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Identify the 4 essential requisites (active subject, passive subject, object or prestation


and juridical tie) of an obligation in the following cases: (15 pts)

Case Active Passive Object/Prestation Juridical/ Legal

Subject Subject Tie
1. Under a building
contract, A binds himself to
construct the fence of B for
2. After the
construction of the fence,
B must pay A P150,000.00
according to the contract.
3. B killed X. B was
convicted and was obliged
to indemnify the heirs of
the victim in the amount
of P100,000.00

ACTIVITY NO. 2.B In a separate paper, answer the following questions: (15 pts.)

1. Define an obligation and give an example of an obligation. (8 pts.)

2. What are the sources of an obligation? (7 pts.)

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