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quadrangles, designed on the same principle, though varying in

years in succession, to determine whether plants assimilate

grade. ``Harrar-Mocha'' is of first-class quality. It is

with preface by N. Murakami (1899, reprinted from the Hakluyt

(London, 1902); J. Lecornu, La Navigation aerienne (Paris,

known natural water; they are merely beverages owing their

matters. In numeration, indeed, uniformity was not attained

on the existing sciences and on the pretensions of learned

Africa. The single-humped camel--as a domestic animal--is

to find the necessary supporters to enable him to clear

and especially the first quarter of the 19th century, and

AINGER, ALFRED (1837-1904), English divine and man of letters,

angular momentum in the aether. Modern theory accepts the

fighting. Almeida was taken by the French in 1810 and its

no smell and is only slightly soluble in water. The aqueous

Romances.---The story of Aeneas, as a sequel to the legend of

all previous experience. Not only was the army accompanied

Indian Peninsula railway and is 383 m. E.N.E. of Bombay. It

and Persia which broke out in 1821, but cholera attacked his

The municipal museum contains a collection of furniture,

Marshal J. L. C. A. Randon (1795-1871), named governor-

December, by which time the fur is in its winter condition,

colotomy is usually divided into two stages: a loop of the

of the interior, and the first British mission to Kumasi,

Battle of Acre.---The battle of 1189, fought on the ground

speaking, not different dialects, but different languages,

eight members of the local authority had been convicted of

Paternulus ii.; Josephus, Antiq. Jud. xv. 10, xvi. 2;

and his retirement is no doubt to be ascribed to similar

In a donative advowson, the sovereign, or any subject by

bastard fallows in summer, and after harvest a considerable

Rustica, i. 2. 7, i. 10. 2; Livy iv. 48, v. 24; Festus, p.

spectators. In the middle ages vague ideas appear of some

AESERNIA (mod. Isernia), a Samnite town on the road from

of the ports opened to trade by the treaty of 1842, and Mr

year of the Seven against Thebes; but after 458, when the

containing gold, copper and coal. Many lakes, of which the

different from the civil. It refers not to an accusation,

literary activity, publishing among other works an edition of

is, therefore, relative, if only to its contradictory.

``regenerator,'' in which the air was alternately cooled

wall was thickened about the IInd or IIIrd dynasty. The old

Opuntian Locrians (on whose coins he appears), who always left

lining wall project into the cavity near the stomach and have

the latter the largest river of the continent. The upper

of Chaumont and Paris (of the 20th of November 1815) against

enemy. Little mercy was shown on either side. The dashing

some large home-grown crops in certain subsequent years (1897

and iron mining district of Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire,

de l'Hellenisme (translation by Bouche-Leclerq); Ad. Holm,

on the whole, much more opaque for red rays, but is readily

of British Cereals in England and Wales, 1875-1905.

being the only stream which can be dignified with that name,

277). An action in rem asserts a right to a particular

5 acres 27,395 19,544 58,829 70,465 176,233

fulfilment. The French remained in Prussia, the Russians on

the variety and vagueness of meaning attaching to the term

his doctrine is the relativity of beauty. Unlike Plato,

treaty. This preliminary treaty was signed on the 30th of

are to be found chiefly in the Memoires concernant

staff should turn inwards instead of outwards, indicating

Melfis refers to the fact that the principle of accounts

of the corporation, which consists in all of 232 members,

Albumins proper.--Albumins (as classified above) are

Alytes is nocturnal and slow in its movements. It is

naturally produced by the fantastic etymology of the middle

mental and physical examinations. The president is allowed

Valentine and Paracelsus three earths--the mercurial, the

but the public buildings, the chief of which are the church

22 In a paper published in the volume of Philologische

Persian conquest, 570-526 B.C. Most of our information

of advocates to represent them in the courts. In the Frankish

to the term limit of perpetual snow, though the case

slow in accepting the decisions given under the influence of

Trezel in October 1833 gave the French a footing at another

enacted that over a wide area of Central Africa--the conventional

Forcella Forada (Caprile to San Vito), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . .6,480

arrangement of church, refectory, &c., opening out of a

he admittedly gave him some assistance in its composition;

Gardiner says of them, ``Little as it was intended at the

in 1901 was 828,487, showing an increase of 8% during the

Athenians protested against the treatment of Amphissa, and were

(Strabo 340, quoting Hipponax, fi. 540 B.C.), partly

witnesses has already begun. When completed, it will cast

biographies that by Pauli is still of great value: Konig

of its architectural remains. It was founded by Ahmad Shah

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