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The Importance of Understanding History

Numerous topics were explained by Hannu Rajaniemi. He began by discussing

how the term "Henriette" which refers to a woman who does calculations, or more
particularly, a human-computer was used by Edwin Hubble to find that there are other
galaxies outside our Milky Way Galaxy. As the discussion goes by, he also brought up
Rutherford's discovery of the nucleus of an atom, which was composed of protons and
neutrons orbited by a cloud of electrons. Another was Szilard's discovery of the atomic
power behind splitting atoms, which led to the creation of the destructive atomic bomb
that was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and caused terrible tragedies. After hearing
that, I was totally shocked. I came to realize that we should really understand
everything, no matter how small the thing is. Since it's possible that a simple lack of
knowledge or awareness of tiny things can result in dangerous situations, we or
scientists should definitely concentrate on them.

It’s the same in the history of science and technology; we must know it in order to
prevent and manage negative outcomes that could result from innovations and
discoveries that had both positive and negative consequences from the beginning.
Understanding the history of science and technology can help us know how our
inventions and discoveries have shaped the world over time. By researching its past,
one can also pay respect to the sacrifices and discoveries made by those who
committed their time and life to create such important things that we have now.

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