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Muhammad Dabeer Haider

Section A
Management Information System
Assignment 2

Explore the following terms. Elaborate on them with examples.

You may draw figures for the concepts.
 Oracle Sun, HP (Computer hardware platforms)
 Linux, Unix (Operating system platforms)
 IBM, SAP (Enterprise software applications)
 Hadoop, EMC (Data management and storage)
 AT&T, Microsoft windows server
(Networking/telecommunications platforms)
 Apache, Cisco (Internet platforms)
 HP. Accenture (Consulting system integration services)
Computer hardware platforms
A collection of suitable hardware that can run software programmes together is known as a
hardware platform. Programs must be particularly designed for a platform that uses a
specified type of processor and related hardware components since each unique hardware
platform has its own machine language.

Oracle is a well-known database software tech company that offers some of the highest-quality
corporate software products and cloud-engineered systems available on the market. Oracle is the
second-largest software corporation in the world by sales and market capitalization.
Sun Microsystems has been a leading supplier of hardware and software to the technology sector
for more than three decades. The Network File System (NFS) and the Java programming
language were both developed by Sun Microsystems. Oracle completed the $7 billion purchase
of Sun Microsystems in January 2010 and renamed it Sun Oracle. After that, Oracal Sun
changed its business model from one of solely software development to one of producing both
hardware and software.
Oracle Sun hardware offers a wide selection of scalable designed systems, servers, and storage in
order to assist enterprises in maximising application and database performance, protecting
sensitive data, and reducing costs. Organizations may improve database performance, streamline
management, and reduce costs using unique features and automated processes not provided by
competing systems.

Today, Oracle Sun deals in a wide range of important computing-related areas, including Oracle
Database Software, Oracle Sun Servers, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle Software
Applications, etc.

HP (Hawelett Packed)
In addition to producing personal computers (PCs), printers, and related peripherals, HP Inc. Is
an American global information technology corporation. The company’s two primary products
are personal computers and printers, respectively. Industrial goods and business services and
personal PCs and printers made up the original Hewlett-Packard Company, which split into two
divisions in 2015.
For consumers, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), big corporations, and clients in the
government, health, and education sectors, HP created and provided a wide range of hardware
components, software, and related services.

The majority of HP's business is with highly advanced laptops, printers, and other technological
computer accessories. Dell and Lenovo are HP's two main market rivals.

Operating system platforms

An operating system and hardware together make up a platform. The essential hardware
components are the data bus, associated I/O devices, and the microprocessor (disks,
display, keyboard, etc.). A certain microprocessor’s set of instructions must be supported
by the operating system. Microsoft Windows, MAC OS, and Linux are the top three
operating systems used in personal computers.

For mainframes, tablet PCs, computer hardware, and software development, Linux is a well-
known, open-source, and cost-free operating system. It is formed using open source software,
which means that code and features are shared and combined across platforms. A variety of
manufacturers distribute it. It can be installed on many different kinds of computer hardware, as
well as on mobile phones, tablets, and other computing devices. It can be freely distributed,
downloaded, and published in periodicals, books, and other media.

The Unix operating system is frequently used in PCs, workstations, and internet servers by
companies including Solaris, Intel, HP, and others. There are many more types of Unix systems,
the majority of which were created by AT&T, other commercial manufacturers, and nonprofit
organisations. The majority of Unix operating systems were developed for mainframes, servers,
and workstations; however, OSX was developed for everyone. The client-server software model
and the Unix environment were essential to the growth of the Internet. It is the foundation of the
vast majority of financial infrastructure and many 24x7 high availability systems. Distributors
report that the cost structures of different Unix versions vary.

Enterprise software applications

Computer software used to meet the needs of an organisation rather than specific
consumers is referred to as enterprise software, sometimes known as enterprise application
software (EAS). Businesses, schools, interest-based user groups, clubs, charities, and
governments are a few examples of these organisations.

International Business Management (IBM)

IBM is well recognised for creating and marketing computer products, including cloud
computing and data analytics. With notable inventions including the floppy disc, the hard disc
drive, and the UPC barcode, the firm has also played a crucial role as a research and
development corporation over the years.
A multinational software firm based in Germany is called SAP software. For the management
of corporate activities and client relationships, it creates enterprise software. It is the top vendor
of enterprise resource planning software in the globe.SAP software gives various business
processes a unified vision of reality by centralising data management. Giving staff from many
departments quick access to real-time data across the company helps businesses manage
complicated business processes effectively.

Several common examples of SAP modules include: Controlling SAP (CO) Financial
Accounting with SAP (FI) Human Capital Management with SAP (HCM)

Data management and storage

Data storage management refers to the process of managing data more effectively. It
requires a proper understanding of storage devices and the availability of various types of
data. Digital information may include protocols, documents, user preferences, address
books, and more.
An open source software platform called Apache Hadoop allows for the highly dependable
distributed processing of big data collections utilising straight forward development tools and
languages.It facilitates in the analysis of both structured and unstructured data, which retailers
utilise to better understand and serve their customers.

Hadoop is made up of three elements.

 Hadoop HDFS : Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is Hadoop’s data storage
 Hadoop MapReduce: The Hadoop processing unit is called MapReduce Hadoop.
 Hadoop YARN : A part of Hadoop that manages resources and management unit is called

With input from Internet of Things (IoT) devices feeding data into big data programmes,
Hadoop-powered analytics are employed for predictive maintenance in the asset-intensive energy

Organization storage systems, software, and networks are offered by EMC Corporation. The
business offers a cloud marketplace, data storage, networking, servers, and information sharing
from all popular mainframe platforms and computing environments.
Every day, businesses place more and more emphasis on data storage. Every day, enormous
amounts of unstructured data need to be analysed and stored. In this course, you will learn about
the development of technology over time and its state today.

Dell EMC storage and data protection.
The Dell EMC storage and data management portfolio includes all current storage infrastructure.
You have a variety of options to select from, allowing you to extend and modify your storage in
accordance with your company demands, ranging from entry-level and midrange systems, hyper-
convergent infrastructure, to software-based data security solutions.

Networking/telecommunications platforms
A system or piece of software known as an Network-based platform links users with other
community members to provide opportunities that are profitable for both parties. There
are various uses for well-known networking platforms. Nowadays, people submit videos
and other information online using Facebook, Twitter, and even LinkedIn. On these
platforms, it is more challenging to interact with users. You must continue to cultivate
business contacts, too.

An international holding company for telecoms in the United States is AT&T Inc. It ranks third
in terms of mobile phone service providers in the United States and is the largest telecoms
corporation in the world by revenue.In the past century, AT&T, which constructed the country’s
communications network of US, could once lay claim to the title of “where the future was

Microsoft Windows Servers

A group of enterprise-class server operating systems called Microsoft Windows Server OS
(operating systems) are created to share services with multiple users and offer extensive
administrative control over data storage, software, and company networks.Windows NT 3.1
Advanced Server was the first operating system made available for this platform. The name of
the product was changed to Windows Server with the release of Windows Server 2003.

Internet platforms
Online marketplaces, search engines, social media, publishing platforms for original
content, app stores, communications services, payment systems, services included in the so-
called “collaborative” or “gig” economy, and many other services are all included under
the umbrella term “online platform.”

The Apache HTTP Server is a cross-platform, free and open-source web server software that
was made available under the conditions of the Apache License 2.0. Apache is created and
maintained by a public development community under the direction of the Apache Software
Foundation.The TCP/IP protocol is used by Apache to facilitate network communication
between clients and servers. Although Apache can be used with many different protocols,
HTTP/S is the most popular.
In the communications and information technology sector, Cisco Systems, Inc. Develops,
produces, and sells Internet Protocol-based networking goods and services.With its corporate
headquarters in San Jose, California, it is a worldwide firm specialising in digital
communications technologies. In addition to other high-tech services and goods, Cisco also
develops, produces, and markets networking gear, software, telecommunications equipment, and
other items.Cisco provides IT products and services across five major technology areas:
Networking (including Ethernet, optical, wireless and mobility), Security, Collaboration
(including voice, video, and data), Data Center, and the Internet of Things.

Consulting system integration services

The process of merging your component systems into a single, useful system is called
computer systems integration. Your virtual and physical components, such as data,
software, and applications, are combined during the process. Examples of physical
components include machine systems and computer hardware.
The data for hp has been written above.

Accenture plc, a Dublin-based provider of professional services, is Irish-American and focuses
on providing consulting and information technology services. It was included on the Fortune
Global 500 and generated $61.6 billion in revenue in 2022. Accenture has five core practise
areas and is renowned for its broad variety of service offerings. These include consulting in the
areas of strategy, management, digital, technology, and operations. The company frequently

ranks among the top businesses worldwide.


Muhammad Dabeer Haider

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