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Answers A:17

for the new strains of the influenza (flu) virus and the Answer 6–10
common cold virus that regularly appear. A. Compound A is dideoxycytosine triphosphate
(ddCTP), identical to dCTP except that it lacks
Answer 6–6 If the old strand were “repaired” using
the 3¢-hydroxyl group on the sugar ring. ddCTP
the new strand that contains a replication error as the
is recognized by DnA polymerase as dCTP and
template, then the error would become a permanent
becomes incorporated into DnA; because it lacks
mutation in the genome. The old information would be
the crucial 3¢-hydroxyl group, however, its addition to
erased in the process. Therefore, if repair enzymes did
a growing DnA strand creates a dead end to which
not distinguish between the two strands, there would
no further nucleotides can be added. Thus, if ddCTP
be only a 50% chance that any given replication error
is added in large excess, strands will be synthesized
would be corrected.
until the first G (the nucleotide complementary to C)
Answer 6–7 The argument is severely flawed. You is encountered on the template strand. ddCTP will
cannot transform one species into another simply then be incorporated instead of C, and the extension
by introducing 1% random changes into the DnA. It of this strand will be terminated.
is exceedingly unlikely that the 5000 mutations that B. If ddCTP is added at about 10% of the concentration
would accumulate every day in the absence of DnA of the available dCTP, there is a 1 in 10 chance of its
repair would be in the very positions where human being incorporated whenever a G is encountered
and ape DnA sequences are different. It is also very on the template strand. Thus a population of DnA
likely that at such a high mutation frequency many fragments will be synthesized, and from their lengths
essential genes would be inactivated, leading to cell one can deduce where the G residues are located
death. Furthermore, your body is made up of about on the template strand. This strategy forms the
1013 cells. For you to turn into an ape, not just one but basis of methods used to determine the sequence of
many of these cells would need to be changed. And nucleotides in a stretch of DnA (discussed in
even then, many of these changes would have to occur Chapter 10).
during development to effect changes in your body plan The same chemical phenomenon is exploited by a
(making your arm longer than your legs, for example). drug, 3¢-azido-3¢-deoxythymidine (AZT), that is now
commonly used in HIV-infected patients to treat
Answer 6–8
AIDs. AZT is converted in cells to the triphosphate
A. False. Identical DnA polymerase molecules catalyze
form and is incorporated into the growing viral DnA.
DnA synthesis of the leading and lagging strands
Because the drug lacks a 3¢-OH group, it blocks DnA
of a bacterial replication fork. The replication fork
synthesis and replication of the virus. AZT inhibits
is asymmetrical because the lagging strand is
viral replication preferentially because reverse
synthesized in pieces that are then stitched together.
transcriptase has a higher affinity for the drug than
B. False. Only the rnA primers are removed by a rnA
for thymidine triphosphate; human cellular DnA
nuclease; the Okazaki fragments are the pieces of
polymerases do not show this preference.
newly synthesized DnA that are eventually joined to
C. Compound B is dideoxycytosine monophosphate
form the new lagging strand.
(ddCMP), which lacks the 5¢-triphosphate group as
C. True. DnA polymerase has an error rate of one
well as the 3¢-hydroxyl group of the sugar ring. It
mistake in 107 nucleotides polymerized. 99% of
therefore cannot provide the energy that drives the
its errors are corrected by DnA mismatch repair
polymerization reaction of nucleotides into DnA
enzymes, bringing the final error rate to one in 109.
D. True. Mutations would accumulate rapidly, destroying and therefore will not be incorporated into the
the genes. replicating DnA. Addition of this compound should
e. True. If a damaged nucleotide also occurred naturally not affect DnA replication.
in DnA, the repair enzyme would have no way of Answer 6–11 To use the energy of hydrolysis of the
identifying the damage. It would therefore have only 3¢-triphosphate group for polymerization, strand growth
a 50% chance of fixing the right strand. would need to occur in the opposite, that is, the 3¢-
F. True. usually, multiple mutations of specific types to-5¢, direction. Proofreading, in principle, could then
need to accumulate before a cell turns into a occur by a 5¢-to-3¢ nuclease activity. This scenario would
cancer cell. A mutation in a gene that codes for a be the same as that shown in the left side of Figure
DnA repair enzyme can make a cell more liable to 6–15, except that triphosphate groups would be on the
accumulate further mutations, thereby accelerating right side of the DnA and of the incoming nucleotide
the onset of cancer. triphosphate.
Answer 6–9 with a single origin of replication that Answer 6–12 see Figure A6–12.
launches two DnA polymerases in opposite directions
on the DnA, each moving at 100 nucleotides per Answer 6–13 Both strands of the bacterial
second, the number of nucleotides replicated in 24 chromosome contain 6 ¥ 106 nucleotides. During the
hours will be polymerization of nucleoside triphosphates into DnA,
1.73 ¥ 107 (= 2 ¥ 100 ¥ 24 ¥ 60 ¥ 60). To replicate all the two phosphoanhydride bonds are broken for each
6 ¥ 109 nucleotides of DnA in the cell in this time, nucleotide added: the nucleoside triphosphate is
therefore, will require at least 348 (= 6 ¥ 109/1.73 ¥ 107) hydrolyzed to produce the nucleoside monophosphate
origins of replication. The estimated 10,000 origins of added to the growing DnA strand, and the released
replication in the human genome are therefore more pyrophosphate is hydrolyzed to phosphate. Therefore,
than enough to satisfy this minimum requirement. 1.2 ¥ 107 high-energy bonds are hydrolyzed during each
A:18 Answers


1. beginning of
synthesis of N N
Okazaki fragment

H2 N N O N

guanine H


2. midpoint of synthesis of Okazaki fragment
cytosine uracil
Figure A6–12

round of bacterial DnA replication. This requires 4 ¥ H3C H

105 (= 1.2 ¥ 107/30) glucose molecules, which weigh 1.2 NO CHANGE
¥ 10–16 g (= 4 ¥ 105 molecules ¥ 180 g/mole/6 ¥ 1023 H O
molecules/mole), which is 0.01% of the total weight of
the cell. thymine

Answer 6–14 The statement is correct. If the DnA

ECB2 A6.18/
in somatic cells is not sufficiently stable (that is, if it O
accumulates mutations too rapidly), the organism dies
(of cancer, for example), and because this may often H H
happen before the organism can reproduce, the species NO CHANGE
will die out. If the DnA in reproductive cells is not O
sufficiently stable, many mutations will accumulate and
be passed on to future generations, so that the species uracil
will not be maintained.
Figure A6–15
Answer 6–15 As shown in Figure A6–15, thymine
and uracil lack amino groups and therefore cannot
be deaminated. Deamination of adenine and guanine
produces purine rings that are not found in conventional does not arise; there will always be a 3¢-OH group
nucleic acids. In contrast, deamination of cytosine available to prime the DnA polymerase that
produces uracil. Therefore, if uracil were a naturally replaces the rnA primer with DnA. Telomeres and
occurring base in DnA, repair enzymes could not telomerase prevent
ECB2 the shrinking of chromosomes
distinguish whether a uracil is the appropriate base or because the telomeres extend the 3¢ end of a DnA
whether it arose through spontaneous deamination of strand (see Figure 6–18). This extension of the
cytosine. This dilemma is not encountered, however, lagging strand template provides the ‘space’ to
because thymine is used in DnA. Therefore, if a uracil begin the final Okazaki fragments.
base is found in DnA, it can be automatically recognized B. As shown in Figure A6–16, telomeres and telomerase
as a damaged base and then excised and replaced by are still needed even if the last fragment of the
cytosine. lagging strand were initiated by primase at the very
3¢ end of chromosomal DnA, inasmuch as the rnA
Answer 6–16
primer must be removed.
A. Because DnA polymerase reqires a 3¢-OH to
synthesize DnA, without telomeres and telomerase, Answer 6–17 Viruses cannot exist as free-living
chromosome ends would shrink during each organisms: they have no metabolism, do not
round of replication (Figure A6–16). For bacterial communicate with other viruses, and cannot reproduce
chromosomes, which have no ends, the problem themselves. They thus have none of the attributes that
Answers A:19

linear DNA circular DNA

Chapter 7
template strand
Answer 7–1 Perhaps the best answer was given
OH 3¢ by Francis Crick himself, who coined the term in the

mid-1950s: “I called this idea the central dogma for two
RNA primer HO reasons, I suspect. I had already used the obvious word
5¢ 3¢ hypothesis in the sequence hypothesis, which proposes
PRIMER that genetic information is encoded in the sequence
of the DnA bases, and in addition I wanted to suggest
OH 3¢
that this new assumption was more central and more
5¢ powerful…. As it turned out, the use of the word dogma
caused more trouble than it was worth. Many years later
5¢ HO
3¢ Jacques Monod pointed out to me that I did not appear
DNA REPAIR to understand the correct use of the word dogma, which
is a belief that cannot be doubted. I did appreciate
this in a vague sort of way but since I thought that all
OH 3¢ religious beliefs were without serious foundation, I used
5¢ the word in the way I myself thought about it, not as the
world does, and simply applied it to a grand hypothesis
NUCLEOTIDES! that, however plausible, had little direct experimental
(A) (B) support at the time.” (Francis Crick, What Mad Pursuit: A
Personal View of Scientific Discovery. Basic Books, 1988.)
Figure A6–16
Answer 7–2 Actually, the rnA polymerases are not
moving at all, because they have been fixed and coated
one normally associates with life. Indeed, they can even with metal to prepare the sample for viewing in the
be crystallized. Only inside cells can they redirect normal electron microscope. However, before they were fixed,
cellular biosynthetic activities to the task of making they were moving from left to right, as indicated by the
more copies of themselves. Thus, the only aspect of gradual lengthening of the rnA transcripts.
“living” that viruses display is their capacity to direct The rnA transcripts are shorter because they begin
their own reproduction once inside a cell. to fold up (i.e., to acquire a three-dimensional structure)
as they are synthesized (see, for example, Figure 7–5),
Answer 6–18 each time another copy of a transposon
whereas the DnA is an extended double helix.
is inserted into a chromosome, the change can be either
neutral, beneficial, or detrimental for the organism. Answer 7–3 At first glance, the catalytic activities
Because individuals that accumulate detrimental of an rnA polymerase used for transcription could
insertions would be selected against, the proliferation replace the primase adequately. upon further reflection,
of transposons is controlled by natural selection. If however, there are some serious problems. (1) The
a transposon arose that proliferated uncontrollably, rnA polymerase used to make primers would need
it is unlikely that a viable host organism could be to initiate every few hundred bases, which is much
maintained. For this reason, most transposons have more often than promoters are spaced on the DnA.
evolved to transpose only rarely. Many transposons, for Initiation would therefore need to occur in a promoter-
example, synthesize only infrequent bursts of very small independent fashion or many more promoters would
amounts of the transposase that is required for their have to be present in the DnA, both of which would
movement. be problematic for the control of transcription. (2)
similarly, the rnA primers used in replication are much
Answer 6–19
shorter than mrnAs. The rnA polymerase would
A. If the single origin of replication were located
therefore need to terminate much more frequently
exactly in the center of the chromosome, it would
than during transcription. Termination would need to
take more than 8 days to replicate the DnA [= 75 ¥
occur spontaneously, i.e., without requiring a terminator
106 nucleotides/(100 nucleotides/sec)]. The rate of
sequence in the DnA, or many more terminators would
replication would therefore severely limit the rate
need to be present. Again, both of these scenarios
of cell division. If the origin were located at one
would be problematic for the control of transcription.
end, the time required to replicate the chromosome
Although it might be possible to overcome this
would be approximately double this.
problem if special control proteins became attached
B. A chromosome end that is not “capped” with a
to rnA polymerase during replication, the problem
telomere would lose nucleotides during each round
has been solved during evolution by using separate
of DnA replication and would gradually shrink.
enzymes with specialized properties. some small DnA
eventually, essential genes would be lost, leading to
viruses, however, do utilize the host rnA polymerase to
cell death.
make primers for their replication.
C. without centromeres, which attach them to the
mitotic spindle, the two new chromosomes that Answer 7–4 This experiment demonstrates that the
result from replication cannot be partitioned ribosome does not check the amino acid that is attached
accurately between the two daughter cells. to a trnA. Once an amino acid has been coupled to
Therefore many daughter cells would die, because a trnA, the ribosome will “blindly” incorporate that
they would not receive a full set of chromosomes. amino acid into the position according to the match
A:20 Answers

between the codon and anticodon. we can therefore (A) NORMAL 173 bp
conclude that a significant part of the correct reading
E1 I1 E2 I2 E3
of the genetic code, i.e., the matching of a codon with
the correct amino acid, is performed by the synthetase gene
splicing splicing
enzymes that correctly match trnAs and amino acids. 5¢ 3¢
Answer 7–5 The mrnA will have a 5¢-to-3¢ polarity cap E1 E2 E3 AAA
opposite to that of the DnA strand that serves as precursor RNA

a template. Thus, the mrnA sequence will read 5¢-

GAAAAAAGCCGuuAA-3¢. The n-terminal amino acid cap E1 E2 E3 AAA
coded for by GAA is glutamic acid. uAA specifies a mRNA
stop codon, so the C-terminal amino acid is coded for
by CGu and is an arginine. note that the convention
in describing the sequence of a gene is to give the
Lacheinmal protein
sequence of the DnA strand that is not used as a
template for rnA synthesis; this sequence is the same
as that of the rnA transcript, with T written in place (B) MUTANT mutation that inactivates 3¢ splice site
of u.
E1 I1 E2 I2 E3
Answer 7–6 The first statement is factually correct: mutant gene
rnA is thought to have been the first self-replicating splicing
catalyst and in modern cells is no longer self-replicating. 5¢ 3¢
we can debate, however, whether this represents cap E1 E2 E3 AAA
a ‘loss.’ rnA now serves many roles in the cell: as mutant precursor RNA
messengers, as adaptors for protein synthesis, as
primers for DnA replication, and as catalysts for some cap E1 E3 AAA
of the most fundamental reactions. mutant RNA
Answer 7–7
A. False. ribosomes can make any protein that is
specified by the particular mrnA that they are mutant protein
translating. After translation, ribosomes are released Figure A7–8
from the mrnA and can then start translating a
different mrnA.
B. False. mrnAs are translated as linear polymers;
there is no requirement that they have any particular
folded structure. In fact, such structures that are
it was no longer recognized by the splicing machinery
formed by mrnA can inhibit translation because the
(a change in the CAG sequence shown in Figure 7–19
ribosome has to unfold the mrnA in order to read
could do this). The snrnP would search for the next
the message it contains.
available 3¢ splice site,EA7.09/
ECB2 which is found at the 3¢ end of
C. False. ribosomal subunits exchange partners after
the next intron (“I2”), and the splicing reaction would
each round of translation. After a ribosome is
therefore remove e2 together with I1 and I2, resulting in
released from an mrnA, its two subunits dissociate
a shortened mrnA. The mrnA is then translated into a
and enter a pool of free small and large subunits
defective protein, resulting in the Lacheinmal deficiency.
from which new ribosomes assemble around a new
Because 173 nucleotides do not amount to an
integral number of codons, the lack of this exon in
D. False. ribosomes are cytoplasmic organelles, but
the mrnA will shift the reading frame at the splice
they are not individually enclosed in a membrane.
junction. Therefore, the Lacheinmal protein would be
e. False. The position of the promoter determines the
made correctly only through exon e1. As the ribosome
direction in which transcription proceeds and which
begins translating sequences in exon e3, it will be in
DnA strand is used as the template. Transcription in
a different reading frame and therefore will produce a
the opposite direction would produce an mrnA with
protein sequence that is unrelated to the Lacheinmal
a completely different (and probably meaningless)
sequence normally encoded by exon e3. Most likely, the
ribosome will soon encounter a stop codon, which in
F. False. rnA contains uracil but not thymine.
rnA sequences that do not code for protein would be
G. False. The level of a protein depends on its rate of
expected to occur on average about once in every 21
synthesis and degradation but not on its catalytic
codons (there are 3 stop codons in the 64 codons of the
genetic code).
Answer 7–8 Because the deletion in the Lacheinmal
Answer 7–9 sequence 1 and sequence 4 both code
mrnA is internal, it is likely that the deletion arises from
for the peptide Arg-Gly-Asp. Because the genetic code
a splicing defect. The simplest interpretation is that the
is redundant, different nucleotide sequences can encode
Lacheinmal gene contains a 173-nucleotide-long exon
the same amino acid sequence.
(labeled “e2” in Figure A7–8), and that this exon is lost
during the processing of the mutant precursor mrnA. Answer 7–10
This could occur, for example, if the mutation changed A. Incorrect. The bonds are not covalent, and their
the 3¢ splice site in the preceding intron (“I1”) so that formation does not require input of energy.
Answers A:21

B. Correct. The aminoacyl-trnA enters the ribosome at of these proteins would be made with additional amino
the A-site. acids at their C-terminal end. The additional lengths
C. Correct. As the ribosome moves along the mrnA, would depend on the number of codons before the
the trnAs that have donated their amino acid to ribosomes encounter a non-uGA stop codon in the
the growing polypeptide chain are ejected from the mrnA in the reading frame in which the protein is
ribosome and the mrnA. The ejection takes place translated.
two cycles after the trnA first enters the ribosome
(see Figure 7–33). Answer 7–15 One effective way of driving a reaction
to completion is to remove one of the products, so that
Answer 7–11 Replication. Dictionary definition: the the reverse reaction cannot occur. ATP contains two
creation of an exact copy; molecular biology definition: high-energy bonds that link the three phosphate groups.
the act of duplicating DnA. Transcription. Dictionary In the reaction shown, PPi is released, consisting of two
definition: the act of writing out a copy, especially phosphate groups linked by one of these high-energy
from one physical form to another; molecular biology bonds. Thus, PPi can be hydrolyzed with a considerable
definition: the act of copying the information stored in gain of free energy, and thereby be efficiently removed.
DnA into rnA. Translation. Dictionary definition: the act This happens rapidly in cells, and reactions that produce
of putting words into a different language; molecular and further hydrolyze PPi are therefore virtually
biology definition: the act of polymerizing amino acids irreversible (discussed in Chapter 3).
into a defined linear sequence using the information
provided by the linear sequence of nucleotides in Answer 7–16
mrnA. (note that “translation” is also used in a quite A. A titin molecule is made of 25,000 amino acids.
different sense, both in ordinary language and in It therefore takes about 3.5 hours to synthesize a
scientific contexts, to mean a movement from one place single molecule of titin in muscle cells.
to another.) B. Because of its large size, the probability of making a
titin molecule without any mistakes is only 0.08
Answer 7–12 A code of two nucleotides could [= (1 – 10–4)25,000]; i.e., only 8 in 100 titin molecules
specify 16 different amino acids (= 42), and a triplet synthesized are free of mistakes. In contrast, over
code in which the position of the nucleotides is not 97% of newly synthesized proteins of average size
important could specify 20 different amino acids (= 4 are made correctly.
possibilities of 3 of the same bases + 12 possibilities of C. The error rate limits the sizes of proteins that can
2 bases the same and one different + 4 possibilities of be synthesized accurately. similarly, if a eucaryotic
3 different bases). In both cases, these maximal amino ribosomal protein were synthesized as a single
acid numbers would need to be reduced by at least 1, molecule, a large portion (87%) of this hypothetical
because of the need to specify translation stop codons. giant ribosomal protein would be expected to
It is relatively easy to envision how a doublet code could contain at least one mistake. It is more advantageous
be translated by a mechanism similar to that used in our to make ribosomal proteins individually, because
world by providing trnAs with only two relevant bases in this way only a small proportion of each type
in the anticodon loop. It is more difficult to envision of protein will be defective, and these few bad
how the nucleotide composition of a stretch of three molecules can be individually eliminated by
nucleotides could be translated without regard to their proteolysis to ensure that there are no defects in the
order, because base-pairing can then no longer be used: ribosome as a whole.
AuG, for example, will not base-pair with the same D. To calculate the time it takes to transcribe a titin
anticodon as uGA. mrnA, you would need to know the size of its
Answer 7–13 It is likely that in early cells the matching gene, which is likely to contain many introns.
between codons and amino acids was less accurate Transcription of the exons alone requires about 42
than it is in present-day cells. The feature of the genetic minutes. Because introns can be quite large, the time
code described in the question may have allowed early required to transcribe the entire gene is likely to be
cells to tolerate this inaccuracy by allowing a blurred considerably longer.
relationship between sets of roughly similar codons
and roughly similar amino acids. One can easily imagine Answer 7–17 Mutations of the type described in (B)
how the matching between codons and amino acids and (D) are often the most harmful. In both cases, the
could have become more accurate, step by step, as the reading frame would be changed, and because this
translation machinery evolved into that found in modern frameshift occurs near the beginning or in the middle of
cells. the coding sequence, much of the protein will contain a
nonsensical and/or truncated sequence of amino acids.
Answer 7–14 The codon for Trp is 5¢-uGG-3¢. Thus, a In contrast, a reading-frame shift that occurs toward the
normal Trp-trnA contains the sequence 5¢-CCA-3¢ as its end of the coding sequence, as described in scenario
anticodon. If this trnA contains a mutation so that its (A), will result in a largely correct protein that may be
anticodon is changed to uCA, it will recognize a uGA functional. Deletion of three consecutive nucleotides,
codon and lead to the incorporation of a tryptophan scenario (C), leads to the deletion of an amino acid but
residue instead of causing translation to stop. Many does not alter the reading frame. The deleted amino
other protein-encoding sequences, however, contain acid may or may not be important for the folding or
uGA codons as their natural stop sites, and these stops activity of the protein; in many cases such mutations are
would also be affected by the mutant trnA. Depending silent, i.e., have no or only minor consequences for the
on the competition between the altered trnA and the organism. substitution of one nucleotide for another, as
normal translation release factors (Figure 7–37), some in (e), is often completely harmless. In some cases, it will
A:22 Answers

not change the amino acid sequence of the protein; in bonds responsible for sequence-specific contacts are
other cases it will change a single amino acid; at worst, it hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions with the
may create a new stop codon, giving rise to a truncated methyl group on thymine. note that the arrangement of
protein. hydrogen-bond donors and hydrogen-bond acceptors
of a T-A pair is different from that of a C-G pair.
similarly, the arrangement of hydrogen-bond donors
Chapter 8 and hydrogen-bond acceptors of A-T and G-C pairs
would be different from one another and from the two
Answer 8–1
pairs shown in the figure. In addition to the contacts
A. Transcription of the tryptophan operon would no shown in the figure, electrostatic attractions between
longer be regulated by the absence or presence the positively charged amino acid side chains of the
of tryptophan; the enzymes would be permanently protein and the negatively charged phosphate groups
on in scenarios (1) and (2) and permanently off in in the DnA backbone usually stabilize DnA–protein
scenario (3). interactions.
B. In scenarios (1) and (2), the normal tryptophan
repressor molecules would completely restore the Answer 8–3 Bending proteins can help to bring
regulation of the tryptophan biosynthesis enzymes. distant DnA regions together that normally would
In contrast, expression of the normal protein would contact each other only inefficiently (Figure A8–3). such
have no effect in scenario 3, because the tryptophan proteins are found in both procaryotes and eucaryotes
operator would remain permanently occupied by the and are involved in many examples of transcriptional
mutant protein. regulation.
Answer 8–2 Contacts can form between the protein
and the edges of the base pairs that are exposed
in the major groove of the DnA (Figure A8–2). The


enhancer with bound

transcription regulator
N RNA polymerase

minor groo

H O or N

N bending protein

adenine N H
N Figure A8–3
H protein

Answer 8–4
A. uV light throws the switch
ECB2 from the prophage to the
lytic state: when cI protein is destroyed, Cro is made
H and turns off the further production of cI. The virus
H produces coat proteins, and new virus particles are
N made.
H O or N B. when the uV light is switched off, the virus remains
O N N in the lytic state. Thus, cI and Cro form a gene
H regulatory switch that ‘memorizes’ its previous
H H setting.
minor groo

N N O H C. This switch makes sense in the viral life cycle: uV

light tends to damage the bacterial DnA (see Figure
N 6–24), thereby rendering the bacterium an unreliable

guanine host for the virus. A prophage will therefore switch
N to the lytic state and leave the ‘sinking ship’ in search
H for new host cells to infect.
Answer 8–5 False. Carrots can be grown from single
carrot cells and tadpoles can be produced by injecting
differentiated frog nuclei into frog eggs. But carrots
Figure A8–2 cannot be produced from frog eggs, no matter what.
Answers A:23

Answer 8–6 contacts, and (2) that different subunits can be

A. True. Procaryotic mrnAs are often transcripts of combined in different combinations to increase the
entire operons. ribosomes can initiate translation number of DnA-binding specificities available to the
at internal AuG start sites of these “polycistronic” cell. Three of the most common protein domains that
mrnAs (see Figures 7–36 and 8–6). bind DnA are leucine zippers, homeodomains, and zinc
B. True. The major groove of double-stranded DnA is fingers. each provides a particularly stable fold in the
sufficiently wide to allow a protein surface, such as polypeptide chain that positions an a helix so it can be
one face of an a helix, access to the base pairs. inserted into the major groove of the DnA helix and
C. True. It is advantageous to exert control at the contact the sides of the base pairs (see Figure 8–5).
earliest possible point in a pathway. This conserves
Answer 8–9 The affinity of the dimeric l repressor
metabolic energy because unnecessary products are
for its binding site is the sum of the interactions made
not made in the first place.
by each of the two DnA-binding domains. A single
D. False. The zinc atoms in zinc finger domains are
DnA-binding domain can make only half the contacts
required for the correct folding of the protein
and provide just half the binding energy compared with
domain; they are internal to these domains and do
the dimer. Thus, although the concentration of binding
not contact the DnA.
domains is unchanged, they are no longer coupled, and
Answer 8–7 From our knowledge of enhancers, one their individual affinities for DnA are sufficiently weak
would expect their function to be relatively independent that they cannot remain bound. As a result, the genes
of their distance from the promoter—possibly for lytic growth are turned on.
weakening as this distance increases. The surprising
Answer 8–10 The function of these Arg genes is
feature of the data (which have been adapted from an
actual experiment) is the periodicity: the enhancer is to synthesize arginine. when arginine is abundant,
maximally active at certain distances from the promoter expression of the biosynthetic genes should be turned
(50, 60, or 70 nucleotides), but almost inactive at off. If Argr acts as a gene repressor (which it does in
intermediate distances (55 or 65 nucleotides). The reality), then binding of arginine should increase its
periodicity of 10 suggests that the mystery can be affinity for its regulatory sites, allowing it to bind and
explained by considering the structure of double-helical shut off gene expression. If Argr acted as a gene
DnA, which has 10 base pairs per turn. Thus, placing activator instead, then the binding of arginine would
an enhancer on the side of the DnA opposite to that of be predicted to reduce its affinity for its regulatory
the promoter (Figure A8–7) would make it more difficult DnA, preventing its binding and thereby shutting off
for the activator that binds to it to interact with the expression of the Arg genes.
proteins bound at the promoter. At longer distances, Answer 8–11 The results of this experiment favor
there is more DnA to absorb the twist, and the effect is DnA looping, which should not be affected by the
diminished. protein bridge (so long as it allowed the DnA to bend,
which it does). The scanning or entry site model,
enhancer with bound however, is predicted to be affected by the nature of
transcription regulator
the linkage between the enhancer and the promoter.
If the proteins enter at the enhancer and scan to the
promoter, they would have to traverse the protein
linkage. If such proteins are geared to scan on DnA,
they would likely have difficulty scanning across such a
RNA polymerase barrier.
50 bp
Answer 8–12 The most definitive result is one showing
that a single differentiated cell taken from a specialized
tissue can re-create a whole organism. This proves that
the cell must contain all the information required to
produce a whole organism, including all of its specialized
cell types. experiments of this type are summarized in
Figure 8–2.
55 bp
Answer 8–13 You could create 16 different cell types
with 4 different transcription regulators (all the 8 cell
types shown in Figure 8–19, plus another 8 created by
adding an additional transcription regulator). MyoD
by itself is sufficient to induce muscle-specific gene
expression only in certain cell types, such as some
60 bp kinds of fibroblasts. The action of MyoD is therefore
Figure A8–7 consistent with the model shown in Figure 8–19:
if muscle cells were specified, for example, by the
combination of transcription regulators 1, 3, and MyoD,
then the addition of MyoD would convert only two of
Answer 8–8 Two advantages of dimeric DnA-binding
the cell types of Figure 8–19 (cells F and H) to muscle.
proteins are (1) that dimer formation greatly increases
the specificity and the strength of a protein–DnA
ECB2 EA8.11/A8.05 Answer 8–14 The induction of a gene activator
interaction by doubling the number of protein–DnA protein that stimulates its own synthesis can create a
A:24 Answers

positive feedback loop that can produce cell memory. highly conserved genes) participate in fundamental
The continued self-stimulated synthesis of activator A processes, there is less leeway for change. nonetheless,
can in principle last for many cell generations, serving as there are significant differences in ribosomal rnAs
a constant reminder of an event that took place in the among species.
past. By contrast, the induction of a gene repressor that
Answer 9–4 Mobile genetic elements could provide
inhibits its own synthesis creates a negative feedback
opportunities for homologous recombination events,
loop that guarantees only a transient response to the
thereby causing genomic rearrangements. They could
transient stimulus. Because repressor r shuts off its own
insert into genes, possibly obliterating splicing signals
synthesis, the cell will quickly return to the state that
and thereby changing the protein produced by the
existed before the signal.
gene. They could also insert into the regulatory region
Answer 8–15 Many transcription regulators are of a gene, where insertion between an enhancer and a
continually made in the cell; that is, their expression is transcription start site could block the function of the
constitutive and the activity of the protein is controlled enhancer and therefore reduce the level of expression
by signals from inside or outside the cell (e.g., the of a gene. In addition, the mobile genetic element could
availability of nutrients, as for the tryptophan repressor, itself contain an enhancer and thereby change the time
or by hormones, as for the glucocorticoid receptor), and place in the organism where the gene is expressed.
thereby adjusting the transcriptional program to the
Answer 9–5 It is not a simple matter to determine
physiological needs of the cell. Moreover, a given
the function of a gene from scratch, nor is there a
transcription regulator usually controls the expression of
universal recipe for how to do it. nevertheless, there
many different genes. Transcription regulators are often
are a variety of standard questions whose answers help
used in various combinations and can affect each other’s
to narrow down the possibilities. Below we list some of
activity, thereby further increasing the possibilities for
these questions.
regulation with a limited set of proteins. nevertheless,
In what tissues is the gene expressed? If the gene
the cell devotes a large fraction of its genome to the
is expressed in all tissues, it is likely to have a general
control of transcription: an estimated 10% of all genes in
function. If it is expressed in one or a few tissues, its
eucaryotic cells code for transcription regulators.
function is likely to be more specialized, perhaps related
to the specialized functions of the tissues. If the gene is
Chapter 9 expressed in the embryo but not the adult, it probably
functions in development.
Answer 9–1 The answer lies in the need for the cell In what compartment of the cell is the protein found?
to maintain a balance between stability and change. Knowing the subcellular localization of the protein—
If the mutation rate were too high, a species would nucleus, plasma membrane, mitochondria, etc.—can
eventually die out because all its individuals would also help to suggest categories of potential function.
accumulate too many mutations in genes essential for For example, a protein that is localized to the plasma
survival. For a species to be successful—in evolutionary membrane is likely to be a transporter, a receptor or
terms—it is important for individual members to other component of a signaling pathway, a cell-adhesion
have good genetic memory; that is, fidelity in DnA molecule, etc.
replication. At the same time, occasional changes are What are the effects of mutations in the gene?
needed if the species is to adapt to changing conditions. Mutations that eliminate or modify the function of the
If the change leads to an improvement, it will persist by gene product can also provide clues to function. For
selection; if it proves disastrous, the individual organism example, if the gene product is critical at a certain time
that was the unfortunate subject of nature’s experiment during development, the embryo will often die at that
will die, but the species will survive. stage or develop obvious abnormalities. unless the
abnormality is highly specific, it is usually difficult to
Answer 9–2 In single-celled organisms the genome is
deduce its function. And often the links are indirect,
the germ line and any modification is passed on to the
becoming apparent only after the gene’s function is
next generation. By contrast, in multicellular organisms
most of the cells are somatic cells and make no
With what other proteins does the encoded protein
contribution to the next generation; thus, modification
interact? In carrying out their function, proteins often
of those cells by horizontal gene transfer would have
interact with other proteins involved in the same or
no consequence for the next generation. The germ-
closely related processes. If an interacting protein
line cells are usually sequestered in the interior of
can be identified, and if its function is already known
multicellular organisms, minimizing their contact with
(through previous research or through the searching
foreign cells, viruses, and DnA, thus insulating the
of databases), the range of possible functions can be
species from the effects of horizontal gene transfer.
narrowed dramatically.
nevertheless, horizontal gene transfer is possible for
Can mutations in other genes alter effects of mutation
multicellular organisms. For example, the genomes of
in the unknown gene? searching for such mutations
some insect species contain DnA that was horizontally
can be a very powerful approach to investigating gene
transferred from bacteria that infect them.
function, especially in organisms such as bacteria and
Answer 9–3 It is unlikely that any gene came into yeast, which have simple genetic systems. Although
existence perfectly optimized for its function. Indeed, much more difficult to perform in the mouse, this type
the environment in which an organism finds itself is of approach can nonetheless be used. The rationale
changeable, so no gene could be perfect indefinitely. for this strategy is analogous to that of looking for
Because ribosomal rnAs (and the products of other interacting proteins: genes that interact genetically
Answers A:25

are often involved in the same process or in closely correspond to the regions between the exons. The
related processes. Identification of such an interacting positions of the introns and exons in the human
gene (and knowledge of its function) would provide an b-globin gene are indicated in Figure A9–10A. Also
important clue to the function of the unknown gene. shown (in open bars) are sequences present in the
Addressing each of these questions requires mature b-globin mrnA (and in the gene) that are not
specialized experimental expertise and a substantial translated into protein.
time commitment from the investigator. It is no wonder B. From the positions of the exons, as defined in Figure
that progress is made much more rapidly when a clue to A9–10A, it is clear that the first two exons of the
a gene’s function can be found simply by identifying a human b-globin gene have homologous counterparts
similar gene of known function in the database. As more in the mouse b-globin gene (Figure A9–10B).
and more genes are studied, this strategy will become However, only the first half of the third exon of the
increasingly successful. human b-globin gene is similar to the mouse b-globin
Answer 9–6 with their ability to facilitate genetic gene. The similar portion of the third exon contains
recombination, mobile genetic elements have almost sequences that encode protein, whereas the portion
certainly played an important part in the evolution that is different represents the 3¢ untranslated
of modern-day organisms. They can facilitate gene region of the gene. Because this portion of the
duplication and the creation of new genes via exon gene does not encode protein (nor does it contain
shuffling, and they can change the way in which existing extensive regulatory sequences), its sequence is not
genes are expressed. Although the transposition of a constrained.
mobile genetic element can be harmful for an individual C. The human and mouse b-globin genes are also
organism—if, for example, it disrupts the activity of a homologous at their 5¢ ends, as indicated by the
critical gene—these agents of genetic change may well cluster of points along the same diagonal as the first
be beneficial to the species as a whole. exon (Figure A9–10B). These sequences correspond
to the regulatory regions upstream of the start sites
Answer 9–7 About 7.6% of each gene is converted for transcription. Functional sequences, which are
to mrnA [(5.4 exons/gene ¥ 266 nucleotide pairs/ under selective pressure, diverge much more slowly
exon)/(19,000 nucleotide pairs/gene) = 7.6%]. Protein- than sequences without function.
coding genes occupy about 28% of Chromosome 22 D. The diagon plot shows that the first intron is nearly
[(700 genes ¥ 19,000 nucleotide pairs/gene)/(48 ¥ 106 the same length in the human and mouse genes, but
nucleotide pairs) = 27.7%]. However, over 90% of this the length of the second intron is noticeably different
DnA is made of introns. (Figure A9–10B). If the introns were the same length,
Answer 9–8 This statement is probably true. For the line segments that represent sequence similarity
example, nearly half our DnA is composed of defunct would fall on the same diagonal. The easiest way
mobile genetic elements. However, it is possible that to test for the colinearity of the line segments is
future research will uncover a function for this seemingly to tilt the page and sight along the diagonal. It is
unimportant DnA. impossible to tell from this comparison if the change
in length is due to a shortening of the mouse intron
Answer 9–9 The HoxD cluster is packed with or to a lengthening of the human intron, or some
complex and extensive regulatory sequences that direct combination of those possibilities.
each of its genes to be expressed at the correct time
Answer 9–11 Computer algorithms that search for
and place during development. Insertion of mobile
exons are complex affairs, as you might imagine. To
genetic elements into the HoxD cluster is thought to
identify unknown genes, these programs combine
be selected against because it would disrupt proper
statistical information derived from known genes, such
regulation of its resident genes.
Answer 9–10 1. An exon that encodes protein will have an open
A. The exons in the human b-globin gene correspond reading frame. If the amino acid sequence specified
to the positions of sequence similarity (in this case by this open reading frame matches a protein
identity) with the cDnA, which is a direct copy of sequence in any database, there is a high likelihood
the mrnA and thus contains no introns. The introns that it is an authentic exon.


human b-globin cDNA 3¢

mouse b-globin gene

5¢ human b-globin gene 3¢ 5¢ human b-globin gene 3¢

Figure A9–10
A:26 Answers

2. The reading frames of adjacent exons in the same Answer 9–14

gene will match up when the intron sequences are B. Formation of protein-coding genes de novo from the
omitted. vast amount of unused, noncoding DnA typical of
3. Internal exons (excluding the first and the last) will eucaryotic genomes is not thought to be a significant
have splicing signals at each end; most of the time contributor to gene evolution.
(98.1%) these will be AG at the 5¢ ends of the exons
Answer 9–15
and GT at the 3¢ ends.
A. Because synonymous changes do not alter the
4. The multiple codons for most individual amino
amino acid sequence of the protein, they usually
acids are not used with equal frequency. This so-
do not affect the overall fitness of the organism
called coding bias can be factored in to aid in the
and are therefore not selected against. By contrast,
recognition of true exons.
nonsynonymous changes, which substitute a new
5. exons and introns have characteristic length
amino acid in place of the original one, can alter
distributions. The median length of exons in human
the function of the encoded protein and change
genes is about 120 nucleotide pairs. Introns tend
the fitness of the organism. since most amino acid
to be much larger: a median length of about 2 kb
substitutions probably harm the protein, they tend to
in genomic regions of 30–40% GC content, and
be selected against.
a median length of about 500 nucleotide pairs in
B. The histone H3 protein must be so exquisitely
regions above 50% GC.
tuned to its function that virtually all amino acid
6. The initiation codon for protein synthesis (nearly
substitutions are deleterious and are therefore
always an ATG) has a statistical association with
selected against. The extreme conservation of
adjacent nucleotides that seem to enhance its
histone H3 argues that its function is very tightly
recognition by translation factors.
constrained, probably because of extensive
7. The terminal exon will have a signal (most commonly
interactions with other proteins and with DnA.
AATAAA) for cleavage and polyadenylation close to
C. Histone H3 is clearly not in a ‘privileged’ site in
its 3¢ end.
the genome because it undergoes synonymous
The statistical nature of these features, coupled with
nucleotide changes at about the same rate as other
the low frequency of coding information in the genome
(2–3%) and the frequency of alternative splicing (an
estimated 60% of human genes), makes it especially Answer 9–16
impressive that current algorithms can identify more A. The data embodied in the phylogenetic tree (Figure
than 70% of individual exons in the human Q9–16) refutes the hypothesis that plant hemoglobin
genome. genes were acquired by horizontal transfer. Looking
at the more familiar parts of the tree, we see that
Answer 9–12 In a very long, random sequence of the hemoglobins of vertebrates (fish to human) have
DnA, each of the 64 different codons will occur with approximately the same phylogenetic relationships
equal frequency. Because 3 of the 64 are stop codons, as do the species themselves. Plant hemoglobins
they will be expected to occur on average every 21 also form a distinct group that displays accepted
codons (64/3 = 21.3). evolutionary relationships, with barley, a monocot,
diverging before bean, alfalfa, and lotus, which are
Answer 9–13 On the surface, its resistance to
all dicots (and legumes). The basic hemoglobin gene,
mutation suggests that the genetic code was shaped by
therefore, was in place long ago in evolution. The
forces of natural selection. An underlying assumption,
phylogenetic tree of Figure Q9–16 indicates that
which seems reasonable, is that resistance to mutation
the hemoglobin genes in modern plant and animal
is a valuable feature of a genetic code. This reasoning
species were inherited from a common ancestor.
suggests that it would have been a lucky accident
B. Had the plant hemoglobin genes arisen by
indeed—roughly a one-in-a-million chance—to stumble
horizontal transfer from a parasitic nematode, then
on a code as error-proof as our own.
the plant sequences would have clustered with the
But all is not so simple. If resistance to mutation is an
nematode sequences in the phylogenetic tree in
essential feature of any code that can support complex
Figure Q9–16.
organisms such as ourselves, then the only codes we
could observe are ones that are error resistant. A less Answer 9–17 In each human lineage, new mutations
favorable frozen accident, giving rise to a more error- will be introduced at a rate of 10–10 alterations per
prone code, might have limited the complexity of life nucleotide per cell generation, and the differences
to organisms too simple to contemplate their own between two human lineages will accumulate at twice
genetic code. This is akin to the anthropic principle of this rate. To accumulate 10–3 differences per nucleotide
cosmology: many universes may be possible, but few will thus take 10–3/(2 ¥ 10–10) cell generations,
are compatible with life that can ponder the nature of corresponding to (1/200) ¥ 10–3/(2 ¥ 10–10) = 25,000
the universe. human generations, or 750,000 years. In reality, we are
Beyond these considerations, there is ample evidence not descended from one pair of genetically identical
that the code is not static, and thus could respond ancestral humans; rather, it is likely that we are
to the forces of natural selection. Altered versions descended from a relatively small founder population of
of the standard genetic code have been identified humans who were already genetically diverse.
in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes of several More sophisticated analysis suggests that this
organisms. In each case one or a few codons have taken founder population existed about 150,000 years
on a new meaning. ago.
Answers A:27

Chapter 10 1023 (molecules/mole)]. Ignoring the complexities

of the first few steps of the amplification reaction
Answer 10–1 The presence of a mutation in a gene (which produce longer products that eventually
does not necessarily mean that the protein expressed make an insignificant contribution to the total DnA
from it is defective. For example, the mutation could amplified), this amount of product approximately
change one codon into another that still specifies the doubles for every amplification step. Therefore, 100
same amino acid, and so does not change the amino ¥ 10–9 g = 2N ¥ 5.5 ¥ 10–19 g, where N is the number
acid sequence of the protein. Or, the mutation may of amplification steps of the reaction. solving this
cause a change from one amino acid to another in the equation for N = log(1.81 ¥ 1011)/log(2) gives N =
protein, but in a position that is not important for the 37.4. Thus, only about 40 cycles of PCr amplification
folding or function of the protein. In assessing the are sufficient to amplify DnA from a single molecule
likelihood that such a mutation might cause a defective to a quantity that can be readily handled and
protein, information on the known b-globin mutations analyzed biochemically. This whole procedure
that are found in humans is essential. You would is automated and takes only a few hours in the
therefore want to know the precise nucleotide change laboratory.
in your mutant gene, and whether this change has any
known or predictable consequences for the function Answer 10–5 If the repair enzymes act on the
of the encoded protein. If your mate has two normal plasmid before it is replicated, the plasmid will indeed
copies of the globin gene, 50% of your children would be repaired. However, the repair enzymes cannot
be carriers of your mutant gene. distinguish which strand of the DnA contains the
mutation and which contains the normal nucleotide.
Answer 10–2 Therefore, in half of the cells that have been
A. Digestion with ecorI produces two products: transformed with the mismatched plasmid, the normal
5¢-AAGAATTGCGG AATTCGAGCTTAAGGGCCGCGCCGAAGCTTTAAA-3¢ gene would be restored, whereas in the other half of the
3¢-TTCTTAACGCCTTAA GCTCGAATTCCCGGCGCGGCTTCGAAATTT-5¢ cells the normal strand would be converted to match
B. Digestion with AluI produces three products: the mutated strand. Cells containing the plasmid with
5¢-AAGAATTGCGGAATTCGAG CTTAAGGGCCGCGCCGAAG CTTTAAA-3¢ the desired mutation can be identified by hybridization
3¢-TTCTTAACGCCTTAAGCTC GAATTCCCGGCGCGGCTTC GAAATTT-5¢ with a single-stranded DnA probe that distinguishes
C. The sequence lacks a notI cleavage site. between the normal and mutant genes.
D. Digestion with all three enzymes therefore produces:
Answer 10–6 If the ratio of dideoxyribonucleoside
triphosphates to deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates
is increased, DnA polymerization will be terminated
Answer 10–3 Protein biochemistry is still very more frequently and thus shorter DnA strands will be
important because it provides the link between the produced. such conditions are favorable for determining
amino acid sequence (which can be deduced from DnA nucleotide sequences that are close to the DnA
sequences) and the functional properties of the protein. primer used in the reaction. In contrast, decreasing
we are still not able to infallibly predict the folding of the ratio of dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphates
a polypeptide chain from its amino acid sequence, so to deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates will produce
that in many cases information regarding the function longer DnA fragments, thus allowing one to determine
of the protein, such as its catalytic activity, cannot nucleotide sequences more distant from the primer.
be deduced from the gene sequence alone. Instead, Answer 10–7 Although several explanations are
such information must be obtained experimentally possible, the simplest is that the DnA probe has
by analyzing the properties of proteins biochemically. hybridized predominantly with its corresponding mrnA,
Furthermore, the structural information that can be which is typically present in many more copies per cell
deduced from DnA sequences is necessarily incomplete. than is the gene. The different extents of hybridization
we cannot, for example, accurately predict covalent probably reflect different levels of gene expression.
modifications of the protein, proteolytic processing, Perhaps each of the different cell types that make up
the presence of tightly bound small molecules, or the the tissue expresses the gene at a different level.
association of the protein with other subunits. Moreover,
we cannot accurately predict the effects these Answer 10–8 Like the vast majority of mammalian
modifications might have on the activity of the protein. genes, the attractase gene likely contains introns.
Bacteria do not have the splicing machinery required to
Answer 10–4
remove introns, and therefore the correct protein would
A. After an additional round of amplification there will
not be expressed from the gene. For expression of most
be 2 gray, 4 green, 4 red, and 22 yellow-outlined
mammalian genes in bacterial cells, a cDnA version of
fragments; after a second additional round there
the gene must be used.
will be 2 gray, 5 green, 5 red, and 52 yellow-outlined
fragments. Thus the DnA fragments outlined in Answer 10–9
yellow increase exponentially and will eventually A. False. restriction sites are found at random
overrun the other reaction products. Their length throughout the genome, within as well as between,
is determined by the DnA sequence that spans the genes.
distance between the two primers plus the length of B. True. DnA bears a negative charge at each
the primers. phosphate, giving DnA an overall negative charge.
B. The mass of one DnA molecule 500 nucleotide pairs C. False. Clones isolated from cDnA libraries do not
long is 5.5 ¥ 10–19 g [= 2 ¥ 500 ¥ 330 (g/mole)/6 ¥ contain promoter sequences. These sequences are
A:28 Answers

not transcribed and are therefore not part of the to the actual protein encoded by this stretch of
mrnAs that are used as the templates to make DnA. what additional experiment could distinguish
cDnAs. between these two possibilities?
D. True. each polymerization reaction produces
Answer 10–11
double-stranded DnA that must, at each cycle, be
A. Cleavage of human genomic DnA with HaeIII
denatured to allow new primers to hybridize so that
would generate about 11 ¥ 106 different fragments
the DnA strand can be copied again.
e. False. Digestion of genomic DnA with restriction [= 3 ¥ 109/44], with ecorI about 730,000 different
nucleases that recognize four-nucleotide sequences fragments [= 3 ¥ 109/46], and with not I about
produces fragments that are on average 256 46,000 different fragments [= 3 ¥ 109/48]. There
nucleotides long. However, the actual lengths of the will also be some additional fragments generated
fragments produced will vary considerably on both because the maternal and paternal chromosomes are
sides of the average. very similar but not identical in DnA sequence.
F. True. reverse transcriptase is first needed to copy B. A set of overlapping DnA fragments will be
the mrnA into single-stranded DnA, and DnA generated. Libraries constructed from sets of
polymerase is then required to make the second overlapping fragments are valuable because they
DnA strand. can be used to order cloned sequences in relation to
G. True. using a sufficient number of sTrs, individuals their original order in the genome and thus obtain
can be uniquely ‘fingerprinted’ (see Figure 10–19). the DnA sequence of a long stretch of DnA (see
H. True. If cells of the tissue do not transcribe the gene Figure 10–27).
of interest, it will not be represented in a cDnA Answer 10–12 By comparison with the positions of the
library prepared from this tissue. However, it will be size markers, we find that ecorI treatment gives two
represented in a genomic library prepared from the fragments of 4 kb and 6 kb; notI treatment gives one
same tissue. fragment of 10 kb; and treatment with ecorI + notI
gives three fragments of 6 kb, 3 kb, and 1 kb. This gives
Answer 10–10
a total length of 10 kb calculated as the sum of the
A. The DnA sequence, from its 5¢ end to its 3¢ end,
fragments in each lane. Thus the original DnA molecule
is read starting from the bottom of the gel, where
must be 10 kb (10,000 nucleotide pairs) long. Because
the smallest DnA fragments migrate. each band
treatment with notI gives a fragment 10 kb long it could
results from the incorporation of the appropriate
be that the original DnA is a linear molecule with no
dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphate, and as
cutting site for notI. But we can rule that out by the
expected there are no two bands that have the same
results of the ecorI + notI digestion. we know that
mobility. This allows one to determine the DnA
ecorI cleavage alone produces two fragments of 6 kb
sequence by reading off the bands in strict order,
and 4 kb, and in the double digest this 4-kb fragment is
proceeding upward from the bottom of the gel, and
further cleaved by notI into a 3-kb and a 1-kb fragment.
assigning the correct nucleotide according to which
The DnA therefore contains a single notI cleavage
lane the band is in.
site, and thus it must be circular, as a single fragment
The nucleotide sequence of the top strand (Figure
of 10 kb is produced when it is cut with notI alone.
A10–10A) was obtained directly from the data of
Arranging the cutting sites on a circular DnA to give
Figure Q10–10, and the bottom strand was deduced
the appropriate sizes of fragments produces the map
from the complementary base-pairing rules.
illustrated in Figure A10–12.
B. The DnA sequence can then be translated into
an amino acid sequence using the genetic code. Answer 10–13
However, there are two strands of DnA that could A. The genetic code is degenerate, and there is more
be transcribed into rnA and three possible reading than one possible codon for each amino acid,
frames for each strand. Thus there are six amino acid with the exception of tryptophan and methionine.
sequences that can in principle be encoded by this Therefore, to detect the nucleotide sequence that
stretch of DnA. Of the three reading frames possible codes for the amino acid sequence of the protein,
from the top strand, only one is not interrupted by a many DnA molecules must be made and pooled
stop codon (yellow blocks in Figure A10–10B). to ensure that the mixture will contain the one that
From the bottom strand, two of the three reading exactly matches the DnA sequence of the gene. For
frames also have stop codons (not shown). The third the three peptide sequences given in this question,
frame gives the following sequence: the following probes need to be made (alternative
SerAlaLeuGlySerSerGluAsnArgProArgThrProAlaArgThrGlyCysProValIle bases at the same position are given in parentheses):
It is not possible from the information given to tell Peptide 1:
which of the two open reading frames corresponds 5¢-TGGATGCA(C,T)CA(C,T)AA(A,G)-3¢


(B) 5’ top strand of DNA 3’

Figure A10–10 3
Answers A:29

NotI As before, this ‘primer’ would contain 32 different

EcoR I DnA sequences, only one of which will perfectly
1 kb match the gene. Probe #1 could be your choice for
3 kb the second primer. Probe #2, again because of its
high degeneracy, would be a much less suitable
EcoR I 6 kb
C. The ends of the final amplification product are
derived from the primers, which are each 15
nucleotides long. Therefore, a 270-nucleotide
segment of the cDnA of the gene has been
Figure A10–12
amplified. This will encode 90 amino acids; adding
the amino acids encoded by the primers gives
Because of the three twofold degeneracies, you you a protein-coding sequence of 100 amino
would need eight (= 23) different DnA sequences in acids. This is unlikely to represent the whole
the mixture. gene. To your satisfaction, however, you note that
Peptide 2: CTATCACGCTTTAGG encodes peptide sequence #2.
5¢(T,C)T(G,A,T,C)(A,T)(G,C)(G,A,T,C) This information therefore confirms that your PCr
(A,C)G(G,A,T,C)(T,C)T(G,A,T,C)(A,C) product indeed encodes a fragment of the protein
G(G,A,T,C)-3¢ you originally isolated.
The mixture representing peptide sequence #2 Answer 10–14 The products
is much more complicated. Leu, ser, and Arg are will comprise a large number
each encoded by six different codons; you would of different single-stranded
therefore need to synthesize a mixture of 7776 (= 65) DnA molecules, one for each
different DnA molecules. This could not be done, nucleotide in the sequence.
however, simply by ECB2
using EA10.11
more than one different However, each DnA molecule
nucleotide in any one position because the different will be one of four colors,
bases in each codon are not independent. (ser, for depending on which of the
example, has A or T as the first base of the codon, G
four dideoxyribonucleotides A
G or C as the second base, and G, A, T, or C as the terminated the polymerization
third base; when the first base is A, however, the C
reaction of that chain.
second base is always G and the third base can be separation by gel
only T or C.) electrophoresis will generate T
Peptide 3: a ladder of bands, each one G
5¢-TA(C,T)TT(C,T)GG(G,A,T,C)ATGCA(A,G)3¢ nucleotide apart, and the A
Because of three twofold and one fourfold sequence can be read from C
degeneracies, you would need 32 (= 23 ¥ 4) different the order of colors (Figure T
sequences in the mixture. A10–14). The method described
You would probably first use probe #1 to screen G
here forms the basis for the T
your library by hybridization. Because there are only DnA sequencing strategy
eight possible DnA sequences, the ratio of the one A
used in most automated DnA
correct sequence to the incorrect ones is highest, sequencing machines (see
giving you the best chance of finding a matching Figure 10–22). Figure A10–14
clone. Probe #2 is practically useless, because only
1/7776 of the DnA in the mixture would perfectly Answer 10–15
hybridize to your gene of interest. You could use A. cDnA clones could not be used because there is no
probe #3 to verify that the clone you obtained is overlap between cDnA clones from adjacent genes.
correct. Any library clones that hybridize to probes B. such repetitive DnA sequences can confuse
#1 and #3 are very likely to contain the gene of chromosome walks, because the walk would appear
interest. to branch off in many different directions at once.
B. Knowing that peptide sequence #3 contains the last The general strategy for avoiding ECB2
these problems
A10.15 is
amino acid of the protein is valuable information to use genomic clones that are sufficiently long to
because it tells you that the other two peptide span beyond the repetitive DnA sequences.
sequences must precede it, that is, they must be Answer 10–16
located farther toward the n-terminal end of the A. Infants 2 and 8 have identical sTr patterns and
protein. Knowing this order is important, because therefore must be identical twins. Infants 3 and 6
DnA primers can be extended by DnA polymerases also have identical sTr patterns and must also be
only from their 3¢ ends; thus, the 3¢ ends of two identical twins. The other two sets of twins must be
primers need to “face” each other during a PCr fraternal twins because their sTr patterns are not
amplification reaction (see Figure 10–16). A PCr identical. Fraternal twins, like any pair of siblings
primer based on peptide sequence #3 must born to the same parents, will have roughly half
therefore be the complementary sequence of their genome in common. Thus, roughly half the sTr
probe #3 (so that its 3¢ end corresponds to the first polymorphisms in fraternal twins will be identical.
nucleotide of the sequence complementary to the using this criterion, you can identify infants 1 and
Trp codon): 7 as fraternal twins and infants 4 and 5 as fraternal
5¢-(TC)TGCAT(G,A,T,C)CC(G,A)AA(G,A)TA-3¢ twins.
A:30 Answers

B. You can match infants to their parents by using the rigid, depending on the strength of the interaction.
same sort of analysis of sTr polymorphisms. every
Answer 11–3 The fluidity of the bilayer is strictly
band present in the analysis of an infant should have
confined to one plane: lipid molecules can diffuse
a matching band in one or the other of the parents,
laterally in their own monolayer but do not readily flip
and, on average, each infant will share half of its
from one monolayer to the other. specific types of lipid
polymorphisms with each parent. Thus, the degree
molecules inserted into one monolayer therefore remain
of match between each child and each parent will be
in it unless they are actively transferred by an enzyme—
approximately the same as that between fraternal
called a flippase.
Answer 11–4 In both an a helix and a b barrel the
Answer 10–17 Mutant bacteria that do not produce
polar peptide bonds of the polypeptide backbone
ice-protein have probably arisen many times in nature.
can be completely shielded from the hydrophobic
However, bacteria that produce ice-protein have a
environment of the lipid bilayer by the hydrophobic
slight growth advantage over bacteria that do not, so
amino acid side chains. Internal hydrogen bonds
it would be difficult to find such mutants in the wild.
recombinant DnA technology makes these mutants between the peptide bonds stabilize the a helix and b
much easier to obtain. In this case, the consequences, barrel.
both advantageous and disadvantageous, of using a Answer 11–5 The sulfate group in sDs is charged
genetically modified organism are therefore nearly and therefore hydrophilic. The OH group and the
indistinguishable from those of a natural mutant. C–O–C groups in Triton X-100 are polar; they can
Indeed, bacterial and yeast strains have been selected form hydrogen bonds with water and are therefore
for centuries for desirable genetic traits that make them hydrophilic. In contrast, the blue portions of the
suitable for industrial-scale applications such as cheese molecules are either hydrocarbon chains or aromatic
and wine production. The possibilities of recombinant rings, neither of which has polar groups that could
DnA technology are endless, however, and as with form hydrogen bonds with water molecules; they are
any technology, there is a finite risk of unforeseen therefore hydrophobic. (see Figure A11–5.)
consequences. recombinant DnA experimentation,
therefore, is regulated, and the risks of individual H

projects are carefully assessed by review panels before CH3 CH3


permissions are granted. The state of our knowledge CH

is sufficiently advanced that the consequences of some H C
changes, such as the disruption of a bacterial gene in O H2N C C N

the example above, can be predicted with reasonable H

certainty. Other applications, such as germ-line gene H CH3
therapy to correct human disease, may have far more O H O

complex outcomes, and it will take many more years of H

research and ethical debate to determine whether such valine isoleucine alanine
treatments will eventually be used.
Figure A11–5

Chapter 11
Answer 11–6 Alpha helices in proteins are often used
Answer 11–1 water is a liquid, and thus hydrogen to span lipid bilayers. These structures are well suited
bonds between water molecules are not static; they for this purpose because they expose hydrophobic
are continually formed and broken again by thermal amino acid side chains to the hydrophobic interior
motion. when a water molecule happens to be next to of the lipid bilayer but sequester the polar peptide
a hydrophobic molecule, it is more restricted in motion bonds of the polypeptide backbone away from the
and has fewer neighbors with which it can interact, hydrophobic phase (see Figures 11–22 through 11–25).
because it cannot form any hydrogen bonds in the There are, however, other, less regular ways to fold up
direction of the hydrophobic molecule. It will therefore a polypeptide chain to achieve the same result, as seen
form hydrogen bonds to the more limited number of in the small loop in the photosynthetic reaction center.
water molecules in its proximity. Bonding to fewer This illustrates the importance of determining three-
partners results in a more ordered water structure, dimensional structures, which to date are known for only
ECB2 EA11.05

which represents the cagelike structure in Figure 11–9. a small number of membrane proteins.
This structure has been likened to ice, although it is Answer 11–7 some of the molecules of the two
a more transient, less organized, and less extensive different transmembrane proteins are anchored to the
network than even a tiny ice crystal. The formation spectrin filaments of the cell cortex. These molecules
of any ordered structure decreases the entropy of are not free to rotate or diffuse within the plane of
the system (see Chapter 3) and is thus energetically the membrane. There is an excess of transmembrane
unfavorable. proteins over the available attachment sites in the
Answer 11–2 (B) is the correct analogy for lipid bilayer cortex, however, so that some of the transmembrane
assembly because exclusion from water rather than protein molecules are not anchored and are free to
attractive forces between the lipid molecules is involved. rotate and diffuse within the plane of the membrane.
If the lipid molecules formed bonds with one another, Indeed, measurements of protein mobility show that
the bilayer would be less fluid, and might even become there are two populations of each transmembrane
Answers A:31

protein, corresponding to those proteins that are another because they can pack so much more
anchored and those that are not. tightly and would therefore form patches of much-
reduced fluidity. The bilayer would not, therefore,
Answer 11–8 The different ways in which membrane
have uniform properties over its surface. Because,
proteins can be restricted to different regions of
normally, one saturated and one unsaturated
the membrane are summarized in Figure 11–33. The
hydrocarbon tail are linked to the same hydrophilic
mobility of the membrane proteins is drastically reduced
head in membrane lipid molecules, such segregation
if they are bound to other proteins such as those of
does not occur in cell membranes.
the cytoskeleton or the extracellular matrix. some
F. The lipid bilayers formed would have virtually
membrane proteins are confined to membrane domains
unchanged properties. each lipid molecule would
by barriers, such as tight junctions. The fluidity of the
now span the entire membrane, with one of its
lipid bilayer is not significantly affected by the anchoring
two head groups exposed at each surface. such
of membrane proteins; the sea of lipid molecules flows
lipid molecules are found in the membranes of
around anchored membrane proteins like water around
thermophilic bacteria, which can live at temperatures
the posts of a pier.
approaching boiling water. Their bilayers do not
Answer 11–9 All of the statements are correct. come apart at elevated temperatures, as usual
A, B, C, D. The lipid bilayer is fluid because the lipid bilayers do, because the original two monolayers are
molecules in the bilayer can undergo these motions. now covalently linked into a single membrane.
e. Glycolipids are mostly restricted to the monolayer of
Answer 11–12 Lipid molecules are approximately
membranes that faces away from the cytosol. some
cylindrical in shape. Detergent molecules, by contrast,
special glycolipids, such as phosphatidylinositol
are conical or wedge-shaped. A lipid molecule with
(discussed in Chapter 16), are found specifically in
only one hydrocarbon tail, for example, would be a
the cytosolic monolayer.
detergent. To make a lipid molecule into a detergent,
F. The reduction of double bonds (by hydrogenation)
you would have to make its hydrophilic head larger
allows lipid molecules to pack more tightly against
or remove one of its tails so that it could form a
one another and therefore increases the viscosity—
micelle. Detergent molecules also usually have shorter
that is, it turns oil into margarine.
hydrocarbon tails than lipid molecules. This makes them
G. examples include enzymes involved in signaling
slightly water-soluble, so that detergent molecules leave
(discussed in Chapter 16).
and reenter micelles frequently in aqueous solution.
H. Polysaccharides are the main constituents of mucus
Because of this, some monomeric detergent molecules
and slime; the carbohydrate coat of a cell, which is
are always present in aqueous solution and therefore
made up of polysaccharides and oligosaccharides,
can enter lipid bilayers to solubilize membrane proteins
is a very important lubricant—for example, for
(see Figure 11–27).
cells that line blood vessels or circulate in the
bloodstream. Answer 11–13 when lined up, there are about 4000
lipid molecules (each 0.5 nm wide) between a lipid
Answer 11–10 In a two-dimensional fluid the molecules
molecule at one end of the bacterial cell and one at
are free to move only in one plane; the molecules in a
the other end. Thus, if one of these molecules started
normal fluid, in contrast, can move in three dimensions.
to move toward the other, exchanging places with a
Answer 11–11 neighboring molecule every 10–7 sec, it would take
A. You would have a detergent. The diameter of the only 4 ¥ 10–4 sec (= 4000 ¥ 10–7 sec) to reach the other
lipid head would be much larger than that of the end. In reality, however, the lipid molecule would move
hydrocarbon tail, so that the shape of the molecule in a random path rather than in a defined direction,
would be a cone rather than a cylinder and the so it would take considerably longer (1 sec) to reach
molecules would aggregate to form micelles rather the other end. If a 4-cm ping-pong ball exchanged
than bilayers. places with a neighbor every 10–7 sec, it would travel
B. Lipid bilayers formed would be much more fluid. at a speed of 1,440,000 km/hr (= 4 cm/10–7 sec). If its
The bilayers would also be less stable, as the shorter movement were only in one direction, it would reach the
hydrocarbon tails would be less hydrophobic, so the other wall in 1.5 ¥ 10–5 sec and, if it kept going, it would
forces that drive the formation of the bilayer would circle the earth in approximately 2 minutes. In a random
be reduced. walk it would take considerably longer to reach the
C. The lipid bilayers formed would be much less fluid. other side of the room (~2 msec).
whereas a normal lipid bilayer has the viscosity
Answer 11–14 Membrane proteins anchor the lipid
of olive oil, a bilayer made of the same lipids but
bilayer to the cytoskeleton, strengthening the plasma
with saturated hydrocarbon tails would have the
membrane so that it can withstand the forces on it
consistency of bacon fat.
when the red blood cell is pumped through small blood
D. The lipid bilayers formed would be much more fluid.
vessels. Membrane proteins also transport nutrients and
Also, because the lipids would pack together less
ions across the plasma membrane.
well, there would be more gaps and the bilayer
would be more permeable to small water-soluble Answer 11–15 The hydrophilic faces of the five
molecules. membrane-spanning a helices, each contributed by
e. If we assume that the lipid molecules are completely a different subunit, are thought to come together to
intermixed, the fluidity of the membrane would be form a pore across the lipid bilayer that is lined with the
unchanged. In such bilayers, however, the saturated hydrophilic amino acid side chains (Figure A11–15). Ions
lipid molecules would tend to aggregate with one can pass through this hydrophilic pore without coming
A:32 Answers

HYDROPHILIC PORE integrated into a lipid bilayer. In contrast, sequence

hydrophilic face A contains many polar amino acids (s, T, n, Q), and
sequence C contains many charged amino acids (K, r,
lipid bilayer H, e, D), which would be energetically disfavored in the
hydrophobic interior of the lipid bilayer.

Chapter 12
Answer 12–1
A. The movement of molecules mediated by a
hydrophobic face
transporter can be described by a strictly analogous
Figure A11–15 equation:
(1) T + s  Ts Æ T + s*
where s is the solute, s* is the solute on the other
into contact with the lipid tails of the bilayer. The
side of the membrane (i.e., although it is still the
hydrophobic side chains interact with the hydrophobic
ECB2 EA11.16 same molecule, it is now located in a different
lipid tails.
environment), and T is the transporter.
Answer 11–16 There are about 100 lipid molecules (i.e., B. This equation is useful because it describes a binding
phospholipid + cholesterol) for every protein molecule in step, followed by a delivery step. The mathematical
the membrane [= (2/50,000)/(1/800 + 1/256)]. A similar treatment of this equation would be very similar to
protein/lipid ratio is seen in many cell membranes. that described for enzymes (see Figure 3–24); thus,
transporters are characterized by a KM value that
Answer 11–17 Membrane fusion does not alter
describes their affinity for a solute and a Vmax value
the orientation of the membrane proteins with their
that describes their maximal rate of transfer. To be
attached color tags: the portion of each transmembrane
more accurate, one could include the conformational
protein that is exposed to the cytosol always remains
change of the transporter in the reaction scheme
exposed to cytosol, and the portion exposed to the
(2a) T + s  Ts  T*s* Æ T* + s*
outside always remains exposed to the outside (Figure
A11–17). At 0ºC, the fluidity of the membrane is (2b) T  T*
reduced, and the mixing of the membrane proteins is where T* is the transporter after the conformational
significantly slowed. change that exposes its solute-binding site on the
other side of the membrane. This account requires a
second equation (2b) that allows the transporter to
return to its starting conformation.
C. The equations do not describe the behavior of
channels because solutes passing through channels
do not bind to them in the way that a substrate binds
to an enzyme.
Answer 12–2 If the na+-K+ pump is not working at
Figure A11–17 full capacity because it is partially inhibited by ouabain
or digitalis, it generates an electrochemical gradient
of na+ that is less steep than that in untreated cells.
Answer 11–18 The exposure of hydrophobic amino acid
Consequently, the Ca2+-na+ antiport works less
side chains to water is energetically unfavorable. There efficiently, and Ca2+ is removed from the cell more
are two ways that ECB2
side chains can be sequestered slowly. when the next cycle of muscle contraction
from water to achieve an energetically more favorable begins, there is still an elevated level of Ca2+ left in the
state. First, they can form transmembrane segments cytosol. The entry of the same number of Ca2+ ions into
that span a lipid bilayer. This requires about 20 of the cell therefore leads to a higher Ca2+ concentration
them to be located sequentially in a polypeptide chain. than in untreated cells, which in turn leads to a stronger
second, the hydrophobic amino acid side chains can be and longer-lasting contraction. Because the na+-K+
sequestered in the interior of the folded polypeptide pump fulfills essential functions in all animal cells, both
chain. This is one of the major forces that lock the to maintain osmotic balance and to generate the na+
polypeptide chain into a unique three-dimensional gradient used to power many transporters, the drugs
structure. In either case, the hydrophobic forces in the are deadly poisons at higher concentrations.
lipid bilayer or in the interior of a protein are based on Answer 12–3
the same principles. A. The properties define a symport.
Answer 11–19 (A) Antarctic fish live at sub-zero
B. no additional properties need to be specified. The
temperatures and are cold-blooded. To keep their important feature that provides the coupling of
membranes fluid at these temperatures, they have a the two solutes is that the protein cannot switch its
high percentage of unsaturated phospholipids. conformation if only one of the two solutes is bound.
solute B, which is driving the transport of solute
Answer 11–20 sequence B is most likely to form A, is in excess on the side of the membrane from
a transmembrane helix. It is composed primarily of which transport initiates and occupies its binding
hydrophobic amino acids, and therefore can be stably site most of the time. In this state, the transporter,
Answers A:33

prevented from switching its conformation, waits to the extracellular portion of the acetylcholine
until a solute A molecule binds on occasion. with receptor molecules to allow the channel to open, and
both binding sites occupied, the transporter switches in the membrane patch shown in Figure 12–23, the
conformation. now exposed to the other side of the cytoplasmic side of the membrane is exposed to the
membrane, the binding site for solute B is mostly solution outside the microelectrode.
empty because there is little of it in the solution on
this side of the membrane. Although the binding Answer 12–5 The equilibrium potential of K+ is –90
site for A is now more frequently occupied, the mV [= 62 mV log10 (5 mM/140 mM)], and that of na+ is
transporter can switch back only after solute A is +72 mV [= 62 mV log10 (145 mM/10 mM)]. The K+ leak
unloaded as well. channels in the plasma membrane of a resting cell allow
C. An antiport could be similarly constructed as K+ to come to equilibrium; the membrane potential of
a transmembrane protein with the following the cell is therefore close to –90 mV. when na+ channels
properties. It has two binding sites, one for solute open, na+ rushes in, and, as a result, the membrane
A and one for solute B. The protein can undergo potential reverses its polarity to a value nearer to +72
a conformational change to switch between two mV, the equilibrium value for na+. upon closure of
states: either both binding sites are exposed the na+ channels, the K+ leak channels allow K+, now
exclusively on one side of the membrane or both no longer at equilibrium, to exit from the cell until the
binding sites are exposed exclusively on the other membrane potential is restored to the equilibrium value
side of the membrane. The protein can switch for K+, about –90 mV.
between the two conformational states only if one Answer 12–6 when the resting membrane potential
binding site is occupied, but cannot switch if both of an axon drops below a threshold value, voltage-
binding sites are occupied or if both binding sites are gated na+ channels in the immediate neighborhood
empty. open and allow an influx of na+. This depolarizes the
note that these rules provide an alternative model membrane further, causing more distant voltage-gated
to that shown in Figure 12–17. Thus there are two na+ channels to open as well. This creates a wave of
possible ways to couple the transport of two solutes: depolarization that spreads rapidly along the axon,
(1) provide cooperative solute-binding sites and called the action potential. Because na+ channels
allow the pump to switch between the two states become inactivated soon after they open, the flow of K+
randomly as shown in Figure 12–16 or (2) allow through voltage-gated K+ channels and K+ leak channels
independent binding of both solutes and make the is able to restore the original resting membrane
switch between the two states conditional on the potential rapidly after the action potential has passed.
occupancy of the binding sites. As the structure of (96 words)
a coupled transporter has not yet been determined,
we do not know which of the two mechanisms such Answer 12–7 If the number of functional acetylcholine
pumps use. receptors is reduced by the antibodies, the
neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that is released from
Answer 12–4 each of the rectangular peaks
the nerve terminals cannot (or can only weakly) stimulate
corresponds to the opening of a single channel that
the muscle to contract.
allows a small current to pass. You note from the
recording that the channels present in the patch of Answer 12–8 By analogy to the na+-K+ pump shown
membrane open and close frequently. each channel in Figure 12–11, ATP might be hydrolyzed and donate
remains open for a very short, somewhat variable a phosphate group to the transporter when—and only
time, averaging about 10 milliseconds. when open, when—it has the solute bound on the “inside” face
the channels allow a small current with a unique of the membrane (step 1 Æ 2). The attachment of the
amplitude (4 pA; one picoampere = 10–12 A) to pass. phosphate would trigger an immediate conformational
In one instance, the current doubles, indicating that change (step 2 Æ 3), thereby capturing the solute
two channels in the same membrane patch opened and exposing it to the “outside.” The phosphate
simultaneously. would be removed from the protein when—and only
If acetylcholine is omitted or is added to the when—the solute had dissociated, and the now empty,
solution outside the pipette, you would measure nonphosphorylated transporter would switch back to
only the baseline current. Acetylcholine must bind the starting position (step 3 Æ 4) (Figure A12–8).

1 2 3 4


P Pi

Figure A12–8
A:34 Answers

Answer 12–9 change and the chemical energy change associated

A. False. The plasma membrane contains proteins with moving between a region of high concentration
that confer selective permeability to many charged and a region of low concentration. The membrane
molecules. In contrast, a pure lipid bilayer lacking potential is defined independently of the choice of
proteins is highly impermeable to all charged ion, whereas an electrochemical gradient depends
molecules. on the concentration gradient of the particular ionic
B. False. Channels do not bind the solute that passes solute and is therefore a solute-specific parameter.
through them. selectivity of a channel is achieved by D. A pump is a specialized transporter that uses
the size of the internal pore and by charged regions energy to transport a solute uphill against an
at the entrance of the pore that attract or repel ions electrochemical gradient.
of the appropriate charge. e. Both transmit signals by electrical activity. wires are
C. False. Transporters are slower. They have enzymelike made of copper, axons are not. The signal passing
properties, i.e., they bind solutes and need to down an axon does not diminish in strength, because
undergo conformational changes during their it is self-amplifying, whereas the signal in a wire
functional cycle. This limits the maximal rate of decreases over distance (by leakage of current across
transport to about 1000 solute molecules per the insulating sheath).
second, whereas channels can pass up to 1,000,000 F. Both affect the osmotic pressure of the cell. An ion is
solute molecules per second. a solute that bears a charge.
D. True. The bacteriorhodopsin of some photosynthetic
Answer 12–12 A bridge allows vehicles to pass over a
bacteria moves H+, using energy captured from
river in a steady stream; the entrance can be designed
visible light.
to exclude, for example, oversized trucks, and it can be
e. True. Most animal cells contain K+ leak channels
intermittently closed to traffic by a gate. By analogy,
in their plasma membrane that are predominantly
channels allow ions to flow in a gated stream across the
open. The K+ concentration inside the cell still
membrane, imposing size and charge restrictions.
remains higher than outside, because the membrane
A ferry, in contrast, loads vehicles on one riverbank
potential is negative and therefore inhibits the
and then, after movement of the ferry itself, unloads on
positively charged K+ from leaking out. K+ is also
the other side of the river. This process is slower. During
continually pumped into the cell by the na+-K+
loading, particular vehicles could be selected from the
waiting line because they fit particularly well on the
F. False. A symport binds two different solutes on the
car deck. By analogy, transporters bind solutes on one
same side of the membrane. Turning it around would
side of the membrane and then, after a conformational
not change it into an antiport, which must also bind
movement, release them on the other side. specific
to different solutes, but on opposing sides of the
binding leads to the selection of the molecules to
be transported. As in the case of coupled transport,
G. False. The peak of an action potential corresponds
sometimes you have to wait until the ferry is full before
to a transient shift of the membrane potential from a
you can go.
negative to a positive value. The influx of na+ causes
the membrane potential first to move toward zero Answer 12–13 Acetylcholine is being transported
and then to reverse, rendering the cell positively into the vesicles by an H+–acetylcholine antiport in
charged on its inside. eventually, the resting the vesicle membrane. The H+ gradient that drives
potential is restored by an efflux of K+ through the uptake is generated by an ATP-driven H+ pump
voltage-gated K+ channels and K+ leak channels. in the vesicle membrane, which pumps H+ into the
vesicle (hence the dependence of the reaction on ATP).
Answer 12–10 The permeabilities are n2 (small and
raising the pH of the solution surrounding the vesicles
nonpolar) > ethanol (small and slightly polar) > water
increases the H+ gradient: at an elevated pH there are
(small and polar) > glucose (large and polar) > Ca2+
fewer H+ ions in the solution outside the vesicles while
(small and charged) > rnA (very large and charged).
the number inside remains the same. This explains the
Answer 12–11 observed enhanced rate of uptake.
A. Both couple the movement of two different solutes
Answer 12–14 The voltage gradient across the
across the membrane. symports transport both
membrane is about 150,000 V/cm. This extremely
solutes in the same direction, whereas antiports
powerful electric field is close to the limit at which
transport the solutes in opposite directions.
insulating materials—such as the lipid bilayer—break
B. Both are mediated by membrane transport proteins.
down and cease to act as insulators. The large field
Passive transport of a solute occurs downhill, in the
corresponds to the large amount of energy that can be
direction of its concentration or electrochemical
stored in electrical gradients across the membrane, as
gradient, whereas active transport occurs uphill and
well as to the extreme electrical forces that proteins
therefore needs an energy source. Active transport
can experience in a membrane. A voltage of 150,000 V
can be mediated by transporters but not by
would instantly discharge in an arc across a 1-cm-wide
channels, whereas passive transport can be mediated
gap (that is, air would be an insufficient insulator for this
by either.
strength of field).
C. Both terms describe energy changes involved in
moving an ion from one side of a membrane to Answer 12–15
the other. The membrane potential refers to the A. nothing. You require ATP to drive the na+-K+ pump.
electrical energy change; the electrochemical B. The ATP becomes hydrolyzed, and na+ is pumped
gradient is a composite of this electrical energy into the vesicles, generating a concentration
Answers A:35

gradient of na+ across the membrane. At the same potassium ions that it pumps into the cell, thereby
time, K+ is pumped out of the vesicles, generating driving an electric current across the membrane and
a concentration gradient of K+ of opposite polarity. making a small additional contribution to the resting
when all the K+ had been pumped out of the vesicle membrane potential (which therefore corresponds
or the ATP ran out, the pump would stop. only approximately to a state of equilibrium for K+
C. The na+-K+ pump would go through states 1, moving via K+ leak channels).
2, and 3 in Figure 12–11. Because all reaction
steps must occur strictly sequentially, however, Answer 12–16 Ion channels can be ligand-gated,
dephosphorylation and the conformation switch voltage-gated, or mechanically gated.
cannot occur in the absence of K+. The na+-K+ pump Answer 12–17 The cell has a volume of 10–12 liters
will therefore become stuck in the phosphorylated (= 10–15 m3) and thus contains 6 ¥ 104 calcium ions
state, waiting indefinitely for a potassium ion. (= 6 ¥ 1023 molecules/mole ¥ 100 ¥ 10–9 moles/liter ¥
The number of sodium ions transported would be 10–12 liters). Therefore, to raise the intracellular Ca2+
minuscule, because each pump molecule would have concentration fiftyfold, another 2,940,000 calcium ions
functioned only a single time. have to enter the cell (note that at 5 mM concentration
similar experiments, leaving out individual ions and there are 3 ¥ 106 ions in the cell, of which 60,000 are
analyzing the consequences, were used to determine already present before the channels are opened).
the sequence of steps by which the na+-K+ pump Because each of the 1000 channels allows 106 ions to
works. pass per second, each channel has to stay open for only
D. ATP would become hydrolyzed and na+ and 3 milliseconds.
K+ would be pumped across the membrane as
described in scenario (B). However, the pump Answer 12–18 Animal cells drive most transport
molecules that sit in the membrane in the reverse processes across the plasma membrane with the
orientation would be completely inactive (i.e., electrochemical gradient of na+. ATP is needed to fuel
they would not—as one might have erroneously the na+-K+ pump to maintain the na+ gradient.
assumed—pump ions in the opposite direction),
because ATP would not have access to the site on Answer 12–19
these molecules where phosphorylation occurs. This A. If H+ is pumped across the membrane into the
site is normally exposed to the cytosol. ATP is highly endosomes, an electrochemical gradient of H+
charged and cannot cross membranes without the results—composed of both an electrical potential
help of specific transporters. and a concentration gradient, with the interior of
e. ATP becomes hydrolyzed and na+ and K+ are the vesicle positive. Both of these components add
pumped across the membrane, as described in to the energy that is stored in the gradient and that
scenario (B). K+, however, immediately flows back must be supplied to generate it. The electrochemical
into the vesicles through the K+ leak channels. K+ gradient will therefore limit the transfer of more
moves down the K+ concentration gradient formed H+. If, however, the membrane also contains Cl–
by the action of the na+-K+ pump. with each K+ channels, the negatively charged Cl– will flow into
that moves into the vesicle through the leak channel, the endosomes and diminish the electrical potential.
a positive charge is moved across the membrane, It therefore becomes energetically less expensive
building a membrane potential that is positive on the to pump more H+ across the membrane, and the
inside of the vesicles. eventually, K+ will stop flowing interior of the endosomes can become more acidic.
through the leak channels when the membrane B. Yes. As explained in (A), some acidification would still
potential balances the concentration gradient. The occur in their absence.
scenario described here is a slight oversimplification:
the na+-K+ pump in mammalian cells actually Answer 12–20
moves three sodium ions out of cells for each two A. see Figure A12–20A.

200 0.06 1 1
compound B
rate of transport (mmol/min)

0.05 0.1 10.0 18 0.056

0.3 3.3 46 0.022
1.0 1.0 100 0.01
0.04 3.0 0.33 150 0.0067
1 10.0 0.1 182 0.0055
100 0.03 KM
compound A slope =

intercept = 1 V
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
concentration of solute (mM) 1
(A) (B) S

Figure A12–20
A:36 Answers

B. The transport rates of compound A are proportional particular receptor subtypes present in a selected set of
to its concentration, indicating that compound A can neurons, thus targeting particular brain functions with
diffuse through membranes on its own. Compound greater specificity.
A is likely to be ethanol, because it is a small and
relatively nonpolar molecule that can diffuse readily
through the lipid bilayer.
Chapter 13
In contrast, the transport rates of compound B
Answer 13–1 To keep glycolysis going, cells need
saturate at high concentrations, indicating that
compound B is transported across the membrane by to regenerate nAD+ from nADH. There is no efficient
some sort of membrane transport protein. Transport way to do this without fermentation. In the absence of
rates cannot increase beyond a maximal rate at regenerated nAD+, step 6 of glycolysis (the oxidation of
which this protein can function. Compound B is likely glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate
to be acetate, because it is a charged molecule that (Panel 13–1, pp. 430–431) could not occur and the
could not cross the membrane without the help of a product glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate would accumulate.
membrane transport protein. The same thing would happen in cells unable to make
C. For ethanol, we measured a linear relationship either pyruvate or ethanol: neither would be able to
between concentration and transport rate. Thus, at regenerate nAD+, and so glycolysis would be blocked
at the same step.
0.5 mM the transport rate would be 10 mmol/min,
and at 100 mM the transport rate would be 2 mmol/ Answer 13–2 Arsenate instead of phosphate becomes
min. attached in step 6 of glycolysis to form 1-arseno-
For the transporter–mediated movement of 3-phosphoglycerate (Figure A13–2). Because of its
acetate, the relationship between concentration, sensitivity to hydrolysis in water, the high-energy
s, and transport rate can be described by the bond is destroyed before the molecule that contains
Michaelis–Menten equation, which describes simple it can diffuse to reach the next enzyme. The product
enzyme reactions: of the hydrolysis, 3-phosphoglycerate, is the same
(1) transport rate = Vmax ¥ s/[KM + s] product normally formed in step 7 by the action of
recall from Chapter 3 (see Question 3–20, p. 116) phosphoglycerate kinase. But because hydrolysis occurs
that to determine the Vmax and KM, a trick is used in nonenzymatically, the energy liberated by breaking the
which the Michaelis–Menten equation is transformed high-energy bond cannot be captured to generate ATP.
so that it is possible to plot the data as a straight In Figure 13–6, therefore, the reaction corresponding
line. A simple transformation yields to the downward-pointing arrow would still occur, but
(2) 1/rate = (KM/Vmax) (1/s) + 1/Vmax the wheel that provides the coupling to ATP synthesis
(i.e., an equation of the form y = ax + b) is missing. Arsenate wastes metabolic energy by
Calculation of 1/rate and 1/s for the given data and uncoupling many phosphotransfer reactions by the same
plotting them in a new graph as in Figure A12–20B mechanism, which is why it is so poisonous.
gives a straight line. The KM (= 1.0 mM) and Vmax (=
200 mmol/min) are determined from the intercept 2
of the line with the y axis (1/Vmax) and from its slope
(KM/Vmax). Knowing the values for KM and Vmax allows 2 2 $V 2² 2 2+
you to calculate the transport rates for 0.5 mM and & 2² &
100 mM acetate using equation (1). The results are
+ & 2+ + & 2+  $V2²  +
67 mmol/min and 198 mmol/min, respectively.
Answer 12–21 The membrane potential and the &+2 P &+2 P
high extracellular na+ concentration provide a large
electrochemical driving force and a large reservoir Figure A13–2
of na+ ions, so that mostly na+ ions enter the cell as
acetylcholine receptors open. Ca2+ ions will also enter
the cell, but their influx is much more limited because
Answer 13–3 The oxidation of fatty acids breaks the
of their lower extracellular concentration. (Most of the
carbon chain into two-carbon units (acetyl groups) that
Ca2+ that enters the cytosol upon muscle activation
become attached to CoA. Conversely, during biogenesis
is released from intracellular stores, as we discuss
fatty acids are constructed by linking together acetyl
in Chapter 17). Because of their high intracellular
groups. Most fatty acids therefore have an even number
concentration and the opposing direction of membrane
of carbon atoms.
potential, K+ ions are already close to equilibrium across
the membrane. For this reason, there will be little if any Answer 13–4 Because the function of the citric
movement of K+ ions upon opening of a cation channel. acid cycle is to harvest the energy released during
the oxidation, it is advantageous to break the overall
Answer 12–22 The diversity of neurotransmitter-gated
reaction into as many steps as possible (see Figure
ion channels is a good thing for the industry as it raises
13–1). using a two-carbon compound, the available
the possibility of developing new drugs specific for each
chemistry would be much more limited, and it would be
channel type. each of the diverse subtypes of these
impossible to generate as many intermediates.
channels is expressed in a narrow set of neurons. This
narrow range of expression should make it possible, Answer 13–5 It is true thatA4.02
ess oxygen atoms are
in principle, to discover or design drugs that affect returned as part of CO2 to the atmosphere. The CO2
Answers A:37

released from the cells, however, does not contain B. False. no energy conversion process can be 100%
those specific oxygen atoms that were consumed as efficient. recall that entropy in the universe always
part of the oxidative phosphorylation reaction and has to increase, and for most reactions this is
converted into water. One can show this directly by accomplished by releasing heat.
incubating living cells in an atmosphere that includes C. True. The carbon atoms in glucose are in a reduced
molecular oxygen containing a different isotope, 18O, state compared with those in CO2, in which they are
instead of the naturally abundant isotope, 16O. In such fully oxidized.
an experiment one finds that all the CO2 released from D. False. The reaction does indeed produce some
cells contains only 16O. Therefore, the oxygen atoms in water, but water is so abundant in the biosphere that
the released CO2 molecules do not come directly from this is no more than “a drop in the bucket.”
the atmosphere but from organic molecules that the cell e. True. If it had occurred in only one step, then all the
has first made and then oxidized as fuel (see Panel 13–2, energy would be released at once and it would be
pp. 442–443). impossible to harness it efficiently to drive other
reactions, such as the synthesis of ATP.
Answer 13–6 The cycle continues because
F. False. Molecular oxygen (O2) is used only in the very
intermediates are replenished as necessary by reactions
last step of the reaction.
leading to the citric acid cycle (instead of away from it).
G. True. Plants convert CO2 into sugars by harvesting
One of the most important reactions of this kind is the
the energy of light in photosynthesis. O2 is produced
conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate by the enzyme
in the process and released by plant cells.
pyruvate carboxylase:
H. True. Anaerobically growing cells use glycolysis to
pyruvate + CO2 + ATP + H2O Æ oxidize sugars to pyruvate. Animal cells convert
oxaloacetate + ADP + Pi + 2H+ pyruvate to lactate, and no CO2 is produced; yeast
cells, however, convert pyruvate to ethanol and CO2.
This is one of the many examples of how metabolic It is this CO2 gas, released from yeast cells during
pathways are elegantly balanced and work together to fermentation, that makes bread dough rise and that
maintain appropriate concentrations of all metabolites carbonates beer and champagne.
required by the cell (see Figure A13–6).
Answer 13–9 Darwin exhaled the carbon atom, which
therefore must be the carbon atom of a CO2 molecule.
After spending some time in the atmosphere, the
CO2 molecule must have entered a plant cell, where it
acetyl CoA became “fixed” by photosynthesis and converted into
part of a sugar molecule. while it is certain that these
early steps must have happened this way, there are
oxaloacetate citrate many different paths from there that the carbon atom
could have taken. The sugar could have been broken
down by the plant cell into pyruvate or acetyl CoA, for
example, which then could have entered biosynthetic
reactions to build an amino acid. The amino acid might
have been incorporated into a plant protein, maybe an
enzyme or a protein that builds the cell wall. You might
have eaten the delicious leaves of the plant in your
salad, and digested the protein in your gut to produce
amino acids again. After circulating in your bloodstream,
the amino acid might have been taken up by a
developing red blood cell to make its own protein, such
Figure A13–6 as the hemoglobin in question. If we wish, of course, we
can make our food chain scenario more complicated.
The plant, for example, might have been eaten by an
Answer 13–7 The carbon atoms in sugar molecules animal that in turn was consumed by you during lunch
are already partially oxidized, in contrast to all but the break. Moreover, because Darwin died more than
very first carbon atoms in the acyl chains of fatty acids. 100 years ago, the carbon atom could have traveled
Thus, two carbon atoms from glucose are lost as CO2 such a route many times. In each round, however, it
during the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl CoA, and would have started again as fully oxidized CO2 gas and
only four of the six carbon
ess atoms
A4.07of the sugar molecule entered the living world following its reduction during
are recovered and can enter the citric acid cycle, where photosynthesis.
most of the energy is captured. In contrast, all carbon
Answer 13–10 Yeast cells grow much better aerobically.
atoms of a fatty acid are converted into acetyl CoA.
under anaerobic conditions they cannot perform
Answer 13–8 oxidative phosphorylation and therefore have to
A. False. If this were the case, then the reaction would produce all their ATP by glycolysis, which is less efficient.
be useless for the cell. no chemical energy would be whereas one glucose molecule yields a net gain of two
harvested in a useful form (e.g., ATP) to be used for ATP molecules by glycolysis, the additional use of the
metabolic processes. (Cells would be nice and warm, citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation boosts
though!) the energy yield up to about 30 ATP molecules.
A:38 Answers

Answer 13–11 The amount of free energy stored in the STEP STEP STEP STEP
1 2 3 4
phosphate bond in creatine phosphate is larger than
that of of the anhydride bonds in ATP. Hydrolysis of
creatine phosphate can therefore be directly coupled to
the production of ATP.
creatine phosphate + ADP Æ creatine + ATP
The DGº for this reaction is –3 kcal/mole, indicating that
it proceeds rapidly to the right, as written.
Answer 13–12 The extreme conservation of glycolysis
is evidence that all present cells are derived from a
single founder cell as discussed in Chapter 1. The
elegant reactions of glycolysis would therefore have 14.2
evolved only once, and then they would have been
inherited as cells evolved. The later invention of
oxidative phosphorylation allowed follow-up reactions
to capture 15 times more energy than is possible by
glycolysis alone. This remarkable efficiency is close
to the theoretical limit and hence virtually eliminates
the opportunity for further improvements. Thus, the
generation of alternative pathways would result in
no obvious growth advantage that would have been 0.3
selected in evolution. (A) (B)
Answer 13–13 As discussed in the text, 30 ATP
Figure A13–14
molecules are produced from each glucose molecule
that is oxidized according to the reaction C6H12O6
(glucose) + 6O2 Æ 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy. Thus, one electron-transport chain, but H+ ions pumped across the
O2 molecule is consumed for every five ATP molecules membrane flow back into the mitochondria in a futile
produced. The cell therefore consumes 2 ¥ 108 O2 cycle. As a result, the energy of the electrons cannot be
molecules/min, which corresponds to the consumption tapped to drive ATP synthesis, and instead is released as
of 3.3 ¥ 10–16 moles (= [2 ¥ 108]/[6 ¥ 1023]) or 7.4 ¥ 10 heat. Patients who have been given small doses of DnP
–15 liter (= 3.3 ¥ 10–16 ¥ 22.4) each minute. The volume
lose weight because their fat reserves are used more
of the cell is 10–15 m3 [= (10–5)3], which is 10–12 liter. rapidly to feed the electron-transport chain, and the
The cell therefore consumes about 0.7% (= 100 ¥ 7 ¥ whole process simply “wastes” energy.
10–15/10–12) of its volume of O2 gas every minute, or its A similar mechanism of heat production is used by a
own volume of O2 gas in 2 hours and 15 minutes. specialized tissue composed of brown fat cells, which
Answer 13–14 The reactions each have negative DG is abundant in newborn humans and in hibernating
values and are therefore energetically favorable (see animals. These cells are packed with mitochondria
Figure A13–14 for energy diagrams). that leak part of their H+ gradient futilely back across
the membrane for the sole purpose of warming
Answer 13–15 up the organism. These cells are brown because
A. Pyruvate is converted to acetyl CoA, and the labeled they are packed with mitochondria, which contain
14C atom is released as 14CO gas (see Figure
2 high concentrations of pigmented proteins, such as
13–8B). cytochromes.
B. By following the 14C-labeled atom through every
reaction in the cycle, shown in Panel 13–2 (pp. Answer 14–2 The inner mitochondrial membrane is
442–443), you find that the added 14C label would be the site of oxidative phosphorylation, and it produces
quantitatively recovered in oxaloacetate. The analysis most of the cell’s ATP. Cristae are portions of the
also reveals, however, that it is no longer in the keto mitochondrial inner membrane that are folded inward.
group but in the methylene group of oxaloacetate Mitochondria that have a higher density of cristae have
(Figure A13–15).
Answer 13–16 In the presence of molecular oxygen, COO– COO–
oxidative phosphorylation converts most of the cellular
nADH to nAD+. since fermentation requires nADH, it C O C O
is severely inhibited by the availability of oxygen gas. CH2 14

Chapter 14 COO COO–

radioactive radioactive
Answer 14–1 By making membranes permeable to oxaloacetate oxaloacetate
protons, DnP collapses—or at very small concentrations added to isolated after
diminishes—the proton gradient across the inner the extract one turn of
citric acid cycle
mitochondrial membrane. Cells continue to oxidize
food molecules to feed high-energy electrons into the Figure A13–15
Answers A:39

a larger area of inner membrane and therefore a greater Third, the proteins prevent electrons from skipping
capacity to carry out oxidative phosphorylation. Heart an intermediate step; thus, as we have learned for
muscle expends a lot of energy during its continuous other enzymes (discussed in Chapter 4), they channel
contractions, whereas skin cells have a smaller energy the electron flow along a defined path. Fourth, the
demand. An increased density of cristae therefore proteins couple the movement of the electrons down
increases the ATP-production capacity of the heart their energy ladder to the pumping of protons across
muscle cell. This is a remarkable example of how cells the membrane, thereby harnessing the energy that is
adjust the abundance of their individual components released and storing it in a proton gradient that is then
according to need. used for ATP production.
Answer 14–3 Answer 14–7 It would not be productive to use the
A. The DnP collapses the electrochemical proton same carrier in two steps. If ubiquinone, for example,
gradient completely. H+ ions that are pumped to one could transfer electrons directly to the cytochrome
side of the membrane flow back freely, and therefore oxidase, the cytochrome b-c1 complex would often
no energy can be stored across the membrane. be skipped when electrons are collected from nADH
B. An electrochemical gradient is made up of two dehydrogenase. Given the large difference in redox
components: a concentration gradient and an potential between ubiquinone and cytochrome oxidase,
electrical potential. If the membrane is made a large amount of energy would be released as heat
permeable to K+ with nigericin, K+ will be driven and thus be wasted. electron transfer directly between
into the matrix by the electrical potential of the nADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c would similarly
inner membrane (negative inside, positive outside). allow the cytochrome b-c1 complex to be bypassed.
The influx of positively charged K+ will abolish the
membrane’s electrical potential. In contrast, the Answer 14–8 Protons pumped across the inner
concentration component of the H+ gradient (the pH mitochondrial membrane into the intermembrane space
difference) is unaffected by nigericin. Therefore, only equilibrate with the cytosol, which functions as a huge
part of the driving force that makes it energetically H+ sink. Both the mitochondrial matrix and the cytosol
favorable for H+ ions to flow back into the matrix is support many metabolic reactions that require a pH
lost. around neutrality. The H+ concentration difference, DpH,
that can be achieved between mitochondrial matrix and
Answer 14–4 cytosol is therefore relatively small (less than one pH
A. such a turbine running in reverse is an electrically unit). Much of the energy stored in the mitochondrial
driven water pump, which is analogous to what electrochemical proton gradient is instead due to the
the ATP synthase becomes when it uses the electrical potential of the membrane (see Figure 14–10).
energy of ATP hydrolysis to pump protons against In contrast, chloroplasts have a smaller, dedicated
their electrochemical gradient across the inner compartment into which H+ ions are pumped. Much
mitochondrial membrane. higher concentration differences can be achieved (up to
B. The ATP synthase should stall when the energy that a thousandfold, or 3 pH units), and much of the energy
it can draw from the proton gradient is just equal stored in the thylakoid H+ gradient is due to the H+
to the DG required to make ATP; at this equilibrium concentration difference between the thylakoid space
point there will be neither net ATP synthesis nor net and the stroma.
ATP consumption.
C. As the cell uses up ATP, the ATP/ADP ratio in Answer 14–9 nADH and nADPH differ by the
the matrix falls below the equilibrium point just presence of a single phosphate group. That phosphate
described, and ATP synthase uses the energy stored gives nADPH a slightly different shape from nADH,
in the proton gradient to synthesize ATP in order to which allows these molecules to be recognized by
restore the original ATP/ADP ratio. Conversely, when different enzymes, and thus to deliver their electrons to
the electrochemical proton gradient drops below different destinations. such a division of labor is useful
that at the equilibrium point, ATP synthase uses ATP because nADPH tends to be involved in biosynthetic
in the matrix to restore this gradient. reactions, where high-energy electrons are used to
produce energy-rich biological molecules. nADH, on the
Answer 14–5 An electron pair causes 10 H+ to be other hand, is involved in reactions that oxidize energy-
pumped across the membrane when passing from rich food molecules to produce ATP. Inside the cell the
nADH to O2 through the three respiratory complexes. ratio of nAD+ to nADH is kept high, whereas the ratio
Four H+ are needed to make each ATP: three for of nADP+ to nADPH is kept low. This provides plenty of
synthesis from ADP and one for ATP export to the nAD+ to act as an oxidizing agent and plenty of nADPH
cytosol. Therefore, 2.5 ATP molecules are synthesized to act as a reducing agent—as required for their special
from each nADH molecule. roles in catabolism and anabolism, respectively.
Answer 14–6 One can describe four essential roles Answer 14–10
for the proteins in the process. First, the chemical A. Photosynthesis produces sugars, most
environment provided by a protein’s amino acid side importantly sucrose, that are transported from the
chains sets the redox potential of each Fe ion such photosynthetic cells through the sap to root cells.
that electrons can be passed in a defined order from There, the sugars are oxidized by glycolysis in the
one component to the next, giving up their energy in root cell cytoplasm and by oxidative phosphorylation
small steps and becoming more firmly bound as they in the root cell mitochondria to produce ATP, as well
proceed. second, the proteins position the Fe ions so as being used as the building blocks for many other
that the electrons can move efficiently between them. metabolites.
A:40 Answers

B. Mitochondria are required even during daylight Answer 14–14 If no O2 is available, all components
hours in chloroplast-containing cells to supply the of the mitochondrial electron-transport chain will
cell with ATP derived by oxidative phosphorylation. accumulate in their reduced form. This is the case
Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate made by because electrons derived from nADH enter the chain
photosynthesis in chloroplasts moves to the cytosol but cannot be transferred to O2. The electron-transport
and is eventually used as a source of energy to drive chain therefore stalls with all of its components in
ATP production in mitochondria. the reduced form. If O2 is suddenly added again, the
electron carriers in cytochrome oxidase will become
Answer 14–11 All statements are correct.
oxidized before those in nADH dehydrogenase. This is
A. This is a necessary condition. If it were not true,
true because, after O2 addition, cytochrome oxidase will
electrons could not be removed from water and the
donate its electrons directly to O2, thereby becoming
reaction that splits water molecules (H2O Æ 2H+ +
oxidized. A wave of increasing oxidation then passes
©O2 + 2e–) would not occur.
backward with time from cytochrome oxidase through
B. This transfer allows the energy of the photon to be
the components of the electron-transport chain, as
harnessed as energy that can be utilized in chemical
each component regains the opportunity to pass on its
electrons to downstream components.
C. It can be argued that this is one of the most
important obstacles that had to be overcome during Answer 14–15 As oxidized ubiquinone becomes
the evolution of photosynthesis: partially reduced reduced, it picks up two electrons but also two protons
oxygen molecules, such as the superoxide radical from water (Figure 14–19). upon oxidation, these
O2–, are dangerously reactive and will attack and protons are released. If reduction occurs on one side
destroy almost any biologically active molecule. of the membrane and oxidation at the other side,
These intermediates therefore have to remain tightly a proton is pumped across the membrane for each
bound to the metals in the active site of the enzyme electron transported. electron transport by ubiquinone
until all four electrons have been removed from thereby contributes directly to the generation of the H+
two water molecules. This requires the sequential gradient.
capture of four photons by the same reaction
center. Answer 14–16 Photosynthetic bacteria and plant cells
use the electrons derived in the reaction 2H2O Æ 4e– +
Answer 14–12 4H+ + O2 to reduce nADP+ to nADPH, which is then
A. True. nAD+ and quinones are examples of used to produce useful metabolites. If the electrons
compounds that do not have metal ions but can were used instead to produce H2 in addition to O2, the
participate in electron transfer. cells would lose any benefit they derive from carrying
B. False. The potential is due to protons (H+) that are out the reaction, because the electrons could not take
pumped across the membrane from the matrix to part in metabolically useful reactions.
the intermembrane space. electrons remain bound
to electron carriers in the inner mitochondrial Answer 14–17
membrane. A. The switch in solutions creates a pH gradient across
C. True. Both components add to the driving force that the thylakoid membrane. The flow of H+ ions down
makes it energetically favorable for H+ to flow back its electrochemical potential drives ATP synthase,
into the matrix. which converts ADP to ATP.
D. True. Both move rapidly in the plane of the B. no light is needed, because the H+ gradient is
membrane. established artificially without a need for the light-
e. False. not only do plants need mitochondria to driven electron-transport chain.
make ATP in cells that do not have chloroplasts, such C. nothing. The H+ gradient would be in the wrong
as root cells, but mitochondria make most of the direction; ATP synthase would not work.
cytosolic ATP in all plant cells. D. The experiment provided early supporting evidence
F. True. Chlorophyll’s physiological function requires it for the chemiosmotic model by showing that an H+
to absorb light; heme just happens to be a colored gradient alone is sufficient to drive ATP synthesis.
compound from which blood derives its red color.
G. False. Chlorophyll absorbs light and transfers energy Answer 14–18
in the form of an energized electron, whereas the A. when the vesicles are exposed to light, H+ ions
iron in heme is a simple electron carrier. (derived from H2O) pumped into the vesicles by the
H. False. Most of the dry weight of a tree comes from bacteriorhodopsin flow back out through the ATP
carbon derived from the CO2 that has been fixed synthase, causing ATP to be made in the solution
during photosynthesis. surrounding the vesicles in response to light.
B. If the vesicles are leaky, no H+ gradient can form and
Answer 14–13 It takes three protons. The precise thus ATP synthase cannot work.
value of the DG for ATP synthesis depends on the C. using components from widely divergent organisms
concentrations of ATP, ADP, and Pi (as described in can be a very powerful experimental tool. Because
Chapter 3). The higher the ratio of the concentration of the two proteins come from such different sources,
ATP to ADP, the more energy it takes to make additional it is very unlikely that they form a direct functional
ATP. The lower value of 11 kcal/mole therefore applies interaction. The experiment therefore strongly
to conditions where cells have expended a lot of energy suggests that electron transport and ATP synthesis
and have therefore decreased the normal ATP/ADP are separate events. This approach is therefore a
ratio. valid one.
Answers A:41

H+ H+ H+ demonstrate the relationship between mechanical

movement and enzymatic activity. There is no doubt
that it should be published and that it would become a
ubiquinone 2H2O
_ Answer 14–23 Only under condition (e) is electron
2e transfer observed, with cytochrome c becoming
NADH reduced. A portion of the electron-transport chain has
been reconstituted in this mixture, so that electrons
FAD FADH2 embedded in can flow in the energetically favored direction from
membrane reduced ubiquinone to the cytochrome b-c1 complex
with bound FADH2 to cytochrome c. Although energetically favorable,
the transfer in (A) cannot occur spontaneously in
succinate fumarate inner
mitochondrial the absence of the cytochrome b-c1 complex to
CITRIC membrane catalyze this reaction. no electron flow occurs in the
other experiments, whether the cytochrome b-c1
complex is present or not: in experiments (B) and
(F) both ubiquinone and cytochrome c are oxidized;
in experiments (C) and (G) both are reduced; and in
experiments (D) and (H) electron flow is energetically
disfavored because reduced cytochrome c has a lower
Figure A14–19
free energy than oxidized ubiquinone.

The A13.19
Answer 14–19ess redox potential of FADH2 is too
Chapter 15
low to transfer electrons to the nADH dehydrogenase
Answer 15–1 Although the nuclear envelope forms
complex, but high enough to transfer electrons to
one continuous membrane, it has specialized regions
ubiquinone (Figure 14–20). Therefore, electrons from
that contain special proteins and have a characteristic
FADH2 can enter the electron-transport chain only
appearance. One such specialized region is the
at this step (Figure A14–19). Because the nADH
inner nuclear membrane. Membrane proteins can
dehydrogenase complex is bypassed, fewer H+ ions are
indeed diffuse between the inner and outer nuclear
pumped across the membrane and less ATP is made.
membranes, at the connections formed around the
This example shows the versatility of the electron-
nuclear pores. Those proteins with particular functions
transport chain. The ability to use vastly different
in the inner membrane, however, are usually anchored
sources of electrons from the environment to feed
there by their interaction with other components such
electron transport is thought to have been an essential
as chromosomes and the nuclear lamina (a protein
feature in the early evolution of life.
meshwork underlying the inner nuclear membrane that
Answer 14–20 If these bacteria used a proton gradient helps give structural integrity to the nuclear envelope).
to make their ATP in a fashion analogous to that in other
Answer 15–2 eucaryotic gene expression is more
bacteria (that is, fewer protons inside than outside),
complicated than procaryotic gene expression. In
they would need to raise their cytoplasmic pH even
particular, procaryotic cells do not have introns that
higher than that of their environment (pH 10). Cells
interrupt the coding sequences of their genes, so
with a cytoplasmic pH greater than 10 would not be
that an mrnA can be translated immediately after it
viable. These bacteria must therefore use gradients
is transcribed, without a need for further processing
of ions other than H+, such as na+ gradients, in the
(discussed in Chapter 7). In fact, in procaryotic cells,
chemiosmotic coupling between electron transport and
ribosomes start translating most mrnAs before
an ATP synthase.
transcription is finished. This would have disastrous
Answer 14–21 statements A and B are accurate. consequences in eucaryotic cells, because most
statement C is incorrect, because the chemical reactions rnA transcripts have to be spliced before they can
that are carried out in each cycle are completely be translated. The nuclear envelope separates the
different, even though the net effect is the same as that transcription and translation processes in space and
expected for simple reversal. time: a primary rnA transcript is held in the nucleus
until it is properly processed to form an mrnA, and only
Answer 14–22 This experiment would suggest a two-
then is it allowed to leave the nucleus so that ribosomes
step model for ATP synthase function. According to
can translate it.
this model, the flow of protons through the base of
the synthase drives rotation of the head, which in turn Answer 15–3 An mrnA molecule is attached to the
causes ATP synthesis. In their experiment, the authors er membrane by the ribosomes translating it. This
have succeeded in uncoupling these two steps. If ribosome population, however, is not static; the mrnA
rotating the head mechanically is sufficient to produce is continuously moved through the ribosome. Those
ATP in the absence of any applied proton gradient, the ribosomes that have finished translation dissociate from
ATP synthase is a protein machine that indeed functions the 3¢ end of the mrnA and from the er membrane,
like a “molecular turbine.” This would be a very but the mrnA itself remains bound by other ribosomes,
exciting experiment, indeed, because it would directly newly recruited from the cytosolic pool, that have
A:42 Answers

attached to the 5¢ end of the mrnA and are still appropriate ionic conditions, clathrin cages assemble
translating the mrnA. Depending on its length, there in solution, but they are empty shells, lacking other
are about 10–20 ribosomes attached to each membrane- proteins, and they contain no membrane. This
bound mrnA molecule. shows that the information to form clathrin baskets
is contained in the clathrin molecules themselves,
Answer 15–4
which are therefore able to self-assemble.
A. The internal signal sequence functions as a
B. without clathrin, adaptins still bind to receptors in
membrane anchor, as shown in Figure 15–17.
the membrane, but no clathrin coat can form and
Because there is no stop-transfer sequence, however,
thus no clathrin-coated pits or vesicles are produced.
the C-terminal end of the protein continues to be
C. Deeply invaginated clathrin-coated pits form on the
translocated into the er lumen. The resulting protein
membrane, but they do not pinch off to form closed
therefore has its n-terminal domain in the cytosol,
vesicles (see Figure A15–13).
followed by a single transmembrane segment, and a
D. Procaryotic cells do not perform endocytosis. A
C-terminal domain in the er lumen (Figure A15–4A).
procaryotic cell therefore does not contain any
B. The n-terminal signal sequence initiates
receptors with appropriate cytosolic tails that could
translocation of the n-terminal domain of the protein
mediate adaptin binding. Therefore, no clathrin can
until translocation is stopped by the stop-transfer
bind and no clathrin coats can assemble.
sequence. A cytosolic domain is synthesized until
the start-transfer sequence initiates translocation Answer 15–6 The preassembled sugar chain allows
again. The situation now resembles that described better quality control. The assembled oligosaccharide
in (A), and the C-terminal domain of the protein is chains can be checked for accuracy before they are
translocated into the lumen of the er. The resulting added to the protein; if a mistake were made in adding
protein therefore spans the membrane twice. Both sugars individually to the protein, the whole protein
its n-terminal and C-terminal domains are in the would have to be discarded. Because far more energy
er lumen, and a loop domain between the two is used in building a protein than in building a short
transmembrane regions is exposed in the cytosol oligosaccharide chain, this is a much more economical
(Figure A15–4B). strategy. Also, once a sugar tree is added to a protein,
C. It would need a cleaved signal sequence, followed it is more difficult for enzymes to modify its branches,
by an internal stop-transfer sequence, followed by compared with modifying them on the free sugar tree.
pairs of start- and stop-transfer sequences (Figure This difficulty becomes apparent as the protein moves
A15–4C). to the cell surface: although sugar chains are continually
modified by enzymes in various compartments of
the secretory pathway, these modifications are often
incomplete and result in considerable heterogeneity of
C the glycoproteins that leave the cell. This heterogeneity
is largely due to the restricted access that the enzymes
have to the sugar trees attached to the surface
of proteins. The heterogeneity also explains why
(A) glycoproteins are more difficult to study and purify than
C nonglycosylated proteins.
Answer 15–7 Aggregates of the secretory proteins
C would form in the er, just as they do in the trans Golgi
network. As the aggregation is specific for secretory
proteins, er proteins would be excluded from the
aggregates. The aggregates would eventually be
peptidase N degraded.
Answer 15–8 Transferrin without Fe bound does
not interact with its receptor and circulates in the
n–1 bloodstream until it catches an Fe ion. Once iron
is bound, the iron–transferrin complex can bind to
the transferrin receptor on the surface of a cell and
n N be endocytosed. under the acidic conditions of the
endosome, the transferrin releases its iron, but the
Figure A15–4 transferrin remains bound to the transferrin receptor,
which is recycled back to the cell surface, where it
These examples demonstrate that complex protein encounters the neutral pH environment of the blood.
topologies can be achieved by simple variations and The neutral pH causes the receptor to release the
combinations of the two basic mechanisms shown in transferrin into the circulation, where it can pick up
Figures 15–16 andECB2 EA14.04/A15.04
15–17. another Fe ion to repeat the cycle. The iron released
in the endosome, like the LDL in Figure 15–33, moves
Answer 15–5 on to lysosomes, from where it is transported into the
A. Clathrin coats cannot assemble in the absence of cytosol.
adaptins that link the clathrin to the membrane. The system allows cells to take up iron efficiently
At high clathrin concentrations and under the even though the concentration of iron in the blood
Answers A:43

is extremely low. The iron bound to transferrin is and therefore cannot cross the membrane by diffusion.
concentrated at the cell surface by binding to transferrin nH4+ ions therefore accumulate in acidic compartments,
receptors; it becomes further concentrated in clathrin- raising their pH. when the pH of the endosome is
coated pits, which collect the transferrin receptors. raised, viruses are still endocytosed, but because the
In this way, transferrin cycles between the blood and viral fusion protein cannot be activated, the virus cannot
endosomes, delivering the iron that cells need to grow. enter the cytosol. remember this the next time you
have the flu and have access to a stable.
Answer 15–9
A. True. Answer 15–12
B. False. The signal sequences that direct proteins to A. The problem is that vesicles having two different
the er contain a core of eight or more hydrophobic kinds of v-snAres in their membrane could dock on
amino acids. The sequence shown here contains either of two different membranes.
many hydrophilic amino acid side chains, including B. The answer to this puzzle is currently not known, but
the charged amino acids His, Arg, Asp, and Lys, and we can predict that cells must have ways of turning
the uncharged hydrophilic amino acids Gln and ser. the docking ability of snAres on and off. This may
C. True. Otherwise they could not dock at the correct be achieved through other proteins that are, for
target membrane or recruit a fusion complex to a example, co-packaged in the er with snAres into
docking site. transport vesicles and facilitate the interactions of
D. True. the correct v-snAre with the t-snAre in the cis
e. True. Lysosomal proteins are selected in the trans Golgi network.
Golgi network and packaged into transport vesicles
Answer 15–13 synaptic transmission involves the
that deliver them to the late endosome. If not
release of neurotransmitters by exocytosis. During this
selected, they would enter by default into transport
event, the membrane of the synaptic vesicle fuses with
vesicles that move constitutively to the cell surface.
the plasma membrane of the nerve terminals. To make
F. False. Lysosomes also digest internal organelles by
new synaptic vesicles, membrane must be retrieved
from the plasma membrane by endocytosis. This
G. False. Mitochondria do not participate in vesicular
endocytosis step is blocked if dynamin is defective, as
transport, and therefore N-linked glycoproteins,
the protein is required to pinch off the clathrin-coated
which are exclusively assembled in the er, cannot be
endocytic vesicles. The first clue to deciphering the role
transported to mitochondria.
of dynamin came from electron micrographs of synapses
Answer 15–10 They must contain a nuclear localization of the mutant flies (Figure A15–13). note that there are
signal as well. Proteins with nuclear export signals many flasklike invaginations of the plasma membrane,
shuttle between the nucleus and the cytosol. An representing deeply invaginated clathrin-coated pits
example is the A1 protein, which binds to mrnAs that cannot pinch off. The collars visible around the
in the nucleus and guides them through the nuclear necks of these invaginations are made of mutant
pores. Once in the cytosol, a nuclear localization signal dynamin.
ensures that the A1 protein is reimported so that it can
participate in the export of further mrnAs.
Answer 15–11 Influenza virus enters cells by
endocytosis and is delivered to endosomes, where it
encounters an acidic pH that activates its fusion protein.
The viral membrane then fuses with the membrane
of the endosome, releasing the viral genome into the
cytosol (Figure A15–11). nH3 is a small molecule that
readily penetrates membranes. Thus, it can enter all
From J.H. Koenig and K. Ikeda, J. Neurosci. 9:3844–3860, 1989.
intracellular compartments, including endosomes, by With permission from The Society for Neuroscience.
diffusion. Once in a compartment that has an acidic
pH, nH3 binds H+ to form nH4+, which is a charged ion Figure A15–13

Answer 15–14 The first two sentences are correct. The

SPACE plasma membrane third is not. It should read: “Because the contents of
CYTOSOL the lumen of theECB2er or any other compartment in the
endosomal membrane secretory or endocytic pathways never mix with the
cytosol, proteins that enter these pathways will never
H need to be imported again.” when the nuclear envelope
H breaks down in mitosis, i.e., retracts from the chromatin,
endocytosis activation of its membrane proteins intermix with er membrane
viral fusion proteins, but its contents remain separated from the
protein fusion of viral cytosol by an intact membrane.
and endosomal
membranes Answer 15–15 The protein is translocated into the
release of viral er. Its er signal sequence is recognized as soon as
genome into cell it emerges from the ribosome. The ribosome then
Figure A15–11 becomes bound to the er membrane, and the growing
A:44 Answers

polypeptide chain is transferred through the er In particular, it is questionable whether forgettin is

translocation channel. The nuclear localization sequence indeed a secreted protein, as proposed. er signal
is therefore never exposed to the cytosol. It will never sequences are normally found at the n-terminus.
encounter nuclear import receptors, and the protein will C-terminal hydrophobic sequences will be exposed
not enter the nucleus. outside the ribosome only after protein synthesis
has already terminated and can therefore not be
Answer 15–16 (1) Proteins are imported into the
recognized by an srP during translation. It is therefore
nucleus after they have been synthesized, folded, and,
unlikely that forgettin will be translocated by an srP-
if appropriate, assembled into complexes. In contrast,
dependent mechanism; it is more likely that it will
unfolded polypeptide chains are translocated into
remain in the cytosol. Dr. Outonalimb should take these
the er as they are being made by the ribosomes.
considerations into account when submitting a revised
ribosomes are assembled in the nucleus yet function
in the cytosol, and the enzyme complexes that catalyze
rnA transcription and splicing are assembled in Answer 15–20 The Golgi apparatus may have evolved
the cytosol yet function in the nucleus. Thus, both from specialized patches of er membrane. These
ribosomes and these enzyme complexes need to regions of the er might have pinched off, forming a new
be transported through the nuclear pores intact. (2) compartment (Figure A15–20), which still communicates
nuclear pores are gates, which are always open to with the er by vesicular transport. For the newly
small molecules; in contrast, translocation channels in evolved Golgi compartment to be useful, transport
the er membrane are normally closed (as indicated vesicles would also have to have evolved.
by the “plug” in Figure 15–15), and open only after
the ribosome has attached to the membrane and the
translocating polypeptide chain has sealed the channel
from the cytosol. It is important that the er membrane
remain impermeable to small molecules during the
translocation process, as the er is a major store for Ca2+
in the cell, and Ca2+ release into the cytosol must be
tightly controlled (discussed in Chapter 16). (3) nuclear
localization signals are not cleaved off after protein
import into the nucleus; in contrast, er signal peptides
are usually cleaved off. nuclear localization signals are
needed to repeatedly reimport nuclear proteins after
they have been released into the cytosol during mitosis,
when the nuclear envelope breaks down.
Answer 15–17 The transient intermixing of nuclear
and cytosolic contents during mitosis supports the idea
that the nuclear interior and the cytosol are indeed
evolutionarily related. In fact, one can consider the
nucleus as a subcompartment of the cytosol that has
become surrounded by the nuclear envelope, with
access only through the nuclear pores.
Figure A15–20
Answer 15–18 The actual explanation is that the
single amino acid change causes the protein to misfold
slightly so that, although it is still active as a protease Answer 15–21 This is a chicken-and-egg question.
inhibitor, it is prevented by chaperone proteins in the In fact, the situation never arises in present-day cells,
er from exiting this organelle. It therefore accumulates although it must have posed a considerable problem
in the er lumen and is eventually degraded. Alternative for the first cells that evolved. new cell membranes are
interpretations might have been that (1) the mutation made by expansion of existing membranes, and the er
affects the stability of the protein in the bloodstream is never made de novo. There will always be an existing
so that it is degraded much faster in the blood than the piece of er with translocation channels to integrate
normal protein, or (2) the mutation inactivates the er new translocation channels. Inheritance is therefore
signal sequence and prevents the protein from entering not limited to the propagation of the genome; a cell’s
the er. (3) Another explanation could have been that organelles must also be passed from generation to
the mutation altered the sequence to create an er generation. In fact, the er translocation channels can be
retention signal, which would have retained the mutant traced back to structurally related translocation channels
protein in the er. One could distinguish between these in the procaryotic plasma membrane.
possibilities by using fluorescently tagged antibodies Answer 15–22
against the protein or by expressing the protein as a A. extracellular space
fusion with GFP to follow its transport in the cells (see B. Cytosol
Panel 4–6, p. 167, and How we Know, pp. 520–521). C. Plasma membrane
Answer 15–19 Critique: “Dr. Outonalimb proposes D. Clathrin coat
to study the biosynthesis of forgettin, a protein of e. Membrane of deeply invaginated clathrin-coated pit
significant interest. The main hypothesis on which this F. Captured cargo particles
ECB2 EA14.20/A15.20
proposal is based, however, requires further support. G. Lumen of deeply invaginated clathrin-coated pit
Answers A:45

Chapter 16 rapid clearing of Ca2+ ions from the cytosol by Ca2+

pumps prevents Ca2+ from diffusing any significant
distance in the cytosol.
Answer 16–1 Most paracrine signaling molecules are
very short-lived after they are released from a signaling Answer 16–8 each reaction involved in the
cell: they are either degraded by extracellular enzymes amplification scheme must be turned off to reset the
or are rapidly taken up by neighboring target cells. In signaling pathway to a resting level. each of these off
addition, some become attached to the extracellular switches is equally important.
matrix and are thus prevented from diffusing too far. Answer 16–9 Because each antibody has two antigen-
Answer 16–2 Polar groups are hydrophilic, so binding sites, it can cross-link the receptors and cause
cholesterol, with only one polar –OH group, would be them to cluster on the cell surface. This clustering is
too hydrophobic to be an effective hormone. Because likely to activate rTKs, which are usually activated by
it is virtually insoluble in water, it could not move dimerization. For rTKs, clustering allows the individual
readily as a messenger from one cell to another via the kinase domains of the receptors to phosphorylate
extracellular fluid. adjacent receptors in the cluster. The activation of
GPCrs is more complicated, because the ligand has to
Answer 16–3 The protein could be an enzyme that induce a particular conformational change; only very
produces a large number of small intracellular signaling special antibodies mimic receptor ligands sufficiently
molecules such as cyclic AMP or cyclic GMP. Or, it well to induce the conformational change that activates
could be an enzyme that modifies a large number a GPCr.
of intracellular target proteins—for example, by
phosphorylation. Answer 16–10 The more steps there are in an
intracellular signaling pathway, the more places the
Answer 16–4 In the case of the steroid hormone cell has to regulate the pathway, amplify the signal,
receptor, a one-to-one complex of steroid and integrate signals from different pathways, and spread
receptor binds to DnA to activate or inactivate the signal along divergent paths (see Figure 16–13).
gene transcription; there is thus no amplification
between ligand binding and transcriptional regulation. Answer 16–11
Amplification occurs later, because transcription of A. True. Acetylcholine, for example, decreases the
a gene gives rise to many mrnAs, each of which beating of heart muscle cells by binding to a GPCr
is translated to give many copies of the protein it and stimulates the contraction of skeletal muscle
encodes (discussed in Chapter 7). For the ion-channel– cells by binding to a different acetylcholine receptor,
linked receptors, a single ion channel will let through which is an ion-channel-coupled receptor.
thousands of ions in the time it remains open; this serves B. False. Acetylcholine is short-lived and exerts
as the amplification step in this type of signaling system. its effects locally. Indeed, the consequences of
prolonging its lifetime can be disastrous. Compounds
Answer 16–5 The mutant G protein would be almost that inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which
continuously activated, because GDP would dissociate normally breaks down acetylcholine at a nerve–
spontaneously, allowing GTP to bind even in the muscle synapse, are extremely toxic: for example,
absence of an activated GPCr. The consequences for the nerve gas sarin, used in chemical warfare, is an
the cell would therefore be similar to those caused by acetylcholinesterase inhibitor.
cholera toxin, which modifies the a subunit of Gs so that C. True. nucleotide-free bg complexes can activate ion
it cannot hydrolyze GTP to shut itself off. In contrast to channels, and GTP-bound a subunits can activate
the cholera toxin case, however, the mutant G protein enzymes. The GDP-bound form of trimeric G
would not stay permanently activated: it would switch proteins is the inactive state.
itself off normally, but then it would instantly become D. True. The inositol phospholipid that is cleaved to
activated again as the GDP dissociated and GTP re- produce IP3 contains three phosphate groups, one of
bound. which links the sugar to the diacylglycerol lipid. IP3 is
Answer 16–6 rapid breakdown keeps the intracellular generated by a simple hydrolysis reaction (see Figure
cyclic AMP concentrations low. The lower the cAMP 16–25).
levels are, the larger and faster the increase achieved e. False. Calmodulin senses but does not regulate
upon activation of adenylyl cyclase, which makes new intracellular Ca2+ levels.
cyclic AMP. If you have $100 in the bank and you deposit F. True. see Figure 16–39.
another $100, you have doubled your wealth; if you G. True. see Figure 16–30.
have only $10 to start with and you deposit $100, you
Answer 16–12
have increased your wealth tenfold, a much larger
1. You would expect a high background level of ras
proportional increase resulting from the same deposit.
activity, because ras cannot be turned off
Answer 16–7 recall that the plasma membrane efficiently.
constitutes a rather small area compared with the total 2. Because some ras molecules are already GTP-bound,
membrane surfaces in a cell (discussed in Chapter 15). ras activity in response to an extracellular signal
The endoplasmic reticulum is especially abundant and would be greater than normal, but this activity would
spans the entire volume of the cell as a vast network be liable to saturate when all ras molecules are
of membrane tubes and sheets. The Ca2+ stored in converted to the GTP-bound form.
the endoplasmic reticulum can therefore be released 3. The response to a signal would be much less rapid,
throughout the cytosol. This is important because the because the signal-dependent increase in GTP-
A:46 Answers

bound ras would occur over an elevated background

of preexisting GTP-bound ras (see Question 16–6).
4. The increase in ras activity in response to a signal
would also be prolonged compared to the response K K K K K K K K K K
in normal cells.
kinase P P
Answer 16–13 domain
A. Both types of signaling can occur over a long range:
neurons can send action potentials along very long
axons (think of the axons in the neck of a giraffe, K K K K
for example), and hormones are carried via the (B)
bloodstream throughout the organism. Because
neurons secrete large amounts of neurotransmitters Figure A16–16
at a synapse, a small, well-defined space between
two cells, the concentrations of these signal
molecules are high; neurotransmitter receptors, ess A15.05
therefore, need to bind to neurotransmitters with Answer 16–16
only low affinity. Hormones, in contrast, are vastly A. The mutant rTK lacking its extracellular ligand-
diluted in the bloodstream, where they circulate at binding domain is inactive. It cannot bind
often minuscule concentrations; hormone receptors extracellular signals, and its presence has no
therefore generally bind their hormone with consequences for the function of the normal rTK
extremely high affinity. (Figure A16–16A).
B. whereas neuronal signaling is a private affair, with B. The mutant rTK lacking its intracellular domain is
one neuron talking to a select group of target cells also inactive, but its presence will block signaling by
through specific synaptic connections, endocrine the normal receptors. when a signal molecule binds
signaling is a public announcement, with any target to either receptor, it will induce their dimerization.
cell with appropriate receptors able to respond to Two normal receptors have to come together to
the hormone in the blood. neuronal signaling is very activate each other by phosphorylation. In the
fast, limited only by the speed of propagation of the presence of an excess of mutant receptor, however,
action potential and the workings of the synapse, normal receptors will usually form mixed dimers, in
whereas endocrine signaling is slower, limited by which their intracellular domain cannot be activated
blood flow and diffusion over larger distances. because their partner is a mutant and lacks a kinase
domain (Figure A16–16B).
Answer 16–14
A. There are 100,000 molecules of X and 10,000 Answer 16–17 The statement is correct. upon ligand
molecules of Y in the cell (= rate of synthesis ¥ binding, transmembrane helices of multispanning
average lifetime). receptors, like the GPCrs, shift and rearrange with
B. After one second, the concentration of X will have respect to one another (Figure A16–17A). This
increased by 10,000 molecules. The concentration conformational change is sensed on the cytosolic side of
of X, therefore, one second after its synthesis is the membrane because of a change in the arrangement
increased, is about 110,000 molecules per cell— of the cytoplasmic loops. A single transmembrane
which is a 10% increase over the concentration of X segment is not sufficient to transmit a signal across the
before the boost of its synthesis. The concentration membrane directly; no rearrangements in the membrane
of Y will also increase by 10,000 molecules, which, are possible upon ligand binding. upon ligand binding,
in contrast to X, represents a full twofold increase in single-span receptors such as most rTKs tend to
its concentration (for simplicity, we can neglect the dimerize, thereby bringing their intracellular kinase
breakdown in this estimation because X and Y are domains into proximity so that they can
relatively stable during the one-second stimulation). cross-phosphorylate and activate each other
C. Because of its larger proportional increase, Y is (Figure A16–17B).
the preferred signaling molecule. This calculation Answer 16–18 Activation in both cases depends on
illustrates the surprising but important principle that proteins that catalyze GDP–GTP exchange on the
the time it takes to switch a signal on is determined G protein or ras protein. whereas activated GPCrs
by the lifetime of the signaling molecule. perform this function directly for G proteins, enzyme-
Answer 16–15 The information transmitted by a cell-
linked receptors assemble multiple signaling proteins
signaling pathway is contained in the concentration into a signaling complex when the receptors are
of the messenger, be it a small molecule or a activated by phosphorylation; one of these is an adaptor
phosphorylated protein. Therefore, to allow the protein that recruits a ras-activating protein that fulfills
detection of a change in concentration, the original this function for ras.
messenger has to be rapidly destroyed. The shorter Answer 16–19 Because the cytosolic concentration of
the lifetime of the messenger, the faster the system Ca2+ is so low, an influx of relatively few Ca2+ ions leads
can respond to changes. Human communication relies to large changes in its cytosolic concentration. Thus,
on messages that are delivered only once and that a tenfold increase in cytosolic Ca2+ can be achieved
are generally not interpreted by their abundance but by raising its concentration into the micromolar
by their content. so it is a mistake to kill the human range, which would require far fewer ions than would
messengers; they can be used more than once. be required to change significantly the cytosolic
Answers A:47

(A) Answer 16–22 K2 activates K1. If K1 is permanently

transmembrane extracellular
helices of signal molecule
activated, a response is observed regardless of the
receptor proteins status of K2. If the order were reversed, K1 would
need to activate K2, which cannot occur because in our
example K2 contains an inactivating mutation.
Answer 16–23
A. Three examples of extended signaling pathways
to the nucleus are (1) extracellular signal Æ rTK Æ
CYTOSOL adaptor protein Æ ras-activating protein Æ MAP
kinase kinase kinase Æ MAP kinase kinase Æ MAP
kinase Æ transcription regulator; (2) extracellular
signal Æ GPCr Æ G protein Æ phospholipase
C Æ IP3 Æ Ca2+ Æ calmodulin Æ CaM-kinase Æ
transcription regulator; (3) extracellular signal Æ
GPCr Æ G protein Æ adenylyl cyclase Æ cyclic AMP
Æ PKA Æ transcription regulator.
signal molecule
B. Two examples of direct signaling pathways to the
(B) nucleus are (1) cytokine Æ cytokine receptor Æ JAK
kinase Æ sTAT; (2) Delta Æ notch Æ cleaved notch
tail Æ transcription.
Answer 16–24 when PI 3-kinase is activated by an
activated rTK, it phosphorylates a specific inositol
phospholipid in the plasma membrane. The resulting
phosphorylated inositol phospholipid then recruits to
the plasma membrane both Akt and another protein
kinase that helps phosphorylate and activate Akt. A
third kinase that is permanently associated with the
membrane also helps activate Akt (see Figure 16–33).
Answer 16–25 Animals and plants are thought to have
evolved multicellularity independently and therefore
activated enzyme
will be expected to have evolved some distinct
domain of receptors signaling mechanisms for their cells to communicate
with one another. On the other hand, animal and plant
Figure A16–17 cells are thought to have evolved from a common
eucaryotic ancestor cell, and so plants and animals
ess of a more abundant ion such as na+. In
would be expected to share some intracellular signaling
muscle, a greater than tenfold change in cytosolic Ca2+ mechanisms that the common ancestor cell used to
concentration can be achieved in microseconds by respond to its environment.
releasing Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, a task
that would be difficult to accomplish if changes in the
millimolar range were required. Chapter 17
Answer 16–20 In a multicellular organism such as an
animal, it is important that cells survive only when and Answer 17–1 Cells that migrate rapidly from one
where they are needed. Having cells depend on signals place to another, such as amoebae (A) and sperm cells
from other cells may be a simple way of ensuring this. (F), do not in general need intermediate filaments in
A misplaced cell, for example, would probably fail to their cytoplasm, since they do not develop or sustain
get the survival signals it needs (as its neighbors would large tensile forces. Plant cells (G) are pushed and
be inappropriate) and would therefore kill itself. This pulled by the forces of wind and water, but they resist
strategy can also help regulate cell numbers: if cell type these forces by means of their rigid cell walls rather
A depends on a survival signal from cell type B, the than by their cytoskeleton. epithelial cells (B), smooth
number of B cells could control the number of A cells by muscle cells (C), and the long axons of nerve cells (e)
making a limited amount of the survival signal, so that are all rich in cytoplasmic intermediate filaments, which
only a certain number of A cells could survive. There is prevent them from rupturing as they are stretched and
indeed evidence that such a mechanism does operate compressed by the movements of their surrounding
to help regulate cell numbers—in both developing and tissues.
adult tissues (see Figure 18–41). All of the above eucaryotic cells possess at least
intermediate filaments in their nuclear lamina. Bacteria,
Answer 16–21 Ca2+-activated Ca2+ channels create a
such as Escherichia coli (D), have none whatsoever.
positive feedback loop: the more Ca2+ that is released,
the more Ca2+ channels open. The Ca2+ signal in the Answer 17–2 Two tubulin dimers have a lower affinity
cytosol is therefore propagated explosively throughout for each other (because of a more limited number of
the entire muscle cell, thereby ensuring that all myosin– interaction sites) than a tubulin dimer has for the end
actin filaments contract almost synchronously. of a microtubule (where there are multiple possible
A:48 Answers

interaction sites, both end-to-end of tubulin dimers toward the tip of the cilium, the cilium bends away from
adding to a protofilament and side-to-side of the tubulin the side containing the activated dyneins.
dimers interacting with tubulin subunits in adjacent
Answer 17–5 Any actin-binding protein that stabilizes
protofilaments forming the ringlike cross section). Thus,
complexes of two or more actin monomers without
to initiate a microtubule from scratch, enough tubulin
blocking the ends required for filament growth will
dimers have to come together and remain bound to one
facilitate the initiation of a new filament (nucleation).
another for long enough for other tubulin molecules
to add to them. Only when a number of tubulin dimers Answer 17–6 Only fluorescent actin molecules
have already assembled will the binding of the next assembled into filaments are visible, because
subunit be favored. The formation of these initial unpolymerized actin molecules diffuse so rapidly
“nucleating sites” is therefore rare and will not occur they produce a dim uniform background. since, in
spontaneously at cellular concentrations of tubulin. your experiment, so few actin molecules are labeled
Centrosomes contain preassembled rings of g-tubulin (1:10,000), there should be at most one labeled
(in which the g-tubulin subunits are held together in actin monomer per filament (see Figure 17–29). The
much tighter side-to-side interactions than ab-tubulin lamellipodium as a whole has many actin filaments, some
can form) to which ab-tubulin dimers can bind. The of which overlap and therefore show a random speckled
binding conditions of ab-tubulin dimers resemble those pattern of actin molecules, each marking a different
of adding to the end of an assembled microtubule. filament.
The g-tubulin rings in the centrosome can therefore be This technique (called “speckle fluorescence”) can be
thought of as permanently preassembled nucleation used to follow the movement of polymerized actin in a
sites. migrating cell. If you watch this pattern with time, you
will see that individual fluorescent spots move steadily
Answer 17–3 back from the leading edge toward the interior of the
A. The microtubule is shrinking because it has lost its cell, a movement that occurs whether or not the cell
GTP cap, i.e., the tubulin subunits at its end are all in is actually migrating. rearward movement takes place
their GDP-bound form. GTP-loaded tubulin subunits because actin monomers are added to filaments at
from solution will still add to this end, but they will the plus end and are lost from the minus end (where
be short-lived—either because they hydrolyze their they are depolymerized) (see Figure 17–34B). In effect
GTP or because they fall off as the microtubule rim actin monomers “move through” the actin filaments, a
around them disassembles. If, however, enough phenomenon termed “treadmilling.” Treadmilling has
GTP-loaded subunits are added quickly enough to been demonstrated to occur in isolated actin filaments
cover up the GDP-containing tubulin subunits at in solution and also in dynamic microtubules, such as
the microtubule end, a new GTP cap can form and those within a mitotic spindle.
regrowth is favored. Answer 17–7 Cells contain actin-binding proteins that
B. The rate of addition of GTP-tubulin will be greater bundle and cross-link actin filaments (see Figure 17–31).
at higher tubulin concentrations. The frequency The filaments extending from lamellipodia and filopodia
with which shrinking microtubules switch to the become firmly connected to the filamentous meshwork
growing mode will therefore increase with increasing of the cell cortex, thus providing the mechanical
tubulin concentration. The consequence of this anchorage required for the growing rodlike filaments to
regulation is that the system is self-balancing: the deform the cell membrane.
more microtubules shrink (resulting in a higher
concentration of free tubulin), the more frequently Answer 17–8 Although the subunits are indeed held
microtubules will start to grow again. Conversely, the together by noncovalent bonds that are individually
more microtubules grow, the lower the concentration weak, there are a very large number of them, distributed
of free tubulin will become and the rate of GTP- among a very large number of filaments. As a result, the
tubulin addition will slow down; at some point stress a human being exerts by lifting a heavy object is
GTP hydrolysis will catch up with new GTP-tubulin dispersed over so many subunits that their interaction
addition, the GTP cap will be destroyed, and the strength is not exceeded. By analogy, a single thread of
microtubule will switch to the shrinking mode. silk is not nearly strong enough to hold a human, but a
C. If only GDP were present, microtubules would rope woven of such fibers is.
continue to shrink and eventually disappear, because Answer 17–9 Both filaments are composed of subunits
tubulin dimers with GDP have very low affinity for in the form of protein dimers that are held together by
each other and will not add stably to microtubules. coiled-coil interactions. Moreover, in both cases, the
D. If GTP is present but cannot be hydrolyzed, dimers polymerize through their coiled-coil domains
microtubules will continue to grow until all free into filaments. whereas intermediate filament dimers
tubulin subunits have been used up. assemble head-to-head, however, and thereby create
Answer 17–4 If all the dynein arms were equally a filament that has no polarity, all myosin molecules in
active, there could be no significant relative motion of the same half of the myosin filament are oriented with
one microtubule to the other as required for bending their heads pointing in the same direction. This polarity
(think of a circle of nine weight lifters, each trying to is necessary for them to be able to develop a contractile
lift his neighbor off the ground: if they all succeeded, force in muscle.
the group would levitate!). Thus, a few ciliary dynein Answer 17–10
molecules must be activated selectively on one side of A. successive actin molecules in an actin filament are
the cilium. As they move their neighboring microtubules identical in position and conformation. After a first
Answers A:49

protein (such as troponin) had bound to the actin similarly, a protein takes 1 second and a vesicle 10
filament, there would be no way in which a second seconds on average to travel 10 mm. A vesicle would
protein could recognize every seventh monomer require on average 109 seconds, or more than 30 years,
in a naked actin filament. Tropomyosin, however, to diffuse to the end of a 10-cm axon. This calculation
binds along the length of an actin filament, spanning makes it clear why kinesin and other motor proteins
precisely seven monomers, and thus provides a evolved to carry molecules and organelles along
molecular “ruler” that measures the length of seven microtubules.
actin monomers. Troponin becomes localized by
binding to the evenly spaced ends of tropomyosin Answer 17–13 (1) Animal cells are much larger
molecules. and more diversely shaped, and do not have a cell
B. Calcium ions influence force generation in the wall. Cytoskeletal elements are required to provide
actin–myosin system only if both troponin (to bind mechanical strength and shape in the absence of a cell
the calcium ions) and tropomyosin (to transmit wall. (2) Animal cells, and all other eucaryotic cells, have
the information that troponin has bound calcium a nucleus that is shaped and held in place in the cell
to the actin filament) are present. (i) Troponin by intermediate filaments; the nuclear lamins attached
cannot bind to actin without tropomyosin. The to the inner nuclear membrane support and shape the
actin filament would be permanently exposed to nuclear membrane, and a meshwork of intermediate
the myosin, and the system would be continuously filaments surrounds the nucleus and spans the cytosol.
active, independently of whether calcium ions (3) Animal cells can move by a process that requires a
were present or not (a muscle cell would therefore change in cell shape. Actin filaments and myosin
be continuously contracted with no possibility of motor proteins are required for these activities.
regulation). (ii) Tropomyosin would bind to actin (4) Animal cells have a much larger genome than
and block binding of myosin completely; the system bacteria; this genome is fragmented into many
would be permanently inactive, no matter whether chromosomes. For cell division, chromosomes need to
calcium ions were present, because tropomyosin is be accurately distributed to the daughter cells, requiring
not affected by calcium. (iii) The system will contract the function of the microtubules that form the mitotic
in response to calcium ions. spindle. (5) Animal cells have internal organelles. Their
localization in the cell is dependent on motor proteins
Answer 17–11 that move them along microtubules. A remarkable
A. True. A continual outward movement of er is example is the long-distance travel of membrane-
required; in the absence of microtubules, the er enclosed vesicles (organelles) along microtubules in an
collapses toward the center of the cell. axon that can be up to 1 m (≈3 ft) long in the case of the
B. True. Actin is needed to make the contractile ring nerve cells that extend from your spinal cord to your
that causes the physical cleavage between the feet.
two daughter cells, whereas the mitotic spindle
that partitions the chromosomes is composed of Answer 17–14 The ends of an intermediate filament are
microtubules. indistinguishable from each other, because the filaments
C. True. Both extensions are associated with are built by the assembly of symmetrical tetramers
transmembrane proteins that protrude from the made from two coiled-coil dimers. In contrast to
plasma membrane and enable the cell to form new microtubules and actin filaments, intermediate filaments
anchor points on the substratum. therefore have no polarity.
D. False. To cause bending, ATP is hydrolyzed by the
Answer 17–15 Intermediate filaments have no polarity;
dynein motor proteins that are attached to the outer
their ends are chemically indistinguishable. It would
microtubules in the flagellum.
therefore be difficult to envision how a hypothetical
e. False. Cells could not divide without rearranging
motor protein that bound to the middle of the filament
their intermediate filaments, but many terminally
could sense a defined direction. such a motor protein
differentiated and long-lived cells, such as nerve
would be equally likely to attach to the filament facing
cells, have stable intermediate filaments that are not
one end or the other.
known to depolymerize.
F. False. The rate of growth is independent of the Answer 17–16 Katanin breaks microtubules along their
size of the GTP cap. The plus and minus ends have length, and at positions remote from their GTP caps.
different growth rates because they have physically The fragments that form therefore contain GDP-tubulin
distinct binding sites for the incoming tubulin at their exposed ends and rapidly depolymerize. Katanin
subunits; the rate of addition of tubulin subunits thus provides a very quick means of destroying existing
differs at the two ends. microtubules.
G. True. Both are nice examples of how the same
Answer 17–17 Cell division depends on the ability of
membrane can have regions that are highly
microtubules both to polymerize and to depolymerize.
specialized for a particular function.
This is most obvious when one considers that the
H. False. Myosin movement is activated by the
formation of the mitotic spindle requires the prior
phosphorylation of myosin, or by calcium binding to
depolymerization of other cellular microtubules to
free up the tubulin required to build the spindle. This
Answer 17–12 The average time taken for a small rearrangement is not possible in taxol-treated cells,
molecule (such as ATP) to diffuse a distance of 10 mm is whereas in colchicine-treated cells, division is blocked
given by the calculation because a spindle cannot be assembled. On a more
(10–3)2 / (2 ¥ 5 ¥ 10–6) = 0.1 seconds subtle but no less important level, both drugs block the
A:50 Answers

tubulin molecule
of tubulin
with centrosomes
(A) nucleation
percentage of tubulin molecules


elongation (B) elongation

in microtubules

time at 37∞C
Figure A17–19 (C) equilibrium

dynamic instability of microtubules and would therefore Answer 17–21 Cytochalasin interferes with
interfere with the workings of the mitotic spindle, even actin filament formation, and its effect on the
if one could be properly assembled. cell demonstrates the importance of actin to cell
locomotion. The experiment with colchicine shows that
Answer 17–18 Motor proteins are unidirectional in their
microtubules are required to give a cell a polarity that
action; kinesin always moves toward the plus end of a
then determines which end becomes the leading edge
microtubule and dynein toward the minus end. Thus
(see Figure 17–13). In the absence of microtubules, cells
if kinesin molecules are attached to glass, only those
still go through the motions normally associated with
individual motors that have the correct orientation in
cell movement, such as the extension of lamellipodia,
relation to the microtubule that settles on them can
but in the absence of cell polarity these are futile
attach to the microtubule and exert force on it to propel
exercises because they happen indiscriminately in all
it forward. since kinesin moves toward the plus end of ECB2 A17.17
the microtubule, the microtubule will always crawl minus
Antibodies bind tightly to the antigen (in this case
end first over the coverslip.
vimentin) to which they were raised (see Panel 4–3,
Answer 17–19 pp. 144–145). when bound, an antibody can interfere
A. Phase A corresponds to a lag phase, during which with the function of the antigen by preventing it from
tubulin molecules assemble to form nucleation interacting properly with other cell components. The
centers (Figure A17–19A). nucleation is followed antibody injection experiment therefore suggests
by a rapid rise (phase B) to a plateau value as that intermediate filaments are not required for the
tubulin dimers add to the ends of the elongating maintenance of cell polarity or for the motile machinery.
microtubules (Figure A17–19B). At phase C,
Answer 17–22 either (B) or (C) would complete the
equilibrium is reached with some microtubules in the
sentence correctly. The direct result of the action
population growing while others are rapidly shrinking
potential in the plasma membrane is the release of Ca2+
(Figure A17–19C). The concentration of free tubulin
into the cytosol from the sarcoplasmic reticulum; muscle
is constant at this point, because polymerization and
cells are triggered to contract by this rapid rise in
depolymerization are balanced (see also Question
cytosolic Ca2+. Calcium ions at high concentrations bind
17–3, p. 583).
to troponin, which in turn causes tropomyosin to move
B. The addition of centrosomes introduces nucleation
to expose myosin-binding sites on the actin filaments.
sites that eliminate the lag phase A as shown
(A) and (D) would be wrong because Ca2+ has no effect
by the red curve in Figure A17–19. The rate of
on the detachment of the myosin head from actin, which
microtubule growth (i.e., the slope of the curve in
is the result of ATP hydrolysis. nor does it have any role
the elongation phase B) and the equilibrium level
in maintaining the structure of the myosin filament.
of free tubulin remain unchanged, because the
presence of centrosomes does not affect the rates of Answer 17–23 Only (D) is correct. upon contraction,
polymerization and depolymerization. the Z discs move closer together, and neither actin
nor myosin filaments contract (see Figures 17–41 and
Answer 17–20 The ends of the shrinking microtubule
are visibly frayed, and the individual protofilaments
appear to come apart and curl as the end
depolymerizes. This micrograph therefore suggests that Chapter 18
the GTP cap (which is lost from shrinking microtubules)
holds the protofilaments properly aligned with each Answer 18–1 Because all cells arise by division of
other, perhaps by strengthening the side-to-side another cell, this statement is correct, assuming that
interactions between ab-tubulin subunits when they are “first cell division” refers to the division of the successful
in their GTP-bound form. founder cell from which all life as we know it has
Answers A:51

derived. There were probably many other unsuccessful Answer 18–8 The membranes of the Golgi vesicles
attempts to start the chain of life. fuse to form part of the plasma membranes of the two
daughter cells. The interiors of the vesicles, which are
Answer 18–2 Cells in peak B contain twice as much
filled with cell-wall material, become the new cell-wall
DnA as those in peak A, indicating that they contain
matrix separating the two daughter cells. Proteins in the
replicated DnA, whereas the cells in peak A contain
membranes of the Golgi vesicles thus become plasma
unreplicated DnA. Peak A therefore contains cells that
membrane proteins. Those parts of the proteins that
are in G1, and peak B contains cells that are in G2 and
were exposed to the lumen of the Golgi vesicle will end
mitosis. Cells in s phase have begun but not finished
up exposed to the new cell wall (Figure A18–8).
DnA synthesis; they therefore have various intermediate
amounts of DnA and are found in the region between plasma membrane
the two peaks. Most cells are in G1, indicating that it is
cell wall
the longest phase of the cell cycle (see Figure 18–2).
Answer 18–3 For multicellular organisms, the control fusion
daughter cell 1
of cell division is extremely important. Individual cells
must not proliferate unless it is to the benefit of the
whole organism. The G0 state offers protection from
aberrant activation of cell division, because the cell-cycle
control system is largely dismantled. If, on the other
hand, a cell just paused in G1, it would still contain all protein
of the cell-cycle control system and could readily be daughter cell 2
induced to divide. The cell would also have to remake
the ‘decision’ not to divide almost continuously. To vesicle–plasma
reenter the cell cycle from G0, a cell has to resynthesize membrane fusion
all of the components that have disappeared.
Figure A18–8
Answer 18–4 The cell would replicate its damaged
DnA and therefore would introduce mutations to the
Answer 18–9 In a eucaryotic organism, the genetic
two daughter cells when the cell divides. such mutations
information that the organism needs to survive
could increase the chances that the progeny of the
and reproduce is distributed between multiple
affected daughter cells would eventually become cancer
chromosomes. It is therefore crucial that each daughter
cell receives a copy of each chromosome when a cell
Answer 18–5 Before injection, the frog oocytes must divides; if a daughter cell receives too few or too many
contain inactive M-Cdk. upon injection of the M-phase chromosomes, the effects are usually deleterious or
cytoplasm, the small amount of the active M-Cdk in even lethal. Only two copies of each chromosome are
the injected cytoplasm activates the inactive M-Cdk produced by chromosome replication in mitosis. If the
by switching on the activating phosphatase (Cdc 25), cell were to randomly distribute the chromosomes
which removes the inhibitory phosphate groups from when it divided, it would be very unlikely that each
the inactive M-Cdk (see Figure 18–17). An extract daughter cell would receive precisely one copy of
of the second oocyte, now in M phase itself, will each chromosome. In contrast, the Golgi apparatus
therefore contain as much active M-Cdk as the original fragments into tiny vesicles that are all alike, and by
cytoplasmic extract, and so on. random distribution it is very likely that each daughter
cell will receive an approximately equal number of them.
Answer 18–6 The experiment shows that kinetochores ECB2 A17.05/19.04
are not preassigned to one or other spindle pole; Answer 18–10 As apoptosis occurs on a large scale in
microtubules attach to the kinetochores that they are both developing and adult tissues, it must not trigger
able to reach. For the chromosomes to remain attached alarm reactions that are normally associated with cell
to a microtubule, however, tension has to be exerted. injury. Tissue injury, for example, leads to the release
Tension is normally achieved by the opposing pulling of signal molecules that stimulate the proliferation of
forces from opposite spindle poles. The requirement surrounding cells so that the wound heals. It also causes
for such tension ensures that if two sister kinetochores the release of signals that can cause a destructive
ever become attached to the same spindle pole, so that inflammatory reaction. Moreover, the release of
tension is not generated, one or both of the connections intracellular contents could elicit an immune response
would be lost, and microtubules from the opposing against molecules that are normally not encountered
spindle pole would have another chance to attach by the immune system. such reactions would be self-
properly. defeating if they occurred in response to the massive
cell death that occurs in normal development.
Answer 18–7 recall from Figure 18–31 that the new
nuclear envelope reassembles on the surface of the Answer 18–11 Because the cell population is increasing
chromosomes. The close apposition of the envelope exponentially, doubling its weight at every cell division,
to the chromosomes prevents cytosolic proteins the weight of the cell cluster after N cell divisions is
from being trapped between the chromosomes and 2N ¥ 10–9 g. Therefore, 70 kg (70 ¥ 103 g) = 2N ¥
the envelope. nuclear proteins are then selectively 10–9 g, or 2N = 7 ¥ 1013. Taking the logarithm of both
imported through the nuclear pores, causing the nucleus sides allows you to solve the equation for N. Therefore,
to expand while maintaining its characteristic protein N = ln (7 ¥ 1013) / ln 2 = 46; i.e., it would take only 46
composition. days if cells proliferated exponentially. Cell division in
A:52 Answers

animals is tightly controlled, however, and most cells in mitosis were those that were just finishing s phase
the human body stop dividing when they become highly (DnA synthesis) when the radioactive thymidine was
specialized. The example demonstrates that exponential added.
cell proliferation occurs only for very brief periods, even
Answer 18–15 Loss of M-cyclin leads to inactivation of
during embryonic development.
M-Cdk. As a result, the M-Cdk target proteins become
Answer 18–12 The egg cells of many animals are big dephosphorylated by phosphatases, and the cells exit
and contain stores of enough cell components to last for from mitosis: they disassemble the mitotic spindle,
many cell divisions. The daughter cells that form during reassemble the nuclear envelope, decondense their
the first cell divisions after fertilization are progressively chromosomes, and so on. The M-cyclin is degraded
smaller in size and thus can be formed without a need by ubiquitin-dependent destruction in proteosomes,
for new protein or rnA synthesis. whereas normally and the activation of M-Cdk leads to the activation
dividing cells would grow continuously in G1, G2, and s of the APC, which ubiquitylates the cyclin, but
phases, until their size doubled, there is no cell growth with a substantial delay. As discussed in Chapter
in these early cleavage divisions, and both G1 and G2 are 7, ubiquitylation tags proteins for degradation in
virtually absent. As G1 is usually longer than G2, G1 is proteasomes.
the most drastically reduced in these divisions.
Answer 18–16 M-cyclin accumulates gradually as it is
Answer 18–13 steadily synthesized. As it accumulates, it will tend to
A. radiation leads to DnA damage, which activates a form complexes with the mitotic Cdk molecules that
checkpoint mechanism (mediated by p53 and p21; are present. After a certain threshold level has been
see Figure 18–16) that arrests the cell cycle until the reached, a sufficient amount of M-Cdk has been formed
DnA has been repaired. so that it is activated by the appropriate kinases and
B. The cell will replicate damaged DnA and thereby phosphatases that phosphorylate and dephosphorylate
introduce mutations in the daughter cells when the it. Once activated, M-Cdk acts to enhance the activity of
cell divides. the activating phosphatase; this positive feedback leads
C. The cell will be able to divide normally, but it will be to the explosive activation of M-Cdk (see Figure 18–18).
prone to mutations, because some DnA damage Thus, M-cyclin accumulation acts like a slow-burning
always occurs as the result of natural irradiation fuse, which eventually helps trigger the explosive self-
caused, for example, by cosmic rays. The checkpoint activation of M-Cdk. The precipitous destruction of
mechanism mediated by p53 is mainly required M-cyclin terminates M-Cdk activity, and a new round of
as a safeguard against the devastating effects of M-cyclin accumulation begins.
accumulating DnA damage, but not for the natural Answer 18–17 The order is G, C, B, A, D. Together,
progression of the cell cycle in undamaged cells. these five steps are referred to as mitosis (F). no step
D. Cell division in humans is an ongoing process that in mitosis is influenced by the phases of the moon (e).
does not cease upon reaching maturity, and it is Cytokinesis is the last step in M phase, which overlaps
required for survival. Blood cells and epithelial cells with anaphase and telophase. Mitosis and cytokinesis
in the skin or lining the gut, for example, are being are both part of M phase.
constantly produced by cell division to meet the
body’s needs; each day, your body produces about Answer 18–18 If the growth rate of microtubules is the
1011 new red blood cells alone. same in mitotic and in interphase cells, their length is
proportional to their lifetime. Thus, the average length
Answer 18–14
of microtubules in mitosis is 1 mm (= 20 mm ¥ 15 s/300 s).
A. Only the cells that were in the s phase of their cell
cycle (i.e., those cells making DnA) during the 30- Answer 18–19 As shown in Figure A18–19, the
minute labeling period contain any radioactive DnA. overlapping interpolar microtubules from opposite poles
B. Initially, mitotic cells contain no radioactive DnA of the spindle have their plus ends pointing in opposite
because these cells were not engaged in DnA directions. Plus-end-directed motor proteins cross-link
synthesis during the labeling period. Indeed, it takes adjacent antiparallel microtubules together and tend
about two hours before the first labeled mitotic cells to move the microtubules in the direction that will push
appear. the two poles of the spindle apart, as shown in the
C. The initial rise of the curve corresponds to cells figure. Minus-end-directed motor proteins also cross-link
that were just finishing DnA replication when adjacent antiparallel microtubules together but move in
the radioactive thymidine was added. The curve the opposite direction, tending to pull the spindle poles
rises as more labeled cells enter mitosis; the peak together (not shown).
corresponds to those cells that had just started s
phase when the radioactive thymidine was added. Answer 18–20 The sister chromatid becomes
The labeled cells then exit from mitosis, and are committed when a microtubule from one of the spindle
replaced by unlabeled mitotic cells, which were poles attaches to the kinetochore of the chromatid.
not yet in s phase during the labeling period. After Microtubule attachment is still reversible until a second
20 hours the curve starts rising again, because the microtubule from the other spindle pole attaches to the
labeled cells enter their second round of mitosis. kinetochore of its partner sister chromatid so that the
D. The intial two-hour lag before any labeled mitotic duplicated chromosome is now put under mechanical
cells appear corresponds to the G2 phase, which tension by pulling forces from both poles. The tension
is the time between the end of s phase and the ensures that both microtubules remain attached to the
beginning of mitosis. The first labeled cells seen in chromosome. The position of a chromatid in the cell
Answers A:53

+ +
+ spindle pole
overlapping interpolar
microtubules of mitotic spindle

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ plus-end-directed +
motor proteins
Figure A18–19

at the time that the nuclear envelope breaks down will dissociate, the kinetochore is obliged to slide poleward
influence which spindle pole it will be pulled to, as its to maintain its binding to the walls of the microtubule. It
kinetochore is most likely to become attached to the is possible that both mechanisms are used, but current
spindle pole toward which it is facing. evidence favors the model shown in (B).
Answer 18–21 It is still not certain how this works. Answer 18–22 Both sister chromatids could end up in
In principle, two possible models could explain how the same daughter cell for any of a number of reasons.
the kinetochore may generate a poleward force on its (1) If the microtubules or their connections with a
chromosome during anaphase A, as illustrated in Figure kinetochore were to break during anaphase, both sister
A18–21. In (A), microtubule motor proteins are part of chromatids could be drawn to the same pole, and hence
the kinetochore and use the energy of ATP hydrolysis to into the the same daughter cell. (2) If microtubules from
pull the chromosome along its bound microtubules. The the same spindle pole attached to both kinetochores, the
depolymerization of the microtubule at its kinetochore chromosome would be pulled to the same pole. (3) If the
end would occur as a consequence of this movement. cohesins that link sister chromatids were not degraded,
In (B), chromosome movement is driven by microtubule the pair of chromatids might be pulled to the same
disassembly catalyzed by an enzyme that uses the energy
MBoC4 pole. (4) If a duplicated chromosome never engaged
of ATP hydrolysis to remove tubulin subunits from the microtubules and was left out of the spindle, it would
attached end of the microtubule. As tubulin subunits also end up in one daughter cell.

direction of direction of
chromosome chromosome
movement movement

ATP-driven enzyme that

removes tubulin subunits
ATP-driven microtubule
motor protein

kinetochore kinetochore
microtubule microtubule

kinetochore kinetochore

chromosome chromosome

(A) ATP-driven chromosome movement drives (B) microtubule disassembly drives

microtubule disassembly chromosome movement

Figure A18–21
A:54 Answers

some of these errors in the mitotic process would vesicles of unknown origin, which are not normally
be expected to activate a checkpoint mechanism that seen in healthy cells. The pictures visually confirm the
delays the onset of anaphase until all chromosomes are notion that necrosis involves cell lysis, whereas cells
attached properly to both poles of the spindle. This undergoing apoptosis remain relatively intact until they
‘spindle-assembly checkpoint’ mechanism should allow are phagocytosed and digested by another cell.
most chromosome attachment errors to be corrected,
Answer 18–26
which is one reason why such errors are rare.
A. False. There is no G1 to M phase transition. The
The consequences of both sister chromatids ending
statement is correct, however, for the G1 to s phase
up in one daughter cell are usually dire. One daughter
transition, in which cells commit themselves to a
cell would contain only one copy of all the genes carried
division cycle.
on that chromosome and the other daughter cell would
B. True. Apoptosis is an active process carried out by
contain three copies. The altered gene dosage, leading
special proteases (caspases).
to correspondingly changed amounts of the mrnAs and
C. True. This mechanism is thought to adjust the
proteins produced, is often detrimental to the cell. In
number of neurons to the number of specific target
addition, there is the possibility that the single copy of
cells to which the neurons connect.
the chromosome may contain a defective gene with a
D. True. An amazing evolutionary conservation!
critical function, which would normally be taken care of
e. True. such studies employ so-called conditional
by the good copy of the gene on the other chromosome
mutations, which lead to the production of proteins
that is now missing.
that usually are stable and functional at one
Answer 18–23 temperature, but unstable or inactive at another
A. True. Centrosomes replicate during interphase, temperature. Cells can be grown at the temperature
before M phase begins. at which the mutant protein functions normally, and
B. True. sister chromatids separate completely only at then they can be shifted to a temperature at which
the start of anaphase. the protein’s function is lost.
C. False. The ends of interpolar microtubules F. True. Association of a Cdk protein with a cyclin
overlap and attach to one another via proteins is required for its activity (hence its name cyclin-
(including motor proteins) that bridge between the dependent kinase). Furthermore, phosphorylation at
microtubules. a specific site and dephosphorylation at other sites
D. False. Microtubules and their motor proteins play no on the Cdk protein are required for the cyclin–Cdk
role in DnA replication. complex to be active.
e. False. To be a correct statement, the terms
Answer 18–27 Cells in an animal must behave for the
“centromere” and “centrosome” must be switched.
good of the organism as a whole—to a much greater
Answer 18–24 Antibodies bind tightly to the antigen extent than people generally act for the good of society
(in this case myosin) to which they were raised. when as a whole. In the context of an organism, unsocial
bound, an antibody can interfere with the function of behavior would lead to a loss of organization and to
the antigen by preventing it from interacting properly cancer. Many of the rules that cells have to obey would
with other cell components. (A) The movement of be unacceptable in a human society. Most people, for
chromosomes at anaphase depends on microtubules example, would be reluctant to kill themselves for the
and their motor proteins and does not depend on actin good of society, yet our cells do it all the time.
or myosin. Injection of an anti-myosin antibody into
Answer 18–28 The most likely approach to success
a cell will therefore have no effect on chromosome
(if that is what the goal should be called) is plan C,
movement during anaphase. (B) Cytokinesis, on the
which should result in an increase in cell numbers.
other hand, depends on the assembly and contraction
The problem is, of course, that cell numbers of each
of a ring of actin and myosin filaments, which forms the
tissue must be increased similarly to maintain balanced
cleavage furrow that splits the cell in two. Injection of
proportions in the organism, yet different cells respond
anti-myosin antibody will therefore block cytokinesis.
to different growth factors. As shown in Figure A18–28,
Answer 18–25 The plasma membrane of the cell
that died by necrosis in Figure 18–38A is ruptured;
a clear break is visible, for example, at a position
corresponding to the 12 o’clock mark on a watch. The
cell’s contents, mostly membranous and cytoskeletal
debris, are seen spilling into the surroundings through
these breaks. The cytosol stains lightly, because most
soluble cell components were lost before the cell was
fixed. In contrast, the cell that underwent apoptosis in
Figure 18–38B is surrounded by an intact membrane,
and its cytosol is densely stained, indicating a normal
concentration of cell components. The cell’s interior
is remarkably different from a normal cell, however.
Particularly characteristic are the large “blobs” that
extrude from the nucleus, probably as the result of
the breakdown of the nuclear lamina. The cytosol
also contains many large, round, membrane-enclosed Figure A18–28 Courtesy of Ralph Brinster
Answers A:55

however, the approach has indeed met with limited chromosomes (albeit in two copies), representing only
success. A mouse producing very large quantities of one or other homolog of each type of chromosome
growth hormone (left)—which acts to stimulate the (although some mixing will have occurred during
production of a secreted protein that acts as a survival crossing-over). Because the maternal and paternal
factor, growth factor, or mitogen, depending on the cell chromosomes of a pair will carry different versions of
type—grows to almost twice the size of a normal mouse many of the genes, these daughter cells will not be
(right). To achieve this twofold change in size, however, genetically identical; each one will, however, have lost
growth hormone was massively overproduced (about either the paternal or the maternal version of each
fiftyfold). And note that the mouse did not even attain chromosome. In contrast, somatic cells dividing by
the size of a rat, let alone a dog. mitosis inherit a diploid set of chromosomes, and all
The other approaches have conceptual problems: daughter cells are genetically identical and inherit both
A. Blocking all apoptosis would lead to defects in maternal and paternal gene copies. The role of gametes
development, as rat development requires the produced by meiosis is to mix and reassort gene pools
selective death of many cells. It is unlikely that a during sexual reproduction, and thus it is a definite
viable animal would be obtained. advantage for each of them to have a slightly different
B. Blocking p53 function would eliminate an important genetic constitution. The role of somatic cells on the
checkpoint of the cell cycle that detects DnA other hand is to build an organism that contains the
damage and stops the cycle so that the cell can same genes in all its cells and retains in each cell both
repair the damage; removing p53 would increase maternal and paternal genetic information.
mutation rates and lead to cancer. Indeed, mice
Answer 19–2 A typical human female produces fewer
without p53 usually develop normally but die of
than 1000 mature eggs in her lifetime (12 per year
cancer at a young age.
over about 40 years); this is less than one-tenth of a
D. Given the circumstances, switching careers might not
percent of the possible gametes, excluding the effects
be a bad option.
of meiotic crossing-over. A typical human male produces
Answer 18–29 The on-demand, limited release of PDGF billions of sperm during a lifetime, so in principle, every
at a wound site triggers cell division of neighboring possible chromosome combination is sampled many
cells for a limited amount of time, until the PDGF is times.
degraded. This is different from the continuous release
Answer 19–3 For simplicity, consider the situation
of PDGF from mutant cells, where PDGF is made in an
where a father carries genes for two dominant traits,
uncontrolled way at high levels. Moreover, the mutant
M and n, on one of his two copies of human
cells that make PDGF often express their own PDGF
chromosome 1. If these two genes were located at
receptor inappropriately, so that they can stimulate their
opposite ends of this chromosome, and there were
own proliferation, thereby promoting the development
one and only one crossover event per chromosome as
of cancer.
postulated in the question, half of his children would
Answer 18–30 All three types of mutant cells would be express trait M and the other half would express trait
unable to divide. The cells n—with no child resembling the father in carrying
A. would enter mitosis but would not be able to exit both traits. This is very different from the actual
mitosis. situation, where there are multiple crossover events
B. would arrest permanently in G1 because the cyclin– per chromosome, causing the traits M and n to be
Cdk complexes that act in G1 would be inactivated. inherited as if they were on separate chromosomes. By
C. would not be able to activate the transcription constructing a Punnett square like that in Figure 19–23,
of genes required for cell division because the one can see that in this latter, more realistic case, we
required transcription regulators would be constantly would actually expect one-fourth of the children of this
inhibited by unphosphorylated rb. father to inherit both traits, one-fourth to inherit trait M
only, one-fourth to inherit trait n only, and one-fourth to
Answer 18–31 In alcoholism, liver cells proliferate
inherit neither trait.
because the organ is overburdened and becomes
damaged by the large amounts of alcohol that have to Answer 19–4 Inbreeding tends to give rise to
be metabolized. This need for more liver cells activates individuals who are homozygous for most genes. To
the control mechanisms that normally regulate cell see why, consider the extreme case where inbreeding
proliferation. unless badly damaged and full of scar takes the form of brother–sister matings (as among
tissue, the liver will usually shrink back to a normal the Pharaohs of ancient egypt): because the parents
size after the patient stops drinking excessively. In are closely related, there is a high probability that the
liver cancer, in contrast, mutations abolish normal cell maternal and paternal alleles inherited by the offspring
proliferation control and, as a result, cells divide and will be the same. Inbreeding continued over many
keep on dividing in an uncontrolled manner, which is generations gives rise to individuals who are all alike
usually fatal. and homozygous for almost every gene. Because of the
randomness of the mechanism of inheritance, there is a
large chance that some deleterious alleles will become
Chapter 19 prevalent in the population in this way, giving all
individuals a reduced fitness. In another, separate inbred
Answer 19–1 Although each daughter cell ends up population, the same thing will happen, but the chances
with a diploid amount of DnA after the first meiotic are that a different set of deleterious alleles will become
division, each cell has effectively only a haploid set of prevalent. when individuals from the two separate
A:56 Answers

inbred populations mate, their offspring will inherit Answer 19–7

deleterious alleles of genes A, B, and C for example, A. True.
from the mother, but good alleles of those genes from B. True.
the father; conversely, they will inherit deleterious alleles C. False. Mutations that occur during meiosis can
of genes D, E, and F from the father, but good alleles be propagated, unless they give rise to nonviable
of those genes from the mother. Most deleterious gametes.
mutations are recessive. The offspring, because they are
heterozygous for all these genes, will thus escape the Answer 19–8 Two copies of the same chromosome
deleterious effects seen in the parents. can end up in the same daughter cell if one of the
microtubule connections breaks before sister chromatids
Answer 19–5 Although any one of the three are separated. Alternatively, microtubules from the
explanations could in principle account for the observed same spindle pole could attach to both kinetochores
result, A and B can be ruled out as being completely of the chromosome. As the consequence of this severe
implausible. and rare error, one daughter cell would contain only
A. There is no precedent for any instability in DnA so one copy of all the genes carried on that chromosome,
great as to be detectable in such a snP analysis; and the other daughter cell would contain three copies.
in any case, the hypothesis would predict a steady The changed gene dosage, leading to correspondingly
decrease in the frequency of the snP with age, not a changed amounts of the mrnAs and proteins produced,
drop in frequency that begins only at age 50. is in many cases detrimental to the cell. If the mistake
B. Human populations change their genes only very happens during meiosis, in the process of gamete
slowly over time (unless a massive population formation, it will be propagated in all cells of the
migration brings an influx of individuals who are organism. A form of mental retardation called Down
genetically different). People born 50 years ago will syndrome, for example, is due to the presence of three
be, on average, virtually the same genetically as copies of Chromosome 21 in all of the nucleated cells in
those being born today. the body.
C. This hypothesis is correct. A snP with these
properties has been used to discover a gene that Answer 19–9 Meiosis begins with DnA replication,
appears to cause a substantial increase in the producing a tetraploid cell containing four copies
probability of death from cardiac problems. of each chromosome. These four copies have to be
distributed equally during the two sequential meiotic
Answer 19–6 natural selection alone is not sufficient divisions into four haploid cells. sister chromatids
to eliminate recessive lethal genes from the population. remain paired so that (1) the cells resulting from the first
Consider the following line of reasoning. Homozygous division receive two complete sets of chromosomes and
defective individuals can arise only as the offspring of (2) the chromosomes can be evenly distributed again
a mating between two heterozygous individuals. By in the second meiotic division. If the sister chromatids
the rules of Mendelian genetics, offspring of such a did not remain paired, it would not be possible in the
mating will be in the ratio of 1 homozygous normal: second division to distinguish which chromatids belong
2 heterozygous: 1 homozygous defective. Thus, together, and it would therefore be difficult to ensure
statistically, heterozygous individuals should always that precisely one copy of each chromatid is pulled
be more numerous than the homozygous, defective into each daughter cell. Keeping two sister chromatids
individuals. And although natural selection effectively paired in the first meiotic division is therefore an easy
eliminates the defective genes in homozygous way to keep track of which chromatids belong together.
individuals through death, it can’t touch the defective This biological principle suggests that you might
genes in heterozygous individuals because they do not consider clamping your socks together in matching pairs
affect the phenotype. natural selection will keep the before putting them into the laundry. In this way, the
frequency of the defective gene low in the population, cumbersome process of sorting them out afterward—
but in the absence of any other effect there will always and the seemingly inevitable mistakes that occur during
be a reservoir of defective genes in the heterozygous that process—could be avoided.
At low frequencies of the defective gene another Answer 19–10
important factor—chance—comes into play. Chance A. A gene is a stretch of DnA that codes for a protein
variation can increase or decrease the frequency of or functional rnA. An allele is an alternative form
heterozygous individuals (and thereby the frequency of a gene. within the population, there are often
of the defective gene). By chance, the offspring of a several “normal” alleles, whose functions are
mating between heterozygotes could all be normal, indistinguishable. In addition, there may be many
which would eliminate the defective gene from that rare alleles that are defective to varying degrees. An
lineage. Increases in the frequency of a deleterious gene individual, however, normally has a maximum of two
are opposed by natural selection; however, decreases alleles of a gene.
are unopposed and can, by chance, lead to elimination B. An individual is said to be homozygous if the two
of the defective gene from the population. On the other alleles of a gene are the same. An individual is said
hand, new mutations are continually occurring, albeit to be heterozygous if the two alleles of a gene are
at a low rate, creating fresh copies of the deleterious different.
recessive allele. In a large population, a balance will be C. The genotype is the specific set of alleles forming
struck between the creation of new copies of the allele the genome of an individual; it is an enumeration of
in this way, and their elimination through the death of all the particular forms of each gene in the genome.
homozygotes. In practice, for organisms studied in a laboratory,
Answers A:57

the genotype is usually specified as a list of the inherited by a grandchild will have been subjected
known differences between the individual and the to about five crossovers since it left the grandfather,
wild type, which is the standard, naturally occurring dividing it into six segments. An identical pattern
type. The phenotype is a description of the visible of snPs should surround whatever gene causes the
characteristics of the individual. In practice, the deafness in each of the four affected grandchildren;
phenotype is usually a list of the differences in visible moreover, this snP pattern should be clearly
characteristics between the individual and the wild different from that surrounding the same gene in
type. each of the seven grandchildren who are normal.
D. An allele A is dominant (relative to a second These snPs would form an unusually long haplotype
allele a) if the presence of even a single copy of block—one that extends for about one-sixth of the
A is enough to affect the phenotype; that is, if length of chromosome 12. (One-quarter of the DnA
heterozygotes (with genotype Aa) appear different of each grandchild will have been inherited from the
from aa homozygotes. An allele a is recessive grandfather, in roughly 70 segments of this length
(relative to a second allele A) if the presence of a scattered among the grandchild’s 46 chromosomes.)
single copy makes no difference to the phenotype, Answer 19–13 Individual 1 might be either
so that Aa individuals look just like AA individuals. heterozygous (+/–) or homozygous for the normal allele
If the phenotype of the heterozygous individual (+/+). (Both her parents must have been heterozygous,
differs from the phenotypes of individuals that are since they had a homozygous mutant child). Individual
homozygous for either allele, the alleles are said to 2 must be homozygous for the recessive deafness allele
be co-dominant. (–/–). Individual 3 is almost certainly heterozygous (+/–)
Answer 19–11 and responsible for transmitting the mutant allele to his
A. since the pea plant is diploid, any true-breeding children and grandchildren. Given that the mutant allele
plant must carry two mutant copies of the same is rare, individual 4 is most probably homozygous for the
gene—both of which have lost their function. normal allele (+/+).
B. no, the same phenotype will often be produced by Answer 19–14 Your friend is wrong. (A) Mendel’s
several different genotypes. laws, and the clear understanding that we now have
C. If each plant carries a mutation in a different gene, concerning the mechanisms that produce them, rule
this will be revealed by complementation tests (see out many false ideas concerning human heredity. One
Panel 19–1, p. 674). when plant A is crossed with of them is that a first-born child has a different chance
plant B, all of the F1 plants will produce only round of inheriting particular traits from its parents than its
peas. And the same result will be obtained when siblings. (B) The probability of this type of pedigree
plant B is crossed with plant C, or when plant A is arising by chance is one-fourth for each generation,
crossed with plant C. In contrast, a cross between or one in 64 for the three generations shown. (C) Data
any two true-breeding plants that carry loss-of- from an enlarged sampling of family members, or from
function mutations in the same gene (even if these more generations, would quickly reveal that the regular
mutations are different) should produce only plants pattern observed in this particular pedigree arose by
with wrinkled peas. chance. (D) An opposite result, if it had strong statistical
Answer 19–12 significance, would suggest that some process of
A. The mutation is likely to be dominant, because selection was involved: for example, parents who had
roughly half of the progeny born to an affected had a first child that was affected might regularly opt
parent—in each of three marriages to hearing for screening of subsequent pregnancies and selectively
partners—are deaf, and it is unlikely that all these terminate those pregnancies in which the fetus was
hearing partners were heterozygous carriers of the found to be affected. Fewer second children would then
mutation. be born with the abnormality.
B. The mutation is present on an autosome. If it were Answer 19–15 each carrier is a heterozygote, and 50%
instead carried on a sex chromosome, either only of his sperm or her eggs will carry the bad allele. when
the female progeny should be affected (expected if two carriers marry, there is therefore a 25% chance that
the mutation arose in a gene on the grandfather’s X any baby will inherit the bad allele from both parents
chromosome), or only the male progeny should be and so will show the fatal phenotype. Because one
affected (expected if the mutation arose in a gene person in 100 is a carrier, one partnership in 10,000 (100
on the grandfather’s Y chromosome). In fact, the x 100) will be a partnership of carriers (assuming that
pedigree reveals that both some males and some people choose their partners at random). Other things
females have inherited the mutant form of the gene. being equal, one baby in 40,000 will then be born with
C. suppose that the mutation was present on one of the defect, or 25 babies per year out of a total of a
the two copies of the grandfather’s chromosome million babies born.
12. each of these copies of chromosome 12 would
be expected to carry a different pattern of snPs, Answer 19–16 A dominant–negative mutation gives
since one of them was inherited from his father and rise to a mutant gene product that interferes with the
the other was inherited from his mother. each of the function of the normal gene product, causing a loss-of-
copies of chromosome 12 that was passed to his function phenotype even in the presence of a normal
grandchildren will have gone through two meioses— copy of the gene. This ability of a single defective
one meiosis per generation. allele to determine the phenotype is the reason why
Because two or three crossover events occur per such an allele is dominant. A gain-of-function mutation
chromosome during a meiosis, each chromosome increases the activity of the gene or makes it active
A:58 Answers

in inappropriate circumstances. The change in activity In contrast, white, cherry, coral, apricot, and buff
often has a phenotypic consequence, which is why such do not complement each other; thus, they must be
mutations are usually dominant. alleles of the same gene, which has been named
the white gene. Thus, these nine different eye-color
Answer 19–17 This statement is largely true. Diabetes
mutants define five different genes.
is one of the oldest diseases described by humans,
C. Different alleles of the same gene, like the five alleles
dating at least back to the time of the ancient Greeks.
of the white gene, often have different phenotypes.
Diabetes itself comes from the Greek word for siphon,
Different mutations compromise the function of the
which was used to describe the main symptoms: “The
gene product to different extents, depending on the
disease was called diabetes, as though it were a siphon,
location of the mutation. Alleles that do not produce
because it converts the human body into a pipe for the
any functional product (null alleles), even if they
transflux of liquid humors” (in other words, untreated
result from different DnA sequence changes, do
patients have constant thirst, balanced by high output
have the same phenotype.
of urine). If there were no human disease, the role of
insulin would not have come to our attention in so Answer 19–19 snPs are single-nucleotide differences
demanding a way. we would have ultimately understood between individuals for which two or more variants are
its role—and by now may have. Yet it is difficult to each found at high frequency in the population. In the
overstate the case for the role of disease in focusing our human population, snPs occur roughly once per 1000
efforts toward a molecular understanding. even today, nucleotides of sequence. Many have been identified and
the quest to understand and alleviate human disease is mapped in various organisms, including several million
a principal driving force in biomedical research. in the human genome. snPs, which can be detected by
oligonucleotide hybridization, serve as physical markers
Answer 19–18
whose genomic locations are known. By tracking a
A. As outlined in Figure A19–18, if flies that are
mutant gene through different matings, and correlating
defective in different genes mate, their progeny will
the presence of the gene with the co-inheritance of
have one normal gene at each locus. In the case of a
particular snP variants, one can narrow down the
mating between a ruby-eyed fly and a white-eyed fly,
potential location of a gene to a chromosomal region
every progeny fly will inherit one functional copy of
that may contain only a few genes. These candidate
the white gene from one parent and one functional
genes can then be tested for the presence of a mutation
copy of the ruby gene from the other parent.
that could account for the original mutant phenotype
Because each of the mutant alleles is recessive to the
(see Figure 19–32).
corresponding wild-type allele, the progeny will have
the wild-type phenotype—brick-red eyes. Answer 19–20 what you immediately know is all of the
B. Garnet, ruby, vermilion, and carnation complement nucleotide sequence differences between Tim and John.
one another and the various alleles of the white gene But variants that are rare in the human population are
(that is, when these mutant flies are mated with each not useful for most genetic mapping analyses. Testing
other, they produce flies with a normal eye color); each variant for its frequency in a large population of
thus each of these mutants defines a separate gene. humans will reveal which of them are found in at least


white ruby white ruby
locus locus locus locus

defective functional functional defective

defective functional functional defective

ruby white
product product



white ruby
locus locus

defective functional
from white parent

functional defective
from ruby parent

white ruby
Figure A19–18 product product
Answers A:59

10 percent of the people in that population. These are the damage is so severe that it cannot be repaired, cells
the snPs that will provide useful markers for future become permanently arrested and undergo apoptosis;
mapping analyses. that is, they activate a suicide program.
Answer 20–7 Cells in the gut epithelium are exposed
Chapter 20 to a quite hostile environment, containing digestive
enzymes and many other substances that vary drastically
Answer 20–1 The horizontal orientation of the from day to day depending on the food intake of the
microtubules will be associated with a horizontal organism. The epithelial cells also form a first line of
orientation of cellulose microfibrils deposited in the defense against potentially hazardous compounds and
cell walls. The growth of the cells will therefore be in a mutagens that are ubiquitous in our environment. The
vertical direction, expanding the distance between the rapid turnover protects the organism from harmful
cellulose microfibrils without stretching them. In this consequences, as wounded and sick cells are discarded.
way, the stem will rapidly elongate; in a typical natural If an epithelial cell started to divide inappropriately
environment, this will hasten emergence from darkness as the result of a mutation, for example, it and its
into light. unwanted progeny would most often simply be
discarded by natural disposal from the tip of a villus:
Answer 20–2
even though such mutations must occur often, they
A. As three collagen chains have to come together to rarely give rise to a cancer.
form the triple helix, a defective molecule will impair A neuron, on the other hand, lives in a very protected
assembly, even if normal collagen chains are environment, insulated from the outside world. Its
present at the same time. Collagen mutations are function depends on a complex system of connections
therefore dominant; that is, they have a deleterious with other neurons—a system that is created during
effect even in the presence of a normal copy of development and is not easy to reconstruct if the
the gene. neuron subsequently dies.
B. The different severity of the mutations results from a
polarity in the assembly process. Collagen monomers Answer 20–8 every cell division generates one
assemble into the triple-helical rod starting from their additional cell; so if the cells were never lost or
amino-terminal ends. A mutation in an ‘early’ glycine discarded from the body, the number of cells in the
therefore allows only short rods to form, whereas a body should equal the number of divisions plus one.
mutation farther downstream allows for longer, more The number of divisions is 1000-fold greater than the
normal rods. number of cells because, in the course of a lifetime,
1000 cells are discarded and replaced for every cell that
Answer 20–3 The remarkable ability to swell and
is retained in the body.
thus occupy a large volume of space depends on the
negative charges. These attract a cloud of positive ions, Answer 20–9
chiefly na+, which by osmosis draw in large amounts of A. False. Gap junctions are not connected to the
water, thus giving proteoglycans their unique properties. cytoskeleton; their role is to provide cell–cell
uncharged polysaccharides such as cellulose, starch, and communication by allowing small molecules to pass
glycogen, by contrast, are easily compacted into fibers from one cell to another.
or granules. B. True. upon wilting, the turgor pressure in the plant
cell is reduced, and consequently the cell walls,
Answer 20–4 Focal contact sites are common in having tensile but little compressive strength, like a
connective tissue, where fibroblasts exert traction forces rubber tire, no longer provide rigidity.
on the extracellular matrix, and in cell culture, where cell C. False. Proteoglycans can withstand a large amount of
crawling is observed. The forces for pulling on matrix compressive force but do not have a rigid structure.
or for driving crawling movement are generated by the Their space-filling properties result from their
actin cytoskeleton. In mature epithelium, focal contact tendency to absorb large amounts of water.
sites are presumably less prominent because the cells D. True.
are largely fixed in place and have no need to crawl over e. True.
the basal lamina or actively pull on it. F. True. stem cells stably express control genes that
Answer 20–5 suppose a cell is damaged so that its ensure that their daughter cells will be of the
plasma membrane becomes leaky. Ions present in high appropriate differentiated cell types.
concentration in the extracellular fluid, such as na+ and Answer 20–10 small cytosolic molecules, such as
Ca2+, then rush into the cell, and valuable metabolites glutamic acid, cyclic AMP, and Ca2+ ions, pass readily
leak out. If the cell were to remain connected to its through both gap junctions and plasmodesmata,
healthy neighbors, these too would suffer from the whereas large cytosolic macromolecules, such as mrnA
damage. But the influx of Ca2+ into the sick cell causes and G proteins, are excluded. Plasma membrane
its gap junctions to close immediately, effectively phospholipids diffuse in the plane of the membrane
isolating the cell and preventing damage from spreading through plasmodesmata because the plasma
in this way. membranes of adjacent cells are continuous through
Answer 20–6 Ionizing (high-energy) radiation tears these junctions. This traffic is not possible through gap
through matter, knocking electrons out of their orbits junctions, because the membranes of the connected
and breaking chemical bonds. In particular, it creates cells remain separate.
breaks and other damage in DnA, and thus causes cells Answer 20–11 Plants are exposed to extreme changes
to arrest in the cell cycle (discussed in Chapter 18). If in the environment, which often are accompanied by
A:60 Answers

huge fluctuations in the osmotic properties of their cancer, would be the same at any age. If two specific
surroundings. An intermediate filament network as we mutations were required, the graph would be a straight
know it from animal cells would not be able to provide line sloping upward from the origin: the second
full osmotic support for cells: the sparse rivetlike mutation has an equal chance of occurring at any time,
attachment points would not be able to prevent the but will tip the cell into cancerous behavior only if the
membrane from bursting in response to a huge osmotic first mutation has already occurred in the same cell
pressure applied from the inside of the cell. lineage; and the likelihood that the first mutation has
already occurred will be proportional to the age of the
Answer 20–12 Action potentials can, in fact, be passed
individual. The steeply curved graph shown in the figure
from cell to cell through gap junctions. Indeed, heart
goes up approximately as the fifth power of the age,
muscle cells are connected in this way, which ensures
and this indicates that far more than two mutations have
that they contract synchronously when stimulated. This
to be accumulated before cancer sets in. It is not easy to
mechanism of passing the signal from cell to cell is
say precisely how many, because of the complex ways
rather limited, however. As we discuss in Chapter 12,
in which cancers develop. successive mutations can
synapses are far more sophisticated and allow signals
alter cell numbers and cell behavior, and thereby change
to be modulated and to be integrated with other
both the probability of subsequent mutations and the
signals received by the cell. Thus, gap junctions are like
selection pressures that drive the evolution of cancer.
simple soldered joints between electrical components,
while synapses are like complex relay devices, enabling Answer 20–17 During exposure to the carcinogen,
systems of neurons to perform computations. mutations are induced, but the number of relevant
mutations in any one cell is usually not enough to
Answer 20–13 To make jello, gelatin is boiled in water,
convert it directly into a cancer cell. Over the years, the
which denatures the collagen fibers. upon cooling, the
cells that have become predisposed to cancer through
disordered fibers form a tangled mess that solidifies into
the induced mutations accumulate progressively more
a gel. This gel actually resembles the collagen as it is
mutations. eventually, one of them will turn into a
initially secreted by fibroblasts; that is, before the fibers
cancer cell. The long delay between exposure and
become aligned and cross-linked.
cancer has made it extremely difficult to hold cigarette
Answer 20–14 The evidence that DnA is the blueprint manufacturers or producers of industrial carcinogens
that specifies all the structural characteristics of an legally responsible for the damage that is caused by
organism is based on observations that small changes in their products.
the DnA by mutation result in changes in the organism.
Answer 20–18 By definition, a carcinogen is any
Although DnA provides the plans that specify structure,
substance that promotes the occurrence of one or more
these plans need to be executed during development.
types of cancer. The sex hormones can therefore be
This requires a suitable environment (a human
classified as naturally occurring carcinogens. Although
baby would not fit into a stork’s egg shell), suitable
most carcinogens act by directly causing mutations,
nourishment, suitable tools (such as the appropriate
carcinogenic effects are also often exerted in other
transcription regulators required for early development),
ways. The sex hormones increase both the rate of
suitable spatial organization (such as the asymmetries
cell division and the numbers of cells in hormone-
in the egg cell required to allow for appropriate cell
sensitive organs such as breast, uterus, and prostate.
differentiation during the early cell divisions), and so
The first effect increases the mutation rate per cell,
on. Thus inheritance is not restricted to the passing on
because mutations, regardless of environmental factors,
of the organism’s DnA, because development requires
are spontaneously generated in the course of DnA
appropriate conditions to be set up by the parent.
replication and chromosome segregation; the second
nevertheless, when all these conditions are met, the
effect increases the number of cells at risk. In these
plans that are archived in the genome will determine the
and possibly other ways, the hormones can favor the
structure of the organism to be built.
development of cancer, even though they do not
Answer 20–15 white blood cells circulate in the directly cause mutations.
bloodstream and migrate into and out of tissues in
Answer 20–19 The short answer is no—cancer in
performance of their normal function of defending
general is not a hereditary disease. It arises from new
the body against infection: they are naturally invasive.
mutations occurring in our own somatic cells, rather
Once mutations have occurred to upset the normal
than mutations we inherit from our parents. In some
controls on production of these cells, there is no need
rare types of cancer, however, there is a strong heritable
for additional mutations to enable the cells to spread
risk factor, so that parents and their children both
through the body. Thus, the number of mutations that
show the same predisposition to a specific form of the
have to be accumulated in order to give rise to leukemia
disease. This occurs, for example, in families carrying a
is smaller than for other types of cancer.
mutation that knocks out one of the two copies of the
Answer 20–16 The shape of the curve reflects the need tumor suppressor gene APC; the children then inherit a
for multiple mutations to accumulate in a cell before a propensity to colorectal cancer. Much weaker heritable
cancer results. If a single mutation were sufficient, the tendencies are also seen in several other cancers,
graph would be a straight horizontal line: the likelihood including breast cancer, but the genes responsible for
of occurrence of a particular mutation, and therefore of these effects are still mostly unknown.
Glossary G:1


acetyl CoA (acetyl coenzyme A) adenylyl cyclase

Small water-soluble molecule that carries acetyl groups Enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP
in cells. Contains an acetyl group linked to coenzyme A from ATP. An important component of some intracel-
(CoA) by an easily hydrolyzable thioester bond. lular signaling pathways.
acetyl group O adherens junction
Chemical group derived from Cell junction in which the cytoplasmic face is attached
acetic acid. to actin filaments.
acid ADP (adenosine 5¢-diphosphate)
In the context of cell biology, an organic molecule that Nucleotide that is produced by hydrolysis of the termi-
dissociates in water to generate hydronium (H3O+) ions nal phosphate of ATP. (See Figure 3–31.)
(thereby producing a low pH).
actin filament Organic compound containing a hydroxyl group (–OH)
Protein filament, bound to a saturated carbon atom—for example ethyl
about 7-nm wide, alcohol. (See Panel 2–1, pp. 64–65.)
formed from a
chain of globular actin molecules. A major constituent
Reactive organic compound that contains the HC=O
of the cytoskeleton of all eucaryotic cells and especially
group, for example glyceraldehyde. (See Panel 2–1,
abundant in muscle cells.
pp. 64–65.)
action potential
alkyl group
Rapid, transient, self-propagating electrical signal in the
General term for a group of covalently linked carbon
plasma membrane of a cell such as a neuron or muscle.
and hydrogen atoms such as methyl (–CH3) or ethyl
A nerve impulse.
(–CH2CH3) groups. Sometimes abbreviated as R.
activated carrier
A small molecule used to carry energy or chemical
One of a set of alternative forms of a gene. In a diploid
groups in many different metabolic reactions. Examples
cell each gene will have two alleles, each occupying the
include ATP, acetyl CoA and NADH.
same position (locus) on homologous chromosomes.
activation energy
The extra energy that must be acquired by a molecule
Describes a protein that can exist in two or more con-
to undergo a particular chemical reaction.
formations depending on the binding of a molecule (a
activator ligand) at a site other than the catalytic site. Allosteric
A protein that binds to a specific regulatory region of proteins composed of multiple subunits often display
DNA to permit transcription of an adjacent gene. a cooperative response to ligand binding, because the
binding of a ligand to one subunit facilitates the binding
active site
of ligands to the other subunits.
Specialized region of an enzyme surface to which a
substrate molecule binds before it undergoes a cata- alpha helix (a helix)
lyzed reaction. Common structural motif of proteins in which a linear
sequence of amino acids folds into a right-handed helix
active transport
stabilized by internal hydrogen bonding between back-
Movement of a molecule across a membrane driven by
bone atoms.
ATP hydrolysis or another form of metabolic energy.
alternative splicing
acyl group
Splicing of RNA transcripts from the same gene in dif-
Functional group derived O
ferent ways, each of which produces a distinct protein.
from a carboxylic acid. C
(R represents an alkyl amide O
group, such as methyl.) Molecule containing a carbonyl group linked
to an amine. (See Panel 2–1, pp. 64–65.)
adaptation NH2
Adjustment of sensitivity of a cell or organism following amine
repeated stimulation. Can allow a response even when Molecule containing an amino group (–NH2). (See Panel
there is a high background level of stimulation. 2–1, pp. 64–65.)
G:2 Glossary

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase antiport

Enzyme that attaches the correct amino acid to a tRNA Type of coupled transporter that transports two different
molecule to form an aminoacyl-tRNA. ions or small molecules across a membrane in opposite
directions, either simultaneously or in sequence.
amino acid
Organic molecule containing both an amino group and APC—see anaphase-promoting complex
a carboxyl group. a-Amino acids (those in which the
amino and carboxyl groups are linked to the same car-
Describes the tip
bon atom) serve as the building blocks of proteins. (See
of a cell, structure,
Panel 2–5, pp. 72–73.)
or organ. The api-
amino acid sequence cal surface of an
The order of amino acid residues in a protein chain. epithelial cell is the
Sometimes called the primary structure of a protein. exposed free sur-
face (opposite to
amino group
the basal surface).
Weakly basic functional group (—NH2) derived from
ammonia. In aqueous solution an amino group can apoptosis
accept a proton and carry a positive charge. (See Panel Normal, benign type of programmed cell death in
2–1, pp. 64–65.) which a cell shrinks, fragments its DNA, and alters
amino terminus—see N-terminus its surface so as to activate the cell’s phagocytosis by
AMP (adenosine 5¢ monophosphate)
One of the four nucleotides in an RNA molecule. AMP archaea
is produced by the energetically favorable hydrolysis of One of the two divisions of procaryotes, often found in
ATP. (See Figure 3–40.) hostile environments such as hot springs or concen-
trated brine. (See also bacteria.)
Having both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions, as in asexual reproduction
a phospholipid or a detergent molecule. Any type of reproduction (such as budding in Hydra,
binary fission in bacteria, or mitotic division in eucary-
anabolism otic microorganisms) that does not involve gamete
Reaction pathways by which large molecules are made formation and fusion. It produces an individual geneti-
from smaller ones. Biosynthesis. cally identical to the parent.
Describes a cell, organism, or metabolic process that
Star-shaped system of microtubules emanating from a
functions in the absence of air or, more precisely, in the
centrosome or from a pole of a mitotic spindle.
absence of molecular oxygen.
anaphase atom
Stage of mitosis during which the two sets of chro- The smallest particle of an element that still retains its
mosomes separate and move away from each other. distinctive chemical properties.
Composed of anaphase A (chromosomes move toward atomic weight
the two spindle poles) and anaphase B (spindle poles Mass of an atom expressed in daltons.
move apart).
ATP (adenosine 5¢-triphosphate)
anaphase-promoting complex (APC)
Nucleoside triphosphate composed of adenine, ribose,
A protein complex that promotes the destruction of
and three phosphate groups that is the principal car-
specific proteins, by catalyzing their ubiquitylation. It is
rier of chemical energy in cells. The terminal phosphate
a crucial component of the cell-cycle control system.
groups are highly reactive in the sense that their hydro-
anion lysis, or transfer to another molecule, is accompanied
Negatively charged ion, such as Cl– or CH3COO–. by the release of a large amount of free energy. (See
Figures 2–23, 3–31.)
Protein produced by B lymphocytes in response to a ATP synthase
foreign molecule or invading organism. Binds to the Membrane-associated enzyme complex that catalyzes
foreign molecule or cell extremely tightly, thereby inac- the formation of ATP during oxidative phosphorylation
tivating it or marking it for destruction. and photosynthesis. Found in mitochondria, chloro-
anticodon plasts, and bacteria.
Sequence of three nucleotides in a transfer RNA mol-
Avogadro’s number
ecule that is complementary to the three-nucleotide
The number of molecules in a quantity of substance
codon on a messenger RNA molecule; each anticodon
equal to its molecular weight in grams. Approximately
is matched to a specific amino acid covalently attached
6 ¥ 1023.
elsewhere on the transfer RNA molecule.
antigen axon
Molecule that provokes the production of specific neu- Long thin nerve cell process capable of rapidly conduct-
tralizing antibodies in an immune response. ing nerve impulses over long distances so as to deliver
signals to other cells.
Describes two similar structures bacteriorhodopsin
arranged in opposite orientations, Pigmented protein found in the plasma membrane of
such as the two strands of a DNA a salt-loving bacterium, Halobacterium halobium; it
double helix. pumps protons out of the cell in response to light.
Glossary G:3

bacteria (singular bacterium) bond energy

Commonly used name for any procaryotic organism, The strength of the chemical linkage between two
but more precisely refers to the eubacteria, the “true atoms, measured by the energy in kilocalories needed
bacteria,” one of the three major domains of life. Most to break it.
are single-celled organisms. Some species of bacteria
cause disease. (See also archaea.)
Any weak acid or base that can release or take up pro-
basal tons, and thereby serve to maintain the pH under a
Situated near the base. The basal surface of a cell is variety of conditions.
opposite the apical surface.
C-terminus (carboxyl terminus)
basal body—see centriole The end of a polypeptide chain that carries an unat-
tached carboxylic acid group.
basal lamina
Thin mat of extra- cadherin
cellular matrix that A member of a family of proteins that mediates Ca2+-
separates epithe- dependent cell–cell adhesion in animal tissues.
lial sheets, and
calmodulin (CaM)
many types of cells
Small Ca2+-binding protein that modifies the activity of
such as muscle
many target enzymes and membrane transport proteins
cells or fat cells,
in response to changes in Ca2+ concentration.
from connective
tissue. Sometimes Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaM
called a basement kinase)
membrane. Enzyme that phosphorylates target proteins in response
to an increase in Ca2+ ion concentration, through its
interaction with the Ca2+-binding protein calmodulin.
Molecule that accepts a proton in solution. Also used
to refer to the purine or pyrimidines in DNA and RNA, calorie
which are organic bases. Unit of heat. One calorie (small “c”) is the amount of
heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water
base pair
by 1°C.
Two nucleotides in an RNA or a DNA molecule that are
specifically paired by hydrogen bonds—for example, G cancer
with C, and A with T or U. Disease caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell divi-
sion resulting in localized growths, or tumors, which
Bcl2 family
may spread throughout the body.
Family of intracellular proteins that either promote
or inhibit apoptosis by regulating the activation of CaM—see calmodulin
beta sheet (b sheet) General term for sugars and related compounds with the
Folding pattern found in general formula (CH2O)n. (See Panel 2–3, pp. 68–69.)
many proteins in which
carbohydrate layer
neighboring regions of
A layer of sugar residues, including the polysaccha-
the polypeptide chain
ride portions of proteoglycans and oligosaccharides
associate side by side
attached to protein or lipid molecules, on the outer sur-
with each other through
face of a cell.
hydrogen bonds to give a
rigid, flattened structure. carbon fixation
Process by which green plants incorporate carbon
binding site
atoms from atmospheric carbon dioxide into sugars.
Region on the surface of a protein, typically a cavity or
The second stage of photosynthesis.
groove, that is complementary in shape to, and forms
multiple noncovalent bonds with, a second molecule carbonyl group
(the ligand). Pair of atoms consisting of a carbon atom linked to
an oxygen atom by a double bond. (See Panel 2–1,
pp. 64–65.)
The symmetrical alignment of sister chromatid pairs on
the mitotic spindle, such that one chromatid is attached carboxyl group
to one spindle pole and the other chromatid to the Carbon atom linked both to an oxygen atom by a double
opposite pole. bond and to a hydroxyl group. Molecules containing a
carboxyl group are weak (carboxylic) acids. (See Panel
2–1, pp. 64–65.)
The formation of complex molecules from simple sub-
stances by living cells. carboxyl terminus—see C-terminus
bivalent cascade—see signaling cascade
A duplicated chromosome paired with its homologous
duplicated chromosome at the beginning of meiosis.
A family of proteases. Members of the family are acti-
bond—see chemical bond vated as part of the pathway leading to apoptosis.
bond length catabolism
The distance between two atoms in a molecule, usually General term for the enzyme-catalyzed reactions in
those linked by a covalent bond. a cell by which complex molecules are degraded to
G:4 Glossary

simpler ones with release of energy. Intermediates cell signaling

in these catabolic reactions are sometimes called The molecular mechanisms by which cells detect and
catabolites. respond to external stimuli and send messages to other
The acceleration of a chemical reaction due to the pres- cellulose
ence of a substance (the catalyst) that itself remains Structural polysaccharide consisting of long chains
unchanged after the reaction. In cells, virtually all of covalently linked glucose units. It provides tensile
biochemical reactions are catalyzed (by enzymes) to strength in plant cell walls.
enable them to occur at the temperature of living mat-
cell wall
ter and within the timescale required.
Mechanically strong fibrous layer deposited by a cell
catalyst outside its plasma membrane. Prominent in most
Substance that accelerates a chemical reaction with- plants, bacteria, algae, and fungi, but not present in
out itself undergoing a change. Enzymes are protein most animal cells.
central dogma
cation The principle that genetic information flows from DNA
Positively charged ion, such as Na+ or CH3NH3+. (Pro- to RNA to protein.
nounced “cat–ion”.)
Cdk—see cyclin-dependent kinase Short cylindrical array of microtubules, usually found
in pairs at the center of a centrosome in animal cells.
Cdk inhibitor protein
Also found at the base of cilia and flagella (and called
Protein that inhibits cyclin-Cdk complexes, primarily to
basal bodies).
inhibit progress through the G1 and S phases of the cell
cycle. centromere
Constricted region of a mitotic
cDNA—see complementary DNA
chromosome that holds sister
cell chromatids together; also the
The basic unit from which living organisms are made, site on the DNA where the
consisting of an aqueous solution of organic molecules kinetochore forms and then
enclosed by a membrane. All cells arise from existing captures microtubules from
cells, usually by a process of division. the mitotic spindle.
cell cortex centrosome (cell center)
Specialized layer of cytoplasm on the inner face of the Centrally located organelle of animal cells that is the
plasma membrane. In animal cells it is an actin-rich primary microtubule-organizing center and separates
layer responsible for cell-surface movements. to form the two spindle poles during mitosis. In most
animal cells it contains a pair of centrioles.
cell cycle
Reproductive cycle M centrosome cycle
of the cell: the G2 Duplication of the centrosome (during interphase)
orderly sequence and separation of the two new centrosomes (at the
of events by which beginning of mitosis), to form the poles of the mitotic
a cell duplicates G1 spindle.
its contents and S

divides into two.
An aqueous pore in a lipid
cell-cycle control system membrane, with walls made
Network of regulatory proteins that governs progres- of protein, through which
sion of a eucaryotic cell through the cell cycle. selected ions or molecules
can pass.
cell division
Separation of a cell into two daughter cells. In eucaryotic checkpoint
cells it entails division of the nucleus (mitosis) closely Point in the eucaryotic cell-division cycle where prog-
followed by division of the cytoplasm (cytokinesis). ress through the cycle can be halted until conditions are
suitable for the cell to proceed to the next stage.
cell junction
Specialized region of connection between two cells or chemical bond
between a cell and the extracellular matrix. Chemical affinity between two atoms that holds them
together. Types found in living cells include ionic bonds,
cell line
covalent bonds, and hydrogen bonds.
Population of cells of plant or animal origin capable of
dividing indefinitely in culture. chemical group
Set of covalently linked atoms, such as a hydroxyl group
cell locomotion
(–OH) or an amino group (–NH2) that occurs in many
Active movement of a cell from one location to
different molecules and the chemical behavior of which
is well characterized.
cell memory
chemiosmotic coupling
The ability of cells and their descendants, without
Mechanism in which a gradient of hydrogen ions (a pH
undergoing any change of DNA sequence, to retain a
gradient) across a membrane is used to drive an energy-
trace of the effects of past influences, displaying the
requiring process, such as ATP production or the trans-
consequences in persistently altered patterns of gene
port of a molecule across a membrane.
Glossary G:5

chiasma (plural chiasmata) cloning

X-shaped connection visible between paired homolo- Making many identical copies of a cell or a DNA mol-
gous chromosomes in division I of meiosis, and which ecule or an organism.
represents a site of crossing-over.
coated vesicle
chlorophyll Small membrane-enclosed
Light-absorbing pigment that plays a central part in organelle with a cage of
photosynthesis. proteins (the coat) on its cyto-
solic surface. It is formed by
the pinching off of a protein-
Specialized organelle in algae and plants that contains
coated region of membrane.
chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.
Sequence of three nucleotides in a DNA or messen-
Lipid molecule with a characteristic four-ringed steroid
ger RNA molecule that represents the instruction for
structure that is an important component of the plasma
incorporation of a specific amino acid into a growing
membranes of animal cells. (See Figure 11–7.)
polypeptide chain.
chromatid—see sister chromatid
coenzyme A (CoA)
chromatin Small molecule used in the enzymatic transfer of acyl
Complex of DNA, histones, and nonhistone proteins groups in the cell. (See also acetyl CoA and Figure
found in the nucleus of a eucaryotic cell. The material 3–36.)
of which chromosomes are made.
chromatin-remodeling complex Protein complex that forms a ring that holds sister chro-
Enzyme (typically multisubunit) that uses the energy matids together after DNA has been replicated in the
of ATP hydrolysis to alter histone–DNA interactions cell cycle.
in eucaryotic chromosomes; the resulting alteration
changes the accessibility of the underlying DNA to other
Especially stable rod-like protein structure formed by
proteins, including those involved in transcription.
two or more a helices coiled around each other.
General term for a type of technique used to separate
Fibrous protein rich in glycine and proline that is a
molecules in a mixture on the basis of their size, charge,
major component of the extracellular matrix and con-
or their ability to bind to a particular chemical group. In
nective tissues. Exists in many forms: type I, the most
a common form of the technique, the mixture is run
common, is found in skin, tendon, and bone; type II is
through a column filled with a particulate matrix that is
found in cartilage; type IV is present in basal laminae;
designed to bind (or let through) the desired molecule.
and so on.
combinatorial control
Long threadlike structure composed of DNA and asso-
Describes the way in which groups of proteins work
ciated proteins that carries the genetic information of
together in combination to control the expression of a
an organism. Especially visible when plant and animal
single gene.
cells undergo mitosis or meiosis.
chromosome condensation
Describes two molecular surfaces that fit together
Process by which a chromosome becomes packed into
closely and form noncovalent bonds with each other.
a more compact structure prior to M phase of the cell
Examples include complementary base pairs, such A
and T, and the two complementary strands of a DNA
citric acid cycle (TCA, or tricarboxylic acid cycle; molecule.
Krebs cycle)
complementary DNA (cDNA)
Central metabolic pathway in all aerobic organisms that
DNA molecule made as a copy of mRNA and therefore
oxidizes acetyl groups derived from food molecules to
lacking the introns that are present in genomic DNA.
CO2. In eucaryotic cells these reactions are located in
Used to determine the amino acid sequence of a pro-
the mitochondrial matrix.
tein by DNA sequencing or to make the protein in large
cilium (plural cilia) quantities by cloning followed by expression.
Hairlike extension on the surface of a cell with a core
bundle of microtubules and capable of performing
A collection of macromolecules that are bound to each
repeated beating movements. Cilia, in large numbers,
other by noncovalent bonds to form a large macromo-
drive the movement of fluid over epithelial sheets, as
lecular structure. Associations of proteins are called
in the lungs.
protein complexes; associations of protein and nucleic
cis acids are called nucleoprotein complexes.
On the same side; for example, the cis Golgi network is
complex trait
that part closest to the endoplasmic reticulum.
A heritable characteristic whose transmission to prog-
clathrin eny does not obey Mendel’s laws. Such traits, for
Protein that makes up the coat of one type of transport example height, usually result from the interaction of
vesicle. Clathrin-coated vesicles bud from the Golgi multiple genes, each of which is inherited in Mendelian
apparatus on the outward secretory pathway and bud fashion.
from the plasma membrane on the inward endocytic
condensation—see chromosome condensation
G:6 Glossary

condensation reaction cytokine

Type of chemical reaction in which two organic mol- Small protein made and secreted by cells that acts on
ecules become linked to each other by a covalent bond neighboring cells to alter their behavior. Cytokines act
with concomitant removal of a molecule of water. via cell-surface cytokine receptors.
condensin cytokinesis
Protein complexes with a ring-like structure that help Division of the cytoplasm of a plant or animal cell into
carry out chromosome condensation. two, as distinct from the division of its nucleus (which
is mitosis).
Spatial location of the atoms of a molecule relative cytoplasm
to each other. The precise shape of a protein or other Contents of a cell that are contained within its plasma
macromolecule in three dimensions. membrane but, in the case of eucaryotic cells, outside
the nucleus.
connective tissue
Tissues such as bone, tendons, and the dermis of the cytoskeleton
skin, in which extracellular matrix is plentiful and car- System of protein filaments in the cytoplasm of a
ries the mechanical load. eucaryotic cell that gives the cell shape and the capacity
for directed movement. Its most abundant components
conserved synteny
are actin filaments, microtubules, and intermediate
Regions of the genome where corresponding genes are
in the same order in the species being compared.
coupled reaction
Contents of the main compartment of the cytoplasm,
One of a linked pair of chemical reactions in which free
excluding membrane-enclosed organelles such as
energy released by one reaction serves to drive the
endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. The cell
other reaction.
fraction remaining after membranes, cytoskeletal com-
coupled transporter ponents, and other organelles have been removed.
Membrane transport protein that carries out trans-
DAG—see diacylglycerol
port in which the transfer of one molecule depends on
the simultaneous or sequential transfer of a second dalton
molecule. Unit of molecular mass. Defined as one-twelfth the
mass of an atom of carbon-12 (1.66 ¥ 10–24 g); approxi-
covalent bond
mately equal to the mass of a hydrogen atom.
Stable chemical link between two atoms produced by
sharing one or more pairs of electrons. denature
To cause a dramatic change in conformation of a protein
or nucleic acid by heating it or by exposing it to chemi-
Process whereby two homologous chromosomes break
cals. Usually results in the loss of biological function.
at corresponding sites and rejoin to produce two recom-
bined chromosomes, resulting in a physical exchange deoxyribonucleic acid—see DNA
of DNA segments.
cyclic AMP (cAMP) Specialized cell–cell
Nucleotide generated from ATP in response to hor- junction, usually
monal stimulation of cell-surface receptors. cAMP acts formed between two
as a signaling molecule by activating protein kinase A; epithelial cells, char-
it is hydrolyzed to AMP by a phosphodiesterase. acterized by dense
plaques of protein
cyclic-AMP-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase
into which interme-
diate filaments in the
Enzyme that phosphorylates target proteins in response
two adjoining cells
to a rise in intracellular cyclic AMP concentration.
are inserted.
cyclic photophosphorylation
Photosynthetic process involving photosystem I only,
Soapy substance used by biochemists to solubilize
by which chloroplasts can generate ATP without mak-
membrane proteins.
ing NADPH.
diacylglycerol (DAG)
Lipid produced by the cleavage of membrane inosi-
Protein that periodically rises and falls in concentration
tol phospholipids in response to extracellular signals.
in step with the eucaryotic cell cycle. Cyclins activate
Composed of two fatty acid chains linked to glycerol,
specific protein kinases (see cyclin-dependent protein
it serves as a membrane-located signaling molecule to
kinases) and thereby help control progression from one
help activate protein kinase C.
stage of the cell cycle to the next.
dideoxy DNA sequencing
cyclin-dependent protein kinase (Cdk)
The standard method of DNA sequencing. It utilizes
Protein kinase that has to be complexed with a cyclin
DNA polymerases and chain-terminating nucleotides.
protein in order to act. Different Cdk–cyclin complexes
trigger different steps in the cell-division cycle by phos- differentiation
phorylating specific target proteins. Process by which a cell undergoes a progressive change
to a more specialized and usually easily recognized cell
Colored, heme-containing protein that transfers elec-
trons during cellular respiration and photosynthesis.
Glossary G:7

diffusion double bond

The spread of molecules and small particles from A type of chemical linkage between two atoms formed
one location to another by random, thermally driven by sharing four electrons.
double helix


dimer The typical conformation of a DNA mole-


A structure composed of two halves. A homodimer is cule in which two polynucleotide strands C


composed of two identical subunits, a heterodimer of are wound around each other with base C


two different subunits. pairing between the strands. C G


diploid dynamic instability

A cell or organism containing two sets of homologous The property shown by microtubules of growing and
chromosomes and hence two copies of each gene or shrinking repeatedly through the addition and loss of
genetic locus. (See also haploid.) tubulin subunits from their exposed ends.
disulfide bond (S–S bond) dynein
Covalent linkage formed between two sulfhydryl groups Member of a family of large motor proteins that undergo
on cysteines. Common way to join two proteins or to ATP-dependent movement along microtubules. Dynein
link together different parts of the same protein in the is responsible for the bending of cilia.
extracellular space.
electrochemical gradient
divergence Driving force that causes an ion to move across a mem-
The differences due to mutation that accumulate in brane. Caused by differences in ion concentration and
two DNA sequences derived from a common ancestral in electrical charge on either side of the membrane.
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Fundamental subatomic particle with a unit negative
Double-stranded polynucleotide formed from two sep- charge (e–).
arate chains of covalently linked deoxyribonucleotide
electron acceptor
units. It serves as the cell’s store of genetic information
Atom or molecule that takes up electrons readily,
that is transmitted from generation to generation.
thereby gaining an electron and becoming reduced.
DNA cloning—see cloning
electron carrier
DNA library Molecule such as cytochrome c that transfers an elec-
Collection of cloned DNA molecules, representing tron from a donor molecule to an acceptor molecule.
either an entire genome (genomic library) or copies of
electron donor
the mRNA produced by a cell (cDNA library).
Molecule that easily gives up an electron, becoming
DNA ligase—see ligase oxidized in the process.
DNA methylation electron-transport chain
The enzymatic addition of methyl groups to cytosine A series of membrane-embedded electron carrier mol-
bases in DNA. Methylation generally turns off genes by ecules along which electrons move from a higher to a
attracting proteins that block gene expression. lower energy level, as in oxidative phosphorylation and
DNA microarray
A glass slide upon which a large electrophoresis
number of short DNA molecules Technique for separating mixture of proteins of DNA
(typically in the tens of thou- fragments by size and electric charge, by placing them
sands) have been immobilized on a polymer gel and subjecting them to an electric
in an orderly pattern. Each of field. The molecules migrate through the gel at different
these DNA fragments acts as speeds depending on their size and net charge.
a probe for a specific gene,
electrostatic attraction
allowing the RNA products of
Attractive force that occurs between oppositely charged
thousands of genes to be moni-
atoms. Examples are ionic bonds and the attractions
tored at the same time.
between molecules containing polar covalent bonds.
DNA polymerase—see polymerase
DNA repair Substance that cannot be broken down to any other
Collective term for the enzymatic processes that cor- chemical form; composed of a single type of atom.
rect deleterious changes affecting the continuity or
embryonic stem cell (ES cell)
sequence of a DNA molecule.
An undifferentiated cell type derived from the inner cell
DNA replication mass of an early mammalian embryo. Embryonic stem
The process by which a copy of a DNA molecule is made. cells can be maintained indefinitely as a proliferating
cell population (cell line) in culture, but remain capable
DNA transcription—see transcription
of differentiating, when placed in an appropriate envi-
domain ronment, to give any of the specialized cell types in the
Small discrete region of a structure. A protein domain adult body.
is a compact and stable folded region of polypeptide. A
membrane domain is a region of bilayer with a charac-
Uptake of material into a cell by an invagination of
teritistic lipid and protein composition.
the plasma membrane and its internalization in a
membrane-bounded vesicle. (See also pinocytosis and
G:8 Glossary

endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and associated proteins; genes in euchromatin are in

Labyrinthine, membrane-enclosed compartment in the general able to be expressed.
cytoplasm of eucaryotic cells, where lipids and secreted
and membrane-bound proteins are made.
The gradual change in living organisms taking place
ES cell—see embryonic stem cell over generations that results in new species being
Membrane-enclosed compartment of a eucaryotic cell exocytosis
through which endocytosed material passes on its way Process by which most molecules are secreted from
to lysosomes. a eucaryotic cell. These molecules are packaged in
membrane-enclosed vesicles that fuse with the plasma
membrane, releasing their contents to the outside.
Regulatory DNA sequence to which transcription reg-
ulators bind, influencing the rate of transcription of a exon
structural gene that can be many thousands of base Segment of a eucaryotic gene that is transcribed into
pairs away. RNA and expressed; dictates the amino acid sequence
of part of a protein.
Thermodynamic quantity that measures the degree of exon shuffling
disorder in a system; the higher the entropy, the more Evolutionary process by which new genes form by link-
the disorder. ing together combinations of initially separate exons
encoding different protein domains.
A protein that catalyzes a specific chemical reaction. extracellular matrix
Complex network of polysaccharides (such as gly-
epigenetic inheritance
cosaminoglycans or cellulose) and proteins (such as
Inherited that is superimposed on the information
collagen) secreted by cells. A structural component
inherited in the DNA sequence itself. Often, information
of tissues that also influences their development and
in the form of a particular type of chromatin structure
(eg a certain pattern of histone modification or DNA
methylation). extracellular signal molecule
Any molecule present outside the cell that can elicit a
enzyme-coupled receptor
response inside the cell when the molecule binds to a
Transmembrane receptor proteins that activate an
receptor protein. Some signal molecules, such as steroid
intracellular enzyme (either a separate enzyme or part
hormones, can enter cells and act on internal recep-
of the receptor itself) in response to ligand binding to
tors, whereas others, such as proteins, act at receptors
the extracellular part of the receptor.
embedded in the plasma membrane and exposed on
epithelium (plural epithelia) the cell surface.
Sheet of cells covering an external surface or lining an
internal body cavity.
FADH2 (reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide)
A major electron carrier in metabolism produced by
In a chemical context, a state in which two or more
reduction of FAD during the oxidation of catabolites
reactions are proceeding at such a rate that they exactly
such as succinate.
balance each other and no net chemical change is
occurring. fat
Lipids used by living cells to store metabolic energy.
equilibrium constant (K)
Mainly composed of triacylglycerols. (See Panel 2–4, pp.
A number that characterizes the steady state reached
by a reversible chemical reaction. Given by the ratio of
forward and reverse rate constants of a reaction. (See fatty acid
Table 3–1, p. 96.) Compound such as
palmitic acid that
ER—see endoplasmic reticulum
has a carboxylic
Escherichia coli (E. coli) acid attached to
Rodlike bacterium nor- a long hydrocar-
mally found in the colon of bon chain. Used as a major source of energy during
humans and other mam- metabolism and as a starting point for the synthesis of
mals and widely used in phospholipids. (See Panel 2–4, pp. 70–71.)
biomedical research.
feedback inhibition
eubacteria A form of metabolic control in which the end product
The proper term for the bacteria of common occur- of a chain of enzymatic reactions reduces the activity of
rence, used to distinguish them from archaea. an enzyme early in the pathway.
eucaryote fermentation
Living organism composed of one or more cells with The breakdown of organic molecules without the
a distinct nucleus and cytoplasm. Includes all forms of involvement of molecular oxygen. This form of oxi-
life except archaea and bacteria (the procaryotes) and dation is less complete than in aerobic processes and
viruses. yields less energy.
euchromatin fertilization
One of the two main states in which chromatin exists Sequence of events that starts when a sperm cell makes
within an interphase cell, the other being heterochro- contact with an egg and leads to their fusion and fur-
matin. Characterized by particular histone modifications ther development.
Glossary G:9

fibroblast inorganic phosphate. When free in solution, GDP is rap-

Common cell type found in connective tissue that idly rephosphorylated to GTP, usually by the transfer of
secretes an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and the terminal phosphate from ATP in the reaction ATP +
other extracellular matrix macromolecules. Migrates GDP Æ ADP + GTP.
and proliferates readily in wounded tissue and in tissue
Region of DNA that controls a discrete hereditary
fibronectin characteristic of an organism, usually responsible for
Extracellular matrix protein that binds to integrins on specifying a single protein or RNA molecule.
cell surfaces, helping cells to adhere to the matrix.
gene duplication
fibrous protein The accidental duplication of a gene (or of a stretch
A protein with an elongated shape. Typically one such of DNA containing several genes) in the genome. The
as collagen or intermediate filament protein that is able resulting two copies of the gene can then diverge by the
to associate into long filamentous structures. accumulation of mutations. Gene families arise through
a series of gene duplication events.
filopodium (plural filopodia)
Long thin actin-containing extension on the surface of gene expression
an animal cell. Sometimes has an exploratory function, The process by which a gene makes its effect on an cell
as in a growth cone. or organism by directing the synthesis of a protein or an
RNA molecule with a characteristic activity.
flagellum (plural flagella)
Long, whiplike protrusion gene replacement
that drives a cell through The replacement of a normal gene in an organism with
a fluid medium by its one that has been mutated in vitro; used to investigate
beating. Eucaryotic fla- the gene’s function.
gella are longer versions
general transcription factors
of cilia; bacterial flagella
Proteins that assemble on the promoters of many
are completely different,
eucaryotic genes near the start site of transcription and
being smaller and sim-
load the RNA polymerase in the correct position.
pler in construction.
genetic code
free energy (G)
Set of rules specifying the correspondence between
Energy that can be extracted from a system to do useful
nucleotide triplets (codons) in DNA or RNA and amino
work, such as driving a chemical reaction. The stan-
acids in proteins.
dard free energy of a substance, Go, is its free energy
measured at a defined concentration, temperature and genetic engineering—see recombinant DNA
pressure. technology
free-energy change (∆G) genetic instability
“Delta G”: the difference in free energy between reac- Increased mutation rate seen, for example, in cancer
tant and product molecules in a chemical reaction. A cells, resulting from the presence of mutations that
large negative value of ∆G indicates that the reaction interfere with the accurate replication and maintenance
has a strong tendency to occur. The standard free-en- of the genome.
ergy change (∆G°) is the free-energy change measured
genetic map
at defined concentration, temperature and pressure.
A graphic representation of the order of genes in
G, ∆G, ∆G°—see free energy, free-energy change chromosomes, spaced according to the amount of
recombination that occurs between them.
G-protein–coupled receptor
Cell-surface receptor that genetic screen
associates with an intracel- A search through a collection of mutants for a particu-
lular trimeric GTP-binding lar phenotype.
protein (G protein) after
receptor activation by an
The study of the genes of an organism based on hered-
extracellular ligand. These
ity and variation.
receptors are sevenpass
transmembrane proteins. genome
The total genetic information carried by a cell or
GAG—see glycosaminoglycan
an organism (or the DNA molecules that carry this
gain-of-function mutation information).
A mutation that increases the activity of a gene, or
makes it active in inappropriate circumstances; such
Set of genes carried by an individual cell or organism.
mutations are usually dominant.
germ cell (gamete)
gamete—see germ cell
Cell type in a diploid organism that carries only one set
gap junction of chromosomes and is specialized for sexual repro-
Communicating cell–cell junction that allows ions and duction. A sperm or an egg.
small molecules to pass from the cytoplasm of one cell
germ line
to the cytoplasm of the next.
The lineage of reproductive cells that contributes to the
GDP (guanosine 5¢-diphosphate) formation of a new generation of organisms, as distinct
Nucleotide that is produced by the hydrolysis of the ter- from somatic cells, which form the body and leave no
minal phosphate of GTP, a reaction that also produces descendants in the next generation.
G:10 Glossary

globular protein cellular signaling pathways. Usually activated by the

Any protein with an approximately rounded shape. binding of a hormone or other ligand to a transmem-
Most enzymes are globular. brane receptor.
gluconeogenesis green fluorescent protein (GFP)
The synthesis of glucose from small organic molecules Fluorescent protein (from a jellyfish) that is widely used
such as lactate, pyruvate, or amino acids. as a marker for monitoring the movement of proteins
in living cells.
Six-carbon sugar that plays group—see chemical group
a major role in the metabo- C O
H OH growth factor
lism of living cells. Stored in H
C C Extracellular polypeptide signaling molecule that
polymeric form as glycogen OH H stimulates a cell to grow or proliferate. Examples are
in animal cells and as starch HO H
C C epidermal growth factor (EGF) and platelet-derived
in plant cells. (See Panel 2–3,
H OH growth factor (PDGF).
pp. 68–69.)
GTP (guanosine 5¢-triphosphate)
Major nucleoside triphosphate used in the synthesis of
Polysaccharide composed exclusively of glucose units
RNA and in some energy-transfer reactions. Also has a
used to store energy in animal cells. Large granules of
special role in microtubule assembly, protein synthesis,
glycogen are especially abundant in liver and muscle
and cell signaling.
GTP-binding protein
An allosteric protein whose conformation and activity
Membrane lipid molecule with a short carbohydrate
are determined by its association with either GTP or
chain attached to a hydrophobic tail.
GDP. Includes many proteins involved in cell signaling,
glycolysis such as Ras and G proteins.
Ubiquitous metabolic pathway in the cytosol in which
sugars are incompletely degraded with production of
A cell or organism with only one set of chromosomes,
ATP. (Literally, “sugar splitting.”)
as in a sperm cell or a bacterium. (See also diploid.)
haplotype block
Any protein with one or more covalently linked oli-
A combination of alleles and other DNA markers on a
gosaccharide chains. Includes most secreted proteins
chromosome that has been inherited in a large, linked
and most proteins exposed on the outer surface of the
block—undisturbed by genetic recombination—across
plasma membrane.
many generations.
glycosaminoglycan (GAG)
Family of high-molecular-weight polysaccharides con-
An elongated structure
taining amino sugars; found as protective coats around
in which a filament or
animal cells.
thread twists in a reg-
Golgi apparatus ular fashion around a
Membrane-enclosed central axis.
organelle in eucary-
a-helix—see alpha helix
otic cells where the
proteins and lipids hemidesmosome
made in the endo- Specialized anchoring cell junction between an epithe-
plasmic reticulum are lial cell and the underlying basal lamina.
modified and sorted
for transport to other
The transmission from one generation to another of
sites. (Named after its
genetic factors that determine individual characteris-
discoverer, Camillo
tics. Responsible for the similarity between parents and
G1 phase
Gap 1 phase of the eucaryotic cell cycle, between the
Region of a chromosome that remains unusually
end of cytokinesis and the start of DNA synthesis.
condensed and transcriptionally inactive during
G1-Cdk interphase.
Cyclin-dependent kinase whose activity drives the cell
through G1 phase.
Describes an organism with dissimilar alleles for a
G1/S-Cdk given gene.
Cyclin-dependent kinase whose activity triggers entry
high-energy bond
into S phase of the cell cycle.
Covalent bond whose hydrolysis releases an unusu-
G2 phase ally large amount of free energy under the conditions
Gap 2 phase of the eucaryotic cell cycle, between the existing in a cell. Examples include the phosphodiester
end of DNA synthesis and the beginning of mitosis. bonds in ATP and the thioester linkage in acetyl CoA.
G protein histone
One of a large family of GTP-binding proteins composed One of a group of abundant basic proteins, rich in
of three different subunits (heterotrimeric GTP-binding arginine and lysine, that are associated with DNA in
proteins) that are important intermediaries in intra- chromosomes to form nucleosomes.
Glossary G:11

histone deacetylase hydrogen bonds to water to dissolve readily in water.

Enzyme that removes acetyl groups from lysines pres- (Literally, “water loving.”)
ent in histones; the acetylation state of histones acts
as a signal that attracts other proteins that activate or
Nonpolar molecule or part of a molecule that cannot
repress transcription.
form favorable bonding interactions with water mole-
homolog cules and therefore does not dissolve in water. (Literally,
(1) See homologous chromosome. (2) Any structure or “water hating.”)
macromolecule that has a close similarity to another as
hydroxyl (–OH)
a result of common ancestry.
Chemical group consisting of a hydrogen atom linked to
homologous an oxygen, as in an alcohol. (See Panel 2–1, pp. 64–65.)
Describes organs or molecules that are similar because
induced pluripotent stem cell (iPS cell)
of their common evolutionary origin. Specifically it
Somatic cell reprogrammed into an embryonic stem-
describes similarities between protein sequences or
cell-like state by artificially introducing a particular set
nucleic acid sequences.
of genes.
homologous chromosome
initiation factor
One of the two copies of a particular chromosome in a
Protein that promotes the proper association of ribo-
diploid cell, one from the father and the other from the
somes with mRNA and is required for the initiation of
protein synthesis.
homologous gene—see homologous
initiator tRNA
homologous recombination Special tRNA that initiates translation. It always carries
Genetic exchange between a pair of identical or very the amino acid methionine.
similar DNA sequences, typically located on a pair of OH
homologous chromosomes. A similar process is used
Sugar molecule with six HO
to repair double-strand breaks in DNA. OH
hydroxyl groups that forms
homozygous the framework for inositol OH
Describes an organism having identical alleles for a phospholipids.
given gene.
inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)
horizontal gene transfer Small intracellular signaling molecule produced dur-
Process through which DNA is passed from one ing activation of the inositol phospholipid signaling
organism to another, permanently changing the DNA pathway; causes Ca2+ release from the endoplasmic
composition of the recipient. This contrasts with “ver- reticulum.
tical” gene transfer, which refers to the inheritance of
inositol phospholipids (phosphoinositides)
genes from parent to progeny.
Minor lipid components of plasma membranes that
hormone contain phosphorylated inositol derivatives; important
A chemical substance produced by one set of cells in a both for distinguishing different intracellular mem-
multicellular organism and transported via body fluids branes and for signal transduction in eucaryotic cells.
to target tissues on which it exerts a specific effect.
in situ hybridization
hybridization Technique in which a single-stranded RNA or DNA
Experimental process in which two complementary probe is used to locate a gene or an mRNA molecule in
nucleic acid strands form a double helix; a powerful an entire cell or tissue.
technique for detecting specific nucleotide sequences.
hydrogen bond Family of transmembrane proteins present on cell sur-
A weak noncovalent chemical faces that enable cells to adhere to each other and to
bond between an electronega- H the extracellular matrix, being also involved in cell
tive atom such as nitrogen or O H O signaling.
oxygen and a hydrogen atom H intermediate filament
bound to another electronega-
Fibrous protein filament (about 10 nm in diameter) that
tive atom.
forms ropelike networks in animal cells. Often used as
hydrogen ion a structural element that resists tension applied to the
Commonly used term for a proton (H+) in aqueous cell from outside.
solution, the basis of acidity. Since the proton readily
combines with a water molecule to form H3O+ , it is
Long period of the cell cycle between one mitosis and
more accurate to call it a hydronium ion. (See Panel
the next. Includes G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase.
2–2, pp. 66–67.)
interphase chromosome
hydrolysis (adjective hydrolytic)
State of a eucaryotic chromosome when the cell is
Cleavage of a covalent bond with accompanying addi-
between divisions; these chromosomes are active in
tion of water, –H being added to one product of the
transcription and much more extended than mitotic
cleavage and –OH to the other.
hydronium ion (H3O+)
The form taken by a proton (H+) in aqueous solution.
Noncoding region of a eucaryotic gene that is tran-
(See Panel 2–2, pp. 66–67.)
scribed into an RNA molecule but is then excised by
hydrophilic RNA splicing to produce mRNA.
Polar molecule or part of a molecule that forms enough
G:12 Glossary

intracellular signaling molecule kilocalorie (kcal)

Molecule (usually a protein) that is part of the mecha- Unit of heat equal to 1000 calories. Often used to
nism for transducing and transmitting signals inside a express the energy content of food or molecules: bond
cell. strengths, for example, are measured in kcal/mole. An
alternative unit in wide use is the kilojoule.
intracellular signaling pathway
The set of proteins and small-molecule second mes- kilojoule (kJ)
sengers that interact with each other to relay a signal Standard unit of energy equal to 0.239 kilocalories.
from the cell membrane to its final destination in the
kinase—see protein kinase
cytoplasm or nucleus.
in vitro
A large family of motor pro-
Term used by biochemists to describe a process taking
teins that use the energy
place in an isolated cell-free extract. Also used by cell
of ATP hydrolysis to move
biologists to refer to cells growing in culture (in vitro),
along a microtubule.
as opposed to in an organism (in vivo). (Latin for “in
glass.”) kinetochore
Complex protein-containing structure on a mitotic
in vivo
chromosome to which microtubules attach. The kineto-
In an intact cell or organism. (Latin for “in life.”)
chore forms on the part of the chromosome known as
ion the centromere.
An atom carrying an electrical charge, either positive
knockout mouse
or negative.
A genetically engineered mouse in which a specific
ion channel gene has been inactivated, for example by introducing
Transmembrane protein or protein complex that forms a deletion in its DNA.
a water-filled channel across the lipid bilayer through
lagging strand
which specific inorganic ions can diffuse down their
One of the two newly made strands of DNA found at a
electrochemical gradients.
replication fork. The lagging strand is made in discon-
ion-channel-coupled receptor tinuous lengths that are later joined covalently.
Transmembrane receptor pro-
tein or protein complex that
Dynamic sheetlike extension on the surface of an ani-
forms a gated ion channel that
mal cell, especially one migrating over a surface.
opens in response to the bind-
ing of a ligand to the external law of independent assortment
face of the channel. The second law of heredity, derived by Mendel, which
states that during gamete formation the alleles for dif-
ionic bond
ferent traits segregate independently of one another.
Attractive force that holds together two ions, one posi-
tive, the other negative. law of segregation
The first law of heredity, derived by Mendel, which
IP3—see inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
states that the maternal and paternal alleles for a trait
iron–sulfur center separate from one another during gamete formation
One of a family of electron transporters containing iron and then reunite during fertilization.
atoms linked to sulfur atoms and cysteine side chains;
leading strand
found in electron-transport chains such as those in
One of the two newly made strands of DNA found at a
mitochondria and chloroplasts.
replication fork. The leading strand is made by continu-
isomer (stereoisomer) ous synthesis in the 5¢-to-3¢ direction.
One of two or more substances that contain the same
atoms and have the same molecular formula (such as
General term for a molecule that binds to a specific site
C6H12O6) but differ in the spatial arrangement of these
on a protein.
atoms. Optical isomers differ only by being mirror
images of each other. ligand-gated channel
An ion channel
that opens when it
Two or more forms of an atom that have the same
binds a small mol-
chemistry but differ in atomic weight. May be either
ecule such as a
stable or radioactive.
K—see equilibrium constant
K+ Enzyme that joins two DNA strands together end to
Potassium ion—a major ionic constituent of living end.
KM Organic molecule that is insoluble in water but dis-
The concentration of substrate at which an enzyme solves readily in nonpolar organic solvents. One class,
works at half its maximum rate. Large values of KM usu- the phospholipids, forms the structural basis of biologi-
ally indicate that the enzyme binds to its substrate with cal membranes.
relatively low affinity.
lipid bilayer
karyotype Thin bimolecular sheet of
A display of the full set of chromosomes of a cell mainly phospholipid molecules
arranged with respect to size, shape, and number. that forms the structural basis
Glossary G:13

for all cell membranes. The two layers of lipid mole- membrane
cules are packed with their hydrophobic tails pointing Thin sheet of lipid molecules and associated proteins
inward and their hydrophilic heads outward, exposed that encloses all cells and forms the boundaries of
to water. many eucaryotic organelles.
local mediator membrane-enclosed organelle
Secreted signal molecule that acts at a short range on Any organelle in the eucaryotic cell that is surrounded
adjacent cells. by a lipid bilayer membrane, for example, the endoplas-
mic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and lysosome.
loss-of-function mutation
A mutation that reduces or eliminates the activity of a membrane domain
gene. Such mutations are usually recessive: the organ- Functionally specialized region in a cell membrane,
ism can function normally as long as it retains at least characterized by the presence of particular proteins.
one normal copy of the affected gene.
membrane potential
lumen Voltage difference across a membrane due to a slight
Cavity enclosed by an epithelial sheet (in a tissue) or by excess of positive ions on one side and of negative ions
a membrane (in a cell), as in the lumen of the endoplas- on the other. A typical membrane potential for an ani-
mic reticulum. (From Latin, lumen, light or opening.) mal cell plasma membrane is –60 mV (inside negative),
measured relative to the surrounding fluid.
White blood cell that mediates the immune response to membrane protein
a foreign molecule (an antigen). Lymphocytes are either A protein associated with a lipid bilayer; can be either
of the antibody-secreting B-cell type or the T-cell type integral (transmembrane) or peripheral.
that regulates responses and also forms the cell-medi-
membrane transport protein
ated immune response system.
Any protein embedded in a membrane that serves as a
lysosome carrier of ions or small molecules from one side to the
Intracellular membrane-enclosed organelle containing other.
digestive enzymes, typically those most active at the
messenger RNA (mRNA)
acid pH found in these organelles.
RNA molecule that specifies the amino acid sequence
M–Cdk of a protein. Produced by RNA splicing (in eucaryotes)
Active protein complex formed at the start of M phase from a larger RNA molecule made by RNA polymerase
of the cell cycle by an M-cyclin and the mitotic cyclin- as a complementary copy of DNA. It is translated into
dependent protein kinase (Cdk). protein in a process catalyzed by ribosomes.
M-cyclin metabolic pathway
Cyclin protein that binds to mitotic Cdk to form M–Cdk Sequence of enzymatic reactions in which the product
at the start of M phase of the cell cycle. of one reaction is the substrate of the next.
M phase metabolism
Period of the eucaryotic cell cycle during which the The sum total of the chemical reactions that take place
nucleus and cytoplasm divide. in the cells of a living organism resulting in growth,
division, energy production, excretion of waste and so
Molecule such as a protein, nucleic acid, or polysaccha-
ride with a molecular mass greater than a few thousand metaphase
daltons. (From Greek, makros, large.) Stage of mitosis at which chromosomes are firmly
attached to the mitotic spindle at its equator but have
not yet segregated toward opposite poles.
Cell found in animal tissues that is specialized for the
uptake of particulate material by phagocytosis; derived metastasis
from a type of white blood cell. The spreading of cancer cells throughout the body from
the initial site of the tumor.
MAP kinase
Mitogen-activated protein kinase. Protein kinase that methyl (–CH3) group
performs a crucial step in relaying signals from cell-sur- Hydrophobic chemical group derived from methane
face receptors to the nucleus. It is the final kinase in a (CH4). (See Panel 2–1, pp. 64–65.)
three-kinase sequence called the MAP kinase cascade.
matrix Prefix denoting 10–6.
Most generally, a space within which something is
formed. In cell biology, this word often refers to the
Picture taken through a microscope. Either a light
large internal compartment of the mitochondrion. The
micrograph or an electron micrograph, depending upon
mitochondrial matrix contains a concentrated mixture
the type of microscope used.
of special enzymes that catalyze oxidation reactions,
as well as the mitochondrial genome and the proteins micrometer (µm)
needed to express mitochondrial genes. (See Figure Unit of measurement often applied to cells and organ-
14–4.) elles. Equal to 10–6 meter or 10–4 centimeter.
meiosis microRNA (miRNA)
Special type of cell division by which eggs and sperm Small noncoding RNAs that control gene expression by
cells are made. Two successive nuclear divisions with base-pairing with specific mRNAs to regulate their sta-
only one round of DNA replication generates four hap- bility and their translation.
loid daughter cells from an initial diploid cell. (From
Greek, meiosis, diminution.)
G:14 Glossary

microscope molecular switch

Instrument for viewing extremely small objects. A light Protein or protein complex that operates in an intra-
microscope utilizes a focused beam of visible light and cellular signaling pathway and can reversibly switch
is used to examine cells and organelles. An electron between an active and inactive state.
microscope utilizes a beam of electrons and can be used
molecular weight
to examine objects as small as individual molecules.
Mass of a molecule expressed in daltons.
Long, stiff, cylin-
Group of atoms joined together by covalent bonds.
drical structure
composed of the monomer
protein tubulin. Small molecule that can be linked to others of a similar
Used by eucaryotic cells to regulate their shape and type to form a larger molecule (polymer).
control their movements.
monomeric GTPase
milli- Small, single-subunit GTP-binding protein. Proteins of
Prefix denoting 10–3. this family, such as Ras and Rho, are part of many dif-
ferent signaling pathways.
mismatch repair
Important error correction mechanism in DNA rep- motor protein
lication that is triggered by the misfit (“mismatch”) of Protein such as myosin or kinesin that uses energy
noncomplementary base pairs. derived from ATP hydrolysis to propel itself along a pro-
tein filament or polymeric molecule.
mitochondrion (plural mitochondria)
Membrane-enclosed organelle, mRNA—see messenger RNA
about the size of a bacterium,
that carries out oxidative phos-
A randomly produced, heritable change in the nucle-
phorylation and produces most
otide sequence of a chromosome.
of the ATP in eucaryotic cells.
Long, highly organized bundle of actin, myosin, and
An extracellular signal molecule that stimulates cell
other proteins in the cytoplasm of muscle cells that
contracts by a sliding filament mechanism.
Division of the nucleus of a eucaryotic cell, which
Type of motor protein that uses ATP to drive movements
involves condensation of the DNA into visible chro-
along actin filaments. Myosin II is a large protein that
mosomes. (From Greek, mitos, a thread, referring
forms the thick filaments of skeletal muscle. Smaller
to the threadlike appearance of the condensed
myosins, such as myosin I, are widely distributed and
are responsible for many actin-based movements.
mitotic chromosome
N-terminus (amino terminus)
Highly condensed duplicated chromosome with the two
The end of a polypeptide chain that carries a free
new chromosomes (also called sister chromatids) still
a-amino group.
held together at the centromere. A chromosome during
one of the stages of mitosis. Na+
Sodium ion—a major ionic constituent of living cells.
mitotic spindle
Array of microtubules and NAD+ (nicotine adenine dinucleotide)
associated molecules that Activated carrier molecule that participates in an oxi-
forms between the oppo- dation reaction by accepting a hydride ion (H–) from a
site poles of a eucaryotic donor molecule, thereby producing NADH. Widely used
cell during mitosis; dur- in the energy-producing breakdown of sugar molecules.
ing the separation of the (See Figure 3–34.)
duplicated chromosomes,
NADPH (nicotine adenine dinucleotide phosphate)
the spindle serves to move
A carrier molecule closely related to NADH used as an
the two chromosome sets
electron donor in biosynthetic pathways. In the process
it is oxidized to NADP+. (See Figure 3–35.)
mobile genetic element
Na+-K+ pump (Na+-K+ ATPase, sodium pump)
Short segment of DNA that can move, sometimes
Transmembrane carrier protein, found in the plasma
through an RNA intermediate, from one location in a
membrane of most animal cells, that pumps Na+ out of
genome to another. They are an important source of
and K+ into the cell, using the energy derived from ATP
genetic variation in most genomes.
model organism
nanometer (nm)
An organism selected for intensive study as a rep-
Unit of length commonly used to measure molecules
resentative of a large group of species. Examples
and cell organelles. 1 nm = 10–3 mm = 10–9 m.
are the mouse (representing mammals), the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae (representing a unicellular Nernst equation
eucaryote), and Escherichia coli (representing bacteria). Quantitative expression that relates the equilibrium
ratio of concentrations of an ion on either side of a per-
meable membrane to the voltage difference across the
M grams of a substance, where M is its relative molec-
ular mass (molecular weight); this will be 6 ¥ 1023
molecules of the substance. nerve cell—see neuron
Glossary G:15

nerve terminal nucleic acid

The ending of an axon from which signals are sent to RNA or DNA; consists of a chain of nucleotides joined
adjoining cells, usually at a synapse. together by phosphodiester bonds.
neuron (nerve cell) nucleolus
Cell with long pro- Large structure in the nucleus where ribosomal RNA is
cesses specialized to transcribed and ribosomal subunits are assembled.
receive, conduct, and
transmit signals in
Compound composed of a purine or pyrimidine base
the nervous system.
linked to either a ribose or a deoxyribose sugar. (See
neurotransmitter Panel 2–6, pp. 74–75.)
Small signaling molecule secreted by a nerve cell at
a chemical synapse to signal to the postsynaptic cell.
Beadlike structural unit
Examples include acetylcholine, glutamate, GABA, and
of a eucaryotic chro-
mosome composed of
nitric oxide (NO) a short length of DNA
Small highly diffusible molecule widely used as an wrapped around a core
intracellular signal. of histone proteins; the
fundamental subunit
nitrogen fixation
of chromatin.
Conversion of nitrogen from the atmosphere into nitro-
gen-containing organic molecules by soil bacteria and nucleotide
cyanobacteria. Nucleoside with a series of one or more phosphate
groups joined by an ester linkage to the sugar moiety.
NO—see nitric oxide
DNA and RNA are polymers of nucleotides.
noncovalent bond
Chemical bond in which, in contrast with a covalent
The major organelle of a eucaryotic cell, which contains
bond, no electrons are shared. Noncovalent bonds are
DNA organized into chromosomes. Also, when refer-
relatively weak, but they can sum together to produce
ring to an atom, the central mass built from neutrons
strong, highly specific interactions between molecules.
and protons.
Examples are hydrogen bonds and van der Waals
interactions. Okazaki fragment
Short length of DNA produced on the lagging strand
nonhomologous end-joining
during DNA replication. Adjacent fragments are rap-
Mechanism for repairing double-strand breaks in DNA
idly joined together by DNA ligase to form a continuous
in which the two broken ends are brought together and
DNA strand.
rejoined without requiring sequence homology.
Prefix that denotes a short polymer (oligomer). May be
Describes a molecule that lacks a local accumulation
made of amino acids (oligopeptide), sugars (oligosac-
of positive or negative charge. Nonpolar molecules are
charide), or nucleotides (oligonucleotide). (From Greek,
generally insoluble in water.
oligos, few or little.)
nuclear envelope
Double membrane surrounding the nucleus. Consists
Any abnormally activated gene that can make a cell
of outer and inner membranes perforated by nuclear
cancerous. Typically a mutant form of a normal gene
(proto-oncogene) involved in the control of cell growth
nuclear lamina or division.
Fibrous layer on the inner surface of the inner nuclear
organic chemistry
membrane formed as a network of intermediate fila-
The branch of chemistry concerned with compounds
ments made from nuclear lamins.
made of carbon. Includes essentially all of the mol-
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy ecules from which living cells are made, apart from
Technique used for determining the three-dimensional water and metal ions such as Na+ .
structure of a protein; it is performed in solution with-
out requiring a protein crystal.
A discrete structure or subcompartment of a eucaryotic
nuclear pore cell (especially one that is visible in the light micro-
Channel through the scope) that is specialized to carry out a particular
nuclear envelope that function. Examples include mitochondria and the Golgi
allows selected large apparatus.
molecules to move
origin recognition complex (ORC)
between the nucleus
Large protein complex that is bound to the DNA at
and the cytoplasm.
origins of replication in eucaryotic chromosomes
nuclear receptor throughout the cell cycle.
Receptor proteins present inside a eucaryotic cell that
can bind to signal molecules that enter the cell, such
Net movement of water molecules across a semiperme-
as steroid hormones; the complex of nuclear receptor
able membrane driven by a difference in concentration
and signal molecule subsequently acts as a transcrip-
of solute on either side. The membrane must be perme-
tion regulator.
able to water but not to the solute molecules.
G:16 Glossary

osmotic pressure phosphodiester bond

Pressure that must be exerted on the low-solute con- A covalent chemical bond in which two carbon atoms
centration side of a semipermeable membrane to are held in ester linkage (via oxygen atoms) to the same
prevent the flow of water across the membrane as a phosphate group; phosphodiester bonds join the adja-
result of osmosis. cent nucleotides in RNA or DNA. (See Figure 2–25.)
oxidation phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase)
Loss of electron density from an atom, as occurs dur- Enzyme that phosphorylates inositol phospholipids in
ing the addition of oxygen to a carbon atom or when a the plasma membrane in response to signals received
hydrogen is removed from a carbon atom. The opposite by a cell. The phosphorylated lipids become docking
of reduction. (See Figure 3–11.) sites for intracellular signaling proteins,
oxidative phosphorylation phospholipase C
Process in bacteria and mitochondria in which ATP for- Enzyme associated with the plasma membrane that
mation is driven by the transfer of electrons from food performs a crucial step in inositol phospholipid signal-
molecules to molecular oxygen. Involves the intermedi- ing pathways.
ate generation of a pH gradient across a membrane and
chemiosmotic coupling.
Type of lipid molecule used to
p53 make biological membranes.
Regulatory protein that responds to the presence of Generally composed of two
DNA damage, preventing the cell from entering S phase fatty acids linked through glyc-
until the damage has been repaired. erol phosphate to one of a
variety of polar groups.
In a genetic sense, the event early in meiosis in which phosphorylation—see protein phosphorylation
two homologous chromosomes line up together to form
a duplicated structure. (See also base pair.)
The process by which plants and some bacteria use the
passive transport energy of sunlight to drive the synthesis of organic mol-
The movement of a small molecule or ion across a ecules from carbon dioxide and water.
membrane due to a difference in concentration or elec-
trical charge.
Large multiprotein complex containing chlorophyll that
patch-clamp recording captures light energy.
Technique in which the tip of a small glass electrode is
sealed onto a patch of cell membrane, thereby making
Structure made of microtubules and membrane vesi-
it possible to record the flow of current through indi-
cles that forms in the equatorial region of a dividing
vidual ion channels in the patch.
plant cell and from which the membrane that divides
PCR—see polymerase chain reaction the daughter cells will be made.
pedigree pH scale
The line of descent, or ancestry, of an individual Scale used to measure the acidity of a solution: “p”
animal. refers to power of 10, “H” to hydrogen. Defined as the
negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration
peptide bond
in moles per liter (M). Thus an acidic solution with pH 3
Chemical bond between the car- O
will contain 10–3 M hydrogen ions.
bonyl group of one amino acid and
the amino group of a second amino C N phylogenetic tree
acid—a special form of amide linkage. H Chart or “family tree” showing the evolutionary history
(See Panel 2–5, pp. 72–73.) of a group of organisms.
peroxisome pinocytosis
Small membrane-enclosed organelle that uses molecu- Type of endocytosis in which soluble materials are
lar oxygen to oxidize organic molecules. Contains some taken up from the environment and incorporated into
enzymes that produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and vesicles for digestion. (Literally, “cell drinking.”)
others that degrade it.
PKA—see protein kinase C
phagocytic cell
plasma membrane
A cell such as a macrophage or neutrophil that is spe-
The membrane that surrounds a living cell.
cialized to take up particles and microorganisms by
phagocytosis. plasmid
Small circular DNA molecule
that replicates indepen-
The process by which particulate material is engulfed
dently of the genome. Used
(“eaten”) by a cell. Prominent in predatory cells, such as
extensively as a vector for
Amoeba proteus and in cells of the vertebrate immune
DNA cloning.
system such as macrophages.
plasmodesma (plural plasmodesmata)
Cell–cell junction in plants in which a channel of cyto-
The observable character of a cell or organism.
plasm lined by membrane connects two adjacent cells
phosphatidylcholine through a small pore in their cell walls.
Common phospholipid present in abundance in most
point mutation
biological membranes. (See Figure 11–6.)
Change in a single nucleotide pair in a DNA sequence.
Glossary G:17

polar procaryote
Describes a molecule, or a covalent bond in a molecule, Major category of living cells distinguished by the
in which bonding electrons are attracted more strongly absence of a nucleus. Procaryotes comprise the archaea
to specific atoms, thereby creating an uneven (or polar- and the eubacteria (commonly called bacteria), two of
ized) distribution of electric charge. the three domains of life.
polarity processive
Refers to a structure such as an actin filament or a fertil- Describes a protein that performs repeated rounds of
ized egg that has an inherent asymmetry—so that one catalysis or conformational changes while still attached
end can be distinguished from the other. to a polymer. A characteristic of motor proteins involved
in transport, such as kinesin.
Large and usually linear molecule made by the repetitive programmed cell death—see apoptosis
assembly, using covalent bonds, of multiple identical or
similar subunits (monomers).
Stage of mitosis that precedes metaphase.
General term for an enzyme that catalyzes addition of
Nucleotide sequence in DNA to which RNA polymerase
subunits to a polymer. DNA polymerase, for example,
binds to begin transcription.
makes DNA, and RNA polymerase makes RNA.
polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
The process by which DNA polymerase corrects its own
Technique for amplifying specific regions of DNA by
errors as it moves along DNA.
multiple cycles of DNA synthesis, each followed by a
brief heat treatment to separate complementary DNA prophase
strands. First stage of mitosis during which the chromosomes
are condensed but not yet attached to a mitotic spindle.
Also a superficially similar stage in meiosis.
The case where two or more variants (alleles) of a gene
or variants of a DNA sequence coexist in the population protease (proteinase, proteolytic enzyme)
and are each relatively common. Enzyme such as trypsin that degrades proteins by
hydrolyzing some of their peptide bonds.
A molecular chain of nucleotides chemically bonded by proteasome
a series of phosphodiester linkages. A strand of RNA Large protein complex in the
or DNA. cytosol that is responsible for
degrading cytosolic proteins
polypeptide, polypeptide chain
that have been marked for
Linear polymer composed of multiple amino acids.
destruction by ubiquitylation
Proteins are composed of one or more long polypeptide
or by some other means.
polypeptide backbone
The major macromolecular constituent of cells. Each
The chain of atoms containing repeating peptide bonds
protein is composed of one or more linear chains of
that runs through a protein molecule and to which the
amino acids linked together by peptide bonds in a spe-
amino acid side chains are attached.
cific sequence. The amino acid chain is folded into a
polysaccharide three-dimensional shape that is unique to the given
Linear or branched polymer composed of sugars. protein and determines its function.
Examples are glycogen, hyaluronic acid, and cellulose.
protein domain—see domain
polysome (polyribosome)
protein complex—see complex
Messenger RNA
molecule with protein family
multiple attached A group of proteins in an organism with a similar amino
ribosomes that is acid sequence. The similarity is thought to reflect the
engaged in pro- evolution of the genes that encode the proteins from
tein synthesis. a common ancestor gene through a process of gene
duplication followed by gene divergence. Usually, the
positive feedback loop
different members of a protein family will have related
Situation in which the end product of a reaction stimu-
but distinct functions. For example, each member of the
lates its own production.
protein kinase family carries out a similar phosphoryla-
post-transcriptional control tion reaction, but the substrates and regulation differ
Regulation of gene expression that occurs after tran- for each enzyme.
scription of the gene has begun; examples are regulation
protein kinase
of RNA splicing and other RNA processing events, and
One of a very large number of enzymes that transfers
regulation of translation by microRNA.
the terminal phosphate group of ATP to a specific amino
primary transcript—see transcription acid side chain on a target protein.
primer protein kinase A—see cyclic-AMP-dependent protein
In DNA replication, a short length of RNA made at kinase
the beginning of a DNA synthesis event catalyzed by
protein kinase C (PKC)
DNA polymerase; these RNA primers are subsequently
Enzyme that phosphorylates target proteins in response
removed and filled in with DNA.
to a rise in diacylglycerol and Ca2+ ions.
G:18 Glossary

protein machine Ras

A set of protein molecules that bind to each other in One of a large family of small GTP-binding proteins (also
specific ways, so that concerted movements within the called the monomeric GTPases) that help relay signals
protein complex can carry out a sequence of reactions from cell-surface receptors to the nucleus. Named for
with unusual speed and effectiveness. A large number the Ras gene, first identified in viruses that cause rat
of the central reactions of the cell are catalyzed by such sarcomas.
protein machines, with protein synthesis and DNA rep-
reaction center
lication being particularly well understood examples.
In photosynthetic membranes, a protein complex that
protein phosphatase (phosphoprotein phosphatase) contains a specialized pair of chlorophyll molecules
Enzyme that removes, by hydrolysis, a phosphate group that performs photochemical reactions to convert the
from a protein, often with high specificity for the phos- energy of photons (light) into high-energy electrons for
phorylated site. transport down the photosynthetic electron-transport
protein phosphorylation
The covalent addition of a phosphate group to a reading frame
side chain of a protein catalyzed by a protein kinase. The set of successive triplets in which a string of nucle-
Phosphorylation usually alters the activity or properties otides is translated into protein. An mRNA molecule is
of the protein in some way. read in one of three possible reading frames, depending
on the starting point.
Molecule consisting of one or more glycosaminoglycan receptor
chains attached to a core protein. A cell (such as the photoreceptor cells of the eye) or
cellular component (such as a receptor protein) that
detects an external signal and triggers a specific cel-
Degradation of a protein by means of a protease.
lular response.
receptor-mediated endocytosis
The large-scale study of proteins, investigating many
Mechanism of selective uptake of material by animal
different proteins in a cell or tissue simultaneously.
cells in which a macromolecule binds to a receptor in
proton the plasma membrane and enters the cell in a clathrin-
Subatomic particle found in the atomic nucleus. Also coated vesicle.
exists as an independent chemical species as the posi-
receptor protein
tive hydrogen ion (H+).
Protein that detects a stimulus, usually a change in
proto-oncogene—see oncogene concentration of a specific molecule, and then initi-
ates a response in the cell. Cell-surface receptors, such
as the acetylcholine receptor and the insulin recep-
A member of the protozoa—free-living, nonphoto-
tor, are located in the plasma membrane, with their
synthetic, single-celled, motile eucaryotic organisms.
ligand-binding site exposed to the external medium.
Many protozoans, such as Paramecium or Amoeba, live
Intracellular receptors, such as steroid hormone recep-
by feeding on other organisms.
tors, bind ligands that diffuse into the cell across the
purifying selection plasma membrane.
Process of selection during evolution in which individ-
receptor serine/threonine kinase
uals carrying mutations that interfere with important
Enzyme-coupled receptor with an extracellular signal-
functions are eliminated.
binding domain and an intracellular kinase domain
purine that phosphorylates signaling proteins on serine or
One of the two categories of nitrogen-containing ring threonine.
compounds found in DNA and RNA. Examples are ade-
receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)
nine and guanine. (See Panel 2–6, pp. 74–75.)
Enzyme-coupled receptor in
pyrimidine which the intracellular domain
One of the two categories of nitrogen-containing ring has a tyrosine kinase activity,
compounds found in DNA and RNA. An example is which is activated by ligand P P
cytosine. (See Panel 2–6, pp. 74–75.) binding to the receptor’s extra- P P
cellular domain.
Metabolite formed from the COO– recognition—see molecular recognition
breakdown of glucose that pro-
C O recombinant DNA
vides a crucial link to the citric
A DNA molecule that is composed of DNA from differ-
acid cycle and many biosyn- CH3 ent sources.
thetic pathways.
recombinant DNA technology (genetic engineering)
The collection of techniques by which DNA segments
Small, lipid-soluble, mobile electron carrier molecule
from different sources are combined to make new DNA.
found in the respiratory and photosynthetic electron-
Recombinant DNAs are widely used in the cloning of
transport chains. (See Figure 14–20.)
genes, in the genetic modification of organisms, and in
Rab protein molecular biology generally.
A family of small GTP-binding proteins present on the
surfaces of transport vesicles and organelles that serve
Process in which an exchange of genetic information
as molecular markers identifying each membrane type.
occurs between two chromosomes or DNA molecules.
Rab proteins help to ensure that transport vesicles fuse
Enzyme-mediated recombination can occur naturally
only with the correct membrane.
Glossary G:19

in living cells, or in a test tube using purified DNA and retrovirus

enzymes that break and re-ligate DNA strands. RNA-containing virus that replicates in a cell by first
making a double-stranded DNA intermediate. This DNA
redox pair
is inserted into the cell’s chromosome, where it can be
Pair of molecules in which one acts as an electron
maintained for a long time and is transcribed to pro-
donor and one as an electron acceptor in an oxidation–
duce new viral genomes and mRNAs that encode viral
reduction reaction; for example, NADH (electron donor)
and NAD+ (electron acceptor).
reverse transcriptase
redox potential
Enzyme that makes a double-stranded DNA copy from
A measure of the tendency of a given redox pair to
a single-stranded RNA template molecule. Present in
donate electrons (act as a reducing agent) or to accept
retroviruses and as part of the transposition machinery
electrons (act as an oxidizing agent).
of retrotransposons.
redox reaction
Rho protein family
A reaction in which electrons are transferred from one
Family of small GTPases involved in signaling that
chemical species to another. An oxidation–reduction
causes a rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton.
ribonucleic acid—see RNA
Addition of electron density to an atom, as occurs dur- ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
ing the addition of hydrogen to a carbon atom or the Any one of a number of specific RNA molecules that
removal of oxygen from it. The opposite of oxidation. form part of the structure of a ribosome and partici-
(See Figure 3–11.) pate in the synthesis of proteins. Often distinguished
by their sedimentation coefficient, such as 28S rRNA or
regulatory DNA sequence
5S rRNA.
DNA sequence to which a transcription regulator binds
to determine when, where, and in what quantities a ribosome
gene is to be transcribed into RNA. Particle composed of ribosomal RNAs and ribosomal
proteins that associates with messenger RNA and cata-
regulatory protein code
lyzes the synthesis of protein.
The set of covalent modifications that a protein has at
any given time, which controls the behavior of the pro- riboswitch
tein inside the cell Short sequences within some RNAs that change their
conformation when specifically bound to small mol-
replication fork
ecules such as metabolites and in this way regulate
Y-shaped region of a replicating DNA molecule at which
transcription or translation.
the two daughter strands are formed and separate.
replication origin
An RNA molecule possessing catalytic properties.
Site on a chromosome at which DNA replication
begins. RNA (ribonucleic acid)
A (usually) single-stranded polynucleotide in the form
reporter gene
of a chain of covalently linked ribonucleotide subunits.
Introduced gene encoding a protein whose activity is
It is synthesized when an RNA polymerase copies the
easy to monitor experimentally. It is usually joined to
nucleotide sequence of DNA. RNA serves a variety of
a regulatory sequence, which will then switch on the
functions in cells. See for example messenger RNA,
reporter gene in the normal context in which its own
microRNA, ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA.
gene is usually expressed.
RNA interference (RNAi)
Cellular mechanism activated by double-stranded
A protein that binds to a specific regulatory region of
RNA molecules that results in the destruction of RNAs
DNA to prevent transcription of an adjacent gene.
containing a similar nucleotide sequence. It is widely
reproductive cloning exploited as an experimental tool for preventing the
The artificial production of genetically identical copies expression of selected genes (gene silencing).
of an animal by, for example, the transplantation of a
RNA polymerase
somatic cell nucleus into an enucleated fertilized egg.
Enzyme that catalyzes the synthesis of an RNA mol-
respiration ecule on a DNA template from nucleoside triphosphate
General term for any process in a cell in which the precursors.
uptake of molecular oxygen (O2) is coupled to the pro-
RNA primer—see primer
duction of CO2.
RNA processing
restriction nuclease (restriction enzyme)
Broad term for the modifications that an RNA under-
Nuclease that can cleave
goes as it reaches its mature form. For a eucaryotic
a DNA molecule at any –G A A T T C –
mRNA, processing typically includes capping, splicing,
site where a specific short
–C T T A A G – and polyadenylation.
sequence of nucleotides
occurs. Different restric- RNA splicing
tion nucleases cut at different sequences. Extensively Process in which intron sequences are excised from
used in recombinant DNA technology. RNA molecules in the nucleus during the formation of
messenger RNA.
Type of mobile genetic element that moves by being rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)
first transcribed into an RNA copy that is reconverted to Region of the endoplasmic reticulum associated with
DNA by reverse transcriptase and inserted elsewhere in ribosomes and involved in the synthesis of secreted
the chromosomes. and membrane-bound proteins.
G:20 Glossary

rRNA—see ribosomal RNA signal sequence

Amino acid sequence that directs a protein to a spe-
RTK—see receptor tyrosine kinase
cific location in the cell, such as the nucleus or
S phase mitochondria.
Period during a eucaryotic cell cycle in which DNA is
signal transduction
Conversion of an impulse or stimulus from one physical
sarcomere or chemical form to another. In cell biology, the process
Repeating unit of a myofi- by which a cell responds to an extracellular signal.
bril in a muscle cell, about
single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
2.5 mm long, composed of
Sequences in the genome that differ by a single nucle-
an array of overlapping
otide between one portion of the population and
thick (myosin) and thin
(actin) filaments.
siRNA—see small interfering RNA
Describes an organic molecule that contains no double sister chromatid
or triple carbon–carbon bonds. Not unsaturated. One copy of a chromosome (a chromatid) formed by
DNA replication that is still joined at the centromere to
second messenger
the other copy, the pair of chromatids being known as
Small molecule formed in or released into the cytosol
sister chromatids.
in response to an extracellular signal that helps to relay
the signal to the interior of the cell. Examples include site-directed mutagenesis
cAMP, IP3, and Ca2+. Technique by which a mutation can be made at a par-
ticular site in DNA.
secondary structure
Regular local folding pattern of a polymeric molecule. site-specific recombination
In proteins, it refers to a helices and b sheets. Type of recombination that does not require exten-
sive similarity in the two DNA sequences. Can occur
between two different DNA molecules or within a sin-
Production and release of a substance from a cell.
gle DNA molecule.
secretory vesicle
small interfering RNA (siRNA)
Membrane-enclosed organelle in which molecules
Short lengths of RNA produced from double-stranded
destined for secretion are stored prior to release.
RNA during the process of RNA interference. They base-
Sometimes called a secretory granule because darkly
pair with identical sequences in other RNAs, leading to
staining contents make the organelle visible as a small
the inactivation or destruction of the target RNA.
solid object.
small messenger—see second messenger
The linear order of monomers in a large molecule, small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP)
for example amino acids in a protein or nucleotides Structural unit of a spliceosome built of RNA and
in DNA. In general the sequence of a macromolecule protein.
specifies its precise biological function.
small nuclear RNA (snRNA)
SER—see smooth endoplasmic reticulum RNA molecules of around 200 nucleotides involved in
RNA splicing.
serine/threonine kinase
Enzyme that phosphorylates specific proteins on ser- smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)
ines or threonines. Region of the endo-
plasmic reticulum not
sex chromosome
associated with ribo-
Chromosome that may be present or absent, or pres-
somes; involved in the
ent in a variable number of copies, according to
synthesis of lipids.
the sex of the individual. In mammals, the X and Y
chromosomes. SNARE
One of a family of membrane proteins responsible for
sexual reproduction
the selective fusion of vesicles with a target membrane
Type of reproduction in which the genomes of two indi-
inside the cell.
viduals are mixed in the formation of a new organism.
Individuals produced by sexual reproduction differ from SNP—see single nucleotide polymorphism
either of their parents and from each other.
snRNA—see small nuclear RNA
b sheet—see beta sheet
snRNP—see small nuclear ribonucleoprotein
side chain
sodium pump—see Na+-K+ pump
Portion of an amino acid not involved in making pep-
tide bonds; the side chain gives each amino acid its solute
unique properties. Any molecule that is dissolved in a liquid. The liquid is
called the solvent.
signaling cascade
Sequence of linked protein reactions, often including somatic cell
phosphorylation and dephosphorylation, that carries Any cell of a plant or animal other than a germ cell or
information within a cell, often amplifying an initial germ-line precursor. (From Greek, soma, body.)
Glossary G:21

specificity synapse
Selective affinity of one molecule for another that per- Specialized junction between a nerve
mits the two to bind or react, even in the presence of cell and another cell (nerve cell, muscle
many unrelated molecular species. cell, gland cell) across which the nerve
impulse is transferred. In most synapses
spindle pole
the signal is carried by a neurotransmit-
One of two centrosomes in a cell undergoing mitosis.
ter, which is secreted by the nerve cell
Microtubules radiating from these centrosomes form
and diffuses to the target cell.
the mitotic spindle.
synaptic vesicle
Small membrane-enclosed sac filled with neurotrans-
Large assembly of RNA and protein molecules that
mitter that releases its contents by exocytosis at a
splices introns out of pre-mRNA in eucaryotic cells.
Polysaccharide composed exclusively of glucose units,
Enzyme that elongates telomeres, the repetitive
used as an energy store in plant cells.
nucleotide sequences found at the ends of eucaryotic
stem cell chromosomes.
Relatively undifferentiated cell that can continue divid-
ing indefinitely, throwing off daughter cells that undergo
Structure at the ends of linear chromosomes, asso-
terminal differentiation into particular cell types.
ciated with a characteristic DNA sequence that is
steroid hormone replicated in a special way. Counteracts the tendency of
Lipophilic molecule related to cholesterol that acts the chromosome otherwise to shorten with each round
as a hormone. Examples include estrogen and of replication. (From Greek, telos, “end”.)
stress-gated channel Final stage of mitosis in which the two sets of sepa-
Membrane protein that allows the selective entry of rated chromosomes decondense and become enclosed
specific ions into a cell and is opened by mechanical by nuclear envelopes.
stroma A molecular structure that serves as a pattern for the
(1) The connective tissue in which a glandular or other production of other molecules. Thus, a specific sequence
epithelium is embedded. (2) The large interior space of nucleotides in DNA can act as a template to direct
of a chloroplast, containing enzymes that incorpo- the synthesis of a new strand of complementary DNA.
rate CO2 into sugars in the carbon-fixation stage of
tight junction
Cell–cell junction that seals adjacent epithelial cells
substrate together, preventing the passage of most dissolved
The molecule on which an enzyme acts. molecules from one side of the epithelial sheet to the
Solid surface to which a cell adheres. tissue
Organized mass of cells with a specific function that
forms a distinctive part of a plant or animal.
A monomer that forms part of a larger molecule, such
as an amino acid residue in a protein or a nucleotide thioester bond
residue in a nucleic acid. Can also refer to a com- High-energy bond formed by a condensation reaction
plete molecule that forms part of a larger molecule. between an acid (acyl) group and a thiol group (–SH);
Many proteins, for example, are composed of multiple seen, for example, in acetyl CoA and in many enzyme–
polypeptide chains, each of which is called a protein substrate complexes.
sugar Beyond, or on the other side.
A substance made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
with the general formula (CH2O)n. A carbohydrate or
A process that uses one strand of DNA as the template
saccharide. The “sugar” of everyday usage is sucrose,
to synthesize a complementary RNA sequence, some-
a specific sweet-tasting disaccharide produced by beet
times termed the primary transcript, catalyzed by the
or sugar cane.
enzyme RNA polymerase.
sulfhydryl group (–SH, thiol)
transcription factor
Chemical group containing sulfur
R SH HS R Term loosely applied to any protein required to initiate
and hydrogen found in the amino
or regulate transcription in eucaryotes. Includes tran-
acid cysteine and other molecules.
R S S R scription regulators as well as the general transcription
Two sulfhydryls can join to produce
a disulfide bond.
transcription regulator
survival factor
Protein that binds specifically to a regulatory DNA
Extracellular signaling molecule that must be present
sequence and is involved in controlling whether a gene
to prevent apoptosis.
is switched on or off.
transfer RNA (tRNA)
Intimate association between two organisms of dif-
Set of small RNA molecules used in protein synthesis as
ferent species from which both derive a long-term
an interface (adaptor) between mRNA and amino acids.
selective advantage.
G:22 Glossary

Each type of tRNA molecule is covalently linked to a turnover number

particular amino acid. In enzyme catalysis, the number of substrate molecules
processed to product per second per enzyme molecule.
Although different types of enzymes can have very dif-
Process by which cells take up DNA molecules from
ferent turnover numbers, turnover numbers of 1000 or
their surroundings and then express genes on that
more are quite common—a reflection of the impressive
catalytic power of enzymes.
transgenic organism
tyrosine kinase
A plant or animal that has stably incorporated one or
Enzyme that phosphorylates specific proteins on
more genes from another cell or organism and can pass
them on to successive generations.
unfolded protein response
trans Golgi network (TGN)
Cellular response triggered by the accumulation of mis-
That part of the Golgi appa-
folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. The cell
ratus that is furthest from the
produces more endoplasmic reticulum and more of the
endoplasmic reticulum and
molecular machinery needed to restore proper protein
from which proteins and lipids
folding and processing.
leave for lysosomes, secretory
vesicles or the cell surface. unsaturated
Describes a molecule that contains one or more double
transition state
or triple carbon–carbon bonds.
Chemical structure that forms transiently in the course
of a reaction and has the highest free energy of any Vmax
reaction intermediate. The maximum rate of an enzymatic reaction, attained
immediately after the addition of substrate at a concen-
tration sufficient to fully occupy the active sites of all
Process by which the sequence of nucleotides in a
enzyme molecules present.
messenger RNA molecule directs the incorporation of
amino acids into protein; occurs on a ribosome. valence
For an atom, the number of electrons that it must either
translation initiation factor
gain or lose (whether by electron sharing or by elec-
Protein that promotes the proper association of ribo-
tron transfer) to achieve a filled outer shell most readily.
somes with mRNA and is required for the initiation of
Thus, for example, the valence of Na is one (it must lose
protein synthesis.
one electron), and the valence of Cl is one (it must gain
transport vesicle one electron). The valence of an atom is equal to the
Membrane vesicles that carry proteins from one intra- number of single bonds that the atom can form.
cellular compartment to another, for example from the
van der Waals force
ER to the Golgi apparatus.
Attractive force due to fluctuating electrical charges
transporter that comes into play between two atoms that are 0.3
Membrane protein that transports ions or molecules to 0.4 nm apart. At a shorter distance, repulsive forces
across a cell membrane. begin to operate.
transposon vector
General name for short segments of DNA that can Genetic element, usually a bacteriophage or plasmid,
move from one location to another in the genome. Also that is used to carry a fragment of DNA into a recipient
known as mobile genetic element. cell for the purpose of gene cloning.
triacylglcerol vesicle
Glycerol ester of fatty acids. The main constituent of Small, membrane-enclosed, spherical organelle in the
fat droplets in animal tissues (where the fatty acids are cytoplasm of a eucaryotic cell.
saturated) and of vegetable oil (where the fatty acids
vesicular transport
are mainly unsaturated).
Transport of material between organelles in the eucary-
tRNA—see transfer RNA otic cell via membrane-enclosed vesicles.
tryptophan repressor virus
A bacterial protein that, in the presence of tryptophan, Particle consisting of nucleic acid (RNA
binds to a specific region of DNA and shuts off produc- or DNA) enclosed in a protein coat and
tion of the tryptophan biosynthetic enzymes. capable of replicating within a host cell
and spreading from cell to cell. Often
the cause of disease.
Protein from which microtubules are made.
voltage-gated channel
g-tubulin ring
Membrane protein that selectively allows ions such as
Protein complex in centrosomes that nucleates micro-
Na+ (carried by the voltage-gated Na+ channel) to cross
tubule assembly.
a membrane and is opened by changes in membrane
tumor suppressor gene potential. Found mainly in electrically excitable cells
A gene that in a normal tissue cell inhibits progress such as nerve and muscle.
through the cell cycle. Loss or inactivation of both cop-
wild type
ies of such a gene from a diploid cell can cause it to
Normal, nonmutant form of a species resulting from
divide as a cancer cell.
breeding under natural conditions.
Glossary G:23

Wnt protein
Member of the Wnt family of extracellular signal pro-
teins with many roles in development, including the
maintenance of stem cells in a proliferative state.
X chromosome
One of the two sex chromosomes in mammals. The
cells of men possess one X and one Y chromosome.
X-ray crystallography
Technique used to determine three-dimensional pro-
tein structures by analyzing the diffraction pattern of a
beam of X-rays passed through a crystal of the protein.
Y chromosome
One of the two sex chromosomes of mammals. The
cells of women contain two X chromosomes.
Common term for several
families of unicellular fungi
(eukaryotic cells used as
model organisms). Includes
species used for brewing
beer and making bread, as
well as species that cause
Diploid cell produced by fusion of a male and a female
gamete. A fertilized egg.
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Page numbers in boldface refer to major discussion of a topic; page numbers followed by F refer to a figure, and with FF
to consecutive figures; page numbers followed by T refer to tables.

A drugs acting on, 582T, 592 Adenosine diphosphate see ADP

extracellular signals controlling, Adenosine monophosphate (AMP),
Acetyl coenzyme A (acetyl CoA) 597–598, 598F 112, 113F
citric acid cycle, 442FF muscle contraction, 600–601, 601F, Adenosine triphosphate see ATP
as energy carrier, 109–110, 110F 602F S-Adenosylmethionine, 109T
mitochondrial utilization, 458 myosin association, 597, 597F Adenovirus, 225F
production, 427, 428F, 436, 436F, myosin filament interactions, 599, Adenylyl cyclase, 548, 548F
437F 600F Adherens junctions, 702F, 703–704,
Acetylcholine, 417, 417F, 535T plus and minus ends, 591, 592F 704F
activation by phospholipase C, regulation of formation, 592–594 ADP
551T sarcomeres, 600, 601F ATP/ADP ratio and, 465–466
activation of G proteins, 547, 547F structure, 137, 137F, 591, 592F ATP cycle, 105, 106F
blood vessel regulation, 539 Actin-related proteins (ARPs), 593, ATP synthesis from, 426, 427, 429
patch-clamp recording, 404F 596, 596F ADP–ATP exchange, 464, 464F
receptors, 417, 417F, 418T, 542–543 Action potentials, 409–414 Adrenaline (epinephrine), 535T,
selectivity of cell responses, 535, experimental methods, 412–413, 549–550, 549T
536F 412F, 413F Aerobic organisms, 14–15
speed of response, 536 generation and course, 410–411, chemiosmotic coupling, 455, 456
N-Acetylglucosamine, 69F 410F, 411F energy metabolism, 429, 436
Acid anhydride, 65F neurotransmitter release, 415, 416F Aerobic respiration, 436–439
Acid hydrolases, lysosomal, 526, 526F propagation along axon, 412, 412F Affinity chromatography, 162, 162F,
Acids, 49–50, 67F Activated carrier molecules, 104–112, 166F
weak, 50, 67F 104F Aggrecan, 699F
Aconitase, 442F see also ATP; NADH; NADPH AIDS, 226
ACTH, 549T breakdown of food producing, 427, Akt, 558–559, 558F, 559F
Actin, 572 428F Alanine, 56F, 73F
arrangement in filaments, 591, 592F chemiosmotic coupling, 458–460, Albinism, inheritance, 668, 669F
cell crawling, 594–597, 595F, 596F 459F Alcohol dehydrogenase, 126F
monomers in cytosol, 592–593 formation in coupled reactions, Alcohols, 65F
polymerization, 591–592, 592F 104–105, 105F Aldehydes, 65F
Actin-binding proteins, 590–591, types, 109–110, 109T Aldolase, 430F
592–594 Activation energy, 89–90, 89F, 146 Alkalinity, 50
see also Myosin; other specific Activators, transcriptional see Alleles, 652, 674F
proteins Transcriptional activators see also Gene(s); Mutations
cell cortex, 594 Active site, 91, 91F, 146 dominant, 667–668, 667F, 674F
cell crawling, 596, 596F Active transport, 390–391, 391F elimination of deleterious, 654–655
extracellular signals controlling, mechanisms, 393, 393F Mendel’s experiments, 666–667
597–598 Adaptation, signaling pathways, 554, Mendel’s law of independent
skeletal muscle, 603, 604F 555 assortment, 669–670, 670F
Actin filaments, 22, 22F, 572, 573F, Adaptins, 512, 512F Mendel’s law of segregation,
590–598 Adaptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, 667–668, 667F, 669F
adherens junctions, 703–704, 704F 556 recessive, 667, 667F, 674F
assembly and disassembly, 591– Adenine (A), 57, 74F, 177 selectively neutral, 683
592, 592F loss in DNA damage, 214, 214F Allen, Robert, 586
cell cortex, 573F, 593, 594 RNA, 233, 233F Allosteric regulation, 150–152, 152F,
cell crawling, 594–597, 595F, 596F Adenomatous Polyposis Coli (APC) 162T
contractile ring, 590, 591F, 635 gene, 724–727, 727F a helices, 127, 130F, 131, 162T
I:2 Index

coiled-coil formation, 131, 132F Anchor proteins, 373T Aquaporins, 396, 401
membrane proteins, 131, 131F Aneuploidy, 662F, 663 Arabidopsis thaliana, 28–29, 28F
protein domains, 133, 133F, 134F Animal(s) cell-surface receptors, 564
transmembrane proteins, 374–375, asexual reproduction, 652, 652F genome sequencing, 346F
374F connective tissues, 693–699 Archaea, 14, 15–16
Alternative splicing, 243, 244F, 322, evolution of cell communication, chemiosmotic coupling, 490, 490F
322F 564 evolution, 314, 314F, 315F
Alu elements, 223, 224F model, 29–33 Arginine, 72F
evolutionary relationships and, 310, tissues, 689–690, 690F, 691 Armadillo, 725
311F Animal cells Arsenate, 433
recombination involving, 307 cytoskeleton, 22–23 Asexual reproduction, 299, 652, 652F
AluI, 330F dependence on multiple signals, Asparagine, 73F
Amides, 65F, 70F 535–536, 536F Aspartate transcarbamoylase, 126F,
Amines, 65F energy reserves, 448–449, 448F 152F
Amino acid(s), 4, 51–52, 55–56, 122F membrane-enclosed organelles, Aspartic acid, 73F
acidic, 73F 496–498, 496F Aster, 628, 628F, 630F
basic, 72F membrane potential, 407–408 Ataxia, inherited, 181F
energy production from, 428F, 436 membrane transporters, 401F Atom(s), 40–41, 40F
families, 72F Na+-K+ pump, 394–395, 394F interactions between, 41–43, 43F
gluconeogenesis, 447 osmotic balance, 396–397 Atomic number, 40, 40F
linkage together, 55–56, 56F, 72F receptor-mediated endocytosis, Atomic weight, 41
nonpolar, 73F, 122, 122F 524, 525F ATP
nucleotides specifying see Genetic signaling methods, 532–534, 533F as energy carrier, 57, 57F, 75F,
code structure, 25F 105–107, 106F
optical isomers, 56, 72F survival, growth and proliferation, protein phosphorylation, 153, 153F
polar, 122, 122F 642–646 radiolabeled, 560
side chains, 56, 72F, 73F, 122F Anions, 44, 388T, 389 structure, 57, 57F
structure, 56F, 72FF Ankyrin, 594 transport across mitochondrial
uncharged polar, 73F Antenna complex, 480, 480F membrane, 463–464, 464F
Amino acid sequence, 59, 121–123, Antibiotic(s) ATP/ADP ratio, 465–466
122F protein synthesis inhibitors, ATP cycle, 57F, 105, 106F
see also Polypeptides; Protein 257–258, 258T ATP-driven pumps, 393, 393F,
structure resistance genes, 222, 222F, 308, 394–398
determination, 125, 158, 159F 335 ATP hydrolysis, 105, 106F
evolution, 134–135, 217 Antibodies (immunoglobulins), 144FF actin filament disassembly, 592,
signal sequence, 501–502, 502T antigen binding sites, 142, 142F 592F
specification by DNA, 231–232 applications, 145F alternative route, 112, 113F
Amino group, 55, 56F assembly in ER, 516 biosynthetic reactions, 106–107,
Amino terminus see N-terminus production, 144F 107F
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, 251, variable domain, 134F carbon fixation, 484–485, 485F
251F Anticodon, 250, 250F carboxyl group transfer, 110, 111F
Amoebae, 16, 27F, 397, 594 Antidepressants, 418 DNA replication, 209, 209F
AMP (adenosine monophosphate), Antifreeze protein, 132, 133F energy transfer, 105–106, 106F,
112, 113F Antigens, 142, 142F 435F
AMP-PNP, 586, 587 Antimitotic drugs, 581–582, 582T motor proteins, 154–155, 155F, 584,
Amphipathic molecules, 54 Antiparallel b sheets, 132, 132F 586, 587–588
membrane formation, 55, 55F Antiparallel orientation, DNA strands, muscle contraction, 601, 602F
membrane lipids, 365, 365F, 366F 173F, 177F, 178 myosin, 597
Anabaena cylindrica, 15F Antiports, 398, 398F Na+-K+ pump, 394, 394F
Anabolism, 82, 82F APC see Anaphase-promoting polymer synthesis, 111–112, 113F
see also Biosynthesis complex ATP synthase, 454F, 455
glycolysis/citric acid cycle and, APC gene, 724–727, 727F inner mitochondrial membrane,
439–444 APC protein, 725–726, 726F 461–463, 462F, 463F
NADPH role, 109F Apical surface of epithelial cells, 700, historical research, 469, 469F
regulation, 445–450 701, 701F structure, 462, 463F
Anaerobic organisms, 17 membrane proteins, 380, 380F thylakoid membrane, 482, 482F
energy production, 432–433, 432F Apoptosis, 610, 638–641 ATP synthesis, 17, 105, 106F, 426
Anaerobic respiration, 433 Akt-mediated inhibition, 559, 559F chloroplasts, 479, 481–482, 482F,
Anaphase, 627F Bcl2 family proteins regulating, 641, 483F
A, 632–633, 633F 642F cyclic photophosphorylation,
B, 632, 633, 633F embryonic development, 639, 639F 483–484, 484F
cleavage furrow formation, 634–635 inhibition in cancer cells, 721–722 electron-transport chain, 444–445
meiosis I, 657, 658–659, 659F necrosis compared, 639–640, 640F from food molecules, 427, 428F
meiosis II, 659, 659F signaling cascade, 640, 641F glycolysis, 429, 429F, 430FF, 433,
mitosis, 624–625, 625F, 631–633 suppression by survival factors, 643, 434F
Anaphase-promoting complex (APC), 643F membrane-based mechanisms,
631, 632F, 633 Apoptosome, 641, 642F 454–455, 454F

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