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A. Discuss Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory in relation to health behavior

perception of individuals.
 According to Bandura, self-efficacy is an individual's perception of his
competencies, which plays a significant role in his ambition and outcome
expectations. Bandura's self-efficacy theory suggests that a person's
confidence in his abilities can determine his drives and decisions. Someone
with a high level of self-efficacy tends to foster a more positive outlook and
experience a lower incidence of stress. Conversely, someone with a weak
sense of self-efficacy is less confident in potential outcomes and is more
inclined to experience stress and depression.

B. Explain the Psycho-social dimensions of Stress among Filipinos.

 According to Dr. Michael Tan, UP Socio -anthropology Professor and
Chancellor, and also the author of the article entitled Stress and the Filipino.
According to him, there is a difference between Filipino and foreign people on
how we deal with stress. He highlighted that there is no Filipino word of stress
and being stressed but it doesn’t mean that Filipino don’t experience stress.
We are aware that not all the people cannot handle stress which resulted to
an effect to our health. He also gives examples of some factors that can be a
source of stress such having extended Filipino family and being an overseas
worker. But despite all that stress, we cannot deny the fact that Filipino still
able to smile and put in our mind that “life must go on”.

C. Explore the concept of Stress and Stress Management.

 According to WHO, stress can be defined as any type of change that causes
physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to
anything that requires attention or action. Everyone experiences stress to
some degree. The way you respond to stress, however, make a big difference
to your overall well-being. Stress can be short-term or long-term. Both can
lead to a variety of symptoms, but chronic stress can take a serious toll on the
body over time and have long-lasting health effects.
 Stress management is defined as the tools, strategies, or techniques that
reduce stress and reduce the negative impacts stress has on your mental or
physical well-being. A variety of techniques can be used to manage stress.
These include mental, emotional, and behavioral strategies.

D. Apply ways and means of Self Care Management from different

 Every we face challenges and it really affect ourselves specifically in our
health. As for myself, it is important for me to live in a healthy lifestyle,
physically and mentally, even in my social life. “Never neglecting to
consistently have a connection with my family” is one of my ways in self-care

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