. * Social context: With the spread of Islamic empire in the 7** and 8" centuries came o flourishing of culture and learning of arts referred to as the Islamic Golden Age. Libraries were established in many of the major cities of Islamic empire where texts of the great Greek and Roman thinkers were kept and translated. Baghdad in particular became the center of learning and it was there that Al- Farabi built his reputation of being a very important philosopher and commentator on the works of the Greek Philosophers Aristotle and Plato. * Influences on Farabi’s thoughts: Like Aristotle Al-Forabi believed that man by nature needs to live in a social structure such as a city-state in order to lead a good and happy life. He also believed that the city was only the minimum size which was possible and felt the same principles could be applied to nation-states, empires and even a world-state, Just as Plato advocated the rule of Philosopher kings alone understand the true nature of virtues such as justice. Al Farabi in the virtuous city describes a model city ruled by virtuous leader who guides and instructs his people to live virtuous lives that will. * Al-Farabi’s difference from Plato: Where Al-Farabi differs from Plato isin his conception of nature ‘ond origin of the ideals ruler’s virtue which for Al-Farabi was divine wisdom. Rather than a philosopher king Al—Farabi advocated rule of philosopher prophet or as he describes it a just Imam. ee & Nw Political utopia Rules by imam Spiritual needs are met Ethical development True Happiness achieved B. Imperfect cities: 1. Ignorant city: Happiness is material wealth and do not know true happiness. They would not believe it even if ruled by Imam. i, ii. iii. iv. v. vie City of necessity: Cooperation to attain food, shelter and sexual desires. City of wealth and riches: Wealth is sole aim of life City of depravity and baseness: Sensory and bodily pleasures City of honor: Honor, distinction, fame, glory, splendor City of power: Domination over others. Democratic city: No restriction on human passion. 2. Mistaken city (Wicked city): Views of virtuous city but actions of the mistaken city. 3. Perverted City: Different views and actions from virtuous city-city which has deliberately changed characteristics. 4. Faulty City: Views of virtuous city where ruler is hoax that is pretends to receive divine revelation but has not hence leads people towards wrong direction. Legacy: In today’s world Iran where the is Vilayat-e-Faqih which states that there should be rule of Fagih/jurist, is inspired by Al-Farabi. Also, the rightly guided leader characteristics were given by Al- Farabi.

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