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The Complete iDempiere DocBook

Redhuan D. Oon
The Complete iDempiere DocBook
Redhuan D. Oon
Copyright © 2015 Redhuan D. Oon
Licensed Under Creative Commons 3.0, Sponsored by Zeeshan Hasan, SYSNOVA, Bangladesh
Dear Hazel, "Do You Remember All Those Days We Went Through, It Took A Lifetime To Realize"

Table of Contents
Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... lviii
1. Workflow:Accounting Setup .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2. Workflow:Business Partner Setup .................................................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Workflow:Initial Client Setup Review ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Workflow:Language Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
5. Workflow:Performance Measurement Setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
6. Workflow:Price List Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
7. Workflow:Product Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Workflow:Project Setup and Use ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
9. Workflow:Request Setup .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
10. Workflow:Sales Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................... 10
11. Workflow:Setup Replication ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
12. Workflow:Tax Setup ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
13. Process :Auto Allocation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 13
14. Process :Automatic account reconciliation .................................................................................................................................................... 14
15. Process :Bank/Cash Transfer ...................................................................................................................................................................... 15
16. Process :Business Partner Organization ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
17. Process :C_Invoice Calculate Tax ............................................................................................................................................................... 18
18. Process :Cache Reset ................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
19. Process :Change Base Language ................................................................................................................................................................. 20
20. Process :Client Accounting Processor .......................................................................................................................................................... 21
21. Process :Convert passwords to hashes .......................................................................................................................................................... 22
22. Process :Copy Role .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
23. Process :Create AP Expense Invoices .......................................................................................................................................................... 24
24. Process :Create Costing Records ................................................................................................................................................................. 25
25. Process :Create Foreign Key ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26
26. Process :Create PO from Requisition ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
27. Process :Create Sales Orders from Expense .................................................................................................................................................. 29
28. Process :Create Table Index ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
29. Process :Delete Import .............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
30. Process :Deliver Assets ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32
31. Process :Enable Native Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
32. Process :Export Format Generator ............................................................................................................................................................... 34
33. Process :FA_ProjectCreateAsset .................................................................................................................................................................. 35
34. Process :Generate Invoices ......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
35. Process :Generate PO from Project .............................................................................................................................................................. 38
36. Process :Generate PO from Sales Order ....................................................................................................................................................... 39
37. Process :Generate Shipments ...................................................................................................................................................................... 40

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

38. Process :HouseKeeping ............................................................................................................................................................................. 42

39. Process :Import CSV Process ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
40. Process :Initial Client Setup Process ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
41. Process :Invoice Requests .......................................................................................................................................................................... 47
42. Process :Issue to Project ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
43. Process :Load Bank Statement .................................................................................................................................................................... 50
44. Process :Order Batch Process ..................................................................................................................................................................... 51
45. Process :POS Key Generate ....................................................................................................................................................................... 53
46. Process :Print Dunning Letters .................................................................................................................................................................... 54
47. Process :Print Invoices .............................................................................................................................................................................. 55
48. Process :Product Organization .................................................................................................................................................................... 57
49. Process :Quote convert .............................................................................................................................................................................. 58
50. Process :RePrice Order/Invoice ................................................................................................................................................................... 59
51. Process :Recalculate Cube ......................................................................................................................................................................... 60
52. Process :Receivables Write-Off ................................................................................................................................................................... 61
53. Process :Recompile DB Objects .................................................................................................................................................................. 63
54. Process :Recurring Run ............................................................................................................................................................................. 64
55. Process :Reopen Order .............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
56. Process :Reopen Request ........................................................................................................................................................................... 66
57. Process :Request EMail Processor ............................................................................................................................................................... 67
58. Process :Reset Accounting ......................................................................................................................................................................... 69
59. Process :Reset Allocation ........................................................................................................................................................................... 70
60. Process :Reset Locked Account .................................................................................................................................................................. 71
61. Process :Resubmit Posting ......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
62. Process :Role Access Update ...................................................................................................................................................................... 73
63. Process :Rollup BOM Cost ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
64. Process :Send Mail Text ............................................................................................................................................................................ 75
65. Process :Sequence Check ........................................................................................................................................................................... 77
66. Process :Standard Cost Update ................................................................................................................................................................... 78
67. Process :Storage Cleanup ........................................................................................................................................................................... 80
68. Process :Synchronize Doc Translation .......................................................................................................................................................... 81
69. Process :Synchronize Terminology .............................................................................................................................................................. 82
70. Process :Test Export Model ....................................................................................................................................................................... 83
71. Process :Test Import Model ....................................................................................................................................................................... 84
72. Process :UUID Generator .......................................................................................................................................................................... 85
73. Process :UnLink Business Partner Org ......................................................................................................................................................... 86
74. Process :Universal substitution .................................................................................................................................................................... 87
75. Process :Validate BOM Flags ..................................................................................................................................................................... 88
76. Process :Validate Business Partner .............................................................................................................................................................. 89
77. Process :Verify BOM Structure .................................................................................................................................................................. 90
78. Process :Verify Document Types ................................................................................................................................................................ 91

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

79. Process :Verify Language Configuration ...................................................................................................................................................... 92

80. Process :Warehouse Organization ................................................................................................................................................................ 93
81. Process :Workflow to Client ...................................................................................................................................................................... 94
82. Report :1099 Extract ................................................................................................................................................................................. 95
83. Report :Accounting Fact Daily ................................................................................................................................................................... 99
84. Report :Accounting Fact Details ................................................................................................................................................................ 103
85. Report :Accounting Fact Period ................................................................................................................................................................ 118
86. Report :Aging ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
87. Report :Allocation ................................................................................................................................................................................... 126
88. Report :Asset Delivery Details .................................................................................................................................................................. 131
89. Report :Asset Delivery Month .................................................................................................................................................................. 135
90. Report :Bank Register Report ................................................................................................................................................................... 139
91. Report :Business Partner Detail ................................................................................................................................................................. 142
92. Report :Business Partner Open .................................................................................................................................................................. 156
93. Report :Cash Flow Report ........................................................................................................................................................................ 160
94. Report :Commission Run Detail ................................................................................................................................................................ 163
95. Report :Customer Assets .......................................................................................................................................................................... 180
96. Report :Customer Balances ....................................................................................................................................................................... 183
97. Report :Customer Statement ..................................................................................................................................................................... 184
98. Report :Daily Invoice .............................................................................................................................................................................. 185
99. Report :Depreciation Expense Entry .......................................................................................................................................................... 187
100. Report :Indented Bill of Material ............................................................................................................................................................. 190
101. Report :Inventory Valuation Report .......................................................................................................................................................... 193
102. Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin .......................................................................................................................................................... 196
103. Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss ................................................................................................................................................... 208
104. Report :Invoice Tax ............................................................................................................................................................................... 220
105. Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct) ......................................................................................................................................................... 231
106. Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc) .......................................................................................................................................................... 243
107. Report :Material Receipt Details .............................................................................................................................................................. 255
108. Report :Material Reference ..................................................................................................................................................................... 267
109. Report :Monthly Invoice ........................................................................................................................................................................ 270
110. Report :Monthly Invoice Prod Cat ........................................................................................................................................................... 272
111. Report :Monthly Invoice Product ............................................................................................................................................................. 274
112. Report :Monthly Invoice Vendor ............................................................................................................................................................. 276
113. Report :Open Confirmation Details .......................................................................................................................................................... 278
114. Report :Open Confirmations ................................................................................................................................................................... 282
115. Report :Open Items ............................................................................................................................................................................... 286
116. Report :Open Orders .............................................................................................................................................................................. 294
117. Report :Open Requisitions ...................................................................................................................................................................... 308
118. Report :Order Detail .............................................................................................................................................................................. 312
119. Report :Order Transactions ..................................................................................................................................................................... 326

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

120. Report :Payment Details ......................................................................................................................................................................... 337

121. Report :Print Format Detail .................................................................................................................................................................... 347
122. Report :Product Cost ............................................................................................................................................................................. 354
123. Report :Product Cost Detail .................................................................................................................................................................... 363
124. Report :Product Cost Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... 373
125. Report :Product Transaction Summary ...................................................................................................................................................... 376
126. Report :Product Transaction Value ........................................................................................................................................................... 378
127. Report :Product/Component Where Used .................................................................................................................................................. 388
128. Report :Project Cycle Report .................................................................................................................................................................. 390
129. Report :Project Detail Accounting Report ................................................................................................................................................. 395
130. Report :Project Lines not Issued .............................................................................................................................................................. 409
131. Report :Project Margin (Work Order) ....................................................................................................................................................... 412
132. Report :Project POs not Issued ................................................................................................................................................................ 416
133. Report :Quarter Invoice Product .............................................................................................................................................................. 419
134. Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product ......................................................................................................................................... 421
135. Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor .......................................................................................................................................... 423
136. Report :Replenish Report ....................................................................................................................................................................... 425
137. Report :Replenish Report incl. Production ................................................................................................................................................. 428
138. Report :RfQ Response ........................................................................................................................................................................... 431
139. Report :RfQ Unanswered ....................................................................................................................................................................... 435
140. Report :Shipment Details ........................................................................................................................................................................ 438
141. Report :Simple Fact View ...................................................................................................................................................................... 450
142. Report :Statement of Accounts ................................................................................................................................................................ 453
143. Report :Storage Detail ........................................................................................................................................................................... 456
144. Report :Storage per Product .................................................................................................................................................................... 465
145. Report :Transaction Detail ...................................................................................................................................................................... 468
146. Report :Trial Balance ............................................................................................................................................................................. 484
147. Report :UnAllocated Invoices .................................................................................................................................................................. 490
148. Report :UnAllocated Payments ................................................................................................................................................................ 502
149. Report :UnReconciled Payments .............................................................................................................................................................. 510
150. Report :Unreconciled accounting facts ...................................................................................................................................................... 518
151. Report :Vendor Balances ........................................................................................................................................................................ 524
152. Report :Vendor Selection ....................................................................................................................................................................... 525
153. Report :Vendor Statement ....................................................................................................................................................................... 529
154. Report :Weekly Invoice ......................................................................................................................................................................... 530
155. Report :Weekly Invoice Prod Cat ............................................................................................................................................................ 532
156. Window: 1099 Box ............................................................................................................................................................................... 534
1. Tab: 1099 Box - C_1099Box ............................................................................................................................................................. 534
157. Window: ASP Modules ......................................................................................................................................................................... 536
1. Tab: Module - ASP_Module .............................................................................................................................................................. 536
2. Tab: Level - ASP_Level ................................................................................................................................................................... 537

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

3. Tab: Window - ASP_Window ............................................................................................................................................................ 538

4. Tab: Tab - ASP_Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 539
5. Tab: Field - ASP_Field ..................................................................................................................................................................... 539
6. Tab: Process - ASP_Process .............................................................................................................................................................. 540
7. Tab: Process Parameter - ASP_Process_Para ........................................................................................................................................ 541
8. Tab: Form - ASP_Form .................................................................................................................................................................... 542
9. Tab: Task - ASP_Task ...................................................................................................................................................................... 542
10. Tab: Workflow - ASP_Workflow ...................................................................................................................................................... 543
11. Tab: Ref List - ASP_Ref_List .......................................................................................................................................................... 544
158. Window: ASP Subscribed Modules ......................................................................................................................................................... 546
1. Tab: Client Level - ASP_ClientLevel .................................................................................................................................................. 546
2. Tab: Exceptions - ASP_ClientException .............................................................................................................................................. 547
159. Window: Account Combination .............................................................................................................................................................. 550
1. Tab: Combination - C_ValidCombination ............................................................................................................................................ 550
160. Window: Account Element ..................................................................................................................................................................... 554
1. Tab: Element - C_Element ................................................................................................................................................................ 554
2. Tab: Element Value - C_ElementValue ............................................................................................................................................... 556
3. Tab: Translation - C_ElementValue_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 559
4. Tab: Sub Account - C_SubAcct .......................................................................................................................................................... 560
161. Window: Accounting Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................................ 562
1. Tab: Organization Dimension - AD_Org .............................................................................................................................................. 562
2. Tab: Sales Region Dimension - C_SalesRegion ..................................................................................................................................... 563
3. Tab: Activity Dimension - C_Activity ................................................................................................................................................. 564
4. Tab: Project Dimension - C_Project .................................................................................................................................................... 565
5. Tab: Business Partner Dimension - C_BPartner ..................................................................................................................................... 570
6. Tab: Product Dimension - M_Product ................................................................................................................................................. 577
7. Tab: Campaign Dimension - C_Campaign ............................................................................................................................................ 583
162. Window: Accounting Fact Balances ......................................................................................................................................................... 586
1. Tab: Daily Balances - Fact_Acct_Balance ............................................................................................................................................ 586
163. Window: Accounting Fact Details ........................................................................................................................................................... 590
1. Tab: Accounting - Fact_Acct ............................................................................................................................................................. 590
164. Window: Accounting Processor ............................................................................................................................................................... 595
1. Tab: Accounting Processor - C_AcctProcessor ...................................................................................................................................... 595
2. Tab: Log - C_AcctProcessorLog ......................................................................................................................................................... 597
165. Window: Accounting Schema ................................................................................................................................................................. 599
1. Tab: Accounting Schema - C_AcctSchema ........................................................................................................................................... 599
2. Tab: Account Schema Dimensions - C_AcctSchema_Element ................................................................................................................. 604
3. Tab: General Ledger - C_AcctSchema_GL ........................................................................................................................................... 607
4. Tab: Defaults - C_AcctSchema_Default ............................................................................................................................................... 609
166. Window: Active Session ........................................................................................................................................................................ 620
1. Tab: Sessions - AD_SessionInfo_v ...................................................................................................................................................... 620

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

167. Window: Activity (ABC) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 622

1. Tab: Activity - C_Activity ................................................................................................................................................................. 622
2. Tab: Translation - C_Activity_Trl ....................................................................................................................................................... 623
168. Window: Address Transaction ................................................................................................................................................................ 625
1. Tab: Address Transaction - C_AddressTransaction ................................................................................................................................ 625
169. Window: Address Validation .................................................................................................................................................................. 627
1. Tab: Address Validation - C_AddressValidation .................................................................................................................................... 627
170. Window: Address Validation Configuration .............................................................................................................................................. 629
1. Tab: Address Validation - C_AddressValidationCfg ............................................................................................................................... 629
171. Window: Alert ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 631
1. Tab: Alert - AD_Alert ...................................................................................................................................................................... 631
2. Tab: Alert Rule - AD_AlertRule ......................................................................................................................................................... 632
3. Tab: Alert Recipient - AD_AlertRecipient ............................................................................................................................................ 634
172. Window: Alert Processor ....................................................................................................................................................................... 636
1. Tab: Processor - AD_AlertProcessor ................................................................................................................................................... 636
2. Tab: Log - AD_AlertProcessorLog ...................................................................................................................................................... 637
173. Window: Asset ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 639
1. Tab: Asset - A_Asset ....................................................................................................................................................................... 639
2. Tab: Product - A_Asset_Product ......................................................................................................................................................... 644
3. Tab: Asset Balances - A_Depreciation_Workfile ................................................................................................................................... 645
4. Tab: Accounting Setup - A_Asset_Acct ............................................................................................................................................... 648
5. Tab: Activation/Addition - A_Asset_Addition ....................................................................................................................................... 652
6. Tab: Cost Details - A_Asset_Addition ................................................................................................................................................. 657
7. Tab: Disposal - A_Asset_Disposed ..................................................................................................................................................... 659
8. Tab: Asset Usage - A_Asset_Use ....................................................................................................................................................... 660
9. Tab: Delivery - A_Asset_Delivery ...................................................................................................................................................... 661
10. Tab: Asset History - A_Asset_Change ............................................................................................................................................... 663
11. Tab: Issue Project - R_IssueProject ................................................................................................................................................... 669
12. Tab: Finance Information - A_Asset_Info_Fin ..................................................................................................................................... 671
13. Tab: License Information - A_Asset_Info_Lic ..................................................................................................................................... 673
14. Tab: Insurance Information - A_Asset_Info_Ins ................................................................................................................................... 674
15. Tab: Tax Information - A_Asset_Info_Tax ......................................................................................................................................... 675
16. Tab: Other Information - A_Asset_Info_Oth ....................................................................................................................................... 676
17. Tab: Expense - A_Depreciation_Exp ................................................................................................................................................. 677
174. Window: Asset Addition ........................................................................................................................................................................ 681
1. Tab: Addition - A_Asset_Addition ...................................................................................................................................................... 681
175. Window: Asset Disposal ........................................................................................................................................................................ 687
1. Tab: Asset Disposal - A_Asset_Disposed ............................................................................................................................................. 687
176. Window: Asset Group ........................................................................................................................................................................... 692
1. Tab: Asset Group - A_Asset_Group .................................................................................................................................................... 692
2. Tab: Group Account - A_Asset_Group_Acct ........................................................................................................................................ 693

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

3. Tab: Translation - A_Asset_Group_Trl ................................................................................................................................................ 697

177. Window: Attachment ............................................................................................................................................................................. 699
1. Tab: Attachment - AD_Attachment ..................................................................................................................................................... 699
2. Tab: Note - AD_AttachmentNote ........................................................................................................................................................ 700
178. Window: Attribute ................................................................................................................................................................................ 702
1. Tab: Attribute - M_Attribute .............................................................................................................................................................. 702
2. Tab: Attribute Value - M_AttributeValue ............................................................................................................................................. 703
179. Window: Attribute Set ........................................................................................................................................................................... 705
1. Tab: Attribute Set - M_AttributeSet .................................................................................................................................................... 705
2. Tab: Attribute Use - M_AttributeUse .................................................................................................................................................. 707
3. Tab: Exclude - M_AttributeSetExclude ................................................................................................................................................ 708
180. Window: Attribute Set Instance ............................................................................................................................................................... 710
1. Tab: Instance - M_AttributeSetInstance ............................................................................................................................................... 710
2. Tab: Shipment, Receipt - M_InOutLineMA_v ....................................................................................................................................... 711
3. Tab: Movement - M_MovementLineMA_v .......................................................................................................................................... 712
4. Tab: Invoice - RV_C_InvoiceLine ...................................................................................................................................................... 713
181. Window: Bank / Cash ............................................................................................................................................................................ 718
1. Tab: Bank / Cash - C_Bank ............................................................................................................................................................... 718
2. Tab: Account - C_BankAccount ......................................................................................................................................................... 719
3. Tab: Bank Account Document - C_BankAccountDoc ............................................................................................................................. 721
4. Tab: Bank Account Processor - C_BankAccount_Processor ..................................................................................................................... 722
5. Tab: Statement Loader - C_BankStatementLoader ................................................................................................................................. 725
6. Tab: Accounting - C_BankAccount_Acct ............................................................................................................................................. 727
182. Window: Bank Statement Matcher ........................................................................................................................................................... 730
1. Tab: Bank Statement Matcher - C_BankStatementMatcher ...................................................................................................................... 730
183. Window: Bank/Cash Statement ............................................................................................................................................................... 732
1. Tab: Bank/Cash Statement - C_BankStatement ..................................................................................................................................... 732
2. Tab: Statement Line - C_BankStatementLine ........................................................................................................................................ 735
184. Window: Broadcast Message .................................................................................................................................................................. 741
1. Tab: Broadcast Message - AD_BroadcastMessage ................................................................................................................................. 741
2. Tab: Message Log - AD_Note ........................................................................................................................................................... 743
3. Tab: Translation - AD_BroadcastMessage_Trl ...................................................................................................................................... 744
185. Window: Business Partner ...................................................................................................................................................................... 746
1. Tab: Business Partner - C_BPartner .................................................................................................................................................... 746
2. Tab: Contact (User) - AD_User .......................................................................................................................................................... 754
3. Tab: Interest Area - R_ContactInterest ................................................................................................................................................. 758
4. Tab: BP Access - AD_UserBPAccess .................................................................................................................................................. 759
5. Tab: Location - C_BPartner_Location ................................................................................................................................................. 761
6. Tab: Bank Account - C_BP_BankAccount ........................................................................................................................................... 763
7. Tab: Shipping Accounts - C_BP_ShippingAcct ..................................................................................................................................... 766
8. Tab: Customer Accounting - C_BP_Customer_Acct ............................................................................................................................... 767

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

9. Tab: Vendor Accounting - C_BP_Vendor_Acct .................................................................................................................................... 768

10. Tab: Employee Accounting - C_BP_Employee_Acct ............................................................................................................................ 769
11. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner ............................................................................................................................................................ 770
12. Tab: Vendor - C_BPartner ............................................................................................................................................................... 779
13. Tab: Employee - C_BPartner ............................................................................................................................................................ 787
186. Window: Business Partner Group ............................................................................................................................................................ 796
1. Tab: Business Partner Group - C_BP_Group ........................................................................................................................................ 796
2. Tab: Accounting - C_BP_Group_Acct ................................................................................................................................................. 798
3. Tab: Assigned Partners - C_BPartner .................................................................................................................................................. 801
187. Window: Business Partner Info ............................................................................................................................................................... 809
1. Tab: Partner Selection - C_BPartner .................................................................................................................................................... 809
2. Tab: Partner Orders - C_Order ........................................................................................................................................................... 817
3. Tab: Partner Shipments - M_InOut ..................................................................................................................................................... 825
4. Tab: Partner Invoices - C_Invoice ....................................................................................................................................................... 832
5. Tab: Partner Payments - C_Payment ................................................................................................................................................... 839
6. Tab: Partner Assets - A_Asset ............................................................................................................................................................ 849
7. Tab: Partner Requests - R_Request ..................................................................................................................................................... 852
188. Window: Calendar Year and Period ......................................................................................................................................................... 859
1. Tab: Calendar - C_Calendar ............................................................................................................................................................... 859
2. Tab: Year - C_Year .......................................................................................................................................................................... 860
3. Tab: Period - C_Period ..................................................................................................................................................................... 861
4. Tab: Period Control - C_PeriodControl ................................................................................................................................................ 862
5. Tab: Non Business Day - C_NonBusinessDay ...................................................................................................................................... 864
189. Window: Cash Plan .............................................................................................................................................................................. 866
1. Tab: Cash Plan - C_CashPlan ............................................................................................................................................................ 866
2. Tab: Cash Plan Line - C_CashPlanLine ............................................................................................................................................... 869
190. Window: Change Audit ......................................................................................................................................................................... 872
1. Tab: Change Audit - AD_ChangeLog .................................................................................................................................................. 872
191. Window: Charge ................................................................................................................................................................................... 874
1. Tab: Charge - C_Charge ................................................................................................................................................................... 874
2. Tab: Accounting - C_Charge_Acct ...................................................................................................................................................... 875
3. Tab: Translation - C_Charge_Trl ........................................................................................................................................................ 876
192. Window: Charge Type ........................................................................................................................................................................... 878
1. Tab: Charge Type - C_ChargeType ..................................................................................................................................................... 878
2. Tab: Charge Type by Doc Type - C_ChargeType_DocType .................................................................................................................... 879
193. Window: Chart ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 880
1. Tab: Chart - AD_Chart ..................................................................................................................................................................... 880
2. Tab: Datasource - AD_ChartDatasource ............................................................................................................................................... 882
3. Tab: Translation - AD_Chart_Trl ........................................................................................................................................................ 883
194. Window: Chat Type .............................................................................................................................................................................. 885
1. Tab: Chat Type - CM_ChatType ........................................................................................................................................................ 885

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

2. Tab: Updates - CM_ChatTypeUpdate .................................................................................................................................................. 886

195. Window: Client .................................................................................................................................................................................... 888
1. Tab: Client - AD_Client .................................................................................................................................................................... 888
2. Tab: Client Info - AD_ClientInfo ....................................................................................................................................................... 892
3. Tab: Client Share - AD_ClientShare ................................................................................................................................................... 895
196. Window: Commission ........................................................................................................................................................................... 897
1. Tab: Commission - C_Commission ..................................................................................................................................................... 897
2. Tab: Commission Line - C_CommissionLine ........................................................................................................................................ 899
197. Window: Commission Run ..................................................................................................................................................................... 902
1. Tab: Commission Run - C_CommissionRun ......................................................................................................................................... 902
2. Tab: Commission Amount - C_CommissionAmt ................................................................................................................................... 904
3. Tab: Commission Detail - C_CommissionDetail .................................................................................................................................... 905
198. Window: Commodity Shipment .............................................................................................................................................................. 907
1. Tab: Commodity Shipment - M_CommodityShipment ............................................................................................................................ 907
199. Window: Contact .................................................................................................................................................................................. 909
1. Tab: Contact - AD_User ................................................................................................................................................................... 909
2. Tab: Activity - C_ContactActivity ...................................................................................................................................................... 911
200. Window: Context Help .......................................................................................................................................................................... 913
1. Tab: Context Help - AD_CtxHelp ....................................................................................................................................................... 913
2. Tab: Message - AD_CtxHelpMsg ....................................................................................................................................................... 914
3. Tab: Translation - AD_CtxHelpMsg_Trl .............................................................................................................................................. 915
201. Window: Cost Adjustment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 916
1. Tab: Cost Adjustment - M_Inventory .................................................................................................................................................. 916
2. Tab: Cost Adjustment Line - M_InventoryLine ..................................................................................................................................... 919
202. Window: Cost Element .......................................................................................................................................................................... 923
1. Tab: Cost Element - M_CostElement .................................................................................................................................................. 923
203. Window: Cost Type .............................................................................................................................................................................. 925
1. Tab: Cost Type - M_CostType ........................................................................................................................................................... 925
204. Window: Counter Document .................................................................................................................................................................. 927
1. Tab: Counter Document - C_DocTypeCounter ...................................................................................................................................... 927
205. Window: Country Group ........................................................................................................................................................................ 930
1. Tab: Country Group - C_CountryGroup ............................................................................................................................................... 930
2. Tab: Country - C_CountryGroupCountry ............................................................................................................................................. 931
3. Tab: Translation - C_CountryGroup_Trl .............................................................................................................................................. 932
206. Window: Country Region and City .......................................................................................................................................................... 934
1. Tab: Country - C_Country ................................................................................................................................................................. 934
2. Tab: Region - C_Region ................................................................................................................................................................... 939
3. Tab: City - C_City ........................................................................................................................................................................... 940
4. Tab: Translation - C_Region_Trl ........................................................................................................................................................ 942
5. Tab: City (Without Regions) - C_City ................................................................................................................................................. 943
6. Tab: Translation - C_Country_Trl ....................................................................................................................................................... 944

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

7. Tab: Country Group - C_CountryGroupCountry .................................................................................................................................... 945

207. Window: Currency ................................................................................................................................................................................ 947
1. Tab: Currency - C_Currency .............................................................................................................................................................. 947
2. Tab: Conversion Rates - C_Conversion_Rate ........................................................................................................................................ 948
3. Tab: Accounting - C_Currency_Acct ................................................................................................................................................... 950
4. Tab: Translation - C_Currency_Trl ..................................................................................................................................................... 951
208. Window: Currency Rate ......................................................................................................................................................................... 953
1. Tab: Conversion Rate - C_Conversion_Rate ......................................................................................................................................... 953
209. Window: Currency Type ........................................................................................................................................................................ 955
1. Tab: Conversion Type - C_ConversionType ......................................................................................................................................... 955
210. Window: Customer ............................................................................................................................................................................... 957
1. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner .............................................................................................................................................................. 957
2. Tab: Opportunities - C_Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................... 965
3. Tab: Contacts - AD_User .................................................................................................................................................................. 967
4. Tab: Activities - C_ContactActivity .................................................................................................................................................... 971
5. Tab: Locations - C_BPartner_Location ................................................................................................................................................ 972
6. Tab: Contract Prices - M_BP_Price ..................................................................................................................................................... 974
7. Tab: Requests - R_Request ................................................................................................................................................................ 976
8. Tab: Orders - RV_OrderDetail ........................................................................................................................................................... 982
211. Window: Customer RMA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 988
1. Tab: Customer RMA - M_RMA ......................................................................................................................................................... 988
2. Tab: RMA Line - M_RMALine ......................................................................................................................................................... 991
3. Tab: RMA Tax - M_RMATax ........................................................................................................................................................... 994
212. Window: Customer Return ..................................................................................................................................................................... 996
1. Tab: Customer Return - M_InOut ....................................................................................................................................................... 996
2. Tab: Customer Return Line - M_InOutLine ........................................................................................................................................ 1003
3. Tab: Attributes - M_InOutLineMA .................................................................................................................................................... 1008
4. Tab: Confirmations - M_InOutLineConfirm ........................................................................................................................................ 1009
5. Tab: Matched POs - M_MatchPO ..................................................................................................................................................... 1011
6. Tab: Matched Invoices - M_MatchInv ............................................................................................................................................... 1013
213. Window: Dashboard Content ................................................................................................................................................................ 1016
1. Tab: Dashboard Content - PA_DashboardContent ................................................................................................................................ 1016
2. Tab: Dashboard Content Access - PA_DashboardContent_Access ........................................................................................................... 1018
3. Tab: Translation - PA_DashboardContent_Trl ..................................................................................................................................... 1019
214. Window: Dashboard Preference ............................................................................................................................................................. 1021
1. Tab: Preference - PA_DashboardPreference ........................................................................................................................................ 1021
215. Window: Depreciation Methods ............................................................................................................................................................. 1023
1. Tab: Depreciation Functions - A_Depreciation .................................................................................................................................... 1023
216. Window: Discount Schema ................................................................................................................................................................... 1025
1. Tab: Discount Schema - M_DiscountSchema ...................................................................................................................................... 1025
2. Tab: Discount Break - M_DiscountSchemaBreak ................................................................................................................................. 1026

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

217. Window: Document Sequence ............................................................................................................................................................... 1029

1. Tab: Sequence - AD_Sequence ......................................................................................................................................................... 1029
2. Tab: Sequence No - AD_Sequence_No .............................................................................................................................................. 1032
218. Window: Document Type ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1033
1. Tab: Document Type - C_DocType ................................................................................................................................................... 1033
2. Tab: Translation - C_DocType_Trl .................................................................................................................................................... 1039
219. Window: Dunning ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1041
1. Tab: Dunning - C_Dunning .............................................................................................................................................................. 1041
2. Tab: Level - C_DunningLevel .......................................................................................................................................................... 1042
3. Tab: Translation - C_DunningLevel_Trl ............................................................................................................................................. 1045
220. Window: Dunning Run ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1046
1. Tab: Dunning Run - C_DunningRun ................................................................................................................................................. 1046
2. Tab: Entry - C_DunningRunEntry ..................................................................................................................................................... 1047
3. Tab: Line - C_DunningRunLine ........................................................................................................................................................ 1049
221. Window: Element ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1052
1. Tab: Element - AD_Element ............................................................................................................................................................ 1052
2. Tab: Translation - AD_Element_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 1053
3. Tab: Used in Column - AD_Column ................................................................................................................................................. 1055
4. Tab: Used in Process Parameter - AD_Process_Para ............................................................................................................................ 1061
5. Tab: Used in Info Column - AD_InfoColumn ..................................................................................................................................... 1061
222. Window: Entity Type .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1063
1. Tab: Entity Type - AD_EntityType ................................................................................................................................................... 1063
2. Tab: System Modifin - AD_Modification ........................................................................................................................................... 1065
223. Window: Error Message ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1067
1. Tab: Error Message - AD_Error ....................................................................................................................................................... 1067
224. Window: Expense Report ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1069
1. Tab: Expense Report - S_TimeExpense .............................................................................................................................................. 1069
2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine ............................................................................................................................................. 1071
225. Window: Expense Type ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1076
1. Tab: Expense Type - S_ExpenseType ................................................................................................................................................ 1076
2. Tab: Expense Product - M_Product ................................................................................................................................................... 1077
3. Tab: Price - M_ProductPrice ............................................................................................................................................................ 1083
4. Tab: Accounting - M_Product_Acct .................................................................................................................................................. 1084
226. Window: Expenses (not reimbursed) ...................................................................................................................................................... 1087
1. Tab: Employee, Vendor - C_BPartner ................................................................................................................................................ 1087
2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine ............................................................................................................................................. 1095
227. Window: Expenses (to be invoiced) ....................................................................................................................................................... 1099
1. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner ............................................................................................................................................................ 1099
2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine ............................................................................................................................................. 1107
228. Window: Export Format ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1111
1. Tab: Export Format - EXP_Format ................................................................................................................................................... 1111

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

2. Tab: Export Format Line - EXP_FormatLine ...................................................................................................................................... 1112

229. Window: Export Processor ................................................................................................................................................................... 1115
1. Tab: Export Processor - EXP_Processor ............................................................................................................................................. 1115
2. Tab: Export Processor Parameter - EXP_ProcessorParameter ................................................................................................................. 1116
230. Window: Export Processor Type ........................................................................................................................................................... 1118
1. Tab: Export Processor Type - EXP_Processor_Type ............................................................................................................................. 1118
231. Window: Field Group .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1120
1. Tab: Field group - AD_FieldGroup ................................................................................................................................................... 1120
2. Tab: Translation - AD_FieldGroup_Trl .............................................................................................................................................. 1121
3. Tab: Used in Field - AD_Field ......................................................................................................................................................... 1122
232. Window: Financial Report .................................................................................................................................................................... 1123
1. Tab: Financial Report - PA_Report ................................................................................................................................................... 1123
233. Window: Form ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1126
1. Tab: Form - AD_Form .................................................................................................................................................................... 1126
2. Tab: Access - AD_Form_Access ....................................................................................................................................................... 1128
3. Tab: Translation - AD_Form_Trl ...................................................................................................................................................... 1128
234. Window: Freight Category .................................................................................................................................................................... 1130
1. Tab: Freight Category - M_FreightCategory ........................................................................................................................................ 1130
235. Window: GL Budget ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1132
1. Tab: Budget - GL_Budget ............................................................................................................................................................... 1132
236. Window: GL Category ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1134
1. Tab: GL Category - GL_Category ..................................................................................................................................................... 1134
2. Tab: Translation - GL_Category_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 1136
237. Window: GL Distribution ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1137
1. Tab: Distribution - GL_Distribution ................................................................................................................................................... 1137
2. Tab: Line - GL_DistributionLine ...................................................................................................................................................... 1142
238. Window: GL Journal ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1147
1. Tab: Journal - GL_Journal ............................................................................................................................................................... 1147
2. Tab: Line - GL_JournalLine ............................................................................................................................................................. 1151
239. Window: GL Journal Batch .................................................................................................................................................................. 1157
1. Tab: Batch - GL_JournalBatch ......................................................................................................................................................... 1157
2. Tab: Journal - GL_Journal ............................................................................................................................................................... 1160
3. Tab: Line - GL_JournalLine ............................................................................................................................................................. 1165
240. Window: GL Journal Generator ............................................................................................................................................................. 1171
1. Tab: GL Journal Generator - GL_JournalGenerator .............................................................................................................................. 1171
2. Tab: Generator Line - GL_JournalGeneratorLine ................................................................................................................................. 1173
3. Tab: Generator Source - GL_JournalGeneratorSource ........................................................................................................................... 1175
241. Window: Greeting ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1177
1. Tab: Greeting - C_Greeting .............................................................................................................................................................. 1177
2. Tab: Translation - C_Greeting_Trl .................................................................................................................................................... 1178
242. Window: House Keeping ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1180

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

1. Tab: House Keeping - AD_HouseKeeping .......................................................................................................................................... 1180

243. Window: Import Account ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1182
1. Tab: Import Account - I_ElementValue .............................................................................................................................................. 1182
244. Window: Import Bank Statement ........................................................................................................................................................... 1185
1. Tab: Bank Statement - I_BankStatement ............................................................................................................................................ 1185
245. Window: Import Business Partner .......................................................................................................................................................... 1191
1. Tab: Import Business Partner - I_BPartner .......................................................................................................................................... 1191
246. Window: Import Confirmations ............................................................................................................................................................. 1196
1. Tab: Confirmation Lines - I_InOutLineConfirm ................................................................................................................................... 1196
247. Window: Import Currency Rate ............................................................................................................................................................. 1198
1. Tab: Import Currency Rate - I_Conversion_Rate ................................................................................................................................. 1198
248. Window: Import GL Journal ................................................................................................................................................................. 1201
1. Tab: General Ledger - I_GLJournal ................................................................................................................................................... 1201
249. Window: Import Inventory ................................................................................................................................................................... 1208
1. Tab: Inventory - I_Inventory ............................................................................................................................................................ 1208
250. Window: Import Inventory Move ........................................................................................................................................................... 1212
1. Tab: Import Inventory Move - I_Movement ........................................................................................................................................ 1212
251. Window: Import Invoice ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1217
1. Tab: Invoice - I_Invoice .................................................................................................................................................................. 1217
252. Window: Import Loader Format ............................................................................................................................................................ 1224
1. Tab: Import Format - AD_ImpFormat ................................................................................................................................................ 1224
2. Tab: Format Field - AD_ImpFormat_Row .......................................................................................................................................... 1225
253. Window: Import Order ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1228
1. Tab: Order - I_Order ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1228
254. Window: Import Payment ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1236
1. Tab: Payment - I_Payment ............................................................................................................................................................... 1236
255. Window: Import Price List ................................................................................................................................................................... 1243
1. Tab: Import Price List - I_PriceList ................................................................................................................................................... 1243
256. Window: Import Processor ................................................................................................................................................................... 1247
1. Tab: Import Processor - IMP_Processor ............................................................................................................................................. 1247
2. Tab: Parameter - IMP_ProcessorParameter ......................................................................................................................................... 1248
3. Tab: Log - IMP_ProcessorLog .......................................................................................................................................................... 1249
257. Window: Import Processor Type ........................................................................................................................................................... 1251
1. Tab: Import Processor Type - IMP_Processor_Type ............................................................................................................................. 1251
258. Window: Import Product ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1253
1. Tab: Import Product - I_Product ....................................................................................................................................................... 1253
259. Window: Import Report Line Set ........................................................................................................................................................... 1259
1. Tab: Import Report Line Set - I_ReportLine ....................................................................................................................................... 1259
260. Window: Import Template .................................................................................................................................................................... 1263
1. Tab: Import Template - AD_ImportTemplate ...................................................................................................................................... 1263
2. Tab: Import Template Access - AD_ImportTemplateAccess .................................................................................................................. 1264

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

261. Window: Imported Fixed Asset ............................................................................................................................................................. 1266

1. Tab: Fixed Asset - I_FixedAsset ....................................................................................................................................................... 1266
262. Window: Info Window ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1270
1. Tab: Window - AD_InfoWindow ...................................................................................................................................................... 1270
2. Tab: Column - AD_InfoColumn ....................................................................................................................................................... 1273
3. Tab: Column Translation - AD_InfoColumn_Trl ................................................................................................................................. 1277
4. Tab: Window Translation - AD_InfoWindow_Trl ................................................................................................................................ 1278
5. Tab: Related Info Window - AD_InfoRelated ..................................................................................................................................... 1279
6. Tab: Process - AD_InfoProcess ........................................................................................................................................................ 1280
7. Tab: Role Access - AD_InfoWindow_Access ...................................................................................................................................... 1282
263. Window: Interest Area ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1284
1. Tab: Interest Area - R_InterestArea ................................................................................................................................................... 1284
2. Tab: Subscriptions - R_ContactInterest ............................................................................................................................................... 1285
3. Tab: LDAP Access - AD_LdapAccess ............................................................................................................................................... 1286
264. Window: Internal Use Inventory ............................................................................................................................................................ 1288
1. Tab: Internal Use - M_Inventory ....................................................................................................................................................... 1288
2. Tab: Internal Use Line - M_InventoryLine ......................................................................................................................................... 1291
3. Tab: Attributes - M_InventoryLineMA ............................................................................................................................................... 1294
265. Window: Inventory Move ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1296
1. Tab: Move - M_Movement .............................................................................................................................................................. 1296
2. Tab: Move Line - M_MovementLine ................................................................................................................................................. 1301
3. Tab: Attributes - M_MovementLineMA ............................................................................................................................................. 1303
266. Window: Invoice (Customer) ................................................................................................................................................................ 1305
1. Tab: Invoice - C_Invoice ................................................................................................................................................................. 1305
2. Tab: Invoice Line - C_InvoiceLine .................................................................................................................................................... 1312
3. Tab: Invoice Tax - C_InvoiceTax ..................................................................................................................................................... 1319
4. Tab: Payment Schedule - C_InvoicePaySchedule ................................................................................................................................. 1320
5. Tab: Allocation - C_AllocationLine ................................................................................................................................................... 1321
267. Window: Invoice (Vendor) ................................................................................................................................................................... 1324
1. Tab: Invoice - C_Invoice ................................................................................................................................................................. 1324
2. Tab: Invoice Line - C_InvoiceLine .................................................................................................................................................... 1331
3. Tab: Landed Costs - C_LandedCost .................................................................................................................................................. 1338
4. Tab: Landed Cost Allocation - C_LandedCostAllocation ....................................................................................................................... 1340
5. Tab: Matched POs - M_MatchPO ..................................................................................................................................................... 1341
6. Tab: Matched Receipts - M_MatchInv ............................................................................................................................................... 1343
7. Tab: Invoice Tax - C_InvoiceTax ..................................................................................................................................................... 1345
8. Tab: Payment Schedule - C_InvoicePaySchedule ................................................................................................................................. 1346
9. Tab: Allocation - C_AllocationLine ................................................................................................................................................... 1347
268. Window: Invoice Batch ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1350
1. Tab: Invoice Batch - C_InvoiceBatch ................................................................................................................................................ 1350
2. Tab: Batch Line - C_InvoiceBatchLine .............................................................................................................................................. 1352

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

269. Window: Invoice Payment Schedule ....................................................................................................................................................... 1357

1. Tab: Invoice - C_Invoice ................................................................................................................................................................. 1357
2. Tab: Payment Schedule - C_InvoicePaySchedule ................................................................................................................................. 1364
270. Window: Invoice Schedule ................................................................................................................................................................... 1366
1. Tab: Invoice Schedule - C_InvoiceSchedule ........................................................................................................................................ 1366
271. Window: LDAP Server ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1369
1. Tab: LDAP Server - AD_LdapProcessor ............................................................................................................................................ 1369
2. Tab: LDAP Server Log - AD_LdapProcessorLog ................................................................................................................................ 1370
272. Window: Label Printer ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1372
1. Tab: Printer - AD_LabelPrinter ......................................................................................................................................................... 1372
2. Tab: Function - AD_LabelPrinterFunction .......................................................................................................................................... 1373
273. Window: Language ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1375
1. Tab: Language - AD_Language ........................................................................................................................................................ 1375
274. Window: Lead .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1378
1. Tab: Lead - AD_User ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1378
2. Tab: Activity - C_ContactActivity ..................................................................................................................................................... 1383
275. Window: Location ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1385
1. Tab: Location - C_Location ............................................................................................................................................................. 1385
276. Window: Lot ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1388
1. Tab: Lot - M_Lot ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1388
277. Window: Lot Control ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1390
1. Tab: Lot Control - M_LotCtl ............................................................................................................................................................ 1390
2. Tab: Exclude - M_LotCtlExclude ...................................................................................................................................................... 1391
278. Window: Mail Template ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1393
1. Tab: Mail Template - R_MailText ..................................................................................................................................................... 1393
2. Tab: Translation - R_MailText_Trl .................................................................................................................................................... 1394
3. Tab: User Mail - AD_UserMail ........................................................................................................................................................ 1396
279. Window: Marketing Campaign .............................................................................................................................................................. 1398
1. Tab: Campaign - C_Campaign .......................................................................................................................................................... 1398
2. Tab: Opportunity - C_Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................... 1399
3. Tab: Translation - C_Campaign_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 1402
280. Window: Marketing Channel ................................................................................................................................................................ 1404
1. Tab: Channel - C_Channel ............................................................................................................................................................... 1404
281. Window: Matched Invoices .................................................................................................................................................................. 1406
1. Tab: Match Invoice - M_MatchInv .................................................................................................................................................... 1406
282. Window: Matched Purchase Orders ........................................................................................................................................................ 1409
1. Tab: Match PO - M_MatchPO .......................................................................................................................................................... 1409
283. Window: Material Receipt .................................................................................................................................................................... 1412
1. Tab: Material Receipt - M_InOut ...................................................................................................................................................... 1412
2. Tab: Receipt Line - M_InOutLine ..................................................................................................................................................... 1419
3. Tab: Confirmations - M_InOutLineConfirm ........................................................................................................................................ 1424

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

4. Tab: Attributes - M_InOutLineMA .................................................................................................................................................... 1426

5. Tab: Matched POs - M_MatchPO ..................................................................................................................................................... 1427
6. Tab: Matched Invoices - M_MatchInv ............................................................................................................................................... 1429
284. Window: Menu ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1432
1. Tab: Menu - AD_Menu ................................................................................................................................................................... 1432
2. Tab: Translation - AD_Menu_Trl ...................................................................................................................................................... 1434
285. Window: Message ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1436
1. Tab: Message - AD_Message ........................................................................................................................................................... 1436
2. Tab: Translation - AD_Message_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 1437
286. Window: Migration Scripts ................................................................................................................................................................... 1439
1. Tab: Migration Scripts - AD_MigrationScript ...................................................................................................................................... 1439
287. Window: Model Validator .................................................................................................................................................................... 1441
1. Tab: Model Validator - AD_ModelValidator ....................................................................................................................................... 1441
288. Window: Move Confirmation ................................................................................................................................................................ 1443
1. Tab: Confirmation - M_MovementConfirm ......................................................................................................................................... 1443
2. Tab: Line - M_MovementLineConfirm .............................................................................................................................................. 1445
289. Window: My Profile ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1447
1. Tab: User Contact - AD_User .......................................................................................................................................................... 1447
2. Tab: User Mail - AD_UserMail ........................................................................................................................................................ 1451
290. Window: My Unprocessed Documents ................................................................................................................................................... 1453
1. Tab: Unprocessed Documents - RV_Unprocessed ................................................................................................................................ 1453
291. Window: Notice .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1456
1. Tab: Notice - AD_Note ................................................................................................................................................................... 1456
292. Window: Online Transaction History ...................................................................................................................................................... 1458
1. Tab: Online Transaction History - C_OnlineTrxHistory ........................................................................................................................ 1458
293. Window: Order Source ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1460
1. Tab: Order Source - C_OrderSource .................................................................................................................................................. 1460
294. Window: Organization ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1462
1. Tab: Organization - AD_Org ............................................................................................................................................................ 1462
2. Tab: Organization Info - AD_OrgInfo ................................................................................................................................................ 1463
3. Tab: Accounting - C_InterOrg_Acct .................................................................................................................................................. 1465
4. Tab: Org Assignment - C_OrgAssignment .......................................................................................................................................... 1466
295. Window: Organization Type ................................................................................................................................................................. 1468
1. Tab: Org Type - AD_OrgType ......................................................................................................................................................... 1468
296. Window: POS Key Layout ................................................................................................................................................................... 1470
1. Tab: POS Key Layout - C_POSKeyLayout ......................................................................................................................................... 1470
2. Tab: Key Sequence - C_POSKey ...................................................................................................................................................... 1471
3. Tab: POS Key - C_POSKey ............................................................................................................................................................ 1471
297. Window: POS Payment ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1474
1. Tab: POS Payment - C_POSPayment ................................................................................................................................................ 1474
298. Window: POS Tender Type .................................................................................................................................................................. 1477

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

1. Tab: POS Tender Type - C_POSTenderType ...................................................................................................................................... 1477

299. Window: POS Terminal ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1479
1. Tab: POS Terminal - C_POS ........................................................................................................................................................... 1479
300. Window: Pack In ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1482
1. Tab: PackIn - AD_Package_Imp_Proc ............................................................................................................................................... 1482
301. Window: Pack Out .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1484
1. Tab: Export Package - AD_Package_Exp ........................................................................................................................................... 1484
2. Tab: Package Details - AD_Package_Exp_Detail ................................................................................................................................. 1486
302. Window: Package Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................................. 1490
1. Tab: Package Installation Log - AD_Package_Imp ............................................................................................................................... 1490
2. Tab: Objects Installed - AD_Package_Imp_Detail ................................................................................................................................ 1491
3. Tab: Object Backups - AD_Package_Imp_Backup ............................................................................................................................... 1493
303. Window: Packages Installed .................................................................................................................................................................. 1495
1. Tab: Packages Installed - AD_Package_Imp_Inst ................................................................................................................................. 1495
304. Window: Part Type ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1497
1. Tab: Type - M_PartType ................................................................................................................................................................. 1497
305. Window: Partner Relation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1498
1. Tab: Relation - C_BP_Relation ......................................................................................................................................................... 1498
306. Window: Parts and BOMs .................................................................................................................................................................... 1501
1. Tab: Part - M_Product .................................................................................................................................................................... 1501
2. Tab: Bill of Materials - M_Product_BOM .......................................................................................................................................... 1508
307. Window: Password Rule ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1511
1. Tab: Password Rule - AD_PasswordRule ........................................................................................................................................... 1511
308. Window: Payment ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1514
1. Tab: Payment - C_Payment .............................................................................................................................................................. 1514
2. Tab: Allocate - C_PaymentAllocate ................................................................................................................................................... 1525
3. Tab: Allocations - C_AllocationLine ................................................................................................................................................. 1527
309. Window: Payment Batch ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1530
1. Tab: Payment Batch - C_PaymentBatch ............................................................................................................................................. 1530
2. Tab: Payment - C_Payment .............................................................................................................................................................. 1531
310. Window: Payment Processor ................................................................................................................................................................. 1542
1. Tab: Payment Processor - C_PaymentProcessor ................................................................................................................................... 1542
311. Window: Payment Selection ................................................................................................................................................................. 1546
1. Tab: Payment Selection - C_PaySelection .......................................................................................................................................... 1546
2. Tab: Payment Selection Line - C_PaySelectionLine ............................................................................................................................. 1547
3. Tab: Prepared Payment - C_PaySelectionCheck ................................................................................................................................... 1549
312. Window: Payment Term ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1552
1. Tab: Payment Term - C_PaymentTerm .............................................................................................................................................. 1552
2. Tab: Schedule - C_PaySchedule ........................................................................................................................................................ 1555
3. Tab: Translation - C_PaymentTerm_Trl ............................................................................................................................................. 1556
313. Window: Payment Transaction .............................................................................................................................................................. 1558

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

1. Tab: Payment Transaction - C_PaymentTransaction ............................................................................................................................. 1558

314. Window: Payments into Batch .............................................................................................................................................................. 1567
1. Tab: Batch - C_DepositBatch ........................................................................................................................................................... 1567
2. Tab: Lines - C_DepositBatchLine ..................................................................................................................................................... 1569
315. Window: Performance Benchmark ......................................................................................................................................................... 1571
1. Tab: Benchmark - PA_Benchmark .................................................................................................................................................... 1571
2. Tab: Data - PA_BenchmarkData ....................................................................................................................................................... 1572
316. Window: Performance Color Schema ..................................................................................................................................................... 1574
1. Tab: Color Schema - PA_ColorSchema .............................................................................................................................................. 1574
317. Window: Performance Goal .................................................................................................................................................................. 1576
1. Tab: Performance Goal - PA_Goal .................................................................................................................................................... 1576
2. Tab: Restriction - PA_GoalRestriction ............................................................................................................................................... 1579
318. Window: Performance Measure ............................................................................................................................................................. 1581
1. Tab: Measure - PA_Measure ............................................................................................................................................................ 1581
2. Tab: Achievement - PA_Achievement ............................................................................................................................................... 1583
319. Window: Performance Measure Calculation ............................................................................................................................................. 1585
1. Tab: Performance Measure Calculation - PA_MeasureCalc .................................................................................................................... 1585
320. Window: Performance Ratio ................................................................................................................................................................. 1588
1. Tab: Ratio - PA_Ratio .................................................................................................................................................................... 1588
2. Tab: Element - PA_RatioElement ...................................................................................................................................................... 1589
321. Window: Physical Inventory ................................................................................................................................................................. 1591
1. Tab: Inventory Count - M_Inventory ................................................................................................................................................. 1591
2. Tab: Inventory Count Line - M_InventoryLine .................................................................................................................................... 1594
3. Tab: Attributes - M_InventoryLineMA ............................................................................................................................................... 1597
322. Window: Position ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1599
1. Tab: Position - C_Job ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1599
2. Tab: Assignment - C_JobAssignment ................................................................................................................................................. 1600
3. Tab: Remuneration - C_JobRemuneration ........................................................................................................................................... 1601
323. Window: Position Category .................................................................................................................................................................. 1603
1. Tab: Position Category - C_JobCategory ............................................................................................................................................ 1603
324. Window: Post Depreciation Entry .......................................................................................................................................................... 1605
1. Tab: Create Depreciation Entry - A_Depreciation_Entry ....................................................................................................................... 1605
2. Tab: Records - A_Depreciation_Exp .................................................................................................................................................. 1608
325. Window: Preference ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1611
1. Tab: Preference - AD_Preference ...................................................................................................................................................... 1611
326. Window: Price List ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1613
1. Tab: Price List - M_PriceList ........................................................................................................................................................... 1613
2. Tab: Version - M_PriceList_Version ................................................................................................................................................. 1615
3. Tab: Product Price - M_ProductPrice ................................................................................................................................................. 1616
4. Tab: Product Price Break - M_ProductPriceVendorBreak ...................................................................................................................... 1617
5. Tab: Translation - M_PriceList_Version_Trl ....................................................................................................................................... 1618

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

6. Tab: Translation - M_PriceList_Trl ................................................................................................................................................... 1619

327. Window: Price List Schema .................................................................................................................................................................. 1621
1. Tab: Price List Schema - M_DiscountSchema ..................................................................................................................................... 1621
2. Tab: Schema Line - M_DiscountSchemaLine ...................................................................................................................................... 1622
328. Window: Print Color ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1628
1. Tab: Print Color - AD_PrintColor ..................................................................................................................................................... 1628
2. Tab: Translation - AD_PrintColor_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 1629
329. Window: Print Font ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1630
1. Tab: Print Font - AD_PrintFont ........................................................................................................................................................ 1630
330. Window: Print Form ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1632
1. Tab: Print Form - AD_PrintForm ...................................................................................................................................................... 1632
331. Window: Print Format ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1635
1. Tab: Print Format - AD_PrintFormat ................................................................................................................................................. 1635
2. Tab: Display Order - AD_PrintFormatItem ......................................................................................................................................... 1637
3. Tab: Sort Order - AD_PrintFormatItem .............................................................................................................................................. 1637
4. Tab: Format Item - AD_PrintFormatItem ........................................................................................................................................... 1638
5. Tab: Item Translation - AD_PrintFormatItem_Trl ................................................................................................................................ 1645
6. Tab: Graph - AD_PrintGraph ........................................................................................................................................................... 1646
7. Tab: Translate - AD_PrintFormat_Trl ................................................................................................................................................ 1648
332. Window: Print Label ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1649
1. Tab: Label - AD_PrintLabel ............................................................................................................................................................. 1649
2. Tab: Line - AD_PrintLabelLine ........................................................................................................................................................ 1650
3. Tab: Translation - AD_PrintLabelLine_Trl ......................................................................................................................................... 1652
333. Window: Print Paper ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1653
1. Tab: Print Paper - AD_PrintPaper ..................................................................................................................................................... 1653
334. Window: Print Table Format ................................................................................................................................................................. 1655
1. Tab: Print Table Format - AD_PrintTableFormat ................................................................................................................................. 1655
335. Window: Process Audit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1659
1. Tab: Process Audit - AD_PInstance ................................................................................................................................................... 1659
2. Tab: Parameter Audit - AD_PInstance_Para ........................................................................................................................................ 1660
3. Tab: Log - AD_PInstance_Log ......................................................................................................................................................... 1661
336. Window: Product ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1663
1. Tab: Product - M_Product ............................................................................................................................................................... 1663
2. Tab: BOM - PP_Product_BOM ........................................................................................................................................................ 1670
3. Tab: Components - PP_Product_BOMLine ......................................................................................................................................... 1673
4. Tab: Bill of Materials - M_Product_BOM .......................................................................................................................................... 1677
5. Tab: Substitute - M_Substitute .......................................................................................................................................................... 1679
6. Tab: Related - M_RelatedProduct ...................................................................................................................................................... 1680
7. Tab: Replenish - M_Replenish .......................................................................................................................................................... 1681
8. Tab: Purchasing - M_Product_PO ..................................................................................................................................................... 1682
9. Tab: Business Partner - C_BPartner_Product ....................................................................................................................................... 1685

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

10. Tab: Price - M_ProductPrice .......................................................................................................................................................... 1687

11. Tab: Download - M_ProductDownload ............................................................................................................................................. 1688
12. Tab: Accounting - M_Product_Acct ................................................................................................................................................. 1689
13. Tab: Transactions - M_Transaction .................................................................................................................................................. 1693
14. Tab: Translation - M_Product_Trl ................................................................................................................................................... 1695
15. Tab: Located at - M_Storage .......................................................................................................................................................... 1696
16. Tab: UOM Conversion - C_UOM_Conversion .................................................................................................................................. 1697
17. Tab: Costs - M_Cost ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1699
337. Window: Product Category ................................................................................................................................................................... 1702
1. Tab: Product Category - M_Product_Category .................................................................................................................................... 1702
2. Tab: Accounting - M_Product_Category_Acct ..................................................................................................................................... 1704
3. Tab: Assigned Products - M_Product ................................................................................................................................................. 1708
4. Tab: Translation - M_Product_Category_Trl ....................................................................................................................................... 1714
338. Window: Product Costs ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1716
1. Tab: Select Product - M_Product ...................................................................................................................................................... 1716
2. Tab: Product Costs - M_Cost ........................................................................................................................................................... 1722
3. Tab: Cost Movement - M_CostMovement_v ....................................................................................................................................... 1724
4. Tab: Cost Details - M_CostDetail ..................................................................................................................................................... 1727
5. Tab: Cost Queue - M_CostQueue ..................................................................................................................................................... 1730
339. Window: Production (Single Product) ..................................................................................................................................................... 1732
1. Tab: Production - M_Production ....................................................................................................................................................... 1732
2. Tab: Production Line - M_ProductionLine .......................................................................................................................................... 1736
3. Tab: QC Test - M_QualityTestResult ................................................................................................................................................. 1738
340. Window: Project ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1740
1. Tab: Project - C_Project .................................................................................................................................................................. 1740
2. Tab: Project Line - C_ProjectLine ..................................................................................................................................................... 1745
3. Tab: Phase - C_ProjectPhase ............................................................................................................................................................ 1747
4. Tab: Phase Line - C_ProjectLine ...................................................................................................................................................... 1750
5. Tab: Task - C_ProjectTask ............................................................................................................................................................... 1753
6. Tab: Task Line - C_ProjectLine ........................................................................................................................................................ 1755
7. Tab: Accounting - C_Project_Acct .................................................................................................................................................... 1758
341. Window: Project (Lines/Issues) ............................................................................................................................................................. 1760
1. Tab: Project - C_Project .................................................................................................................................................................. 1760
2. Tab: Line - C_ProjectLine ............................................................................................................................................................... 1764
3. Tab: Issues - C_ProjectIssue ............................................................................................................................................................ 1767
4. Tab: Accounting - C_Project_Acct .................................................................................................................................................... 1769
342. Window: Project Reporting ................................................................................................................................................................... 1771
1. Tab: Project Cycle - C_Cycle ........................................................................................................................................................... 1771
2. Tab: Step - C_CycleStep ................................................................................................................................................................. 1772
3. Tab: Cycle Phase - C_CyclePhase ..................................................................................................................................................... 1773
343. Window: Project Type ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1775

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

1. Tab: Project Type - C_ProjectType ................................................................................................................................................... 1775

2. Tab: Standard Phase - C_Phase ........................................................................................................................................................ 1776
3. Tab: Standard Task - C_Task ........................................................................................................................................................... 1777
344. Window: Promotion ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1780
1. Tab: Promotion - M_Promotion ........................................................................................................................................................ 1780
2. Tab: Pre Condition - M_PromotionPreCondition .................................................................................................................................. 1781
3. Tab: Promotion Line - M_PromotionLine ........................................................................................................................................... 1782
4. Tab: Quantity Distribution - M_PromotionDistribution ......................................................................................................................... 1783
5. Tab: Reward - M_PromotionReward ................................................................................................................................................. 1784
345. Window: Promotion Group ................................................................................................................................................................... 1787
1. Tab: Promotion Group - M_PromotionGroup ...................................................................................................................................... 1787
2. Tab: Group Line - M_PromotionGroupLine ........................................................................................................................................ 1788
346. Window: Purchase Order ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1789
1. Tab: Purchase Order - C_Order ........................................................................................................................................................ 1789
2. Tab: PO Line - C_OrderLine ............................................................................................................................................................ 1798
3. Tab: Matching - M_MatchPO ........................................................................................................................................................... 1806
4. Tab: Requisition Lines - M_RequisitionLine ....................................................................................................................................... 1808
5. Tab: Order Tax - C_OrderTax .......................................................................................................................................................... 1810
6. Tab: Payment Schedule - C_OrderPaySchedule ................................................................................................................................... 1811
7. Tab: Estimated Landed Cost - C_OrderLandedCost .............................................................................................................................. 1813
8. Tab: Estimated Landed Cost Allocation - C_OrderLandedCostAllocation ................................................................................................. 1814
347. Window: Quality Test .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1816
1. Tab: Test - M_QualityTest ............................................................................................................................................................... 1816
2. Tab: Product - M_Product_QualityTest .............................................................................................................................................. 1817
348. Window: RMA Type ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1818
1. Tab: RMA Type - M_RMAType ...................................................................................................................................................... 1818
349. Window: Recurring ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1820
1. Tab: Recurring - C_Recurring .......................................................................................................................................................... 1820
2. Tab: Run - C_Recurring_Run ........................................................................................................................................................... 1822
350. Window: Recurring Group .................................................................................................................................................................... 1824
1. Tab: Recurring Group - C_RecurringGroup ........................................................................................................................................ 1824
351. Window: Reference ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1826
1. Tab: Reference - AD_Reference ....................................................................................................................................................... 1826
2. Tab: List Validation - AD_Ref_List .................................................................................................................................................. 1828
3. Tab: List Translation - AD_Ref_List_Trl ............................................................................................................................................ 1829
4. Tab: Table Validation - AD_Ref_Table .............................................................................................................................................. 1830
5. Tab: Used in Column - AD_Column ................................................................................................................................................. 1831
6. Tab: Reference Translation - AD_Reference_Trl .................................................................................................................................. 1837
352. Window: Registration .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1839
1. Tab: Registration - A_Registration .................................................................................................................................................... 1839
2. Tab: Value - A_RegistrationValue ..................................................................................................................................................... 1841

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

353. Window: Registration Attributes ............................................................................................................................................................ 1843

1. Tab: Attribute - A_RegistrationAttribute ............................................................................................................................................. 1843
2. Tab: Product Assignment - A_RegistrationProduct ............................................................................................................................... 1844
354. Window: Relation Type ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1846
1. Tab: Relation Type - AD_RelationType ............................................................................................................................................. 1846
355. Window: Replication Strategy ............................................................................................................................................................... 1848
1. Tab: Replication Strategy - AD_ReplicationStrategy ............................................................................................................................. 1848
2. Tab: Replication Table - AD_ReplicationTable .................................................................................................................................... 1849
3. Tab: Replication Document - AD_ReplicationDocument ....................................................................................................................... 1850
356. Window: Report %26 Process ............................................................................................................................................................... 1852
1. Tab: Report %26 Process - AD_Process ............................................................................................................................................. 1852
2. Tab: Parameter - AD_Process_Para ................................................................................................................................................... 1855
3. Tab: Parameter Translation - AD_Process_Para_Trl ............................................................................................................................. 1860
4. Tab: Report Translation - AD_Process_Trl ......................................................................................................................................... 1861
5. Tab: Report Access - AD_Process_Access .......................................................................................................................................... 1862
357. Window: Report Column Set ................................................................................................................................................................ 1864
1. Tab: Report Column Set - PA_ReportColumnSet ................................................................................................................................. 1864
2. Tab: Report Column - PA_ReportColumn .......................................................................................................................................... 1865
358. Window: Report Cube ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1872
1. Tab: Report Cube - PA_ReportCube .................................................................................................................................................. 1872
359. Window: Report Line Set ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1875
1. Tab: Report Line Set - PA_ReportLineSet .......................................................................................................................................... 1875
2. Tab: Report Line - PA_ReportLine ................................................................................................................................................... 1876
3. Tab: Report Source - PA_ReportSource ............................................................................................................................................. 1878
360. Window: Report View ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1883
1. Tab: Report View - AD_ReportView ................................................................................................................................................. 1883
2. Tab: Report View Column - AD_ReportView_Col ............................................................................................................................... 1884
3. Tab: Available Columns - AD_ReportView_Column ............................................................................................................................ 1885
361. Window: Reporting Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................................... 1887
1. Tab: Reporting Hierarchy - PA_Hierarchy .......................................................................................................................................... 1887
362. Window: Request ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1889
1. Tab: Request - R_Request ............................................................................................................................................................... 1889
2. Tab: Updates - R_RequestUpdate ...................................................................................................................................................... 1896
3. Tab: History - R_RequestAction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1897
4. Tab: Update Notification - R_RequestUpdates ..................................................................................................................................... 1901
363. Window: Request (all) ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1903
1. Tab: Request - R_Request ............................................................................................................................................................... 1903
2. Tab: Updates - R_RequestUpdate ...................................................................................................................................................... 1909
3. Tab: History - R_RequestAction ....................................................................................................................................................... 1911
4. Tab: Update Notification - R_RequestUpdates ..................................................................................................................................... 1914
5. Tab: Update Recipients - RV_RequestUpdates .................................................................................................................................... 1915

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

364. Window: Request Category .................................................................................................................................................................. 1917

1. Tab: Request Category - R_Category ................................................................................................................................................. 1917
2. Tab: Update Notification - R_CategoryUpdates ................................................................................................................................... 1918
365. Window: Request Group ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1920
1. Tab: Request Group - R_Group ........................................................................................................................................................ 1920
2. Tab: Request Updates - R_GroupUpdates ........................................................................................................................................... 1921
366. Window: Request Processor .................................................................................................................................................................. 1923
1. Tab: Request Processor - R_RequestProcessor ..................................................................................................................................... 1923
2. Tab: Routing - R_RequestProcessor_Route ......................................................................................................................................... 1925
3. Tab: Log - R_RequestProcessorLog ................................................................................................................................................... 1926
367. Window: Request Resolution ................................................................................................................................................................ 1928
1. Tab: Request Resolution - R_Resolution ............................................................................................................................................ 1928
368. Window: Request Standard Response ..................................................................................................................................................... 1930
1. Tab: Standard Response - R_StandardResponse ................................................................................................................................... 1930
369. Window: Request Status ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1931
1. Tab: Status Category - R_StatusCategory ........................................................................................................................................... 1931
2. Tab: Request Status - R_Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 1932
370. Window: Request Type ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1935
1. Tab: Request Type - R_RequestType ................................................................................................................................................. 1935
2. Tab: Update Notification - R_RequestTypeUpdates .............................................................................................................................. 1937
371. Window: Requisition ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1939
1. Tab: Requisition - M_Requisition ..................................................................................................................................................... 1939
2. Tab: Requisition Line - M_RequisitionLine ........................................................................................................................................ 1942
3. Tab: Purchase Orders - C_OrderLine ................................................................................................................................................. 1944
372. Window: Resource .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1952
1. Tab: Resource - S_Resource ............................................................................................................................................................ 1952
2. Tab: Unavailability - S_ResourceUnAvailable ..................................................................................................................................... 1953
3. Tab: Resource Product - M_Product .................................................................................................................................................. 1954
4. Tab: Price - M_ProductPrice ............................................................................................................................................................ 1960
5. Tab: Accounting - M_Product_Acct .................................................................................................................................................. 1961
6. Tab: Assignment - S_ResourceAssignment ......................................................................................................................................... 1963
373. Window: Resource Type ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1965
1. Tab: Resource Type - S_ResourceType .............................................................................................................................................. 1965
374. Window: Return to Vendor ................................................................................................................................................................... 1968
1. Tab: Return to Vendor - M_InOut ..................................................................................................................................................... 1968
2. Tab: Return to Vendor Line - M_InOutLine ....................................................................................................................................... 1975
3. Tab: Confirmations - M_InOutLineConfirm ........................................................................................................................................ 1981
4. Tab: Attributes - M_InOutLineMA .................................................................................................................................................... 1982
375. Window: RfQ ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1984
1. Tab: RfQ - C_RfQ ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1984
2. Tab: Line - C_RfQLine ................................................................................................................................................................... 1988

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

3. Tab: Quantity - C_RfQLineQty ........................................................................................................................................................ 1989

376. Window: RfQ Response ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1992
1. Tab: Response - C_RfQResponse ...................................................................................................................................................... 1992
2. Tab: Response Line - C_RfQResponseLine ........................................................................................................................................ 1995
3. Tab: Response Quantity - C_RfQResponseLineQty .............................................................................................................................. 1996
377. Window: RfQ Topic ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1998
1. Tab: Topic - C_RfQ_Topic .............................................................................................................................................................. 1998
2. Tab: Subscriber - C_RfQ_TopicSubscriber ......................................................................................................................................... 1999
3. Tab: Restriction - C_RfQ_TopicSubscriberOnly .................................................................................................................................. 2000
378. Window: Role .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2002
1. Tab: Role - AD_Role ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2002
2. Tab: Org Access - AD_Role_OrgAccess ............................................................................................................................................ 2007
3. Tab: User Assignment - AD_User_Roles ............................................................................................................................................ 2007
4. Tab: Window Access - AD_Window_Access ...................................................................................................................................... 2008
5. Tab: Process Access - AD_Process_Access ........................................................................................................................................ 2009
6. Tab: Form Access - AD_Form_Access .............................................................................................................................................. 2010
7. Tab: Info Access - AD_InfoWindow_Access ...................................................................................................................................... 2011
8. Tab: Workflow Access - AD_Workflow_Access .................................................................................................................................. 2012
9. Tab: Task Access - AD_Task_Access ................................................................................................................................................ 2012
10. Tab: Document Action Access - AD_Document_Action_Access ........................................................................................................... 2013
11. Tab: Included roles - AD_Role_Included .......................................................................................................................................... 2014
379. Window: Role Data Access .................................................................................................................................................................. 2016
1. Tab: Role - AD_Role ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2016
2. Tab: Table Access - AD_Table_Access .............................................................................................................................................. 2018
3. Tab: Column Access - AD_Column_Access ....................................................................................................................................... 2020
4. Tab: Record Access - AD_Record_Access .......................................................................................................................................... 2021
380. Window: Role Toolbar Button Access .................................................................................................................................................... 2024
1. Tab: Toolbar Button Access - AD_ToolBarButtonRestrict ..................................................................................................................... 2024
381. Window: Rule .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2026
1. Tab: Rule - AD_Rule ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2026
382. Window: Sales Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................................. 2028
1. Tab: Opportunity - C_Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................... 2028
2. Tab: Quote/Order - C_Order ............................................................................................................................................................ 2030
3. Tab: Order Line - C_OrderLine ........................................................................................................................................................ 2041
4. Tab: Activity - C_ContactActivity ..................................................................................................................................................... 2049
383. Window: Sales Order ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2051
1. Tab: Order - C_Order ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2051
2. Tab: Order Line - C_OrderLine ........................................................................................................................................................ 2062
3. Tab: Order Tax - C_OrderTax .......................................................................................................................................................... 2070
4. Tab: Payment Schedule - C_OrderPaySchedule ................................................................................................................................... 2071
5. Tab: POS Payment - C_POSPayment ................................................................................................................................................ 2072

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

384. Window: Sales Region ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2076

1. Tab: Sales Region - C_SalesRegion ................................................................................................................................................... 2076
2. Tab: Translation - C_SalesRegion_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 2077
385. Window: Sales Rep Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................................. 2079
1. Tab: Dashboard - C_SalesDashboard ................................................................................................................................................. 2079
2. Tab: Leads - AD_User .................................................................................................................................................................... 2080
3. Tab: Opportunities - C_Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................. 2085
4. Tab: Activities - C_ContactActivity ................................................................................................................................................... 2088
386. Window: Sales Rep Info ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2090
1. Tab: Company Agent - AD_User ...................................................................................................................................................... 2090
2. Tab: Orders - C_Order .................................................................................................................................................................... 2093
3. Tab: Order Lines - C_OrderLine ....................................................................................................................................................... 2102
4. Tab: Invoices - C_Invoice ................................................................................................................................................................ 2108
5. Tab: Invoice Line - C_InvoiceLine .................................................................................................................................................... 2115
387. Window: Sales Stage ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2121
1. Tab: Sales Stage - C_SalesStage ....................................................................................................................................................... 2121
2. Tab: Opportunity - C_Opportunity .................................................................................................................................................... 2122
3. Tab: Translation - C_SalesStage_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 2124
388. Window: Schedule .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2126
1. Tab: Schedule - AD_Schedule .......................................................................................................................................................... 2126
389. Window: Scheduler ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2128
1. Tab: Schedule Process - AD_Scheduler .............................................................................................................................................. 2128
2. Tab: Parameter - AD_Scheduler_Para ................................................................................................................................................ 2130
3. Tab: Scheduler Recipient - AD_SchedulerRecipient ............................................................................................................................. 2131
4. Tab: Log - AD_SchedulerLog .......................................................................................................................................................... 2132
390. Window: Search Definition ................................................................................................................................................................... 2134
1. Tab: Searches - AD_SearchDefinition ................................................................................................................................................ 2134
391. Window: Serial No Control .................................................................................................................................................................. 2136
1. Tab: Serial No Control - M_SerNoCtl ............................................................................................................................................... 2136
2. Tab: Exclude - M_SerNoCtlExclude .................................................................................................................................................. 2137
392. Window: Session Audit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2139
1. Tab: Session Audit - AD_Session ..................................................................................................................................................... 2139
2. Tab: Change Audit - AD_ChangeLog ................................................................................................................................................ 2140
393. Window: Setup Wizard Maintenance ...................................................................................................................................................... 2143
1. Tab: Setup Wizard - AD_WizardProcess ............................................................................................................................................ 2143
394. Window: Ship/Receipt Confirm ............................................................................................................................................................. 2145
1. Tab: Confirmation - M_InOutConfirm ............................................................................................................................................... 2145
2. Tab: Line - M_InOutLineConfirm ..................................................................................................................................................... 2147
395. Window: Shipment (Customer) .............................................................................................................................................................. 2150
1. Tab: Shipment - M_InOut ................................................................................................................................................................ 2150
2. Tab: Shipment Line - M_InOutLine .................................................................................................................................................. 2159

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

3. Tab: Confirmations - M_InOutLineConfirm ........................................................................................................................................ 2164

4. Tab: Attributes - M_InOutLineMA .................................................................................................................................................... 2166
5. Tab: Packages - M_Package ............................................................................................................................................................. 2166
6. Tab: MPS Lines - M_PackageMPS ................................................................................................................................................... 2175
7. Tab: Package Lines - M_PackageLine ............................................................................................................................................... 2177
396. Window: Shipment Package .................................................................................................................................................................. 2179
1. Tab: Packages - M_Package ............................................................................................................................................................. 2179
2. Tab: MPS Lines - M_PackageMPS ................................................................................................................................................... 2186
3. Tab: Package Lines - M_PackageLine ............................................................................................................................................... 2188
397. Window: Shipper ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2190
1. Tab: Shipper - M_Shipper ............................................................................................................................................................... 2190
2. Tab: Freight - M_Freight ................................................................................................................................................................. 2191
3. Tab: Packaging - M_ShipperPackaging .............................................................................................................................................. 2192
4. Tab: Label Type - M_ShipperLabels ................................................................................................................................................. 2194
5. Tab: Pickup Types - M_ShipperPickupTypes ...................................................................................................................................... 2195
398. Window: Shipper Configuration ............................................................................................................................................................ 2197
1. Tab: Shipper - M_ShipperCfg .......................................................................................................................................................... 2197
2. Tab: Packaging - M_ShipperPackagingCfg ......................................................................................................................................... 2198
3. Tab: Label Type - M_ShipperLabelsCfg ............................................................................................................................................ 2199
4. Tab: Pickup Types - M_ShipperPickupTypesCfg ................................................................................................................................. 2201
399. Window: Shipping Processor ................................................................................................................................................................ 2203
1. Tab: Shipping Processor - M_ShippingProcessor ................................................................................................................................. 2203
400. Window: Shipping Processor Configuration ............................................................................................................................................. 2205
1. Tab: Shipping Processor - M_ShippingProcessorCfg ............................................................................................................................ 2205
2. Tab: Shipper - M_ShipperCfg .......................................................................................................................................................... 2206
3. Tab: Packaging - M_ShipperPackagingCfg ......................................................................................................................................... 2208
4. Tab: Label Type - M_ShipperLabelsCfg ............................................................................................................................................ 2209
5. Tab: Pickup Types - M_ShipperPickupTypesCfg ................................................................................................................................. 2210
401. Window: Shipping Transaction .............................................................................................................................................................. 2212
1. Tab: Shipping Transaction - M_ShippingTransaction ............................................................................................................................ 2212
2. Tab: Shipping Transaction Line - M_ShippingTransactionLine ............................................................................................................... 2220
402. Window: Status Line ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2222
1. Tab: Status Line - AD_StatusLine ..................................................................................................................................................... 2222
2. Tab: Used In - AD_StatusLineUsedIn ................................................................................................................................................ 2223
403. Window: Storage Provider .................................................................................................................................................................... 2225
1. Tab: Storage Provider - AD_StorageProvider ...................................................................................................................................... 2225
404. Window: System ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2227
1. Tab: System - AD_System ............................................................................................................................................................... 2227
405. Window: System Color ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2232
1. Tab: System Color - AD_Color ........................................................................................................................................................ 2232
2. Tab: Translation - AD_Color_Trl ...................................................................................................................................................... 2234

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

406. Window: System Configurator .............................................................................................................................................................. 2235

1. Tab: System Configurator - AD_SysConfig ........................................................................................................................................ 2235
407. Window: System Image ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2237
1. Tab: Image - AD_Image .................................................................................................................................................................. 2237
408. Window: System Issue Report ............................................................................................................................................................... 2239
1. Tab: System Issue - AD_Issue .......................................................................................................................................................... 2239
409. Window: System Translation Check ....................................................................................................................................................... 2244
1. Tab: Select Language - AD_Language ............................................................................................................................................... 2244
2. Tab: Element Translation - AD_Element_Trl ...................................................................................................................................... 2246
3. Tab: Message Translation - AD_Message_Trl ..................................................................................................................................... 2247
4. Tab: Window Translation - AD_Window_Trl ...................................................................................................................................... 2248
5. Tab: Tab Translation - AD_Tab_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 2249
6. Tab: Field Translation - AD_Field_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 2250
7. Tab: Field Group Translation - AD_FieldGroup_Trl ............................................................................................................................. 2251
8. Tab: Process Translation - AD_Process_Trl ........................................................................................................................................ 2252
9. Tab: Form Translation - AD_Form_Trl .............................................................................................................................................. 2253
10. Tab: Task Translation - AD_Task_Trl .............................................................................................................................................. 2254
11. Tab: Workflow Translation - AD_Workflow_Trl ............................................................................................................................... 2255
12. Tab: Workflow Node Translation - AD_WF_Node_Trl ....................................................................................................................... 2256
13. Tab: Menu Translation - AD_Menu_Trl ........................................................................................................................................... 2257
14. Tab: Reference List Translation - AD_Ref_List_Trl ........................................................................................................................... 2258
410. Window: Table and Column ................................................................................................................................................................. 2260
1. Tab: Table - AD_Table ................................................................................................................................................................... 2260
2. Tab: Column - AD_Column ............................................................................................................................................................. 2263
3. Tab: Column Translation - AD_Column_Trl ....................................................................................................................................... 2270
4. Tab: Used in Field - AD_Field ......................................................................................................................................................... 2270
5. Tab: Zoom Condition - AD_ZoomCondition ....................................................................................................................................... 2271
6. Tab: Table Script Validator - AD_Table_ScriptValidator ....................................................................................................................... 2273
7. Tab: Table Translation - AD_Table_Trl ............................................................................................................................................. 2274
8. Tab: Table Index - AD_TableIndex ................................................................................................................................................... 2275
9. Tab: Index Column - AD_IndexColumn ............................................................................................................................................. 2277
10. Tab: View Component - AD_ViewComponent .................................................................................................................................. 2278
11. Tab: View Column - AD_ViewColumn ............................................................................................................................................ 2280
411. Window: Task .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2282
1. Tab: Task - AD_Task ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2282
2. Tab: Task Translation - AD_Task_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 2284
3. Tab: Access - AD_Task_Access ....................................................................................................................................................... 2285
412. Window: Tax Category ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2286
1. Tab: Tax Category - C_TaxCategory ................................................................................................................................................. 2286
2. Tab: Translation - C_TaxCategory_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 2287
413. Window: Tax Provider ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2289

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

1. Tab: Tax Provider - C_TaxProvider ................................................................................................................................................... 2289

414. Window: Tax Provider Configuration ..................................................................................................................................................... 2291
1. Tab: Tax Provider Configuration - C_TaxProviderCfg .......................................................................................................................... 2291
415. Window: Tax Rate .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2293
1. Tab: Tax - C_Tax .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2293
2. Tab: Accounting - C_Tax_Acct ........................................................................................................................................................ 2296
3. Tab: Tax ZIP - C_TaxPostal ............................................................................................................................................................ 2297
4. Tab: Translation - C_Tax_Trl ........................................................................................................................................................... 2298
416. Window: Test ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2300
1. Tab: Test - Test ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2300
417. Window: Time Type ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2303
1. Tab: Time Type - S_TimeType ........................................................................................................................................................ 2303
418. Window: Toolbar Button ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2305
1. Tab: ToolBar Button - AD_ToolBarButton ......................................................................................................................................... 2305
419. Window: Tree .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2308
1. Tab: Tree - AD_Tree ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2308
420. Window: UnPosted Documents ............................................................................................................................................................. 2310
1. Tab: Unposted Documents - RV_UnPosted ......................................................................................................................................... 2310
421. Window: Unit of Measure .................................................................................................................................................................... 2313
1. Tab: Unit of Measure - C_UOM ....................................................................................................................................................... 2313
2. Tab: Conversion - C_UOM_Conversion ............................................................................................................................................. 2315
3. Tab: Translation - C_UOM_Trl ........................................................................................................................................................ 2316
422. Window: Unprocessed Documents (All) .................................................................................................................................................. 2318
1. Tab: Unprocessed Documents - RV_Unprocessed ................................................................................................................................ 2318
423. Window: User .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2321
1. Tab: User Contact - AD_User .......................................................................................................................................................... 2321
2. Tab: User Roles - AD_User_Roles .................................................................................................................................................... 2326
3. Tab: User Substitute - AD_User_Substitute ........................................................................................................................................ 2327
4. Tab: Org Assignment - C_OrgAssignment .......................................................................................................................................... 2328
5. Tab: Org Access - AD_User_OrgAccess ............................................................................................................................................ 2329
6. Tab: User Mail - AD_UserMail ........................................................................................................................................................ 2330
7. Tab: Queries - AD_UserQuery ......................................................................................................................................................... 2332
8. Tab: LDAP Access - AD_LdapAccess ............................................................................................................................................... 2333
424. Window: Validation Rules .................................................................................................................................................................... 2335
1. Tab: Validation - AD_Val_Rule ........................................................................................................................................................ 2335
2. Tab: Used in Column - AD_Column ................................................................................................................................................. 2336
425. Window: Vendor Details ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2343
1. Tab: Vendor - C_BPartner ............................................................................................................................................................... 2343
2. Tab: Product Details - M_Product_PO ............................................................................................................................................... 2351
426. Window: Vendor RMA ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2355
1. Tab: Vendor RMA - M_RMA .......................................................................................................................................................... 2355

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

2. Tab: RMA Line - M_RMALine ........................................................................................................................................................ 2358

3. Tab: RMA Tax - M_RMATax .......................................................................................................................................................... 2361
427. Window: View Allocation .................................................................................................................................................................... 2363
1. Tab: Allocation - C_AllocationHdr .................................................................................................................................................... 2363
2. Tab: Allocation Line - C_AllocationLine ............................................................................................................................................ 2365
428. Window: View Chat ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2368
1. Tab: Chat - CM_Chat ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2368
2. Tab: Chat Entry - CM_ChatEntry ..................................................................................................................................................... 2369
3. Tab: Updates - CM_ChatUpdate ....................................................................................................................................................... 2370
429. Window: Warehouse %26 Locators ........................................................................................................................................................ 2372
1. Tab: Warehouse - M_Warehouse ...................................................................................................................................................... 2372
2. Tab: Locator - M_Locator ............................................................................................................................................................... 2373
3. Tab: Storage - M_Storage ................................................................................................................................................................ 2375
4. Tab: Replenish - M_Replenish .......................................................................................................................................................... 2376
5. Tab: Accounting - M_Warehouse_Acct .............................................................................................................................................. 2378
6. Tab: Product Transactions - M_Transaction ........................................................................................................................................ 2379
430. Window: Web Service Definition .......................................................................................................................................................... 2382
1. Tab: Web Service - WS_WebService ................................................................................................................................................. 2382
2. Tab: Web Service Method - WS_WebServiceMethod ........................................................................................................................... 2383
431. Window: Web Service Security ............................................................................................................................................................. 2385
1. Tab: Web Service Type - WS_WebServiceType .................................................................................................................................. 2385
2. Tab: Web Service Parameters - WS_WebService_Para ......................................................................................................................... 2386
3. Tab: Web Service Field Input - WS_WebServiceFieldInput ................................................................................................................... 2387
4. Tab: Web Service Field Output - WS_WebServiceFieldOutput ............................................................................................................... 2388
5. Tab: Web Service Access - WS_WebServiceTypeAccess ...................................................................................................................... 2389
432. Window: Web Store ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2391
1. Tab: Web Store - W_Store .............................................................................................................................................................. 2391
2. Tab: Store Translation - W_Store_Trl ................................................................................................................................................ 2395
3. Tab: Web Store Message - W_MailMsg ............................................................................................................................................. 2397
4. Tab: Message Translation - W_MailMsg_Trl ...................................................................................................................................... 2398
433. Window: Window Customization ........................................................................................................................................................... 2400
1. Tab: Window Customization - AD_UserDef_Win ................................................................................................................................ 2400
2. Tab: Tab Customization - AD_UserDef_Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 2401
3. Tab: Field Customization - AD_UserDef_Field ................................................................................................................................... 2403
434. Window: Window, Tab %26 Field ......................................................................................................................................................... 2409
1. Tab: Window - AD_Window ........................................................................................................................................................... 2409
2. Tab: Tab - AD_Tab ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2411
3. Tab: Field - AD_Field ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2416
4. Tab: Field Translation - AD_Field_Trl ............................................................................................................................................... 2423
5. Tab: Field Sequence - AD_Field ....................................................................................................................................................... 2424
6. Tab: Grid Sequence - AD_Field ....................................................................................................................................................... 2424

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

7. Tab: Tab Translation - AD_Tab_Trl .................................................................................................................................................. 2424

8. Tab: Toolbar Button - AD_ToolBarButton .......................................................................................................................................... 2425
9. Tab: Window Translation - AD_Window_Trl ...................................................................................................................................... 2427
10. Tab: Access - AD_Window_Access ................................................................................................................................................. 2428
435. Window: Workflow ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2430
1. Tab: Workflow - AD_Workflow ....................................................................................................................................................... 2430
2. Tab: Node - AD_WF_Node ............................................................................................................................................................. 2436
3. Tab: Parameter - AD_WF_Node_Para ............................................................................................................................................... 2442
4. Tab: Node Translation - AD_WF_Node_Trl ....................................................................................................................................... 2444
5. Tab: Block - AD_WF_Block ............................................................................................................................................................ 2445
6. Tab: Transition - AD_WF_NodeNext ................................................................................................................................................ 2446
7. Tab: Condition - AD_WF_NextCondition ........................................................................................................................................... 2447
8. Tab: Workflow Translation - AD_Workflow_Trl ................................................................................................................................. 2449
9. Tab: Access - AD_Workflow_Access ................................................................................................................................................ 2450
10. Tab: Previous Node - AD_WF_NodeNext ........................................................................................................................................ 2450
436. Window: Workflow Activities (all) ........................................................................................................................................................ 2453
1. Tab: Activity - AD_WF_Activity ...................................................................................................................................................... 2453
437. Window: Workflow Process .................................................................................................................................................................. 2456
1. Tab: Process - AD_WF_Process ....................................................................................................................................................... 2456
2. Tab: Activity - AD_WF_Activity ...................................................................................................................................................... 2457
3. Tab: Result - AD_WF_ActivityResult ................................................................................................................................................ 2460
4. Tab: Event - AD_WF_EventAudit ..................................................................................................................................................... 2461
5. Tab: Data - AD_WF_ProcessData ..................................................................................................................................................... 2463
438. Window: Workflow Processor ............................................................................................................................................................... 2464
1. Tab: Workflow Processor - AD_WorkflowProcessor ............................................................................................................................ 2464
2. Tab: Log - AD_WorkflowProcessorLog ............................................................................................................................................. 2466
439. Window: Workflow Responsible ........................................................................................................................................................... 2468
1. Tab: Responsible - AD_WF_Responsible ........................................................................................................................................... 2468
440. Form:Accounting Fact Reconcilation (manual) ......................................................................................................................................... 2470
441. Form:Archive Viewer .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2471
442. Form:BOM Drop ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2472
443. Form:BOM Viewer ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2473
444. Form:Generate Charges ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2474
445. Form:Generate Invoices (manual) .......................................................................................................................................................... 2475
446. Form:Generate Shipments (manual) ........................................................................................................................................................ 2476
447. Form:Import File Loader ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2477
448. Form:Matching PO-Receipt-Invoice ....................................................................................................................................................... 2478
449. Form:Material Transactions ................................................................................................................................................................... 2479
450. Form:Merge Entities ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2480
451. Form:POS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2481
452. Form:Payment Allocation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2482

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

453. Form:Payment Print/Export ................................................................................................................................................................... 2483

454. Form:Payment Selection (manual) .......................................................................................................................................................... 2484
455. Form:Performance Indicators ................................................................................................................................................................. 2485
456. Form:Product Attribute Grid ................................................................................................................................................................. 2486
457. Form:Reset Password ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2487
458. Form:SQL Process .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2488
459. Form:Setup Wizard ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2489
460. Form:Translation Import/Export ............................................................................................................................................................. 2490
461. Form:Tree Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2491
462. Form:Workflow Activities .................................................................................................................................................................... 2492
463. Form:Workflow Editor ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2493
464. InfoPanel:Product Info ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2494
465. InfoPanel:Business Partner Info ............................................................................................................................................................. 2498
466. InfoPanel:Order Info ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2501
467. InfoPanel:Invoice Info .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2503
468. InfoPanel:Shipment Info ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2506
469. InfoPanel:Payment Info ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2508
470. InfoPanel:Resource Info ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2510
471. InfoPanel:Asset Info ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2511

List of Tables
1.1. Accounting Setup Workflow Transitions ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
2.1. Business Partner Setup Workflow Transitions ................................................................................................................................................ 2
3.1. Initial Client Setup Review Workflow Transitions .......................................................................................................................................... 3
4.1. Language Setup Workflow Transitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
5.1. Performance Measurement Setup Workflow Transitions .................................................................................................................................. 5
6.1. Price List Setup Workflow Transitions ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
7.1. Product Setup Workflow Transitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
8.1. Project Setup and Use Workflow Transitions ................................................................................................................................................. 8
9.1. Request Setup Workflow Transitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
10.1. Sales Setup Workflow Transitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 10
11.1. Setup Replication Workflow Transitions .................................................................................................................................................... 11
12.1. Tax Setup Workflow Transitions .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
13.1. Auto_Allocation Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 13
14.1. Automatic_account_reconciliation Parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 14
15.1. Bank/Cash_Transfer Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
16.1. Business_Partner_Organization Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 17
17.1. C_Invoice_Calculate_Tax Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
19.1. Change_Base_Language Parameters .......................................................................................................................................................... 20
20.1. Client_Accounting_Processor Parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 21
22.1. Copy_Role Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................... 23
23.1. Create_AP_Expense_Invoices Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 24
24.1. Create_Costing_Records Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
25.1. Create_Foreign_Key Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 26
26.1. Create_PO_from_Requisition Parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 27
27.1. Create_Sales_Orders_from_Expense Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 29
28.1. Create_Table_Index Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
29.1. Delete_Import Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
30.1. Deliver_Assets Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
32.1. Export_Format_Generator Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
33.1. FA_ProjectCreateAsset Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 35
34.1. Generate_Invoices Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
35.1. Generate_PO_from_Project Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
36.1. Generate_PO_from_Sales_Order Parameters ............................................................................................................................................... 39
37.1. Generate_Shipments Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 40
38.1. HouseKeeping Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 42
39.1. Import_CSV_Process Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 43
40.1. Initial_Client_Setup_Process Parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 44
41.1. Invoice_Requests Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................... 47

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

42.1. Issue_to_Project Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 48

43.1. Load_Bank_Statement Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 50
44.1. Order_Batch_Process Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 51
45.1. POS_Key_Generate Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 53
46.1. Print_Dunning_Letters Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 54
47.1. Print_Invoices Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55
48.1. Product_Organization Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
49.1. Quote_convert Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58
50.1. RePrice_Order/Invoice Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 59
51.1. Recalculate_Cube Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
52.1. Receivables_Write-Off Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 61
54.1. Recurring_Run Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 64
55.1. Reopen_Order Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 65
56.1. Reopen_Request Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 66
57.1. Request_EMail_Processor Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 67
58.1. Reset_Accounting Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 69
59.1. Reset_Allocation Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 70
60.1. Reset_Locked_Account Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 71
61.1. Resubmit_Posting Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 72
62.1. Role_Access_Update Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
63.1. Rollup_BOM_Cost Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................. 74
64.1. Send_Mail_Text Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 75
66.1. Standard_Cost_Update Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 78
67.1. Storage_Cleanup Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 80
70.1. Test_Export_Model Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 83
71.1. Test_Import_Model Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 84
72.1. UUID_Generator Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................... 85
73.1. UnLink_Business_Partner_Org Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 86
74.1. Universal_substitution Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 87
75.1. Validate_BOM_Flags Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 88
76.1. Validate_Business_Partner Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 89
77.1. Verify_BOM_Structure Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 90
80.1. Warehouse_Organization Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 93
81.1. Workflow_to_Client Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 94
82.1. 1099_Extract Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................................... 95
82.2. RV_T_1099Extract - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................. 95
83.1. Accounting_Fact_Daily Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 99
83.2. RV_Fact_Acct_Day - Columns .............................................................................................................................................................. 100
84.1. Accounting_Fact_Details Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 103
84.2. RV_Fact_Acct - Columns ...................................................................................................................................................................... 104
85.1. Accounting_Fact_Period Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 118

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

85.2. RV_Fact_Acct_Period - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................... 118

86.1. Aging Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................................. 122
86.2. T_Aging - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................................. 123
87.1. Allocation Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................................... 126
87.2. RV_Allocation - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................................... 126
88.1. Asset_Delivery_Details Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 131
88.2. RV_Asset_Delivery - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................... 132
89.1. Asset_Delivery_Month Parameters .......................................................................................................................................................... 135
89.2. RV_Asset_SumMonth - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................... 135
90.1. Bank_Register_Report Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 139
90.2. T_BankRegister - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 140
91.1. Business_Partner_Detail Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 142
91.2. RV_BPartner - Columns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 143
92.1. Business_Partner_Open Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 156
92.2. RV_BPartnerOpen - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................ 156
93.1. Cash_Flow_Report Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 160
93.2. T_CashFlow - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................................ 160
94.1. Commission_Run_Detail Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 163
94.2. RV_CommissionRunDetail - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 163
95.1. Customer_Assets Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................. 180
95.2. RV_Asset_Customer - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................. 180
96.1. Customer_Balances Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 183
97.1. Customer_Statement Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 184
98.1. Daily_Invoice Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 185
98.2. RV_C_Invoice_Day - Columns .............................................................................................................................................................. 185
99.1. RV_Asset_Depreciation_Entry - Columns ................................................................................................................................................ 187
100.1. Indented_Bill_of_Material Parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 190
100.2. T_BOM_Indented - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................... 190
101.1. Inventory_Valuation_Report Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 193
101.2. RV_T_InventoryValue - Columns ......................................................................................................................................................... 193
102.1. Invoice_Detail_%26_Margin Parameters ................................................................................................................................................ 196
102.2. RV_C_InvoiceLine - Columns .............................................................................................................................................................. 196
103.1. Invoice_Not_Realized_Gain/Loss Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 208
103.2. T_InvoiceGL - Columns ...................................................................................................................................................................... 209
104.1. Invoice_Tax Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 220
104.2. RV_C_InvoiceTax - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................... 220
105.1. Invoice_Transactions_(Acct) Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 231
105.2. RV_C_Invoice - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 231
106.1. Invoice_Transactions_(Doc) Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 243
106.2. RV_C_Invoice - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 243
107.1. Material_Receipt_Details Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................... 255

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

107.2. RV_InOutDetails Receive - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 255

108.1. Material_Reference Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 267
108.2. T_Transaction - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 267
109.1. Monthly_Invoice Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 270
109.2. RV_C_Invoice_Month - Columns ......................................................................................................................................................... 270
110.1. Monthly_Invoice_Prod_Cat Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 272
110.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth - Columns ................................................................................................................................................... 272
111.1. Monthly_Invoice_Product Parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 274
111.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProductMonth - Columns ............................................................................................................................................... 274
112.1. Monthly_Invoice_Vendor Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................... 276
112.2. RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth - Columns ............................................................................................................................................... 276
113.1. Open_Confirmation_Details Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 278
113.2. RV_InOutLineConfirm Open - Columns ................................................................................................................................................ 278
114.1. Open_Confirmations Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 282
114.2. RV_InOutConfirm Open - Columns ...................................................................................................................................................... 282
115.1. Open_Items Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................................... 286
115.2. RV_OpenItem - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 286
116.1. Open_Orders Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 294
116.2. RV_Order_Open - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................. 294
117.1. Open_Requisitions Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 308
117.2. RV_M_Requisition Open - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 308
118.1. Order_Detail Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................................... 312
118.2. RV_OrderDetail - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................. 312
119.1. Order_Transactions Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................. 326
119.2. RV_Order - Columns .......................................................................................................................................................................... 326
120.1. Payment_Details Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................. 337
120.2. RV_Payment - Columns ...................................................................................................................................................................... 337
121.1. Print_Format_Detail Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 347
121.2. RV_PrintFormatDetail - Columns ......................................................................................................................................................... 347
122.1. Product_Cost Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................................... 354
122.2. RV_Cost - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................................... 355
123.1. Product_Cost_Detail Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 363
123.2. RV_CostDetail - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................... 363
124.1. Product_Cost_Summary Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 373
124.2. RV_CostSummary - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................... 373
125.1. Product_Transaction_Summary Parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 376
125.2. RV_M_Transaction_Sum - Columns ...................................................................................................................................................... 377
126.1. Product_Transaction_Value Parameters .................................................................................................................................................. 378
126.2. RV_M_Transaction - Columns ............................................................................................................................................................. 379
127.1. Product/Component_Where_Used Parameters .......................................................................................................................................... 388
127.2. RV_M_Product_WhereUsed_V - Columns ............................................................................................................................................. 388

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

128.1. Project_Cycle_Report Parameters .......................................................................................................................................................... 390

128.2. RV_ProjectCycle - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................ 390
129.1. Project_Detail_Accounting_Report Parameters ........................................................................................................................................ 395
129.2. RV_Fact_Acct - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................... 395
130.1. Project_Lines_not_Issued Parameters ..................................................................................................................................................... 409
130.2. C_ProjectLine Not Issued - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 409
131.1. Project_Margin_(Work_Order) Parameters .............................................................................................................................................. 412
131.2. RV_ProjectLineIssue - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................... 412
132.1. Project_POs_not_Issued Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 416
132.2. C_ProjectLine Not Received POs - Columns .......................................................................................................................................... 416
133.1. Quarter_Invoice_Product Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................... 419
133.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProductQtr - Columns ................................................................................................................................................... 419
134.1. Quarterly_Invoice_Customer_by_Product Parameters ............................................................................................................................... 421
134.2. RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr - Columns .......................................................................................................................................... 421
135.1. Quarterly_Invoice_Customer_by_Vendor Parameters ................................................................................................................................ 423
135.2. RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr - Columns .......................................................................................................................................... 423
136.1. Replenish_Report Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 425
136.2. T_Replenish - Columns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 425
137.1. Replenish_Report_incl._Production Parameters ........................................................................................................................................ 428
137.2. T_Replenish - Columns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 429
138.1. RfQ_Response Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................... 431
138.2. RV_C_RfQResponse - Columns ........................................................................................................................................................... 431
139.1. RfQ_Unanswered Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 435
139.2. RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 435
140.1. Shipment_Details Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................... 438
140.2. RV_InOutDetails Ship - Columns ......................................................................................................................................................... 439
141.1. Simple_Fact_View Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 450
141.2. RV_Fact_Simple - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................. 450
142.1. Statement_of_Accounts Parameters ....................................................................................................................................................... 453
142.2. T_ReportStatement - Columns .............................................................................................................................................................. 454
143.1. Storage_Detail Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................... 456
143.2. RV_Storage - Columns ....................................................................................................................................................................... 456
144.1. Storage_per_Product Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................... 465
144.2. RV_Storage_Per_Product - Columns ..................................................................................................................................................... 465
145.1. Transaction_Detail Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 468
145.2. RV_Transaction - Columns .................................................................................................................................................................. 469
146.1. Trial_Balance Parameters .................................................................................................................................................................... 484
146.2. T_TrialBalance - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................... 485
147.1. UnAllocated_Invoices Parameters ......................................................................................................................................................... 490
147.2. RV_C_Invoice NotAllocated - Columns ................................................................................................................................................. 490
148.1. UnAllocated_Payments Parameters ........................................................................................................................................................ 502

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

148.2. C_Payment_v UnAllocated - Columns ................................................................................................................................................... 502

149.1. UnReconciled_Payments Parameters ...................................................................................................................................................... 510
149.2. UnReconciled Payments - Columns ....................................................................................................................................................... 510
150.1. Unreconciled_accounting_facts Parameters ............................................................................................................................................. 518
150.2. RV_Reconciliation - Columns .............................................................................................................................................................. 518
151.1. Vendor_Balances Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................ 524
152.1. Vendor Selection - Columns ................................................................................................................................................................ 525
153.1. Vendor_Statement Parameters .............................................................................................................................................................. 529
154.1. Weekly_Invoice Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................. 530
154.2. RV_C_Invoice_Week - Columns .......................................................................................................................................................... 530
155.1. Weekly_Invoice_Prod_Cat Parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 532
155.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek - Columns .................................................................................................................................................... 532
156.1. 1099 Box Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 534
157.1. Module Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 536
157.2. Level Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 537
157.3. Window Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 538
157.4. Tab Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 539
157.5. Field Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 540
157.6. Process Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 540
157.7. Process Parameter Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 541
157.8. Form Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 542
157.9. Task Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 543
157.10. Workflow Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 543
157.11. Ref List Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 544
158.1. Client Level Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 546
158.2. Exceptions Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 547
159.1. Combination Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 550
160.1. Element Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 554
160.2. Element Value Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 556
160.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 559
160.4. Sub Account Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 560
161.1. Organization Dimension Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 562
161.2. Sales Region Dimension Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 563
161.3. Activity Dimension Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 564
161.4. Project Dimension Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 565
161.5. Business Partner Dimension Fields ........................................................................................................................................................ 570
161.6. Product Dimension Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 578
161.7. Campaign Dimension Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 584
162.1. Daily Balances Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 586
163.1. Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 590
164.1. Accounting Processor Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 595

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

164.2. Log Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 597

165.1. Accounting Schema Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 599
165.2. Account Schema Dimensions Fields ...................................................................................................................................................... 604
165.3. General Ledger Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 607
165.4. Defaults Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 609
166.1. Sessions Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 620
167.1. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 622
167.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 623
168.1. Address Transaction Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 625
169.1. Address Validation Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 627
170.1. Address Validation Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 629
171.1. Alert Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 631
171.2. Alert Rule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 632
171.3. Alert Recipient Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 634
172.1. Processor Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 636
172.2. Log Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 638
173.1. Asset Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 639
173.2. Product Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 644
173.3. Asset Balances Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 645
173.4. Accounting Setup Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 649
173.5. Activation/Addition Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 652
173.6. Cost Details Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 657
173.7. Disposal Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 659
173.8. Asset Usage Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 661
173.9. Delivery Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 661
173.10. Asset History Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 664
173.11. Issue Project Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 670
173.12. Finance Information Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 671
173.13. License Information Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 673
173.14. Insurance Information Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 674
173.15. Tax Information Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 675
173.16. Other Information Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 676
173.17. Expense Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 678
174.1. Addition Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 681
175.1. Asset Disposal Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 687
176.1. Asset Group Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 692
176.2. Group Account Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 694
176.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 697
177.1. Attachment Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 699
177.2. Note Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 700
178.1. Attribute Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 702

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

178.2. Attribute Value Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 704

179.1. Attribute Set Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 705
179.2. Attribute Use Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 708
179.3. Exclude Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 709
180.1. Instance Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 710
180.2. Shipment, Receipt Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 711
180.3. Movement Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 712
180.4. Invoice Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 714
181.1. Bank / Cash Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 718
181.2. Account Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 720
181.3. Bank Account Document Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 722
181.4. Bank Account Processor Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 723
181.5. Statement Loader Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 726
181.6. Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 728
182.1. Bank Statement Matcher Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 730
183.1. Bank/Cash Statement Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 732
183.2. Statement Line Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 735
184.1. Broadcast Message Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 741
184.2. Message Log Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 743
184.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 745
185.1. Business Partner Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 746
185.2. Contact (User) Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 755
185.3. Interest Area Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 758
185.4. BP Access Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 759
185.5. Location Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 761
185.6. Bank Account Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 763
185.7. Shipping Accounts Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 766
185.8. Customer Accounting Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 767
185.9. Vendor Accounting Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 768
185.10. Employee Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 770
185.11. Customer Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 771
185.12. Vendor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 779
185.13. Employee Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 787
186.1. Business Partner Group Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 796
186.2. Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 799
186.3. Assigned Partners Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 801
187.1. Partner Selection Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 809
187.2. Partner Orders Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 817
187.3. Partner Shipments Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 825
187.4. Partner Invoices Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 832
187.5. Partner Payments Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 839

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

187.6. Partner Assets Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 849

187.7. Partner Requests Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 852
188.1. Calendar Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 859
188.2. Year Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 860
188.3. Period Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 861
188.4. Period Control Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 862
188.5. Non Business Day Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 864
189.1. Cash Plan Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 866
189.2. Cash Plan Line Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 869
190.1. Change Audit Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 872
191.1. Charge Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 874
191.2. Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 876
191.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 877
192.1. Charge Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 878
192.2. Charge Type by Doc Type Fields ......................................................................................................................................................... 879
193.1. Chart Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 880
193.2. Datasource Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 882
193.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 884
194.1. Chat Type Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 885
194.2. Updates Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 886
195.1. Client Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 888
195.2. Client Info Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 893
195.3. Client Share Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 896
196.1. Commission Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 897
196.2. Commission Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 899
197.1. Commission Run Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 902
197.2. Commission Amount Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 904
197.3. Commission Detail Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 905
198.1. Commodity Shipment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 907
199.1. Contact Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 909
199.2. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 911
200.1. Context Help Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 913
200.2. Message Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 914
200.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 915
201.1. Cost Adjustment Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 916
201.2. Cost Adjustment Line Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 920
202.1. Cost Element Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 923
203.1. Cost Type Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 925
204.1. Counter Document Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 927
205.1. Country Group Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 930
205.2. Country Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 931

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

205.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 932

206.1. Country Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 934
206.2. Region Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 939
206.3. City Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 941
206.4. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 942
206.5. City (Without Regions) Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 943
206.6. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 945
206.7. Country Group Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 946
207.1. Currency Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 947
207.2. Conversion Rates Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 949
207.3. Accounting Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 950
207.4. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 951
208.1. Conversion Rate Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 953
209.1. Conversion Type Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 955
210.1. Customer Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 957
210.2. Opportunities Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 965
210.3. Contacts Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 968
210.4. Activities Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 971
210.5. Locations Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 973
210.6. Contract Prices Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 974
210.7. Requests Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 976
210.8. Orders Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 982
211.1. Customer RMA Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 988
211.2. RMA Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 992
211.3. RMA Tax Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 994
212.1. Customer Return Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 996
212.2. Customer Return Line Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 1003
212.3. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1009
212.4. Confirmations Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1010
212.5. Matched POs Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1011
212.6. Matched Invoices Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1013
213.1. Dashboard Content Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1016
213.2. Dashboard Content Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................ 1018
213.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1019
214.1. Preference Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1021
215.1. Depreciation Functions Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 1023
216.1. Discount Schema Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1025
216.2. Discount Break Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1027
217.1. Sequence Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1029
217.2. Sequence No Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1032
218.1. Document Type Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1033

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

218.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1040

219.1. Dunning Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1041
219.2. Level Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1042
219.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1045
220.1. Dunning Run Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1046
220.2. Entry Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1047
220.3. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1049
221.1. Element Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1052
221.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1054
221.3. Used in Column Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1055
221.4. Used in Process Parameter Fields ........................................................................................................................................................ 1061
221.5. Used in Info Column Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1061
222.1. Entity Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1063
222.2. System Modifin Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1065
223.1. Error Message Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1067
224.1. Expense Report Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1069
224.2. Report Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1071
225.1. Expense Type Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1076
225.2. Expense Product Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1077
225.3. Price Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1083
225.4. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1084
226.1. Employee, Vendor Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1087
226.2. Report Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1095
227.1. Customer Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1099
227.2. Report Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1107
228.1. Export Format Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1111
228.2. Export Format Line Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1112
229.1. Export Processor Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1115
229.2. Export Processor Parameter Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 1116
230.1. Export Processor Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 1118
231.1. Field group Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1120
231.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1121
231.3. Used in Field Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1122
232.1. Financial Report Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1123
233.1. Form Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1126
233.2. Access Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1128
233.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1129
234.1. Freight Category Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1130
235.1. Budget Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1132
236.1. GL Category Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1134
236.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1136

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

237.1. Distribution Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1137

237.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1142
238.1. Journal Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1147
238.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1152
239.1. Batch Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1157
239.2. Journal Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1161
239.3. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1165
240.1. GL Journal Generator Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1171
240.2. Generator Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1173
240.3. Generator Source Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1175
241.1. Greeting Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1177
241.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1178
242.1. House Keeping Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1180
243.1. Import Account Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1182
244.1. Bank Statement Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1185
245.1. Import Business Partner Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 1191
246.1. Confirmation Lines Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1196
247.1. Import Currency Rate Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 1198
248.1. General Ledger Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1201
249.1. Inventory Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1208
250.1. Import Inventory Move Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 1212
251.1. Invoice Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1217
252.1. Import Format Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1224
252.2. Format Field Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1225
253.1. Order Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1228
254.1. Payment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1236
255.1. Import Price List Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1243
256.1. Import Processor Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1247
256.2. Parameter Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1249
256.3. Log Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1250
257.1. Import Processor Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 1251
258.1. Import Product Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1253
259.1. Import Report Line Set Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 1259
260.1. Import Template Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1263
260.2. Import Template Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 1264
261.1. Fixed Asset Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1266
262.1. Window Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1270
262.2. Column Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1273
262.3. Column Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1277
262.4. Window Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1278
262.5. Related Info Window Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1279

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

262.6. Process Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1280

262.7. Role Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1282
263.1. Interest Area Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1284
263.2. Subscriptions Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1285
263.3. LDAP Access Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1286
264.1. Internal Use Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1288
264.2. Internal Use Line Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1292
264.3. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1294
265.1. Move Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1296
265.2. Move Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1301
265.3. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1303
266.1. Invoice Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1305
266.2. Invoice Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1313
266.3. Invoice Tax Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1319
266.4. Payment Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1320
266.5. Allocation Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1321
267.1. Invoice Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1324
267.2. Invoice Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1332
267.3. Landed Costs Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1339
267.4. Landed Cost Allocation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 1340
267.5. Matched POs Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1341
267.6. Matched Receipts Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1343
267.7. Invoice Tax Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1346
267.8. Payment Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1347
267.9. Allocation Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1348
268.1. Invoice Batch Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1350
268.2. Batch Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1352
269.1. Invoice Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1357
269.2. Payment Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1364
270.1. Invoice Schedule Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1366
271.1. LDAP Server Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1369
271.2. LDAP Server Log Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1371
272.1. Printer Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1372
272.2. Function Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1373
273.1. Language Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1375
274.1. Lead Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1378
274.2. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1383
275.1. Location Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1385
276.1. Lot Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1388
277.1. Lot Control Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1390
277.2. Exclude Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1391

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

278.1. Mail Template Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1393

278.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1395
278.3. User Mail Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1396
279.1. Campaign Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1398
279.2. Opportunity Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1400
279.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1402
280.1. Channel Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1404
281.1. Match Invoice Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1406
282.1. Match PO Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1409
283.1. Material Receipt Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1412
283.2. Receipt Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1419
283.3. Confirmations Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1425
283.4. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1426
283.5. Matched POs Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1427
283.6. Matched Invoices Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1429
284.1. Menu Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1432
284.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1434
285.1. Message Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1436
285.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1437
286.1. Migration Scripts Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1439
287.1. Model Validator Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1441
288.1. Confirmation Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1443
288.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1445
289.1. User Contact Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1447
289.2. User Mail Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1451
290.1. Unprocessed Documents Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 1453
291.1. Notice Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1456
292.1. Online Transaction History Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 1458
293.1. Order Source Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1460
294.1. Organization Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1462
294.2. Organization Info Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1463
294.3. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1465
294.4. Org Assignment Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1467
295.1. Org Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1468
296.1. POS Key Layout Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1470
296.2. POS Key Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1472
297.1. POS Payment Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1474
298.1. POS Tender Type Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1477
299.1. POS Terminal Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1479
300.1. PackIn Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1482
301.1. Export Package Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1484

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

301.2. Package Details Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1486

302.1. Package Installation Log Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 1490
302.2. Objects Installed Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1492
302.3. Object Backups Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1493
303.1. Packages Installed Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1495
304.1. Type Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1497
305.1. Relation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1498
306.1. Part Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1501
306.2. Bill of Materials Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1508
307.1. Password Rule Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1511
308.1. Payment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1514
308.2. Allocate Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1525
308.3. Allocations Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1527
309.1. Payment Batch Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1530
309.2. Payment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1532
310.1. Payment Processor Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1542
311.1. Payment Selection Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1546
311.2. Payment Selection Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 1548
311.3. Prepared Payment Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1549
312.1. Payment Term Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1552
312.2. Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1555
312.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1556
313.1. Payment Transaction Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 1558
314.1. Batch Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1567
314.2. Lines Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1569
315.1. Benchmark Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1571
315.2. Data Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1572
316.1. Color Schema Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1574
317.1. Performance Goal Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1576
317.2. Restriction Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1579
318.1. Measure Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1581
318.2. Achievement Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1583
319.1. Performance Measure Calculation Fields .............................................................................................................................................. 1585
320.1. Ratio Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1588
320.2. Element Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1589
321.1. Inventory Count Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1591
321.2. Inventory Count Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1595
321.3. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1597
322.1. Position Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1599
322.2. Assignment Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1600
322.3. Remuneration Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1601

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

323.1. Position Category Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1603

324.1. Create Depreciation Entry Fields ......................................................................................................................................................... 1605
324.2. Records Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1608
325.1. Preference Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1611
326.1. Price List Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1613
326.2. Version Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1615
326.3. Product Price Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1616
326.4. Product Price Break Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1617
326.5. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1619
326.6. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1619
327.1. Price List Schema Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1621
327.2. Schema Line Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1623
328.1. Print Color Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1628
328.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1629
329.1. Print Font Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1630
330.1. Print Form Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1632
331.1. Print Format Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1635
331.2. Format Item Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1638
331.3. Item Translation Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1645
331.4. Graph Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1646
331.5. Translate Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1648
332.1. Label Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1649
332.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1650
332.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1652
333.1. Print Paper Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1653
334.1. Print Table Format Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1655
335.1. Process Audit Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1659
335.2. Parameter Audit Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1660
335.3. Log Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1662
336.1. Product Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1663
336.2. BOM Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1671
336.3. Components Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1673
336.4. Bill of Materials Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1677
336.5. Substitute Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1679
336.6. Related Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1680
336.7. Replenish Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1681
336.8. Purchasing Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1682
336.9. Business Partner Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1685
336.10. Price Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1687
336.11. Download Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1688
336.12. Accounting Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1689

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

336.13. Transactions Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1693

336.14. Translation Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1695
336.15. Located at Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1696
336.16. UOM Conversion Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1698
336.17. Costs Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1699
337.1. Product Category Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1702
337.2. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1704
337.3. Assigned Products Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1709
337.4. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1715
338.1. Select Product Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1716
338.2. Product Costs Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1722
338.3. Cost Movement Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1725
338.4. Cost Details Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1728
338.5. Cost Queue Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1730
339.1. Production Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1732
339.2. Production Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1736
339.3. QC Test Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1738
340.1. Project Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1740
340.2. Project Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1745
340.3. Phase Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1748
340.4. Phase Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1750
340.5. Task Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1753
340.6. Task Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1755
340.7. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1758
341.1. Project Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1760
341.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1765
341.3. Issues Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1768
341.4. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1769
342.1. Project Cycle Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1771
342.2. Step Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1772
342.3. Cycle Phase Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1773
343.1. Project Type Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1775
343.2. Standard Phase Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1776
343.3. Standard Task Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1778
344.1. Promotion Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1780
344.2. Pre Condition Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1781
344.3. Promotion Line Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1783
344.4. Quantity Distribution Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1783
344.5. Reward Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1785
345.1. Promotion Group Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1787
345.2. Group Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1788

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

346.1. Purchase Order Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1789

346.2. PO Line Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1799
346.3. Matching Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1806
346.4. Requisition Lines Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1809
346.5. Order Tax Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1810
346.6. Payment Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1812
346.7. Estimated Landed Cost Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 1813
346.8. Estimated Landed Cost Allocation Fields .............................................................................................................................................. 1814
347.1. Test Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1816
347.2. Product Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1817
348.1. RMA Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1818
349.1. Recurring Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1820
349.2. Run Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1822
350.1. Recurring Group Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 1824
351.1. Reference Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1826
351.2. List Validation Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1828
351.3. List Translation Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1829
351.4. Table Validation Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1830
351.5. Used in Column Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1832
351.6. Reference Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1838
352.1. Registration Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1839
352.2. Value Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1841
353.1. Attribute Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1843
353.2. Product Assignment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1844
354.1. Relation Type Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1846
355.1. Replication Strategy Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1848
355.2. Replication Table Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1849
355.3. Replication Document Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 1851
356.1. Report %26 Process Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1852
356.2. Parameter Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1855
356.3. Parameter Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1860
356.4. Report Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1861
356.5. Report Access Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1862
357.1. Report Column Set Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1864
357.2. Report Column Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1865
358.1. Report Cube Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1872
359.1. Report Line Set Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1875
359.2. Report Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1876
359.3. Report Source Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1879
360.1. Report View Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1883
360.2. Report View Column Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 1884

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

360.3. Available Columns Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1885

361.1. Reporting Hierarchy Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1887
362.1. Request Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1889
362.2. Updates Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1896
362.3. History Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1897
362.4. Update Notification Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1901
363.1. Request Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1903
363.2. Updates Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1910
363.3. History Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1911
363.4. Update Notification Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1914
363.5. Update Recipients Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1915
364.1. Request Category Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1917
364.2. Update Notification Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1918
365.1. Request Group Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1920
365.2. Request Updates Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1921
366.1. Request Processor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1923
366.2. Routing Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1925
366.3. Log Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1926
367.1. Request Resolution Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 1928
368.1. Standard Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1930
369.1. Status Category Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1931
369.2. Request Status Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1932
370.1. Request Type Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1935
370.2. Update Notification Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 1937
371.1. Requisition Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1939
371.2. Requisition Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1942
371.3. Purchase Orders Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1944
372.1. Resource Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1952
372.2. Unavailability Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1953
372.3. Resource Product Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1954
372.4. Price Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1961
372.5. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1962
372.6. Assignment Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1963
373.1. Resource Type Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1965
374.1. Return to Vendor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 1968
374.2. Return to Vendor Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 1976
374.3. Confirmations Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1981
374.4. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1982
375.1. RfQ Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1984
375.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1988
375.3. Quantity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1990

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

376.1. Response Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1992

376.2. Response Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1995
376.3. Response Quantity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 1996
377.1. Topic Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1998
377.2. Subscriber Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1999
377.3. Restriction Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2001
378.1. Role Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2002
378.2. Org Access Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2007
378.3. User Assignment Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2008
378.4. Window Access Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2009
378.5. Process Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2009
378.6. Form Access Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2010
378.7. Info Access Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2011
378.8. Workflow Access Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 2012
378.9. Task Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2013
378.10. Document Action Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................ 2014
378.11. Included roles Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2014
379.1. Role Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2016
379.2. Table Access Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2019
379.3. Column Access Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2020
379.4. Record Access Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2022
380.1. Toolbar Button Access Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 2024
381.1. Rule Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2026
382.1. Opportunity Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2028
382.2. Quote/Order Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2030
382.3. Order Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2041
382.4. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2049
383.1. Order Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2051
383.2. Order Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2062
383.3. Order Tax Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2070
383.4. Payment Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 2071
383.5. POS Payment Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2073
384.1. Sales Region Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2076
384.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2077
385.1. Dashboard Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2079
385.2. Leads Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2080
385.3. Opportunities Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2085
385.4. Activities Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2088
386.1. Company Agent Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2090
386.2. Orders Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2093
386.3. Order Lines Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2102

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

386.4. Invoices Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2108

386.5. Invoice Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2115
387.1. Sales Stage Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2121
387.2. Opportunity Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2122
387.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2124
388.1. Schedule Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2126
389.1. Schedule Process Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2128
389.2. Parameter Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2131
389.3. Scheduler Recipient Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2132
389.4. Log Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2132
390.1. Searches Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2134
391.1. Serial No Control Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 2136
391.2. Exclude Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2137
392.1. Session Audit Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2139
392.2. Change Audit Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2141
393.1. Setup Wizard Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2143
394.1. Confirmation Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2145
394.2. Line Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2148
395.1. Shipment Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2150
395.2. Shipment Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2159
395.3. Confirmations Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2164
395.4. Attributes Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2166
395.5. Packages Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2167
395.6. MPS Lines Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2175
395.7. Package Lines Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2177
396.1. Packages Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................ 2179
396.2. MPS Lines Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2186
396.3. Package Lines Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2188
397.1. Shipper Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2190
397.2. Freight Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2191
397.3. Packaging Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2193
397.4. Label Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2194
397.5. Pickup Types Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2195
398.1. Shipper Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2197
398.2. Packaging Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2198
398.3. Label Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2200
398.4. Pickup Types Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2201
399.1. Shipping Processor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 2203
400.1. Shipping Processor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 2205
400.2. Shipper Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2207
400.3. Packaging Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2208

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

400.4. Label Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2209

400.5. Pickup Types Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2211
401.1. Shipping Transaction Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 2212
401.2. Shipping Transaction Line Fields ........................................................................................................................................................ 2220
402.1. Status Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2222
402.2. Used In Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2223
403.1. Storage Provider Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2225
404.1. System Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2227
405.1. System Color Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2232
405.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2234
406.1. System Configurator Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 2235
407.1. Image Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2237
408.1. System Issue Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2239
409.1. Select Language Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2244
409.2. Element Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2246
409.3. Message Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 2248
409.4. Window Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2249
409.5. Tab Translation Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2250
409.6. Field Translation Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2251
409.7. Field Group Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 2252
409.8. Process Translation Fields .................................................................................................................................................................. 2253
409.9. Form Translation Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2254
409.10. Task Translation Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 2255
409.11. Workflow Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................. 2256
409.12. Workflow Node Translation Fields .................................................................................................................................................... 2257
409.13. Menu Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 2258
409.14. Reference List Translation Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 2259
410.1. Table Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2260
410.2. Column Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2263
410.3. Column Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2270
410.4. Used in Field Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2271
410.5. Zoom Condition Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2271
410.6. Table Script Validator Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 2273
410.7. Table Translation Fields .................................................................................................................................................................... 2275
410.8. Table Index Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2275
410.9. Index Column Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2277
410.10. View Component Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 2278
410.11. View Column Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2280
411.1. Task Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2282
411.2. Task Translation Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2284
411.3. Access Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2285

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

412.1. Tax Category Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2286

412.2. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2287
413.1. Tax Provider Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2289
414.1. Tax Provider Configuration Fields ....................................................................................................................................................... 2291
415.1. Tax Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2293
415.2. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2296
415.3. Tax ZIP Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2297
415.4. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2298
416.1. Test Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2300
417.1. Time Type Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2303
418.1. ToolBar Button Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2305
419.1. Tree Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2308
420.1. Unposted Documents Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 2310
421.1. Unit of Measure Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2313
421.2. Conversion Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2315
421.3. Translation Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2316
422.1. Unprocessed Documents Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 2318
423.1. User Contact Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2321
423.2. User Roles Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2326
423.3. User Substitute Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2327
423.4. Org Assignment Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2329
423.5. Org Access Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2330
423.6. User Mail Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2330
423.7. Queries Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2332
423.8. LDAP Access Fields ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2333
424.1. Validation Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2335
424.2. Used in Column Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2336
425.1. Vendor Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2343
425.2. Product Details Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2351
426.1. Vendor RMA Fields .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2355
426.2. RMA Line Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2359
426.3. RMA Tax Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2361
427.1. Allocation Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2363
427.2. Allocation Line Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2365
428.1. Chat Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2368
428.2. Chat Entry Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2369
428.3. Updates Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2371
429.1. Warehouse Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2372
429.2. Locator Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2374
429.3. Storage Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2375
429.4. Replenish Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2376

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

429.5. Accounting Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2378

429.6. Product Transactions Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 2379
430.1. Web Service Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2382
430.2. Web Service Method Fields ............................................................................................................................................................... 2383
431.1. Web Service Type Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 2385
431.2. Web Service Parameters Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 2386
431.3. Web Service Field Input Fields ........................................................................................................................................................... 2387
431.4. Web Service Field Output Fields ......................................................................................................................................................... 2388
431.5. Web Service Access Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 2389
432.1. Web Store Fields .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2391
432.2. Store Translation Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2395
432.3. Web Store Message Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2397
432.4. Message Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 2399
433.1. Window Customization Fields ............................................................................................................................................................ 2400
433.2. Tab Customization Fields ................................................................................................................................................................... 2402
433.3. Field Customization Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2403
434.1. Window Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2409
434.2. Tab Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2411
434.3. Field Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2417
434.4. Field Translation Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2423
434.5. Tab Translation Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2425
434.6. Toolbar Button Fields ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2426
434.7. Window Translation Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2427
434.8. Access Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2429
435.1. Workflow Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2430
435.2. Node Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2436
435.3. Parameter Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2443
435.4. Node Translation Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2444
435.5. Block Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2445
435.6. Transition Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2446
435.7. Condition Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2448
435.8. Workflow Translation Fields .............................................................................................................................................................. 2449
435.9. Access Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................... 2450
435.10. Previous Node Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2451
436.1. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2453
437.1. Process Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2456
437.2. Activity Fields ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2458
437.3. Result Fields .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2460
437.4. Event Fields ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2461
437.5. Data Fields ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2463
438.1. Workflow Processor Fields ................................................................................................................................................................. 2464

The Complete iDempiere DocBook

438.2. Log Fields ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2466

439.1. Responsible Fields ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2468
464.1. Product Info InfoPanel Columns ......................................................................................................................................................... 2494
465.1. Business Partner Info InfoPanel Columns ............................................................................................................................................. 2498
466.1. Order Info InfoPanel Columns ............................................................................................................................................................ 2501
467.1. Invoice Info InfoPanel Columns .......................................................................................................................................................... 2503
468.1. Shipment Info InfoPanel Columns ....................................................................................................................................................... 2506
469.1. Payment Info InfoPanel Columns ........................................................................................................................................................ 2508
470.1. Resource Info InfoPanel Columns ....................................................................................................................................................... 2510
471.1. Asset Info InfoPanel Columns ............................................................................................................................................................ 2511


This is a fast reference guide of the iDempiere freedom ERP project Application Dictionary model. This WebHelp framework is generated from DocBook format
XMLs which themselves are created at one go, thanks to a program code that could crawl the huge iDempiere database.

The same DocBook XMLs are also used to generate a faster HTML version, a slower but very resourceful Web Help site. or an offline PDF version. These are
same content with further hyperlinks for screenshot images, Javadocs and client Data. The source with readme is located at

Writing documentation for such an ERP application and project has been the constant bane, cry and torture for most humans and has never really been attempted at
one go successfully. The idea of using format agnostic DocBook XML framework, with multi-format rendering is very appealing as it is future-proof where formats
and renderings will change. But it is the clever use (bragging) of creating a programable piece of code to generate or 'write' all those endless series of XMLs now
makes the task so minimal and replaced the need for further human effort. Or at least allow human effort to continue on top of the huge generated base XMLs.

The XMLs are quite submisive to revisions of XSLT and when XMLs themselves need tweaking, the code is highly capable to handle the whole gamut.

As of now, it lacks human editorial attention where details are quite tabular with much gaps of explanation, it serves to be a powerful, and fast reference for end-
users and developers alike to quickly look up a model, property or characteristics of the ERP Application Dictionary without launching iDempiere, its database or
further ravaging repeatedly thru a fully working myriad of menu screens.

For further clarification of this documentation and ongoing progress of the project, community members can refer to my forum at []

Chapter 1. Workflow:Accounting Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:04:04.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:16:48.0

Description: Review and change Accounting Setup

Comment/Help: This workflow allows you to review and change your Accounting Rules.


StartNode :Calendar Year and Period

WorkFlowType :G

Table 1.1. Accounting Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Calendar Year and Period Maintain Calendars UserWindow Account Element
Years Periods
Account Element Maintain Account Elements UserWindow Accounting Schema
Accounting Schema Maintain Accounting Schema UserWindow GL Category
- For changes to become
effective you must re-login
GL Category Maintain General UserWindow Document Sequence
Ledger Categories
Document Sequence Maintain System and UserWindow Document Type
Document Sequences
Document Type Maintain Document Types UserWindow

Chapter 2. Workflow:Business Partner Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:05:17.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:16:56.0

Description: Setup Business Partner Rules

Comment/Help: This workflow defines the Business Partners and the supporting rules.


StartNode :Business Partner Group

WorkFlowType :W

Table 2.1. Business Partner Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Business Partner Group Maintain Business UserWindow Greeting
Partner Groups
Greeting Maintain Greetings UserWindow Payment Term
Payment Term Maintain Payment Terms UserWindow Invoice Schedule
Invoice Schedule Maintain Invoicing Schedule UserWindow Dunning
Dunning Maintain Dunning Levels UserWindow Import Business Partner
Import Business Partner Import Business Partner UserWindow Business Partner
Business Partner Maintain Business Partners UserWindow

Chapter 3. Workflow:Initial Client Setup Review
Created:2000-09-24 18:54:54.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:17:13.0

Description: Review of system level setup of a new Client

Comment/Help: This workflow reviews the system setup of a new client as performed by the automatic Initial Client Setup. You may want to check also the
following Workflows: - Accounting Setup - Business Partner Setup - Product Setup - Price list Setup - Warehouse Setup - Tax Setup


StartNode :Client

WorkFlowType :W

Table 3.1. Initial Client Setup Review Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Client Maintain Clients/Tenants UserWindow Organization
Organization Maintain Organizations UserWindow Role
Role Maintain User Responsibilities UserWindow User
User Maintain Users of the system UserWindow Import File Loader
Import File Loader Load flat Files UserForm Import Account
into import tables
Import Account Import Natural UserWindow Calendar Year and Period
Account Values
Calendar Year and Period Maintain Calendars UserWindow
Years Periods

Chapter 4. Workflow:Language Setup
Created:2000-09-10 22:43:01.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:17:23.0

Description: Setup a new Language of the system and translate elements

Comment/Help: Define a new language as a system language.


StartNode :Language

WorkFlowType :G

Table 4.1. Language Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Language Maintain Languages UserWindow System Elements
System Elements Translate System Elements UserWindow Messages
Messages Translate Messages UserWindow Reference
Reference Translate References UserWindow Window %26 Tab
Window %26 Tab Translate Windows and Tabs UserWindow Form
Form Translate Forms UserWindow Report %26 Process
Report %26 Process Translate Reports UserWindow Workflow
and Processes
Workflow Translate Workflows UserWindow

Chapter 5. Workflow:Performance Measurement Setup
Created:2001-04-24 18:06:49.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:14:17.0

Description: Setup your Performance Measurement

Comment/Help: This workflow guides you through setting up your performance measurement based on Key Performance Indicators, Balanced Scorecard, etc. Most
important: Do your analysis first! - What are your goals and how do you measure it? When you are setting up the system, you do it in reverse: First you define
how you measure it and last you define the goals for the measurements. You have three ways measuring performance: - via quantifiable measures (e.g. sales of
$3 million in Q1) - via manual measures - via achievements (tasks) The system converts the measures into percentages (based on the target and achieved measure
- or number of total and reached achievements)


StartNode :Performance Color Schema

WorkFlowType :G

Table 5.1. Performance Measurement Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Performance Color Schema Maintain Performance UserWindow Performance
Color Schema Measure Calculation
Performance Define how you calculate UserWindow Performance Measure
Measure Calculation your performance measures
Performance Measure Define your UserWindow Performance Goal
Performance Measures
Performance Goal Define Performance Goals UserWindow

Chapter 6. Workflow:Price List Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:05:50.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:17:34.0

Description: Define your Price Lists and Discounts

Comment/Help: You define your price lists after entering or importing your products. In addition to price lists, you can define discounts for business partners.
Assign specific Price Lists and Discounst to Business Partners.


StartNode :Price List Schema

WorkFlowType :W

Table 6.1. Price List Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Price List Schema Maintain Price List Schema UserWindow Price List
Price List Maintain Product Price Lists UserWindow Discount Schema
Discount Schema Maintain Trade UserWindow Business Partner
Discount Schema
Business Partner Maintain Business Partners UserWindow

Chapter 7. Workflow:Product Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:05:36.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:18:52.0

Description: Set up Products

Comment/Help: Define your products manually. You should verify the settings especially if you import your products.


StartNode :Warehouse %26 Locators

WorkFlowType :W

Table 7.1. Product Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Warehouse %26 Locators Maintain Warehouses UserWindow Unit of Measure
and Locators
Unit of Measure Maintain Unit of Measure UserWindow Product Category
Product Category Maintain Product Categories UserWindow Tax Category
Tax Category Maintain Tax Categories UserWindow Product
Product Maintain Products UserWindow

Chapter 8. Workflow:Project Setup and Use
Created:1999-12-05 23:51:01.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:18:41.0

Description: Setup of projects and project reporting

Comment/Help: Projects allow to monitor the status and progress of sales opportunities, service projects and investment projects. A Project is a process that is
undertaken which can involve multiple steps or phases and require resources from more than one area.


StartNode :Project Type

WorkFlowType :G

Table 8.1. Project Setup and Use Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Project Type Maintain Project UserWindow Project Reporting
Type and Phase
Project Reporting Maintain Project UserWindow Project
Reporting Cycles
Project Maintain Projects UserWindow Project Status Summary
Project Status Summary Project Status of Project Cycle UserWindow Accounting Schema
Accounting Schema Project as Account Segment UserWindow

Chapter 9. Workflow:Request Setup
Created:2001-12-08 21:07:39.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:19:15.0

Description: Set up the client to process requests


StartNode :Check Client Setup

WorkFlowType :G

Table 9.1. Request Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Check Client Setup Check Client UserWindow Check Users
setup for Requests
Check Users Check users for UserWindow Check Business Partners
Request processing
Check Business Partners Check Business Partners UserWindow Request Processor
for Request processing
Request Processor Define Request Processors UserWindow Request Type
Request Type Maintain Request Types UserWindow Request Group
Request Group Maintain Request Group UserWindow Request Category
Request Category Maintain Request Category UserWindow Request Resolution
Request Resolution Maintain Request Resolutions UserWindow Request Status
Request Status Maintain Request Status UserWindow Request Standard Response
Request Standard Response Maintain Request UserWindow Request (all)
Standard Response
Request (all) View and work on all requests UserWindow

Chapter 10. Workflow:Sales Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:45:37.0

Updated:2005-12-25 17:17:57.0

Description: Setup Sales

Comment/Help: Setting up Sales Representatives, Commissions as well as Marketing Channels and Campaigns.


StartNode :Business Partner

WorkFlowType :W

Table 10.1. Sales Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Business Partner Set up Sales Representative UserWindow User
as Business Partner
User Define Sales UserWindow Sales Region
Representative as User
Sales Region Maintain Sales Regions UserWindow Commission
Commission Maintain Commissions UserWindow Marketing Channel
and Royalties
Marketing Channel Maintain Marketing Channels UserWindow Marketing Campaign
Marketing Campaign Maintain Marketing UserWindow

Chapter 11. Workflow:Setup Replication
Created:2008-03-05 00:52:04.0

Updated:2008-03-05 21:55:31.0

Description: Setup of data replication

Comment/Help: Data Replication allows you to synchronize data of remote instances with a central office. All actions are initialized from the central office.< p>
< b> Central System:< /b> - setup system with all organizations, roles, etc. - run the migration to make sure that it is up-to-date - export the central system < p>
< b> Remote System:< /b> - install the exact version as Central System - import data from Central System in the remote locations < p> < b> Central System:< /
b> - Replication Strategy - Define Export Format - Config Export Processor - Start JMS Server < p> ** Enter Transactions ** < p> < b> Remote System:< /b>
- Config Import Processor


StartNode :Replication Strategy

WorkFlowType :G

Table 11.1. Setup Replication Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Replication Strategy Replication Strategy UserWindow Export Format
Export Format Export Format UserWindow Export Processor Type
Export Processor Type Export Processor Type UserWindow Export Processor
Export Processor Export Processor UserWindow Import Processor Type
Import Processor Type Import Processor Type UserWindow Import Proccesor
Import Proccesor Import Proccesor UserWindow

Chapter 12. Workflow:Tax Setup
Created:2001-04-05 21:06:30.0

Updated:2008-03-03 22:14:07.0

Description: Setup tax calculation

Comment/Help: Setup the tax calculation for products, services and charges


StartNode :Tax Category

WorkFlowType :W

Table 12.1. Tax Setup Workflow Transitions

Node Description Action NextNode Condition

Tax Category Maintain Tax Categories UserWindow Product
Product Maintain Products UserWindow Charge
Charge Maintain Charges UserWindow Tax Rate
Tax Rate Maintain Taxes and their Rates UserWindow Accounting Schema
Accounting Schema Maintain Accounting Schema UserWindow
- For changes to become
effective you must re-login

Chapter 13. Process :Auto Allocation
Created:2004-08-15 21:17:36.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Automatic allocation of invoices to payments

Comment/Help: Try to allocate invoices to payments for a business partner or group. You may want to reset existing allocations first. The allocation is based on
(1) payments entered with reference to invoices (2) payment selections (3) business partner balance (4) matching amount of invoice %26 payment. Allocation is
based on exact amount and includes AP/AR imvoices/payments. Optionally as (5), you can enable to allocate payments to the oldest invoice. In this case, there
might be an unallocated amount remaining.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.AllocationAuto


Table 13.1. Auto_Allocation Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (0) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Allocate Oldest First AllocateOldest Yes-No Allocate payments Allocate payments to the oldest
to the oldest invoice invoice. There might be an
unallocated amount remaining.
AP - AR APAR List Receivables Include Receivables null
%26 Payables and/or Payables
Payables only transactions
Receivables only (A)
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Chapter 14. Process :Automatic account reconciliation
Created:2010-09-02 17:55:55.0

Updated:2010-09-02 17:55:55.0

Description: Reconcile account transactions according to standard rules

ClassName: org.compiere.process.FactReconcile


Table 14.1. Automatic_account_reconciliation Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Account Type Type List Bank In Transit null null
Payment Clearing
(Unalloc Cash/
Payment Selection)
AR/AP Trade
Vendor Liabilities)
Rule AD_Rule_ID Table Reconciliation Rules null null
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used

Chapter 15. Process :Bank/Cash Transfer
Created:2008-09-04 19:13:03.0

Updated:2015-01-07 10:39:54.0

Description: Bank/Cash Transfer let money tranfer between Banks

ClassName: org.eevolution.process.BankTransfer


Table 15.1. Bank/Cash_Transfer Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Bank Account FromFrom_C_BankAccount_ID Table C_BankAccount null null
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Account Date DateAcct Date (@#Date@) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.
Bank Account To To_C_BankAccount_ID Table C_BankAccount null null
Amount Amount Amount Amount in a The Amount indicates the
defined currency amount for this document line.
Statement date StatementDate Date (@#Date@) Date of the statement The Statement Date field
defines the date of the statement.
Description Description String Optional short A description is limited to 255 characters.
of the record
Charge C_Charge_ID Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type C_ConversionType_ID Table Direct Currency Conversion The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets
Rate Type you define different type of rates, e.g.
Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Process :Bank/Cash Transfer

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Document No DocumentNo String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system and
of the document determined by the document type of the
document. If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed in "< >
". If the document type of your document
has no automatic document sequence
defined, the field is empty if you create
a new document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate a
document number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
(@#AD_Org_ID@) entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Currency C_Currency_ID Table Direct (@ The Currency Indicates the Currency to be used when
$C_Currency_ID@) for this record processing or reporting on this record

Chapter 16. Process :Business Partner Organization
Created:2003-12-23 23:33:22.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Set and verify Organization ownership of Business Partners

Comment/Help: The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Business Partners and its dependent entities (Location, Contact/User,
Bank Account, Withholding). Select either a Business Partner Group ar a specific Business Partner

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership


Table 16.1. Business_Partner_Organization Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Chapter 17. Process :C_Invoice Calculate Tax
Created:2008-03-03 22:13:59.0

Updated:2013-01-23 07:08:30.0

ClassName: org.eevolution.process.InvoiceCalculateTax


Table 17.1. C_Invoice_Calculate_Tax Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Invoice C_Invoice_ID Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.

Chapter 18. Process :Cache Reset
Created:2003-06-16 00:09:07.0

Updated:2006-08-06 22:14:24.0

Description: Reset Cache of the System ** Close all Windows before proceeding **

Comment/Help: To increase performance, iDempiere caches repeatedly used data. This process clears the local cache.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CacheReset



Chapter 19. Process :Change Base Language
Created:2013-03-26 13:21:14.0

Updated:2013-03-26 13:28:41.0

Description: Change Base Language

Comment/Help: In order to enable en_US as a translation you can enable any other language as base language. If you don't want to have a base language choose
a language that won't be used for login. If all languages are going to be used as login, create a xx_XX language not login and use it as base. Please note that base
language cannot be a system language.

ClassName: org.idempiere.process.ChangeBaseLanguage


Table 19.1. Change_Base_Language Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Language AD_Language Table AD_Language Language for The Language identifies the language
NOT System/Base this entity to use for display and formatting

Chapter 20. Process :Client Accounting Processor
Created:2009-09-13 17:53:15.0

Updated:2009-09-13 17:53:15.0

Description: Client Accounting Processor

Comment/Help: The client accounting processor allows a user to run the accounting processor in a client session. The system configurator parameter
CLIENT_ACCOUNTING must be enabled (configured as [I]mmediate or [Q]ueue).

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.ClientAcctProcessor


Table 20.1. Client_Accounting_Processor Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Table AD_Table_ID Table Direct Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition

Chapter 21. Process :Convert passwords to hashes
Created:2011-06-29 16:59:41.0

Updated:2011-06-29 16:59:41.0

Description: Convert existing plain text/encrypted user passwords to one way hash

Comment/Help: This process will overwrite existing user passwords with a salted SHA-512 hash of the password so that they cannot be recovered if your database
is compromised. (Note: If your password column is currently encrypted, the hash will also be encrypted.)

ClassName: org.compiere.process.HashPasswords



Chapter 22. Process :Copy Role
Created:2006-12-11 23:47:49.0

Updated:2014-04-29 17:47:13.0

Description: Copy Role

Comment/Help: Copy role access records from one role to another. The existing access records for the destination role will be deleted. This process can be executed
just by advanced roles.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CopyRole


Table 22.1. Copy_Role Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Role To AD_Role_ID Table Direct (-1) Responsibility Role The Role determines security
and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Role From AD_Role_ID Table Direct (-1) Responsibility Role The Role determines security
and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.

Chapter 23. Process :Create AP Expense Invoices
Created:2002-07-14 20:10:42.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Create AP Invoices from Expenses to be paid to employees

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ExpenseAPInvoice


Table 23.1. Create_AP_Expense_Invoices Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Employee Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Report Date DateReport Date Expense/Time Date of Expense/Time Report
Report Date

Chapter 24. Process :Create Costing Records
Created:2005-09-19 16:17:26.0

Updated:2005-09-19 16:18:12.0

Description: Create Costing Records

Comment/Help: The costing records are created when needed or by batch processes. You can force the creation of the costing information here.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CostCreate


Table 24.1. Create_Costing_Records Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Chapter 25. Process :Create Foreign Key
Created:2013-07-17 18:32:14.0

Updated:2013-07-17 18:32:14.0

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CreateForeignKey


Table 25.1. Create_Foreign_Key Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Column AD_Column_ID Table Direct AD_Column Column in the table Link to the database column of the table
Table AD_Table_ID Table Direct AD_Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
TableName information information of the table definition

Chapter 26. Process :Create PO from Requisition
Created:2005-10-24 12:57:00.0

Updated:2005-10-25 16:49:38.0

Description: Create Purchase Orders from Requisitions

Comment/Help: Create Purchase orders from Purchase Requisitions.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RequisitionPOCreate


Table 26.1. Create_PO_from_Requisition Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Required DateRequired Date Date when required null
Priority PriorityRule List High Medium Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
Low Minor Urgent a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Consolidate to ConsolidateDocument Yes-No (Y) Consolidate Lines null
one Document into one Document
Product M_Product_ID Search (-1) Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Requisition M_Requisition_ID Table Direct Material Requisition null
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.

Process :Create PO from Requisition

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Document Date DateDoc Date Date of the The Document Date indicates the date the
Document document was generated. It may or may
not be the same as the accounting date.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Search AD_User - User within the The User identifies a unique user in
Internal(-1) system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Chapter 27. Process :Create Sales Orders from
Created:2002-07-14 20:07:20.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Create Sales Orders for Customers from Expense Reports

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ExpenseSOrder


Table 27.1. Create_Sales_Orders_from_Expense Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Expense Date DateExpense Date Date of expense Date of expense

Chapter 28. Process :Create Table Index
Created:2013-07-12 17:21:11.0

Updated:2013-07-12 17:21:11.0

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CreateTableIndex


Table 28.1. Create_Table_Index Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Table AD_Table_ID Table Direct AD_Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
TableName information information of the table definition

Chapter 29. Process :Delete Import
Created:2003-12-26 10:51:21.0

Updated:2005-10-23 14:53:06.0

Description: Delete all data in Import Table

Comment/Help: You would delete all data in an import table, if there was a problem with data loading. The delete does not distinguish between imported and
not imported data.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ImportDelete


Table 29.1. Delete_Import Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Table AD_Table_ID Table Direct Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition

Chapter 30. Process :Deliver Assets
Created:2003-01-29 21:13:01.0

Updated:2012-03-09 15:16:46.0

Description: Deliver Customer Assets electronically

Comment/Help: Send Mail to customers and attach new delivery (optional).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.AssetDelivery


Table 30.1. Deliver_Assets Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Expired NoGuarantee_MailText_ID Table R_MailText Send email to null
Guarantee Mail partners with
expired guarantee
Attach Asset AttachAsset Yes-No (Y) Attach Asset to be null
delivered per email
Asset A_Asset_ID Search Asset used internally An asset is either created by purchasing
or by customers or by delivering a product. An asset can
be used internally or be a customer asset.
Asset Group A_Asset_Group_ID Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Guarantee Date GuaranteeDate Date (@#Date@) Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Chapter 31. Process :Enable Native Sequence
Created:2008-09-08 22:22:38.0

Updated:2008-09-08 22:22:38.0

Description: Enable Native Sequence

Comment/Help: This process allows Enable the native sequences based in the current AD_Sequence. This process should be implemented when the users are not

ClassName: org.eevolution.process.EnableNativeSequence



Chapter 32. Process :Export Format Generator
Created:2008-03-24 11:18:28.0

Updated:2009-12-01 22:41:32.0

Description: Create multiple Export Format based in a Window

ClassName: org.eevolution.process.ExportFormatGenerator


Table 32.1. Export_Format_Generator Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Includes only IsInsertRecord Yes-No Generated Export null
the Tabs that Format for the
Insert records Tabs with Insert
Record is Yes
Includes only the IsMandatory Yes-No Generated an Export null
mandatory columns Format Line if the
column is mandatory
Window AD_Window_ID Table Direct Data entry or The Window field identifies a
display window unique Window in the system.

Chapter 33. Process :FA_ProjectCreateAsset
Created:2012-03-15 17:54:36.0

Updated:2012-03-15 17:54:36.0

Description: This process creates asset from project and automatically close the project

Comment/Help: There are four parameters: a. Project, is the Project that will be converted to asset. This project will be closed after this process completes b. Product,
is the asset product that will be act as the base for the newly created asset c. UseLifeYears, is an optional parameter. Use this if you want a different use life years for
the newly created asset, instead of the default uselifeyears from asset group accounting. d. Transaction Date, will become in-service-date for the newly created asset.

ClassName: org.idempiere.fa.process.ProjectCreateAsset


Table 33.1. FA_ProjectCreateAsset Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Transaction Date DateTrx Date (@#Date@) Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Usable Life - Years UseLifeYears Integer Years of the usable null
life of the asset
Project C_Project_ID Search (@C_Project_ID@) Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Chapter 34. Process :Generate Invoices
Created:2000-04-26 21:34:49.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Generate and print Invoices from open Orders

Comment/Help: Invoices for open Orders are created based on the invoice rule of the Order. If several Orders of a business partner have the same bill location,
the orders can be consolidated into one Invoice.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InvoiceGenerate


Table 34.1. Generate_Invoices Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date (@#Date@) Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Organization AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
(@#AD_Org_ID@) entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Consolidate to ConsolidateDocument Yes-No (Y) Consolidate Lines null
one Document into one Document
Order C_Order_ID Table Direct Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Document Action DocAction List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close Reverse of the document the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate
< None> Complete
Void Unlock Prepare

Process :Generate Invoices

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Re-activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Minimum Amt MinimumAmt Amount Minimum Amount in null
Document Currency

Chapter 35. Process :Generate PO from Project
Created:2003-09-02 20:06:01.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Generate PO from Project Line(s)


ClassName: org.compiere.process.ProjectGenPO


Table 35.1. Generate_PO_from_Project Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Consolidate to ConsolidateDocument Yes-No (Y) Consolidate Lines null
one Document into one Document
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Project Line C_ProjectLine_ID Table Direct Task or step The Project Line indicates
in a project a unique project line.

Chapter 36. Process :Generate PO from Sales Order
Created:2002-12-09 17:07:54.0

Updated:2005-03-09 21:01:42.0

Description: Create Purchase Order from Sales Orders

Comment/Help: After completing sales orders, you can create one or more purchase orders for each sales order. A purchase order references always only one sales
order (i.e. no consolidation of sales orders). The Organization of the Sales Order is used to create the Purchase Order. If a (default) PO document type is defined
on Organization level, that is used instead of the document types defined on Client level. POs are created for all sales order lines where the product has a current
vendor, the vendor has a Vendor Price List with all Products on the most current Price List Version. The Unit of Measure is copied; PO and SO can have different
currencies. Once the process is run, you need to synchronize the SO/PO manually (e.g. in case of additional lines and changed lines (product %26 quantity).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrderPOCreate


Table 36.1. Generate_PO_from_Sales_Order Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Ordered DateOrdered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date an item was ordered.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Vendor Vendor_ID Table C_BPartner Vendors The Vendor of the null
Order C_Order_ID Search Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Drop Shipment IsDropShip List Yes No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause any
are sent from the Inventory reservations or movements
Vendor directly as the Shipment is from the Vendor's
to the Customer inventory. The Shipment of the Vendor
to the Customer must be confirmed.

Chapter 37. Process :Generate Shipments
Created:2000-04-26 21:34:07.0

Updated:2005-01-05 21:31:14.0

Description: Generate and print Shipments from open Orders

Comment/Help: Shipments for open Orders are created based on the delivery rule of the Order and the relative order priority. If a Promise Date is selected only
orders up to (including) the date are selected. If several Orders of a business partner have the same location, the orders can be consolidated into one Shipment. You
can also include orders who have outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10 - not confirmed shipments=4 - would create a new shipment of 6 if available).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InOutGenerate


Table 37.1. Generate_Shipments Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Orders with IsUnconfirmedInOut Yes-No (N) Generate shipments You can also include orders who have
unconfirmed for Orders with outstanding confirmations (e.g. ordered=10
Shipments open delivery - not confirmed shipments=4 - would
confirmations? create a new shipment of 6 if available).
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Consolidate to ConsolidateDocument Yes-No (Y) Consolidate Lines null
one Document into one Document
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct (@#M_Warehouse_ID@) Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Date Promised DatePromised Date Date Order The Date Promised indicates the date,
was promised if any, that an Order was promised for.
Shipment Date MovementDate Date Date printed The Shipment Date indicates the
on shipment date printed on the shipment.
Document Action DocAction List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close Reverse of the document the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate

Process :Generate Shipments

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

< None> Complete
Void Unlock Prepare
Re-activate Wait
Complete (CO)

Chapter 38. Process :HouseKeeping
Created:2008-09-06 20:25:38.0

Updated:2008-09-06 20:38:27.0

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.HouseKeeping


Table 38.1. HouseKeeping Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

House Keeping AD_HouseKeeping_ID Table Direct null null

Chapter 39. Process :Import CSV Process
Created:2014-12-02 16:51:25.0

Updated:2014-12-02 16:51:25.0

ClassName: org.idempiere.process.ImportCSVProcess


Table 39.1. Import_CSV_Process Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Import Template AD_ImportTemplate_ID Table Direct null null
Import Mode ImportMode List Insert Update null null
Merge (I)
File Name FileName FileName Name of the Name of a file in the local directory
local file or URL space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..)

Chapter 40. Process :Initial Client Setup Process
Created:2009-02-14 10:26:47.0

Updated:2009-02-14 10:26:47.0

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.InitialClientSetup


Table 40.1. Initial_Client_Setup_Process Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Region C_Region_ID Table Direct Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region Region for this Country.
Organization Name OrgName String (org) Name of the null
Client Name ClientName String (client) null null
Currency C_Currency_ID Table Direct (@SQL=SELECT The Currency Indicates the Currency to be used when
MIN(cu.C_Currency_ID) for this record processing or reporting on this record
AS DefaultValue
FROM C_Currency
C_Country co ON
= cu.C_Currency_ID)
AD_Language l ON
= l.AD_Language)
l.AD_Language =
Administrative AdminUserName String (clientAdmin) null null
User Name
Chart of CoAFile FileName Location of the chart null
Accounts File of accounts to be
used with this client.
At this stage just

Process :Initial Client Setup Process

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

the default accounts
will be created.
Project Accounting IsUseProjectDimension Yes-No (N) Use Project Define if this client will use project
accounting dimension accounting dimension. This can
be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
Product Accounting IsUseProductDimension Yes-No (Y) Use Product Define if this client will use product
accounting dimension accounting dimension. This can
be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
BP Accounting IsUseBPDimension Yes-No (Y) Use BP accounting Define if this client will use business
dimension partner accounting dimension. This
can be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
City Name CityName String null null
Sales Region IsUseSalesRegionDimension Yes-No (N) Use Sales Region Define if this client will use sales
Accounting accounting dimension region accounting dimension. This
can be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
Fax Fax String Facsimile number The Fax identifies a facsimile number
for this Business Partner or Location
2nd Phone Phone2 String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Phone Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
Org Key OrgValue String Key of the null
Inactivate Defaults InactivateDefaults Yes-No (N) Inactivate Defaults null
after Created
Address 1 Address1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Tax ID TaxID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
EMail Address EMail String Electronic The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID
Mail Address for this User and should be fully qualified

Process :Initial Client Setup Process

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

(e.g. The Email
Address is used to access the self service
application functionality from the web.
Use Default CoA UseDefaultCoA Yes-No (N) Use Default Chart null
of Accounts
Normal User Email NormalUserEmail String null null
Administrative AdminUserEmail String null null
User Email
Activity Accounting
IsUseSalesRegionDimension Yes-No (N) Use Activity Define if this client will use activity
accounting dimension accounting dimension. This can
be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
Campaign IsUseCampaignDimension Yes-No (N) Use Campaign Define if this client will use campaign
Accounting accounting dimension accounting dimension. This can
be changed later in Accounting
Schema window of the client.
ZIP Postal String Postal code The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the
postal code for this entity's address.
City C_City_ID Table Direct City City in a country
Country C_Country_ID Table Direct (@SQL=SELECT Country The Country defines a Country. Each
MIN(co.C_Country_ID) Country must be defined before
AS DefaultValue it can be used in any document.
FROM C_Country
AD_Language l ON
= l.AD_Language)
l.AD_Language =
Normal User Name NormalUserName String (clientUser) null null

Chapter 41. Process :Invoice Requests
Created:2005-05-19 20:15:57.0

Updated:2005-05-19 20:47:30.0

Description: Create Invoice for Requests

Comment/Help: Create invoice for Request Type with optional Request Group, Category for Business Partner. If the used product for invoicing is not defined,
the product defined in the parameter is used.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RequestInvoice


Table 41.1. Invoice_Requests Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Request Type R_RequestType_ID Table Direct Type of request Request Types are used for processing
(e.g. Inquiry, and categorizing requests. Options are
Complaint, ..) Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.
Group R_Group_ID Table Direct Request Group Group of requests (e.g. version
numbers, responsibility, ...)
Category R_Category_ID Table Direct Request Category Category or Topic of the Request
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Chapter 42. Process :Issue to Project
Created:2003-09-02 20:02:22.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Issue Material to Project from Receipt or manual Inventory Location

Comment/Help: Select a Project and either - Material Receipt - Expense Report < br< - Inventory Location and Project Line not issued yet - Inventory Location,
Product and Quantity The default Movement Date is today's date.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ProjectIssue


Table 42.1. Issue_to_Project Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Shipment/Receipt M_InOut_ID Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Attribute Set Instance
M_AttributeSetInstance_ID Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Locator M_Locator_ID Locator (WH) (0) Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a
Warehouse a product is located.
Expense Report S_TimeExpense_ID Table Direct Time and null
Expense Report
Project Line C_ProjectLine_ID Table Direct Task or step The Project Line indicates
in a project a unique project line.
Movement Quantity MovementQty Quantity (1) Quantity of a The Movement Quantity indicates the
product moved. quantity of a product that has been moved.
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Process :Issue to Project

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Description Description String Optional short A description is limited to 255 characters.
of the record

Chapter 43. Process :Load Bank Statement
Created:2003-12-25 15:10:59.0

Updated:2005-03-03 23:47:09.0

Description: Load Bank Statement

Comment/Help: Load the bank statement into the import table. The parameters used depend on the actual loader.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.LoadBankStatement


Table 43.1. Load_Bank_Statement Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Bank Statement C_BankStatementLoader_ID Table Direct Definition of Bank The loader definition provides the
Loader Statement Loader parameters to load bank statements from
(SWIFT, OFX) EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX
File Name FileName FileName Name of the Name of a file in the local directory
local file or URL space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..)

Chapter 44. Process :Order Batch Process
Created:2005-01-07 14:24:14.0

Updated:2005-01-07 14:24:14.0

Description: Process Orders in Batch

Comment/Help: Based on the selection criteria, the orders are processed using the document action selected. Make sure that the document action is valid for the

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrderBatchProcess


Table 44.1. Order_Batch_Process Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Document Status DocStatus List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved Completed you want to change the document
Drafted Invalid status, use the Document Action field
Reversed Voided
In Progress Waiting
Payment Unknown
Closed Not Approved
Date Ordered DateOrdered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date an item was ordered.
Delivered IsDelivered List Yes No null null
Invoiced IsInvoiced List Yes No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Target C_DocTypeTarget_ID Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types (e.g.
Document Type type for conversing from Offer to Order or Invoice). The
documents conversion is then reflected in the current
type. This processing is initiated by
selecting the appropriate Document Action.
Self-Service IsSelfService List Yes No This is a Self-Service Self-Service allows users to enter data
entry or this entry or update their data. The flag indicates,

Process :Order Batch Process

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

can be changed that this record was entered or created via
via Self-Service Self-Service or that the user can change
it via the Self-Service functionality.
Document Action DocAction List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close Reverse of the document the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate
< None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-activate
Wait Complete

Chapter 45. Process :POS Key Generate
Created:2010-03-24 09:47:24.0

Updated:2010-03-24 10:02:43.0

Description: Generate POS Keys from products.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.PosKeyGenerate


Table 45.1. POS_Key_Generate Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

POS Key Layout C_POSKeyLayout_ID Table Direct POS Function POS Function Key Layout
Key Layout
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Chapter 46. Process :Print Dunning Letters
Created:2004-11-30 01:28:36.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Print Dunning letters to paper or send PDF

Comment/Help: (Re)Print Dunning Letters or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.DunningPrint


Table 46.1. Print_Dunning_Letters Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
EMail PDF EMailPDF Yes-No Email Document null
PDF files to
Business Partner
Only If BP IsOnlyIfBPBalance Yes-No (Y) Include only if null
has Balance Business Partner has
outstanding Balance
Print Unprocessed PrintUnprocessedOnly Yes-No (Y) Print the unprocessed Print the unprocessed (unprinted) entries
Entries Only (unprinted) entries of of the dunning run only. This allows you
the dunning run only. to reprint only certain dunning entries.
Dunning Run C_DunningRun_ID Table Direct Dunning Run null
Mail Template R_MailText_ID Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail text can
include variables. The priority of parsing is
User/Contact, Business Partner and then the
underlying business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So, @Name@
would resolve into the User name (if user
is defined defined), then Business Partner
name (if business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business object if it
has a Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.

Chapter 47. Process :Print Invoices
Created:2003-01-29 21:10:38.0

Updated:2005-07-07 11:38:34.0

Description: Print Invoices to paper or send PDF

Comment/Help: (Re)Print Invoices or send them as PDF attachments to the Business Partner Contact with a valid EMail addres. Remark: If you only enter a
Document No FROM value, all invoices greater or equal that document number are printed; you can alternatively use the % character as a widcard.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InvoicePrint


Table 47.1. Print_Invoices Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
EMail PDF EMailPDF Yes-No Email Document null
PDF files to
Business Partner
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Invoice C_Invoice_ID Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Document No DocumentNo String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system and
of the document determined by the document type of the
document. If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed in "< >
". If the document type of your document
has no automatic document sequence
defined, the field is empty if you create
a new document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate a
document number for you. The document

Process :Print Invoices

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Mail Template R_MailText_ID Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail text can
include variables. The priority of parsing is
User/Contact, Business Partner and then the
underlying business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So, @Name@
would resolve into the User name (if user
is defined defined), then Business Partner
name (if business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business object if it
has a Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.

Chapter 48. Process :Product Organization
Created:2003-12-23 23:19:34.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Set and verify Organization ownership of Products

Comment/Help: The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of Products and its dependent entities (BOM, Substitute, Replenish,
Purchasing, Business Partner Info, Costing). Select either a Product Category ar a specific Product.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership


Table 48.1. Product_Organization Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Chapter 49. Process :Quote convert
Created:2003-10-04 10:29:47.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Convert open Proposal or Quotation to Order

Comment/Help: You can convert a Proposal or Quotation to any other Order document type. You would use this process, if you want to maintain/keep the Proposal
or Quotation. The document status needs to be In Process.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CopyOrder


Table 49.1. Quote_convert Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Close Document IsCloseDocument Yes-No Close Document null
Document Date DateDoc Date Date of the The Document Date indicates the date the
Document document was generated. It may or may
not be the same as the accounting date.
Order C_Order_ID Table Direct Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules

Chapter 50. Process :RePrice Order/Invoice
Created:2003-10-04 11:39:40.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Recalculate the price based on the latest price list version of an open order or invoice

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrderRePrice


Table 50.1. RePrice_Order/Invoice Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Invoice C_Invoice_ID Table Direct Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order C_Order_ID Table Direct Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.

Chapter 51. Process :Recalculate Cube
Created:2009-05-15 00:43:07.0

Updated:2009-12-10 20:24:38.0

Description: Recalculate summary facts based on report cube definitions.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.FactAcctSummary


Table 51.1. Recalculate_Cube Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Force Force Yes-No (N) Force rebuild of null
cube even if locked.
Report Cube PA_ReportCube_ID Table PA_ReportCube Define reporting cube Summary data will be generated for
for pre-calculation each period of the selected calendar,
of summary grouped by the selected dimensions..
accounting data.
Full rebuild Reset Yes-No Delete all existing If not selected, only those periods
summary data with recently posted accounting
and recalculate. facts will be recalculated.

Chapter 52. Process :Receivables Write-Off
Created:2001-11-14 16:47:28.0

Updated:2005-11-27 13:03:53.0

Description: Write off open receivables

Comment/Help: Write-off receivables causes the invoices selected by the criteria to be marked as paid and the open invoice amount to be written off. Alternatively
you can create payments.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InvoiceWriteOff


Table 52.1. Receivables_Write-Off Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Simulation IsSimulation Yes-No (Y) Performing null
the function is
only simulated
Maximum write- MaxInvWriteOffAmt Amount (0.01) Maximum invoice null
off per Invoice amount to be
written off in
invoice currency
Invoice C_Invoice_ID Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Bank Account C_BankAccount_ID Table Direct Account at the Bank The Bank Account identifies
an account at this Bank.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date (@#Date@) Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
AP - AR APAR List Receivables Include Receivables null
%26 Payables and/or Payables
Payables only transactions
Receivables only (R)
Create Payment CreatePayment Yes-No (N) null null

Process :Receivables Write-Off

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Account Date DateAcct Date (@#Date@) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Chapter 53. Process :Recompile DB Objects
Created:2002-06-23 00:54:14.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Recompile Database Objects

Comment/Help: Recompile Functions, Procedures, Triggers, Views, etc.



Chapter 54. Process :Recurring Run
Created:2014-07-27 16:00:25.0

Updated:2014-07-27 16:00:25.0

Description: Recurring Run

ClassName: org.idempiere.process.RecurringRun


Table 54.1. Recurring_Run Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Recurring Group C_RecurringGroup_ID Table Direct null null
Document Action DocAction List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close Reverse of the document the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate
< None> Complete
Void Unlock Prepare
Re-activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Parameter Comment Prm_Comment String To replace the tag null
on the description
of the documents
being generated
with the text you
fill on the parameter
Cut Date Cut_Date Date (@#Date@) null null

Chapter 55. Process :Reopen Order
Created:2004-01-16 23:46:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Open previously closed Order

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrderOpen


Table 55.1. Reopen_Order Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Order C_Order_ID Search Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.

Chapter 56. Process :Reopen Request
Created:2003-01-10 23:14:19.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Reopen closed requests

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RequestReOpen


Table 56.1. Reopen_Request Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Request R_Request_ID Search Request from a The Request identifies a unique request
Business Partner from a Business Partner or Prospect.
or Prospect

Chapter 57. Process :Request EMail Processor
Created:2007-02-28 02:57:59.0

Updated:2007-02-28 02:57:59.0

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RequestEMailProcessor


Table 57.1. Request_EMail_Processor Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
IMAP Password p_IMAPPwd String null null
Request Folder p_RequestFolder String null null
Inbox Folder p_InboxFolder String null null
IMAP Host p_IMAPHost String null null
IMAP User p_IMAPUser String null null
Role AD_Role_ID Table Direct (-1) Responsibility Role The Role determines security
and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Sales Representative SalesRep_ID Table AD_User - Sales Representative The Sales Representative indicates
Internal(@AD_User_ID@)or Company Agent the Sales Rep for this Region. Any
Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.
Request Type R_RequestType_ID Table Direct Type of request Request Types are used for processing
(e.g. Inquiry, and categorizing requests. Options are
Complaint, ..) Account Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.
User Importance p_DefaultPriority List High Medium Priority of the null
Low Minor Urgent issue for the User
Confidentiality p_DefaultConfidentiality List Internal Partner Type of null
Confidential Confidentiality
Private Information
Public Information
Error Folder p_ErrorFolder String null null
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Process :Request EMail Processor

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

User/Contact AD_User_ID Table Direct (-1) User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Chapter 58. Process :Reset Accounting
Created:2001-12-02 12:08:42.0

Updated:2005-04-24 22:55:18.0

Description: Reset Accounting Entries ** Stop Accounting Server before starting **

Comment/Help: Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this
ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.FactAcctReset


Table 58.1. Reset_Accounting Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.
Table AD_Table_ID Table AD_Table Posting Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Delete existing DeletePosting Yes-No The selected null
Accounting Entries accounting entries
will be deleted!
Account Date DateAcct Date Optional account Only documents within this date range
date range which are also in open periods will be reset.

Chapter 59. Process :Reset Allocation
Created:2004-08-15 21:17:36.0

Updated:2005-02-21 22:24:11.0

Description: Reset (delete) allocation of invoices to payments

Comment/Help: Delete Allocations for a business partner or business partner group, accounting date range or individual allocation. In contrast to "Void" in "View
Allocation", the allocation is deleted (no trace), if the period is open.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.AllocationReset


Table 59.1. Reset_Allocation Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
All Allocations AllAllocations Yes-No (N) null null
Allocation C_AllocationHdr_ID Search Payment allocation null
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Chapter 60. Process :Reset Locked Account
Created:2012-09-03 18:50:01.0

Updated:2014-04-28 17:35:54.0

Description: Reset Locked Account for User

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.ResetLockedAccount


Table 60.1. Reset_Locked_Account Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Chapter 61. Process :Resubmit Posting
Created:2001-12-02 11:45:57.0

Updated:2006-06-06 15:49:33.0

Description: Resubmit posting of documents with posting errors or locked documents

Comment/Help: After resubmitting, the accounting engine will try to post the document again. You resubmit documents, if they are locked or when the document
had posting errors - after fixing the cause (e.g. opening period).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.FactAcctReset


Table 61.1. Resubmit_Posting Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Table AD_Table_ID Table AD_Table Posting Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.

Chapter 62. Process :Role Access Update
Created:2004-07-21 23:16:12.0

Updated:2008-03-26 13:36:47.0

Description: Update the access rights of a role or roles of a client

Comment/Help: Update the access rights of a role or all roles of a client to windows, forms, processes and workflows. If run for System, all roles of all clients are
updated. Note that a role is only updated if it is not marked as manual.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RoleAccessUpdate


Table 62.1. Role_Access_Update Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.
Reset Existing ResetAccess Yes-No (N) Reset Existing null
Access Access
Role AD_Role_ID Table Direct Responsibility Role The Role determines security
and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.

Chapter 63. Process :Rollup BOM Cost
Created:2011-07-27 15:21:53.0

Updated:2011-07-27 15:21:53.0

Description: Rollup BOM cost

Comment/Help: Rollup BOM costs from the lowest level recursively.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.RollUpCosts


Table 63.1. Rollup_BOM_Cost Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Cost Element M_CostElement_ID Table Direct (1000001) Product Cost Element null
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Chapter 64. Process :Send Mail Text
Created:2003-08-04 19:40:14.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Send EMails to active subscribers of an Interest Area OR a Business Partner Group from a selected User

Comment/Help: Select the Interest Area to which subscribers you send the Mail Text from the User selected. Additionally, you can send mails to the Contacts
of a Business Partner Group. The User to send emails from needs to have valid EMail information. If you don't select a user, the Mail is sent from the Client's
Request Mail User.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.SendMailText


Table 64.1. Send_Mail_Text Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Interest Area R_InterestArea_ID Table Direct Interest Area Interest Areas reflect interest in a
or Topic topic by a contact. Interest areas can
be used for marketing campaigns.
From User AD_User_ID Table AD_User - Send EMail The email is sent from the user
Internal(-1) from user selected - otherwise it is sent from
the request email address of the client
Mail Template R_MailText_ID Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail text can
include variables. The priority of parsing is
User/Contact, Business Partner and then the
underlying business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So, @Name@
would resolve into the User name (if user
is defined defined), then Business Partner
name (if business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business object if it
has a Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,

Process :Send Mail Text

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.

Chapter 65. Process :Sequence Check
Created:2004-03-05 23:40:48.0

Updated:2008-03-26 13:36:27.0

Description: Check System and Document Sequences

Comment/Help: Check that System and Document sequences are correct. Run this process, if you get Duplicate Key error messages.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.SequenceCheck



Chapter 66. Process :Standard Cost Update
Created:2002-02-21 15:16:44.0

Updated:2005-11-27 18:37:05.0

Description: Set standard and future cost price

Comment/Help: For Standard Costs you can set/recalculate the current or future cost price (for the cost type of the accounting schema). If the Costing Level of
the Accounting Schema is set to Client, missing cost records are created. The historical costs are calculated based on the accumulated amount/quantity of the
costing method.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.CostUpdate


Table 66.1. Standard_Cost_Update Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Set Future Costs to SetFutureCostTo List FiFo LiFo Old Set the Future costs null
Standard Cost to the selection
Future Standard Cost
Average PO Last
PO Price Price List
(Limit) Average PO
History Average
Invoice History
Average Invoice
Standard Cost
Last Invoice Price
Pricelist Version M_PriceList_Version_ID Table Direct Only used if null
Price List is used
to set future/
standard cost price
Set Standard Cost to SetStandardCostTo List FiFo LiFo Old Set new Standard null
Standard Cost Costs to the selection
Future Standard Cost
Average PO Last
PO Price Price List
(Limit) Average PO

Process :Standard Cost Update

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

History Average
Invoice History
Average Invoice
Standard Cost
Last Invoice Price
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table C_DocType Inventory Cost null
Document Type

Chapter 67. Process :Storage Cleanup
Created:2005-05-29 00:43:06.0

Updated:2005-05-29 00:43:06.0

Description: Inventory Storage Cleanup

Comment/Help: Create Inventory Movements for unbalanced Inventory Location Storage (i.e. within a warehouse move inventory to locations with negative on
hand quantity).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.StorageCleanup


Table 67.1. Storage_Cleanup Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules

Chapter 68. Process :Synchronize Doc Translation
Created:2005-03-10 21:58:50.0

Updated:2013-03-27 22:15:13.0

Description: Synchronize Document Translation

Comment/Help: This applies to the client defined document translations, e.g. for UoM, Payment Terms, Product Info, etc. If the current client has multi-lingual
documents enabled, then the main record is copied to the client language (defined in Client window). BE CAREFUL as this option can potentially damage data you
modified, it is recommended to take a backup and plan carefully what you're doing if this is the first time running this process. If the current client has not multi-
lingual documents enabled, the translations for documents are synchronized with the main record (i.e. it copies the content of the main record to the translation
records). This process is necessary when swiching to a mono-lingual environment as there the terminoligy is maintained not in the translation records.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.TranslationDocSync



Chapter 69. Process :Synchronize Terminology
Created:2001-11-18 18:28:44.0

Updated:2008-03-26 13:35:36.0

Description: Synchronize the terminology within the system.

Comment/Help: Based on the entries in Window Element, the fields in windows, parameters, etc. are synchronized, if they are centrally maintained. Also
synchronizes Language Translation.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.SynchronizeTerminology



Chapter 70. Process :Test Export Model
Created:2008-05-13 19:14:56.0

Updated:2009-12-01 22:43:39.0

Description: Test Export of XML files

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.rpl.exp.ModelExporter


Table 70.1. Test_Export_Model Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Export Format EXP_Format_ID Table Direct (@EXP_Format_ID@) null null
File Name FileName FilePath Name of the Name of a file in the local directory
local file or URL space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..)

Chapter 71. Process :Test Import Model
Created:2008-03-05 00:52:23.0

Updated:2009-12-01 22:44:32.0

Description: Test Import of XML files

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.rpl.imp.ModelImporter


Table 71.1. Test_Import_Model Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Export Format EXP_Format_ID Table Direct (@EXP_Format_ID@) null null
File Name FileName FileName Name of the Name of a file in the local directory
local file or URL space - or URL (file://.., http://.., ftp://..)

Chapter 72. Process :UUID Generator
Created:2011-03-28 22:14:36.0

Updated:2011-03-28 22:14:36.0

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.UUIDGenerator


Table 72.1. UUID_Generator Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Fill UUID IsFillUUID Yes-No (Y) null null
DB Table Name TableName String Name of the table The DB Table Name indicates
in the database the name of the table in database.

Chapter 73. Process :UnLink Business Partner Org
Created:2004-04-07 17:10:12.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: UnLink Business Partner from an Organization

Comment/Help: UnLink a Business Partner Linked to an Organization (for explicit inter-org documents)

ClassName: org.compiere.process.BPartnerOrgUnLink


Table 73.1. UnLink_Business_Partner_Org Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Chapter 74. Process :Universal substitution
Created:2011-07-27 15:21:55.0

Updated:2011-07-27 15:21:55.0

Description: Substitute one product for another in all BOMs

ClassName: org.compiere.process.UniversalSubstitution


Table 74.1. Universal_substitution Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Substitute Substitute_ID Search M_Product Entity which can The Substitute identifies the entity to
(no summary) be used in place be used as a substitute for this entity.
of this entity

Chapter 75. Process :Validate BOM Flags
Created:2011-07-27 16:24:36.0

Updated:2011-07-27 16:24:36.0

Description: Validate BOM Flags

Comment/Help: The Validate BOM Flags process checks that all Products with bills of materials are correctly flagged.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.BOMFlagValidate


Table 75.1. Validate_BOM_Flags Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Chapter 76. Process :Validate Business Partner
Created:2005-01-06 22:42:39.0

Updated:2013-05-27 10:59:41.0

Description: Check data consistency of Business Partner

Comment/Help: Check the payments and invoices of a business partner and checks the balances.

ClassName: org.compiere.process.BPartnerValidate


Table 76.1. Validate_Business_Partner Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.

Chapter 77. Process :Verify BOM Structure
Created:2011-07-27 15:21:51.0

Updated:2011-07-27 15:21:51.0

Description: Verify BOM for correctness

Comment/Help: The Verify BOM process checks for circular BOMs (unsupported).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.BOMVerify


Table 77.1. Verify_BOM_Structure Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search (@M_Product_ID@) Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Re-Validate IsReValidate Yes-No (Y) Re-Validate entries null

Chapter 78. Process :Verify Document Types
Created:2003-10-11 00:14:52.0

Updated:2006-03-14 17:46:19.0

Description: Verify Document Types and Period Controls

Comment/Help: Makes sure that there is a DocumentType for all Document Base Types Creates missing Period Controls for Document Type (You may have to
open them)

ClassName: org.compiere.process.DocumentTypeVerify



Chapter 79. Process :Verify Language Configuration
Created:2013-03-26 13:18:51.0

Updated:2013-03-26 13:18:51.0

ClassName: org.idempiere.process.VerifyLanguageConfiguration



Chapter 80. Process :Warehouse Organization
Created:2003-12-23 23:10:42.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Set and verify Organization ownership of Warehouse

Comment/Help: The process allows you to change or verify the organization ownership of a warehouse and its dependent entities (Location, Storage).

ClassName: org.compiere.process.OrgOwnership


Table 80.1. Warehouse_Organization Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.

Chapter 81. Process :Workflow to Client
Created:2004-09-28 11:18:29.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Move custom workflow elements to the current client

Comment/Help: The security architecture prevents you from adding client specific modifications/customizations to existing standard workflows. This process
moves your customization made on system level to this client to add client specific details.



Table 81.1. Workflow_to_Client Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.
Workflow AD_Workflow_ID Table Direct Workflow or The Workflow field identifies a
combination of tasks unique Workflow in the system.

Chapter 82. Report :1099 Extract
Created:2013-02-28 18:06:03.0

Updated:2013-03-18 13:42:36.0

ReportView :RV_T_1099Extract

ClassName: org.adempiere.process.Fill1099Extract


Table 82.1. 1099_Extract Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Cut Date Cut_Date Date (@#Date@) null null

Table 82.2. RV_T_1099Extract - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or
<>0 this installation. a legal entity. You cannot
share data between Clients.
Tenant is a synonym for Client.
Organization Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your
entity within client client or legal entity - examples
are store, department. You can
share data between organizations.
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process
Address Text
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String Address line 2 The Address 2 provides
for this location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 3 String Address Line 3 The Address 2 provides
for the location additional address information

Report :1099 Extract

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String Address Line 4 The Address 4 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Amount Bucket 1 Amount
Amount Bucket 2 Amount
Amount Bucket 3 Amount
Amount Bucket 4 Amount
Amount Bucket 5 Amount
Amount Bucket 6 Amount
Amount Bucket 7 Amount
Amount Bucket 8 Amount
Amount Bucket 9 Amount
Amount Bucket 10 Amount
Amount Bucket 11 Amount
Amount Bucket 12 Amount
Amount Bucket 13 Amount
Amount Bucket 14 Amount
Amount Bucket 15 Amount
Amount Bucket 16 Amount
Business Partner Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
City String Identifies a City The City identifies a unique
City for this Country or Region.
City State Zip Text

Report :1099 Extract

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country String
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Cut Date Date+Time
Cut Year Integer
Active Yes-No The record There are two methods of making
is active in records unavailable in the system:
the system One is to delete the record, the other
is to de-activate the record. A de-
activated record is not available for
selection, but available for reports.
There are two reasons for de-
activating and not deleting records:
(1) The system requires the record
for audit purposes. (2) The record
is referenced by other records. E.g.,
you cannot delete a Business Partner,
if there are invoices for this partner
record existing. You de-activate the
Business Partner and prevent that
this record is used for future entries.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Region String
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Report :1099 Extract

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Search Key String Search key for A search key allows you a fast method
the record in the of finding a particular record. If
format required you leave the search key empty,
- must be unique the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Zip String

Chapter 83. Report :Accounting Fact Daily
Created:2004-01-09 15:34:37.0

Updated:2005-08-27 11:58:46.0

Description: Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Date

Comment/Help: The report lists the daily summary of accounting transactions

ReportView :RV_Fact_Acct_Day


Table 83.1. Accounting_Fact_Daily Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Organization AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Period C_Period_ID Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Tax C_Tax_ID Table Direct (-1) Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Report :Accounting Fact Daily

Table 83.2. RV_Fact_Acct_Day - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or
<>0 this installation. a legal entity. You cannot
share data between Clients.
Tenant is a synonym for Client.
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Source Amount Amount Amount Balance
in Source

Report :Accounting Fact Daily

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Report :Accounting Fact Daily

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Rate Number Rate or Tax The Rate indicates the percentage
or Exchange to be multiplied by the source to
arrive at the tax or exchange amount.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Chapter 84. Report :Accounting Fact Details
Created:2004-01-09 15:32:15.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Accounting Fact Details Report

Comment/Help: Report with detail accounting details.

ReportView :RV_Fact_Acct


Table 84.1. Accounting_Fact_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Organization AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Account Key AccountValue String Key of Account null
Period C_Period_ID Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Tax C_Tax_ID Table Direct (-1) Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Table 84.2. RV_Fact_Acct - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Table Table Direct Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Type List Asset Revenue Indicates the Valid account types are A - Asset,
Expense type of account E - Expense, L - Liability, O-
Owner's Equity Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and
Liability Memo M- Memo. The account type is used
to determine what taxes, if any are
applicable, validating payables and
receivables for business partners.
Note: Memo account amounts are
ignored when checking for balancing
Account Key String Key of Account
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Source Amount Amount Amount Balance
in Source
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
BP Name String
Business String Key of the
Partner Key Business Partner
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_po_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_po_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_po_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Account Table Direct Account at The Bank Account identifies
the Bank an account at this Bank.
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
c_elementvalue_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_elementvalue_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Account Element Table Direct Account Element Account Elements can be natural
accounts or user defined values.
Element Table Direct Accounting The Account Element uniquely
Element identifies an Account Type.
These are commonly known
as a Chart of Accounts.
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Search Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Sub Account Table Direct Sub account for The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Element Value may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
is dependent on the value of the
account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date+Time Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Accounting Fact ID
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Bank Account Yes-No Indicates if this is The Bank Account checkbox indicates
the Bank Account if this is account is the bank account.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
movements as the Shipment is

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Foreign Currency Yes-No Balances in Balances in foreign currency accounts
Account foreign currency are held in the nominated currency
accounts are held and translated to functional currency
in the nominated
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_product_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_m_locator_id Table M_Locator
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
NAICS/SIC String Standard Industry The NAICS/SIC identifies
Code or its either of these codes that may be
successor applicable to this Business Partner.
NAIC - http://
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Organization String Name of the
Name Organization
Org Key String Key of the
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Product Name String Name of
the Product
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Product Key String Key of the Product
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
Rate Number Rate or Tax The Rate indicates the percentage
or Exchange to be multiplied by the source to
arrive at the tax or exchange amount.
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal unique
record ID identifier of a record. Please note
that zooming to the record may not
be successful for Orders, Invoices
and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes
the Sales Order type is not known.
Reference No String Your customer or The reference number can be
vendor number printed on orders and invoices
at the Business to allow your business partner
Partner's site to faster identify your records.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Column 1 Integer User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User Column 2 Integer User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
ad_org_description String
ad_org_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_flatdiscount Number
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_istaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isvendor Yes-No
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_numberemployees Integer
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_potentiallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_salesvolume Integer
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No
c_bp_shareofcustomer Integer
c_bp_shelflifeminpct Integer
c_bp_so_creditlimit Number
c_bp_so_creditused Number
c_bp_so_description String

Report :Accounting Fact Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_socreditstatus Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String
c_elementvalue_description String
c_elementvalue_isactive Yes-No
c_elementvalue_issummary Yes-No
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time

Chapter 85. Report :Accounting Fact Period
Created:2004-01-09 15:35:18.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Accounting Fact Details summarized by Accounting Period

Comment/Help: The Period is based on the the Calendar defined on Client level.

ReportView :RV_Fact_Acct_Period


Table 85.1. Accounting_Fact_Period Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Organization AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Period C_Period_ID Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct (-1) Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Tax C_Tax_ID Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.

Table 85.2. RV_Fact_Acct_Period - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Accounting Fact Period

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Source Amount Amount Amount Balance
in Source
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.

Report :Accounting Fact Period

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be

Report :Accounting Fact Period

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Rate Number Rate or Tax The Rate indicates the percentage
or Exchange to be multiplied by the source to
arrive at the tax or exchange amount.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Chapter 86. Report :Aging
Created:2003-12-05 13:51:47.0

Updated:2008-04-08 00:05:33.0

Description: Aging Report

Comment/Help: The aging report allows you to report on Open Items (Invoices). Select the aging buckets, you want to have in your report. If you select a currency,
you get only invoices of that currency, otherwise the amounts are converted to your primary accounting currency. If you do not select a Statement Date, the system
date is used to calculate the buckets. If you do not list the individual invoices, the Due Date is the earliest due date for the business partner and the Due Days are
the average due days of all invoices. If you select an Account Date the report will generate the Aging as of that date. The report will exclude documents after the
selected date. For example: A customer has one invoice for $100 with the Account Date of 03/31/08 and one payment for $100 with the Account Date of 05/01/08.
The report will show the following balances based on the Account Date selected: 03/15/08= 0; 04/15/08=100; 05/15/08 = 0.

ReportView :T_Aging

ClassName: org.compiere.process.Aging


Table 86.1. Aging Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Statement date StatementDate Date Date of the statement The Statement Date field
defines the date of the statement.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
List Invoices IsListInvoices Yes-No (N) Include List null
of Invoices
Account Date DateAcct Yes-No (N) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Currency C_Currency_ID Table Direct (-1) The Currency Indicates the Currency to be used when
for this record processing or reporting on this record

Report :Aging

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct (-1) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.

Table 86.2. T_Aging - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct adpinstance_taging Instance of
the process
Activity Table Direct cactivity_taging Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Table Direct cbpgroup_taging Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Business Partner Search cbpartner_taging Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct ccampaign_taging Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct ccurrency_taging The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record

Report :Aging

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Payment Table Direct (0) Invoice Payment The Invoice Payment
Schedule Schedule Schedule determines when
partial payments are due.
Invoice Search (0) Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Project Table Direct cproject_taging Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Yes-No (N) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Days due Integer Number of days
due (negative: due
in number of days)
Due Today Amount
Due Today-30 Amount
Due Today-7 Amount
Due 1-7 Amount
Due 31-60 Amount
Due > 31 Amount
Due 61-90 Amount
Due > 61 Amount
Due 8-30 Amount
Due > 91 Amount
Amount due Amount Amount of the Full amount of the payment due
payment due
Due Date Date Date when the Date when the payment is due
payment is due without deductions or discount

Report :Aging

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoiced Amount Amount The amount The amount invoiced
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
List Invoices Yes-No Include List
of Invoices
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Open Amount Amount Open item amount
Past Due 1-30 Amount
Past Due 1-7 Amount
Past Due 31-60 Amount
Past Due > 31 Amount
Past Due 61-90 Amount
Past Due > 61 Amount
Past Due 8-30 Amount
Past Due > 91 Amount
Past Due Amount
Statement date Date Date of the The Statement Date field
statement defines the date of the statement.
T_Aging_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 87. Report :Allocation
Created:2001-01-09 22:24:38.0

Updated:2005-01-27 23:25:05.0

Description: Payment - Invoice - Allocation

Comment/Help: The report displays invoice allocations to payments and cash journals. Previous allocations are displayed as reversed.

ReportView :RV_Allocation


Table 87.1. Allocation Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Invoice C_Invoice_ID Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Payment C_Payment_ID Search Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Document Status DocStatus List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved Completed you want to change the document
Drafted Invalid status, use the Document Action field
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (CO)

Table 87.2. RV_Allocation - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Allocation

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Amount Amount Amount in a The Amount indicates the
defined currency amount for this document line.
Approval Amount Amount Document Approval Amount for Workflow
Approval Amount
Allocation ID Payment
c_allocationline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_allocationline_createdby Table AD_User
Allocation Line ID Allocation Line Allocation of Cash/Payment to Invoice
c_allocationline_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Cash Journal Line Search Cash Journal Line The Cash Journal Line indicates
a unique line in a cash journal.
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Search Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.

Report :Allocation

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Discount Amount Amount Calculated amount The Discount Amount
of discount indicates the discount amount
for a document or line.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved

Report :Allocation

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Manual Yes-No This is a The Manual check box indicates
manual process if the process will done manually.
Over/Under Amount Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) unallocated amounts and allow
or Under- you to receive money for more
Payment (partial than the particular invoice.
payment) Amount Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

Report :Allocation

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Write-off Amount Amount Amount to The Write Off Amount
write-off indicates the amount to be
written off as uncollectible.
c_allocationline_created Date+Time
c_allocationline_datetrx Date+Time
c_allocationline_isactive Yes-No
c_allocationline_ismanual Yes-No
c_allocationline_updated Date+Time

Chapter 88. Report :Asset Delivery Details
Created:2003-08-28 17:01:25.0

Updated:2012-03-09 15:16:27.0

Description: Report Asset Deliveries Details

Comment/Help: The report lists the details of Asset Deliveries for the records selected.

ReportView :RV_Asset_Delivery


Table 88.1. Asset_Delivery_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Asset A_Asset_ID Search Asset used internally An asset is either created by purchasing
or by customers or by delivering a product. An asset can
be used internally or be a customer asset.
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Asset Group A_Asset_Group_ID Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Search (-1) User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Report :Asset Delivery Details

Table 88.2. RV_Asset_Delivery - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Asset Delivery Table Direct Delivery of Asset The availability of the asset to
the business partner (customer).
Asset Group Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
In Service Date Date Date when The date when the asset was
Asset was put put into service - usually used
into service as start date for depreciation.
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Delivery String EMail Delivery
Confirmation confirmation

Report :Asset Delivery Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
EMail Address String Electronic The Email Address is the
Mail Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Shipment/ Search Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Message ID String EMail Message ID SMTP Message ID
for tracking purposes
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Referrer String Referring
web address
Remote Addr String Remote Address The Remote Address indicates an
alternative or external address.
Remote Host String Remote host Info
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.

Report :Asset Delivery Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Version No String Version Number

Chapter 89. Report :Asset Delivery Month
Created:2004-04-13 11:17:45.0

Updated:2012-03-09 15:16:18.0

Description: Report Asset Deliveries Summary per month

Comment/Help: The report lists the Asset and the deliveries per month for the records selected.

ReportView :RV_Asset_SumMonth


Table 89.1. Asset_Delivery_Month Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Asset Group A_Asset_Group_ID Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Search (-1) User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Table 89.2. RV_Asset_SumMonth - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Asset Delivery Month

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Asset Group Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
In Service Date Date Date when The date when the asset was
Asset was put put into service - usually used
into service as start date for depreciation.
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Delivery Count Integer Number of
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires

Report :Asset Delivery Month

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/Help String Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Report :Asset Delivery Month

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Version No String Version Number

Chapter 90. Report :Bank Register Report
Created:2013-03-01 12:35:38.0

Updated:2013-03-01 12:35:38.0

ReportView :T_BankRegister



Table 90.1. Bank_Register_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Bank C_Bank_ID Table Direct Bank The Bank is a unique identifier of a Bank for
this Organization or for a Business Partner
with whom this Organization transacts.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Account Date DateAcct Date (SELECT StartDate Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
FROM C_Period to be used on the General Ledger account
WHERE C_Year_ID entries generated from this document. It
IN (SELECT is also used for any currency conversion.
p.C_Year_ID FROM
C_Year y ON
C_Period p ON
AND getdate()
AND EndDate)
AND IsActive='Y'
AND PeriodType='S'
AND periodNo = 1)

Report :Bank Register Report

Table 90.2. T_BankRegister - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process
Account String
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Business Partner String
Balance Number
Bank Name String
Business Partner Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Table Direct Bank The Bank is a unique identifier
of a Bank for this Organization
or for a Business Partner with
whom this Organization transacts.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is

Report :Bank Register Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
T_BankRegister_UU String

Chapter 91. Report :Business Partner Detail
Created:2005-08-27 09:39:55.0

Updated:2006-01-04 14:42:35.0

Description: Business Partner Detail Report

Comment/Help: The report list details of Business Partner, Addresses and Contacts for any active Business Partner with an Address and Contact

ReportView :RV_BPartner


Table 91.1. Business_Partner_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Sales Representative SalesRep_ID Table AD_User - SalesRep Sales Representative The Sales Representative indicates
or Company Agent the Sales Rep for this Region. Any
Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
EMail Address EMail String Electronic The Email Address is the Electronic Mail ID
Mail Address for this User and should be fully qualified
(e.g. The Email
Address is used to access the self service
application functionality from the web.
Contact Name ContactName String Business Partner null
Contact Name
Name Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of the entity used as an default search option
in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Credit Status SOCreditStatus List Credit Hold Credit Business Partner Credit Management is inactive if Credit
Watch No Credit Credit Status Status is No Credit Check, Credit Stop or
Check Credit if the Credit Limit is 0. If active, the status
Stop Credit OK is set automatically set to Credit Hold, if
the Total Open Balance (including Vendor
activities) is higher then the Credit Limit.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

It is set to Credit Watch, if above 90% of
the Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise.

Table 91.2. RV_BPartner - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Language Table AD_Language Language for The Language identifies the language
this entity to use for display and formatting
Linked Table AD_Org (all) The Business The business partner is another
Organization Partner is another organization in the system. So when
Organization for performing transactions, the counter-
explicit Inter- document is created automatically.
Org transactions Example: You have BPartnerA linked
to OrgA and BPartnerB linked to
OrgB. If you create a sales order
for BPartnerB in OrgA a purchase
order is created for BPartnerA in
OrgB. This allows to have explicit
documents for Inter-Org transactions.
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
AD_User_AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (all)
AD_User_C_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx)
AD_User_C_BPartner_Location_IDTable C_BPartner
ad_user_createdby Table AD_User

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
ad_user_updatedby Table AD_User
Acquisition Cost Amount The cost of The Acquisition Cost identifies
gaining the the cost associated with making
prospect as this prospect a customer.
a customer
Actual Life Amount Actual Life The Actual Life Time Value
Time Value Time Revenue is the recorded revenue in
primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String Address line 2 The Address 2 provides
for this location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 3 String Address Line 3 The Address 2 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String Address Line 4 The Address 4 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
BP Contact Table C_Greeting Greeting for
Greeting Business
Partner Contact
Partner Parent Search C_BPartner Parent Business The parent (organization)
Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Birthday Date Birthday or Birthday or Anniversary day
Anniversary day
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_idTable C_BPartner (Trx)
c_bp_location_c_location_id Location
c_bp_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_bp_location_salesregion_id Table C_Sales Region
(No summary)
c_bp_location_updatedby Table AD_User
c_bp_logo_id Image
Business Partner ID Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
City Table Direct City City in a country
c_country_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
Country Table Direct Country The Country defines a Country. Each
Country must be defined before
it can be used in any document.
Dunning Table Direct Dunning Rules for The Dunning indicates the
overdue invoices rules and method of dunning
for past due payments.
Greeting Table Direct Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
on correspondence to print on correspondence.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Schedule Table Direct Schedule for The Invoice Schedule
generating identifies the frequency used
Invoices when generating invoices.
c_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_location_createdby Table AD_User
Address Location Location The Location / Address field
(Address) or Address defines the location of an entity.
c_location_updatedby Table AD_User
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
c_region_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_region_c_country_id Table C_Country
Region Table Direct Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region for this Country.
City String Identifies a City The City identifies a unique
City for this Country or Region.
Comments Text Comments The Comments field allows for free
or additional form entry of additional information.
Contact String Description
Description of Contact
Contact Name String Business Partner
Contact Name
ISO Country Code List Upper-case For details -
two-letter gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/
alphanumeric codlstp1.html or - http://
ISO Country code
according to ISO
3166-1 - http://

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country String Country Name
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Delivery Rule List After Receipt Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
Availability of Delivery an order should be delivered.
Complete Line For example should the order be
Complete Order delivered when the entire order is
Manual Force complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via List Pickup Delivery How the order The Delivery Via indicates
Shipper will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Copies Integer Number of copies The Document Copies indicates
to be printed the number of copies of each
document that will be generated.
EMail Address String Electronic The Email Address is the
Mail Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
EMail User ID String User Name (ID) in The user name in the mail system
the Mail System is usually the string before
the @ of your email address.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Required if the mail server requires
authentification to send emails.
Verification Info String Verification The field contains additional
information of information how the EMail
EMail Address Address has been verified
EMail Verify Date+Time Date Email
was verified
Fax String Facsimile number The Fax identifies a facsimile number
for this Business Partner or Location
First Sale Date+Time Date of First Sale The First Sale Date identifies the date
of the first sale to this Business Partner
Flat Discount % Number Flat discount
Freight Cost Rule List Freight included Method for The Freight Cost Rule
Fix price Line charging Freight indicates the method used
Calculated when charging for freight.
Invoice Rule List After Delivery Frequency The Invoice Rule defines how
Customer and method a Business Partner is invoiced
Schedule of invoicing and the frequency of invoicing.
after Delivery
Immediate After
Order delivered
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat Print Format for You need to define a Print
Print Format printing Invoices Format to print the document.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Customer Yes-No Indicates if this The Customer checkbox indicates if
Business Partner this Business Partner is a customer. If
is a Customer it is select additional fields will display
which further define this customer.
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Employee Yes-No Indicates if this The Employee checkbox indicates
Business Partner if this Business Partner is an
is an employee Employee. If it is selected,
additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
One time Yes-No
Prospect Yes-No Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Sales Yes-No Indicates if The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Representative the business if this business partner is a
partner is a sales sales representative. A sales
representative or representative may also be an
company agent employee, but does not need to be.
Summary Level Yes-No This is a A summary entity represents a
summary entity branch in a tree rather than an end-
node. Summary entities are used for
reporting and do not have own values.
SO Tax exempt Yes-No Business partner If a business partner is exempt from
is exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax rate is
tax on sales used. For this, you need to set up a
tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate
that this is your tax exempt rate. This
is required for tax reporting, so that
you can track tax exempt transactions.
Vendor Yes-No Indicates if this The Vendor checkbox indicates if this
Business Partner Business Partner is a Vendor. If it is
is a Vendor selected, additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
LDAP User Name Yes-No User Name used Optional LDAP system user name for
for authorization the user. If not defined, the normal
via LDAP Name of the user is used. This allows
(directory) to use the internal (LDAP) user id (e.g.
services jjanke) and the normal display name
(e.g. Jorg Janke). The LDAP User
Name can also be used without LDAP
enables (see system window). This

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
would allow to sign in as jjanke and
use the display name of Jorg Janke.
Last Contact Date+Time Date this The Last Contact indicates the
individual was date that this Business Partner
last contacted Contact was last contacted.
Last Result String Result of The Last Result identifies the
last contact result of the last contact made.
Discount Schema Table Direct Schema to After calculation of the (standard)
calculate the price, the trade discount percentage
trade discount is calculated and applied
percentage resulting in the final price.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
NAICS/SIC String Standard Industry The NAICS/SIC identifies
Code or its either of these codes that may be
successor applicable to this Business Partner.
NAIC - http://
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Notification Type List EMail Type of Emails or Notification sent
+Notice EMail Notifications out for Request Updates, etc.
None Notice
Employees Integer Number of Indicates the number of employees
employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
PO Discount Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to
Schema calculate
the purchase
trade discount
PO Payment Term Table C_PaymentTerm Payment rules for The PO Payment Term indicates
a purchase order the payment term that will
be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Purchase Pricelist Table M_PriceList Price List Identifies the price list used
used by this by a Vendor for products
Business Partner purchased by this organization.
Payment Rule List Direct Deposit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Credit Card < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Check Cash On
Credit Direct
Debit Mixed
POS Payment
Payment Rule List Direct Deposit AD_Ref_List.Value Purchase The Payment Rule indicates the
Credit Card < > 'M' payment option method of purchase payment.
Check Cash On
Credit Direct
Debit Mixed
POS Payment
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies The 2nd Phone field identifies
an alternate an alternate telephone number.
telephone number.
ZIP String Postal code The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the
postal code for this entity's address.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Additional Zip String Additional ZIP The Additional ZIP or Postal
or Postal code Code identifies, if appropriate, any
additional Postal Code information.
Potential Life Amount Total Revenue The Potential Life Time Value
Time Value expected is the anticipated revenue in
primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Reference No String Your customer or The reference number can be
vendor number printed on orders and invoices
at the Business to allow your business partner
Partner's site to faster identify your records.
Region String Name of The Region Name defines the
the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.
Credit Status List Credit Hold Credit Business Partner Credit Management is inactive if
Watch No Credit Credit Status Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0.
Stop Credit OK If active, the status is set automatically
set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open
Balance (including Vendor activities)
is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set
to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the
Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Credit Available Amount Available Credit
based on Credit
Limit (not Total
Open Balance)
and Credit Used
Credit Limit Amount Total outstanding The Credit Limit indicates the total
invoice amounts amount allowed "on account" in
allowed primary accounting currency. If
the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Used Amount Current The Credit Used indicates the total
open balance amount of open or unpaid invoices in
primary accounting currency for the
Business Partner. Credit Management
is based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Order Description String Description to be The Order Description identifies
used on orders the standard description to use
on orders for this Customer.
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Sales Volume Amount Total Volume The Sales Volume indicates the total
in 1.000 of Sales in volume of sales for a Business Partner.
of Currency
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Share Integer Share of The Share indicates the percentage
Customer's of this Business Partner's
business as volume of the products supplied.
a percentage
Min Shelf Life % Integer Minimum Minimum Shelf Life of products with
Shelf Life in Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you
percent based on cannot select products with a shelf life
Product Instance ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee
Guarantee Date Days) less than the minimum shelf
life, unless you select "Show All"
Supervisor Table AD_User Supervisor for this The Supervisor indicates who will be
user/organization - used for forwarding and escalating
used for escalation issues for this user - or for approvals.
and approval
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Open Balance Amount Total Open The Total Open Balance Amount
Balance Amount is the calculated open item amount
in primary for Customer and Vendor activity. If
Accounting the Balance is below zero, we owe
Currency the Business Partner. The amount
is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
ad_user_created Date+Time
ad_user_isactive Yes-No
ad_user_updated Date+Time
ad_user_value String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_location_created Date+Time

Report :Business Partner Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_location_fax String
c_bp_location_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_location_isbillto Yes-No
c_bp_location_isdn String
c_bp_location_ispayfrom Yes-No
c_bp_location_isremitto Yes-No
c_bp_location_isshipto Yes-No
c_bp_location_name String
c_bp_location_phone String
c_bp_location_phone2 String
c_bp_location_updated Date+Time
c_country_ad_language String
c_country_description String
c_country_isactive Yes-No
c_location_created Date+Time
c_location_isactive Yes-No
c_location_updated Date+Time
c_region_description String
c_region_isactive Yes-No

Chapter 92. Report :Business Partner Open
Created:2005-02-11 23:42:09.0

Updated:2005-02-11 23:50:11.0

Description: Business Partner Open Amount

Comment/Help: The report lists open invoices and payments

ReportView :RV_BPartnerOpen


Table 92.1. Business_Partner_Open Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 92.2. RV_BPartnerOpen - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Amount Amount Amount Amount

Report :Business Partner Open

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Invoice Table Direct Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order Table Direct Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Report :Business Partner Open

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Document Date Date Date of the The Document Date indicates
Document the date the document was
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Days due Integer Number of days
due (negative: due
in number of days)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Status List The current status The Document Status indicates the
of the document status of a document at this time. If
you want to change the document
status, use the Document Action field
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number

Report :Business Partner Open

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Open Amount Amount Open item amount
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Reversal ID Table C_Payment ID of document
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 93. Report :Cash Flow Report
Created:2010-12-08 21:24:40.0

Updated:2010-12-08 21:24:40.0

ReportView :T_CashFlow

ClassName: org.globalqss.process.CashFlow


Table 93.1. Cash_Flow_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date To DateTo Date (@SQL=SELECT End date of The Date To indicates the end
SYSDATE+90 a date range date of a range (inclusive)
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Account Element C_ElementValue_ID Search Account Element Account Elements can be natural
accounts or user defined values.

Table 93.2. T_CashFlow - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar

Report :Cash Flow Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Cash Plan Line Search
Charge Search Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Account Element Search Account Element Account Elements can be natural
accounts or user defined values.
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Cash Flow Source List 1_Initial Balance
4_Actual Debt
(Invoices) 2_Plan
Cash Flow Type List Financing

Report :Cash Flow Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Date To Date End date of The Date To indicates the end
a date range date of a range (inclusive)
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line Total Amount Total line Total line amount
amount incl. Tax
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Probability Number
T_CashFlow_ID ID
T_CashFlow_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 94. Report :Commission Run Detail
Created:2005-02-25 16:17:37.0

Updated:2005-02-25 16:45:31.0

Description: Commission Run Detail Report

Comment/Help: Commission Run, Amount Details with Order/Invoice details

ReportView :RV_CommissionRunDetail


Table 94.1. Commission_Run_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Commission C_Commission_ID Table Direct Commission The Commission Rules or
internal or external company
agents, sales reps or vendors.
Commission Run C_CommissionRun_ID Search Commission The Commission Run is a unique system
Run or Process defined identifier of a specific run of
commission. When a Commission is
processed on the Commission Screen,
the Commission Run will display.
Commissioned Commission_BPartner_ID Search C_BPartner Vendor Business Partner null
B.Partner or SalesRep receiving the
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 94.2. RV_CommissionRunDetail - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Processed Yes-No
Actual Amount Amount The actual amount Actual amount indicates the agreed
upon amount for a document.
Actual Quantity Quantity The actual The Actual Quantity indicates the
quantity quantity as referenced on a document.
AmountRefunded Number
AmountTendered Number
Invoice Partner Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the shipment business
to be invoiced partner will be invoiced
Invoice Location Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location for
Invoice Contact Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact for
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Cash Journal Line Search Cash Journal Line The Cash Journal Line indicates
a unique line in a cash journal.

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Cash Plan Line Search
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
c_commissionamt_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Commission Table Direct Generated The Commission Amount
Amount Commission indicates the resulting amount
Amount from a Commission Run.
c_commissiondetail_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_commissiondetail_createdby Table AD_User
Commission Table Direct Supporting The Commission Detail provides
Detail information for supporting information on a
Commission Commission Run. Each document
Amounts line that was part of the Commission
Run will be reflected here.
c_commissiondetail_updatedby Table AD_User
Commission Line Table Direct Commission Line The Commission Line is a unique
instance of a Commission Run. If
the commission run was done in
summary mode then there will be a
single line representing the selected
documents totals. If the commission
run was done in detail mode then each
document that was included in the run
will have its own commission line.
Commission Run Table Direct Commission The Commission Run is a unique
Run or Process system defined identifier of a
specific run of commission. When
a Commission is processed on
the Commission Screen, the
Commission Run will display.
c_commission_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_commission_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
c_commission_createdby Table AD_User

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission Table Direct Commission The Commission Rules or
internal or external company
agents, sales reps or vendors.
c_commission_updatedby Table AD_User
c_commmissionamt_createdby Table AD_User
c_commssionamt_updatedby Table AD_User
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_inviceline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_invoiceline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_invoiceline_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
c_invoiceline_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
c_invoiceline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_invoiceline_c_orderline_id Table C_OrderLine
C_InvoiceLine_C_ProjPhase_ID Table C_ProjectPhase
c_invoiceline_c_projecttask_id Table C_ProjectTask

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_invoiceline_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_invoiceline_c_tax_id Table C_Tax
c_invoiceline_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
c_invoiceline_createdby Table AD_User
Invoice Line Table Direct Invoice The Invoice Line uniquely
Detail Line identifies a single line of an Invoice.
Product Attribute
c_invoiceline_m_rmaline_id Table M_RMALine
C_InvoiceLine_Ref_InvLine_ID Integer
c_invoiceline_updatedby Table AD_User
c_invoiceline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_invoiceline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
c_invoice_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
C_Invoice_AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (all)
c_invoice_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
c_invoice_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
c_invoice_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_invoice_c_conversiontype_id Table C_ConversionType
c_invoice_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
c_invoice_c_doctypetarget_id Table C_DocType
c_invoice_c_invoice_id Table C_Invoice
c_invoice_c_order_id Table C_Order
c_invoice_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_invoice_c_payment_id Table C_Payment

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_invoice_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_invoice_createdby Table AD_User
Invoice Table Direct Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
c_invoice_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_invoice_m_rma_id Table M_RMA
c_invoice_salesrep_id Search AD_User
- SalesRep
c_invoice_updatedby Table AD_User
c_invoice_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_invoice_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
c_orderline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_orderline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_orderline_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
C_OrderLine_C_BP_Location_IDTable C_BPartner
c_orderline_c_bpartner_id Table C_BPartner (Trx)
c_orderline_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
c_orderline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_orderline_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
c_orderline_c_order_id Table C_Order
c_orderline_c_projectphase_id Table C_ProjectPhase
c_orderline_c_projecttask_id Table C_ProjectTask
c_orderline_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_orderline_c_tax_id Table C_Tax
c_orderline_c_uom_id Table C_UOM

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_orderline_createdby Table AD_User
Sales Order Line Table Direct Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
Product Attribute
c_orderline_m_shipper_id Table C_OrderLine
c_orderline_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
c_orderline_ref_orderline_id Table C_OrderLine
c_orderline_updatedby Table AD_User
c_orderline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_orderline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
c_order_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_order_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_order_ad_user_id Table AD_User
c_order_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
c_order_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
c_order_c_order_id Table C_Order
c_order_c_payment_id Table C_Payment
c_order_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_order_createdby Table AD_User
c_order_m_shipper_id Table M_Shipper
c_order_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
c_order_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_order_ref_order_id Table C_Order

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_order_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_order_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
POS Terminal Table Direct Point of Sales The POS Terminal defines
Terminal the defaults and functions
available for the POS Form
Commission Amount Commission The Commission Amount is the
Amount Amount total calculated commission. It
is based on the parameters as
defined for this Commission Run.
Commission Amount Commission
Converted calculation
Amount basis Converted
Commission Qty Quantity Commission
basis Quantity
Commissioned Table C_BPartner Business Partner
B.Partner Vendor or receiving the
SalesRep Commission
Converted Amount Converted The Converted Amount is the
Amount Amount result of multiplying the Source
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Create lines from Yes-No Process which The Create From process will
will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Date Delivered Date+Time Date when
the product
was delivered
Document Date Date Date of the The Document Date indicates
Document the date the document was
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Date Invoiced Date+Time Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date last run Date+Time Date the process The Date Last Run indicates the
was last run. last time that a process was run.
Date Ordered Date+Time Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date Promised Date+Time Date Order The Date Promised indicates the date,
was promised if any, that an Order was promised for.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Discount % Number Discount The Discount indicates the discount
in percent applied or taken as a percentage.
Calculation Basis Yes-No Basis for the The Calculation Basis indicates
calculation the the basis to be used for the
commission commission calculation.
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment
Freight Amount Amount Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Frequency Type Yes-No Frequency The frequency type is used for
of event calculating the date of the next event.
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Info String Information The Information displays data
from the source document line.
Collection Status Yes-No Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Status
Invoice String Document
Document No Number of
the Invoice
Invoice Rule Yes-No Frequency The Invoice Rule defines how
and method a Business Partner is invoiced
of invoicing and the frequency of invoicing.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Credit Approved Yes-No Credit has Credit Approved indicates if the credit
been approved approval was successful for Orders
Delivered Yes-No
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Linked Order Line Table C_OrderLine This field links
a sales order line
to the purchase

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
order line that is
generated from it.
Linked Order Table C_Order This field links
a sales order to
the purchase
order that is
generated from it.
List Details Yes-No List document The List Details checkbox
details indicates that the details for each
document line will be displayed.
Freight Category Table M_FreightCategory Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Shipment/ Table Direct Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Price List Table M_PriceList Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Promotion Table Direct
Order Type Text Type of Order:
MRP records
grouped by source
(Sales Order,
Purchase Order,
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment BPartner Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Location Table C_BPartner Location of the
Location Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Cost Price Number Price per Unit of Optional Purchase
Measure including Order Line cost price.
all indirect costs
(Freight, etc.)
Priority Yes-No Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Promotion Code String User entered If present, user entered the promotion
promotion code code at sales time to get this promotion
at sales time
Delivered Quantity Delivered The Delivered Quantity
Quantity Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that has been delivered.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Lost Sales Qty Quantity Quantity of When an order is closed and there
potential sales is a difference between the ordered
quantity and the delivered (invoiced)
quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity.
Note that the Lost Sales Quantity
is 0 if you void an order, so close
the order if you want to track lost

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
opportunities. [Void = data entry
error - Close = the order is finished]
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Referenced Integer
Reference String Reference for The Reference displays the
this record source document number.
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
c_commisionrun_processing Yes-No
c_commission_created Date+Time
c_commission_description String
c_commission_isactive Yes-No
c_commission_name String
c_commission_updated Date+Time
c_commissiondetail_created Date+Time
c_commmissionamt_isactive Amount
c_commossiondetail_isactive Yes-No

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_invoice_chargeamt Amount
c_invoice_created Date+Time
c_invoice_dateacct Date+Time
c_invoice_dateordered Date+Time
c_invoice_dateprinted Date+Time
c_invoice_description String
c_invoice_docaction List
c_invoice_docstatus List
c_invoice_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_invoice_grandtotal Number
c_invoice_isactive Yes-No
c_invoice_isapproved Yes-No
c_invoice_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_invoice_isindispute Yes-No
c_invoice_ispayschedulevalid Yes-No
c_invoice_isprinted Yes-No
c_invoice_isselfservice Yes-No
c_invoice_issotrx Yes-No
c_invoice_istaxincluded Yes-No
c_invoice_istransferred Yes-No
c_invoice_paymentrule Yes-No
c_invoice_poreference String
c_invoice_posted Yes-No
c_invoice_processedon Number
c_invoice_processing Yes-No
c_invoice_sendemail Yes-No
c_invoice_totallines Number
c_invoice_updated Date+Time
c_invoiceline_created Date+Time

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_invoiceline_description String
c_invoiceline_isactive Yes-No
c_invoiceline_isdescription Yes-No
c_invoiceline_line Integer
c_invoiceline_linenetamt Amount
c_invoiceline_linetotalamt Amount
c_invoiceline_priceactual Number
c_invoiceline_priceentered Number
c_invoiceline_pricelimit Number
c_invoiceline_pricelist Number
c_invoiceline_processed Yes-No
c_invoiceline_qtyentered Quantity
c_invoiceline_qtyinvoiced Quantity
c_invoiceline_rramt Amount
c_invoiceline_rrstartdate Date+Time
c_invoiceline_taxamt Amount
c_invoiceline_updated Date+Time
c_order_chargeamt Amount
c_order_copyfrom Yes-No
c_order_created Date+Time
c_order_dateacct Date+Time
c_order_dateprinted Date+Time
c_order_datepromised Date+Time
c_order_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_order_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_order_description String
c_order_docaction List
c_order_docstatus List
c_order_documentno String

Report :Commission Run Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_order_freightamt Amount
c_order_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_order_grandtotal Number
c_order_isactive Yes-No
c_order_isprinted Yes-No
c_order_isselected Yes-No
c_order_isselfservice Yes-No
c_order_issotrx Yes-No
c_order_istaxincluded Yes-No
c_order_posted Yes-No
c_order_processed Yes-No
c_order_processedon Number
c_order_sendemail Yes-No
c_order_totallines Number
c_orderline_created Date+Time
c_orderline_description String
c_orderline_isactive Yes-No
c_orderline_line Integer
c_orderline_linenetamt Amount
c_orderline_priceactual Number
c_orderline_priceentered Number
c_orderline_pricelist Number
c_orderline_processed Yes-No
c_orderline_qtyinvoiced Quantity
c_orderline_rramt Amount
c_orderline_rrstartsate Date+Time
c_orderline_updated Date+Time

Chapter 95. Report :Customer Assets
Created:2003-08-28 16:59:34.0

Updated:2012-03-09 15:16:36.0

Description: Report Customer Assets with Delivery Count

Comment/Help: The report lists the assets of business partners with the total asset delivery count.

ReportView :RV_Asset_Customer


Table 95.1. Customer_Assets Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Asset Group A_Asset_Group_ID Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Guarantee Date GuaranteeDate Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
In Service Date AssetServiceDate Date Date when Asset The date when the asset was put into service
was put into service - usually used as start date for depreciation.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Search (-1) User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Table 95.2. RV_Asset_Customer - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Customer Assets

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Asset Group Table Direct Group of Assets The group of assets determines default
accounts. If an asset group is selected
in the product category, assets are
created when delivering the asset.
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
In Service Date Date Date when The date when the asset was
Asset was put put into service - usually used
into service as start date for depreciation.
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Delivery Count Integer Number of
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Report :Customer Assets

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Comment/Help String Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number

Chapter 96. Report :Customer Balances
Created:2015-01-24 14:16:05.28

Updated:2015-01-24 14:16:05.28

ReportView :null


Table 96.1. Customer_Balances Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

End Date EndDate Date Last effective The End Date indicates
date (inclusive) the last date in this range.
Start Date StartDate Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct (@#AD_Client_ID@) Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.

Chapter 97. Report :Customer Statement
Created:2015-01-24 14:16:04.401

Updated:2015-01-24 14:16:04.401

ReportView :null


Table 97.1. Customer_Statement Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Date From DateAcctFrom Date null null
Date To DateAcctTo Date null null
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct (@#AD_Org_ID@) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.

Chapter 98. Report :Daily Invoice
Created:2000-06-01 16:53:19.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report per Day

Comment/Help: Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_Day


Table 98.1. Daily_Invoice Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Sales Representative SalesRep_ID Table AD_User - SalesRep Sales Representative The Sales Representative indicates
or Company Agent the Sales Rep for this Region. Any
Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.

Table 98.2. RV_C_Invoice_Day - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Report :Daily Invoice

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.

Chapter 99. Report :Depreciation Expense Entry
Created:2008-05-30 16:49:20.0

Updated:2008-05-30 16:49:20.0

Description: Used to review Depreciation Expense Entry not yet booked

ReportView :RV_Asset_Depreciation_Entry



Table 99.1. RV_Asset_Depreciation_Entry - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table AD_Client (see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table AD_Org (all) (see same above) (see same above)
A_Account_Number_Acct Account aaccountnumber_adepreciationex
Accumulated Amount
Accumulated Amount (0)
Accumulated Amount
Accumulated Amount (0)
- fiscal (delta)
Asset Addition Table Direct aassetaddition_adepreciationex
Asset Cost Amount
Delta Asset Cost Amount (0)
Asset Disposed Table Direct aassetdisposed_adepreciationex
Asset Search aasset_adepreciationexp Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers

Report :Depreciation Expense Entry

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Remaining Amt Amount
Remaining Amount
Amt (fiscal)
Depreciation Entry Search adepreciationentry_adepreciati
A_Depreciation_Exp_ID ID
A_Depreciation_Exp_UU String
Entry Type List Depreciation
Forecasts New
Splits Transfers
Asset Period Integer C_Period (all)
Account (credit) Account C_ValidCombination
craccou_adepreciationexp Account used The (natural) account used
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account (debit) Account C_ValidCombination
draccou_adepreciationexp Account used The (natural) account used
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Expense Amount (0)
Expense (fiscal) Amount (0)
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)

Report :Depreciation Expense Entry

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment ('A') Statistical) the transaction.
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Process Now Button
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Usable Life Integer Months of
- Months the usable life
of the asset
Use Life - Integer
Months (fiscal)

Chapter 100. Report :Indented Bill of Material
Created:2011-07-27 16:24:11.0

Updated:2011-07-27 16:24:11.0

Description: Indented BOM report

ReportView :T_BOM_Indented

ClassName: org.compiere.process.IndentedBOM


Table 100.1. Indented_Bill_of_Material Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Cost Element M_CostElement_ID Table Direct Product Cost Element null

Table 100.2. T_BOM_Indented - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Cost Costs+Prices Cost information
Future Cost Costs+Prices Cost information

Report :Indented Bill of Material

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Current Cost Price Costs+Prices The currently
used cost price
Current Cost Costs+Prices Current Price Current Price Lower Level is used
Price Lower Level Lower Level Is the for get the total costs for lower level
sum of the costs the a product manufactured. The
of the components Current Price Lower Level always
of this product will be calculated. You can see the
manufactured Current Cost Price and Current Cost
for this level. Price Lower Level with Cost Bill of
Material %26 Formula Detail Report.
The sum the Current Cost Price +
Current Cost Price Lower Level is the
total cost to a product manufactured.
Future Cost Price Costs+Prices
Future Cost Price Costs+Prices
Lower Level
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Level no Integer
Levels String
Cost Element Table Direct Product Cost
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Quantity Quantity Indicate the Exist two way the add a compenent
Quantity use to a BOM or Formula: 1.-
in this BOM Adding a Component based in
quantity to use in this BOM 2.-
Adding a Component based in

Report :Indented Bill of Material

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
% to use the Order Quantity of
Manufacturing Order in this Formula.
Selected Product Table M_Product
(no summary)
Sequence Integer Method of The Sequence indicates
ordering records; the order of records
lowest number
comes first
Indented ID
BOM Report
T_BOM_Indented_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 101. Report :Inventory Valuation Report
Created:2002-01-17 21:58:12.0

Updated:2006-01-11 18:41:13.0

Description: Inventory Valuation Report

Comment/Help: Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date. In addition to several prices, standard costs and an optional other
cost element is used to calculate the inventory of the particular warehouse.

ReportView :RV_T_InventoryValue

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InventoryValue


Table 101.1. Inventory_Valuation_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Currency C_Currency_ID Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to be used when
for this record processing or reporting on this record
Cost Element M_CostElement_ID Table Direct Product Cost Element null
Price List Version M_PriceList_Version_ID Table Direct Identifies a Each Price List can have multiple versions.
unique instance The most common use is to indicate
of a Price List the dates that a Price List is valid for.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Valuation Date DateValue Date Date of valuation null

Table 101.2. RV_T_InventoryValue - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Inventory Valuation Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Instance Table Direct adpinstance_tinventoryvalue Instance of
the process
Currency Table Direct ccurrency_tinventoryvalue The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Cost Number Cost information
Cost Value Amount Value with Cost
Standard Cost Costs+Prices Standard Costs Standard (plan) costs.
Standard Costs+Prices Value in
Cost Value Standard Costs
Valuation Date Date Date of valuation
Attribute Product Attribute masi_tinventoryvalue Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Cost Element Table Direct mcostelement_tinventoryvalue Product Cost
Price List Version Table Direct mplversion_tinventoryvalue Identifies a Each Price List can have multiple
unique instance versions. The most common
of a Price List use is to indicate the dates
that a Price List is valid for.
Product Search mproduct_tinventoryvalue Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Warehouse Table Direct mwarehouse_tinventoryvalue Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Limit Price Costs+Prices Lowest price The Price Limit indicates the
for a product lowest price for a product stated
in the Price List Currency.
Limit price Value Costs+Prices Value with
limit price
List Price Costs+Prices List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
List price Value Costs+Prices Valuation
with List Price

Report :Inventory Valuation Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PO Price Costs+Prices Price based on a The PO Price indicates the price for
purchase order a product per the purchase order.
PO Price Value Costs+Prices Valuation
with PO Price
Standard Price Costs+Prices Standard Price The Standard Price indicates
the standard or normal price
for a product on this price list
Std Price Value Costs+Prices Valuation with
standard price
On Hand Quantity Quantity On Hand Quantity The On Hand Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product that
is on hand in a warehouse.
T_InventoryValue_UU String

Chapter 102. Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin
Created:2001-01-27 19:57:56.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Invoice (Line) Detail and Margin Report

Comment/Help: The Report lists Customer and Vendor Invoice Details with Margines.

ReportView :RV_C_InvoiceLine


Table 102.1. Invoice_Detail_%26_Margin Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx List Yes No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.

Table 102.2. RV_C_InvoiceLine - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
c_invoiceline_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
Invoice Line Search Invoice The Invoice Line uniquely
Detail Line identifies a single line of an Invoice.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Sales Order Line Table Direct Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Description URL String URL for the

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date+Time Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Discount % Integer Discount The Discount indicates the discount
in percent applied or taken as a percentage.
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross Margin Number
Line Total Amount Total line Total line amount
amount incl. Tax
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Search Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Shipment/ Table Direct Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Lot Table Direct Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
m_productline_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
RMA Line Table Direct Return Material Detail information about
Authorization Line the returned goods
Margin % Number Margin for The Margin indicates the margin
a product as for this product as a percentage of
a percentage the limit price and selling price.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Margin Amount Amount Difference The margin amount is calculated as
between actual the difference between actual and
and limit price limit price multiplied by the quantity
multiplied by
the quantity
Unit Price Costs+Prices Actual Price The Actual or Unit Price indicates the
Price for a product in source currency.
Price Costs+Prices Price Entered - the The price entered is converted
price based on the to the actual price based
selected/base UoM on the UoM conversion
Limit Price Costs+Prices Lowest price The Price Limit indicates the
for a product lowest price for a product stated
in the Price List Currency.
List Price Costs+Prices List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Product Attribute String Product Attribute
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Revenue Amount Revenue The amount for revenue recognition
Recognition Amt Recognition calculation. If empty, the complete
Amount invoice amount is used. The difference
between Revenue Recognition Amount
and Invoice Line Net Amount is
immediately recognized as revenue.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Date+Time Revenue The date the revenue
Recognition Start Recognition recognition starts.
Start Date
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
Referenced ID
Invoice Line
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Assignment Resource
Assignment Assignment
Resource Table Direct Resource
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Tax Amount Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
for a document total tax amount for a document.
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client

Report :Invoice Detail %26 Margin

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
c_invoiceline_description String
c_invoiceline_linenetamt Amount
m_attributesetinstance_isactive Yes-No
m_attributesetinstance_serno String
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time

Chapter 103. Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss
Created:2005-05-30 13:36:10.0

Updated:2005-12-19 18:04:27.0

Description: Invoice Not Realized Gain %26 Loss Report

Comment/Help: The Report lists not fully paid invoices with open amount, the GL amounts and the revalued amounts. If an invoice is partially paid, the percentage
of the open amount is used to calculate the revaluation amount. If you select a currency, only invoices of that currency are included; if you select Include All
Currencies, all invoices are included and you can use the report to reconcile your AP/AR accounts. If you select a GL Document Type, a GL Journal is created.
Note that the report only includes posted invoices.

ReportView :T_InvoiceGL

ClassName: org.compiere.process.InvoiceNGL


Table 103.1. Invoice_Not_Realized_Gain/Loss Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Include All IsAllCurrencies Yes-No (N) Report not null
Currencies just foreign
currency Invoices
Revaluation Date DateReval Date (@#Date@) Date of Revaluation null
AP - AR APAR List Receivables Include Receivables null
%26 Payables and/or Payables
Payables only transactions
Receivables only (A)
Currency C_Currency_ID Table Direct (0) The Currency Indicates the Currency to be used when
for this record processing or reporting on this record
Revaluation C_ConversionTypeReval_ID Table C_ConversionType Revaluation Currency null
Conversion Type Conversion Type
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Revaluation C_DocTypeReval_ID Table C_DocType Document Type for null
Document Type Revaluation Journal

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Table 103.2. T_InvoiceGL - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
AP - AR List Receivables Include
%26 Payables Receivables
Payables only and/or Payables
Receivables only transactions
Asset Table Direct Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Table Account_ID Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Accounted The Account Balance Amount
Balance Balance Amount indicates the transaction
amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Acct Open Amount Open Balance
Balance in document
currency %26 rate
Acct Open Cr Amount Open Credit
in document
currency %26 rate
Acct Open Dr Amount Open Debit
in document
currency %26 rate
Revaluated Amount Revaluated
Amount Cr Cr Amount
Revaluated Amount Revaluated
Difference Cr Cr Amount
Revaluated Amount Revaluated
Amount Dr Dr Amount
Revaluated Amount Revaluated
Difference Dr Dr Amount
Source Balance Amount Source Balance The Source Balance Amount
Amount indicates the balance amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Revaluation Table C_ConversionType Revaluation
Conversion Type Currency
Conversion Type
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Revaluation Table C_DocType Document Type
Document Type for Revaluation
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_invoice_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
Invoice Table Direct Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Order Table Direct Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Period Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Sub Account Table Direct Sub account for The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Element Value may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
is dependent on the value of the
account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date+Time Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date+Time Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Revaluation Date Date Date of
Transaction Date Date+Time Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List The targeted status You find the current status in
of the document the Document Status field. The
options are listed in a popup

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
fact_acct_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
fact_acct_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
fact_acct_ad_table_id Table AD_Table

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
fact_acct_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
fact_acct_c_bpartner_id Table C_BPartner (Trx)
fact_acct_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
fact_acct_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
Accounting Fact Table Direct
fact_acct_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
fact_acct_updatedby Table AD_User
fact_acct_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
fact_acct_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Collection Status Yes-No Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Status
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Include All Yes-No Report not
Currencies just foreign
currency Invoices

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Locator Table Direct Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Open Amount Amount Open item amount
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Percent Number Percentage The Percent indicates
the percentage used.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal unique
record ID identifier of a record. Please note
that zooming to the record may not
be successful for Orders, Invoices
and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes
the Sales Order type is not known.
Referenced ID
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
t_invoicegl_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
t_invoicegl_c_invoice_id Table C_Invoice
t_invoicegl_createdby Table AD_User
t_invoicegl_updatedby Table AD_User
Total Lines Number Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Column 1 ID User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content

Report :Invoice Not Realized Gain/Loss

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User Column 2 ID User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
fact_acct_dateacct Date+Time
fact_acct_description String
fact_acct_isactive Yes-No
fact_acct_updated Date+Time
t_invoicegl_created Date+Time
t_invoicegl_grandtotal Number
t_invoicegl_isactive Yes-No
t_invoicegl_updated Date+Time

Chapter 104. Report :Invoice Tax
Created:2004-01-09 14:24:34.0

Updated:2005-11-21 09:30:33.0

Description: Invoice Tax Reconciliation

Comment/Help: The Report lists Invoice Tax lines with Business Partner Tax information.

ReportView :RV_C_InvoiceTax


Table 104.1. Invoice_Tax Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Tax C_Tax_ID Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules

Table 104.2. RV_C_InvoiceTax - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_bp_group_id Table C_BP_Group
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_invoicetax_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_invoice_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_invoice_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_invoice_createdby Table AD_User
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
c_invoice_updatedby Table AD_User
Order Table Direct Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date printed Date+Time Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Document Action List The targeted status You find the current status in
of the document the Document Status field. The
options are listed in a popup
Document Status List The current status The Document Status indicates the
of the document status of a document at this time. If
you want to change the document
status, use the Document Action field
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Collection Status Yes-No Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Status
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
SO Tax exempt Yes-No Business partner If a business partner is exempt from
is exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax rate is
tax on sales used. For this, you need to set up a
tax rate with a 0% rate and indicate
that this is your tax exempt rate. This
is required for tax reporting, so that
you can track tax exempt transactions.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Vendor Yes-No Indicates if this The Vendor checkbox indicates if this
Business Partner Business Partner is a Vendor. If it is
is a Vendor selected, additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Discount Schema Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to After calculation of the (standard)
not PL calculate the price, the trade discount percentage
trade discount is calculated and applied
percentage resulting in the final price.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Multiplier Integer Type Multiplier
(Credit = -1)
NAICS/SIC String Standard Industry The NAICS/SIC identifies
Code or its either of these codes that may be
successor applicable to this Business Partner.
NAIC - http://

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Employees Integer Number of Indicates the number of employees
employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
PO Discount Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to
Schema not PL calculate
the purchase
trade discount
PO Payment Term Table C_PaymentTerm Payment rules for The PO Payment Term indicates
Purchases a purchase order the payment term that will
be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Purchase Pricelist Table M_PriceList Price List Identifies the price list used
used by this by a Vendor for products
Business Partner purchased by this organization.
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Potential Life Number Total Revenue The Potential Life Time Value
Time Value expected is the anticipated revenue in
primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Referenced ID

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Credit Status Yes-No Business Partner Credit Management is inactive if
Credit Status Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit is 0.
If active, the status is set automatically
set to Credit Hold, if the Total Open
Balance (including Vendor activities)
is higher then the Credit Limit. It is set
to Credit Watch, if above 90% of the
Credit Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Credit Limit Number Total outstanding The Credit Limit indicates the total
invoice amounts amount allowed "on account" in
allowed primary accounting currency. If
the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Credit Used Number Current The Credit Used indicates the total
open balance amount of open or unpaid invoices in
primary accounting currency for the
Business Partner. Credit Management
is based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Order Description String Description to be The Order Description identifies
used on orders the standard description to use
on orders for this Customer.
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Sales Volume Integer Total Volume The Sales Volume indicates the total
in 1.000 of Sales in volume of sales for a Business Partner.
of Currency
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Share Integer Share of The Share indicates the percentage
Customer's of this Business Partner's
business as volume of the products supplied.
a percentage
Min Shelf Life % Integer Minimum Minimum Shelf Life of products with
Shelf Life in Guarantee Date instance. If > 0 you
percent based on cannot select products with a shelf life
Product Instance ((Guarantee Date-Today) / Guarantee
Guarantee Date Days) less than the minimum shelf
life, unless you select "Show All"
Tax Amount Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
for a document total tax amount for a document.
Tax base Amount Amount Base for The Tax Base Amount indicates
calculating the the base amount used for
tax amount calculating the tax amount.
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
Tax Line Total Amount Tax Line
Total Amount
Total Lines Number Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time
c_bp_flatdiscount Number
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_name String
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String

Report :Invoice Tax

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_value String
c_invoice_created Date+Time
c_invoice_description String
c_invoice_isselfservice Yes-No
c_invoice_istaxincluded Yes-No
c_invoice_poreference String
c_invoice_updated Date+Time
c_invoicetax_isactive Yes-No
c_invoicetax_istaxincluded Yes-No
c_invoicetax_processed Yes-No

Chapter 105. Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)
Created:2000-05-15 22:21:05.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Transactions by Accounting Date

Comment/Help: The report lists the invoice transactions by accounting date

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice


Table 105.1. Invoice_Transactions_(Acct) Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Account Date DateAcct Date (@#Date@) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Table 105.2. RV_C_Invoice - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String Address line 2 The Address 2 provides
for this location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 3 String Address Line 3 The Address 2 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String Address Line 4 The Address 4 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_idTable C_BPartner (Trx)
c_bp_location_c_location_id Location
c_bp_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_bp_location_updatedby Table AD_User
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_po_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_po_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_po_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
City Table Direct City City in a country

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Country Search Country The Country defines a Country. Each
Country must be defined before
it can be used in any document.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_invoice_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_invoice_c_conversiontype_id Table C_ConversionType
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
c_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_location_updatedby Table AD_User
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Region Search Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region for this Country.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
City String Identifies a City The City identifies a unique
City for this Country or Region.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
ISDN String ISDN or The ISDN identifies a ISDN
modem line or Modem line number.
Collection Status List Dunning Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Agency Collection Status
Legal Procedure
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Invoice Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Invoice Address is
Invoice/ selected, the location is used to
Bill Address send invoices to a customer or
receive invoices from a vendor.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid
Pay-From Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Pay-From Address is selected,
pays from that this location is the address the
address and we'll Business Partner pays from and
send dunning where dunning letters will be sent to.
letters there

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Remit-To Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Remit-To Address is
payment address selected, the location is used to
send payments to the vendor.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Ship Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Ship Address is selected,
Shipment Address the location is used to ship
goods to a customer or
receive goods from a vendor.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Multiplier Number Type Multiplier
(Credit = -1)
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment Rule List Direct Deposit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Credit Card < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Check Cash On
Credit Direct
Debit Mixed
POS Payment
ZIP String Postal code The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the
postal code for this entity's address.
Additional Zip String Additional ZIP The Additional ZIP or Postal
or Postal code Code identifies, if appropriate, any
additional Postal Code information.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Referenced ID
Region String Name of The Region Name defines the
the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
Total Lines Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_duns String
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time
c_bp_flatdiscount Number
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_istaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isvendor Yes-No
c_bp_location_created Date+Time
c_bp_location_fax String
c_bp_location_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_location_name String
c_bp_location_phone String
c_bp_location_phone2 String
c_bp_location_updated Date+Time
c_bp_naics String
c_bp_name String
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_numberemployees Integer
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_potentiallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_referenceno String
c_bp_salesvolume Integer
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No

Report :Invoice Transactions (Acct)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_shareofcustomer Integer
c_bp_shelflifeminpct Integer
c_bp_so_creditlimit Number
c_bp_so_creditused Number
c_bp_so_description String
c_bp_socreditstatus Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String
c_bp_value String
c_invoice_dateordered Date+Time
c_invoice_ispayschedulevalid Yes-No
c_invoice_isselfservice Yes-No
c_location_created Date+Time
c_location_isactive Yes-No
c_location_updated Date+Time

Chapter 106. Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)
Created:2001-01-27 19:57:12.0

Updated:2005-08-27 11:57:45.0

Description: Invoice Transactions by Invoice Date

Comment/Help: The report lists the invoice transactiobs by invoice date

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice


Table 106.1. Invoice_Transactions_(Doc) Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Payment Rule PaymentRule List Direct Deposit Credit How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Card Check Cash On the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit
Mixed POS Payment
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Business C_BP_Group_ID Table Direct (-1) Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.

Table 106.2. RV_C_Invoice - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String Address line 2 The Address 2 provides
for this location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 3 String Address Line 3 The Address 2 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String Address Line 4 The Address 4 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_idTable C_BPartner (Trx)
c_bp_location_c_location_id Location
c_bp_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_bp_location_updatedby Table AD_User
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_po_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_po_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_po_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
City Table Direct City City in a country
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Country Search Country The Country defines a Country. Each
Country must be defined before
it can be used in any document.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_invoice_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_invoice_c_conversiontype_id Table C_ConversionType
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
c_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_location_updatedby Table AD_User

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Region Search Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region for this Country.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
City String Identifies a City The City identifies a unique
City for this Country or Region.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
ISDN String ISDN or The ISDN identifies a ISDN
modem line or Modem line number.
Collection Status List Dunning Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Agency Collection Status
Legal Procedure
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Invoice Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Invoice Address is
Invoice/ selected, the location is used to
Bill Address send invoices to a customer or
receive invoices from a vendor.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Pay-From Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Pay-From Address is selected,
pays from that this location is the address the
address and we'll Business Partner pays from and
send dunning where dunning letters will be sent to.
letters there
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Remit-To Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Remit-To Address is
payment address selected, the location is used to
send payments to the vendor.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Ship Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Ship Address is selected,
Shipment Address the location is used to ship
goods to a customer or
receive goods from a vendor.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Multiplier Number Type Multiplier
(Credit = -1)

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment Rule List Direct Deposit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Credit Card < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Check Cash On
Credit Direct
Debit Mixed
POS Payment
ZIP String Postal code The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the
postal code for this entity's address.
Additional Zip String Additional ZIP The Additional ZIP or Postal
or Postal code Code identifies, if appropriate, any
additional Postal Code information.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Referenced ID
Region String Name of The Region Name defines the
the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
Total Lines Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_duns String
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time
c_bp_flatdiscount Number

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_istaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isvendor Yes-No
c_bp_location_created Date+Time
c_bp_location_fax String
c_bp_location_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_location_name String
c_bp_location_phone String
c_bp_location_phone2 String
c_bp_location_updated Date+Time
c_bp_naics String
c_bp_name String
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_numberemployees Integer
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_potentiallifetimevalue Number

Report :Invoice Transactions (Doc)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_referenceno String
c_bp_salesvolume Integer
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No
c_bp_shareofcustomer Integer
c_bp_shelflifeminpct Integer
c_bp_so_creditlimit Number
c_bp_so_creditused Number
c_bp_so_description String
c_bp_socreditstatus Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String
c_bp_value String
c_invoice_dateordered Date+Time
c_invoice_ispayschedulevalid Yes-No
c_invoice_isselfservice Yes-No
c_location_created Date+Time
c_location_isactive Yes-No
c_location_updated Date+Time

Chapter 107. Report :Material Receipt Details
Created:2004-07-20 21:28:25.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Material Receipt Detail Information

Comment/Help: The report provides Material Repecipt Header and Line with locator information.

ReportView :RV_InOutDetails Receive


Table 107.1. Material_Receipt_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.

Table 107.2. RV_InOutDetails Receive - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Activity Search Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Search Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Document Type Search Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Sales Order Line Search Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
UOM Search Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Confirmed Quantity Confirmation of a Confirmation of a received quantity
Quantity received quantity
Create Confirm Yes-No
Create lines from Yes-No Process which The Create From process will
will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Create Package Yes-No
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Date received Date Date a product The Date Received indicates the
was received date that product was received.
Delivery Rule List After Receipt Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
Availability of Delivery an order should be delivered.

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Complete Line For example should the order be
Complete Order delivered when the entire order is
Manual Force complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via List Pickup Delivery How the order The Delivery Via indicates
Shipper will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment
Freight Amount Amount Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Freight Cost Rule List Freight included Method for The Freight Cost Rule
Fix price Line charging Freight indicates the method used
Calculated when charging for freight.
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
In Transit Yes-No Movement Material Movement is in transit
is in transit - shipped, but not received. The
transaction is completed, if confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Description String Description
of the Line
Locator Key String Key of the

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
m_inoutline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
m_inoutline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_inoutline_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
m_inoutline_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
Shipment/ ID Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
m_inoutline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
m_inoutline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
m_inout_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
m_inout_c_invoice_id Table C_Invoice

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_inout_createdby Table AD_User
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
m_inout_updatedby Table AD_User
m_locator_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_locator_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
Lot Table Direct Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
RMA Line Table Direct Return Material Detail information about
Authorization Line the returned goods
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Shipper Search M_Shipper Method or The Shipper indicates the
manner of method of delivering product
product delivery
Warehouse Search Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Movement Type List Production Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
- Customer the inventory the type of movement (in,
Shipment out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production +
Vendor Receipts
Inventory In
Work Order -
No Packages Integer Number of
packages shipped
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Pick Date Date Date/Time
when picked
for Shipment
Picked Quantity Quantity
Posted List Posting Error Posting status The Posted field indicates the
Not Posted Not status of the Generation of
Balanced Not General Ledger Accounting Lines
Convertible (no
rate) Invalid
Account Post
Prepared Posted
Period Closed
Relative Priority Integer Where inventory The Relative Priority indicates the
should be location to pick from first if an product
picked from first is stored in more than one location.

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
(100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest).
For outgoing shipments, the location
is picked with the highest priority
where the entire quantity can be
shipped from. If there is no location,
the location with the highest priority
is used. The Priority is ignored for
products with Guarantee Date (always
the oldest first) or if a specific instance
is selected. Incoming receipts are
stored at the location with the highest
priority, if not explicitly selected.
Priority List High Medium Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
Low Minor Urgent a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Product Attribute String Product Attribute
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Referenced Integer
Shipment Line
Referenced Integer
Reversal Line Table M_InOutLine Use to keep the
reversal line ID

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for reversing
costing purpose
Reversal ID Table M_InOut ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Scrapped Quantity Quantity The Quantity
scrapped due
to QA issues
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Ship Date Date Shipment Actual Date/Time of
Date/Time Shipment (pick up)
Target Quantity Quantity Target Movement The Quantity which
Quantity should have been received
Tracking No String Number to track
the shipment
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client

Report :Material Receipt Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Aisle (X) String X dimension, The X dimension indicates the
e.g., Aisle Aisle a product is located in.
Bin (Y) String Y dimension, The Y dimension indicates
e.g., Bin the Bin a product is located in
Level (Z) String Z dimension, The Z dimension indicates the
e.g., Level Level a product is located in.
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time
m_inout_created Date+Time
m_inout_isactive Yes-No
m_inout_updated Date+Time
m_inoutline_processed Yes-No
m_locator_isactive Yes-No

Chapter 108. Report :Material Reference
Created:2005-03-30 01:12:58.0

Updated:2005-03-30 01:15:04.0

Description: Material Transactions Cross Reference (used/resourced)

Comment/Help: The report displays, e.g. where Material Receipts are used or Customer Shipments are resourced from

ReportView :T_Transaction

ClassName: org.compiere.process.TransactionXRef


Table 108.1. Material_Reference Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Search Order Search_Order_ID Search C_Order Order Identifier Order is a control document.
Search Shipment/ Search_InOut_ID Search M_InOut Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document
Search Invoice Search_Invoice_ID Search C_Invoice Search Invoice The Invoice Document.

Table 108.2. T_Transaction - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Search adpinstance_ttransaction Instance of
the process
Project Issue Search cprojectissue_ttransaction Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.

Report :Material Reference

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Attribute Product Attribute masi_ttransaction Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Shipment/ Search minoutline_ttransaction Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Phys.Inventory Search minventoryline_ttransaction Unique line in The Physical Inventory Line indicates
Line an Inventory the inventory document line (if
document applicable) for this transaction
Phys.Inventory Search Parameters for a The Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters
for a physical inventory.
Locator Locator (WH) mlocator_ttransaction Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Move Line Search mmovementline_ttransaction Inventory Move The Movement Line indicates the
document Line inventory movement document line
(if applicable) for this transaction
Inventory Move Search Movement The Inventory Movement uniquely
of Inventory identifies a group of movement lines.
Product Search mproduct_ttransaction Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Production Line Search mproductionline_ttransaction Document Line The Production Line indicates
representing the production document line (if
a production applicable) for this transaction

Report :Material Reference

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Production Search Plan for producing The Production uniquely
a product identifies a Production Plan
Inventory Search mtransaction_ttransaction
Movement Date Date+Time Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Movement Type List Production Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
- Customer the inventory the type of movement (in,
Shipment out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production +
Vendor Receipts
Inventory In
Work Order -
Search Shipment/ Search M_InOutLine Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document
Search Invoice Search C_Invoice Search Invoice The Invoice Document.
Search Order Search C_Order Order Identifier Order is a control document.
T_Transaction_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 109. Report :Monthly Invoice
Created:2000-06-01 16:54:07.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report per Month

Comment/Help: Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_Month


Table 109.1. Monthly_Invoice Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Sales Representative SalesRep_ID Table AD_User - SalesRep Sales Representative The Sales Representative indicates
or Company Agent the Sales Rep for this Region. Any
Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.

Table 109.2. RV_C_Invoice_Month - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Report :Monthly Invoice

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.

Chapter 110. Report :Monthly Invoice Prod Cat
Created:2000-06-01 16:56:26.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report by Product Category per Month

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Product Category

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth


Table 110.1. Monthly_Invoice_Prod_Cat Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (0) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Table 110.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProdMonth - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Report :Monthly Invoice Prod Cat

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 111. Report :Monthly Invoice Product
Created:2005-12-15 14:48:33.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report by Product per Month

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Product and Month

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_ProductMonth


Table 111.1. Monthly_Invoice_Product Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx List Yes No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Table 111.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProductMonth - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.

Report :Monthly Invoice Product

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 112. Report :Monthly Invoice Vendor
Created:2000-06-01 16:57:47.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report by Product Vendor per Month

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Vendor and Product Category

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth


Table 112.1. Monthly_Invoice_Vendor Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (0) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search C_BPartner Vendors Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 112.2. RV_C_Invoice_VendorMonth - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.

Report :Monthly Invoice Vendor

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 113. Report :Open Confirmation Details
Created:2004-05-18 21:08:39.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmation Details

Comment/Help: The Report lists the open confirmation lines

ReportView :RV_InOutLineConfirm Open


Table 113.1. Open_Confirmation_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Confirmation Type ConfirmType List Customer Type of confirmation null
Confirmation Ship/
Receipt Confirm
Pick/QA Confirm
Vendor Confirmation
Drop Ship Confirm
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Order C_Order_ID Search Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.

Table 113.2. RV_InOutLineConfirm Open - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Open Confirmation Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Confirmation List Customer Type of
Type Confirmation confirmation
Confirm Pick/QA
Confirm Vendor
Drop Ship
Confirmed Quantity Confirmation of a Confirmation of a received quantity
Quantity received quantity
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Difference Quantity Difference

Report :Open Confirmation Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Cancelled Yes-No The transaction
was cancelled
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Ship/Receipt ID Material Shipment Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt
Confirmation or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt

Report :Open Confirmation Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Ship/Receipt ID Material Shipment Confirmation details
Confirmation Line or Receipt
Confirmation Line
Shipment/ Search Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Scrapped Quantity Quantity The Quantity
scrapped due
to QA issues
Target Quantity Quantity Target Movement The Quantity which
Quantity should have been received
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 114. Report :Open Confirmations
Created:2004-05-18 21:10:12.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Open Shipment or Receipt Confirmations

Comment/Help: The report lists the open confirmations

ReportView :RV_InOutConfirm Open


Table 114.1. Open_Confirmations Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Confirmation Type ConfirmType List Customer Type of confirmation null
Confirmation Ship/
Receipt Confirm
Pick/QA Confirm
Vendor Confirmation
Drop Ship Confirm
Order C_Order_ID Search Order The Order is a control document. The Order
is complete when the quantity ordered is the
same as the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.

Table 114.2. RV_InOutConfirm Open - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Open Confirmations

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Confirmation List Customer Type of
Type Confirmation confirmation
Confirm Pick/QA
Confirm Vendor
Drop Ship
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is

Report :Open Confirmations

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Cancelled Yes-No The transaction
was cancelled
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Ship/Receipt ID Material Shipment Confirmation of Shipment or Receipt
Confirmation or Receipt - Created from the Shipment/Receipt
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Process Now Yes-No

Report :Open Confirmations

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 115. Report :Open Items
Created:2001-01-03 23:03:52.0

Updated:2005-02-07 21:42:07.0

Description: Open Item (Invoice) List

Comment/Help: Displays all unpaid invoices for a given Business Partner and date range. Please note that Invoices paid in Cash will appear in Open Items until
the Cash Journal is processed.

ReportView :RV_OpenItem


Table 115.1. Open_Items Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Collection Status InvoiceCollectionType List Dunning Collection Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Agency Legal Collection Status
Days due DaysDue Number (-99999) Number of days null
due (negative: due
in number of days)

Table 115.2. RV_OpenItem - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Search Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
Invoice Payment Search Invoice Payment The Invoice Payment
Schedule Schedule Schedule determines when
partial payments are due.
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date+Time Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date+Time Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Days due Integer Number of days
due (negative: due
in number of days)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Discount Amount Amount Calculated amount The Discount Amount
of discount indicates the discount amount
for a document or line.
Discount Date Date Last Date Last Date where a deduction of
for payments the payment discount is allowed
with discount
Document Action List The targeted status You find the current status in
of the document the Document Status field. The
options are listed in a popup
Document Status List The current status The Document Status indicates the
of the document status of a document at this time. If
you want to change the document
status, use the Document Action field
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Due Date Date Date when the Date when the payment is due
payment is due without deductions or discount
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Collection Status List Dunning Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Agency Collection Status
Legal Procedure
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Net Days Integer Net Days in which Indicates the number of days after
payment is due invoice date that payment is due.
Open Amount Amount Open item amount
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Paid Amount Amount
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Referenced ID
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Total Lines Number Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Report :Open Items

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Chapter 116. Report :Open Orders
Created:2000-04-26 21:43:22.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Open Order Report

Comment/Help: Orders with quantities to deliver (Backordered) or quantities to invoice

ReportView :RV_Order_Open


Table 116.1. Open_Orders Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.

Table 116.2. RV_Order_Open - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
AmountRefunded Number
AmountTendered Number

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Lost Sales Amt Amount Amount of
lost sales in
Invoice Currency
Invoice Partner Search C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the shipment business
to be invoiced partner will be invoiced
Invoice Location Search C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location for
Invoice Contact Search AD_User Business Partner
Contact for
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Cash Journal Line Search Cash Journal Line The Cash Journal Line indicates
a unique line in a cash journal.
Cash Plan Line Search
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
c_orderline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_orderline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_orderline_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
Sales Order Line Search Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
c_orderline_m_shipper_id Table M_Shipper
c_orderline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_orderline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
c_order_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_order_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_order_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
c_order_c_bpartner_id Table C_BPartner (Trx)
c_order_c_bpartner_location_id Table C_BPartner
c_order_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_order_c_compaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_order_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_order_createdby Table AD_User
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
c_order_m_shipper_id Table M_Shipper
c_order_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
c_order_updatedby Table AD_User
c_order_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_order_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
POS Terminal Table Direct Point of Sales The POS Terminal defines
Terminal the defaults and functions
available for the POS Form
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Copy From Yes-No Copy From Copy From Record
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Delivered Date+Time Date when
the product
was delivered
Date Invoiced Date+Time Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date+Time Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Date Promised Date Date Order The Date Promised indicates the date,
was promised if any, that an Order was promised for.
Delivery Rule Yes-No Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
of Delivery an order should be delivered.
For example should the order be
delivered when the entire order is
complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via Yes-No How the order The Delivery Via indicates
will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount % Number Discount The Discount indicates the discount
in percent applied or taken as a percentage.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment
Freight Cost Rule Yes-No Method for The Freight Cost Rule
charging Freight indicates the method used
when charging for freight.
Grand Total Number Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Invoice Rule Yes-No Frequency The Invoice Rule defines how
and method a Business Partner is invoiced
of invoicing and the frequency of invoicing.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Credit Approved Yes-No Credit has Credit Approved indicates if the credit
been approved approval was successful for Orders
Delivered Yes-No
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Selected Yes-No
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Linked Order Line Table C_OrderLine This field links
a sales order line
to the purchase
order line that is
generated from it.
Linked Order Table C_Order This field links
a sales order to
the purchase
order that is
generated from it.
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Search Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Lot Search Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Promotion Table Direct
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Margin % Number Margin for The Margin indicates the margin
a product as for this product as a percentage of
a percentage the limit price and selling price.
Margin Amount Amount Difference The margin amount is calculated as
between actual the difference between actual and
and limit price limit price multiplied by the quantity
multiplied by
the quantity
Invoice net Amount Net amount of Indicates the net amount for
Amount this Invoice this invoice. It does not include
shipping or any additional charges.
Order Type Text Type of Order:
MRP records
grouped by source
(Sales Order,
Purchase Order,
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment BPartner Integer Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Location Integer Location of the
Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Unit Price Costs+Prices Actual Price The Actual or Unit Price indicates the
Price for a product in source currency.
Cost Price Number Price per Unit of Optional Purchase
Measure including Order Line cost price.
all indirect costs
(Freight, etc.)
Price Costs+Prices Price Entered - the The price entered is converted
price based on the to the actual price based
selected/base UoM on the UoM conversion
Limit Price Number Lowest price The Price Limit indicates the
for a product lowest price for a product stated
in the Price List Currency.
List Price Number List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
Priority Yes-No Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
format) when the precision if allowed by the DB) when
document has a document has been processed.
been processed
Product Attribute String Product Attribute
Promotion Code String User entered If present, user entered the promotion
promotion code code at sales time to get this promotion
at sales time
Delivered Quantity Delivered The Delivered Quantity
Quantity Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that has been delivered.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Lost Sales Qty Quantity Quantity of When an order is closed and there
potential sales is a difference between the ordered
quantity and the delivered (invoiced)
quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity.
Note that the Lost Sales Quantity
is 0 if you void an order, so close
the order if you want to track lost
opportunities. [Void = data entry
error - Close = the order is finished]
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Qty to deliver Quantity
Qty to invoice Quantity

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Amount Revenue The amount for revenue recognition
Recognition Amt Recognition calculation. If empty, the complete
Amount invoice amount is used. The difference
between Revenue Recognition Amount
and Invoice Line Net Amount is
immediately recognized as revenue.
Revenue Date+Time Revenue The date the revenue
Recognition Start Recognition recognition starts.
Start Date
Referenced Search C_OrderLine Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
Order Line corresponding Line to the corresponding
Sales/ Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Purchase Order
Referenced Order Table C_Order Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
corresponding Line to the corresponding
Sales/ Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Purchase Order
Resource Assignment Resource
Assignment Assignment
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Total Lines Number Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Report :Open Orders

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
c_order_created Date+Time
c_order_dateordered Date+Time
c_order_datepromised Date+Time
c_order_description String
c_order_freightamt Amount
c_order_isactive Yes-No
c_order_processed Yes-No
c_order_updated Date+Time
c_orderline_description String
c_orderline_discount Number
c_orderline_freightamt Amount
c_orderline_processed Yes-No
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time

Chapter 117. Report :Open Requisitions
Created:2004-03-25 15:46:04.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Detail Open Requisition Information

ReportView :RV_M_Requisition Open


Table 117.1. Open_Requisitions Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Required DateRequired Date Date when required null
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
User/Contact AD_User_ID Search AD_User - User within the The User identifies a unique user in
Internal(-1) system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Table 117.2. RV_M_Requisition Open - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Report :Open Requisitions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Date Required Date Date when
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is

Report :Open Requisitions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Comment/Help String Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Description String Description
of the Line
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.

Report :Open Requisitions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Requisition Line Table Direct Material
Requisition Line
Requisition Table Direct Material
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Unit Price Costs+Prices Actual Price The Actual or Unit Price indicates the
Price for a product in source currency.
Priority List High Medium Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
Low Minor Urgent a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Total Lines Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 118. Report :Order Detail
Created:2005-08-27 08:52:47.0

Updated:2005-08-27 09:03:25.0

Description: Order Detail Report

Comment/Help: The report includes order detail information including lost sales. The report can be used for Sales and Purchasing.

ReportView :RV_OrderDetail


Table 118.1. Order_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Date Ordered DateOrdered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date an item was ordered.

Table 118.2. RV_OrderDetail - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
AmountRefunded Number

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AmountTendered Number
Lost Sales Amt Amount Amount of
lost sales in
Invoice Currency
Invoice Partner Search C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the shipment business
to be invoiced partner will be invoiced
Invoice Location Search C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location for
Invoice Contact Search AD_User Business Partner
Contact for
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Cash Journal Line Search Cash Journal Line The Cash Journal Line indicates
a unique line in a cash journal.
Cash Plan Line Search
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
c_orderline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_orderline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_orderline_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
Sales Order Line Search Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
c_orderline_m_shipper_id Table M_Shipper
c_orderline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_orderline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
c_order_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_order_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_order_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
c_order_c_bpartner_id Table C_BPartner (Trx)
c_order_c_bpartner_location_id Table C_BPartner
c_order_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
c_order_c_compaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_order_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
c_order_createdby Table AD_User
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
c_order_m_shipper_id Table M_Shipper
c_order_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
c_order_updatedby Table AD_User
c_order_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
c_order_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
POS Terminal Table Direct Point of Sales The POS Terminal defines
Terminal the defaults and functions
available for the POS Form
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Copy From Yes-No Copy From Copy From Record
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Delivered Date+Time Date when
the product
was delivered
Date Invoiced Date+Time Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date+Time Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Date Promised Date Date Order The Date Promised indicates the date,
was promised if any, that an Order was promised for.
Delivery Rule Yes-No Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
of Delivery an order should be delivered.
For example should the order be
delivered when the entire order is
complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via Yes-No How the order The Delivery Via indicates
will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount % Number Discount The Discount indicates the discount
in percent applied or taken as a percentage.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment
Freight Cost Rule Yes-No Method for The Freight Cost Rule
charging Freight indicates the method used
when charging for freight.
Grand Total Number Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Invoice Rule Yes-No Frequency The Invoice Rule defines how
and method a Business Partner is invoiced
of invoicing and the frequency of invoicing.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Credit Approved Yes-No Credit has Credit Approved indicates if the credit
been approved approval was successful for Orders
Delivered Yes-No
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Selected Yes-No
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Linked Order Line Table C_OrderLine This field links
a sales order line
to the purchase
order line that is
generated from it.
Linked Order Table C_Order This field links
a sales order to
the purchase
order that is
generated from it.
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Search Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Lot Search Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Promotion Table Direct
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Margin % Number Margin for The Margin indicates the margin
a product as for this product as a percentage of
a percentage the limit price and selling price.
Margin Amount Amount Difference The margin amount is calculated as
between actual the difference between actual and
and limit price limit price multiplied by the quantity
multiplied by
the quantity
Invoice net Amount Net amount of Indicates the net amount for
Amount this Invoice this invoice. It does not include
shipping or any additional charges.
Order Type Text Type of Order:
MRP records
grouped by source
(Sales Order,
Purchase Order,
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment BPartner Integer Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Location Integer Location of the
Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Rule Yes-No How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Unit Price Costs+Prices Actual Price The Actual or Unit Price indicates the
Price for a product in source currency.
Cost Price Number Price per Unit of Optional Purchase
Measure including Order Line cost price.
all indirect costs
(Freight, etc.)
Price Costs+Prices Price Entered - the The price entered is converted
price based on the to the actual price based
selected/base UoM on the UoM conversion
Limit Price Number Lowest price The Price Limit indicates the
for a product lowest price for a product stated
in the Price List Currency.
List Price Number List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
Priority Yes-No Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
format) when the precision if allowed by the DB) when
document has a document has been processed.
been processed
Product Attribute String Product Attribute
Promotion Code String User entered If present, user entered the promotion
promotion code code at sales time to get this promotion
at sales time
Delivered Quantity Delivered The Delivered Quantity
Quantity Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that has been delivered.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Lost Sales Qty Quantity Quantity of When an order is closed and there
potential sales is a difference between the ordered
quantity and the delivered (invoiced)
quantity is the Lost Sales Quantity.
Note that the Lost Sales Quantity
is 0 if you void an order, so close
the order if you want to track lost
opportunities. [Void = data entry
error - Close = the order is finished]
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Qty to deliver Quantity
Qty to invoice Quantity

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Amount Revenue The amount for revenue recognition
Recognition Amt Recognition calculation. If empty, the complete
Amount invoice amount is used. The difference
between Revenue Recognition Amount
and Invoice Line Net Amount is
immediately recognized as revenue.
Revenue Date+Time Revenue The date the revenue
Recognition Start Recognition recognition starts.
Start Date
Referenced Search C_OrderLine Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
Order Line corresponding Line to the corresponding
Sales/ Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Purchase Order
Referenced Order Table C_Order Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
corresponding Line to the corresponding
Sales/ Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Purchase Order
Resource Assignment Resource
Assignment Assignment
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Total Lines Number Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Report :Order Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
c_order_created Date+Time
c_order_dateordered Date+Time
c_order_datepromised Date+Time
c_order_description String
c_order_freightamt Amount
c_order_isactive Yes-No
c_order_processed Yes-No
c_order_updated Date+Time
c_orderline_description String
c_orderline_discount Number
c_orderline_freightamt Amount
c_orderline_processed Yes-No
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time

Chapter 119. Report :Order Transactions
Created:2009-06-15 18:17:06.0

Updated:2009-06-15 18:17:06.0

Description: Sales Order Transaction Report

ReportView :RV_Order


Table 119.1. Order_Transactions Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Date Ordered DateOrdered Date (@#Date@) Date of Order Indicates the Date an item was ordered.

Table 119.2. RV_Order - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) adorgtrx_corder Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (@#AD_Org_ID@) adorg_corder AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above) (see same above)
< > 0 AND
User/Contact Table Direct (-1) aduser_corder
User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
AmountRefunded Amount

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AmountTendered Amount
Invoice Partner Table C_BPartner (Trx) cbpartnerbill_corder
Business Partner If empty the shipment business
AND to be invoiced partner will be invoiced
Invoice Location Table C_BPartner cbplocationbill_corder
Business Partner
Location AND Location for
Invoice Contact Table AD_User aduserbill_corder
Business Partner
Contact for
Activity Table Direct cactivity_corderC_Activity.IsActive='Y'Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
AND are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search cbpartner_corderC_BPartner.IsActive='Y' Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
AND Business Partner with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct cbpartnerlocation_corder
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
AND to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table Direct ccampaign_corder
C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
AND Campaign marketing program. Projects can
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Cash Journal Line Search ccashline_corder Cash Journal Line The Cash Journal Line indicates
a unique line in a cash journal.
Cash Plan Line Search ccashplanline_corder C_CashPlan_ID
AND DateTrx>
Charge Table C_Charge ccharge_corder Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct cconversiontype_corder Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct (@C_Currency_ID@) ccurrency_corder The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType cdoctypetarget_corder
Target document You can convert document types
Document Type IN ('SOO', type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
'POO') AND conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
AND processing is initiated by selecting
COALESCE(C_DocType.DocSubTypeSO,' the appropriate Document Action.
')< > 'RM'
Document Type Table Direct C_DocType(0) c_doctype_corder Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Sales Opportunity Search copportunity_corder

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order Source Table Direct c_order__c_orders_c_ordersou
Order ID Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
C_Order_UU String
POS Terminal Table Direct cpos_corder Point of Sales The POS Terminal defines
Terminal the defaults and functions
available for the POS Form
Payment Term Table Direct cpaymentterm_soheader
The terms Payment Terms identify the
= 'B' OR of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
= 'S' AND
= 'P' AND
Payment Search cpayment_corder Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct cproject_corderC_Project.IsSummary='N'
Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
AND control internal or external activities.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Copy From Button Copy From Copy From Record
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date (@#Date@) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Ordered Date (@#Date@) Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Date Promised Date (@#Date@) Date Order The Date Promised indicates the date,
was promised if any, that an Order was promised for.
Delivery Rule List After Receipt Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
Availability of Delivery an order should be delivered.
Complete Line For example should the order be
Complete Order delivered when the entire order is
Manual Force (F) complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via List Pickup Delivery How the order The Delivery Via indicates
Shipper (P) will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action Button _Document The targeted status You find the current status in
Action(CO) of the document the Document Status field. The
options are listed in a popup
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Search C_BPartner (Trx)dropshipbpartner_corder
C_BPartner.IsActive='Y'Business Partner If empty the business
AND to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@DropShip_BPartner_ID@
dropshiplocation_corder Business Partner
Location Location AND Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User dropshipuser_corder
Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight Amount Amount Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Freight Cost Rule List Freight included Method for The Freight Cost Rule
Fix price Line charging Freight indicates the method used
Calculated (I) when charging for freight.
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
Invoice Rule List After Delivery Frequency The Invoice Rule defines how
Customer and method a Business Partner is invoiced
Schedule of invoicing and the frequency of invoicing.
after Delivery
Immediate After
Order delivered (I)
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No (@IsApproved@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Credit Approved Yes-No Credit has Credit Approved indicates if the credit
been approved approval was successful for Orders
Delivered Yes-No
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
Drop Shipment Yes-No (N) Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Pay Schedule Yes-No (N) Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Priviledged Rate Yes-No (N)
Sales Transaction Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Selected Yes-No
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Linked Order Search C_Order linkorder_corder This field links
a sales order to
the purchase
order that is
generated from it.
Freight Category Table Direct mfreightcategory_order
M_FreightCategory_ID Category of Freight Categories are used
in (select the Freight to calculate the Freight
M_FreightCategory_ID for the Shipper selected
from M_Freight
Price List Table Direct mpricelist_soheader
Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
= '@IsSOTrx@' of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
AND (SELECT of items purchased or sold.

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipper Table M_Shipper mshipper_corder Method or The Shipper indicates the
manner of method of delivering product
product delivery
Warehouse Table Direct mwarehouse_corder
Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment BPartner ID cbpartnerpay_corder Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Location ID cbplocationpay_corder Location of the
Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Payment Rule Payment (B) How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Priority List High Medium Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
Low Minor a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Urgent (5)

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Button
Promotion Code String User entered If present, user entered the promotion
promotion code code at sales time to get this promotion
at sales time
Referenced Order Search C_Order corder_ref Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
corresponding Line to the corresponding
Sales/ Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Purchase Order
Sales Table AD_User aduser_sr_corder EXISTS (SELECT Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative * FROM Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
C_BPartner Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Rate Inquiry Button
Total Lines Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID celementvalueuser1_corder User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Report :Order Transactions

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Element Table Account_ID celemenrvalueuser2_corder User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client

Chapter 120. Report :Payment Details
Created:2005-02-07 21:56:47.0

Updated:2005-02-08 02:20:12.0

Description: Payment Detail Report

Comment/Help: Type adjusted payments (receipts positive, payments negative) with allocated and available amounts

ReportView :RV_Payment


Table 120.1. Payment_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Allocated IsAllocated List Yes No Indicates if the The Allocated checkbox indicates
payment has if a payment has been allocated or
been allocated associated with an invoice or invoices.
Bank Account C_BankAccount_ID Table Direct Account at the Bank The Bank Account identifies
an account at this Bank.
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 120.2. RV_Payment - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Account City String City or the The Account City indicates the City
Credit Card or of the Credit Card or Account holder
Account Holder
Account Country String Country Account Country Name
Account EMail String Email Address The EMail Address indicates
the EMail address off the
Credit Card or Account holder.
Driver License String Payment The Driver's License being
Identification - used as identification.
Driver License
Social Security No String Payment The Social Security number
Identification - being used as identification.
Social Security No
Account Name String Name on The Name of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account State String State of the The State of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder
Account holder
Account Street String Street address of The Street Address of the
the Credit Card or Credit Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account String Zip Code of the The Zip Code of the Credit
Zip/Postal Credit Card or Card or Account Holder.
Account Holder
Account No String Account Number The Account Number indicates the
Number assigned to this bank account.
Allocated Amount Amount allocated
Amountt to this document

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Available Amount Amount Amount available
for allocation for
this document
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Partner Bank Table Direct Bank Account The Partner Bank Account
Account of the Business identifies the bank account to be
Partner used for this Business Partner
Business Partner Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Account Table Direct Account at The Bank Account identifies
the Bank an account at this Bank.
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Invoice Table Direct Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Order Table Direct Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Batch Table Direct Payment Electronic Fund
batch for EFT Transfer Payment Batch.
Payment ID Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Check No String Check Number The Check Number indicates
the number on the check.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Exp. Month Integer Expiry Month The Expiry Month indicates the
expiry month for this credit card.
Exp. Year Integer Expiry Year The Expiry Year indicates the
expiry year for this credit card.
Credit Card List Purchase Card Credit Card (Visa, The Credit Card drop down list
Amex MasterCard MC, AmEx) box is used for selecting the type of
ATM Diners Credit Card presented for payment.
Discover Visa
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Discount Amount Amount Calculated amount The Discount Amount
of discount indicates the discount amount
for a document or line.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Allocated Yes-No Indicates if the The Allocated checkbox indicates
payment has if a payment has been allocated or
been allocated associated with an invoice or invoices.
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Delayed Capture Yes-No Charge after Delayed Capture is required, if you
Shipment ship products. The first credit card
transaction is the Authorization,
the second is the actual transaction
after the shipment of the product.
Online Access Yes-No Can be The Online Access check box
accessed online indicates if the application
can be accessed via the web.
Over/Under Yes-No Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) or unallocated amounts and allow
Under-Payment you to receive money for more
(partial payment) than the particular invoice.
Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
Prepayment Yes-No The Payment/ Payments not allocated to an
Receipt is a invoice with a charge are posted
Prepayment to Unallocated Payments. When
setting this flag, the payment
is posted to the Customer or
Vendor Prepayment account.

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Receipt Yes-No This is a sales
Reconciled Yes-No Payment is
reconciled with
bank statement
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Micr String Combination The Micr number is the combination
of routing of the bank routing number,
no, account account number and check number
and check no
Multiplier AP Integer Payables
Original String Original The Original Transaction ID is used
Transaction ID Transaction ID for reversing transactions and indicates
the transaction that has been reversed.
Over/Under Amount Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) unallocated amounts and allow
or Under- you to receive money for more
Payment (partial than the particular invoice.
payment) Amount Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
PO Number String Purchase The PO Number indicates the
Order Number number assigned to a purchase order
Payment amount Amount Amount Indicates the amount this payment
being paid is for. The payment amount can be
for single or multiple invoices or
a partial payment for an invoice.

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Posted List Posting Error Posting status The Posted field indicates the
Not Posted Not status of the Generation of
Balanced Not General Ledger Accounting Lines
Convertible (no
rate) Invalid
Account Post
Prepared Posted
Period Closed
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Authorization String Authorization The Authorization Code
Code Code returned indicates the code returned from
the electronic transmission.
Authorization String Authorization The Authorization Code
Code (DC) Code Delayed indicates the code returned from
Capture returned the electronic transmission.
Address verified List No Match This address has The Address Verified indicates
Unavailable Match been verified if the address has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Zip verified List No Match The Zip Code The Zip Verified indicates if
Unavailable Match has been verified the zip code has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
CVV Match Yes-No Credit Card The Credit Card Verification
Verification Code was matched
Code Match
Info String Response info The Info indicates any response
information returned from
the Credit Card Company.

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reference String Payment reference The Payment Reference indicates
the reference returned from the
Credit Card Company for a payment
Reference (DC) String Payment The Payment Reference indicates
Reference the reference returned from the
Delayed Capture Credit Card Company for a payment
Response Message String Response message The Response Message indicates
the message returned from
the Credit Card Company as
the result of a transmission
Result String Result of The Response Result indicates
transmission the result of the transmission
to the Credit Card Company.
Referenced Table C_Payment
Reversal ID Table C_Payment ID of document
Routing No String Bank Routing The Bank Routing Number
Number (ABA Number) identifies a
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Swipe String Track 1 and 2 of Swiped information for Credit
the Credit Card Card Presence Transactions
Tax Amount Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
for a document total tax amount for a document.
Tender type List Direct Deposit Method of The Tender Type indicates the method
Credit Card Check Payment of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit,
Account Cash Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit)
Direct Debit
Transaction Type List Sales Credit Type of credit The Transaction Type indicates the
(Payment) Voice card transaction type of transaction to be submitted
Authorization to the Credit Card Company.
Void Delayed

Report :Payment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
Voice String Voice The Voice Authorization Code
authorization code Authorization indicates the code received
Code from credit from the Credit Card Company.
card company
Write-off Amount Amount Amount to The Write Off Amount
write-off indicates the amount to be
written off as uncollectible.

Chapter 121. Report :Print Format Detail
Created:2004-06-18 16:01:26.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Print Format Detail Report

Comment/Help: Print Format with Item details

ReportView :RV_PrintFormatDetail


Table 121.1. Print_Format_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Print Format AD_PrintFormat_ID Search Data Print Format The print format determines
how data is rendered for print.

Table 121.2. RV_PrintFormatDetail - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Column Search Column in Link to the database
the table column of the table
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Print Color Search Color used Colors used for printing and display
for printing
and display
Print Font Search Maintain Font used for printing
Print Font
Included Table AD_PrintFormat Print format that Included Print formats allow to
Print Format is included here. e.g. Lines to Header records. The
Column provides the parent link.
Print Format Item Search Item/Column in Item/Column in the print format
the Print format maintaining layout information

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Print Format Search (0) Data Print Format The print format determines
how data is rendered for print.
Graph Search Graph included Pie/Line Graph to be
in Reports printed in Reports
Print Paper Search Printer paper Printer Paper Size,
definition Orientation and Margins
Print Table Format Search Table Format Print Table Format determines
in Reports Fonts, Colors of the printed Table
Report View Search View used The Report View indicates the
to generate view used to generate this report.
this report
Table Search Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Below Column Integer Print this column This column is printed in a second
below the column line below the content of the
index entered first line identified. Please be
aware, that this is depends on the
actual sequence. Enter a 1 to add
the info below the first column.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Default Table AD_PrintColor
Print Color
Default Print Font Table AD_PrintFont
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Field Alignment List Default Leading Field Text Alignment of field text. The
(left) Block Center Alignment default is determined by the data/
Trailing (right) display type: Numbers are right
aligned, other data is left aligned

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Footer Margin Integer Margin of the Distance from the bottom of the main
Footer in 1/72 content to the end of the printable
of an inch page in 1/72 of an inch (point)
Header Margin Integer Margin of Distance from the top of the
the Header in printable page to the start of the main
1/72 of an inch content in 1/72 of an inch (point)
Image attached Yes-No The image to be The image to be printed is stored in the
printed is attached database as attachment to this record.
to the record The image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Image URL URL URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Calculate Yes-No Calculate Average Calculate the Mean (µ) of the
Mean (µ) of numeric data if the field is numeric,
content or length otherwise calculate the
average length of the field.
Calculate Yes-No Count number Calculate the total number (#)
Count (#) of not empty of not empty (NULL) elements
elements (maximum is the number of lines).
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.
Calculate Yes-No Calculate Standard The Standard Deviation (σ) is the
Deviation (σ) Deviation a measure of dispersion - used in
combination with the Mean (µ)
Fixed Width Yes-No Column has The Column has a fixed width,
a fixed width independent from the content
Form Yes-No If Selected, a A form has individual elements
Form is printed, with layout information (example:
if not selected invoice, check) A columnar list
a columnar report has individual columns
List report (example: list of invoices)

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Group by Yes-No After a group Grouping allows to print sub-totals.
change, totals, If a group changes, the totals are
etc. are printed printed. Group by columns need
to be included in the sort order.
One Line Only Yes-No If selected, only If the column has a width restriction,
one line is printed the text is broken into multiple
lines. If One Line is selected,
only the first line is printed.
Calculate Yes-No Calculate the Calculate the Maximum (↑) of the
Maximum (?) maximum amount data if the field is numeric, otherwise
maximum length of the field.
Calculate Yes-No Calculate the Calculate the Minimum (↓) of
Minimum (↓) minimum amount the data if the field is numeric,
otherwise minimum length of the field.
Next Line Yes-No Print item If not selected, the item is
on next line printed on the same line
Next Page Yes-No The column Before printing this column,
is printed on there will be a page break.
the next page
Order by Yes-No Include in The records are ordered by the
sort order value of this column. If a column
is used for grouping, it needs to be
included in the sort order as well.
Page break Yes-No Start with Before printing this
new page item, create a new page
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Relative Position Yes-No The item is The relative positioning of the item is
relative positioned determined by X-Z space and next line
(not absolute)
Running Total Yes-No Create a running A running total creates a sum at the
total (sum) end of a page and on the top of the
next page for all columns, which have

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
a Sum function. You should define
running total only once per format.
Set NL Position Yes-No Set New When enabled, the current x
Line Position (horizontal) Position before printing
the item is saved. The next New Line
will use the saved x (horizontal)
Position, enabling to print data in
columns. The setting is not restricted
to an area (header, content, footer),
allowing to align information also with
Header and Footer with the Content.
Standard Yes-No The standard If the standard header is not used,
Header/Footer Header and it must be explicitly defined.
Footer is used
Calculate Sum (Σ) Yes-No Calculate the Calculate the Sum (Σ) of the data
Sum of numeric if the field is numeric, otherwise
content or length total sum length of the field.
Suppress Null Yes-No Suppress columns If a Form entry is NULL and if
or elements with selected, the field (including label)
NULL value is not printed. If all elements in
a table column are NULL and if
selected, the column is not printed.
Table Based Yes-No Table based Table based columnar list
List Reporting reporting is invoked from
the Window Report button
Calculate Yes-No Calculate Variance The Variance (#²) is the a
Variance (#²) measure of dispersion - used in
combination with the Mean (µ)
Print Item Name String
Line Alignment List Leading (left) Line Alignment For relative positioning,
Center None the line alignment
Trailing (right)
Max Height Integer Maximum Height Maximum height of the element
in 1/72 if an inch - in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero
0 = no restriction (0), there is no height restriction.

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Max Width Integer Maximum Width Maximum width of the element
in 1/72 if an inch - in 1/72 of an inch (point). If zero
0 = no restriction (0), there is no width restriction.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Area List Content Print Area Print area of this item
Header Footer
Format Type List Field Text Print Format Type The print format type
Rectangle determines what will be printed.
Line Print
Format Image
Print Text String The label text The Label to be printed indicates
to be printed on the name that will be printed on
a document or a document or correspondence.
correspondence. The max length is 2000 characters.
Print Label Suffix String The label text The Label to be printed indicates
to be printed on the name that will be printed on a
a document or document or correspondence after the
correspondence field. The max length is 60 characters.
after the field
Printer Name String Name of Internal (Operating System) Name
the Printer of the Printer; Please mote that the
printer name may be different on
different clients. Enter a printer name,
which applies to ALL clients (e.g.
printer on a server). < p> If none is
entered, the default printer is used.
You specify your default printer
when you log in. You can also change
the default printer in Preferences.
Running Integer Create Running When you want to print running totals,
Total Lines Total Lines enter the number of lines per page after
(page break) you want to create a running total line
every x lines and page break. You should define
running total only once per format.

Report :Print Format Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sequence Integer Method of The Sequence indicates
ordering records; the order of records
lowest number
comes first
Record Sort No Integer Determines The Record Sort No indicates
in what order the ascending sort sequence of
the records the records. If the number is
are displayed negative, the records are sorted
descending. Example: A tab with
C_DocType_ID (1), DocumentNo
(-2) will be sorted ascending by
document type and descending by
document number (SQL: ORDER BY
C_DocType, DocumentNo DESC)
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
X Position Integer Absolute X Absolute X (horizontal)
(horizontal) position in 1/72 of an inch
position in
1/72 of an inch
X Space Integer Relative X Relative X (horizontal) space
(horizontal) space in 1/72 of an inch in relation to
in 1/72 of an inch the end of the previous item.
Y Position Integer Absolute Y Absolute Y (vertical)
(vertical) position position in 1/72 of an inch
in 1/72 of an inch
Y Space Integer Relative Y Relative Y (vertical) space in
(vertical) space 1/72 of an inch in relation to
in 1/72 of an inch the end of the previous item.

Chapter 122. Report :Product Cost
Created:2005-07-25 13:24:24.0

Updated:2005-07-26 14:14:49.0

Description: Product Cost Report

Comment/Help: The Product Cost report lists the product costs for the product, cost type and cost element

ReportView :RV_Cost


Table 122.1. Product_Cost Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Cost Element M_CostElement_ID Table Direct Product Cost Element null
Cost Type M_CostType_ID Table Direct Type of Cost (e.g. You can define multiple cost types. A
Current, Plan, Future) cost type selected in an Accounting
Schema is used for accounting.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Search Key Value String Search key for A search key allows you a fast method of
the record in the finding a particular record. If you leave the
format required search key empty, the system automatically
- must be unique creates a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Report :Product Cost

Table 122.2. RV_Cost - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
c_acctschema_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Cost Element List Burden Type of Cost
Type (M.Overhead) Element
Resource Material
Costing Method List Average PO Lifo Indicates how The Costing Method indicates how
Fifo Last PO Costs will be costs will be calculated (Standard,
Price Last Invoice calculated Average, Lifo, FiFo). The default
User Defined costing method is defined on
accounting schema level and can be

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Standard Costing optionally overwritten in the product
Average Invoice _ category. The costing method cannot
conflict with the Material Movement
Policy (defined on Product Category).
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Accumulated Amt Amount Total Amount Sum of all amounts
Accumulated Qty Quantity Total Quantity Sum of the quantities
Current Cost Price Costs+Prices The currently
used cost price
Current Cost Number Current Price Current Price Lower Level is used
Price Lower Level Lower Level Is the for get the total costs for lower level
sum of the costs the a product manufactured. The
of the components Current Price Lower Level always
of this product will be calculated. You can see the
manufactured Current Cost Price and Current Cost
for this level. Price Lower Level with Cost Bill of
Material %26 Formula Detail Report.
The sum the Current Cost Price +
Current Cost Price Lower Level is the
total cost to a product manufactured.
Current Quantity Quantity Current Quantity
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date+Time Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Future Cost Price Costs+Prices
Future Cost Price Number
Lower Level
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Bill of Materials Yes-No Bill of Materials The Bill of Materials check
box indicates if this product
consists of a bill of materials.
Calculated Yes-No The value is You cannot change values
calculated by maintained by the system.
the system
Cost Frozen Yes-No Indicated that
the Standard
Cost is frozen

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
m_costelement_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Cost Element Table Direct Product Cost
Cost Type Table Direct Type of Cost You can define multiple cost types. A
(e.g. Current, cost type selected in an Accounting
Plan, Future) Schema is used for accounting.
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Locator Table Direct Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Percent Integer Percentage The Percent indicates
the percentage used.
Product Type List Item Service Type of product The type of product also determines
Resource Expense accounting consequences.
type Online Asset
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Resource Table Direct Resource
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback

Report :Product Cost

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
c_acctschema_description String
c_acctschema_name String
m_costelement_description String
m_costelement_isactive Yes-No
m_costelement_name String
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_m_attributesetinsta Integer
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time

Chapter 123. Report :Product Cost Detail
Created:2005-07-26 14:16:47.0

Updated:2005-07-26 14:17:43.0

Description: Product Invoice Cost Detail Report

Comment/Help: The Product Invoice Cost Detail Report lists the products with the individual invoice cost allocation

ReportView :RV_CostDetail


Table 123.1. Product_Cost_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Search Key Value String Search key for A search key allows you a fast method of
the record in the finding a particular record. If you leave the
format required search key empty, the system automatically
- must be unique creates a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Table 123.2. RV_CostDetail - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Amount Amount Amount Amount
c_acctschema_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Invoice Line Search Invoice The Invoice Line uniquely
Detail Line identifies a single line of an Invoice.
Sales Order Line Search Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
Project Issue Search Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accumulated Amt Amount Total Amount Sum of all amounts
Accumulated Qty Quantity Total Quantity Sum of the quantities
Current Cost Price Number The currently
used cost price
Current Quantity Quantity Current Quantity
Delta Amount Amount Difference
Delta Quantity Quantity Quantity
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date+Time Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Date Date+Time Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Bill of Materials Yes-No Bill of Materials The Bill of Materials check
box indicates if this product
consists of a bill of materials.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Cost Detail Table Direct Cost Detail
Cost Element Table Direct Product Cost
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Shipment/ Search Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Phys.Inventory Table Direct Unique line in The Physical Inventory Line indicates
Line an Inventory the inventory document line (if
document applicable) for this transaction
Locator Table Direct Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Lot Table Direct Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Move Line Table Direct Inventory Move The Movement Line indicates the
document Line inventory movement document line
(if applicable) for this transaction
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
Production Line Table Direct Document Line The Production Line indicates
representing the production document line (if
a production applicable) for this transaction
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Manufacturing Table Direct
Cost Collector
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Product Type List Item Service Type of product The type of product also determines
Resource Expense accounting consequences.
type Online Asset
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
c_acctschema_description String
c_acctschema_name String
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time

Report :Product Cost Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time

Chapter 124. Report :Product Cost Summary
Created:2005-07-25 13:44:51.0

Updated:2005-07-26 14:14:25.0

Description: Product Cost Summary Report

Comment/Help: The Product Cost report lists the summarized product costs for the product

ReportView :RV_CostSummary


Table 124.1. Product_Cost_Summary Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Search Key Value String Search key for A search key allows you a fast method of
the record in the finding a particular record. If you leave the
format required search key empty, the system automatically
- must be unique creates a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Table 124.2. RV_CostSummary - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Product Cost Summary

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Current Cost Price Costs+Prices The currently
used cost price
Future Cost Price Costs+Prices
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Bill of Materials Yes-No Bill of Materials The Bill of Materials check
box indicates if this product
consists of a bill of materials.
Cost Type Table Direct Type of Cost You can define multiple cost types. A
(e.g. Current, cost type selected in an Accounting
Plan, Future) Schema is used for accounting.
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Product Type List Item Service Type of product The type of product also determines
Resource Expense accounting consequences.
type Online Asset

Report :Product Cost Summary

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Chapter 125. Report :Product Transaction Summary
Created:2000-05-11 18:54:21.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Product Transaction Summary

Comment/Help: The report shows transaction summary for stored products

ReportView :RV_M_Transaction_Sum


Table 125.1. Product_Transaction_Summary Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Movement Date MovementDate Date (@#Date@) Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Movement Type MovementType List Production - Method of moving The Movement Type indicates the type
Customer Shipment the inventory of movement (in, out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production + Vendor
Receipts Inventory
In Work Order -

Report :Product Transaction Summary

Table 125.2. RV_M_Transaction_Sum - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Movement Type List Production Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
- Customer the inventory the type of movement (in,
Shipment out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production +
Vendor Receipts
Inventory In
Work Order -

Chapter 126. Report :Product Transaction Value
Created:2001-02-25 22:16:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Product Transaction Value

Comment/Help: The report shows product transactions with current vendor prices

ReportView :RV_M_Transaction


Table 126.1. Product_Transaction_Value Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Vendors Avtive Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Search Key Value String Search key for A search key allows you a fast method of
the record in the finding a particular record. If you leave the
format required search key empty, the system automatically
- must be unique creates a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback number
is defined in the "Maintain Sequence"
window with the name "DocumentNo_<
TableName> ", where TableName is the
actual name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.

Report :Product Transaction Value

Table 126.2. RV_M_Transaction - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Project Issue Table Direct Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Cost per Order Number Fixed Cost The Cost Per Order indicates
Per Order the fixed charge levied when an
order for this product is placed.
Actual Integer Actual days The Actual Delivery Time
Delivery Time between order indicates the number of days
and delivery elapsed between placing an order
and the delivery of the order
Promised Integer Promised days The Promised Delivery Time
Delivery Time between order indicates the number of days
and delivery

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
between the order date and the
date that delivery was promised.
Description URL String URL for the
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Current vendor Yes-No Use this Vendor The Current Vendor indicates
for pricing if prices are used and Product
and stock is reordered from this vendor
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Shipment/ Table Direct Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_product_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_product_m_locator_id Location
m_product_po_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_product_po_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
m_product_po_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
m_product_po_createdby Table AD_User
m_product_po_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_product_po_updatedby Table AD_User
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
Production Line Table Direct Document Line The Production Line indicates
representing the production document line (if
a production applicable) for this transaction
m_transaction_createdby Table AD_User
Inventory Table Direct
m_transation_updatedby Table AD_User
Manufacturer String Manufacturer The manufacturer of the Product
of the Product (used if different from the
Business Partner / Vendor)
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Movement Type List Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
the inventory the type of movement (in,
out, to production, etc)

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Minimum Number Minimum order The Minimum Order Quantity
Order Qty quantity in UOM indicates the smallest quantity of
this product which can be ordered.
Order Pack Qty Number Package order The Order Pack Quantity
size in UOM indicates the number of units
(e.g. order in each pack of this product.
set of 5 units)
Manufacturing Table Direct
Cost Collector
Price effective Date+Time Effective The Price Effective indicates
Date of Price the date this price is for. This
allows you to enter future prices
for products which will become
effective when appropriate.
Last Invoice Price Number Price of the The Last Invoice Price indicates
last invoice the last price paid (per the
for the product invoice) for this product.
Last PO Price Costs+Prices Price of the last The Last PO Price indicates
purchase order the last price paid (per the
for the product purchase order) for this product.
List Price Costs+Prices List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
PO Price Costs+Prices Price based on a The PO Price indicates the price for
purchase order a product per the purchase order.
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Quality Rating Number Method for The Quality Rating indicates
rating vendors how a vendor is rated (higher
number = higher quality)
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
Royalty Amount Amount (Included)
Amount for
copyright, etc.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Partner Category String Product The Business Partner Category
Category of the identifies the category used by the
Business Partner Business Partner for this product.
Partner String Product Key of the The Business Partner Product Key
Product Key Business Partner identifies the number used by the
Business Partner for this product.
It can be printed on orders and
invoices when you include the
Product Key in the print format.
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_discontinued Yes-No
m_product_discontinuedat Date+Time
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No

Report :Product Transaction Value

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_product_name String
m_product_po_created Date+Time
m_product_po_discontinued Yes-No
m_product_po_isactive Yes-No
m_product_po_upc String
m_product_po_updated Date+Time
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_upc String
m_product_updated Date+Time
m_transaction_created Date+Time
m_transaction_isactive Yes-No
m_transation_updated Date+Time

Chapter 127. Report :Product/Component Where Used
Created:2013-03-01 14:30:39.0

Updated:2013-03-01 14:30:39.0

Description: Product/Component Where Used

Comment/Help: Enter a product/component below, and the system will check for BOM(s) that contain that product/component. This report is non-recursive. In
other words, it will only show one parent level above the product/component.

ReportView :RV_M_Product_WhereUsed_V


Table 127.1. Product/Component_Where_Used Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Product M_Product_ID Search Please enter null
the product
(component) you
wish to search for

Table 127.2. RV_M_Product_WhereUsed_V - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Report :Product/Component Where Used

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
BOM %26 Table Direct BOM %26
Formula Formula
Quantity Quantity Indicate the Exist two way the add a compenent
Quantity use to a BOM or Formula: 1.-
in this BOM Adding a Component based in
quantity to use in this BOM 2.-
Adding a Component based in
% to use the Order Quantity of
Manufacturing Order in this Formula.
Selected Product String
Selected String
Product Name
Selected String
Product Value
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Chapter 128. Report :Project Cycle Report
Created:2003-08-17 16:51:24.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Report Projects based on Project Cycle

Comment/Help: The Project Cycle reports on common project phases of a Cycle Step/Phase. All Report information is weighted by the relative weight of the Cycle
Step and converted to the currency of the Project Cycle (e.g. for Sales Funnel Reporting).< p> The Projects must have a Project Type, Phase and Currency defined.
The Phase must be assigned to a Cycle Step.

ReportView :RV_ProjectCycle


Table 128.1. Project_Cycle_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Project Cycle C_Cycle_ID Table Direct Identifier for Identifies a Project Cycle which
this Project can be made up of one or more
Reporting Cycle cycle steps and cycle phases.

Table 128.2. RV_ProjectCycle - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact ID User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Business Partner ID Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson

Report :Project Cycle Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner Location ID Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Currency ID The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Cycle Step ID The step for Identifies one or more steps
this Cycle within a Project Cycle. A
cycle Step has multiple Phases
Project Cycle ID Identifier for Identifies a Project Cycle which
this Project can be made up of one or more
Reporting Cycle cycle steps and cycle phases.
Standard Phase ID Standard Phase of Phase of the project with
the Project Type standard performance
information with standard work
Project Type ID Type of the project Type of the project with optional
phases of the project with
standard performance information
Committed Integer The (legal) The commitment amount is
Amount commitment independent from the planned
amount amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Committed Integer The (legal) The commitment amount is
Quantity commitment independent from the planned
Quantity amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.

Report :Project Cycle Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Cycle Name String Name of the
Project Cycle
Cycle Step Name String Name of the
Project Cycle Step
Contract Date Date The (planned) The contract date is used to determine
effective date of when the document becomes
this document. effective. This is usually the contract
date. The contract date is used
in reports and report parameters.
Finish Date Date Finish or The finish date is used to indicate
(planned) when the project is expected to be
completion date completed or has been completed.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Invoiced Amount Integer The amount The amount invoiced
Quantity Invoiced Integer The quantity
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Commitment Yes-No The commitment The commitment amount and
is Ceiling amount/ quantity is the maximum amount
quantity is the and quantity to be charged. Ignored,
chargeable ceiling if the amount or quantity is zero.
Commitment Yes-No Is this document Commitment indicates if the
a (legal) document is legally binding.
Warehouse ID Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Note String Optional The Note field allows for
additional optional entry of user defined
user defined information regarding this record

Report :Project Cycle Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Planned Amount Integer Planned amount The Planned Amount indicates
for this project the anticipated amount for
this project or project line.
Planned Margin Integer Project's planned The Planned Margin Amount indicates
margin amount the anticipated margin amount
for this project or project line.
Planned Quantity Integer Planned quantity The Planned Quantity indicates
for this project the anticipated quantity for
this project or project line
Project Balance Integer Total Project The project balance is the sum
Balance of all invoices and payments
Project Category List General Service Project Category The Project Category determines the
(Charge) Project behavior of the project: General - no
Asset Project special accounting, e.g. for Presales or
Work Order (Job) general tracking Service - no special
accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge
projects Work Order - creates Project/
Job WIP transactions - ability to issue
material Asset - create Project Asset
transactions - ability to issue material
Project String Name of
the Project
Project Phase String Name of the
Project Phase
Project Type String Name of the
Project Type
Project Key String Key of the Project

Report :Project Cycle Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Relative Weight Integer Relative weight The relative weight allows you to
of this step adjust the project cycle report based
(0 = ignored) on probabilities. For example, if
you have a 1:10 chance in closing
a contract when it is in the prospect
stage and a 1:2 chance when it is in
the contract stage, you may put a
weight of 0.1 and 0.5 on those steps.
This allows sales funnels or measures
of completion of your project.
Sales ID Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Sequence Integer Method of The Sequence indicates
ordering records; the order of records
lowest number
comes first
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 129. Report :Project Detail Accounting Report
Created:2003-09-02 20:55:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Accounting Fact Details of Project

ReportView :RV_Fact_Acct


Table 129.1. Project_Detail_Accounting_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Project C_Project_ID Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar

Table 129.2. RV_Fact_Acct - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Table Table Direct Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Search Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Type List Asset Revenue Indicates the Valid account types are A - Asset,
Expense type of account E - Expense, L - Liability, O-
Owner's Equity Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and
Liability Memo M- Memo. The account type is used
to determine what taxes, if any are
applicable, validating payables and
receivables for business partners.
Note: Memo account amounts are
ignored when checking for balancing
Account Key String Key of Account
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Source Amount Amount Amount Balance
in Source
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
BP Name String
Business String Key of the
Partner Key Business Partner
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_po_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_po_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_po_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Account Table Direct Account at The Bank Account identifies
the Bank an account at this Bank.
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
c_elementvalue_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_elementvalue_c_currency_id Table C_Currencies
Account Element Table Direct Account Element Account Elements can be natural
accounts or user defined values.
Element Table Direct Accounting The Account Element uniquely
Element identifies an Account Type.
These are commonly known
as a Chart of Accounts.
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Search Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Sub Account Table Direct Sub account for The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Element Value may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
is dependent on the value of the
account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date+Time Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Accounting Fact ID
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Bank Account Yes-No Indicates if this is The Bank Account checkbox indicates
the Bank Account if this is account is the bank account.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Foreign Currency Yes-No Balances in Balances in foreign currency accounts
Account foreign currency are held in the nominated currency
accounts are held and translated to functional currency
in the nominated

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_product_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_m_locator_id Table M_Locator
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
NAICS/SIC String Standard Industry The NAICS/SIC identifies
Code or its either of these codes that may be
successor applicable to this Business Partner.
NAIC - http://
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization String Name of the
Name Organization
Org Key String Key of the
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Product Name String Name of
the Product
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Product Key String Key of the Product
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
Rate Number Rate or Tax The Rate indicates the percentage
or Exchange to be multiplied by the source to
arrive at the tax or exchange amount.
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal unique
record ID identifier of a record. Please note

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
that zooming to the record may not
be successful for Orders, Invoices
and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes
the Sales Order type is not known.
Reference No String Your customer or The reference number can be
vendor number printed on orders and invoices
at the Business to allow your business partner
Partner's site to faster identify your records.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Column 1 Integer User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User Column 2 Integer User defined A user defined accounting element
accounting referres to a iDempiere table. This
Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
ad_org_description String
ad_org_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time
c_bp_flatdiscount Number
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_istaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isvendor Yes-No

Report :Project Detail Accounting Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_numberemployees Integer
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_potentiallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_salesvolume Integer
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No
c_bp_shareofcustomer Integer
c_bp_shelflifeminpct Integer
c_bp_so_creditlimit Number
c_bp_so_creditused Number
c_bp_so_description String
c_bp_socreditstatus Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String
c_elementvalue_description String
c_elementvalue_isactive Yes-No
c_elementvalue_issummary Yes-No
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_description String
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time

Chapter 130. Report :Project Lines not Issued
Created:2003-09-04 16:10:51.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Lists Project Lines of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project

ReportView :C_ProjectLine Not Issued


Table 130.1. Project_Lines_not_Issued Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Table 130.2. C_ProjectLine Not Issued - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above) (see same above)
< > 0 AND
Purchase Order Table C_Order corderpo_cprojectline Purchase Order
Order Search corder_cprojectline Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Project Issue Table Direct cprojectissue_cprojectline Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Project Line ID Task or step The Project Line indicates
in a project a unique project line.

Report :Project Lines not Issued

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
C_ProjectLine_UU String
Project Phase Table Direct cprojectphase_cprojectline
Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct cprojecttask_cprojectline
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Table Direct cproject_cprojectline Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Committed Amount The (legal) The commitment amount is
Amount commitment independent from the planned
amount amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Committed Quantity The (legal) The commitment amount is
Quantity commitment independent from the planned
Quantity amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Pricing Button
Invoiced Amount Amount The amount The amount invoiced
Quantity Invoiced Quantity (0) The quantity
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Printed Yes-No (Y) Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.

Report :Project Lines not Issued

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Unique line for Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 this document for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
FROM the lines within a document.
Product Category Table Direct mproductcat_cprojectline Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product Search mproduct_cprojectline
M_Product.IsSummary='N' Product, Identifies an item which is either
AND Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Planned Amount Amount Planned amount The Planned Amount indicates
for this project the anticipated amount for
this project or project line.
Planned Margin Amount Project's planned The Planned Margin Amount indicates
margin amount the anticipated margin amount
for this project or project line.
Planned Price Costs+Prices Planned price for The Planned Price indicates the
this project line anticipated price for this project line.
Planned Quantity Quantity (1) Planned quantity The Planned Quantity indicates
for this project the anticipated quantity for
this project or project line
Processed Yes-No (N) The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 131. Report :Project Margin (Work Order)
Created:2003-10-12 23:31:11.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Work Order Project Lines (planned revenue) vs. Project Issues (costs)

Comment/Help: The Project Margin Report for Work Orders compares the Project lines (planned revenue) against the Project issues (actual effort and costs). The
margin amount is calculated by subtracting the costs (issue) from the revenue (line). The costs are in the currency of the Accounting Schema - the lines are in
the currency of the price list of the project.

ReportView :RV_ProjectLineIssue


Table 131.1. Project_Margin_(Work_Order) Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Project C_Project_ID Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar

Table 131.2. RV_ProjectLineIssue - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Account Account Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency

Report :Project Margin (Work Order)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Project Issue Table Direct Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Project Line Table Direct Task or step The Project Line indicates
in a project a unique project line.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Committed Quantity The (legal) The commitment amount is
Quantity commitment independent from the planned
Quantity amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Issue Description String Description of
the Issue line
Issue Line Integer Line number
of the issue

Report :Project Margin (Work Order)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Margin Amount Margin of the line
- Planned Amount
minus Costs
Shipment/ Table Direct Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Planned Amount Amount Planned amount The Planned Amount indicates
for this project the anticipated amount for
this project or project line.
Planned Margin Amount Project's planned The Planned Margin Amount indicates
margin amount the anticipated margin amount
for this project or project line.
Planned Price Costs+Prices Planned price for The Planned Price indicates the
this project line anticipated price for this project line.
Planned Quantity Quantity Planned quantity The Planned Quantity indicates
for this project the anticipated quantity for
this project or project line
Expense Line Table Direct Time and Expense
Report Line

Report :Project Margin (Work Order)

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 132. Report :Project POs not Issued
Created:2003-09-04 16:12:17.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Lists Project Lines with generated Purchase Orders of a Work Order or Asset Project, which are not issued to the Project

ReportView :C_ProjectLine Not Received POs


Table 132.1. Project_POs_not_Issued Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Table 132.2. C_ProjectLine Not Received POs - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above) (see same above)
< > 0 AND
Purchase Order Table C_Order corderpo_cprojectline Purchase Order
Order Search corder_cprojectline Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Project Issue Table Direct cprojectissue_cprojectline Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Project Line ID Task or step The Project Line indicates
in a project a unique project line.

Report :Project POs not Issued

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
C_ProjectLine_UU String
Project Phase Table Direct cprojectphase_cprojectline
Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct cprojecttask_cprojectline
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Table Direct cproject_cprojectline Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Committed Amount The (legal) The commitment amount is
Amount commitment independent from the planned
amount amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Committed Quantity The (legal) The commitment amount is
Quantity commitment independent from the planned
Quantity amount. You would use the planned
amount for your realistic estimation,
which might be higher or lower
than the commitment amount.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Pricing Button
Invoiced Amount Amount The amount The amount invoiced
Quantity Invoiced Quantity (0) The quantity
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Printed Yes-No (Y) Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.

Report :Project POs not Issued

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Unique line for Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 this document for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
FROM the lines within a document.
Product Category Table Direct mproductcat_cprojectline Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product Search mproduct_cprojectline
M_Product.IsSummary='N' Product, Identifies an item which is either
AND Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Planned Amount Amount Planned amount The Planned Amount indicates
for this project the anticipated amount for
this project or project line.
Planned Margin Amount Project's planned The Planned Margin Amount indicates
margin amount the anticipated margin amount
for this project or project line.
Planned Price Costs+Prices Planned price for The Planned Price indicates the
this project line anticipated price for this project line.
Planned Quantity Quantity (1) Planned quantity The Planned Quantity indicates
for this project the anticipated quantity for
this project or project line
Processed Yes-No (N) The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 133. Report :Quarter Invoice Product
Created:2005-12-15 14:51:18.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report by Product per Quarter

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Product and Quarter

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_ProductQtr


Table 133.1. Quarter_Invoice_Product Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Sales Transaction IsSOTrx List Yes No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Table 133.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProductQtr - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.

Report :Quarter Invoice Product

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 134. Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by
Created:2000-12-04 16:17:11.0

Updated:2005-12-15 12:11:44.0

Description: Invoice Report by Customer and Product Category per Quarter

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Customer and Product Category

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr


Table 134.1. Quarterly_Invoice_Customer_by_Product Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table (0) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 134.2. RV_C_Invoice_CustomerProdQtr - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by Product

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 135. Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by
Created:2000-12-04 16:20:51.0

Updated:2005-02-07 20:50:30.0

Description: Invoice Report by Customer and Product Vendor per Quarter

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Customer and Vendor (what customer bought from which vendor)

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr


Table 135.1. Quarterly_Invoice_Customer_by_Vendor Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Vendor Vendor_ID Search C_BPartner Vendors The Vendor of the null
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.

Table 135.2. RV_C_Invoice_CustomerVendQtr - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson

Report :Quarterly Invoice Customer by Vendor

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Vendor Table C_BPartner The Vendor of the
Vendors product/service

Chapter 136. Report :Replenish Report
Created:2000-05-11 21:06:15.0

Updated:2005-12-17 07:59:16.0

Description: Inventory Replenish Report

Comment/Help: Report lists products to be replenished. Note that a product can have only one current vendor. If there are more then vendor per product, both
records are reset. You need to select a current vendor manually. Movements are only created, if a sourcing warehouse is defined for the warehouse to be replenished.

ReportView :T_Replenish

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ReplenishReport


Table 136.1. Replenish_Report Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Create ReplenishmentCreate List Inventory Move Create from null
Requisition Replenishment
Distribution Order
Purchase Order
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Vendors Avtive Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.

Table 136.2. T_Replenish - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Replenish Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Instance Table Direct adpinstance_treplenish Instance of
the process
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Document Type Table Direct cdoctype_treplenish Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Maximum Level Quantity Maximum Indicates the maximum quantity of
Inventory level this product to be stocked in inventory.
for this product
Minimum Level Quantity Minimum Indicates the minimum quantity of this
Inventory level product to be stocked in inventory.
for this product
Product Search mproduct_treplenish Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Source Warehouse Table M_Warehouse mwarehousesource_treplenish Optional If defined, the warehouse selected
of Client Warehouse to is used to replenish the product(s)
replenish from
Warehouse Table Direct mwarehouse_treplenish Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Minimum Quantity Minimum order The Minimum Order Quantity
Order Qty quantity in UOM indicates the smallest quantity of
this product which can be ordered.
Order Pack Qty Quantity Package order The Order Pack Quantity
size in UOM indicates the number of units
(e.g. order in each pack of this product.
set of 5 units)
On Hand Quantity Quantity On Hand Quantity The On Hand Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product that
is on hand in a warehouse.
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.

Report :Replenish Report

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Quantity to Order Quantity
Replenish Type List Manual Reorder Method for re- The Replenish Type indicates if
below Minimum ordering a product this product will be manually re-
Level Custom ordered, ordered when the quantity
Maintain is below the minimum quantity
Maximum Level or ordered when it is below the
maximum quantity. If you select
a custom replenishment type, you
need to create a class implementing
and set that on warehouse level.
Create List Inventory Move Create from
Requisition Replenishment
Distribution Order
Purchase Order
T_Replenish_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 137. Report :Replenish Report incl.
Created:2011-07-27 16:24:17.0

Updated:2011-07-27 16:24:17.0

Description: Inventory Replenish Report

Comment/Help: Report lists products to be replenished. Note that a product can have only one current vendor. If there are more then vendor per product, both
records are reset. You need to select a current vendor manually. Movements are only created, if a sourcing warehouse is defined for the warehouse to be replenished.

ReportView :T_Replenish

ClassName: org.compiere.process.ReplenishReportProduction


Table 137.1. Replenish_Report_incl._Production Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Is Kanban IsKanban List Yes No (N) null null
Create ReplenishmentCreate List Distribution Order Create from null
Inventory Movement Replenishment
Requistion Purchase
Order Production
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Vendors Avtive Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.

Report :Replenish Report incl. Production

Table 137.2. T_Replenish - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct adpinstance_treplenish Instance of
the process
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Document Type Table Direct cdoctype_treplenish Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Maximum Level Quantity Maximum Indicates the maximum quantity of
Inventory level this product to be stocked in inventory.
for this product
Minimum Level Quantity Minimum Indicates the minimum quantity of this
Inventory level product to be stocked in inventory.
for this product
Product Search mproduct_treplenish Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Source Warehouse Table M_Warehouse mwarehousesource_treplenish Optional If defined, the warehouse selected
of Client Warehouse to is used to replenish the product(s)
replenish from
Warehouse Table Direct mwarehouse_treplenish Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Minimum Quantity Minimum order The Minimum Order Quantity
Order Qty quantity in UOM indicates the smallest quantity of
this product which can be ordered.
Order Pack Qty Quantity Package order The Order Pack Quantity
size in UOM indicates the number of units
in each pack of this product.

Report :Replenish Report incl. Production

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
(e.g. order
set of 5 units)
On Hand Quantity Quantity On Hand Quantity The On Hand Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product that
is on hand in a warehouse.
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Quantity to Order Quantity
Replenish Type List Manual Reorder Method for re- The Replenish Type indicates if
below Minimum ordering a product this product will be manually re-
Level Custom ordered, ordered when the quantity
Maintain is below the minimum quantity
Maximum Level or ordered when it is below the
maximum quantity. If you select
a custom replenishment type, you
need to create a class implementing
and set that on warehouse level.
Create List Inventory Move Create from
Requisition Replenishment
Distribution Order
Purchase Order
T_Replenish_UU String
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 138. Report :RfQ Response
Created:2004-03-24 01:31:01.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Detail RfQ Responses

Comment/Help: Lists detail Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is marked as complete.

ReportView :RV_C_RfQResponse


Table 138.1. RfQ_Response Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
RfQ Topic C_RfQ_Topic_ID Table Direct Topic for Request A Request for Quotation Topic allows
for Quotations you to maintain a subscriber list of
potential Vendors to respond to RfQs
RfQ C_RfQ_ID Search Request for Request for Quotation to be sent out
Quotation to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After
Vendor selection, optionally create
Sales Order or Quote for Customer as
well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)

Table 138.2. RV_C_RfQResponse - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Benchmark Amount Difference
Difference between Response

Report :RfQ Response

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price and
Benchmark Price
Benchmark Price Costs+Prices Price to compare
responses to
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
RfQ Response Table Direct Request for Request for Quotation Response
Quotation from a potential Vendor
Response from a
potential Vendor
RfQ Table Direct Request for Request for Quotation to be sent out
Quotation to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After
Vendor selection, optionally create
Sales Order or Quote for Customer as
well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)
RfQ Topic Table Direct Topic for Request A Request for Quotation Topic allows
for Quotations you to maintain a subscriber list of
potential Vendors to respond to RfQs
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Response Date Date Date of the Date of the Response
Work Complete Date Date when work
is (planned to
be) complete

Report :RfQ Response

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Work Start Date Date when work
is (planned
to be) started
Delivery Days Integer Number of
Days (planned)
until Delivery
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Discount % Number Discount The Discount indicates the discount
in percent applied or taken as a percentage.
Comment/Help String Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Work Date Date when line
Complete work is (planned
to be) complete
Line Work Start Date Date when line
work is (planned
to be) started
Line Delivery Integer
Line Description String Description
of the Line

Report :RfQ Response

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Help/ String
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Price Costs+Prices Price The Price indicates the Price
for a product or service.
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Quantity Price Costs+Prices
Quantity Ranking Integer
Ranking Integer Relative One is the highest Rank
Rank Number

Chapter 139. Report :RfQ Unanswered
Created:2004-03-24 01:24:24.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Outstanding RfQ Responses

Comment/Help: Lists Responses of active RfQs (not closed/processed) where the Response is not marked as complete.

ReportView :RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered


Table 139.1. RfQ_Unanswered Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

RfQ Topic C_RfQ_Topic_ID Table Direct Topic for Request A Request for Quotation Topic allows
for Quotations you to maintain a subscriber list of
potential Vendors to respond to RfQs
Response Date DateResponse Date Date of the Response Date of the Response
RfQ C_RfQ_ID Search Request for Request for Quotation to be sent out
Quotation to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After
Vendor selection, optionally create
Sales Order or Quote for Customer as
well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)

Table 139.2. RV_C_RfQ_UnAnswered - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact

Report :RfQ Unanswered

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
RfQ Table Direct Request for Request for Quotation to be sent out
Quotation to vendors of a RfQ Topic. After
Vendor selection, optionally create
Sales Order or Quote for Customer as
well as Purchase Order for Vendor(s)
RfQ Topic Table Direct Topic for Request A Request for Quotation Topic allows
for Quotations you to maintain a subscriber list of
potential Vendors to respond to RfQs
Response Date Date Date of the Date of the Response
Work Complete Date Date when work
is (planned to
be) complete
Work Start Date Date when work
is (planned
to be) started
Delivery Days Integer Number of
Days (planned)
until Delivery
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/Help String Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.

Report :RfQ Unanswered

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quote All Yes-No Suppliers are If selected, the response to the
Quantities requested to Request for Quotation needs to
provide responses have a price for all Quantities
for all quantities
Quote Total Amt Yes-No The response If not selected, the response
can have just must be provided per line
the total amount
for the RfQ
Responses Yes-No Are Responses If selected, responses
Accepted to the Request for the RfQ are accepted
for Quotation
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
RfQ Type List Quote Total Request for
only Quote All Quotation Type
Lines Quote
Selected Lines
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.

Chapter 140. Report :Shipment Details
Created:2004-07-20 21:28:25.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Shipment Detail Information

Comment/Help: The report provides Material Shipment Header and Line with locator information. You can use the report to create a Consolidated Picking List.

ReportView :RV_InOutDetails Ship


Table 140.1. Shipment_Details Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Locator Key LocatorValue String Key of the null
Warehouse Locator
Document Status DocStatus List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved Completed you want to change the document
Drafted Invalid status, use the Document Action field
Reversed Voided
In Progress Waiting
Payment Unknown
Closed Not Approved

Report :Shipment Details

Table 140.2. RV_InOutDetails Ship - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (all) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Search User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Activity Search Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Search Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Document Type Search Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Order Line Search Sales Order Line The Sales Order Line is a unique
identifier for a line in an order.
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
UOM Search Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
Confirmed Quantity Confirmation of a Confirmation of a received quantity
Quantity received quantity
Create Confirm Yes-No
Create lines from Yes-No Process which The Create From process will
will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Create Package Yes-No
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Date received Date Date a product The Date Received indicates the
was received date that product was received.
Delivery Rule List After Receipt Defines the timing The Delivery Rule indicates when
Availability of Delivery an order should be delivered.
Complete Line For example should the order be
Complete Order delivered when the entire order is
Manual Force complete, when a line is complete
or as the products become available.
Delivery Via List Pickup Delivery How the order The Delivery Via indicates
Shipper will be delivered how the products should be
delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
DropShip_BPartner_ID Table C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Shipment Table C_BPartner Business Partner
Location Location Location for
shipping to
Drop Shipment Table AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for
drop shipment
Freight Amount Amount Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight Cost Rule List Freight included Method for The Freight Cost Rule
Fix price Line charging Freight indicates the method used
Calculated when charging for freight.
Generate To Yes-No Generate To
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
In Transit Yes-No Movement Material Movement is in transit
is in transit - shipped, but not received. The
transaction is completed, if confirmed.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Line Description String Description
of the Line
Locator Key String Key of the
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
m_inoutline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
m_inoutline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_inoutline_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_inoutline_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
Shipment/ ID Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
m_inoutline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
m_inoutline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
m_inout_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
m_inout_c_invoice_id Table C_Invoice
m_inout_createdby Table AD_User
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
m_inout_updatedby Table AD_User
m_locator_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
m_locator_m_warehouse_id Table M_Warehouse
of Client
Lot Table Direct Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
RMA Line Table Direct Return Material Detail information about
Authorization Line the returned goods
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Shipper Search M_Shipper Method or The Shipper indicates the
manner of method of delivering product
product delivery

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Warehouse Search Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Movement Type List Production Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
- Customer the inventory the type of movement (in,
Shipment out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production +
Vendor Receipts
Inventory In
Work Order -
No Packages Integer Number of
packages shipped
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Pick Date Date Date/Time
when picked
for Shipment
Picked Quantity Quantity

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Posted List Posting Error Posting status The Posted field indicates the
Not Posted Not status of the Generation of
Balanced Not General Ledger Accounting Lines
Convertible (no
rate) Invalid
Account Post
Prepared Posted
Period Closed
Relative Priority Integer Where inventory The Relative Priority indicates the
should be location to pick from first if an product
picked from first is stored in more than one location.
(100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest).
For outgoing shipments, the location
is picked with the highest priority
where the entire quantity can be
shipped from. If there is no location,
the location with the highest priority
is used. The Priority is ignored for
products with Guarantee Date (always
the oldest first) or if a specific instance
is selected. Incoming receipts are
stored at the location with the highest
priority, if not explicitly selected.
Priority List High Medium Priority of The Priority indicates the importance
Low Minor Urgent a document (high, medium, low) of this document
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Product Attribute String Product Attribute

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is to base product UoM quantity
based on the
selected UoM
Referenced Integer
Shipment Line
Referenced Integer
Reversal Line Table M_InOutLine Use to keep the
reversal line ID
for reversing
costing purpose
Reversal ID Table M_InOut ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Scrapped Quantity Quantity The Quantity
scrapped due
to QA issues
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Ship Date Date Shipment Actual Date/Time of
Date/Time Shipment (pick up)
Target Quantity Quantity Target Movement The Quantity which
Quantity should have been received
Tracking No String Number to track
the shipment
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.

Report :Shipment Details

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Aisle (X) String X dimension, The X dimension indicates the
e.g., Aisle Aisle a product is located in.
Bin (Y) String Y dimension, The Y dimension indicates
e.g., Bin the Bin a product is located in
Level (Z) String Z dimension, The Z dimension indicates the
e.g., Level Level a product is located in.
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time
m_inout_created Date+Time
m_inout_isactive Yes-No
m_inout_updated Date+Time
m_inoutline_processed Yes-No
m_locator_isactive Yes-No

Chapter 141. Report :Simple Fact View
Created:2013-03-01 18:22:44.0

Updated:2013-03-01 18:22:44.0

ReportView :RV_Fact_Simple


Table 141.1. Simple_Fact_View Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Organization AD_Org_ID Table AD_Org (Trx) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Account Key AccountValue String Key of Account null
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Financial FinYear_Mth String The only valid The only valid date format is: YYYY-MM
Year Month date format is:
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Table 141.2. RV_Fact_Simple - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
Account Type List Asset Revenue Indicates the Valid account types are A - Asset,
Expense type of account E - Expense, L - Liability, O-
Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and

Report :Simple Fact View

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Owner's Equity M- Memo. The account type is used
Liability Memo to determine what taxes, if any are
applicable, validating payables and
receivables for business partners.
Note: Memo account amounts are
ignored when checking for balancing
Account Key String Key of Account
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Case Text
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date+Time Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Financial Year Text
Financial Month Text
Active Yes-No (see same above) (see same above)
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.

Report :Simple Fact View

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Chapter 142. Report :Statement of Accounts
Created:2003-02-14 15:26:17.0

Updated:2005-10-24 08:12:22.0

Description: Report Account Statement Beginning Balance and Transactions

Comment/Help: Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy.

ReportView :T_ReportStatement



Table 142.1. Statement_of_Accounts Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Sales Region C_SalesRegion_ID Table Direct Sales coverage region The Sales Region indicates a
specific area of sales coverage.
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID Account used The (natural) account used
Period C_Period_ID Table C_Period (all) Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
PostingType PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the type of
Statistical posted amount amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation,
Reservation for the transaction Commitment, Statistical) the transaction.
Commitment (A)
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Update Balances UpdateBalances Yes-No (Y) Update Accounting null
Balances first
(not required for
subsequent runs)

Report :Statement of Accounts

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Activity C_Activity_ID Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that are performed
and used to utilize Activity based Costing
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct (-1) Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Product M_Product_ID Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Campaign C_Campaign_ID Table Direct Marketing Campaign The Campaign defines a unique marketing
program. Projects can be associated with a
pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can
then report based on a specific Campaign.
Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Reporting Hierarchy PA_Hierarchy_ID Table Direct Optional Reporting Reporting Hierarchy allows you to
Hierarchy - If select different Hierarchies/Trees for
not selected the the report. Accounting Segments like
default hierarchy Organization, Account, Product may
trees are used. have several hierarchies to accomodate
different views on the business.
User Element List 1 User1_ID Table Account_ID - User1 User defined The user defined element displays
list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element List 2 User2_ID Table Account_ID - User2 User defined The user defined element displays
list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Table 142.2. T_ReportStatement - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Instance Table Direct adpinstance_treportstatement Instance of
the process

Report :Statement of Accounts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Balance Amount
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Accounting Fact Search
Level no Integer
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
T_ReportStatement_UU String

Chapter 143. Report :Storage Detail
Created:2003-12-04 23:48:08.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Storage Detail Report

Comment/Help: The report shows storage details including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info

ReportView :RV_Storage


Table 143.1. Storage_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Warehouse M_Warehouse_ID Table Direct Storage Warehouse The Warehouse identifies a unique
and Service Point Warehouse where products are
stored or Services are provided.
Locator M_Locator_ID Locator (WH) (0) Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a
Warehouse a product is located.
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Lot M_Lot_ID Search Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Lot No Lot String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Table 143.2. RV_Storage - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Date last Date Date of Last The Date Last Inventory
inventory count Inventory Count Count indicates the last time
an Inventory count was done.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Good for Days Integer Shelf Life Days Shelf Life of products with
remaining to Guarantee Date instance compared
Guarantee Date to today minus the minimum
(minus minimum guaranteed days. (Guarantee Date-
guarantee days) Today) – Min Guarantee Days
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Bill of Materials Yes-No Bill of Materials The Bill of Materials check
box indicates if this product
consists of a bill of materials.
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
m_attributesetinstance_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
M_ASI_CreatedBy Table AD_User
M_AttributeSetInstance_UpdatedByTable AD_User
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
m_locator_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Lot Table Direct Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_product_m_locator_id Locator (WH)
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
m_storage_updatedby Table AD_User
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Relative Priority Integer Where inventory The Relative Priority indicates the
should be location to pick from first if an product
picked from first is stored in more than one location.
(100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest).
For outgoing shipments, the location
is picked with the highest priority
where the entire quantity can be
shipped from. If there is no location,
the location with the highest priority
is used. The Priority is ignored for
products with Guarantee Date (always
the oldest first) or if a specific instance
is selected. Incoming receipts are
stored at the location with the highest
priority, if not explicitly selected.
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Available Quantity Quantity Available Quantity available to promise =
Quantity (On On Hand minus Reserved Quantity
Hand - Reserved)
On Hand Quantity Quantity On Hand Quantity The On Hand Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product that
is on hand in a warehouse.

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Ordered Quantity Quantity Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity indicates the
quantity of a product that was ordered.
Reserved Quantity Quantity Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shelf Life Days Integer Shelf Life in Shelf Life of products with Guarantee
days based on Date instance compared to today.
Product Instance
Guarantee Date
Remaining Integer Remaining (Guarantee Date-
Shelf Life % shelf life in Today) / Guarantee Days
percent based on
Guarantee Date
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",

Report :Storage Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number
Volume Integer Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Integer Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Aisle (X) String X dimension, The X dimension indicates the
e.g., Aisle Aisle a product is located in.
Bin (Y) String Y dimension, The Y dimension indicates
e.g., Bin the Bin a product is located in
Level (Z) String Z dimension, The Z dimension indicates the
e.g., Level Level a product is located in.
m_asi_created Date+Time
m_asi_isactive Yes-No
m_asi_updated Date+Time
m_locator_isactive Yes-No
m_locator_value String
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_discontinued Yes-No
m_product_discontinuedat Date+Time
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time
m_storage_isactive Yes-No
m_storage_updated Date+Time

Chapter 144. Report :Storage per Product
Created:2009-12-01 17:02:59.0

Updated:2009-12-01 17:02:59.0

ReportView :RV_Storage_Per_Product


Table 144.1. Storage_per_Product Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product M_Product_ID Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.

Table 144.2. RV_Storage_Per_Product - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (see same above) (see same above)
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.

Report :Storage per Product

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Sum Qty on Hand Quantity Summary of
product on hand
in all locators
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name

Report :Storage per Product

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number
Volume Number Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Number Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client

Chapter 145. Report :Transaction Detail
Created:2003-12-04 23:51:08.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Transaction Detail Report

Comment/Help: The report shows transaction details (receipts, shipments, inventory, movements, ...) including product instance (Lot, Serial No) info

ReportView :RV_Transaction


Table 145.1. Transaction_Detail Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Product M_Product_ID Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Locator M_Locator_ID Locator (WH) (0) Warehouse Locator The Locator indicates where in a
Warehouse a product is located.
Lot M_Lot_ID Search Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
Lot No Lot String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (-1) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Serial No SerNo String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Movement Type MovementType List Production - Method of moving The Movement Type indicates the type
Customer Shipment the inventory of movement (in, out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production + Vendor

Report :Transaction Detail

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Receipts Inventory
In Work Order -
Movement Date MovementDate Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates the
was moved in or date that a product moved in or out
out of inventory of inventory. This is the result of a
shipment, receipt or inventory movement.

Table 145.2. RV_Transaction - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
c_prjctissue_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_prjctissue_c_projectissue_id Table C_ProjectIssue
c_prjctissue_createdby Table AD_User
C_PrjctIssue_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
c_prjctissue_m_inoutline_id Table M_InOutLine
c_prjctissue_m_locator_idLocator (WH)
c_prjctissue_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
C_PrjctIssue_S_TimeExpLine_IDTable C_ProjectIssue
c_prjctissue_updatedby Table AD_User
Project Issue Table Direct Project Issues Issues to the project initiated
(Material, Labor) by the "Issue to Project"
process. You can issue Receipts,
Time and Expenses, or Stock.
Project Phase Table Direct Phase of a Project
Project Task Table Direct Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Table Direct Method for The Revenue Recognition
Recognition recording revenue indicates how revenue will be
recognized for this product
Subscription Type Table Direct Type of Subscription type and
subscription renewal frequency
Tax Category Table Direct Tax Category The Tax Category provides a
method of grouping similar
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Distribution Table Direct
Order Line
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Description URL String URL for the
Document Note Text Additional The Document Note is used
information for for recording any additional
a Document information regarding this product.
Group1 String
Group2 String
Guarantee Date Date Date when Date when the normal
guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Guarantee Days Integer Number of days If the value is 0, there is no limit to the
the product availability or guarantee, otherwise
is guaranteed the guarantee date is calculated by
or available adding the days to the delivery date.
Min Guarantee Integer Minimum number When selecting batch/products
Days of guarantee days with a guarantee date, the
minimum left guarantee days

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Comment/Help Text Comment or Hint The Help field contains
a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL String URL of image URL of image; The image
is not stored in the database,
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Inventory Type Yes-No Type of inventory The type of inventory difference
difference determines which account is
used. The default is the Inventory
Difference account defined for
the warehouse. Alternatively, you
could select any charge. This allows
you to account for Internal Use
or extraordinary inventory losses.
Bill of Materials Yes-No Bill of Materials The Bill of Materials check
box indicates if this product
consists of a bill of materials.
Default Yes-No Default value The Default Checkbox indicates if this
record will be used as a default value.
Description Only Yes-No if true, the line is If a line is Description Only, e.g.
just description Product Inventory is not corrected.
and no transaction No accounting transactions are
created and the amount or totals
are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Drop Shipment Yes-No Drop Shipments Drop Shipments do not cause
are sent from the any Inventory reservations or
Vendor directly movements as the Shipment is
to the Customer from the Vendor's inventory. The
Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Exclude Auto Yes-No Exclude from The product is excluded from
Delivery automatic generating Shipments. This allows
Delivery manual creation of shipments for high
demand items. If selected, you need
to create the shipment manually. But,
the item is always included, when the
delivery rule of the Order is Force (e.g.
for POS). This allows finer granularity
of the Delivery Rule Manual.
Print detail Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Invoice
records on invoice BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Print detail records Yes-No Print detail The Print Details on Pick List
on pick list BOM elements indicates that the BOM element
on the pick list products will print on the Pick
List as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No Organization The Purchased check box
purchases indicates if this product is
this product purchased by this organization.
Self-Service Yes-No This is a Self- Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or data or update their data. The flag
this entry can indicates, that this record was
be changed via entered or created via Self-Service
Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Sold Yes-No Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No Organization The Stocked check box
stocks this product indicates if this product is
stocked by this Organization.
Verified Yes-No The BOM The Verified check box indicates if
configuration the configuration of this product has
has been verified been verified. This is used for products
that consist of a bill of materials

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Featured in Yes-No If selected, In the display of products in the Web
Web Store the product is Store, the product is displayed in the
displayed in the initial view or if no search criteria
initial or any are entered. To be displayed, the
empty search product must be in the price list used.
Line No Integer Unique line for Indicates the unique line
this document for a document. It will also
control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Lot No String Lot number The Lot Number indicates the
(alphanumeric) specific lot that a product was part of.
Low Level Integer The Low Level is
used to calculate
the material plan
and determines if
a net requirement
should be
Attribute Set Product Attribute Target Product
Instance To Attribute
Set Instance
Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute The values of the actual Product
Set Instance Set Instance Attribute Instances. The product level
attributes are defined on Product level.
Attribute Set Table Direct Product Define Product Attribute Sets to add
Attribute Set additional attributes and values to
the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Freight Category Table Direct Category of Freight Categories are used
the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
m_inoutline_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
m_inoutline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_inoutline_c_activity_id Table C_Activity
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_campaign_id Table C_Campaign
(No summary)
m_inoutline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
m_inoutline_c_orderline_id Table C_OrderLine
m_inoutline_c_project_id Table C_Project (No
m_inoutline_c_uom_id Table C_UOM
m_inoutline_createdby Table AD_User
Shipment/ Search Line on Shipment The Shipment/Receipt Line
Receipt Line or Receipt indicates a unique line in a
document Shipment/Receipt document
Product Attribute
m_inoutline_m_inout_id Table M_InOut
m_inoutline_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_inoutline_m_rmaline_id Table M_RMALine
m_inoutline_reversalline_id Table M_InventoryLine
m_inoutline_updatedby Table AD_User
m_inoutline_user1_id Table Account_ID
- User1
m_inoutline_user2_id Table Account_ID
- User2
Shipment/Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
m_inventoryline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_inventoryline_c_charge_id Table C_Charge
m_inventoryline_createdby Table AD_User
Phys.Inventory Search Unique line in The Physical Inventory Line indicates
Line an Inventory the inventory document line (if
document applicable) for this transaction

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product Attribute
Locator (WH)
m_inventoryline_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_inventoryline_revline_id Table M_InventoryLine
m_inventoryline_updatedby Table AD_User
Phys.Inventory Search Parameters for a The Physical Inventory
Physical Inventory indicates a unique parameters
for a physical inventory.
Locator To Locator (WH) Location inventory The Locator To indicates the location
is moved to where the inventory is being moved to.
m_locator_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
Locator Locator (WH) Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Lot Search Product Lot The individual Lot of a Product
m_movementline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_movementline_createdby Table AD_User
Move Line Search Inventory Move The Movement Line indicates the
document Line inventory movement document line
(if applicable) for this transaction
Product Attribute
Locator (WH)
m_movementline_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_movementline_reversalline_id Table M_MovementLine
m_movementline_updatedby Table AD_User
Inventory Move Search Movement The Inventory Movement uniquely
of Inventory identifies a group of movement lines.
m_product_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
m_product_createdby Table AD_User
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_M_ASI_IDProduct Attribute
m_product_m_attributeset_id Table M_AttributeSet
m_product_m_locator_id Locator (WH)
m_product_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
m_product_updatedby Table AD_User
m_productionl_m_productionl_id Table M_ProductionLine
m_productionline_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_productionline_createdby Table AD_User
Production Line Search Document Line The Production Line indicates
representing the production document line (if
a production applicable) for this transaction
Product Attribute
Locator (WH)
m_productionline_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)
m_productionline_updatedby Table AD_User
m_productionplan_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
m_productionplan_createdby Table AD_User
Production Plan Search Plan for how The Production Plan
a product identifies the items and steps
is produced in generating a product.
Locator (WH)
m_productionplan_m_product_id Table M_Product
(no summary)

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_productionplan_updatedby Table AD_User
Production Search Plan for producing The Production uniquely
a product identifies a Production Plan
m_transaction_createdby Table AD_User
Inventory Search
m_transction_updatedby Table AD_User
Warehouse Table Direct Storage The Warehouse identifies a unique
Warehouse and Warehouse where products are
Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Movement Date Date Date a product The Movement Date indicates
was moved in or the date that a product moved
out of inventory in or out of inventory. This
is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Movement Quantity Quantity of a The Movement Quantity
Quantity product moved. indicates the quantity of a
product that has been moved.
Movement Type List Production Method of moving The Movement Type indicates
- Customer the inventory the type of movement (in,
Shipment out, to production, etc)
Customer Returns
Vendor Returns
Inventory Out
Movement From
Movement To
Work Order +
Production +
Vendor Receipts
Inventory In
Work Order -
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Manufacturing Table Direct
Cost Collector
Relative Priority Integer Where inventory The Relative Priority indicates the
should be location to pick from first if an product
picked from first is stored in more than one location.
(100 = highest priority, 0 = lowest).
For outgoing shipments, the location
is picked with the highest priority
where the entire quantity can be
shipped from. If there is no location,
the location with the highest priority
is used. The Priority is ignored for
products with Guarantee Date (always
the oldest first) or if a specific instance
is selected. Incoming receipts are
stored at the location with the highest
priority, if not explicitly selected.
Product Type Yes-No Type of product The type of product also determines
accounting consequences.
Quantity book Quantity Book Quantity The Quantity Book indicates
the line count stored in the
system for a product in inventory
Quantity count Quantity Counted Quantity The Quantity Count indicates
the actual inventory count
taken for a product in inventory
QtyCsv Quantity
Internal Use Qty Quantity Internal Use Quantity of product inventory
Quantity removed used internally (positive if
from Inventory taken out - negative if returned)
Mail Template Table Direct Text templates The Mail Template indicates the mail
for mailings template for return messages. Mail
text can include variables. The priority
of parsing is User/Contact, Business
Partner and then the underlying
business object (like Request,
Dunning, Workflow object). So,
@Name@ would resolve into the User

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
name (if user is defined defined), then
Business Partner name (if business
partner is defined) and then the Name
of the business object if it has a
Name. For Multi-Lingual systems,
the template is translated based on the
Business Partner's language selection.
Referenced Integer
Shipment Line
SKU String Stock The SKU indicates a user defined
Keeping Unit stock keeping unit. It may be
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Expense Type Table Direct Expense
report type
Resource Table Direct Resource
Serial No String Product Serial The Serial Number identifies a
Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Shelf Depth Integer Shelf depth The Shelf Depth indicates
required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Height Number Shelf height The Shelf Height indicates
required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Width Integer Shelf width The Shelf Width indicates
required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
UnitsPerPack Integer The Units Per
Pack indicates
the no of units
of a product
packed together.
Units Per Pallet Number Units Per Pallet The Units per Pallet indicates
the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Search Key String (see same above) A search key allows you a fast method
of finding a particular record. If
you leave the search key empty,
the system automatically creates
a numeric number. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Version No String Version Number
Volume Integer Volume of The Volume indicates the
a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Weight Integer Weight of The Weight indicates the
a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Aisle (X) String X dimension, The X dimension indicates the
e.g., Aisle Aisle a product is located in.
Bin (Y) String Y dimension, The Y dimension indicates
e.g., Bin the Bin a product is located in
Level (Z) String Z dimension, The Z dimension indicates the
e.g., Level Level a product is located in.
c_prjctissue_created Date+Time
c_prjctissue_description String
c_prjctissue_isactive Yes-No

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_prjctissue_movementdate Date+Time
c_prjctissue_movementqty Quantity
c_prjctissue_posted Yes-No
c_prjctissue_processed Yes-No
c_prjctissue_processedon Number
c_prjctissue_processing Yes-No
c_prjctissue_updated Date+Time
m_inoutline_confirmedqty Quantity
m_inoutline_created Date+Time
m_inoutline_description String
m_inoutline_isactive Yes-No
m_inoutline_line Integer
m_inoutline_movementqty Quantity
m_inoutline_pickedqty Quantity
m_inoutline_processed Yes-No
m_inoutline_qtyentered Quantity
m_inoutline_scrappedqty Quantity
m_inoutline_targetqty Quantity
m_inoutline_updated Date+Time
m_inventoryline_created Date+Time
m_inventoryline_description String
m_inventoryline_isactive Yes-No
m_inventoryline_processed Yes-No
m_inventoryline_updated Date+Time
m_locator_isactive Yes-No
m_locator_value String
m_movementline_created Date+Time
m_movementline_description String

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_movementline_isactive Yes-No
m_movementline_processed Yes-No
m_movementline_scrappedqty Quantity
m_movementline_targetqty Quantity
m_movementline_updated Date+Time
m_product_copyfrom Yes-No
m_product_created Date+Time
m_product_discontinued Yes-No
m_product_discontinuedat Date+Time
m_product_isactive Yes-No
m_product_issummary Yes-No
m_product_processing Yes-No
m_product_updated Date+Time
m_productionline_created Date+Time
m_productionline_description String
m_productionline_isactive Yes-No
m_productionline_processed Yes-No
m_productionline_updated Date+Time
m_productionplan_created Date+Time
m_productionplan_description String
m_productionplan_isactive Yes-No
m_productionplan_line Integer
m_productionplan_processed Yes-No
m_productionplan_updated Date+Time
m_transaction_created Date+Time
m_transaction_isactive Yes-No

Report :Transaction Detail

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
m_transaction_updated Date+Time

Chapter 146. Report :Trial Balance
Created:2004-10-08 01:03:54.0

Updated:2005-10-24 08:11:58.0

Description: Trial Balance for a period or date range

Comment/Help: Select a Period (current period if empty) or enter a Account Date Range. If an account is selected, the balance is calculated based on the account
type and the primary calendar of the client (i.e. for revenue/expense accounts from the beginning of the year). If no account is selected, the balance is the sum of
all transactions before the selected account range or first day of the period selected. You can select an alternative Reporting Hierarchy.

ReportView :T_TrialBalance



Table 146.1. Trial_Balance Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Account Date DateAcct Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.
Account Account_ID Table Account_ID Account used The (natural) account used
Product M_Product_ID Table Direct Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Activity C_Activity_ID Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that are performed
and used to utilize Activity based Costing
Period C_Period_ID Table C_Period (all) Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
PostingType PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the type of
Statistical posted amount amount (Actual, Budget, Reservation,
Reservation for the transaction Commitment, Statistical) the transaction.
Commitment (A)
Account Key AccountValue String Key of Account null

Report :Trial Balance

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Table Direct Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Project C_Project_ID Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Sales Region C_SalesRegion_ID Table Direct Sales coverage region The Sales Region indicates a
specific area of sales coverage.
Campaign C_Campaign_ID Table Direct Marketing Campaign The Campaign defines a unique marketing
program. Projects can be associated with a
pre defined Marketing Campaign. You can
then report based on a specific Campaign.
Accounting Schema C_AcctSchema_ID Table Direct Rules for accounting An Accounting Schema defines the
rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct Organizational An organization is a unit of your client or
entity within client legal entity - examples are store, department.
You can share data between organizations.
Reporting Hierarchy PA_Hierarchy_ID Table Direct Optional Reporting Reporting Hierarchy allows you to
Hierarchy - If select different Hierarchies/Trees for
not selected the the report. Accounting Segments like
default hierarchy Organization, Account, Product may
trees are used. have several hierarchies to accomodate
different views on the business.

Table 146.2. T_TrialBalance - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.

Report :Trial Balance

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct ad_pinstance_t_trialbalance Instance of
the process
Table Table Direct Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Asset Table Direct Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Key String Key of Account
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Accounted The Account Balance Amount
Balance Balance Amount indicates the transaction
amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Source Balance Amount Source Balance The Source Balance Amount
Amount indicates the balance amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.

Report :Trial Balance

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Search Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Search The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Search Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Sales Region Search Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Tax Search Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Search Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure

Report :Trial Balance

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Accounting Fact ID
Budget Search General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Search General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Locator Table Direct Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.

Report :Trial Balance

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal unique
record ID identifier of a record. Please note
that zooming to the record may not
be successful for Orders, Invoices
and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes
the Sales Order type is not known.
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Chapter 147. Report :UnAllocated Invoices
Created:2005-01-27 23:29:18.0

Updated:2005-02-07 21:36:49.0

Description: Invoices not allocated to Payments

Comment/Help: Report of not allocated Invoices (for partially paid/allocated invoices see Open Item)

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice NotAllocated


Table 147.1. UnAllocated_Invoices Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help
Document Type C_DocType_ID Table Direct (-1) Document The Document Type determines
type or rules document sequence and processing rules
Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 147.2. RV_C_Invoice NotAllocated - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
User/Contact Table Direct User within the The User identifies a unique user in
system - Internal the system. This could be an internal
or Business user or a business partner contact
Partner Contact
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String Address line 2 The Address 2 provides
for this location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 3 String Address Line 3 The Address 2 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String Address Line 4 The Address 4 provides
for the location additional address information
for an entity. It can be used for
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
c_bp_ad_orgbp_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bp_bpartner_parent_id ID
c_bp_c_dunning_id Table C_Dunning
c_bp_c_greeting_id Table C_Greeting
c_bp_c_invoiceschedule_id Table C_InvoiceSchedule
c_bp_c_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_c_taxgroup_id Table C_TaxGroup
c_bp_createdby Table AD_User
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
c_bp_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_bpartner_location_c_bpartner_idTable C_BPartner (Trx)
c_bp_location_c_location_id Location
c_bp_location_createdby Table AD_User

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_location_updatedby Table AD_User
c_bp_logo_id Image
c_bp_m_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_m_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_po_discountschema_id Table M_DiscountSchema
not PL
c_bp_po_paymentterm_id Table C_PaymentTerm
c_bp_po_pricelist_id Table M_PriceList
c_bp_salesrep_id Table AD_User
- SalesRep
c_bp_updatedby Table AD_User
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Location Table Direct Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
City Table Direct City City in a country
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country Search Country The Country defines a Country. Each
Country must be defined before
it can be used in any document.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Target Table C_DocType Target document You can convert document types
Document Type type for (e.g. from Offer to Order or
conversing Invoice). The conversion is then
documents reflected in the current type. This
processing is initiated by selecting
the appropriate Document Action.
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Dunning Level Table Direct
c_invoice_ad_orgtrx_id Table AD_Org (Trx)
c_invoice_c_conversiontype_id Table C_ConversionType
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
c_location_ad_org_id Table AD_Org (all)
c_location_createdby Table AD_User
c_location_updatedby Table AD_User
Order Search Order The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when the
quantity ordered is the same as
the quantity shipped and invoiced.
When you close an order, unshipped
(backordered) quantities are cancelled.
Payment Term Table Direct The terms Payment Terms identify the
of Payment method and timing of payment.
(timing, discount)
Payment Table Direct Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Region Search Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region for this Country.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Charge amount Amount Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
amount for an additional charge.
City String Identifies a City The City identifies a unique
City for this Country or Region.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Date Ordered Date Date of Order Indicates the Date
an item was ordered.
Date printed Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
was printed. document was printed.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Dunning Date+Time
Grace Date
Generate To Yes-No Generate To

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Grand Total Amount Total amount The Grand Total displays the
of document total amount including Tax and
Freight in document currency
ISDN String ISDN or The ISDN identifies a ISDN
modem line or Modem line number.
Collection Status List Dunning Invoice Status of the invoice collection process
Collection Agency Collection Status
Legal Procedure
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Invoice Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Invoice Address is
Invoice/ selected, the location is used to
Bill Address send invoices to a customer or
receive invoices from a vendor.
Discount Printed Yes-No Print Discount on The Discount Printed Checkbox
Invoice and Order indicates if the discount will
be printed on the document.
In Dispute Yes-No Document The document is in dispute.
is in dispute Use Requests to track details.
Paid Yes-No The document
is paid
Pay-From Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Pay-From Address is selected,
pays from that this location is the address the
address and we'll Business Partner pays from and
send dunning where dunning letters will be sent to.
letters there
Pay Schedule Yes-No Is the Payment Payment Schedules allow
valid Schedule is valid to have multiple due dates.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Remit-To Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Remit-To Address is
payment address selected, the location is used to
send payments to the vendor.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Ship Address Yes-No Business Partner If the Ship Address is selected,
Shipment Address the location is used to ship
goods to a customer or
receive goods from a vendor.
Price includes Tax Yes-No Tax is included The Tax Included checkbox indicates
in the price if the prices include tax. This is
also known as the gross price.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to The transferred checkbox indicates
General Ledger if the transactions associated
(i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Price List Table Direct Unique identifier Price Lists are used to determine
of a Price List the pricing, margin and cost
of items purchased or sold.
RMA Table Direct Return Material A Return Material Authorization
Authorization may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Multiplier Number Type Multiplier
(Credit = -1)
Order Reference String Transaction The business partner order reference
Reference is the order reference for this specific
Number (Sales transaction; Often Purchase Order
Order, Purchase numbers are given to print on
Order) of your Invoices for easier reference. A
Business Partner standard number can be defined in the
Business Partner (Customer) window.
Payment Rule List Direct Deposit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Credit Card < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Check Cash On
Credit Direct

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Debit Mixed
POS Payment
ZIP String Postal code The Postal Code or ZIP identifies the
postal code for this entity's address.
Additional Zip String Additional ZIP The Additional ZIP or Postal
or Postal code Code identifies, if appropriate, any
additional Postal Code information.
Posted Yes-No Posting status The Posted field indicates the
status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Processed On Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date+Time save
(expressed the exact moment (nanoseconds
in decimal precision if allowed by the DB) when
format) when the a document has been processed.
document has
been processed
Process Now Yes-No
Referenced ID
Region String Name of The Region Name defines the
the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.
Reversal ID Table C_Invoice ID of document
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.
Send EMail Yes-No Enable sending Send emails with document attached
Document EMail (e.g. Invoice, Delivery Note, etc.)
Tax ID String Tax Identification The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Identification number of this Entity.

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Total Lines Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
document lines of all lines in document currency
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
c_bp_acqusitioncost Number
c_bp_actuallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_ad_language String
c_bp_created Date+Time
c_bp_deliveryrule Yes-No
c_bp_deliveryviarule Yes-No
c_bp_description String
c_bp_dunninggrace Date+Time
c_bp_duns String
c_bp_firstsale Date+Time
c_bp_flatdiscount Number
c_bp_freightcostrule Yes-No
c_bp_invoicerule Yes-No
c_bp_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_iscustomer Yes-No
c_bp_isdiscountprinted Yes-No
c_bp_isemployee Yes-No
c_bp_ismanufacturer Yes-No
c_bp_isonetime Yes-No

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_ispotaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isprospect Yes-No
c_bp_issalesrep Yes-No
c_bp_issummary Yes-No
c_bp_istaxexempt Yes-No
c_bp_isvendor Yes-No
c_bp_location_created Date+Time
c_bp_location_fax String
c_bp_location_isactive Yes-No
c_bp_location_name String
c_bp_location_phone String
c_bp_location_phone2 String
c_bp_location_updated Date+Time
c_bp_naics String
c_bp_name String
c_bp_name2 String
c_bp_numberemployees Integer
c_bp_paymentrule Yes-No
c_bp_paymentrulepo Yes-No
c_bp_poreference String
c_bp_potentiallifetimevalue Number
c_bp_rating Yes-No
c_bp_referenceno String
c_bp_salesvolume Integer
c_bp_sendemail Yes-No
c_bp_shareofcustomer Integer
c_bp_shelflifeminpct Integer
c_bp_so_creditlimit Number
c_bp_so_creditused Number

Report :UnAllocated Invoices

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
c_bp_so_description String
c_bp_socreditstatus Yes-No
c_bp_totalopenbalance Number
c_bp_updated Date+Time
c_bp_url String
c_bp_value String
c_invoice_dateordered Date+Time
c_invoice_ispayschedulevalid Yes-No
c_invoice_isselfservice Yes-No
c_location_created Date+Time
c_location_isactive Yes-No
c_location_updated Date+Time

Chapter 148. Report :UnAllocated Payments
Created:2005-01-27 23:31:05.0

Updated:2005-02-07 21:53:35.0

Description: Payments not allocated to Invoices

Comment/Help: Report of not allocated Payments (for partially allocated payments, use Payment Detail)

ReportView :C_Payment_v UnAllocated


Table 148.1. UnAllocated_Payments Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson

Table 148.2. C_Payment_v UnAllocated - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Account City String City or the The Account City indicates the City
Credit Card or of the Credit Card or Account holder
Account Holder
Account EMail String Email Address The EMail Address indicates
the EMail address off the
Credit Card or Account holder.
Driver License String Payment The Driver's License being
Identification - used as identification.
Driver License

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Social Security No String Payment The Social Security number
Identification - being used as identification.
Social Security No
Account Name String Name on The Name of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account State String State of the The State of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder
Account holder
Account Street String Street address of The Street Address of the
the Credit Card or Credit Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account String Zip Code of the The Zip Code of the Credit
Zip/Postal Credit Card or Card or Account Holder.
Account Holder
Account No String Account Number The Account Number indicates the
Number assigned to this bank account.
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Partner Bank Table Direct Bank Account The Partner Bank Account
Account of the Business identifies the bank account to be
Partner used for this Business Partner
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Account Table Direct Account at The Bank Account identifies
the Bank an account at this Bank.
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Payment Batch Search Payment Electronic Fund
batch for EFT Transfer Payment Batch.
Payment Search Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Check No String Check Number The Check Number indicates
the number on the check.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Exp. Month Integer Expiry Month The Expiry Month indicates the
expiry month for this credit card.
Exp. Year Integer Expiry Year The Expiry Year indicates the
expiry year for this credit card.
Number String Credit Card The Credit Card number indicates
Number the number on the credit card,
without blanks or spaces.

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Card List Purchase Card Credit Card (Visa, The Credit Card drop down list
Amex MasterCard MC, AmEx) box is used for selecting the type of
ATM Diners Credit Card presented for payment.
Discover Visa
Verification Code String Credit Card The Credit Card Verification
Verification code indicates the verification code on
on credit card the credit card (AMEX 4 digits
on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back)
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Discount Amount Amount Calculated amount The Discount Amount
of discount indicates the discount amount
for a document or line.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Allocated Yes-No Indicates if the The Allocated checkbox indicates
payment has if a payment has been allocated or
been allocated associated with an invoice or invoices.
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Online Access Yes-No Can be The Online Access check box
accessed online indicates if the application
can be accessed via the web.
Over/Under Yes-No Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) or unallocated amounts and allow
Under-Payment you to receive money for more
(partial payment) than the particular invoice.
Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
Prepayment Yes-No The Payment/ Payments not allocated to an
Receipt is a invoice with a charge are posted
Prepayment to Unallocated Payments. When

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
setting this flag, the payment
is posted to the Customer or
Vendor Prepayment account.
Receipt Yes-No This is a sales
Reconciled Yes-No Payment is
reconciled with
bank statement
Micr String Combination The Micr number is the combination
of routing of the bank routing number,
no, account account number and check number
and check no
Multiplier AP Number Payables
Online Processing Yes-No This payment The Online Processing indicates if
can be the payment can be processed online.
processed online
Original String Original The Original Transaction ID is used
Transaction ID Transaction ID for reversing transactions and indicates
the transaction that has been reversed.
Over/Under Amount Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) unallocated amounts and allow
or Under- you to receive money for more
Payment (partial than the particular invoice.
payment) Amount Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
PO Number String Purchase The PO Number indicates the
Order Number number assigned to a purchase order
Payment amount Amount Amount Indicates the amount this payment
being paid is for. The payment amount can be
for single or multiple invoices or
a partial payment for an invoice.

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Posted List Posting Error Posting status The Posted field indicates the
Not Posted Not status of the Generation of
Balanced Not General Ledger Accounting Lines
Convertible (no
rate) Invalid
Account Post
Prepared Posted
Period Closed
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Process Now Yes-No
Authorization String Authorization The Authorization Code
Code Code returned indicates the code returned from
the electronic transmission.
Address verified Yes-No This address has The Address Verified indicates
been verified if the address has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Zip verified Yes-No The Zip Code The Zip Verified indicates if
has been verified the zip code has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Info String Response info The Info indicates any response
information returned from
the Credit Card Company.
Reference String Payment reference The Payment Reference indicates
the reference returned from the
Credit Card Company for a payment
Response Message String Response message The Response Message indicates
the message returned from
the Credit Card Company as
the result of a transmission
Result String Result of The Response Result indicates
transmission the result of the transmission
to the Credit Card Company.
Routing No String Bank Routing The Bank Routing Number
Number (ABA Number) identifies a

Report :UnAllocated Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Tax Amount Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
for a document total tax amount for a document.
Tender type List Direct Deposit Method of The Tender Type indicates the method
Credit Card Check Payment of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit,
Account Cash Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit)
Direct Debit
Transaction Type List Sales Credit Type of credit The Transaction Type indicates the
(Payment) Voice card transaction type of transaction to be submitted
Authorization to the Credit Card Company.
Void Delayed
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Voice String Voice The Voice Authorization Code
authorization code Authorization indicates the code received
Code from credit from the Credit Card Company.
card company
Write-off Amount Amount Amount to The Write Off Amount
write-off indicates the amount to be
written off as uncollectible.

Chapter 149. Report :UnReconciled Payments
Created:2001-01-03 23:05:10.0

Updated:2005-01-27 23:41:37.0

Description: Payments not reconciled with Bank Statement

Comment/Help: The report lists payments which are not reconciled with a bank statement. Payments with a zero payment amount are not listed.

ReportView :UnReconciled Payments


Table 149.1. UnReconciled_Payments Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Transaction Date DateTrx Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Transaction Type TrxType List Sales Credit Type of credit The Transaction Type indicates the
(Payment) Voice card transaction type of transaction to be submitted
Authorization Void to the Credit Card Company.
Delayed Capture
Bank Account C_BankAccount_ID Table Direct Account at the Bank The Bank Account identifies
an account at this Bank.

Table 149.2. UnReconciled Payments - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Account City String City or the The Account City indicates the City
Credit Card or of the Credit Card or Account holder
Account Holder

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Account EMail String Email Address The EMail Address indicates
the EMail address off the
Credit Card or Account holder.
Driver License String Payment The Driver's License being
Identification - used as identification.
Driver License
Social Security No String Payment The Social Security number
Identification - being used as identification.
Social Security No
Account Name String Name on The Name of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account State String State of the The State of the Credit
Credit Card or Card or Account holder
Account holder
Account Street String Street address of The Street Address of the
the Credit Card or Credit Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account String Zip Code of the The Zip Code of the Credit
Zip/Postal Credit Card or Card or Account Holder.
Account Holder
Account No String Account Number The Account Number indicates the
Number assigned to this bank account.
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Partner Bank Table Direct Bank Account The Partner Bank Account
Account of the Business identifies the bank account to be
Partner used for this Business Partner
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Bank Account Table Direct Account at The Bank Account identifies
the Bank an account at this Bank.

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Charge Table Direct Additional The Charge indicates a type of Charge
document charges (Handling, Shipping, Restocking)
Currency Type Table Direct Currency The Currency Conversion
Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
Document Type Table Direct Document The Document Type
type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Payment Batch Search Payment Electronic Fund
batch for EFT Transfer Payment Batch.
Payment Search Payment identifier The Payment is a unique
identifier of this payment.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Check No String Check Number The Check Number indicates
the number on the check.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Exp. Month Integer Expiry Month The Expiry Month indicates the
expiry month for this credit card.
Exp. Year Integer Expiry Year The Expiry Year indicates the
expiry year for this credit card.

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Number String Credit Card The Credit Card number indicates
Number the number on the credit card,
without blanks or spaces.
Credit Card List Purchase Card Credit Card (Visa, The Credit Card drop down list
Amex MasterCard MC, AmEx) box is used for selecting the type of
ATM Diners Credit Card presented for payment.
Discover Visa
Verification Code String Credit Card The Credit Card Verification
Verification code indicates the verification code on
on credit card the credit card (AMEX 4 digits
on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back)
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Discount Amount Amount Calculated amount The Discount Amount
of discount indicates the discount amount
for a document or line.
Document Action List Approve Reject The targeted status You find the current status in
Post Close of the document the Document Status field. The
Reverse - Correct options are listed in a popup
Reverse - Accrual
Invalidate <
None> Complete
Void Unlock
Prepare Re-
activate Wait
Complete (CO)
Document Status List Waiting The current status The Document Status indicates the
Confirmation of the document status of a document at this time. If
Approved you want to change the document
Completed status, use the Document Action field
Drafted Invalid
Reversed Voided
In Progress
Waiting Payment
Closed Not
Approved (DR)

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document No String Document The document number is usually
sequence number automatically generated by the system
of the document and determined by the document type
of the document. If the document is
not saved, the preliminary number is
displayed in "< > ". If the document
type of your document has no
automatic document sequence defined,
the field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external number
(like vendor invoice). If you leave the
field empty, the system will generate
a document number for you. The
document sequence used for this
fallback number is defined in the
"Maintain Sequence" window with the
name "DocumentNo_< TableName>
", where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Allocated Yes-No Indicates if the The Allocated checkbox indicates
payment has if a payment has been allocated or
been allocated associated with an invoice or invoices.
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Online Access Yes-No Can be The Online Access check box
accessed online indicates if the application
can be accessed via the web.
Over/Under Yes-No Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) or unallocated amounts and allow
Under-Payment you to receive money for more
(partial payment) than the particular invoice.
Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Prepayment Yes-No The Payment/ Payments not allocated to an
Receipt is a invoice with a charge are posted
Prepayment to Unallocated Payments. When
setting this flag, the payment
is posted to the Customer or
Vendor Prepayment account.
Receipt Yes-No This is a sales
Reconciled Yes-No Payment is
reconciled with
bank statement
Micr String Combination The Micr number is the combination
of routing of the bank routing number,
no, account account number and check number
and check no
Multiplier AP Number Payables
Online Processing Yes-No This payment The Online Processing indicates if
can be the payment can be processed online.
processed online
Original String Original The Original Transaction ID is used
Transaction ID Transaction ID for reversing transactions and indicates
the transaction that has been reversed.
Over/Under Amount Over-Payment Overpayments (negative) are
Payment (unallocated) unallocated amounts and allow
or Under- you to receive money for more
Payment (partial than the particular invoice.
payment) Amount Underpayments (positive) is a partial
payment for the invoice. You do
not write off the unpaid amount.
PO Number String Purchase The PO Number indicates the
Order Number number assigned to a purchase order
Payment amount Amount Amount Indicates the amount this payment
being paid is for. The payment amount can be

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for single or multiple invoices or
a partial payment for an invoice.
Posted List Posting Error Posting status The Posted field indicates the
Not Posted Not status of the Generation of
Balanced Not General Ledger Accounting Lines
Convertible (no
rate) Invalid
Account Post
Prepared Posted
Period Closed
Processed Yes-No The document has The Processed checkbox indicates
been processed that a document has been processed.
Process Now Yes-No
Authorization String Authorization The Authorization Code
Code Code returned indicates the code returned from
the electronic transmission.
Address verified Yes-No This address has The Address Verified indicates
been verified if the address has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Zip verified Yes-No The Zip Code The Zip Verified indicates if
has been verified the zip code has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Info String Response info The Info indicates any response
information returned from
the Credit Card Company.
Reference String Payment reference The Payment Reference indicates
the reference returned from the
Credit Card Company for a payment
Response Message String Response message The Response Message indicates
the message returned from
the Credit Card Company as
the result of a transmission
Result String Result of The Response Result indicates
transmission the result of the transmission
to the Credit Card Company.

Report :UnReconciled Payments

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Routing No String Bank Routing The Bank Routing Number
Number (ABA Number) identifies a
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Tax Amount Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
for a document total tax amount for a document.
Tender type List Direct Deposit Method of The Tender Type indicates the method
Credit Card Check Payment of payment (ACH or Direct Deposit,
Account Cash Credit Card, Check, Direct Debit)
Direct Debit
Transaction Type List Sales Credit Type of credit The Transaction Type indicates the
(Payment) Voice card transaction type of transaction to be submitted
Authorization to the Credit Card Company.
Void Delayed
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
Voice String Voice The Voice Authorization Code
authorization code Authorization indicates the code received
Code from credit from the Credit Card Company.
card company
Write-off Amount Amount Amount to The Write Off Amount
write-off indicates the amount to be
written off as uncollectible.

Chapter 150. Report :Unreconciled accounting facts
Created:2010-09-02 17:55:52.0

Updated:2010-09-02 17:55:52.0

ReportView :RV_Reconciliation

ClassName: org.compiere.process.FactReconciliation


Table 150.1. Unreconciled_accounting_facts Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Account Account_ID Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Account Date DateAcct Date (@#Date@-3000) Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates the date
to be used on the General Ledger account
entries generated from this document. It
is also used for any currency conversion.

Table 150.2. RV_Reconciliation - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Trx Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) Performing The organization which performs
or initiating or initiates this transaction (for
organization another organization). The owning
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Organization Table Direct (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Process Instance Table Direct Instance of
the process

Report :Unreconciled accounting facts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Table Table Direct EXISTS (SELECT Database Table The Database Table provides the
* FROM information information of the table definition
Asset ID Asset used An asset is either created by
internally or purchasing or by delivering a
by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Account Type Yes-No Indicates the Valid account types are A - Asset,
type of account E - Expense, L - Liability, O-
Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and
M- Memo. The account type is used
to determine what taxes, if any are
applicable, validating payables and
receivables for business partners.
Note: Memo account amounts are
ignored when checking for balancing
Account Key String Key of Account
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) Account used The (natural) account used
Accounted Amount Amount Balance
Amount in Currency
of Accounting
Accounted Credit Amount Accounted The Account Credit Amount indicates
Credit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency
Accounted Debit Amount Accounted The Account Debit Amount indicates
Debit Amount the transaction amount converted to
this organization's accounting currency

Report :Unreconciled accounting facts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Source Amount Amount Amount Balance
in Source
Source Credit Amount Source Credit The Source Credit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Debit Amount Source Debit The Source Debit Amount
Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
BP Name String
Business String Key of the
Partner Key Business Partner
Accounting Table Direct Rules for An Accounting Schema defines the
Schema accounting rules used in accounting such as
costing method, currency and calendar
Activity Table Direct Business Activity Activities indicate tasks that
are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Business Table Direct Business The Business Partner Group provides
Partner Group Partner Group a method of defining defaults to be
used for individual Business Partners.
Business Partner Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Business Partner with whom you transact. This
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table Direct Marketing The Campaign defines a unique
Campaign marketing program. Projects can
be associated with a pre defined
Marketing Campaign. You can then
report based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table Direct The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record

Report :Unreconciled accounting facts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Location From Table C_Location Location that The Location From
inventory was indicates the location that a
moved from product was moved from.
Location To Table C_Location Location that The Location To indicates the
inventory location that a product was moved to.
was moved to
Period Table Direct Period of The Period indicates an exclusive
the Calendar range of dates for a calendar.
Project Table Direct Financial Project A Project allows you to track and
control internal or external activities.
Sales Region Table Direct Sales coverage The Sales Region indicates a
region specific area of sales coverage.
Tax Table Direct Tax identifier The Tax indicates the type
of tax used in document line.
UOM Table Direct Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Account Date Date Accounting Date The Accounting Date indicates
the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Transaction Date Date Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
the date of the transaction.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Accounting Fact ID
Budget Table Direct General The General Ledger Budget identifies
Ledger Budget a user defined budget. These can be

Report :Unreconciled accounting facts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
used in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
GL Category Table Direct General Ledger The General Ledger Category
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Locator Table Direct Warehouse The Locator indicates where in a
Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Product Search Product, Identifies an item which is either
Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
Match Code String String identifying
accounting facts
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record) is
identifier of used as an default search option
the entity in addition to the search key. The
name is up to 60 characters in length.
Organization String Name of the
Name Organization
Org Key String Key of the
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Reservation for the transaction Reservation, Commitment,
Commitment Statistical) the transaction.
Product Name String Name of
the Product
Product Key String Key of the Product

Report :Unreconciled accounting facts

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Rate Number Rate or Tax The Rate indicates the percentage
or Exchange to be multiplied by the source to
arrive at the tax or exchange amount.
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal unique
record ID identifier of a record. Please note
that zooming to the record may not
be successful for Orders, Invoices
and Shipment/Receipts as sometimes
the Sales Order type is not known.
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 1 - User1 list element #1 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.
User Element Table Account_ID User defined The user defined element displays
List 2 - User2 list element #2 the optional elements that have been
defined for this account combination.

Chapter 151. Report :Vendor Balances
Created:2015-01-24 14:16:05.743

Updated:2015-01-24 14:16:05.743

ReportView :null


Table 151.1. Vendor_Balances Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Start Date StartDate Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Client AD_Client_ID Table Direct (@#AD_Client_ID@) Client/Tenant for A Client is a company or a legal
this installation. entity. You cannot share data between
Clients. Tenant is a synonym for Client.
End Date EndDate Date Last effective The End Date indicates
date (inclusive) the last date in this range.

Chapter 152. Report :Vendor Selection
Created:2000-03-22 18:50:06.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

Description: Products with more than one vendor

Comment/Help: Vendor Selection is initiated when there is a product that is supplied by more than one vendor. It allows the selection of a specific vendor for
a Purchase Order.

ReportView :Vendor Selection



Table 152.1. Vendor Selection - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct (@AD_Client_ID@)m_productpo_client
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (@AD_Org_ID@) m_productpo_org
(see same above) (see same above)
Business Partner Search c_buspartner_m_product_po
C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
AND Business Partner with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Currency Table Direct ccurrency_mproductpo The Currency Indicates the Currency to
for this record be used when processing
or reporting on this record
UOM Table Direct c_uom_m_product_po Unit of Measure The UOM defines a unique
non monetary Unit of Measure
Cost per Order Costs+Prices Fixed Cost The Cost Per Order indicates
Per Order the fixed charge levied when an
order for this product is placed.
Created Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
was created date that this record was created.

Report :Vendor Selection

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Created By Table AD_User User who created The Created By field indicates
this records the user who created this record.
Actual Integer Actual days The Actual Delivery Time
Delivery Time between order indicates the number of days
and delivery elapsed between placing an order
and the delivery of the order
Promised Integer Promised days The Promised Delivery Time
Delivery Time between order indicates the number of days
and delivery between the order date and the
date that delivery was promised.
Discontinued Yes-No This product is no The Discontinued check box indicates
longer available a product that has been discontinued.
Discontinued At Date Discontinued At
indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Active Yes-No (Y) (see same above) (see same above)
Current vendor Yes-No (Y) Use this Vendor The Current Vendor indicates
for pricing if prices are used and Product
and stock is reordered from this vendor
Product Search (@M_Product_ID@)
M_Product.IsSummary='N' Product, Identifies an item which is either
AND Service, Item purchased or sold in this organization.
M_Product_PO_UU String
Manufacturer String Manufacturer The manufacturer of the Product
of the Product (used if different from the
Business Partner / Vendor)
Minimum Quantity Minimum order The Minimum Order Quantity
Order Qty quantity in UOM indicates the smallest quantity of
this product which can be ordered.
Order Pack Qty Quantity Package order The Order Pack Quantity
size in UOM indicates the number of units
(e.g. order in each pack of this product.
set of 5 units)

Report :Vendor Selection

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price effective Date Effective The Price Effective indicates
Date of Price the date this price is for. This
allows you to enter future prices
for products which will become
effective when appropriate.
Last Invoice Price Costs+Prices Price of the The Last Invoice Price indicates
last invoice the last price paid (per the
for the product invoice) for this product.
Last PO Price Costs+Prices Price of the last The Last PO Price indicates
purchase order the last price paid (per the
for the product purchase order) for this product.
List Price Costs+Prices List Price The List Price is the official List
Price in the document currency.
PO Price Costs+Prices Price based on a The PO Price indicates the price for
purchase order a product per the purchase order.
Quality Rating Integer Method for The Quality Rating indicates
rating vendors how a vendor is rated (higher
number = higher quality)
Royalty Amount Amount (Included)
Amount for
copyright, etc.
UPC/EAN String Bar Code Use this field to enter the bar code
(Universal Product for the product in any of the bar
Code or its code symbologies (Codabar, Code
superset European 25, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128,
Article Number) UPC (A), UPC (E), EAN-13,
JAN-13, JAN-8, POSTNET and
FIM, MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
Updated Date+Time (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
was updated date that this record was updated.
Updated By Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
this records the user who updated this record.

Report :Vendor Selection

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner Category String Product The Business Partner Category
Category of the identifies the category used by the
Business Partner Business Partner for this product.
Partner String (@Value@) Product Key of the The Business Partner Product Key
Product Key Business Partner identifies the number used by the
Business Partner for this product.
It can be printed on orders and
invoices when you include the
Product Key in the print format.

Chapter 153. Report :Vendor Statement
Created:2015-01-24 14:16:05.525

Updated:2015-01-24 14:16:05.525

Description: Statement of a specific vendor's transaction for a specific period

ReportView :null


Table 153.1. Vendor_Statement Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Business Partner C_BPartner_ID Search C_BPartner Vendors Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone with whom
Business Partner you transact. This can include Vendor,
Customer, Employee or Salesperson
Date From DateAcctFrom Date null null
Date To DateAcctTo Date null null
Organization AD_Org_ID Table Direct (@#AD_Org_ID@) null null

Chapter 154. Report :Weekly Invoice
Created:2000-06-01 16:54:43.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report per Week

Comment/Help: Invoiced amount by Organization and Sales Rep

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_Week


Table 154.1. Weekly_Invoice Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Sales Representative SalesRep_ID Table AD_User - SalesRep Sales Representative The Sales Representative indicates
or Company Agent the Sales Rep for this Region. Any
Sales Rep must be a valid internal user.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.

Table 154.2. RV_C_Invoice_Week - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Report :Weekly Invoice

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Sales Table AD_User Sales The Sales Representative indicates the
Representative - SalesRep Representative or Sales Rep for this Region. Any Sales
Company Agent Rep must be a valid internal user.

Chapter 155. Report :Weekly Invoice Prod Cat
Created:2000-06-01 16:55:36.0

Updated:2008-12-02 12:03:00.0

Description: Invoice Report by Product Category per Week

Comment/Help: Invoiced Amount by Product Category

ReportView :RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek


Table 155.1. Weekly_Invoice_Prod_Cat Parameters

Name ColumnName Reference Values(Default) Description Comment/Help

Sales Transaction IsSOTrx Yes-No (Y) This is a Sales The Sales Transaction checkbox indicates
Transaction if this item is a Sales Transaction.
Date Invoiced DateInvoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Product Category M_Product_Category_ID Table Direct (0) Category of a Product Identifies the category which this
product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.

Table 155.2. RV_C_Invoice_ProdWeek - Columns

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table Direct AD_Client.AD_Client_ID
(see same above) (see same above)
Organization Table Direct (AD_Org.IsSummary='N'
(see same above) (see same above)
Date Invoiced Date Date printed The Date Invoice indicates the
on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Transaction Yes-No This is a Sales The Sales Transaction
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Report :Weekly Invoice Prod Cat

Column Name Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line Discount % Number Line Discount The Line Discount Percent
as a percentage indicates the discount for
this line as a percentage.
Line Discount Amount Line Discount Indicates the discount for
Amount this line as an amount.
Line Limit Amount
Line List Amount Amount
Line Amount Amount Line Extended Indicates the extended line amount
Amount (Quantity based on the quantity and the actual
* Actual Price) price. Any additional charges or
without Freight freight are not included. The Amount
and Charges may or may not include tax. If the
price list is inclusive tax, the line
amount is the same as the line total.
Gross margin % Number
Gross Margin Amount
Product Category Table Direct Category of Identifies the category which this
a Product product belongs to. Product categories
are used for pricing and selection.
Quantity Invoiced Quantity Invoiced Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Chapter 156. Window: 1099 Box
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2013-02-28 18:28:51.0

Updated:2013-02-28 18:28:51.0

1. Tab: 1099 Box - C_1099Box


Tab Level: 0

Table 156.1. 1099 Box Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
C_1099Box_UU String
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Bucket Integer
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: 1099 Box

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
1099 Box ID

Chapter 157. Window: ASP Modules
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-01-09 23:30:05.0

Updated:2012-09-19 10:53:44.0

1. Tab: Module - ASP_Module


Tab Level: 0

Table 157.1. Module Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

2. Tab: Level - ASP_Level


LinkColumn: ASP Module

Tab Level: 1

Table 157.2. Level Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ASP Level ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Table
Module Direct
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
ASP Button
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

3. Tab: Window - ASP_Window


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.3. Window Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Level Table
Window Table Data entry or The Window field identifies a
Direct display window unique Window in the system.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: ASP Modules

4. Tab: Tab - ASP_Tab


LinkColumn: ASP Window

Tab Level: 3

Table 157.4. Tab Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Table
Window Direct
Tab Table AD_Tab.AD_Window_ID=@AD_Window_ID@ The Tab indicates a tab that
adtab_asptab Tab within a Window
Direct displays within a window.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
AllFields Yes-No (Y)
ASP Button
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

5. Tab: Field - ASP_Field


LinkColumn: ASP Tab

Tab Level: 4

Window: ASP Modules

Table 157.5. Field Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Tab Table
Field Table AD_Field.AD_Tab_ID=@AD_Tab_ID@Field on a The Field identifies a
Direct database table field on a database table.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
ASP Field ID

6. Tab: Process - ASP_Process


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.6. Process Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Level Table

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Table The Process field identifies
Direct adprocess_aspprocess Process or Report a unique Process or
Report in the system.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

7. Tab: Process Parameter - ASP_Process_Para


LinkColumn: ASP Process

Tab Level: 3

Table 157.7. Process Parameter Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Table
Process Direct
Process Table AD_Process_Para.AD_Process_ID=@AD_Process_ID@
Parameter Direct
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help

8. Tab: Form - ASP_Form


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.8. Form Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Level Table
Special Table The Special Form field identifies a
adform_aspform Special Form
Form Direct unique Special Form in the system.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

9. Tab: Task - ASP_Task


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Window: ASP Modules

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.9. Task Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Level Table
OS Task Table The Task field identifies
Direct adtask_asptask Operation System Task a Operation System
Task in the system.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

10. Tab: Workflow - ASP_Workflow


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.10. Workflow Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ASP Level Table
Workflow Table AD_Workflow.WorkflowType Workflow or The Workflow field identifies a
Direct IN ('G','W') combination of tasks unique Workflow in the system.
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

11. Tab: Ref List - ASP_Ref_List


LinkColumn: ASP Level

Tab Level: 2

Table 157.11. Ref List Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
ASP Level Table
Reference Table AD_Reference.ValidationType='L'
System Reference The Reference could be a display
Direct and Validation type, list or table validation.
Reference Table AD_Ref_List.AD_Reference_ID=@AD_Reference_ID@ The Reference List field indicates
Reference List
List Direct adreflist_aspreflist a list of reference values from
based on Table
a database tables. Reference

Window: ASP Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
lists populate drop down list
boxes in data entry screens
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
ASP_Ref_List ID

Chapter 158. Window: ASP Subscribed Modules
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-01-09 23:36:14.0

Updated:2012-09-19 10:54:05.0

1. Tab: Client Level - ASP_ClientLevel


Tab Level: 0

Table 158.1. Client Level Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
ASP Table
Module Direct
ASP Level Table ASP_Module_ID=@ASP_Module_ID@
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: ASP Subscribed Modules

2. Tab: Exceptions - ASP_ClientException


Tab Level: 0

Table 158.2. Exceptions Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Window Search ReadOnly Logic: The Window field identifies a
@AD_Workflow_ID@> unique Window in the system.
Data entry or
display window
@AD_Form_ID@> 0
| @AD_Task_ID@> 0
Tab Search AD_Tab.AD_Window_ID=@AD_Window_ID@ The Tab indicates a tab that
ReadOnly Logic: displays within a window.
0 | @AD_Form_ID@>
adtab_aspclientexception Tab within a Window
0 | @AD_Task_ID@>
Field Search AD_Field.AD_Tab_ID=@AD_Tab_ID@ The Field identifies a
ReadOnly Logic: field on a database table.
@AD_Process_ID@> Field on a
0 | @AD_Form_ID@> database table
0 | @AD_Task_ID@>

Window: ASP Subscribed Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Table ReadOnly Logic: The Process field identifies
Direct @AD_Window_ID@> a unique Process or
0 | @AD_Form_ID@> Report in the system.
adprocess_aspclientexception0 | @AD_Task_ID@> Process or Report
Process Search AD_Process_Para.AD_Process_ID=@AD_Process_ID@
Parameter ReadOnly Logic:
0 | @AD_Form_ID@>
0 | @AD_Task_ID@>
Special Table ReadOnly Logic: The Special Form field identifies a
Form Direct @AD_Process_ID@> unique Special Form in the system.
adform_aspclientexception Special Form
0 | @AD_Task_ID@>
OS Task Table ReadOnly Logic: The Task field identifies
Direct @AD_Process_ID@> a Operation System
0| Task in the system.
@AD_Form_ID@> 0 |
adtask_aspclientexception Operation System Task
Workflow Table AD_Workflow.WorkflowType The Workflow field identifies a
Direct IN ('G','W') Workflow or unique Workflow in the system.
ReadOnly Logic: combination of tasks

Window: ASP Subscribed Modules

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
@AD_Form_ID@> 0
| @AD_Task_ID@> 0
ASP Status List Hide Show
Undefined (U)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 159. Window: Account Combination
Description: Maintain Valid Account Combinations

Comment/Help: The Account Combination Window defines and displays valid account combinations.

Created:1999-09-26 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Combination - C_ValidCombination


Description: Valid Account Combinations

Comment/Help: The Account Combination Tab defines and displays valid account combination. An Alias can be defined to facilitate document entry.

Tab Level: 0

Table 159.1. Combination Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Combination ID The Combination identifies a
Valid Account
valid combination of element
which represent a GL account.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_vc (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cvalidcombination Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Alias String The Alias field allows you to define
Defines an a alternate method for referring to
alternate method a full account combination. For
of indicating an example, the Account Receivable
account combination. Account for Garden World
may be aliased as GW_AR.

Window: Account Combination

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Combination String The Combination field defines the
Unique combination
unique combination of element
of account elements
values which comprise this account.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Fully Yes-No The Fully Qualified check
Qualified This account is box indicates that all required
fully qualified elements for an account
combination are present.
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct = 0 OR
(same as first report)
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Account Search C_ElementValue (trx) EXISTS (SELECT The (natural) account used
celementvalueaccount_vc AND Account used

Window: Account Combination

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sub Table C_SubAcct.C_ElementValue_ID=@Account_ID@ The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Account Direct may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
Sub account for is dependent on the value of the
Element Value account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Activity Table C_Activity Activities indicate tasks that
(No summary) cactivity_cvalidcombination Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Product Search M_Product Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_vc Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Business Search C_BPartner (Trx) A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Project Table C_Project (No A Project allows you to
summary) cproject_vc Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Campaign Table C_Campaign The Campaign defines a
(No summary) unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
socampaign_vc Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Location Table C_Location The Location From
Location that inventory
From mlocationfrom_vc indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Location Table C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To mlocationto_vc the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
Sales Table C_Sales Region The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_vc Sales coverage region
Region (No summary) specific area of sales coverage.

Window: Account Combination

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Table Account_ID - User1 EXISTS (SELECT The user defined element
Element * FROM displays the optional elements
List 1 C_AcctSchema_Element that have been defined for
ae WHERE this account combination.
User defined
list element #1
User Table Account_ID - User2 EXISTS (SELECT The user defined element
Element * FROM displays the optional elements
List 2 C_AcctSchema_Element that have been defined for
ae WHERE this account combination.
User defined
list element #2
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 1 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 2 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)

Chapter 160. Window: Account Element
Description: Maintain Account Elements

Comment/Help: The Account Element Window is used to define and maintain the Accounting Element and User Defined Elements. One of the account segments
is your natural account segment (Chart of Account). You may add a new account element for parallel reporting or for user defined accounting segments.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Element - C_Element


Description: Account Element definition

Comment/Help: The Element Tab defines the Name, Description and Format for an Element. Additionally, a Type of Account or User Defined is selected. Each
Account Schema must have an Account Element type. The User Defined Elements are optional.

Tab Level: 0

Table 160.1. Element Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Element ID The Account Element uniquely
identifies an Account Type.
Accounting Element
These are commonly known
as a Chart of Accounts.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_celement (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_elementorg OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Value String < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Format (Space) any character _ Space
(fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
space converted to upper case o
any Letter a..Z or space O any
Format of the
Letter a..Z or space converted
value; Can contain
to upper case a any Letters %26
fixed format
Digits NO space A any Letters
elements, Variables:
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"
Type List Account User The Element Type indicates if this
Element Type (account
defined (A) element is the Account element
or user defined)
or is a User Defined element.
Natural Yes-No The natural account is
The primary
Account often based on (industry
natural account
specific) chart of accounts
Balancing Yes-No The Balancing checkbox indicates
the this element must balance
in each journal transaction. For
All transactions example, if cost centers have
within an element been defined as an element which
value must balance is balance then the debits and
(e.g. cost centers) credits for each unique cost
center must net to 0.00. This is
commonly used to define parts of
an organization which report as

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
their own entity. Balancing is not
an option for the Account element.
Tree Table AD_Tree.TreeType IN The Tree field identifies a unique
Direct ('EV','U1','U2') AND Tree in the system. Trees define
AD_Tree.IsAllNodes='Y' roll ups or summary levels of
adtree_celement Identifies a Tree
information. They are used
in reports for defining report
points and summarization levels.

2. Tab: Element Value - C_ElementValue


Description: Define Element Values

Comment/Help: The Element Value Tab defines the individual valid values for the Element. The values must conform to the format defined. If the Element is an
Account Type then the Account Classification (Asset, Liability etc) and posting controls are also defined

Tab Level: 1

Table 160.2. Element Value Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Valid to Date Valid to including The Valid To date indicates
this date (last day) the last day of a date range
Account ID Account Elements can be natural
Account Element
Element accounts or user defined values.
Post Yes-No (Y) Post commitments
Encumbrance to this account
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_celementvalue (same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_celementvalue OR (same as first report)
Element Table The Account Element uniquely
Direct identifies an Account Type.
celement_celementvalue Accounting Element
These are commonly known
as a Chart of Accounts.
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Account List Asset Revenue Valid account types are A - Asset,
Type Expense Owner's E - Expense, L - Liability, O-
Equity Liability Owner's Equity, R -Revenue and
Memo (E) M- Memo. The account type is
Indicates the used to determine what taxes,
type of account if any are applicable, validating
payables and receivables for
business partners. Note: Memo
account amounts are ignored
when checking for balancing

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Post Yes-No (Y) The Post Actual indicates
Actual Values
Actual if actual values can be
can be posted
posted to this element value.
Account List Natural Debit Indicates if the expected balance
Sign Credit (N) for this account should be a Debit
Indicates the Natural
or a Credit. If set to Natural,
Sign of the Account
the account sign for an asset or
as a Debit or Credit
expense account is Debit Sign
(i.e. negative if a credit balance).
Post Yes-No (Y) The Post Budget indicates
Budget values
Budget if budget values can be
can be posted
posted to this element value.
Document Yes-No Control account
Controlled - If an account is
controlled by a
document, you cannot
post manually to it
Post Yes-No (Y) Post statistical
Statistical quantities to
this account?
Bank Yes-No The Bank Account checkbox
Indicates if this is
Account indicates if this is account
the Bank Account
is the bank account.
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_celementvalue Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Foreign Yes-No Balances in foreign Balances in foreign currency
Currency currency accounts accounts are held in the
Account are held in the nominated currency and
nominated currency translated to functional currency
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_celementvalue be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Manage Yes-No (N)

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business List Customer Vendor
Partner Employee
Manage Yes-No (N)

3. Tab: Translation - C_ElementValue_Trl


Description: Define Translation

Comment/Help: The Translation Tab defines the translation to an alternate language

Tab Level: 2

Table 160.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Account Table Account Elements can be natural
celementvalue_cevaluetrl Account Element
Element Direct accounts or user defined values.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_celementvaluetrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.

4. Tab: Sub Account - C_SubAcct


Description: Sub Account for Element Value

Comment/Help: The Element Value (e.g. Account) may have optional sub accounts for further detail. The sub account is dependent on the value of the account, so
a further specification. If the sub-accounts are more or less the same, consider using another accounting dimension.

Tab Level: 2

Table 160.4. Sub Account Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sub ID The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Account may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
Sub account for is dependent on the value of the
Element Value account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Account Table Account Elements can be natural
celementvalue_csubacct Account Element
Element Direct accounts or user defined values.
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)

Window: Account Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 161. Window: Accounting Dimensions
Description: Maintain Non-Account Dimension Trees

Comment/Help: Maintain Trees of non account segment trees. Account segment trees (as well as user defined dimensions) are mainatained in the Account Element
window. Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all manfatory values!

Created:2003-06-16 17:36:18.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Organization Dimension - AD_Org


Description: Maintain Organizationt Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Table 161.1. Organization Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Client TableAD_Client(@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@ (see same above)
adclient_adorg (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.

2. Tab: Sales Region Dimension - C_SalesRegion


Description: Maintain Sales Region Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Table 161.2. Sales Region Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales ID The Sales Region indicates a
Sales coverage region
Region specific area of sales coverage.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.

3. Tab: Activity Dimension - C_Activity


Description: Maintain Activity Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Table 161.3. Activity Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity ID Activities indicate tasks that
Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.

4. Tab: Project Dimension - C_Project


Description: Maintain Project Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Table 161.4. Project Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project ID A Project allows you to
Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table ReadOnly Logic: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_cproject@M_PriceList_Version_ID@! be used when processing
for this record
0 or reporting on this record
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Committed Amount The commitment amount is
Amount independent from the planned
amount. You would use the
The (legal)
planned amount for your
commitment amount
realistic estimation, which
might be higher or lower than
the commitment amount.
Generate Button
Generate To
Finish Date The finish date is used to indicate
Finish or (planned)
Date when the project is expected to be
completion date
completed or has been completed.
Contract Date The contract date is used to
Date determine when the document
The (planned) effective becomes effective. This is
date of this document. usually the contract date.
The contract date is used in
reports and report parameters.
Commitment Yes-No Is this document a Commitment indicates if the
(legal) commitment? document is legally binding.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Payment Table The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term Direct (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct ccampaign_cproject Marketing Campaign unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Planned Amount The Planned Margin Amount
Margin Project's planned indicates the anticipated
margin amount margin amount for this
project or project line.
Planned Quantity The Planned Quantity indicates
Planned quantity
Quantity the anticipated quantity for
for this project
this project or project line
Planned Amount The Planned Amount indicates
Planned amount
Amount the anticipated amount for
for this project
this project or project line.
Price List Table Each Price List can have multiple
Version Direct Identifies a unique versions. The most common
instance of a Price List use is to indicate the dates
that a Price List is valid for.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Close Button

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project List General Service The Project Category determines
Category (Charge) Project the behavior of the project:
Asset Project Work General - no special accounting,
Order (Job) (N) e.g. for Presales or general
tracking Service - no special
Project Category accounting, e.g. for Service/Charge
projects Work Order - creates
Project/Job WIP transactions -
ability to issue material Asset -
create Project Asset transactions
- ability to issue material
Warehouse Table ReadOnly Logic: The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct mwarehouse_cproject @M_Warehouse_ID@! Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
0 stored or Services are provided.
Commitment Yes-No The commitment amount and
The commitment
is Ceiling quantity is the maximum amount
amount/quantity is
and quantity to be charged. Ignored,
the chargeable ceiling
if the amount or quantity is zero.
Committed Quantity The commitment amount is
Quantity independent from the planned
amount. You would use the
The (legal)
planned amount for your
commitment Quantity
realistic estimation, which
might be higher or lower than
the commitment amount.
Project Amount The project balance is the sum
Total Project Balance
Balance of all invoices and payments
Quantity Quantity
The quantity invoiced
Standard Table C_Phase.C_ProjectType_ID=@C_ProjectType_ID@ Phase of the project with
Standard Phase of
Phase Direct cphase_cproject standard performance
the Project Type
information with standard work
Copy Button Copy From Record
Copy From Record

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoiced Amount The amount invoiced
The amount invoiced
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_cproject to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_cproject - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cproject (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_cproject < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Set Project Button ReadOnly Logic: Type of the project with optional
Type cprojecttype_cproject @C_ProjectType_ID@! Type of the project phases of the project with
0 standard performance information

Window: Accounting Dimensions

5. Tab: Business Partner Dimension - C_BPartner


Description: Maintain Business Partner Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Table 161.5. Business Partner Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
One time Yes-No
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
sales representative representative may also be an
or company agent employee, but does not need to be.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Order String The business partner order
Reference Transaction Reference reference is the order reference
Number (Sales Order, for this specific transaction; Often
Purchase Order) of Purchase Order numbers are given
your Business Partner to print on Invoices for easier
reference. A standard number

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit Total outstanding amount allowed "on account" in
invoice amounts primary accounting currency. If
allowed the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
performed. Credit Management is

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Business Partner
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Credit Status
Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Check Credit is 0. If active, the status is set
Stop Credit OK automatically set to Credit Hold, if
the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Direct Debit
Mixed POS Payment
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).

6. Tab: Product Dimension - M_Product


Description: Maintain Product Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Table 161.6. Product Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product ID Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Version String
Version Number
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Image URL URL of image; The image
URL is not stored in the database,
URL of image
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Locator Locator The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_mproduct Warehouse Locator
(WH) Warehouse a product is located.
Drop Yes-No Drop Shipments do not cause
Shipment Drop Shipments any Inventory reservations or
are sent from the movements as the Shipment is
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Verified Yes-No (N) The Verified check box indicates
The BOM if the configuration of this
configuration product has been verified.
has been verified This is used for products that
consist of a bill of materials
Shelf Integer The Shelf Depth indicates
Depth Shelf depth required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Amount The Shelf Height indicates
Height Shelf height required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revenue Table The Revenue Recognition
Method for
Recognition Direct crevrecognition_mproduct indicates how revenue will be
recording revenue
recognized for this product
Print detail Yes-No The Print Details on Pick List
Print detail
records on indicates that the BOM element
BOM elements
pick list products will print on the Pick
on the pick list
List as opposed to this product.
Sold Yes-No (Y) Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Stocked Yes-No (Y) ReadOnly Logic: The Stocked check box
@ProductType@=R | Organization indicates if this product is
@ProductType@=E | stocks this product stocked by this Organization.
Verify Button (N)
Description URL URL for the
URL description
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Shelf Integer The Shelf Width indicates
Width Shelf width required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Bill of Yes-No (N) ReadOnly Logic: The Bill of Materials check
Materials @ProductType@=R | box indicates if this product
Bill of Materials
@ProductType@=E | consists of a bill of materials.
Discontinued Yes-No The Discontinued check
This product is no
box indicates a product
longer available
that has been discontinued.
Print detail Yes-No The Print Details on Invoice
Print detail BOM
records on indicates that the BOM element
elements on the invoice

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Purchased Yes-No (Y) The Purchased check box
indicates if this product is
purchases this product
purchased by this organization.
Featured in Yes-No In the display of products in
Web Store If selected, the the Web Store, the product is
product is displayed displayed in the initial view or
in the initial or if no search criteria are entered.
any empty search To be displayed, the product
must be in the price list used.
Self- Yes-No (Y) Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Document Text The Document Note is used
Additional information
Note for recording any additional
for a Document
information regarding this product.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Weight Amount The Weight indicates the
Weight of a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Units Per Costs The Units per Pallet indicates
Pallet +Prices Units Per Pallet the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.
Product List Item Service Resource The type of product also determines
Type Expense type Type of product accounting consequences.
Online Asset (I)
UOM Table ReadOnly Logic: The UOM defines a unique
cuom_mproduct Unit of Measure
Direct @ProductType@=R | non monetary Unit of Measure

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
@ProductType@=E |
Resource Table
sresource_mproduct Resource
Guarantee Integer If the value is 0, there is no
Days Number of days limit to the availability or
the product is guarantee, otherwise the guarantee
guaranteed or available date is calculated by adding
the days to the delivery date.
Subscription Table Subscription type and
csubscriptiontype_mproduct Type of subscription
Type Direct renewal frequency
Freight Table Freight Categories are used
Category Direct mfreightcategory_mproduct Category of the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Volume Amount The Volume indicates the
Volume of a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Min Integer When selecting batch/products
Guarantee with a guarantee date, the
Minimum number
Days minimum left guarantee days
of guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
mattributeset_mproduct Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
UPC/EAN String Use this field to enter the bar
code for the product in any
Bar Code (Universal
of the bar code symbologies
Product Code or its
(Codabar, Code 25, Code 39,
superset European
Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A),
Article Number)
UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF,

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
Mail Table The Mail Template indicates the
Template Direct mail template for return messages.
Mail text can include variables.
The priority of parsing is User/
Contact, Business Partner and
then the underlying business
object (like Request, Dunning,
Workflow object). So, @Name@
Text templates
rmailtext_mproduct would resolve into the User
for mailings
name (if user is defined defined),
then Business Partner name (if
business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business
object if it has a Name. For Multi-
Lingual systems, the template is
translated based on the Business
Partner's language selection.
Tax Table ReadOnly Logic: The Tax Category provides a
Category Direct @ProductType@=R | method of grouping similar
ctaxcategory_mproduct Tax Category
@ProductType@=E | taxes. For example, Sales
@ProductType@=O Tax or Value Added Tax.
SKU String The SKU indicates a user defined
stock keeping unit. It may be
Stock Keeping Unit
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.
Discontinued Date Discontinued At
At indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Expense Table
sexpensetype_mproduct Expense report type
Type Direct
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_mproduct (same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ad_org_mproduct OR (same as first report)
Search String ReadOnly Logic: (see same above)
Key @ProductType@=R |
(same as first report)
@ProductType@=E |
Name String ReadOnly Logic: The name of an entity (record)
@ProductType@=R | is used as an default search
@ProductType@=E | option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
@ProductType@=O search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String ReadOnly Logic: A description is limited
Optional short
@ProductType@=R | to 255 characters.
@ProductType@=E |
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Product Table M_Product Category ReadOnly Logic: Identifies the category which
Category Direct @ProductType@=R | this product belongs to.
mproduct_mproductcategory Category of a Product
@ProductType@=E | Product categories are used
@ProductType@=O for pricing and selection.

7. Tab: Campaign Dimension - C_Campaign


Description: Maintain Marketing Campaign Accounting Dimension Tree

Comment/Help: Please note that you will not be able to create new entities in this window if you have not default set for all mandatory values!

Tab Level: 0

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Table 161.7. Campaign Dimension Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign ID The Campaign defines a
unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
End Date Date Last effective The End Date indicates
date (inclusive) the last date in this range.
Costs Costs The Costs indicates the
Costs in accounting
+Prices cost of a campaign in an
Organizations accounting currency.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
This is a
Level a branch in a tree rather than
summary entity
an end-node. Summary entities

Window: Accounting Dimensions

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Channel Table The Sales Channel identifies
Direct cchannel_ccampaign Sales Channel a channel (or method)
of sales generation.

Chapter 162. Window: Accounting Fact Balances
Description: Query Accounting Daily Balances

Comment/Help: Query daily account balances

Created:2003-04-18 15:39:50.0

Updated:2005-02-09 22:07:42.0

1. Tab: Daily Balances - Fact_Acct_Balance


Description: View daily accounting balances

Tab Level: 0

Table 162.1. Daily Balances Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical Reservation posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
Commitment for the transaction

Window: Accounting Fact Balances

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reservation, Commitment,
Statistical) the transaction.
Account Table C_ElementValue (all) Account used The (natural) account used
Sub Table The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Account Direct may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
Sub account for is dependent on the value of the
Element Value account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Product Search Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Sales Table The Sales Region indicates a
Sales coverage region
Region Direct specific area of sales coverage.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (all) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
Performing or another organization). The owning
initiating organization Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,

Window: Accounting Fact Balances

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Location Table C_Location The Location From
Location that inventory
From indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Location Table C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 1 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 2 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)

Window: Accounting Fact Balances

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Budget Table The General Ledger Budget
Direct identifies a user defined
General Ledger Budget budget. These can be used
in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
Accounted Amount The Account Debit Amount
Debit Accounted indicates the transaction
Debit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Accounted Amount The Account Credit Amount
Credit Accounted indicates the transaction
Credit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.

Chapter 163. Window: Accounting Fact Details
Description: Query Accounting Facts

Comment/Help: Query the detail accounting transactions

Created:1999-12-04 21:49:37.0

Updated:2005-02-09 22:07:33.0

1. Tab: Accounting - Fact_Acct


Description: View Accounting Fact Details

Tab Level: 0

Table 163.1. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Asset ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Accounting ID
Line ID ID Transaction line Internal link
ID (internal)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ac_client_fact_acct (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ad_org_fact_acct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
cacctschema_factacct Rules for accounting
Schema Direct defines the rules used in

Window: Accounting Fact Details

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Table Table EXISTS (SELECT * The Database Table provides the
Direct FROM AD_Column information of the table definition
Database Table
adtable_factacct AND
c.IsActive='Y' AND
Record ID Button The Record ID is the internal
unique identifier of a record.
Please note that zooming to the
Direct internal
record may not be successful for
record ID
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Period Table The Period indicates an exclusive
cperiod_factacct Period of the Calendar
Direct range of dates for a calendar.
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
Transaction Date
Date the date of the transaction.
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) celementvalue_factacct Account used The (natural) account used

Window: Accounting Fact Details

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sub Table The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Account Direct may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
Sub account for is dependent on the value of the
Element Value account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Product Search Identifies an item which
m_product_fact_acct Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct c_project_fact_acct Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Sales Table The Sales Region indicates a
c_salesregion_factacct Sales coverage region
Region Direct specific area of sales coverage.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
so_campaign_fact_acct Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.

Window: Accounting Fact Details

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Location Table C_Location The Location From
Location that inventory
From c_locationfrom_fact_acct indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Location Table C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To c_locationto_fact_acct the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_factacct Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 1 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User ID A user defined accounting element
Column 2 referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
GL Table The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category Direct glcategory_factacct is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.

Window: Accounting Fact Details

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Budget Table The General Ledger Budget
Direct identifies a user defined
glbudget_factacct General Ledger Budget budget. These can be used
in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
Tax Table The Tax indicates the type
ctax_factacct Tax identifier
Direct of tax used in document line.
Locator Table The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_factacct Warehouse Locator
Direct Warehouse a product is located.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct c_currency_fact_acct be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Source Amount The Source Debit Amount
Debit Source Debit Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Amount The Source Credit Amount
Credit Source Credit Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Accounted Amount The Account Debit Amount
Debit Accounted indicates the transaction
Debit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Accounted Amount The Account Credit Amount
Credit Accounted indicates the transaction
Credit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
c_uom_fact_acct Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.

Chapter 164. Window: Accounting Processor
Description: Maintain Accounting Processor and Logs

Comment/Help: Accounting Processor/Server Parameters and Logs

Created:2004-02-19 13:00:41.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Accounting Processor - C_AcctProcessor


Description: Maintain Accounting Processor/Server Parameters

Comment/Help: Accounting Processor/Server Parameters. If no account schema is selected, all accounting schema are processed. If no transaction table is selected,
accounting for all transaction is created.

Tab Level: 0

Table 164.1. Accounting Processor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Button
Accounting ID Accounting Processor/ Accounting Processor/
Processor Server Parameters Server Parameters
Frequency List Minute Hour Day The frequency type is
Type Frequency of event used for calculating the
date of the next event.
Frequency Integer The frequency is used in
conjunction with the frequency
type in determining an event.
Frequency of events
Example: If the Frequency Type
is Week and the Frequency
is 2 - it is every two weeks.

Window: Accounting Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cacctprocessor Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Table Table EXISTS (SELECT * The Database Table provides the
Direct FROM AD_Column information of the table definition
Database Table
adtable_cacctprocessor AND
c.IsActive='Y' AND
Schedule Table AD_Schedule.IsSystemSchedule='N'
Direct adschedule_cacctprocessor OR
Supervisor Table AD_User - Internal Supervisor for this The Supervisor indicates who
user/organization - will be used for forwarding
used for escalation and escalating issues for
and approval this user - or for approvals.

Window: Accounting Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Days to Integer (7) Number of days to Older Log entries may be deleted
keep Log keep the log entries
Date Date Date the process The Date Last Run indicates the
last run +Time was last run. last time that a process was run.
Date Date Date the process The Date Next Run indicates the
next run +Time will run next next time this process will run.

2. Tab: Log - C_AcctProcessorLog


Description: Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor

Comment/Help: Result of the execution of the Accounting Processor

Tab Level: 1

Table 164.2. Log Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounting ID Result of the Result of the execution of
Processor execution of the the Accounting Processor
Log Accounting Processor
Binary Binary The Binary field stores binary data.
Binary Data
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table Accounting Processor/ Accounting Processor/
Processor Direct Server Parameters Server Parameters
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.

Window: Accounting Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Summary Text Textual summary The Summary allows free form
of this request text entry of a recap of this request.
Error Yes-No An Error occurred
in the execution
Reference String Reference for The Reference displays the
this record source document number.
Text Text
Text Message
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Chapter 165. Window: Accounting Schema
Description: Maintain Accounting Schema - For changes to become effective you must re-login

Comment/Help: The Accounting Schema Window defines an accounting method and the elements that will comprise an account structure. Create and activate
elements for detailed accounting for Business Partners, Products, Locations, etc. Review and change the GL and Default accounts. The actual accounts used in
transactions depend on the executing organization; Most of the information is derived from the context.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Accounting Schema - C_AcctSchema


Description: Define your Account Schema Structure

Comment/Help: The Accounting Schema Tab defines the controls used for accounting. You can define multiple accounting schema per client (for parallel
accounting). Postings are generated for an accounting schema, if the schema is valid and you have defined GL and Default accounts and after completion of the
Add / Copy Accounts process.

Tab Level: 0

Table 165.1. Accounting Schema Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounting ID An Accounting Schema
Schema defines the rules used in
Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Correct Yes-No Payment discounts may require
tax for to correct the tax. This primarily
Discounts/ applicable in VAT systems. If the
Correct the tax for
Charges original invoice had tax records,
payment discount
the payment discount, write-
and charges
off, etc. is corrected by the tax.
The calculation of the tax is
prorated based on the invoice.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Use Yes-No The Combination Control
Account Combination of checkbox indicates if the
Combination account elements combination of account elements
Control are checked will be verified against the
defined acceptable combination.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ad_client_c_acctschema (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ad_org_c_acctschema OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
GAAP List US GAAP German The GAAP identifies the
HGB Custom account principles that this
Accounting Rules Generally Accepted accounting schema will adhere to.
International Accounting Principles
GAAP French
Accounting Standard
Commitment List None PO Commitment The Posting Type Commitments
Type only SO Commitment is created when posting Purchase
only PO/SO Orders; The Posting Type
Create Commitment
Commitment PO Reservation is created when
and/or Reservations
Commitment %26 posting Requisitions. This is
for Budget Control
Reservation PO/ used for budgetary control.
SO Commitment
%26 Reservation (N)

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accrual Yes-No (Y) The Accrual checkbox indicates
if this accounting schema will
use accrual based account or
Indicates if Accrual cash based accounting. The
or Cash Based Accrual method recognizes
accounting will be used revenue when the product or
service is delivered. Cash based
method recognizes income
when then payment is received.
Costing List Average PO Lifo Fifo AD_Ref_List.Value The Costing Method indicates how
Method Last PO Price Last < > 'x' costs will be calculated (Standard,
Invoice User Defined Average, Lifo, FiFo). The default
Standard Costing costing method is defined on
Average Invoice _ (S) Indicates how Costs accounting schema level and can
will be calculated be optionally overwritten in the
product category. The costing
method cannot conflict with
the Material Movement Policy
(defined on Product Category).
Cost Type Table You can define multiple cost
Direct Type of Cost (e.g. types. A cost type selected
Current, Plan, Future) in an Accounting Schema
is used for accounting.
Costing List Client Batch/Lot If you want to maintain different
Level Organization (C) costs per organization (warehouse)
or per Batch/Lot, you need to
The lowest level make sure that you define the costs
to accumulate for each of the organizations or
Costing Information batch/lot. The Costing Level is
defined per Accounting Schema
and can be overwritten by Product
Category and Accounting Schema.
Adjust Yes-No For Invoice costing methods, you
COGS Adjust Cost can adjust the cost of goods sold.
of Good Sold At the time of shipment, you may
not have received the invoice for

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
the receipt or cost adjustments
like freight, customs, etc.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct c_currency_c_acctschema be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Explicit Yes-No (N) If selected, landed costs are
Cost posted to the account in the
Adjustment line and then this posting is
Post the cost
reversed by the postings to the
adjustment explicitly
cost adjustment accounts. If not
selected, it is directly posted to
the cost adjustment accounts.
Automatic Yes-No In the Automatic Period Control,
Period periods are opened and closed
If selected, the periods
Control based on the current date.
are automatically
If the Manual alternative is
opened and closed
activated, you have to open
and close periods explicitly.
Period Table The Period indicates an exclusive
cperiod_cacctschema Period of the Calendar
Direct range of dates for a calendar.
History Integer If Automatic Period Control is
Days enabled, the current period is
calculated based on the system
Number of days to be date and you can always post to all
able to post in the past days in the current period. History
(based on system date) Days enable to post to previous
periods. E.g. today is May 15th
and History Days is set to 30,
you can post back to April 15th
Future Integer If Automatic Period Control is
Days enabled, the current period is
Number of days to
calculated based on the system
be able to post to a
date and you can always post to
future date (based
all days in the current period.
on system date)
Future Days enable to post to
future periods. E.g. today is Apr

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
15th and Future Days is set to
30, you can post up to May 15th
Element String (-) The Element Separator defines
Separator Element Separator the delimiter printed between
elements of the structure
Use Yes-No Ability to select The Alias checkbox indicates
Account (partial) account that account combination
Alias combinations can be selected using a user
by an Alias defined alias or short key.
Post Trade Yes-No If the invoice is based on an item
Discount with a list price, the amount based
on the list price and the discount is
posted instead of the net amount.
Example: Quantity 10 - List Price:
Generate postings
20 - Actual Price: 17 If selected
for trade discounts
for a sales invoice 200 is posted
to Product Revenue and 30 to
Discount Granted - rather than
170 to Product Revenue. The
same applies to vendor invoices.
Post Yes-No (N) If selected, you will post
Services Differentiate between service related revenue to a
Separately Services and Product different receivables account
Receivable/Payables and service related cost to a
different payables account.
Post if Yes-No (Y) This flag controls
Clearing if Adempiere must
Equal post when clearing
(transit) and final
accounts are the same
Tax List None Write-off only Determines if/when tax is
Correction Discount only Write- corrected. Discount could be
off and Discount Type of Tax Correction agreed or granted underpayments;
Write-off may be partial
or complete write-off.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Allow Yes-No (Y)
Allow to post negative
accounting values
Only Table AD_Org (all but 0) When you have multiple accounting
Organization schema, you may want to restrict
the generation of postings entries
for the additional accounting
schema (i.e. not for the primary).
Example: You have a US and a
Create posting
FR organization. The primary
adorgonly_cacctschema entries only for
accounting schema is in USD,
this organization
the second in EUR. If for the
EUR accounting schema, you
select the FR organizations, you
would not create accounting
entries for the transactions of
the US organization in EUR.
Create Button

2. Tab: Account Schema Dimensions - C_AcctSchema_Element


Description: Define the dimensions of your Account Key

Comment/Help: The Account Schema Dimensions Tab defines the dimensions that comprise the account key. A name is defined which will display in documents.
Also the order of the dimensions and if they are balanced and mandatory are indicated.

Tab Level: 1

Table 165.2. Account Schema Dimensions Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Acct.Schema ID

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_caschemaelement (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorgid_c_aschemaelement OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_caschemaelement Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Type List Sub Account User The Element Type indicates if this
Column 2 Organization element is the Account element
Account Product or is a User Defined element.
Activity Location
To Sales Region
Element Type (account
Project BPartner
or user defined)
Org Trx Location
From Campaign
User Element List
1 User Element List
2 User Column 1
Element Table The Account Element uniquely
Direct identifies an Account Type.
celement_caschemaelement Accounting Element
These are commonly known
as a Chart of Accounts.
Balanced Yes-No
Mandatory Yes-No Data entry is required The field must have a value for the
in this column record to be saved to the database.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sequence Integer (@SQL=SELECT The Sequence indicates
COALESCE(MAX(SeqNo),0)+10 the order of records
AS DefaultValue Method of ordering
FROM records; lowest
C_AcctSchema_Element number comes first
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) adorg_caschemaelement (same as first report) (see same above)
Account Search C_ElementValue.C_Element_ID=@C_Element_ID@ Account Elements can be natural
Element AND accounts or user defined values.
C_ElementValue.IsActive='Y' Account Element
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_caschemaelement AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Address Location The Location / Address field
clocation_caschemaelement Location or Address
(Address) defines the location of an entity.
Sales Table C_SalesRegion.IsActive='Y' The Sales Region indicates a
Region Direct csalesregion_caschemaelement AND Sales coverage region specific area of sales coverage.
Project Search C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
AND track and control internal
cproject_caschemaelementC_Project.IsActive='Y' Financial Project or external activities.
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
socampaign_caschemaelement Marketing Campaign
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
with a pre defined Marketing

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_cacctschemaelement AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Column Table AD_Column.IsKey='Y' Link to the database
Direct adcolumn_cacctschemaelement AND Column in the table column of the table

3. Tab: General Ledger - C_AcctSchema_GL


Description: Accounts for GL

Comment/Help: The General Ledger Tab defines error and balance handling to use as well as the necessary accounts for posting to General Ledger.

LinkColumn: Accounting Schema

Tab Level: 1

Table 165.3. General Ledger Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cacctschemagl Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Use Yes-No
Suspense Account
Balancing vc_suspensebalancing_cschemagl
Use Yes-No
Suspense Account
Error Acct
Use Yes-No
Currency Account The Currency Balancing Account
Account used
Balancing indicates the account to used
vc_currencybalancing_cschemagl when a currency
Acct when a currency is out of balance
is out of balance
(generally due to rounding)
Retained Account
Earning vc_retainedearning_cschemagl
Income Account
Income Summary
Summary vc_incomesummary_cschemagl
Intercompany Account The Intercompany Due To Account
Intercompany Due
Due To vc_intercompanydueto_cschemagl indicates the account that represents
To / Payable Account
Acct money owed to other organizations.
Intercompany Account The Intercompany Due
Due From Intercompany From account indicates the
Acct vc_intercompanyduefrom_cschema Due From / account that represents money
Receivables Account owed to this organization
from other organizations.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PPV Account Purchase Offset account for standard costing
Offset vc_ppvoffset_cschemagl Price Variance purchase price variances. The
Offset Account counter account is Product PPV.
Commitment Account The Commitment Offset
Offset Budgetary Account is used for posting
commitmentoffset_cacctschemagl Commitment Commitments and Reservations.
Offset Account It is usually an off-balance sheet
and gain-and-loss account.
Commitment Account The Commitment Offset Account
Offset Budgetary is used for posting Commitments
Sales commitmentoffsetsales_cacctsch Commitment Offset Sales and Reservations. It is
Account for Sales usually an off-balance sheet
and gain-and-loss account.

4. Tab: Defaults - C_AcctSchema_Default


Description: Default Accounts

Comment/Help: The Defaults Tab displays the Default accounts for an Accounting Schema. These values will display when a new document is opened. The user
can override these defaults within the document.

LinkColumn: Accounting Schema

Tab Level: 1

Table 165.4. Defaults Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Cash Account Cash Transfer Account for Invoices paid by cash
Transfer Clearing Account
Vendor Account The Vendor Service Liability
Service Account for Vendor account indicates the account to use
Liability Service Liability for recording service liabilities. It
is used if you need to distinguish

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
between Liability for products and
services. This account is only used,
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Receivable Account Account to post services related
Services Accounts Receivables if you
Customer Accounts want to differentiate between
creceivableservices_cacctschem Receivables Services and Product related
Services Account revenue. This account is only used,
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Cash Book Account The Cash Book Expense Account
Cash Book
Expense vc_cbexpense_cschemadefault identifies the account to be used
Expense Account
for general, non itemized expenses.
Cash Book Account The Cash Book Differences
Differences Cash Book Account identifies the account to be
Differences Account used for recording any differences
that affect this cash book
Cash Book Account The Cash Book Asset Account
Asset Cash Book identifies the account to be used
Asset Account for recording payments into and
disbursements from this cash book.
Cash Book Account The Cash Book Receipt
Receipt Cash Book Account identifies the account
Receipts Account to be used for general, non
itemized cash book receipts.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_default Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Unrealized Account The Unrealized Gain Account
Gain Acct Unrealized Gain indicates the account to be used
vc_unrealizedgain_cschemadefau Account for when recording gains achieved
currency revaluation from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.
Unrealized Account The Unrealized Loss Account
Loss Acct Unrealized Loss indicates the account to be used
vc_unrealizedloss_cschemadefau Account for when recording losses incurred
currency revaluation from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.
Realized Account The Realized Gain Account
Gain Acct indicates the account to be used
vc_realizedgain_cschemadefault Realized Gain Account when recording gains achieved
from currency revaluation
that have been realized.
Realized Account The Realized Loss Account
Loss Acct indicates the account to be used
vc_realizedloss_cschemadefault Realized Loss Account when recording losses incurred
from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Receipts account
Account for
invoiced indicates the account used for
vc_notinvoicedreceipts_cschema not-invoiced
Receipts recording receipts for materials
Material Receipts
that have not yet been invoiced.
Unearned Account The Unearned Revenue indicates
Revenue the account used for recording
Account for
vc_unearnedrevenue_cschemadefa invoices sent for products or
unearned revenue
services not yet delivered. It
is used in revenue recognition
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Receivables
invoiced Account for not account indicates the account
Receivables invoiced Receivables used for recording receivables
that have not yet been invoiced.
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Revenue
Account for not
invoiced vc_notinvoicedrevenue_cschemad account indicates the account
invoiced Revenue

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
used for recording revenue
that has not yet been invoiced.
Payment Account Indicates the account to be charged
Payment Discount
Discount vc_paydiscountexp_cschemadefau for payment discount expenses.
Expense Account
Payment Account Indicates the account to be charged
Payment Discount
Discount vc_paydiscountrev_cschemadefau for payment discount revenues.
Revenue Account
Write-off Account The Write Off Account
Account for
vc_writeoff_cschemadefault identifies the account to book
Receivables write-off
write off transactions to.
Customer Account The Customer Receivables
Receivables Account for Customer Accounts indicates the account to
Receivables be used for recording transaction
for customers receivables.
Vendor Account The Vendor Liability account
Liability Account for indicates the account used
Vendor Liability for recording transactions
for vendor liabilities
Customer Account The Customer Prepayment
Prepayment Account for customer account indicates the account
prepayments to be used for recording
prepayments from a customer.
Vendor Account The Vendor Prepayment Account
Account for Vendor
Prepayment vc_vprepayment_cschemadefault indicates the account used to
record prepayments from a vendor.
Product Account The Product Asset Account
Account for Product
Asset vc_passet_cschemadefault indicates the account used for
Asset (Inventory)
valuing this a product in inventory.
Withholding Account The Withholding Account
Account for
vc_withholding_cschemadefault indicates the account used
to record withholdings.
Employee Account Account for Employee The Employee Prepayment
Prepayment Expense Prepayments Account identifies the account

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
to use for recording expense
advances made to this employee.
Product Account The Product Expense
Expense Account for Account indicates the account
Product Expense used to record expenses
associated with this product.
Employee Account The Employee Expense
Expense Account for Account identifies the
Employee Expenses account to use for recording
expenses for this employee.
Cost Account Product Cost Account used for posting product
Adjustment Adjustment Account cost adjustments (e.g. landed costs)
Inventory Account Account used for posting matched
Clearing product (item) expenses (e.g. AP
Invoice, Invoice Match). You
would use a different account
then Product Expense, if you want
Product Inventory
pinventoryclearing_cacctschema to differentiate service related
Clearing Account
costs from item related costs. The
balance on the clearing account
should be zero and accounts for
the timing difference between
invoice receipt and matching.
Product Account The Product COGS Account
COGS Account for Cost indicates the account used
of Goods Sold when recording costs
associated with this product.
Product Account The Product Revenue
Account for
Revenue Account indicates the account
vc_prevenue_cschemadefault Product Revenue
used for recording sales
(Sales Account)
revenue for this product.
Purchase Account The Purchase Price Variance is
Difference between
Price used in Standard Costing. It reflects
vc_ppurchasepv_cschemadefault Standard Cost and
Variance the difference between the Standard
Purchase Price (PPV)
Cost and the Purchase Order Price.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Account Difference between The Invoice Price Variance is used
Price vc_pinvoicepv_cschemadefault Costs and Invoice reflects the difference between the
Variance Price (IPV) current Costs and the Invoice Price.
Trade Account The Trade Discount Receivables
Discount Trade Discount Account indicates the
Received Receivable Account account for received trade
discounts in vendor invoices
Trade Account The Trade Discount Granted
Discount Trade Discount Account indicates the
Granted Granted Account account for granted trade
discount in sales invoices
Rate Account The Rate Variance is used in
Variance Standard Costing. It reflects the
The Rate Variance
difference between the Standard
account is the
pratevariance_cacctschemadefau Cost Rates and The Cost Rates
account used
of Manufacturing Order. If
Manufacturing Order
you change the Standard Rates
then this variance is generate.
Average Account The Average Cost Variance is used
Cost in weighted average costing to
paveragecostvariance_cacctsche Average Cost Variance
Variance reflect differences when posting
costs for negative inventory.
Landed Account Account used for posting of
Cost estimated and actual landed
Clearing cost amount. The balance on
Product Landed Cost
plandedcostclearingvc_cacctsch the clearing account should be
Clearing Account
zero and accounts for the timing
difference between material
receipt and landed cost invoice.
Warehouse Account The Warehouse Differences
Differences Warehouse Account indicates the account
Differences Account used recording differences
identified during inventory counts.
Bank Account The Bank Asset Account
vc_basset_cschemadefault Bank Asset Account
Asset identifies the account to be

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
used for booking changes to the
balance in this bank account
(Not Used) Account The Warehouse Inventory
Asset Account identifies the
account used for recording
Warehouse Inventory
the value of your inventory.
vc_winventory_cschemadefault Asset Account -
This is the counter account for
Currently not used
inventory revaluation differences.
The Product Asset account
maintains the product asset value.
Inventory Account In actual costing systems,
Adjustment Account for Inventory this account is used to post
vc_winvactualadjust_cschemadef value adjustments Inventory value adjustments.
for Actual Costing You could set it to the standard
Inventory Asset account.
Bank In Account The Bank in Transit Account
Bank In Transit
Transit vc_bintransit_cschemadefault identifies the account to be used
for funds which are in transit.
Payment Account AP Payment Selection
Selection Clearing Account
Unallocated Account Unallocated Cash Receipts not allocated to Invoices
Cash Clearing Account
Inventory Account The Inventory Revaluation Account
Revaluation Account for Inventory identifies the account used to
Revaluation records changes in inventory
value due to currency revaluation.
Bank Account The Bank Interest Expense Account
Bank Interest
Interest vc_binterestexp_cschemadefault identifies the account to be used
Expense Account
Expense for recording interest expenses.
Bank Account The Bank Interest Revenue
Interest Bank Interest Account identifies the account
Revenue Revenue Account to be used for recording interest
revenue from this Bank.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tax Due Account The Tax Due Account indicates
Account for Tax
vc_tdue_cschemadefault the account used to record
you have to pay
taxes that you are liable to pay.
Work In Account The Work in
Process Process account is
the account used
Manufacturing Order
Floor Account The Floor Stock is used for
Stock accounting the component with
Issue method is set Floor stock
The Floor Stock
into Bill of Material %26 Formula
account is the
pfloorstock_cacctschemadefault Window. The components with
account used
Issue Method defined as Floor
Manufacturing Order
stock is acounting next way:
Debit Floor Stock Account
Credit Work in Process Account
Tax Credit Account The Tax Credit Account indicates
Account for Tax
vc_tcredit_cschemadefault the account used to record
you can reclaim
taxes that can be reclaimed
Method Account The Method Change Variance is
Change used in Standard Costing. It reflects
Variance the difference between the Standard
The Method Change BOM , Standard Manufacturing
Variance account Workflow and Manufacturing
is the account used BOM Manufacturing Workflow.
Manufacturing Order If you change the method the
manufacturing defined in BOM
or Workflow Manufacturig
then this variance is generate.
Tax Account The Tax Expense Account
Expense Account for paid tax indicates the account used to
you cannot reclaim record the taxes that have been
paid that cannot be reclaimed.
Usage Account The Usage Variance is used in
The Usage Variance
Variance pusagevariance_cacctschemadefa Standard Costing. It reflects the
account is the
difference between the Quantities

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
of Standard BOM or Time Standard
Manufacturing Workflow and
Quantities of Manufacturing
BOM or Time Manufacturing
account used
Workflow of Manufacturing
Manufacturing Order
Order. If you change the Quantities
or Time defined in BOM
or Workflow Manufacturig
then this variance is generate.
Charge Account The Charge Account
Account vc_chexpense_cschemadefault Charge Account identifies the account to
use when recording charges
Project Account The Project Asset account is
Asset vc_pjasset_cschemadefault Project Asset Account the account used as the final
asset account in capital projects
Work In Account The Work in Process account is
Account for
Progress vc_pjwip_cschemadefault the account used in capital projects
Work in Progress
until the project is completed
Mix Account The Mix Variance The Mix Variance is used when a
Variance account is the co-product received in Inventory
account used is different the quantity expected
Manufacturing Order
Add or Button
Labor Account The Labor account The Labor is used for
plabor_cacctschemadefault is the account used accounting the productive Labor
Manufacturing Order
Burden Account The Burden account The Burden is used for
pburden_cacctschemadefault is the account used accounting the Burden
Manufacturing Order
Cost Of Account The Cost Of The Cost Of Production is used for
Production Production account accounting Non productive Labor
is the account used
Manufacturing Order

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Outside Account The Outside Processing The Outside Processing
Processing Account is the Account is used for accounting
account used in the Outside Processing
Manufacturing Order
Overhead Account The Overhead account
poverhead_cacctschemadefault is the account used in
Manufacturing Order
Scrap Account The Scrap account is
pscrap_cacctschemadefault the account used in
Manufacturing Order
Bank Account The Bank Unidentified
Unidentified Receipts Account identifies
Bank Unidentified
Receipts vc_bunidentified_cschemadefaul the account to be used when
Receipts Account
recording receipts that can not
be reconciled at the present time.
Bank Account The Bank Expense Account
Expense identifies the account to be
vc_bexpense_cschemadefault Bank Expense Account
used for recording charges or
fees incurred from this Bank.
Bank Account The Bank Revaluation Gain
Revaluation Account identifies the account
Bank Revaluation
Gain vc_brevaluationgain_cschemadef to be used for recording
Gain Account
gains that are recognized
when converting currencies.
Bank Account The Bank Revaluation Loss
Revaluation Account identifies the account
Bank Revaluation
Loss vc_brevaluationloss_cschemadef to be used for recording
Loss Account
losses that are recognized
when converting currencies.
Bank Account The Bank Settlement loss account
Settlement identifies the account to be
Bank Settlement
Loss vc_bsettlementloss_cschemadefa used when recording a currency
Loss Account
loss when the settlement and
receipt currency are not the same.

Window: Accounting Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank Account The Bank Settlement Gain account
Settlement identifies the account to be
Bank Settlement
Gain vc_bsettlementgain_cschemadefa used when recording a currency
Gain Account
gain when the settlement and
receipt currency are not the same.
Tax Account The Tax Liability Account
Account for Tax
Liability vc_tliability_cschemadefault indicates the account used to record
declaration liability
your tax liability declaration.
Tax Account The Tax Receivables Account
Receivables Account for Tax credit indicates the account used to
after tax declaration record the tax credit amount
after your tax declaration.
Charge Account The Charge Revenue Account
Revenue Charge Revenue identifies the account
(Deprecated) Account to use when recording
charges paid by customers.

Chapter 166. Window: Active Session
Description: List of Current Logged in user

Comment/Help: null

Created:2012-10-11 18:17:05.0

Updated:2012-10-18 13:30:02.0

1. Tab: Sessions - AD_SessionInfo_v


Description: Current Sessions

Tab Level: 0

Table 166.1. Sessions Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
AD_SessionInfo_v ID
AD_Session_UU String
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Client String Client in which current
Name session user logged in
Organization String Name of the
Name Organization
Remote String The Remote Address indicates an
Remote Address
Addr alternative or external address.
Remote String
Remote host Info

Window: Active Session

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Name String Login User Name
EMail String The Email Address is the
Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
Mail Address
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Login Role String Role name of user logged in with
Login date Date
Session Table User Session Online or Web Session Information
Direct Online or Web
Web String
Web Session ID
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.
Updated Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
+Time was updated date that this record was updated.
Server String Node instance name
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 167. Window: Activity (ABC)
Description: Maintain Activities for Activity Based Costing

Comment/Help: The Activity Based Costing Window defines the different activities for which you want to capture costs.

Created:1999-06-29 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Activity - C_Activity


Description: Activity for Activity Based Costing

Tab Level: 0

Table 167.1. Activity Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity ID Activities indicate tasks that
Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Activity (ABC)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.

2. Tab: Translation - C_Activity_Trl


LinkColumn: Activity

Tab Level: 1

Table 167.2. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_CActivityTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_CActivityTrl (same as first report)
Activity Search Activities indicate tasks that
CActivity_CActivityTrl Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_CActivityTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting

Window: Activity (ABC)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.

Chapter 168. Window: Address Transaction
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2013-08-19 14:26:45.0

Updated:2013-08-19 14:26:45.0

1. Tab: Address Transaction - C_AddressTransaction


Tab Level: 0

Table 168.1. Address Transaction Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Address ID
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_caddresstransaction (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_caddresstransaction OR (same as first report)
Address Location The Location / Address field
clocation_caddresstransaction Location or Address
(Address) defines the location of an entity.
Address 1 String Address line 1 The Address 1 identifies the
for this location address for an entity's location
Address 2 String The Address 2 provides
additional address information
Address line 2
for an entity. It can be used for
for this location
building location, apartment
number or similar information.

Window: Address Transaction

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Address 3 String The Address 2 provides
additional address information
Address Line 3
for an entity. It can be used for
for the location
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
Address 4 String The Address 4 provides
additional address information
Address Line 4
for an entity. It can be used for
for the location
building location, apartment
number or similar information.
City String The City identifies a unique
Identifies a City
City for this Country or Region.
Region String
ZIP String The Postal Code or ZIP
Postal code identifies the postal code
for this entity's address.
Country String
Result Text Result of the The Result indicates the result of
action taken any action taken on this request.
Valid Yes-No (N) The element passed
Element is valid
the validation check
Address Table
Validation Direct
Processed Yes-No (N) The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

Chapter 169. Window: Address Validation
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2013-08-19 13:58:28.0

Updated:2013-08-19 13:58:28.0

1. Tab: Address Validation - C_AddressValidation


Tab Level: 0

Table 169.1. Address Validation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Address ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_caddressvalidation (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_caddressvalidation OR (same as first report)
Address Table Callout:
Validation Direct caddressvalidationcfg_caddress
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Address Validation

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sequence Integer Method of ordering The Sequence indicates
records; lowest the order of records
number comes first
User ID String The User ID identifies a
User ID or
user and allows access
account number
to records or processes.
Connection String
Connection String
Shipper String
Shipper String

Chapter 170. Window: Address Validation
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2013-08-19 13:53:57.0

Updated:2013-08-19 13:53:57.0

1. Tab: Address Validation - C_AddressValidationCfg


Tab Level: 0

Table 170.1. Address Validation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Address ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_caddressvalidationcfg (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_caddressvalidationcfg OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Address Validation Configuration

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Host String Host Address The Host Address identifies the
Address URL or DNS URL or DNS of the target host
Host port Integer Host The Host Port identifies the port
Communication Port to communicate with the host.
Proxy String The Proxy Address must be defined
Address of your
address if you must pass through a firewall
proxy server
to access your payment processor.
Proxy port Integer Port of your The Proxy Port identifies the
proxy server port of your proxy server.
Proxy String Logon of your The Proxy Logon identifies the
logon proxy server Logon ID for your proxy server.
Proxy String Password of your The Proxy Password identifies the
password proxy server password for your proxy server.
Service String
Address String

Chapter 171. Window: Alert
Description: iDempiere Alert

Comment/Help: iDempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of

Created:2003-06-07 19:59:53.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Alert - AD_Alert


Description: iDempiere Alert

Comment/Help: iDempiere Alerts allow you define system conditions you want to be alerted of.

Tab Level: 0

Table 171.1. Alert Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Alert ID iDempiere Alerts allow you
iDempiere Alert define system conditions
you want to be alerted of
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Alert

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Valid Yes-No (Y) The element passed
Element is valid
the validation check
Alert Table Alert Processor/ Alert Processor/Server Parameter
Processor Direct Server Parameter
Enforce Yes-No (Y) Send alerts to recipient
Client only if the client
Security security rules of
the role allows
Enforce Yes-No (Y) Send alerts to recipient
Role only if the data security
Security rules of the role allows
Alert String The subject of the email
Subject of the Alert
Subject message sent for the alert
Alert Text The message of the
Message of the Alert
Message email sent for the alert

2. Tab: Alert Rule - AD_AlertRule


Description: Definition of the alert element

Comment/Help: The definition of the altert or action

Tab Level: 1

Table 171.2. Alert Rule Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Alert Rule ID Definition of
the alert element

Window: Alert

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Alert Table iDempiere Alerts allow you
Direct adaltert_aralertrule iDempiere Alert define system conditions
you want to be alerted of
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Valid Yes-No (Y) The element passed
Element is valid
the validation check
Error Msg Text
Pre Text Process SQL before Could be Update/
Processing executing the query Delete/etc. statement
Sql Text The Select Clause indicates the
SELECT SQL SELECT clause to use
SQL SELECT clause for selecting the record for a
measure calculation. Do not
include the SELECT itself.
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Sql FROM Text The Select Clause indicates
the SQL FROM clause to
use for selecting the record
SQL FROM clause
for a measure calculation. It
can have JOIN clauses. Do
not include the FROM itself.
Sql Text Fully qualified SQL The Where Clause indicates
WHERE WHERE clause the SQL WHERE clause to

Window: Alert

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
use for record selection. The
WHERE clause is added to the
query. Fully qualified means
Other SQL Text Any other complete clause like
BY, etc. after WHERE clause.
Post Text Process SQL after Could be Update/
Processing executing the query Delete/etc. statement

3. Tab: Alert Recipient - AD_AlertRecipient


Description: Recipient of the Alert Notification

Comment/Help: You can send the notifications to users or roles

Tab Level: 1

Table 171.3. Alert Recipient Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Alert ID Recipient of the You can send the
Recipient Alert Notification notifications to users or roles
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Alert Table iDempiere Alerts allow you
Direct adalert_adalertrecipient iDempiere Alert define system conditions
you want to be alerted of
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Alert

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/ Search The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_adalertrecipient - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Role Table The Role determines security
Direct adrole_adaltertrecipient Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.

Chapter 172. Window: Alert Processor
Description: Maintain Alert Processor/Server Parameter and Logs

Comment/Help: Alert Processor/Server Parameter

Created:2004-02-19 13:00:51.0

Updated:2012-09-19 10:52:56.0

1. Tab: Processor - AD_AlertProcessor


Description: Alert Processor

Tab Level: 0

Table 172.1. Processor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Alert ID Alert Processor/ Alert Processor/Server Parameter
Processor Server Parameter
Frequency List Minute Hour Day The frequency type is
Type Frequency of event used for calculating the
date of the next event.
Process Button
Frequency Integer The frequency is used in
conjunction with the frequency
type in determining an event.
Frequency of events
Example: If the Frequency Type
is Week and the Frequency
is 2 - it is every two weeks.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Alert Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Schedule Table AD_Schedule.IsSystemSchedule='N'
Direct adschedule_adalertprocessor OR
Supervisor Table AD_User - Supervisor Supervisor for this The Supervisor indicates who
user/organization - will be used for forwarding
used for escalation and escalating issues for
and approval this user - or for approvals.
Days to Integer (7) Number of days to Older Log entries may be deleted
keep Log keep the log entries
Date Date Date the process The Date Last Run indicates the
last run +Time was last run. last time that a process was run.
Date Date Date the process The Date Next Run indicates the
next run +Time will run next next time this process will run.

2. Tab: Log - AD_AlertProcessorLog


Description: Alert Processor Log

Tab Level: 1

Window: Alert Processor

Table 172.2. Log Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Alert ID Result of the execution
Result of the execution
Processor of the Alert Processor
of the Alert Processor
Binary Binary The Binary field stores binary data.
Binary Data
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Alert Table Alert Processor/ Alert Processor/Server Parameter
Processor Direct Server Parameter
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.
Summary Text Textual summary The Summary allows free form
of this request text entry of a recap of this request.
Error Yes-No An Error occurred
in the execution
Reference String Reference for The Reference displays the
this record source document number.
Text Text
Text Message
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Chapter 173. Window: Asset
Description: Asset used internally or by customers

Comment/Help: An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset.

Created:2003-01-23 00:51:59.0

Updated:2010-06-17 15:12:01.0

1. Tab: Asset - A_Asset


Description: Asset used internally or by customers

Comment/Help: An asset is either created by purchasing or by delivering a product. An asset can be used internally or be a customer asset.

Tab Level: 0

Table 173.1. Asset Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Type String (MFX)
Asset List Dispose Inbound
Action Modify Outbound
Reevaluate Retire
Transfer ('MD')
Manufacturer String The manufacturer of the Product
(used if different from the
of the Product
Business Partner / Vendor)
Asset ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Current Number

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Yes-No (N)
Shipment/ Table The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt Direct minoutline_aasset indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Processed Yes-No ('N') The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Usable Integer
Years of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Asset class Search A_Asset_Class (all) aassetclass_aasset
Usable Integer
Months of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Asset Type Table
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Inventory String
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Parent Search A_Asset_ID
Asset Search A_Asset_Group A_Asset_Type_ID The group of assets determines
Group IN (NULL, default accounts. If an asset
aassetgroup_aasset @A_Asset_Type_ID@) Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Version String
Version Number
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_aasset AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Manufactured Integer
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
In Service Date The date when the asset was
Date when Asset
Date put into service - usually used
was put into service
as start date for depreciation.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Guarantee Date Date when Date when the normal
Date guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Create Date (@Date@)
Revaluation Date
Project Search A Project allows you to
cproject_aasset Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_aasset Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
In Yes-No The asset is in Assets which are not in possession
Possession the possession of are e.g. at Customer site and may or
the organization may not be owned by the company.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@Callout:
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_aasset
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
User/ Table AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_aasset - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Locator Locator Callout: The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_aasset Warehouse Locator
(WH) org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutAsset.location Warehouse a product is located.
BPartner Table C_BPartner Vendor Business Partner
(Agent) or SalesRep (Agent or Sales Rep)
Address Location Callout: The Location / Address field
clocation_aasset Location or Address
(Address) org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutAsset.locator defines the location of an entity.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Location String Additional comments
comment or remarks concerning
the location
Owned Yes-No The asset may not be in
The asset is owned
possession, but the asset is
by the organization
legally owned by the organization
Lessor Search C_BPartner Vendors The Business Partner
who rents or leases
Lease Date Lease Last Date of Lease
Termination Termination Date
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
Fully Yes-No (N) The asset is The asset costs are fully amortized.
depreciated fully depreciated
Life use Integer Units of use until Life use and the actual use may be
the asset is not used to calculate the depreciation
usable anymore
Use units Integer Currently used
units of the assets
Last Date
Last Maintenance Date
Last Unit Integer Last Maintenance Unit
Last Note String Last Maintenance Note
Next Date
Next Maintenence Date
Next Unit Integer Next Maintenence Unit
Asset List Activated Disposed
Status Depreciated New
Retired Sold ('NW')
Activation Date

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Date Date of the last deprecation,
Date of last
Depreciation if the asset is used
Date internally and depreciated.
Disposed Yes-No The asset is no longer
The asset is disposed
used and disposed
Asset Date
Date when the asset
is/was disposed

2. Tab: Product - A_Asset_Product


LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.2. Product Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Product Table M_Product Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_aassetproduct Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Current Quantity (0)
Locator Locator The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_aassetproduct Warehouse Locator
(WH) Warehouse a product is located.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

3. Tab: Asset Balances - A_Depreciation_Workfile


Description: Asset Balance Report and Adjustments

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.3. Asset Balances Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Table
Funding Direct afundingmode_adepreciationwork
Asset Date Date of the last deprecation,
Date of last
Depreciation if the asset is used
Date internally and depreciated.
Current Number
Amount (0)

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Own Amount Callout:
contribution org.compiere.FA.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.A_Valoare_Cofinantare
Processed Yes-No (N) The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Financing List Cofinantare
Financing Type
Type Proprie Terti ('P')
Life Years Integer (0)
Life Years Integer (0)
Life Period Integer (0)
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Third Amount Callout:
contribution org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.A_Valoare_Cofinantare
Amount (0)
A_Curr_Dep_ExpAmount (0)
Life Integer (0)
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Asset Cost Amount (0) Callout:
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment ('A') Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Asset Amount (0)
Accumulated Amount (0)
Accumulated Amount (0)
Remaining Amount
Remaining Amount
SL Amount
SL Amount
Life Integer

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Life Integer
Usable Integer (0) Callout:
Years of the usable
Life - org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
life of the asset
Use Life Integer (0) Callout:
- Years org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
Usable Integer (0) Callout:
Months of the usable
Life - org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
life of the asset
Use Life Integer (0) Callout:
- Months org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
Current Integer
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Update Button (N)

4. Tab: Accounting Setup - A_Asset_Acct


Description: Enter accounting setup information

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Window: Asset

Table 173.4. Accounting Setup Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
A_Period_Start Integer
Split Number (1)
Convention Table A_ConventionType
Loss on Account
Disposal Account
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Variable Number
Variable Number
Reval Cost Account
Offset arevalcostoffsetprior_aassetac
Prior Acct
Account arevaladepoffsetprior_aassetac
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Prior Year
Reval Cost Account
Offset arevalcostoffset_aassetacct
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Depreciation Table A_ConventionType
Convention adepreciationconvf_aassetacct
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Method adepreciationmethodf_aassetacc
Account arevaladepoffsetcur_aassetacct
A_Reval_Cal_MethodList Default Year Balances
Inception to date
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Revaluation Account
A_Period_End Integer
Reval Account
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Prior Year
A_Asset_Acct_ID ID
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table AD_Org (all) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_aassetacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Asset Amount (0)
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment ('A') Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Type Callout:
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Type
Asset Acct Account aassetvc_aassetacct
Accumulated Account
Depreciation aaccumdepreciation_aassetacct
Depreciation Account
Disposal Account
Revenue adisposalrevenue_aassetacct

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Disposal Account
Loss Acct

5. Tab: Activation/Addition - A_Asset_Addition


Description: Activation/Addition

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.5. Activation/Addition Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch Direct gljournalbatch_aassetaddition identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.
Process Yes-No
Line No Integer Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
A_Period_Start Integer (0)
Asset ID
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Approved Yes-No(@#IsCanApproveOwnDoc@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Rate Number Callout: The Currency Conversion Rate
Currency indicates the rate to use when
Conversion Rate converting the source currency
to the accounting currency
Adjust Yes-No (N) Callout:
Accumulated org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.periodOffset
Currency Table Callout: The Currency Conversion
Type Direct org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt
Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String DocumentNo The document number is usually
No Invoice Vendor automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
sequence number
document. This is for documents
of the document
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Create Yes-No ('N')
Asset Search Callout: An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Document Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.dateDoc; the date the document was
Date of the Document
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.periodOffset generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt; the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment (A) Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Capital/ List Capital Expense ('Cap')
Source List Invoice Manual
Type Journal Entry Imported
Project ('INV')
Invoice Search cinvoice_aassetaddition Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Invoice Search ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_aassetaddition Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Match Search M_MatchInv for A_Processed='N' Match Shipment/
Invoice Asset Addition Receipt to Invoice

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipment/ Search ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_aassetaddition indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Project Search C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
AND track and control internal
cproject_aassetadditionC_Project.ProjectCategory Financial Project or external activities.
IN ('W','A')Callout:
Charge Search The Charge indicates a
ccharge_aassetaddition type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Imported Table
Fixed Direct ifixedasset_aassetaddition
Product Search M_Product ReadOnly Logic: Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_aassetaddition@A_SourceType@='INV' Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Locator Locator M_Locator.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@ The Locator indicates where in a
(WH) mlocator_aassetaddition ReadOnly Logic: Warehouse Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Source Amount Callout:
Amount org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt
Asset Amount Book Value
value of the asset
Entered Amount (0) Callout:
Amount org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_aassetaddition
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Current Number (0)
Accumulated Amount (0) Callout:
Depreciation org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt
Accumulated Amount (0)
Delta Use Integer (0) Callout:
Life Years org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.uselife;
Delta Use Integer (0)
Delta Use Life
Life Years
Years (fiscal)
Life Integer
Life Integer
Processed Yes-No ('N') The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved ('DR')

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Addition Action('CO') the Document Status field. The
of the document
Process options are listed in a popup

6. Tab: Cost Details - A_Asset_Addition


Description: Cost Detail

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.6. Cost Details Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Shipment/ Search ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_aassetaddition indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Asset ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String DocumentNo The document number is usually
No Invoice Vendor automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
sequence number
preliminary number is displayed
of the document
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Asset Search Callout: An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment (A) Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Capital/ List Capital Expense ('Cap')
Source List Invoice Manual
Type Journal Entry Imported
Project ('INV')
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch Direct gljournalbatch_aassetaddition identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.
Invoice Search cinvoice_aassetaddition Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Line No Integer Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Asset Amount Book Value
value of the asset
Current Number (0)

7. Tab: Disposal - A_Asset_Disposed


LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.7. Disposal Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Period Table C_Period (Open) The Period indicates an exclusive
cperiod_aassetdisposed Period of the Calendar
range of dates for a calendar.
Asset ID
Process Button
Disposed List Charity Destroyed
Reason Scraped Sold Theft
Sold w/Trade
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0Callout: (same as first report)
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Search Processed='Y' AND An asset is either created by
A_Asset_Status< Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
> 'DI'Callout: or by customers product. An asset can be used
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Disposed.asset internally or be a customer asset.
Disposed List Trade w/cash Simple
Method Cash Trade Simple_
Preservation Cash_
Partial Retirement
Disposed Date Callout:
Document Date (@Date@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@Date@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Asset Amount
Asset Table A_Asset_ID
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

8. Tab: Asset Usage - A_Asset_Use


Description: Record Asset Usage

Tab Level: 1

Window: Asset

Table 173.8. Asset Usage Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
A_Asset_Use_ID ID
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset SearchA_Asset_ID(@A_Asset_ID@) An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
UseDate Date
Use units Integer Currently used
units of the assets
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

9. Tab: Delivery - A_Asset_Delivery


Description: Delivery or availability

Comment/Help: Record of delivery or availability

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.9. Delivery Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Asset ID The availability of the asset to
Delivery of Asset
Delivery the business partner (customer).

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Product Table Define download for a product.
Download Direct mproductdl_aassetdelivery Product downloads If the product is an asset, the
user can download the data.
Movement Date The Movement Date indicates
Date +Time Date a product the date that a product moved
was moved in or in or out of inventory. This
out of inventory is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
User/ Search The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_aassetdelivery - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Version String
Version Number
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipment/ Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt moutline_aassetdelivery indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
EMail String The Email Address is the
Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
Mail Address
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Message String SMTP Message ID
EMail Message ID
ID for tracking purposes
Delivery String EMail Delivery
Confirmation confirmation
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Referrer String Referring web address
Remote String The Remote Address indicates an
Remote Address
Addr alternative or external address.
Remote String
Remote host Info

10. Tab: Asset History - A_Asset_Change


Description: Detail asset transaction history

Tab Level: 1

Window: Asset

Table 173.10. Asset History Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset ID
ChangeDate Date
Combination Account The Combination identifies a
Valid Account
cvalidcombinati_aassetchange valid combination of element
which represent a GL account.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Asset ID Internally used asset
Retirement is not longer used.
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Details String
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment ('A') Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
ChangeType List Addition Balance
Depreciation Disposal
Forecast Import
Revaluation Setup
Split Create Expense
Transfer Update Usage
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
By this records the user who updated this record.
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_aassetchange Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
A_Period_Start Integer
A_Period_End Integer
DepreciationType Table A_Depreciation_Type
List Yearly Period
Variable Number
Table A_Depreciation_Table_Codes
Calculation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Spread Table A_Asset_Spread
ConventionType Table A_ConventionType
Asset Amount
Split Number (1)
Owned Yes-No The asset may not be in
The asset is owned
possession, but the asset is
by the organization
legally owned by the organization
In Yes-No The asset is in Assets which are not in possession
Possession the possession of are e.g. at Customer site and may or
the organization may not be owned by the company.
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Fully Yes-No The asset is The asset costs are fully amortized.
depreciated fully depreciated
Disposed Yes-No The asset is no longer
The asset is disposed
used and disposed
A_Reval_Cal_MethodList Default Year Balances
Inception to date
ChangeAmt Amount
Asset Amount (0) Book Value
value of the asset
Market Amount For reporting, the
Market value
value market value of the asset
of the asset
Current Number
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Create Date
In Service Date The date when the asset was
Date when Asset
Date put into service - usually used
was put into service
as start date for depreciation.
Asset Date Date of the last deprecation,
Date of last
Depreciation if the asset is used
Date internally and depreciated.
Revaluation Date

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Date
Date when the asset
is/was disposed
Usable Integer
Years of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Usable Integer
Months of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Life use Integer Units of use until Life use and the actual use may be
the asset is not used to calculate the depreciation
usable anymore
Use units Integer Currently used
units of the assets
Parent Table A_Asset_ID
User/ Search AD_User - Internal The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_aassetchange - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Address Location The Location / Address field
clocation_aassetchange Location or Address
(Address) defines the location of an entity.
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Version String
Version Number
Business Table A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Direct Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner Table C_BPartner Location Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location cbpartnerlocation_aassetchange to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Asset Acct Account aassetvc_aassetchange
Depreciation Account
Accumulated Account
Depreciation aaccumdepreciation_aassetchang
Disposal Account
Revenue adisposalrevenue_aassetchange
Disposal Account
Loss on Account
Disposal Account
Loss Acct
Revaluation Integer
Offset for
Reval Cost Integer
Revaluation Integer
Offset for
Prior Year
Reval Cost Integer
Prior Acct

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Revaluation Integer
Offset for
Revaluation Integer
Offset for
Prior Year
Reval Integer
Revaluation Integer
A_Asset_Change_ID ID

11. Tab: Issue Project - R_IssueProject


Description: Automatic Issue Reporting

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Window: Asset

Table 173.11. Issue Project Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Issue ID Implementation
Project Projects
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Project Search A Project allows you to
cproject_rissueproject Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
System List Production Evaluation Status of the System status helps to
Status Implementation system - Support prioritize support resources
priority depends
on system status
Statistics String Profile information do not
Information to help contain sensitive information
profiling the system for and are used to support issue
solving support issues detection and diagnostics as well
as general anonymous statistics

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Profile String Profile information do not
Information to help
contain sensitive information
profiling the system for
and are used to support issue
solving support issues
detection and diagnostics

12. Tab: Finance Information - A_Asset_Info_Fin


Description: Finace Information for the Asset

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.12. Finance Information Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Info ID
Processed Yes-No ('N') The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org (all) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset List Capitalized Lease
Finance Owned Rented Non-
Method Capitalized Lease
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Contract Date
Asset Date
Asset Amount
Asset List 15th of every
Due On month 1st of every
month Yearly on
or before contract
date Beginning
of every month
Purchase Yes-No
Purchase Amount
Purchase Integer
Purchase Number
Credit %
Text Text
Text Message

Window: Asset

13. Tab: License Information - A_Asset_Info_Lic


Description: License Information for Asset

LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.13. License Information Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No ('N') The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org (all) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Description String
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Account String State of the Credit The State of the Credit
State Card or Account holder Card or Account holder
Issuing String
Asset String

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Amount
Asset Date

14. Tab: Insurance Information - A_Asset_Info_Ins


Description: Insurance Information for asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.14. Insurance Information Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org (all) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Insurance String
Asset String
Policy No

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Date
Asset Amount
Asset Amount
Asset Amount
Description String

15. Tab: Tax Information - A_Asset_Info_Tax


Description: Tax information for asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.15. Tax Information Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset ID
Info Tax
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org (all) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset ID Asset used internally An asset is either created by
or by customers purchasing or by delivering a

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Asset Tax String
Account String State of the Credit The State of the Credit
State Card or Account holder Card or Account holder
Asset Yes-No
New Used
Asset List Capitalized Lease
Finance Owned Rented Non-
Method Capitalized Lease
Asset Integer
Text String
Text Message

16. Tab: Other Information - A_Asset_Info_Oth


Description: Other information associated with asset

Tab Level: 1

Table 173.16. Other Information Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
A_User1 String
A_User10 String
A_User2 String
A_User11 String
A_User3 String
A_User12 String
A_User4 String
A_User13 String
A_User5 String
A_User14 String
A_User6 String
A_User15 String
A_User7 String
A_User8 String
A_User9 String
Description Memo

17. Tab: Expense - A_Depreciation_Exp


LinkColumn: Asset

Tab Level: 1

Window: Asset

Table 173.17. Expense Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table AD_Org (all) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client (same as first report) (see same above)
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
Account aaccountnumber_adepreciationex
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Entry Type List Depreciation
Forecasts New Splits
Transfers Disposals
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Expense Amount (0)
Expense Amount (0)
Account Account C_ValidCombination The (natural) account used
draccou_adepreciationexp Account used
Account Account C_ValidCombination The (natural) account used
craccou_adepreciationexp Account used
Asset Integer C_Period (all)
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment ('A') Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Process Button
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Asset Cost Amount
Delta Amount (0)
Asset Cost
Accumulated Amount
Accumulated Amount (0)
Accumulated Amount
Accumulated Amount (0)
- fiscal
Remaining Amount
Remaining Amount

Window: Asset

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Usable Integer
Months of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Use Life Integer
- Months
Asset Table
Addition Direct
Asset Table
Disposed Direct

Chapter 174. Window: Asset Addition
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2010-06-17 15:27:54.0

Updated:2010-06-17 15:27:54.0

1. Tab: Addition - A_Asset_Addition


Tab Level: 0

Table 174.1. Addition Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset ID
Process Yes-No
Approved Yes-No(@#IsCanApproveOwnDoc@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Processed Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date
On (expressed in decimal +Time save the exact moment
format) when the (nanoseconds precision if
document has allowed by the DB) when a
been processed document has been processed.
Rate Number Callout: The Currency Conversion Rate
Currency indicates the rate to use when
Conversion Rate converting the source currency
to the accounting currency

Window: Asset Addition

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No ('N') The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Line No Integer Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String DocumentNo The document number is usually
No Invoice Vendor automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Window: Asset Addition

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Table C_DocType.DocBaseType='FAA' The Document Type
Type Direct AND determines document
cdoctype_aassetadditionC_DocType.AD_Org_ID Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
IN (0,
Asset Search Callout: An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Create Yes-No ('N')
Document Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.dateDoc; the date the document was
Date of the Document
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.periodOffset generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt; the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment (A) Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Source List Invoice Manual
Type Journal Entry Imported
Project ('INV')
Capital/ List Capital Expense ('Cap')
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch Direct gljournalbatch_aassetaddition identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.
Invoice Search cinvoice_aassetaddition Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.

Window: Asset Addition

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Match Search M_MatchInv for A_Processed='N' Match Shipment/
Invoice Asset Addition Receipt to Invoice
Invoice Search ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_aassetaddition Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Shipment/ Search ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_aassetaddition indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Project Search C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
AND track and control internal
cproject_aassetadditionC_Project.ProjectCategory Financial Project or external activities.
IN ('W','A')Callout:
Charge Search The Charge indicates a
ccharge_aassetaddition type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Imported Table
Fixed Direct ifixedasset_aassetaddition
Product Search M_Product ReadOnly Logic: Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_aassetaddition@A_SourceType@='INV' Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Locator Locator M_Locator.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@ The Locator indicates where in a
(WH) mlocator_aassetaddition ReadOnly Logic: Warehouse Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Entered Amount (0) Callout:
Amount org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt

Window: Asset Addition

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Amount Book Value
value of the asset
Source Amount Callout:
Amount org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt
Asset Number
Current Number (0)
Currency Table Callout: The Currency Conversion
Type Direct org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt
Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Currency Table Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_aassetaddition
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Life Integer
Life Integer
Delta Use Integer (0) Callout:
Life Years org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.uselife;
Delta Use Integer (0)
Delta Use Life
Life Years
Years (fiscal)
Adjust Yes-No (N) Callout:
Accumulated org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.periodOffset
Accumulated Amount (0) Callout:
Depreciation org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Addition.amt

Window: Asset Addition

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accumulated Amount (0)
A_Period_Start Integer (0)
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved ('DR')
Asset Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Addition Action('CO') the Document Status field. The
of the document
Process options are listed in a popup
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

Chapter 175. Window: Asset Disposal
Description: Dispose of Assets

Comment/Help: null

Created:2010-06-17 15:28:18.0

Updated:2013-03-24 20:58:15.0

1. Tab: Asset Disposal - A_Asset_Disposed


Description: Process the Disposal

Tab Level: 0

Table 175.1. Asset Disposal Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Amount
Process Button
Period Table C_Period (Open) The Period indicates an exclusive
cperiod_aassetdisposed Period of the Calendar
range of dates for a calendar.
Asset ID
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Processed Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date
On (expressed in decimal +Time save the exact moment
format) when the (nanoseconds precision if
document has allowed by the DB) when a
been processed document has been processed.

Window: Asset Disposal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_aassetdisposed Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Activation List Activation ('AA')
Invoice Search cinvoice_aassetdisposed Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Asset Table A_Asset_ID
Client Table AD_Client AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0Callout: (same as first report)
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
sequence number
document. This is for documents
of the document
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",

Window: Asset Disposal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Document Table C_DocType.DocBaseType='FAD' The Document Type
Type Direct AND determines document
cdoctype_aassetdisposedC_DocType.AD_Org_ID Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
IN (0,
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Date (@Date@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@Date@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Asset Search Processed='Y' AND An asset is either created by
A_Asset_Status< Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
> 'DI'Callout: or by customers product. An asset can be used
org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Disposed.asset internally or be a customer asset.
Disposed Date Callout:
Disposed List Trade w/cash Simple
Method Cash Trade Simple_
Preservation Cash_
Partial Retirement
Disposal Amount (0) Callout:
Amount org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Disposed.amt
Disposed List Charity Destroyed
Reason Scraped Sold Theft
Sold w/Trade

Window: Asset Disposal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Disposed Yes-No The asset is no longer
The asset is disposed
used and disposed
Asset Cost Amount
Expense Number (0) Callout:
Accumulated Amount (0) Callout:
Depreciation org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Disposed.amt
Accumulated Amount (0)
PostingType List Actual Budget Callout: The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Asset_Disposed.asset type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment (A) Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Asset List Activated Disposed
Status Depreciated New
Retired Sold
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved ('DR')
Asset Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Disposed Action('CO') the Document Status field. The
of the document
Process options are listed in a popup
Approved Yes-No (N) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.

Window: Asset Disposal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

Chapter 176. Window: Asset Group
Description: Group of Assets

Comment/Help: The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.

Created:2003-01-23 01:02:42.0

Updated:2010-06-17 15:34:15.0

1. Tab: Asset Group - A_Asset_Group


Description: Group of Assets

Comment/Help: The group of assets determines default accounts. If a asset group is selected in the product category, assets are created when delivering the asset.

Tab Level: 0

Table 176.1. Asset Group Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Type Table
Create As Yes-No (Y) You may want to consider
Active Create Asset not to automatically make the
and activate it asset active if you need to get
some additional information
Asset ID The group of assets determines
Group default accounts. If an asset
Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Track Yes-No (N) Enable tracking Issues created by
Issues issues for this asset automatic Error Reporting
Asset class Search A_Asset_Class (all) aassetclass_aassetgroup
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Asset Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No ('N') The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
Owned Yes-No The asset may not be in
The asset is owned
possession, but the asset is
by the organization
legally owned by the organization
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
One Asset Yes-No If selected, one asset per UOM
Per UOM is created, otherwise one asset
Create one
with the quantity received/
asset per UOM
shipped. If you have multiple
lines, one asset is created per line.
IsFixedAsset Yes-No (Y)

2. Tab: Group Account - A_Asset_Group_Acct


Description: Setup for Group Accounts

Window: Asset Group

LinkColumn: Asset Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 176.2. Group Account Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Reval Cost Account
Offset arevalcostoffsetprior_aassetgr
Prior Acct
Account arevaladepoffsetprior_aassetgr
Reval Account
Account arevaladepoffsetcur_aassetgrou
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Method adepreciationmethodf_aassetgro
Split Number (1)
Revaluation Account

Window: Asset Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Offset for
Prior Year
Depreciation Table A_ConventionType
Convention adepreciationconvf_aassetgroup
Convention Table A_ConventionType
Calculation Table A_Depreciation_Method
Process Yes-No
Revaluation Account
Offset for
Prior Year
A_Reval_Cal_MethodList Default Year Balances
Inception to date
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Loss on Account
Revaluation Account
ConventionType Table A_ConventionType
Spread Table A_Asset_Spread
DepreciationType Table A_Depreciation_Type
Disposal Account
Disposal Account
Gain Acct
Disposal Account

Window: Asset Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reval Cost Account
Offset arevalcostoffset_aassetgroupac
Asset ID
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Asset Table The group of assets determines
Group Direct default accounts. If an asset
aassetgroup_aassetgroupacct Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_aassetgroupacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment ('A') Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Type
Depreciation Table A_Depreciation_Type
Usable Integer Callout:
Years of the usable
Life - org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
life of the asset
Use Life Integer (0) Callout:
- Years org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear

Window: Asset Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Usable Integer (0) Callout:
Months of the usable
Life - org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
life of the asset
Use Life Integer (0) Callout:
- Months org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutA_Depreciation_Workfile.uselifeyear
Asset Acct Account aasset_aassetgroupacct
Accumulated Account
Depreciation aaccumdepreciation_aassetgroup
Depreciation Account
Disposal Account
Revenue adisposalrevenue_aassetgroupac
Disposal Account
Loss Acct

3. Tab: Translation - A_Asset_Group_Trl


LinkColumn: Asset Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 176.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_AAssetGroupTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_AAssetGroupTrl (same as first report)

Window: Asset Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Asset Search The group of assets determines
Group default accounts. If an asset
AAssetGroup_AAssetGroupTrl Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_AAssetGroupTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.

Chapter 177. Window: Attachment
Description: Maintain Attachments

Comment/Help: For System Maintenance Only. The Maintain Attachments window is used for diagnostic purposes to display the attributes of an attachment.

Created:1999-06-29 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Attachment - AD_Attachment


Description: Attachment

Comment/Help: The Attachment tab displays the attributes of an attachment.

Tab Level: 0

Table 177.1. Attachment Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attachment ID Attachment can be of
Attachment for any document/file type
the document and can be attached to
any record in the system.
Binary Binary The Binary field stores binary data.
Binary Data
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Record ID Button Direct internal The Record ID is the internal
record ID unique identifier of a record.

Window: Attachment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Please note that zooming to the
record may not be successful for
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.
Text Text
Text Message

2. Tab: Note - AD_AttachmentNote


Description: Personal Note

Tab Level: 1

Table 177.2. Note Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attachment ID Personal
Note Attachment Note
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Attachment Table Attachment can be of
Direct Attachment for any document/file type
the document and can be attached to
any record in the system.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Attachment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/ Search The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_adattachmentnote - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.
Text Text
Text Message

Chapter 178. Window: Attribute
Description: Product Attribute

Comment/Help: Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc.

Created:2003-05-06 15:07:15.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Attribute - M_Attribute


Description: Product Attribute

Comment/Help: Product Attribute like Color, Size, etc. If it is an Instance Attribute, all products have the same value.

Tab Level: 0

Table 178.1. Attribute Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute ID Product Attribute Product Attribute like Color, Size
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Attribute

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Mandatory Yes-No Data entry is required The field must have a value for the
in this column record to be saved to the database.
Attribute List String (max 40) The Attribute Value type
Type of
Value Number List (S) determines the data/validation type
Attribute Value
Attribute Table Attributes are specific to a Product
Search Direct Attribute Set (e.g. Size for T-
Shirts: S,M,L). If you have multiple
attributes and want to search under
a common attribute, you define a
search attribute. Example: have one
mattributesearch_mattribute Size search attribute combining the
Search Attribute
values of all different sizes (Size
for Dress Shirt XL,L,M,S,XS). The
Attribute Search allows you to have
all values available for selection.
This eases the maintenance of
the individual product attribute.
Instance Yes-No If selected, the individual instance
Attribute of the product has this attribute -
The product attribute is
like the individual Serial or Lot
specific to the instance
Numbers or Guarantee Date of a
(like Serial No, Lot
product instance. If not selected,
or Guarantee Date)
all instances of the product share
the attribute (e.g. color=green).

2. Tab: Attribute Value - M_AttributeValue


Description: Product Attribute Value

Comment/Help: Individual value of a product attribute (e.g. green, large, ..)

Tab Level: 1

Window: Attribute

Table 178.2. Attribute Value Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute ID Product Individual value of a product
Value Attribute Value attribute (e.g. green, large, ..)
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Attribute Table Product Attribute like Color, Size
mattribute_mattributevalue Product Attribute
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 179. Window: Attribute Set
Description: Maintain Product Attribute Set

Comment/Help: Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define a Attribute Set if you want to enable Serial
and Lot Number tracking.

Created:2003-05-05 20:45:41.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Attribute Set - M_AttributeSet


Description: Maintain Product Attribute Set

Comment/Help: Define Product Attribute Sets to add additional attributes and values to the product. You need to define an Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number and Guarantee Date tracking. Note that the Guarantee Days here determine the Shelf Life of a product instance after manufacturing (the
Guarantee Days on the product determines a Customer Service date after selling) If the Attribute Set is mandatory, a product instance needs to be selected/created
before shipping.

Tab Level: 0

Table 179.1. Attribute Set Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute ID Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set add additional attributes and values
Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: Attribute Set

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Instance Yes-No If selected, the individual instance
Attribute of the product has this attribute -
The product attribute is
like the individual Serial or Lot
specific to the instance
Numbers or Guarantee Date of a
(like Serial No, Lot
product instance. If not selected,
or Guarantee Date)
all instances of the product share
the attribute (e.g. color=green).
Lot Yes-No The product instances For individual products, you
have a Lot Number can define Lot Numbers
Mandatory Yes-No The entry of Lot
Lot info is mandatory
when creating a
Product Instance
Lot Table Definition to create Lot
mlotctl_mattributeset Product Lot Control
Control Direct numbers for Products
Lot Char String Lot/Batch Start If not defined, the default
Start Indicator overwrite character « is used
Overwrite - default «
Lot Char String Lot/Batch End If not defined, the default
End Indicator overwrite character » is used
Overwrite - default »
Serial No Yes-No The product instances For individual products, you
have Serial Numbers can define Serial Numbers
Mandatory Yes-No The entry of a Serial
Serial No No is mandatory

Window: Attribute Set

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
when creating a
Product Instance
Serial No Table Product Serial Definition to create Serial
Control Direct Number Control numbers for Products
SerNo String Serial Number If not defined, the default
Char Start Start Indicator character # is used
Overwrite overwrite - default #
SerNo String Serial Number End If not defined, no character is used
Char End Indicator overwrite
Overwrite - default empty
Guarantee Yes-No Product has Guarantee For individual products, you can
Date or Expiry Date define a guarantee or expiry date
Mandatory Yes-No The entry of a
Guarantee Guarantee Date
Date is mandatory
when creating a
Product Instance
Guarantee Integer If the value is 0, there is no
Days Number of days limit to the availability or
the product is guarantee, otherwise the guarantee
guaranteed or available date is calculated by adding
the days to the delivery date.
Use Yes-No (N)
Date for
Mandatory List When Shipping The specification of
Type Not Mandatory a Product Attribute
Always Mandatory Instance is mandatory

2. Tab: Attribute Use - M_AttributeUse


Window: Attribute Set

Description: Attributes Used for the Product Attribute Set

Comment/Help: Attributes and Attribute Values used for the product

LinkColumn: Attribute Set

Tab Level: 1

Table 179.2. Attribute Use Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
mattributeset_mattributeuse Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Attribute Table Product Attribute like Color, Size
mattribute_mattributeuse Product Attribute
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Sequence Integer (@SQL=SELECT The Sequence indicates
NVL(MAX(SeqNo),0)+10 the order of records
AS DefaultValue Method of ordering
FROM records; lowest
M_AttributeUse number comes first

3. Tab: Exclude - M_AttributeSetExclude


Description: Exclude the ability to enter Attribute Sets

Window: Attribute Set

Comment/Help: Create a record, if you want to exclude the ability to enter Product Attribute Set information. Note that the information is cached. To have effect
you may have to re-login or reset cache.

Tab Level: 1

Table 179.3. Exclude Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Exclude ID
Exclude the ability to
enter Attribute Sets
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
mattributeset_masexclude Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Table Table EXISTS (SELECT * The Database Table provides the
Direct FROM AD_Column information of the table definition
AND Database Table
Sales Yes-No The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Chapter 180. Window: Attribute Set Instance
Description: View Attribute Set Instance detail and use

Comment/Help: null

Created:2005-09-12 14:49:42.0

Updated:2005-09-12 14:49:42.0

1. Tab: Instance - M_AttributeSetInstance


Description: Attribute Set Instance

Tab Level: 0

Table 180.1. Instance Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Attribute ID The values of the actual
Set Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
mattributeset_mattribsetinst Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Lot Search M_Lot.M_Product_ID The individual Lot of a Product
mlot_mattributesetinstanceM_Product_ID FROM Product Lot Definition
M_Product WHERE
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Guarantee Date Date when Date when the normal
Date guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.

2. Tab: Shipment, Receipt - M_InOutLineMA_v


Description: Material Shipment and Receipt Lines

LinkColumn: Attribute Set Instance

Tab Level: 1

Table 180.2. Shipment, Receipt Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Receipt Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Line indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Shipment/Receipt document
Line No Integer Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Locator Search The Locator indicates where in a
Warehouse Locator
Warehouse a product is located.
Product Search Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Movement Quantity The Movement Quantity
Quantity of a
Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product moved.
product that has been moved.

3. Tab: Movement - M_MovementLineMA_v


Description: Material Movement Lines

LinkColumn: Attribute Set Instance

Tab Level: 1

Table 180.3. Movement Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Inventory Search The Inventory Movement
Move uniquely identifies a
of Inventory
group of movement lines.
Move Line Search The Movement Line indicates the
Inventory Move
inventory movement document line
document Line
(if applicable) for this transaction
Line No Integer Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Locator Table The Locator indicates where in a
Warehouse Locator
Direct Warehouse a product is located.
Locator To Table M_Locator The Locator To indicates
Location inventory
the location where the
is moved to
inventory is being moved to.
Product Search Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Movement Quantity The Movement Quantity
Quantity of a
Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product moved.
product that has been moved.

4. Tab: Invoice - RV_C_InvoiceLine


Description: AP / AR Invoice Lines

Window: Attribute Set Instance

LinkColumn: Attribute Set Instance

Tab Level: 1

Table 180.4. Invoice Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Limit Price Costs The Price Limit indicates the
Lowest price
+Prices lowest price for a product stated
for a product
in the Price List Currency.
Product String Product Attribute
Attribute Instance Description
List Price Costs The List Price is the official List
List Price
+Prices Price in the document currency.
Line Amount Indicates the extended line amount
Amount based on the quantity and the
Line Extended actual price. Any additional
Amount (Quantity * charges or freight are not included.
Actual Price) without The Amount may or may not
Freight and Charges include tax. If the price list is
inclusive tax, the line amount
is the same as the line total.
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Guarantee Date Date when Date when the normal
Date guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Price Costs Price Entered - the The price entered is converted
+Prices price based on the to the actual price based
selected/base UoM on the UoM conversion
Line Limit Amount
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct Business Partner Group provides a method of defining

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Line Amount Indicates the discount for
Line Discount Amount
Discount this line as an amount.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is based on to base product UoM quantity
the selected UoM
Sales Yes-No The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Company Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Agent Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Line List Amount
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Date The Date Invoice indicates the
Date printed on Invoice
Invoiced date printed on the invoice.
Gross Number
Margin % Number The Margin indicates the margin
Margin for a product
for this product as a percentage of
as a percentage
the limit price and selling price.
Product Table Identifies the category which
Category Direct this product belongs to.
Category of a Product
Product categories are used
for pricing and selection.

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Margin Amount Difference between The margin amount is
Amount actual and limit calculated as the difference
price multiplied between actual and limit price
by the quantity multiplied by the quantity
Discount Integer The Discount indicates the discount
Discount in percent
% applied or taken as a percentage.
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
The current status
Reversed Voided In the document status, use
of the document
Progress Waiting the Document Action field
Payment Unknown
Closed Not Approved
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Attribute Search The values of the actual
Set Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Invoice Search Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Product Search Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.

Window: Attribute Set Instance

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Unit Price Costs The Actual or Unit Price
+Prices Actual Price indicates the Price for a
product in source currency.
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Lot Table The individual Lot of a Product
Product Lot Definition
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.

Chapter 181. Window: Bank / Cash
Description: Maintain Bank / Cash

Comment/Help: The Bank / Cash Window is used to define the banks and accounts associated with an organization or business partner

Created:1999-12-04 21:30:21.0

Updated:2012-09-07 00:09:36.0

1. Tab: Bank / Cash - C_Bank


Description: Maintain Bank

Comment/Help: The Bank Tab defines a bank that is used by an organization or business partner. Each Bank is given an identifying Name, Address, Routing
No and Swift Code

Tab Level: 0

Table 181.1. Bank / Cash Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
C_Bank_UU String
Bank ID The Bank is a unique identifier
of a Bank for this Organization
or for a Business Partner with
whom this Organization transacts.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Address Location The Location / Address field
clocation_cbank Location or Address
(Address) defines the location of an entity.
Own Bank Yes-No (Y) The Own Bank field indicates
Bank for this if this bank is for this
Organization Organization as opposed to a
Bank for a Business Partner.
Routing String The Bank Routing Number
No (ABA Number) identifies a
Bank Routing Number
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Swift code String The Swift Code (Society of
Worldwide Interbank Financial
Telecommunications) or BIC (Bank
Identifier Code) is an identifier of
a Bank. The first 4 characters are
Swift Code or BIC the bank code, followed by the 2
character country code, the two
character location code and optional
3 character branch code. For
details see

2. Tab: Account - C_BankAccount


Description: Maintain Bank Account

Comment/Help: The Account Tab is used to define one or more accounts for a Bank. Each account has a unique Account No and Currency. The bank account
organization is used for accounting.

Tab Level: 1

Window: Bank / Cash

Table 181.2. Account Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank ID The Bank Account identifies
Account at the Bank
Account an account at this Bank.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Bank Table The Bank is a unique identifier
Direct of a Bank for this Organization
cbank_cbankaccount Bank
or for a Business Partner with
whom this Organization transacts.
Account String The Account Number
No Account Number indicates the Number
assigned to this bank account.
BBAN String The Basic (or Domestic) Bank
Account Number is used in
Basic Bank
Bank transfers (see also IBAN).
Account Number
For details see ISO 13616
IBAN String If your bank provides an
International Bank Account
Number, enter it here Details ISO
International Bank
13616 and
Account Number
The account number has the
maximum length of 22 characters
(without spaces). The IBAN

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
is often printed with a apace
after 4 characters. Do not
enter the spaces in iDempiere.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_cbankaccount be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Bank List Savings Checking The Bank Account Type
Account Cash Card field indicates the type of
Bank Account Type
Type account (savings, checking
etc) this account is defined as.
Credit Number Amount of The Credit Limit field indicates
limit Credit allowed the credit limit for this account.
Payment String
Current Number The Current Balance field indicates
Current Balance
balance the current balance in this account.

3. Tab: Bank Account Document - C_BankAccountDoc


Description: Maintain Bank Account Documents

Comment/Help: In this tab, you define the documents used for this bank account. You define your check and other payment document (sequence) number as well
as format.

Tab Level: 2

Window: Bank / Cash

Table 181.3. Bank Account Document Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank ID Bank documents,
Account Checks, Transfers, etc. you generate or track
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_cbadoc Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Current Integer The next number The Current Next indicates the next
Next to be used number to use for this document
Check Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Check adprintformat_cbankaccountdoc Format to print the document.
printing Checks

4. Tab: Bank Account Processor - C_BankAccount_Processor


Window: Bank / Cash

Description: Maintain Bank Account Payment Processors

Tab Level: 2

Table 181.4. Bank Account Processor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No (N) Accept Bank Indicates if Bank ATM
ATM ATM Card Cards are accepted
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Accept Yes-No
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_cbankaccountproce Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Payment Table Callout: The Payment Processor
Payment processor for
Processor Direct cpaymentprocessor_cbankaccount
org.compiere.model.CalloutBankAcctProcessor.paymentProcessor indicates the processor to be
electronic payments
used for electronic payments
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Partner ID String Partner ID or Partner ID (Verisign) or
Account for the Account ID (Optimal)
Payment Processor
Vendor ID String Vendor ID for the
Payment Processor
User ID String The User ID identifies a
User ID or
user and allows access
account number
to records or processes.
Password String The Password for this User.
Passwords are required to identify
Password of any
authorized users. For iDempiere
length (case sensitive)
Users, you can change the password
via the Process "Reset Password".
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if Master
Accept Master Card
MasterCard Cards are accepted
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if Visa Cards are accepted
Accept Visa Cards
Accept Yes-No (N) Accept American Indicates if American
AMEX Express Card Express Cards are accepted
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if Diner's
Accept Diner's Club
Diners Club Cards are accepted
Accept Yes-No (N) Accept Corporate Indicates if Corporate
Corporate Purchase Cards Purchase Cards are accepted

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if Discover
Accept Discover Card
Discover Cards are accepted
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if Direct Deposits (wire
Accept Direct Deposit
Direct transfers, etc.) are accepted. Direct
(payee initiated)
Deposit Deposits are initiated by the payee.
Accept Yes-No (N) Accept Direct Debit transactions.
Direct Direct Debits are initiated
Accept Direct Debits
Debit by the vendor who has
(vendor initiated)
permission to deduct amounts
from the payee's account.
Accept Yes-No (N) Indicates if EChecks are accepted
Accept ECheck
(Electronic Checks)
Minimum Amount Minimum Amount in
Amt Document Currency
Only Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Currency Direct ccurrency_cbankaccountprocesso be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Require Yes-No (N) The Require CC Verification
Require 3/4
CreditCard checkbox indicates if this bank
digit Credit
Verification accounts requires a verification
Verification Code
Code number for credit card transactions.

5. Tab: Statement Loader - C_BankStatementLoader


Description: Definition of Bank Statement Loader (SWIFT, OFX)

Comment/Help: The loader definition privides the parameters to load bank statements from EFT formats like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX. The required parameters
depend on the actual statement loader class

Tab Level: 2

Window: Bank / Cash

Table 181.5. Statement Loader Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank ID The loader definition provides
Definition of Bank
Statement the parameters to load bank
Statement Loader
Loader statements from EFT formats
like SWIFT (MT940) or OFX
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankacct_cbankstmtloader Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Financial String Depending on the loader,
The ID of the Financial
Institution it might require a ID of
Institution / Bank
ID the financial institution
Branch ID String Dependent on the loader, you may
Bank Branch ID
have to provide a bank branch ID
Account String The Account Number
No Account Number indicates the Number
assigned to this bank account.
PIN String Personal
Identification Number
User ID String The User ID identifies a
User ID or
user and allows access
account number
to records or processes.

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Password String The Password for this User.
Passwords are required to identify
Password of any
authorized users. For iDempiere
length (case sensitive)
Users, you can change the password
via the Process "Reset Password".
Host String Host Address The Host Address identifies the
Address URL or DNS URL or DNS of the target host
Host port Integer (443) Host The Host Port identifies the port
Communication Port to communicate with the host.
Proxy String The Proxy Address must be defined
Address of your
address if you must pass through a firewall
proxy server
to access your payment processor.
Proxy port Integer Port of your The Proxy Port identifies the
proxy server port of your proxy server.
Proxy String Logon of your The Proxy Logon identifies the
logon proxy server Logon ID for your proxy server.
Proxy String Password of your The Proxy Password identifies the
password proxy server password for your proxy server.
File Name String Name of a file in the local
Name of the
directory space - or URL
local file or URL
(file://.., http://.., ftp://..)
Statement String The name of the actual
Loader Class name of the bank statement loader
Class bank statement loader implementing the interface
Date String Date format used The date format is usually detected,
Format in the input format but sometimes need to be defined.
Date Date Date the process The Date Last Run indicates the
last run +Time was last run. last time that a process was run.

6. Tab: Accounting - C_BankAccount_Acct


Window: Bank / Cash

Description: Maintain Accounting Data

Comment/Help: The Accounting Tab is used to define the accounts used for transactions with this Bank.

Tab Level: 2

Table 181.6. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_cbankacctacct Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cbankaccountacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Bank Account The Bank Asset Account
Asset identifies the account to be
vc_basset_cbankaccount Bank Asset Account
used for booking changes to the
balance in this bank account
Bank In Account The Bank in Transit Account
Bank In Transit
Transit vc_bintransit_cbankaccount identifies the account to be used
for funds which are in transit.
Payment Account AP Payment Selection
Selection Clearing Account
Bank Account The Bank Unidentified
Unidentified Receipts Account identifies
Bank Unidentified
Receipts vc_bunidentified_cbankaccount the account to be used when
Receipts Account
recording receipts that can not
be reconciled at the present time.
Unallocated Account Unallocated Cash Receipts not allocated to Invoices
Cash Clearing Account

Window: Bank / Cash

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank Account The Bank Interest Expense Account
Bank Interest
Interest vc_binterestexp_cbankaccount identifies the account to be used
Expense Account
Expense for recording interest expenses.
Bank Account The Bank Interest Revenue
Interest Bank Interest Account identifies the account
Revenue Revenue Account to be used for recording interest
revenue from this Bank.
Bank Account The Bank Expense Account
Expense identifies the account to be
vc_bexpense_cbankaccount Bank Expense Account
used for recording charges or
fees incurred from this Bank.
Bank Account The Bank Revaluation Gain
Revaluation Account identifies the account
Bank Revaluation
Gain vc_brevaluationgain_cbankaccou to be used for recording
Gain Account
gains that are recognized
when converting currencies.
Bank Account The Bank Revaluation Loss
Revaluation Account identifies the account
Bank Revaluation
Loss vc_brevaluationloss_cbankaccou to be used for recording
Loss Account
losses that are recognized
when converting currencies.
Bank Account The Bank Settlement Gain account
Settlement identifies the account to be
Bank Settlement
Gain vc_bsettlementgain_cbankaccoun used when recording a currency
Gain Account
gain when the settlement and
receipt currency are not the same.
Bank Account The Bank Settlement loss account
Settlement identifies the account to be
Bank Settlement
Loss vc_bsettlementloss_cbankaccoun used when recording a currency
Loss Account
loss when the settlement and
receipt currency are not the same.

Chapter 182. Window: Bank Statement Matcher
Description: Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments

Comment/Help: An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements

Created:2004-01-25 00:40:38.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Bank Statement Matcher - C_BankStatementMatcher


Description: Algorithm to match Bank Statement Info to Business Partners, Invoices and Payments

Comment/Help: An algorithm to find Business Partners, Invoices, Payments in imported Bank Statements. The class need to implement the interface

Tab Level: 0

Table 182.1. Bank Statement Matcher Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bank ID An algorithm to find Business
Algorithm to match
Statement Partners, Invoices, Payments
Bank Statement Info
Matcher in imported Bank Statements.
to Business Partners,
The class needs to implement
Invoices and Payments
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Bank Statement Matcher

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Classname String The Classname identifies
Java Classname the Java classname used
by this report or process.
Sequence Integer Method of ordering The Sequence indicates
records; lowest the order of records
number comes first

Chapter 183. Window: Bank/Cash Statement
Description: Process Bank Statements

Comment/Help: The Process Bank Statements window allows you to reconcile your Bank Statements. You can either enter the line items from the statement in the
Statement Line tab or select the 'Create From' button to automatically generate the statement from all unreconciled payments to this bank account. Once you have
completed reconciling, select the 'Process Statement' button to mark the payments as reconciled and update the appropriate GL accounts.

Created:2000-12-18 23:32:45.0

Updated:2013-06-26 10:11:04.0

1. Tab: Bank/Cash Statement - C_BankStatement


Description: Bank/Cash Statement

Comment/Help: The Bank/Cash Statement Tab defines the Bank/Cash Statement to be reconciled.

Tab Level: 0

Table 183.1. Bank/Cash Statement Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Yes-No
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Bank ID The Bank Statement identifies
Statement a unique Bank Statement
Bank Statement
for a defined time period.
of account
The statement defines all
transactions that occurred
Processed Number The date+time The ProcessedOn Date
On (expressed in decimal +Time save the exact moment
format) when the (nanoseconds precision if

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
document has allowed by the DB) when a
been processed document has been processed.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Bank Table Callout: The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_cbankstatement Account at the Bank
Account Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutBankStatement.bankAccount an account at this Bank.
Name String (@#Date@) The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Statement Date (@Date@) Callout: The Statement Date field defines
Date of the statement
date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct the date of the statement.
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Manual Yes-No (Y) This is a The Manual check box indicates
manual process if the process will done manually.
Beginning Amount (@SQL=SELECT The Beginning Balance
Balance COALESCE(MIN(CurrentBalance),0) is the balance prior to
FROM Balance prior to making any adjustments for
C_BankAccount any transactions payments or disbursements.

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Create Button Process which The Create From process will
lines from will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Bank Button
Statement Amount Difference between The Statement Difference reflects
difference statement ending the difference between the
balance and actual Statement Ending Balance and
ending balance the Actual Ending Balance.
Match Button
Copy Button (N) Copy From Record
Copy From Record
Ending Amount The Ending Balance is the result of
Ending or
balance adjusting the Beginning Balance
closing balance
by any payments or disbursements.
EFT String Electronic Information from EFT media
Statement Funds Transfer
Reference Statement Reference
EFT Date Electronic Information from EFT media
Statement Funds Transfer
Date Statement Date
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid The current status time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided of the document the document status, use
In Progress the Document Action field
Waiting Payment

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Statement Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Approved Yes-No (N) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

2. Tab: Statement Line - C_BankStatementLine


Description: Statement Line

Comment/Help: The Statement Line Tab defines the individual line items on the Bank Statement. They can be entered manually or generated from payments
entered. For Posting, the bank account organization is used, if it is not a charge.

Tab Level: 1

Table 183.2. Statement Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Reversal Yes-No The Reversal check box
This is a reversing
indicates if this is a reversal
of a prior transaction.
Bank ID The Bank Statement Line identifies
statement Line on a statement a unique transaction (Payment,
line from this Bank Withdrawal, Charge) for the
defined time period at this Bank.

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Bank Table The Bank Statement identifies
Statement Direct a unique Bank Statement
Bank Statement
cbstatement_cbstatementline for a defined time period.
of account
The statement defines all
transactions that occurred
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
COALESCE(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
FROM Unique line for control the display order of
C_BankStatementLine this document the lines within a document.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Manual Yes-No (Y) This is a The Manual check box indicates
manual process if the process will done manually.
Statement Date (@StatementLineDate@) Callout: Date of the
Line Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct
Statement Line
Account Date (@DateAcct@) The Accounting Date indicates
Conversion the date to be used on the General
Date Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Effective Date (@StatementDate@) The Effective Date indicates
Date when money
date the date that money is
is available
available from the bank.

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Statement Amount Callout: The Statement Amount
amount org.compiere.model.CalloutBankStatement.amount
Statement Amount indicates the amount of
a single statement line.
Payment Search NOT EXISTS The Payment is a unique
(SELECT * FROM identifier of this payment.
bs ON
AND bs.DocStatus<
cpayment_cbankstmtline Payment identifier
> 'VO') AND
IN ('CO','CL','RE')
> 0 AND
Transaction Amount Amount of a The Transaction Amount indicates
Amount transaction the amount for a single transaction.
Currency Table (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the Currency to
Direct C_Currency_ID be used when processing
FROM The Currency or reporting on this record
C_BankAccount for this record
Charge Amount Callout: The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount org.compiere.model.CalloutBankStatement.amount amount for an additional charge.
Charge Table (C_Charge.C_Charge_ID The Charge indicates a
Direct ccharge_cbankstmtlime IN ( SELECT type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
c.C_Charge_ID FROM Shipping, Restocking)

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
C_Charge c JOIN
C_ChargeType ct ON
= c.C_ChargeType_ID)
ctd ON
JOIN C_DocType dt
ON (dt.C_DocType_ID
= 0)
Interest Amount Callout: The Interest Amount indicates
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutBankStatement.amount
Interest Amount any interest charged or
received on a Bank Statement.
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Memo String Memo Text
Match Button ReadOnly Logic:
Bank @C_Payment_ID@!0

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Create Button ReadOnly Logic:
Payment @C_Payment_ID@!0
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND with whom you transact. This
Identifies a
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Business Partner
ReadOnly Logic: Employee or Salesperson
Invoice Search ReadOnly Logic: The Invoice Document.
cinvoice_cbankstatementline Invoice Identifier
EFT String Electronic Information from EFT media
Trx ID Funds Transfer
Transaction ID
EFT Trx String Electronic Information from EFT media
Type Funds Transfer
Transaction Type
EFT String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Check No Transfer Check No
EFT String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Reference Transfer Reference
EFT String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Memo Transfer Memo
EFT Payee String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Transfer Payee
EFT Payee String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Account Transfer Payee
Account Information
EFT Date Electronic Information from EFT media
Statement Funds Transfer
Line Date Statement Line Date
EFT Date Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Effective Transfer Valuta
Date (effective) Date

Window: Bank/Cash Statement

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
EFT String Electronic Funds Information from EFT media
Currency Transfer Currency
EFT Amount Electronic Funds
Amount Transfer Amount

Chapter 184. Window: Broadcast Message
Description: Broadcast Message

Comment/Help: Window allows to enter broadcast messages

Created:2012-11-24 13:41:36.0

Updated:2012-12-02 23:31:34.0

1. Tab: Broadcast Message - AD_BroadcastMessage


Description: Broadcast Message

Tab Level: 0

Table 184.1. Broadcast Message Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No (N) The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Broadcast ID
Broadcast Message
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Broadcast Memo
Broadcast Message
Broadcast List Immediate Immediate
Type of Broadcast
Type + Login Login
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Target List Client Everybody AD_Ref_List.Value
Role User NOT IN(SELECT Target client

Window: Broadcast Message

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AD_Client_ID< >
Notification Table AD_Client
notificationclient_adbroadcast Notification Client
Role Table AD_Role.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@ The Role determines security
Direct adrole_adbroadcastmessage AND Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
AD_Role.IsMasterRole='N' Role will have in the System.
User/ Table AD_User.AD_User_ID The User identifies a unique
Contact Direct IN (SELECT user in the system. This
AD_User_ID FROM User within the system could be an internal user or
aduser_adbroadcastmessage AD_User_Roles - Internal or Business a business partner contact
WHERE Partner Contact
IsActive='Y' AND
Broadcast List Just Once Until
Frequency Expiration Until How Many Times
Acknowledge Message Should
Until Expiration be Broadcasted
or Acknowledge
Expire On Date
Expire On
Log Yes-No Want to Log the
Acknowledge Acknowledgement
of Message?
Test Button
Broadcast Test broadcast message
Publish Button ReadOnly Logic:
Publish Broadcast
Broadcast @IsPublished@=Y

Window: Broadcast Message

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Expire Button ReadOnly Logic:
Broadcast @IsPublished@=N
Expire the
Message | @Expired@=Y |
broadcast message
Expired Yes-No (N)
Published Yes-No (N) The Topic is published If not selected, the Topic is not
and can be viewed visible to the general public.

2. Tab: Message Log - AD_Note


LinkColumn: Broadcast Message

Tab Level: 1

Table 184.2. Message Log Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AD_Note_UU String
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Message Table AD_Message admessage_adnote System Message Information and Error messages
User/ Table The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_adnote - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Workflow Table The Workflow Activity is the
Activity Direct adwfactivity_adnote Workflow Activity actual Workflow Node in a
Workflow Process instance

Window: Broadcast Message

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Record ID Button The Record ID is the internal
unique identifier of a record.
Please note that zooming to the
Direct internal
record may not be successful for
record ID
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.
Reference String Reference for The Reference displays the
this record source document number.
Text Text
Text Message
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Broadcast Table
adbroadcastmessage_adnote Broadcast Message
Message Direct
Delete Button
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Notice ID System Notice

3. Tab: Translation - AD_BroadcastMessage_Trl


LinkColumn: Broadcast Message

Tab Level: 1

Window: Broadcast Message

Table 184.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_ADBroadcastMessageTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_ADBroadcastMessageTrl (same as first report)
Broadcast Search
ADBroadcastMessage_ADBroadcast Broadcast Message
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_ADBroadcastMessageT the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Broadcast Memo
Broadcast Message

Chapter 185. Window: Business Partner
Description: Maintain Business Partners

Comment/Help: The Business Partner window allows you do define any party with whom you transact. This includes customers, vendors and employees. Prior
to entering or importing products, you must define your vendors. Prior to generating Orders you must define your customers. This window holds all information
about your business partner and the values entered will be used to generate all document transactions

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2005-02-09 22:02:07.0

1. Tab: Business Partner - C_BPartner


Description: Business Partner

Comment/Help: The Business Partner Tab defines any Entity with whom an organization transacts.

Tab Level: 0

Table 185.1. Business Partner Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Customer String
Profile ID
C_BPartner_UU String
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
Current open balance invoices in primary accounting
currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
One time Yes-No
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Logo Image logo_cbpartner
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Representative/ Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Agent FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Business Partner
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Credit Status
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
automatically set to Credit Hold, if

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Tax Group Table
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
The Business Partner is the counter-document is created
another Organization automatically. Example: You have
for explicit Inter- BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
Org transactions BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
PO Tax Yes-No (N) If a business partner is exempt from
exempt tax on purchases, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on purchases
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Flat Number
Flat discount

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Dunning Date
Grace Date
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Is Yes-No ('N') Indicate role of this
Manufacturer Business partner
as Manufacturer
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
1099 Yes-No (N)
Default Table ASU_1099Box
1099 Box
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner

2. Tab: Contact (User) - AD_User


Description: Maintain User within the system - Internal or Business Partner Contact

Comment/Help: The User identifies a unique user in the system. This could be an internal user or a business partner contact

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Window: Business Partner

Table 185.2. Contact (User) Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Supervisor Search AD_User Supervisor for this The Supervisor indicates who
user/organization - will be used for forwarding
used for escalation and escalating issues for
and approval this user - or for approvals.
LDAP String Optional LDAP system user name
User Name for the user. If not defined, the
normal Name of the user is used.
This allows to use the internal
User Name used
(LDAP) user id (e.g. jjanke) and
for authorization
the normal display name (e.g. Jorg
via LDAP
Janke). The LDAP User Name can
(directory) services
also be used without LDAP enables
(see system window). This would
allow to sign in as jjanke and use
the display name of Jorg Janke.
User/ ID The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
- Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Convert Button
EMail String The user name in the mail system
User ID is usually the string before
User Name (ID) in
the @ of your email address.
the Mail System
Required if the mail server requires
authentification to send emails.
EMail String Required if the mail server requires
Password of your
User authentification to send emails.
email user id
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
Performing or another organization). The owning
initiating organization Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ad_user_client (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.AD_Client_ID=@AD_Client_ID@ (see same above)
Direct ad_user_org OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND with whom you transact. This
Identifies a
cbpartner_aduser C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Business Partner
ReadOnly Logic: Employee or Salesperson
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
EMail String The Email Address is the
Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
Mail Address
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Password String ReadOnly Logic: The Password for this User.
Password of any
@AD_User_ID@=0 Passwords are required to identify
length (case sensitive)
authorized users. For iDempiere

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Users, you can change the password
via the Process "Reset Password".
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_aduser to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.
Birthday Date Birthday or Birthday or Anniversary day
Anniversary day
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Fax String The Fax identifies a
Facsimile number facsimile number for this
Business Partner or Location
Notification List EMail+Notice EMail Emails or Notification sent
Type of Notifications
Type None Notice (E) out for Request Updates, etc.
Position Table C_Job.IsEmployee=(SELECT
Direct IsEmployee FROM
cjob_aduser Job Position
C_BPartner WHERE
Full BP Yes-No (Y) If selected, the user has full access
Access to the Business Partner (BP)
The user/contact has information (Business Documents
full access to Business like Orders, Invoices - Requests)
Partner information or resources (Assets, Downloads).
and resources If you deselect it, the user has no
access rights unless, you explicitly
grant it in tab "BP Access"
EMail Date Date Email
Verify +Time was verified

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Verification String Verification The field contains additional
Info information of information how the EMail
EMail Address Address has been verified
Last Date The Last Contact indicates the
Date this individual
Contact date that this Business Partner
was last contacted
Contact was last contacted.
Last Result String The Last Result identifies the
Result of last contact
result of the last contact made.

3. Tab: Interest Area - R_ContactInterest


Description: Business Partner Contact Interest Area

Comment/Help: Interest Area can be used for Marketing Campaigns

LinkColumn: User/Contact

Tab Level: 2

Table 185.3. Interest Area Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
User/ Table (@AD_User_ID@) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_rcontactinterest - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Interest Table Interest Areas reflect interest
rinterestarea_rcontactinterest Interest Area or Topic
Area Direct in a topic by a contact.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Interest areas can be used
for marketing campaigns.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Subscribe Date Date the contact Date the contact
Date actively subscribed subscribe the interest area
Opt- Date If the field has a date,
out Date Date the contact the customer opted out
opted out (unsubscribed) and cannot
receive mails for the Interest Area

4. Tab: BP Access - AD_UserBPAccess


Description: Access of the User/Contact to Business Partner information and resources

Comment/Help: If on User level, "Full BP Access" is NOT selected, you need to give access explicitly here.

Read Only Logic: @IsFullBPAccess@!Y

Tab Level: 2

Table 185.4. BP Access Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User BP ID User/contact If on User level, "Full BP Access"
Access access to Business is NOT selected, you need to
Partner information give access explicitly here.
and resources
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/ Search The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_aduserbpaccess - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Access List Assets, Download Type of Access If on User level, "Full BP
Type Business Documents of the user/ Access" is NOT selected,
Requests contact to Business give access explicitly
Partner information
and resources
Document List Material Production The Document Base Type
BaseType AP Credit Memo AR identifies the base or starting
Credit Memo GL point for a document. Multiple
Journal AP Invoice document types may share a
AP Payment AR single document base type.
Invoice Sales Order
AR Pro Forma Invoice
Material Receipt
Material Movement
Purchase Order Bank
Statement Cash Journal
Payment Allocation
Project Issue Match Logical type
PO Manufacturing of document
Order Quality Order
Payroll Manufacturing
Cost Collector
Match Invoice GL
Document AR Receipt
Material Delivery
Purchase Requisition
Material Physical
Inventory Maintenance
Order Distribution
Order Fixed Assets
Disposal Fixed Assets

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Addition Fixed
Assets Depreciation
Request Table Request Types are used for
Type Direct Type of request (e.g. processing and categorizing
Inquiry, Complaint, ..) requests. Options are Account
Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.

5. Tab: Location - C_BPartner_Location


Description: Define Location

Comment/Help: The Location Tab defines the physical location of a business partner. A business partner may have multiple location records.

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.5. Location Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner ID Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_buspartner_locationclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_buspartner_locationorg OR (same as first report)
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Name String (.) The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Address Location Callout: The Location / Address field
(Address) clocation_cbplocation
Location or Address defines the location of an entity.
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Fax String The Fax identifies a
Facsimile number facsimile number for this
Business Partner or Location
ISDN String The ISDN identifies a ISDN
ISDN or modem line
or Modem line number.
Ship Yes-No (Y) If the Ship Address is selected,
Address Business Partner the location is used to ship
Shipment Address goods to a customer or
receive goods from a vendor.
Invoice Yes-No (Y) If the Invoice Address is selected,
Address Business Partner the location is used to send
Invoice/Bill Address invoices to a customer or
receive invoices from a vendor.
Pay-From Yes-No (Y) If the Pay-From Address
Business Partner
Address is selected, this location is
pays from that
the address the Business
address and we'll send
Partner pays from and where
dunning letters there
dunning letters will be sent to.
Remit-To Yes-No (Y) If the Remit-To Address is
Business Partner
Address selected, the location is used to
payment address
send payments to the vendor.
Sales Table C_Sales Region The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_bpartnerlocation Sales coverage region
Region (No summary) specific area of sales coverage.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Customer String

6. Tab: Bank Account - C_BP_BankAccount


Description: Define Bank Account

Comment/Help: The Define Bank Account Tab defines the banking information for this business partner. This data is used for processing payments and remittances.

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.6. Bank Account Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner ID The Partner Bank Account
Bank Account of
Bank identifies the bank account to be
the Business Partner
Account used for this Business Partner
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_cbpbankaccount - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ACH Yes-No The ACH checkbox indicates
if this Bank Account
Clearing House
accepts ACH transactions.
Account List None Both Direct Determines how the
Business Partner
Usage Debit Direct bank account is used.
Bank Account usage
Deposit (B)
Bank Search The Bank is a unique identifier
of a Bank for this Organization
cbank_cbpbankaccount Bank
or for a Business Partner with
whom this Organization transacts.
Bank List Savings Checking The Bank Account Type
Account Cash Card field indicates the type of
Bank Account Type
Type account (savings, checking
etc) this account is defined as.
Routing String The Bank Routing Number
No (ABA Number) identifies a
Bank Routing Number
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Account String The Account Number
No Account Number indicates the Number
assigned to this bank account.
Credit List Purchase Card Amex ReadOnly Logic: The Credit Card drop down list
Credit Card (Visa,
Card MasterCard ATM @CustomerPaymentProfileID@!'' box is used for selecting the type of
MC, AmEx)
Diners Discover Visa Credit Card presented for payment.
Number String ReadOnly Logic: The Credit Card number indicates
Credit Card Number the number on the credit card,
without blanks or spaces.
Verification String The Credit Card Verification
Credit Card
Code indicates the verification code on
Verification code
the credit card (AMEX 4 digits
on credit card
on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back)
Exp. Integer The Expiry Month indicates the
Expiry Month
Month expiry month for this credit card.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Exp. Year Integer (2000) The Expiry Year indicates the
Expiry Year
expiry year for this credit card.
Account String ReadOnly Logic: Name on Credit Card The Name of the Credit
Name @CustomerPaymentProfileID@!''
or Account holder Card or Account holder.
Account String Street address of The Street Address of the
Street the Credit Card or Credit Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account String The Account City indicates
City or the Credit Card
City the City of the Credit
or Account Holder
Card or Account holder
Account String Zip Code of the The Zip Code of the Credit
Zip/Postal Credit Card or Card or Account Holder.
Account Holder
Account String State of the Credit The State of the Credit
State Card or Account holder Card or Account holder
Account String Account Country Name
Driver String Payment Identification The Driver's License being
License - Driver License used as identification.
Social String The Social Security number
Payment Identification
Security being used as identification.
- Social Security No
Account String The EMail Address indicates
EMail Email Address the EMail address off the
Credit Card or Account holder.
Address List No Match The Address Verified indicates
This address has
verified Unavailable Match if the address has been verified
been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Zip List No Match The Zip Verified indicates if
The Zip Code
verified Unavailable Match the zip code has been verified
has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Customer String
Profile ID

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Payment Table The Payment Processor
Payment processor for
Processor Direct cpaymentprocessor_cbpbankaccou indicates the processor to be
electronic payments
used for electronic payments

7. Tab: Shipping Accounts - C_BP_ShippingAcct


Tab Level: 1

Table 185.7. Shipping Accounts Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Shipper String
Shipper String
Duties String

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbpartnerlocation_cbpshippinga to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Shipping Table M_ShippingProcessor
Business ID

8. Tab: Customer Accounting - C_BP_Customer_Acct


Description: Define Customer Accounting

Comment/Help: The Customer Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on an accounts receivable transaction.

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.8. Customer Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Receivable Account Account to post services related
Services Accounts Receivables if you
Customer Accounts want to differentiate between
creceivableservices_cbpcustome Receivables Services and Product related
Services Account revenue. This account is only used,
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business Table A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Direct Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cbpcustomeracct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Customer Account The Customer Receivables
Receivables Account for Customer Accounts indicates the account to
Receivables be used for recording transaction
for customers receivables.
Customer Account The Customer Prepayment
Prepayment Account for customer account indicates the account
prepayments to be used for recording
prepayments from a customer.

9. Tab: Vendor Accounting - C_BP_Vendor_Acct


Description: Define Vendor Accounting

Comment/Help: The Vendor Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced in an accounts payable transaction.

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.9. Vendor Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Vendor Account The Vendor Service Liability
Service Account for Vendor account indicates the account to use
Liability Service Liability for recording service liabilities. It
is used if you need to distinguish

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
between Liability for products and
services. This account is only used,
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Table A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Direct Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cbpvendoracct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Vendor Account The Vendor Liability account
Liability Account for indicates the account used
Vendor Liability for recording transactions
for vendor liabilities
Vendor Account The Vendor Prepayment Account
Account for Vendor
Prepayment vc_vprepayment_cbpvendor indicates the account used to
record prepayments from a vendor.

10. Tab: Employee Accounting - C_BP_Employee_Acct


Description: Define Employee Accounting

Comment/Help: The Employee Accounting Tab defines the default accounts to use when this business partner is referenced on a expense reimbursement.

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Window: Business Partner

Table 185.10. Employee Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Table A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Direct Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cbpemployeeacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Employee Account The Employee Expense
Expense Account for Account identifies the
Employee Expenses account to use for recording
expenses for this employee.
Employee Account The Employee Prepayment
Prepayment Account for Employee Account identifies the account
Expense Prepayments to use for recording expense
advances made to this employee.

11. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner


Description: Define Customer Parameters

Comment/Help: The Customer Tab defines a Business Partner who is a customer of this organization. If the Customer check box is selected then the necessary
fields will display.

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Window: Business Partner

Table 185.11. Customer Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
One time Yes-No
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Tax Group Table
Logo Image logo_cbpartner
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Is Yes-No ('N') Indicate role of this
Manufacturer Business partner
as Manufacturer
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
The Business Partner is
Organization adorg_cbpartnerorg @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
another Organization
when performing transactions,

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
the counter-document is created
automatically. Example: You have
BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
for explicit Inter-
create a sales order for BPartnerB
Org transactions
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
C_BPartner_UU String
PO Tax Yes-No (N) If a business partner is exempt from
exempt tax on purchases, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on purchases
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Name 2 String Additional Name
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record)
identifier of the entity is used as an default search

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
option in addition to the
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
of a Price List

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Dunning Date
Grace Date
Customer String
Profile ID

Window: Business Partner

12. Tab: Vendor - C_BPartner


Description: Define Vendor Parameters

Comment/Help: The Vendor Tab defines a Business Partner that is a Vendor for this Organization. If the Vendor check box is selected the necessary fields will

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.12. Vendor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Flat Number
Flat discount
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit Total outstanding amount allowed "on account" in
invoice amounts primary accounting currency. If
allowed the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
performed. Credit Management is

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
One time Yes-No
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Customer String
Profile ID
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Dunning Date
Grace Date
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Logo Image logo_cbpartner
Tax Group Table
C_BPartner_UU String
PO Tax Yes-No (N) If a business partner is exempt from
exempt tax on purchases, the exempt tax
Business partner
rate is used. For this, you need to
is exempt from
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
tax on purchases
and indicate that this is your tax
exempt rate. This is required for

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Name 2 String Additional Name
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Minimum Shelf Life
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
in percent based on
> 0 you cannot select products

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT Price List used by by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM this Business Partner purchased by this organization.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Is Yes-No ('N') Indicate role of this
Manufacturer Business partner
as Manufacturer
1099 Yes-No (N)
Default Table ASU_1099Box
1099 Box

13. Tab: Employee - C_BPartner


Description: Define Employee Parameters

Comment/Help: The Employee Tab defines a Business Partner who is an Employee of this organization. If the Employee is also a Sales Representative then the
check box should be selected.

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 185.13. Employee Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Price List used by
Pricelist mpricelistpo_cbuspartner = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
this Business Partner
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
One time Yes-No
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Total Open Balance
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Amount in primary
the Balance is below zero, we owe
Accounting Currency
the Business Partner. The amount
is used for Credit Management.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Name 2 String Additional Name
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Business Partner

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.

Chapter 186. Window: Business Partner Group
Description: Maintain Business Partner Groups

Comment/Help: The Business Partner Group window allows you to define the accounting parameters at a group level. If you define the accounting parameters
for a group any Business Partner entered using this group will have these accounting parameters automatically populated. You can then make any modifications
necessary at the Business Partner level.

Created:2000-12-17 20:47:06.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Business Partner Group - C_BP_Group


Description: Business Partner Groups for Reporting Accounting Defaults

Comment/Help: The Business Partner Group Tab allow for the association of business partners for reporting and accounting defaults.

Tab Level: 0

Table 186.1. Business Partner Group Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business ID The Business Partner Group
Partner provides a method of defining
Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
Print Color Table Color used for Colors used for printing and display
Direct printing and display
Priority List Lower Higher Same When deriving the Priority
Base Base of Priority from Importance, the Base is
"added" to the User Importance.
Confidential Yes-No (N) When entering/updating Requests
Can enter confidential
Info over the web, the user can
mark his info as confidential
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpgroup WHERE
of a Price List
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbpgroup WHERE
this Business Partner

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscountschema_cbpgroup the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountschemapo_cbpgroup the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Credit Number If iDempiere maintains credit
Watch % Credit Watch - Percent status, the status "Credit OK" is
of Credit Limit when moved to "Credit Watch" if the
OK switches to Watch credit available reaches the percent
entered. If not defined, 90% is used.
Price Number Tolerance in Percent of matching
Match the purchase order price to the
Tolerance invoice price. The difference is
posted as Invoice Price Tolerance
for Standard Costing. If defined,
PO-Invoice Match
the PO-Invoice match must be
Price Tolerance
explicitly approved, if the matching
in percent of the
difference is greater then the
purchase price
tolerance. Example: if the purchase
price is $100 and the tolerance
is 1 (percent), the invoice price
must be between $99 and 101
to be automatically approved.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpgroup rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.

2. Tab: Accounting - C_BP_Group_Acct


Description: Define Accounting

Comment/Help: The Accounting Tab defines the default accounts for any business partner that references this group. These default values can be modified for
each business partner if required.

Window: Business Partner Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 186.2. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpgroupacct Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cbpgroupacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Receipts account
Account for
invoiced indicates the account used for
vc_notinvoicedreceipts_cbpgrou not-invoiced
Receipts recording receipts for materials
Material Receipts
that have not yet been invoiced.
Unearned Account The Unearned Revenue indicates
Revenue the account used for recording
Account for
vc_unearnedrevenue_cbpgroup invoices sent for products or
unearned revenue
services not yet delivered. It
is used in revenue recognition
Payment Account Indicates the account to be charged
Payment Discount
Discount vc_paydiscountexp_cbpgroup for payment discount expenses.
Expense Account
Payment Account Indicates the account to be charged
Payment Discount
Discount vc_paydiscountrev_cbpgroup for payment discount revenues.
Revenue Account
Write-off Account The Write Off Account
Account for
vc_writeoff_cbpgroup identifies the account to book
Receivables write-off
write off transactions to.

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Receivables
invoiced Account for not account indicates the account
Receivables invoiced Receivables used for recording receivables
that have not yet been invoiced.
Customer Account The Customer Prepayment
Prepayment Account for customer account indicates the account
prepayments to be used for recording
prepayments from a customer.
Vendor Account The Vendor Liability account
Liability Account for indicates the account used
Vendor Liability for recording transactions
for vendor liabilities
Not- Account The Not Invoiced Revenue
invoiced Account for not account indicates the account
Revenue invoiced Revenue used for recording revenue
that has not yet been invoiced.
Customer Account The Customer Receivables
Receivables Account for Customer Accounts indicates the account to
Receivables be used for recording transaction
for customers receivables.
Vendor Account The Vendor Prepayment Account
Account for Vendor
Prepayment vc_vprepayment_cbpgroup indicates the account used to
record prepayments from a vendor.
Receivable Account Account to post services related
Services Accounts Receivables if you
Customer Accounts want to differentiate between
creceivableservices_cbpgroupac Receivables Services and Product related
Services Account revenue. This account is only used,
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Vendor Account The Vendor Service Liability
Service account indicates the account to use
Liability Account for Vendor for recording service liabilities. It
Service Liability is used if you need to distinguish
between Liability for products and
services. This account is only used,

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
if posting to service accounts is
enabled in the accounting schema.
Copy Button

3. Tab: Assigned Partners - C_BPartner


Description: Business Partners in Group

LinkColumn: Business Partner Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 186.3. Assigned Partners Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value Purchase The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND payment option method of purchase payment.

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Flat Number
Flat discount
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
One time Yes-No
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Minimum Shelf Life
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
in percent based on
> 0 you cannot select products
Product Instance
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Guarantee Date
Today) / Guarantee Days) less

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Business Partner Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Status Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
automatically set to Credit Hold, if
the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.

Window: Business Partner Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner

Chapter 187. Window: Business Partner Info
Description: Document Information of Business Partners

Comment/Help: null

Created:2003-07-27 13:06:18.0

Updated:2005-02-09 22:03:39.0

1. Tab: Partner Selection - C_BPartner


Description: Business Partner Selection

Where Clause: C_BPartner.IsSummary='N'

Tab Level: 0

Table 187.1. Partner Selection Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner M_PriceList_Version
of a Price List

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Summary Yes-No This is a A summary entity represents
Level summary entity a branch in a tree rather than

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
an end-node. Summary entities
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
One time Yes-No
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK Business Partner is 0. If active, the status is set
Credit Status automatically set to Credit Hold, if
the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Flat Number
Flat discount
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Frequency and
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
method of invoicing
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Immediate After
Order delivered
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.

Window: Business Partner Info

2. Tab: Partner Orders - C_Order


Description: Business Partner Orders

Where Clause: C_Order.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.2. Partner Orders Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Order Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Target Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType You can convert document types
Document IN ('SOO', (e.g. from Offer to Order or
Type 'POO') AND Invoice). The conversion is then
Target document
C_DocType.IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' reflected in the current type. This
cdoctypetarget_corder type for conversing
AND processing is initiated by selecting
COALESCE(C_DocType.DocSubTypeSO,' the appropriate Document Action.
')< > 'RM'Callout:
Credit Yes-No Credit Approved indicates
Credit has
Approved if the credit approval was
been approved
successful for Orders
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Delivered Yes-No
Approved Yes-No (@IsApproved@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Transferred Yes-No Transferred to General The transferred checkbox indicates
Ledger (i.e. accounted) if the transactions associated

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_corder AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.
Charge Table C_Charge The Charge indicates a
ccharge_corder type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_corder - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Process Button
Shipper Table M_Shipper Method or manner The Shipper indicates the
of product delivery method of delivering product
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper (P) How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Invoice Table AD_User AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@Bill_BPartner_ID@
Business Partner
Contact Contact for invoicing

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Cash Search The Cash Journal Line indicates
Journal ccashline_corder Cash Journal Line a unique line in a cash journal.
Payment Search The Payment is a unique
cpayment_corder Payment identifier
identifier of this payment.
Selected Yes-No
Price Yes-No The Tax Included checkbox
includes Tax is included indicates if the prices
Tax in the price include tax. This is also
known as the gross price.
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Freight List Freight included The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule Fix price Line indicates the method used
charging Freight
Calculated (I) when charging for freight.
Referenced Search C_Order Reference to Reference of the Sales Order
Order corder_ref corresponding Sales/ Line to the corresponding
Purchase Order Purchase Order Line or vice versa.
Payment ID Business Partner
BPartner cbpartnerpay_corder responsible for
the payment
Payment ID Location of the
Location Business Partner
responsible for
the payment
Currency Table Currency Conversion The Currency Conversion
Type Direct Rate Type Rate Type lets you define

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Copy Button Copy From Record
Copy From Record
Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
Amount Freight Amount the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND
adorg_corder (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
Document system and determined by the
sequence number document type of the document.
of the document If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Table C_DocType(0) The Document Type
Type Direct c_doctype_corder Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Date Date (@#Date@) Callout: Indicates the Date
Ordered org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct;
Date of Order an item was ordered.
Account Date (@#Date@) The Accounting Date indicates
Date Accounting Date the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Date Date (@#Date@) The Date Promised indicates
Date Order
Promised the date, if any, that an
was promised
Order was promised for.
Date Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
printed was printed. document was printed.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N'Callout:Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
org.compiere.model.CalloutOrder.bPartner Employee or Salesperson
Invoice Table C_BPartner (Trx) C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' If empty the shipment business
Partner AND partner will be invoiced
OR 'N'='@IsSOTrx@'
C_BP_Relation Business Partner
r WHERE to be invoiced
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct AND Identifies the (ship location of a Business Partner
to) address for this
AND Business Partner
Invoice Table C_BPartner Location C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@Bill_BPartner_ID@
Location AND
Business Partner
Location for invoicing

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete Order delivered. For example should
Defines the
Manual Force (F) the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Priority List High Medium Low The Priority indicates the
Minor Urgent (5) Priority of a document importance (high, medium,
low) of this document
Warehouse Table M_Warehouse.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@Callout: The Warehouse identifies a unique
Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutOrder.warehouse
Storage Warehouse Warehouse where products are
ReadOnly Logic: and Service Point stored or Services are provided.
Drop Yes-No (N) Drop Shipments do not cause
Shipment Drop Shipments any Inventory reservations or
are sent from the movements as the Shipment is
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered (I)
Sales Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = '@IsSOTrx@' the pricing, margin and cost
AND (SELECT of items purchased or sold.
COUNT(*) FROM Unique identifier
M_PriceList_Version of a Price List

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table (@C_Currency_ID@) Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_corder be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Self- Yes-No Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Payment Payment (B) ReadOnly Logic: How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Rule @OrderType@='WP' the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm.PaymentTermUsage Payment Terms identify the
Term Direct = 'B' OR method and timing of payment.
= 'S' AND
The terms of Payment
cpaymentterm_soheader '@IsSOTrx@'='Y') OR
(timing, discount)
= 'P' AND
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_corder IS NULL OR Financial Project

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_corder Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Total Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
Lines document lines of all lines in document currency
Grand Amount The Grand Total displays the
Total amount
Total total amount including Tax and
of document
Freight in document currency
Order ID The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.

3. Tab: Partner Shipments - M_InOut


Description: Business Partner Shipments

Where Clause: M_InOut.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.3. Partner Shipments Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search cinvoice_minout Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
No Integer (1) Number of
Packages packages shipped
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N'Callout:Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.bpartner Employee or Salesperson
Date Date Date a product The Date Received indicates the
received was received date that product was received.
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_minout IS NULL OR Financial Project
Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
Amount Freight Amount the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Process Button
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.
Ship Date Date Actual Date/Time of
Shipment Date/Time
+Time Shipment (pick up)
Priority List High Medium Low The Priority indicates the
Minor Urgent (5) Priority of a document importance (high, medium,
low) of this document
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Create Button

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
In Transit Yes-No Material Movement is in
transit - shipped, but not
Movement is in transit
received. The transaction
is completed, if confirmed.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Generate Button
Generate To
Sales Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Create Button
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper (P) How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct AND Identifies the (ship location of a Business Partner
to) address for this
AND Business Partner
Freight List Freight included The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule Fix price Line indicates the method used
charging Freight
Calculated (I) when charging for freight.
Create Button Process which The Create From process will
lines from will generate a create a new document based
new document

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
lines based on an on information in an existing
existing document document selected by the user.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete Order delivered. For example should
Defines the
Manual Force (A) the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Posted Button _Posted Status The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Shipment Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Tracking String Number to track
No the shipment
Pick Date Date Date/Time when
+Time picked for Shipment
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
ccampaign_minout Marketing Campaign
Direct unique marketing program.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Projects can be associated
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Date Date Indicates the Date
Date of Order
Ordered an item was ordered.
Charge Table C_Charge The Charge indicates a
ccharge_minout type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_minout Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Date Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
printed was printed. document was printed.
Shipper Table M_Shipper Method or manner The Shipper indicates the
of product delivery method of delivering product
Account Date (@#Date@) The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_minout - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Referenced ID

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_minout < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType The Document Type
Type IN ('MMR', determines document
cdoctype_minout 'MMS') AND Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
The current status
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
of the document
Reversed Voided the document status, use
In Progress the Document Action field

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Movement List Production - Customer The Movement Type indicates
Type Shipment Customer the type of movement (in,
Returns Vendor out, to production, etc)
Returns Inventory
Out Movement Method of moving
From Movement the inventory
To Work Order +
Production + Vendor
Receipts Inventory
In Work Order -
Movement Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Movement Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct
Date a product the date that a product moved
was moved in or in or out of inventory. This
out of inventory is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Warehouse Table M_Warehouse.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@Callout: The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct mwarehouse_minout
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.warehouse Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
stored or Services are provided.
In Dispute Yes-No The document is in dispute.
Document is in dispute
Use Requests to track details.
Order Search (IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' The Order is a control document.
AND The Order is complete when
corder_minout DocStatus='CO')Callout: Order the quantity ordered is the same
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Shipment/ ID Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document

4. Tab: Partner Invoices - C_Invoice


Description: Business Partner Invoices

Where Clause: C_Invoice.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.4. Partner Invoices Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No (@IsApproved@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_cinvoice AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct AND Identifies the (ship location of a Business Partner
to) address for this
AND Business Partner
Target Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType You can convert document types
Document IN ('ARI', (e.g. from Offer to Order or
Type 'API','ARC','APC') Invoice). The conversion is then
Target document
AND reflected in the current type. This
cdoctypetarget_cinvoice type for conversing
C_DocType.IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' processing is initiated by selecting
AND the appropriate Document Action.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Price Yes-No The Tax Included checkbox
includes Tax is included indicates if the prices
Tax in the price include tax. This is also
known as the gross price.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Sales Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Transferred Yes-No The transferred checkbox indicates
Transferred to General if the transactions associated
Ledger (i.e. accounted) with this document should be
transferred to the General Ledger.
Create Button Process which The Create From process will
lines from will generate a create a new document based
new document

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
lines based on an on information in an existing
existing document document selected by the user.
Payment Payment (P) How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Rule the invoice the method of invoice payment.
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Invoice Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Date Date Indicates the Date
Date of Order
Ordered an item was ordered.
Generate Button
Generate To
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_cinvoice IS NULL OR Financial Project
Order String The business partner order
Reference Transaction Reference reference is the order reference
Number (Sales Order, for this specific transaction; Often
Purchase Order) of Purchase Order numbers are given
your Business Partner to print on Invoices for easier
reference. A standard number

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm.PaymentTermUsage Payment Terms identify the
Term Direct = 'B' OR method and timing of payment.
= 'S' AND
The terms of Payment
cpaymentterm_cinvoice '@IsSOTrx@'='Y') OR
(timing, discount)
= 'P' AND
Pay Yes-No Payment Schedules allow
Is the Payment
Schedule to have multiple due dates.
Schedule is valid
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N'Callout:Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
org.compiere.model.CalloutInvoice.bPartner Employee or Salesperson
Process Button
Account Date (@#Date@) The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Copy Button Copy From Record
Copy From Record
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_cinvoice - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = '@IsSOTrx@' the pricing, margin and cost
AND (SELECT of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cinvoice WHERE
of a Price List
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_cinvoice Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Currency Table The Currency Conversion
Type Direct Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Referenced ID
Cash Search The Cash Journal Line indicates
Journal ccashline_cinvoice Cash Journal Line a unique line in a cash journal.
Charge Table C_Charge The Charge indicates a
ccharge_cinvoice type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Date Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
printed was printed. document was printed.
Payment Search The Payment is a unique
cpayment_cinvoice Payment identifier
identifier of this payment.
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Total Amount Total of all The Total amount displays the total
Lines document lines of all lines in document currency
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_cinvoice < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document Table (0) The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_cinvoice Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed The current status the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid of the document time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
In Progress the document status, use
Waiting Payment the Document Action field
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Self- Yes-No Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Date Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Date Invoice indicates the
Invoiced org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct;
Date printed on Invoice date printed on the invoice.
Sales Search AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Paid Yes-No The document is paid
In Dispute Yes-No (N) The document is in dispute.
Document is in dispute
Use Requests to track details.
Currency Table (@C_Currency_ID@) Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_cinvoice be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Grand Amount The Grand Total displays the
Total amount
Total total amount including Tax and
of document
Freight in document currency
Order Search The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
corder_cinvoice Order the quantity ordered is the same
as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Invoice ID Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.

5. Tab: Partner Payments - C_Payment


Description: Business Partner Payments

Where Clause: C_Payment.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.5. Partner Payments Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Authorization String Authorization The Authorization Code
Code (DC) Code Delayed indicates the code returned from
Capture returned the electronic transmission.
Number String ReadOnly Logic: The Credit Card number indicates
@IsApproved@=Y Credit Card Number the number on the credit card,
without blanks or spaces.
Social String ReadOnly Logic: The Social Security number
Payment Identification
Security @IsApproved@=Y being used as identification.
- Social Security No
Exp. Integer (1) ReadOnly Logic: The Expiry Month indicates the
Expiry Month
Month @IsApproved@=Y expiry month for this credit card.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_cpayment Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Routing String The Bank Routing Number
No (ABA Number) identifies a
Bank Routing Number
legal Bank. It is used in routing
checks and electronic transactions.
Order Search (C_Order.DocStatus='WP' The Order is a control document.
OR The Order is complete when
(C_Order.DocStatus='CO' the quantity ordered is the same
AND EXISTS as the quantity shipped and
(SELECT * FROM invoiced. When you close an
C_DocType order, unshipped (backordered)
dt WHERE quantities are cancelled.
corder_cpayment Order
ol.QtyInvoiced< >
ReadOnly Logic:
| @C_Charge_ID@!0
Tender List Direct Deposit Credit ReadOnly Logic: The Tender Type indicates
type Card Check Account @IsApproved@=Y the method of payment (ACH
Method of Payment
Cash Direct Debit (K) or Direct Deposit, Credit
Card, Check, Direct Debit)
Voice String ReadOnly Logic: Voice Authorization The Voice Authorization Code
authorization @IsApproved@=Y Code from credit indicates the code received
code card company from the Credit Card Company.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_cpayment Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Transaction List Sales Credit (Payment) AD_Ref_List.Value The Transaction Type indicates the
Type Voice Authorization NOT IN ('A', 'F') Type of credit type of transaction to be submitted
Void Delayed Capture card transaction to the Credit Card Company.
Authorization (S)
Exp. Year Integer (03) ReadOnly Logic: The Expiry Year indicates the
Expiry Year
@IsApproved@=Y expiry year for this credit card.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Receipt Yes-No This is a sales
transaction (receipt)
Over/ Yes-No (Y) Callout: Overpayments (negative) are
Under org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts unallocated amounts and allow you
Payment ReadOnly Logic: to receive money for more than the
(unallocated) or
@C_Charge_ID@! particular invoice. Underpayments
0 | @C_Order_ID@!0 (positive) is a partial payment
(partial payment)
for the invoice. You do not
write off the unpaid amount.
Approved Yes-No (N) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Allocated Yes-No The Allocated checkbox
Indicates if the
indicates if a payment has
payment has
been allocated or associated
been allocated
with an invoice or invoices.
Online Button ReadOnly Logic: The Online Processing
This payment can
Process @IsApproved@=Y indicates if the payment
be processed online
can be processed online.
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Payment Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
User defined
Element celementvalueuser1_cpayment displays the optional elements
list element #1
List 1

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
that have been defined for
this account combination.
Process Button
CVV Yes-No Credit Card The Credit Card Verification
Match Verification Code was matched
Code Match
Swipe String Track 1 and 2 of Swiped information for Credit
the Credit Card Card Presence Transactions
Address List No Match The Address Verified indicates
This address has
verified Unavailable Match if the address has been verified
been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Tax Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
Amount for a document total tax amount for a document.
Info String The Info indicates any response
Response info information returned from
the Credit Card Company.
Account String ReadOnly Logic: State of the Credit The State of the Credit
State @IsApproved@=Y Card or Account holder Card or Account holder
Result String The Response Result indicates
Result of transmission the result of the transmission
to the Credit Card Company.
Verification String ReadOnly Logic: The Credit Card Verification
Credit Card
Code @IsApproved@=Y indicates the verification code on
Verification code
the credit card (AMEX 4 digits
on credit card
on front; MC,Visa 3 digits back)
Payment Table Electronic Fund
cpaymentbatch_cpayment Payment batch for EFT
Batch Direct Transfer Payment Batch.
Zip List No Match The Zip Verified indicates if
The Zip Code
verified Unavailable Match the zip code has been verified
has been verified
by the Credit Card Company.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct ccampaign_cpayment Marketing Campaign unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Account String ReadOnly Logic: Street address of The Street Address of the
Street @IsApproved@=Y the Credit Card or Credit Card or Account holder.
Account holder
Account String ReadOnly Logic: Zip Code of the The Zip Code of the Credit
Zip/Postal @IsApproved@=Y Credit Card or Card or Account Holder.
Account Holder
Account Date (@#Date@) The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Micr String The Micr number is the
Combination of
combination of the bank
routing no, account
routing number, account
and check no
number and check number
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Reconciled Yes-No Payment is reconciled
with bank statement
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Account String ReadOnly Logic: Account Country Name
Country @IsApproved@=Y
Account String ReadOnly Logic: The Account City indicates
City or the Credit Card
City @IsApproved@=Y the City of the Credit
or Account Holder
Card or Account holder

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Account String ReadOnly Logic: The EMail Address indicates
EMail @IsApproved@=Y Email Address the EMail address off the
Credit Card or Account holder.
Account String ReadOnly Logic: Name on Credit Card The Name of the Credit
Name @IsApproved@=Y or Account holder Card or Account holder.
PO String The PO Number indicates
Number the number assigned
Order Number
to a purchase order
Response String The Response Message indicates
Message the message returned from
Response message
the Credit Card Company as
the result of a transmission
Original String ReadOnly Logic: The Original Transaction
Transaction @IsApproved@=Y Original ID is used for reversing
ID Transaction ID transactions and indicates the
transaction that has been reversed.
Charge Table (C_Charge.C_Charge_ID The Charge indicates a
Direct IN ( SELECT type of Charge (Handling,
c.C_Charge_ID FROM Shipping, Restocking)
C_Charge c JOIN
C_ChargeType ct ON
= c.C_ChargeType_ID)
ctd ON Additional
(ctd.C_ChargeType_ID document charges
JOIN C_DocType dt
ON (dt.C_DocType_ID
ctd.C_DocType_ID =
@C_DocType_ID@ )

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
= 0)Callout:
ReadOnly Logic:
0 | @C_Order_ID@!0
Account String The Account Number
No Account Number indicates the Number
assigned to this bank account.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Driver String ReadOnly Logic: Payment Identification The Driver's License being
License @IsApproved@=Y - Driver License used as identification.
Reference String The Payment Reference
indicates the reference
Payment reference
returned from the Credit
Card Company for a payment
Over/ Amount (0) Callout: Overpayments (negative) are
Under org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts unallocated amounts and allow you
Payment ReadOnly Logic: to receive money for more than the
(unallocated) or
@C_Charge_ID@! particular invoice. Underpayments
Under-Payment (partial
0 | @C_Order_ID@!0 (positive) is a partial payment
payment) Amount
for the invoice. You do not
write off the unpaid amount.
Credit List Purchase Card ReadOnly Logic: The Credit Card drop down list
Credit Card (Visa,
Card Amex MasterCard @IsApproved@=Y box is used for selecting the type of
MC, AmEx)
Credit Card presented for payment.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ATM Diners
Discover Visa (M)
Partner Table The Partner Bank Account
Bank Account of
Bank Direct cbpbankacct_cpayment identifies the bank account to be
the Business Partner
Account used for this Business Partner
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Currency Table Callout: The Currency Conversion
Type Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts
Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.
Reference String The Payment Reference
(DC) Payment Reference indicates the reference
Delayed Capture returned from the Credit
Card Company for a payment
Authorization String The Authorization Code
Code indicates the code returned from
Code returned
the electronic transmission.
Check No String The Check Number indicates
Check Number
the number on the check.
Prepayment Yes-No Payments not allocated to an
invoice with a charge are posted
The Payment/Receipt to Unallocated Payments. When
is a Prepayment setting this flag, the payment
is posted to the Customer or
Vendor Prepayment account.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_cpayment < > 0 AND (same as first report)

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Table C_DocType.DocBaseType The Document Type
Type Direct IN ('ARR', 'APP') AND determines document
cdoctype_cpayment Document type or rules
C_DocType.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@Callout: sequence and processing rules
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Self- Yes-No Self-Service allows users to enter
This is a Self-Service
Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry
indicates, that this record was

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
entered or created via Self-Service
can be changed
or that the user can change it via
via Self-Service
the Self-Service functionality.
Transaction Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Transaction Date indicates
Transaction Date
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct the date of the transaction.
Bank Table The Bank Account identifies
cbankaccount_cpayment Account at the Bank
Account Direct an account at this Bank.
Online Yes-No ReadOnly Logic: The Online Access check box
Access @IsApproved@=Y Can be accessed online indicates if the application
can be accessed via the web.
Currency Table Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_cpayment
org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Payment Amount (0) Callout: Indicates the amount this payment
amount org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts is for. The payment amount can be
Amount being paid
for single or multiple invoices or
a partial payment for an invoice.
Discount Amount (0) Callout: The Discount Amount
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts indicates the discount amount
Calculated amount
ReadOnly Logic: for a document or line.
of discount
0 | @C_Order_ID@!0
Write-off Amount (0) Callout: The Write Off Amount
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutPayment.amounts indicates the amount to be
ReadOnly Logic: Amount to write-off written off as uncollectible.
0 | @C_Order_ID@!0
Delayed Yes-No Delayed Capture is required, if you
Capture ship products. The first credit card
Charge after Shipment transaction is the Authorization,
the second is the actual transaction
after the shipment of the product.
Invoice Search C_Invoice.DocStatus The Invoice Document.
cinvoice_cpayment IN ('CO', 'CL')Callout: Invoice Identifier

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ReadOnly Logic:
@C_Order_ID@!0 |
Payment ID The Payment is a unique
Payment identifier
identifier of this payment.

6. Tab: Partner Assets - A_Asset


Description: Business Partner Assets

Where Clause: A_Asset.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.6. Partner Assets Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Fully Yes-No (N) The asset is The asset costs are fully amortized.
depreciated fully depreciated
Locator Locator Callout: The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_aasset Warehouse Locator
(WH) org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutAsset.location Warehouse a product is located.
Life use Integer Units of use until Life use and the actual use may be
the asset is not used to calculate the depreciation
usable anymore
Owned Yes-No The asset may not be in
The asset is owned
possession, but the asset is
by the organization
legally owned by the organization
Asset Date Date of the last deprecation,
Date of last
Depreciation if the asset is used
Date internally and depreciated.
Address Location Callout: The Location / Address field
clocation_aasset Location or Address
(Address) org.idempiere.fa.model.CalloutAsset.locator defines the location of an entity.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Asset Date
Date when the asset
is/was disposed
Location String Additional comments
comment or remarks concerning
the location
Asset ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Version String
Version Number
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
In Yes-No The asset is in Assets which are not in possession
Possession the possession of are e.g. at Customer site and may or
the organization may not be owned by the company.
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@Callout:
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_aasset
to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Depreciate Yes-No The asset will The asset is used internally
be depreciated and will be depreciated
Usable Integer
Years of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
User/ Table AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_aasset - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Disposed Yes-No The asset is no longer
The asset is disposed
used and disposed
Usable Integer
Months of the usable
Life -
life of the asset
Use units Integer Currently used
units of the assets
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Asset Search A_Asset_Group A_Asset_Type_ID The group of assets determines
Group IN (NULL, default accounts. If an asset
aassetgroup_aasset @A_Asset_Type_ID@) Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_aasset AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Product Attribute
Set Attribute mattributesetinstance_aasset Product Attribute Instances.
Set Instance

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
In Service Date The date when the asset was
Date when Asset
Date put into service - usually used
was put into service
as start date for depreciation.
Guarantee Date Date when Date when the normal
Date guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires

7. Tab: Partner Requests - R_Request


Description: Business Partner Requests

Where Clause: R_Request.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 187.7. Partner Requests Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_rrequest Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Entry List Internal Partner
Confidentiality Confidential Private Confidentiality of
Information Public the individual entry
Information (C)
Close Date Date The Start Date indicates
Close Date
+Time the last or final date
Last Alert Date Date when last The last alert date is updated
+Time alert were sent when a reminder email is sent
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.
Standard Table Callout: Request Standard Text blocks to be copied
Response Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyResponse
Response into request response text
Request ID Request from a The Request identifies
Business Partner a unique request from a
or Prospect Business Partner or Prospect.
Shipment/ Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document
Order Search The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
corder_rrequest Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Role Table (-1) AD_Role.IsMasterRole='N' The Role determines security
Direct adrole_rrequest Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
End Time Date
End of the time span
Invoice Search rinvoice_rrequest Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity Quantity used
Used for this event
RMA Search A Return Material Authorization
Return Material
mrma_rrequest may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_rrequest AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_rrequest - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Escalated Yes-No The Escalated checkbox indicates
This request has
that this request has been
been escalated
escalated or raised in importance.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_rrequest Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Record ID Button The Record ID is the internal
unique identifier of a record.
Please note that zooming to the
Direct internal
record may not be successful for
record ID
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Mail Table Callout: The Mail Template indicates the
Template Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyMail mail template for return messages.
Mail text can include variables.
The priority of parsing is User/
Contact, Business Partner and
then the underlying business
object (like Request, Dunning,
Workflow object). So, @Name@
Text templates
rmailtext_rrequest would resolve into the User
for mailings
name (if user is defined defined),
then Business Partner name (if
business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business
object if it has a Name. For Multi-
Lingual systems, the template is
translated based on the Business
Partner's language selection.
Request Amount The Request Amount indicates
Amount Amount associated any amount that is associated
with this request with this request. For example, a
warranty amount or refund amount.
Result Text Result of the The Result indicates the result of
action taken any action taken on this request.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_rrequest Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Related Search R_Request Related Request Request related to this request
Request (Master Issue, ..)
Start Time Date
Time started
Payment Search The Payment is a unique
cpayment_rrequest Payment identifier
identifier of this payment.
Self- Yes-No (N) This is a Self-Service Self-Service allows users to enter
Service entry or this entry data or update their data. The flag
can be changed indicates, that this record was
via Self-Service entered or created via Self-Service

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Request Search C_Invoice The generated invoice The optionally generated
Invoice for this request invoice for the request
Next List None Follow up (F) Next Action The Next Action indicates the next
action to be taken action to be taken on this request.
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
+Time day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Product Search M_Product Product/Resource/ Invoicing uses the Product used.
Used (no summary) mproductspent_rrequest Service used
in Request
Confidentiality List Internal Partner
Confidential Private
Type of Confidentiality
Information Public
Information (C)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Request Table Callout: Request Types are used for
Type Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.type
Type of request (e.g. processing and categorizing
Inquiry, Complaint, ..) requests. Options are Account
Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.
Document String The document number is usually
No Document automatically generated by the
sequence number system and determined by the
of the document document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Group Table Group of requests (e.g. version
rgroup_rrequest Request Group
Direct numbers, responsibility, ...)
Category Table Category or Topic of the Request
rcategory_rrequest Request Category
Status Table EXISTS (SELECT Status if the request (open,
Direct * FROM closed, investigating, ..)
rstatus_rrequest sc ON Request Status
Resolution Table Resolution status (e.g.
rresolution_rrequest Request Resolution
Direct Fixed, Rejected, ..)

Window: Business Partner Info

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Priority List High Medium Low Indicates if this request The Priority indicates the
Minor Urgent (5) is of a high, medium importance of this request.
or low priority.
User List High Medium Low Priority of the
Importance Minor Urgent (5) issue for the User
Sales Table AD_User - The Sales Representative
Representative Internal(@#AD_User_ID@) Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Summary Text Textual summary The Summary allows free form
of this request text entry of a recap of this request.
Date last Date The Date Last Action
Date this request
action +Time indicates that last time that
was last acted on
the request was acted on.
Last Result String The Last Result identifies the
Result of last contact
result of the last contact made.
Due type List Overdue The Due Type indicates
Status of the next
Scheduled Due (5) if this request is Due,
action for this Request
Overdue or Scheduled.
Date next Date The Date Next Action indicates
Date that this request
action +Time the next scheduled date for an
should be acted on
action to occur for this request.

Chapter 188. Window: Calendar Year and Period
Description: Maintain Calendars Years Periods

Comment/Help: The Calendar Year and Periods defines the calendars that will be used for period control and reporting. You can also define non-standard calendars
(e.g. business year from July to June).

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Calendar - C_Calendar


Description: Define your calendar

Comment/Help: The Calendar Tab defines each calendar that will be used by an Organization.

Tab Level: 0

Table 188.1. Calendar Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Calendar ID The Calendar uniquely identifies
an accounting calendar. Multiple
calendars can be used. For
example you may need a standard
Calendar Name
calendar that runs from Jan 1
to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar
that runs from July 1 to June 30.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_calendarclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_calendarorg OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

2. Tab: Year - C_Year


Description: Define Calendar Year

Comment/Help: The Year Window is used to define each year for the specified calendar.

Tab Level: 1

Table 188.2. Year Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Year ID The Year uniquely identifies an
Calendar Year
accounting year for a calendar.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_yearclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_yearorg OR (same as first report)
Calendar Table The Calendar uniquely identifies
Direct an accounting calendar. Multiple
calendars can be used. For
c_calendar_year example you may need a standard
Calendar Name
calendar that runs from Jan 1
to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar
that runs from July 1 to June 30.
Year String The Year identifies the
The Fiscal Year
accounting year for a calendar.

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Create Button (N)

3. Tab: Period - C_Period


Description: Define Calendar Periods

Comment/Help: The Period Tab defines a Period No, Name and Start Date for each Calendar Year. Each period begins on the defined Start Date and ends one
day prior to the next period's Start Date.

Tab Level: 2

Table 188.3. Period Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Period ID The Period indicates an exclusive
Period of the Calendar
range of dates for a calendar.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_periodclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_periodorg OR (same as first report)
Year Table The Year uniquely identifies an
c_year_period Calendar Year
Direct accounting year for a calendar.
Period No Integer The Period No identifies a
specific period for this year.
Unique Period Number Each period is defined by a start
and end date. Date ranges for a
calendar and year cannot overlap.

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
End Date Date Last effective The End Date indicates
date (inclusive) the last date in this range.
Period List Adjustment The Period Type indicates the type
Type Period Standard Period Type (Standard or Adjustment) of period.
Calendar Period (S)
Open/ Button
Close All

4. Tab: Period Control - C_PeriodControl


Description: Define Period Control

Comment/Help: The Period Control Tab displays the status of a Period (Never Opened, Opened, Closed).

Tab Level: 3

Table 188.4. Period Control Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Period ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Period Table The Period indicates an exclusive
c_period_periodcontrol Period of the Calendar
Direct range of dates for a calendar.
Document List Material Production The Document Base Type
BaseType AP Credit Memo AR identifies the base or starting
Credit Memo GL point for a document. Multiple
Journal AP Invoice document types may share a
AP Payment AR single document base type.
Invoice Sales Order
AR Pro Forma Invoice
Material Receipt
Material Movement
Purchase Order Bank
Statement Cash Journal
Payment Allocation
Project Issue Match
PO Manufacturing Logical type
Order Quality Order of document
Payroll Manufacturing
Cost Collector
Match Invoice GL
Document AR Receipt
Material Delivery
Purchase Requisition
Material Physical
Inventory Maintenance
Order Distribution
Order Fixed Assets
Disposal Fixed Assets
Addition Fixed
Assets Depreciation
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Period List Open Closed The Period Status indicates
Current state
Status Permanently closed the current status for this
of this period
Never opened (N)

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
period. For example 'Closed',
'Open', 'Never Opened'.
Period List Close Period < No The Period Action indicates
Action Action> Permanently Action taken the action to be taken for this
Close Period for this period period. For example 'Close
Open Period (N) Period' or 'Open Period'.
Open/ Button

5. Tab: Non Business Day - C_NonBusinessDay


Description: Define Non Business Days

Comment/Help: The Non Business Days Tab defines those days to exclude when calculating the due date for given payment terms. For example, if an invoice
terms was Net 10 days and the Invoice Date was 2/17/2000 the due date would be 2/27/2000. If 2/27/2000 was defined as a non business day then the due date
on the Invoice would be 2/28/2000.

Tab Level: 1

Table 188.5. Non Business Day Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Non ID The Non Business Day identifies a
Day on which business
Business day that should not be considered
is not transacted
Day a day when business is transacted
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_nonbusinesdaysclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_nonbusinesdaysorg OR (same as first report)
Calendar Table Accounting The Calendar uniquely identifies
Direct Calendar Name an accounting calendar. Multiple

Window: Calendar Year and Period

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
calendars can be used. For
example you may need a standard
calendar that runs from Jan 1
to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar
that runs from July 1 to June 30.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Date Date The Date field identifies
Date when business
a calendar date on which
is not conducted
business will not be conducted.
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
CCountry_CNonBusinessDay Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.

Chapter 189. Window: Cash Plan
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2010-12-08 21:22:01.0

Updated:2010-12-08 21:22:01.0

1. Tab: Cash Plan - C_CashPlan


Tab Level: 0

Table 189.1. Cash Plan Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No (@IsApproved@) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Cash Plan ID
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
Document system and determined by the
sequence number document type of the document.
of the document If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of

Window: Cash Plan

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Date (@#Date@) The Document Date indicates
Date the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Sales Yes-No The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Cash Flow List Financing Operational
Type Investment
Generate Button

Window: Cash Plan

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_ccashplan Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_ccashplan AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_ccashplan Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Grand Amount The Grand Total displays the
Total amount
Total total amount including Tax and
of document
Freight in document currency
Copy Button Copy From Record
From Copy From Record
Cash Plan
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Cash Plan

2. Tab: Cash Plan Line - C_CashPlanLine


Read Only Logic: @Processed@=Y

Tab Level: 1

Table 189.2. Cash Plan Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Cash ID
Plan Line
Project Table C_ProjectPhase_ID=@C_ProjectPhase_ID@
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Project Table C_Project_ID=@C_Project_ID@
cprojectphase_ccashplanline Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Cash Plan Search ccashplan_ccashplanline
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Business Search Identifies a A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Business Partner with whom you transact. This

Window: Cash Plan

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
Transaction Date
Date the date of the transaction.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
mproduct_ccashplanline M_Product.IsActive='Y' Product, Service, Item sold in this organization.
ReadOnly Logic:
Charge Table ReadOnly Logic: The Charge indicates a
Direct ccharge_ccashplanline @M_Product_ID@!0 type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Quantity Quantity (1) The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is based on to base product UoM quantity
the selected UoM
Probability Number
Line Total Amount Total line Total line amount
amount incl. Tax
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_ccashplanline Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_ccashplanline AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing

Window: Cash Plan

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_ccashplanline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.

Chapter 190. Window: Change Audit
Description: Audit of data changes

Comment/Help: Log of data changes

Created:2003-05-29 22:32:36.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Change Audit - AD_ChangeLog


Description: Log of data changes

Comment/Help: Log of data changes

LinkColumn: Client

Tab Level: 0

Table 190.1. Change Audit Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Session Table User Session Online or Web Session Information
Direct Online or Web
Transaction String Name of the Internal name of the transaction
Change ID Log of data changes
Log of data changes
Updated Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Updated field indicates the
+Time was updated date that this record was updated.

Window: Change Audit

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Updated Table AD_User User who updated The Updated By field indicates
By this records the user who updated this record.
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Record ID Button The Record ID is the internal
unique identifier of a record.
Please note that zooming to the
Direct internal
record may not be successful for
record ID
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.
Column Table Link to the database
adcolumn_adchangelog Column in the table
Direct column of the table
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Customization Yes-No The migration "resets" the
system to the current/original
The change is a
setting. If selected you can
customization of
save the customization and
the data dictionary
re-apply it. Please note that
and can be applied
you need to check, if your
after Migration
customization has no negative
side effect in the new release.
Event List Insert Delete Update
Type of Event
in Change Log
Old Value String The old file data Old data overwritten in the field
New Value String New field value New data entered in the field
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Un-Do Button
Re-Do Button

Chapter 191. Window: Charge
Description: Maintain Charges

Comment/Help: The Charges Window defines the different charges that may be incurred. These can include Bank Charges, Vendor Charges and Handling Charges.

Created:1999-12-04 21:41:28.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Charge - C_Charge


Description: Charge

Comment/Help: The Charge Tab defines the unique charges that may be associated with a document. The optional Business Partner allows to create Purchase
Orders from Requisitions.

Tab Level: 0

Table 191.1. Charge Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge ID The Charge indicates a
type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Same Yes-No
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Charge

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.
Tax Table The Tax Category provides a
Category Direct method of grouping similar
ctaxcategory_ccharge Tax Category
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.
Price Yes-No (N) The Tax Included checkbox
includes Tax is included indicates if the prices
Tax in the price include tax. This is also
known as the gross price.
Same Tax Yes-No The Same Tax checkbox indicates
Use the same tax as
that this charge should use the
the main transaction
same tax as the main transaction.
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Charge Table
Type Direct

2. Tab: Accounting - C_Charge_Acct


Description: Charge Accounting

Comment/Help: The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a charge or charges.

Tab Level: 1

Window: Charge

Table 191.2. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Charge Table The Charge indicates a
Direct cchrage_cchargeacct type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_cchargeacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Charge Account The Charge Account
Account vc_chexpense_ccharge Charge Account identifies the account to
use when recording charges
Charge Account The Charge Revenue Account
Revenue Charge Revenue identifies the account
(Deprecated) Account to use when recording
charges paid by customers.

3. Tab: Translation - C_Charge_Trl


Description: Translation

Comment/Help: The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language.

Tab Level: 1

Window: Charge

Table 191.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Charge Table The Charge indicates a
Direct ccharge_cchargetrl type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlangu_cchargetrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.

Chapter 192. Window: Charge Type
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-08-26 22:58:29.0

Updated:2008-08-26 22:58:29.0

1. Tab: Charge Type - C_ChargeType


Tab Level: 0

Table 192.1. Charge Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.

Window: Charge Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Charge ID

2. Tab: Charge Type by Doc Type - C_ChargeType_DocType


LinkColumn: Charge Type

Tab Level: 1

Table 192.2. Charge Type by Doc Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Charge Table
Type Direct
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_cchargetypedoctype Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Allow Yes-No (Y)
Allow Yes-No (Y)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 193. Window: Chart
Description: Chart Definition

Comment/Help: null

Created:2010-08-23 14:44:43.0

Updated:2010-08-23 14:44:43.0

1. Tab: Chart - AD_Chart


Tab Level: 0

Table 193.1. Chart Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AD_Chart_UU String
Chart ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Chart Type List Ring Chart 3D Pie
Chart Pie Chart
Type of chart to render
Waterfall Chart 3D
Line Chart Line Chart

Window: Chart

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
3D Stacked Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
3D Bar Chart Bar
Chart Stacked Area
Chart Area Chart
Window Integer
Display Yes-No ('Y') Toggles the display
Display chart legend
Legend of the chart legend
Orientation List Vertical Horizontal (V) The orientation
of the chart.
Domain String Label for the
Label domain axis.
Range String Label for the
Label range axis.
Time Yes-No (N) A time series chart will
The domain data
Series automatically group and
for the chart is
restrict the data by the time
organised by time.
unit and scope specified.
Time Unit List Year Quarter The unit of time for
Month Week Day grouping chart data.
Time Integer The number of time
Scope units to include
the chart result.
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
entityt_adchart synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Chart

2. Tab: Datasource - AD_ChartDatasource


LinkColumn: Chart

Tab Level: 1

Table 193.2. Datasource Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Chart ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Chart Table
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
entityt_adchartdatasource synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Sql FROM Text The Select Clause indicates
SQL FROM clause the SQL FROM clause to
use for selecting the record

Window: Chart

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
for a measure calculation. It
can have JOIN clauses. Do
not include the FROM itself.
Sql Text (WHERE ...) The Where Clause indicates
WHERE the SQL WHERE clause to
Fully qualified SQL use for record selection. The
WHERE clause WHERE clause is added to the
query. Fully qualified means
Series String
Category String Fully qualified data The Category Column determines
Column category column how the chart data is grouped
Date String The Date Column indicates
Fully qualified
Column the date to be used when
date column
calculating this measurement
Time Integer Number of time units For example an offset of
Offset to offset displayed -12 with a chart time unit of
chart data from Month will result in previous
the current date. year data being displayed.
Value String Fully qualified The Value Column contains
Column data value column the value data for the chart
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Key String
Key Column for Table
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

3. Tab: Translation - AD_Chart_Trl


LinkColumn: Chart

Tab Level: 1

Window: Chart

Table 193.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_ADChartTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_ADChartTrl (same as first report)
Chart Search ADChart_ADChartTrl
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_ADChartTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Domain String Label for the
Label domain axis.
Range String Label for the
Label range axis.

Chapter 194. Window: Chat Type
Description: Maintain Chat Types

Comment/Help: Chat Types

Created:2006-04-16 15:36:19.0

Updated:2006-04-18 12:28:35.0

1. Tab: Chat Type - CM_ChatType


Description: Maintain Type of discussion / chat

Comment/Help: Chat Type allows you to receive subscriptions for particular content of discussions. It is linked to a table.

Tab Level: 0

Table 194.1. Chat Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Chat Type ID Chat Type allows you
Type of to receive subscriptions
discussion / chat for particular content of
discussions. It is linked to a table.
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Chat Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Moderation List Not moderated
Type Before Publishing Type of moderation
After Publishing (N)

2. Tab: Updates - CM_ChatTypeUpdate


Description: Subscribers for the Chat Type

Comment/Help: Subscribers receive updates per email or notice

LinkColumn: Chat Type

Tab Level: 1

Table 194.2. Updates Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Chat Type Table Chat Type allows you
Direct Type of to receive subscriptions
discussion / chat for particular content of
discussions. It is linked to a table.
User/ Table The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_cmchattypeupdate - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Chat Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Self- Yes-No Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.

Chapter 195. Window: Client
Description: Maintain Clients/Tenants

Comment/Help: The Client is the highest level of an independent business entity. Each Client will have one or more Organizations reporting to it. Each Client
defines the accounting parameters (Accounting Schema, Tree definition, Non Monetary UOM's). To create new Clients, run the Initial Client Setup with the System
Administrator Role. Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new
client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure would not have been set up.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Client - AD_Client


Description: Client/Tenant Definition

Comment/Help: The Client Definition Tab defines a unique client. Do not create a new client in this window, but use "Initial Client Setup" (System Administrator
Role) to set up the required security and access rules. If you create a new client here, you will not be able to view it and also the required client infrastructure
would not have been set up.

Tab Level: 0

Table 195.1. Client Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document String Directory to store documents
Directory Directory for by the application server. The
documents from the path/directory is accessed by
application server the application server and may
not be accessible to clients.
Unix String
Cost Yes-No (N) If selected, costs are updated
Immediately Update Costs immediately when a Cost Detail
immediately for testing record is created (by matching or
shipping). Otherwise the costs are

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
updated by batch or when the costs
are needed for posting. You should
select this only if you are testing,
Post Yes-No (N) If selected, the accounting
Immediately consequences are immediately
(Deprecated) generated when completing
Post the accounting a document. Otherwise the
immediately for document is posted by a batch
testing (Deprecated) process. You should select
this only if you are testing.
Deprecated column - use instead
the functionality Client Accounting.
Windows String
Store Yes-No Callout:
Attachments org.compiere.model.CalloutClient.storeAttachmentOnFileSystem
On File
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Use Beta Yes-No (Y) The exact scope of Beta
Functions Functionality is listed in the release
Enable the use of
note. It is usually not recommended
Beta Functionality
to enable Beta functionality
in production environments.
Language Table AD_Language System Callout: The Language identifies
Language for
org.compiere.model.CalloutClient.clientLanguageWarning the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Multi Yes-No If selected, you enable multi
Lingual lingual documents and need
Documents to maintain translations for
Documents are
entities used in documents
Multi Lingual
(examples: Products, Payment
Terms, ...). Please note, that the
base language is always English.
Auto List All (Reports, iDempiere allows to automatically
Archive Documents) Enable and level of create archives of Documents
Documents automatic Archive (e.g. Invoices) or Reports. You
None External of documents view the archived material
Documents (N) with the Archive Viewer
Material List LiFo FiFo (F) The Material Movement Policy
Policy determines how the stock is
flowing (FiFo or LiFo) if a
Material specific Product Instance was
Movement Policy not selected. The policy can not
contradict the costing method
(e.g. FiFo movement policy
and LiFo costing method).
Mail Host String The host name of the Mail
Hostname of
Server for this client with SMTP
Mail Server for
services to send mail, and IMAP
to process incoming mail.
SMTP Yes-No (N) Some email servers require
Authentication Your mail server authentication before sending
requires Authentication emails. If yes, users are
required to define their email

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
user name and password. If
authentication is required and
no user name and password
is required, delivery will fail.
SMTP Port Integer SMTP Port Number
SMTP Yes-No (N) Use SSL/
Request String EMails for requests, alerts and
EMail escalation are sent from this
EMail address to send
email address as well as delivery
automated mails from
information if the sales rep does
or receive mails for
not have an email account. The
automated processing
address must be filly qualified
(fully qualified)
and should be a valid address.
Request String Email folder used to read emails to
EMail folder to process
Folder process as requests, If left empty
incoming emails; if
the default mailbox (INBOX) will
empty INBOX is used
be used. Requires IMAP services.
Request String EMail user name for requests,
User alerts and escalation are sent
from this email address as well as
User Name (ID) delivery information if the sales rep
of the email owner does not have an email account.
Required, if your mail server
requires authentification as well
as for processing incoming mails.
Request String Password of the
User user name (ID) for
Password mail processing
Server Yes-No When selected, mail is sent from
EMail the server rather then the client.
Send EMail This decreases availability. You
from Server would select this when you do not
want to enable email relay for the
client addresses in your mail server.

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Test EMail Button Test EMail
Model String List of classes
Validation implementing the interface
Classes List of data model org.compiere.model.ModelValidator,
validation classes separated by semicolon. The class
separated by ; is called for the client and allows to
validate documents in the prepare
stage and monitor model changes.
Store Yes-No Callout:
Archive org.compiere.model.CalloutClient.storeArchiveOnFileSystem
On File
IsUseASP Yes-No (N)
Replication Table The Data Replication
Data Replication
Strategy Direct adreplicationstrategy_adclient Strategy determines what
and how tables are replicated
Windows String
Unix String
Password Table
Policies Direct

2. Tab: Client Info - AD_ClientInfo


Description: Client Info

Comment/Help: The Client Info Tab defines the details for each client. The accounting rules and high level defaults are defined here. The Calendar is used to
determine if a period is open or closed.

Tab Level: 1

Window: Client

Table 195.2. Client Info Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_adclientinfo (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Discount Yes-No ReadOnly Logic: If the payment discount is
calculated @AD_Client_ID=0 calculated from line amounts only,
Payment Discount
from Line the tax and charge amounts are
calculation does
Amounts not included. This is e.g. business
not include Taxes
practice in the US. If not selected
and Charges
the total invoice amount is used
to calculate the payment discount.
Calendar Table ReadOnly Logic: The Calendar uniquely identifies
Direct @AD_Client_ID=0 an accounting calendar. Multiple
calendars can be used. For
ccalendar_adclientinfo example you may need a standard
Calendar Name
calendar that runs from Jan 1
to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar
that runs from July 1 to June 30.
Primary Table C_AcctSchema ReadOnly Logic: An Accounting Schema defines
Accounting @AD_Client_ID=0 Primary rules the rules used accounting
Schema for accounting such as costing method,
currency and calendar.
UOM for Table C_UOM ReadOnly Logic: The Standard UOM for
Length @AD_Client_ID=0 Standard Unit of Length indicates the UOM to
Measure for Length use for products referenced
by length in a document.
UOM for Table C_UOM ReadOnly Logic: The Standard UOM for
Volume @AD_Client_ID=0 Standard Unit of Volume indicates the UOM
Measure for Volume to use for products referenced
by volume in a document.

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
UOM for Table C_UOM ReadOnly Logic: The Standard UOM for
Weight @AD_Client_ID=0 Standard Unit of Weight indicates the UOM to
Measure for Weight use for products referenced
by weight in a document.
Template Search C_BPartner (Trx) ReadOnly Logic: When creating a new Business
B.Partner @AD_Client_ID=0 Business Partner Partner from the Business Partner
used for creating Search Field (right-click: Create),
new Business the selected business partner is
Partners on the fly used as a template, e.g. to define
price list, payment terms, etc.
UOM Table C_UOM ReadOnly Logic: The Standard UOM for
for Time @AD_Client_ID=0 Standard Unit of Time indicates the UOM to
Measure for Time use for products referenced
by time in a document.
Product Search M_Product ReadOnly Logic:
for Freight (no summary) @AD_Client_ID=0
Charge for Table C_Charge
Attachment Table
Store Direct
Archive Table AD_StorageProvider_ID
Show Yes-No (N)
Days to Integer Number of days to Older Log entries may be deleted
keep Log keep the log entries
Show Yes-No (N)

Window: Client

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table AD_Tree Trees are used Trees are used for
Tree for (financial) (finanial) reporting and
reporting and security security access (via role)
access (via role)
Menu Tree Table AD_Tree adtreemenu_adclientinfo Tree of the menu Menu access tree
BPartner Table AD_Tree Trees are used for Trees are used for
Tree (financial) reporting (finanial) reporting
Product Table AD_Tree Trees are used for Trees are used for
Tree (financial) reporting (finanial) reporting
Project Table AD_Tree Trees are used for Trees are used for
Tree (financial) reporting (finanial) reporting
Sales Table AD_Tree Trees are used for
Trees are used for
Region adtreesalesreg_adclientinfo (finanial) reporting
(financial) reporting
Campaign Table AD_Tree Trees are used for Trees are used for
Tree (financial) reporting (finanial) reporting
Activity Table AD_Tree Trees are used for Trees are used for
Tree (financial) reporting (finanial) reporting
Logo Image logo_adclientinfo
Logo Image
Logo Web Image logoweb_adclientinfo

3. Tab: Client Share - AD_ClientShare


Description: Force (not) sharing of client/org entities

Comment/Help: Business Partner can be either defined on Client level (shared) or on Org level (not shared). You can define here of Products are always shared
(i.e. always created under Organization "*") or if they are not shared (i.e. you cannot enter them with Organization "*"). The creation of "Client and Org" shared
records is the default and is ignored.

Window: Client

Tab Level: 1

Table 195.3. Client Share Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client ID For entities with data access level
Share of Client+Organization either
force to share the entries or not.
Example: Product and Business
Partner can be either defined
Force (not) sharing on Client level (shared) or on
of client/org entities Org level (not shared). You can
define here of Products are always
shared (i.e. always created under
Organization "*") or if they are
not shared (i.e. you cannot enter
them with Organization "*")
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_adclientshare (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
adorg_adclientshare (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Table Table AD_Table.AccessLevel The Database Table provides the
Database Table
Direct adtable_adclientshare IN ('2','3','6','7') AND information of the table definition
Share List Client (all shared) Defines if a table is shared
Type Client or Org Type of sharing within a client or not.
Org (not shared)

Chapter 196. Window: Commission
Description: Maintain Commissions and Royalties

Comment/Help: Define how and when you want the commissions to be calculated and to whom to pay it. The Commissions Window allows you define how
commissions and royalties will be paid. You can pay multiple commissions for the same order or invoice (e.g. to the person entering the transaction, to the person
responsible for sale of the product (category) and or business partner (group).

Created:2001-03-11 17:40:39.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Commission - C_Commission


Description: Define Commission Rule

Comment/Help: Define when to pay a commission to whom. For each period, you start the calculation of the commission after the transaction for that period are
completed or closed.

Tab Level: 0

Table 196.1. Commission Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission ID The Commission Rules or
Commission internal or external company
agents, sales reps or vendors.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Commission

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Business Search C_BPartner Vendor A Business Partner is anyone
Partner / or SalesRep Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Sales Rep Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_ccommission be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Charge Table The Charge indicates a
Direct ccharge_ccommission type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Calculation List Order Invoice Basis for the The Calculation Basis indicates
Basis Receipt (I) calculation the the basis to be used for the
commission commission calculation.
Frequency List Yearly Weekly The frequency type is
Type Monthly Quarterly (M) Frequency of event used for calculating the
date of the next event.
Copy Button Process which The Create From process will
Lines will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
List Yes-No The List Details checkbox
Details List document details indicates that the details for each
document line will be displayed.
Generate Button
Date Date Date the process The Date Last Run indicates the
last run +Time was last run. last time that a process was run.

Window: Commission

2. Tab: Commission Line - C_CommissionLine


Description: Define your commission calculation rule

Comment/Help: Define the selection criteria for paying the commission. If you do not enter restricting parameters (e.g. for specific Business Partner (Groups) or
Product (Categories), etc. all transactions for the period will be used to calculate the commission. After converting from the transaction to the commission currency,
the formula for calculating the commission is: (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) * Amount Multiplier + (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) * Quantity
Multiplier You can choose, that only positive amounts (Converted Amount - Subtract Amount) and positive quantities (Actual Quantity - Subtract Quantity) are
used in the calculation.

Tab Level: 1

Table 196.2. Commission Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission ID The Commission Line is a unique
Line instance of a Commission Run.
If the commission run was done
in summary mode then there
will be a single line representing
Commission Line
the selected documents totals. If
the commission run was done in
detail mode then each document
that was included in the run will
have its own commission line.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Commission Table The Commission Rules or
Direct ccommission_ccommissionline Commission internal or external company
agents, sales reps or vendors.
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 Unique line for for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue this document control the display order of
FROM the lines within a document.

Window: Commission

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Commission Yes-No Sales Reps are entered in Orders
Commission only
only and Invoices. If selected, only
Orders or Invoices,
specified Orders and Invoices for this
where this Sales
Orders Sales Reps are included in the
Rep is entered
calculation of the commission.
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) adorgtrx_ccommissionline (same as first report) (see same above)
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_commissionline Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Product Table Identifies the category which
Category Direct this product belongs to.
mproductcat_ccommissionline Category of a Product
Product categories are used
for pricing and selection.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_ccommissionline AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Sales Table The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_ccommissionline Sales coverage region
Region Direct specific area of sales coverage.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment

Window: Commission

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Subtract Number Quantity to subtract The Quantity Subtract
Quantity when generating identifies the quantity to be
commissions subtracted before multiplication
Multiplier Number Value to multiply The Multiplier Quantity field
Quantity quantities by indicates the amount to multiply
for generating the quantities accumulated
commissions. for this commission run.
Subtract Amount Subtract Amount The Subtract Amount indicates the
Amount for generating amount to subtract from the total
commissions amount prior to multiplication.
Multiplier Number The Multiplier Amount indicates
Multiplier Amount
Amount the amount to multiply the
for generating
total amount generated by
this commission run by.
Positive Yes-No The Positive Only check box
only indicates that if the result of
Do not generate the subtraction is negative, it
negative commissions is ignored. This would mean
that negative commissions
would not be generated.

Chapter 197. Window: Commission Run
Description: Check and modify Commissions

Comment/Help: The Commission Run Window displays the results of processing commissions. When the Generate Commission process is selected from the
Commissions Window, the results are displayed here. If the result is satisfactory, generate an AP invoice to pay the commission.

Created:2001-03-31 11:50:27.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Commission Run - C_CommissionRun


Description: Commission run for a period

Comment/Help: Commission run for a period defined in the Commission window.

Tab Level: 0

Table 197.1. Commission Run Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission ID The Commission Run is a unique
Run system defined identifier of a
Commission specific run of commission. When
Run or Process a Commission is processed on
the Commission Screen, the
Commission Run will display.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Commission Table The Commission Rules or
Direct ccommission_ccommissionrun Commission internal or external company
agents, sales reps or vendors.

Window: Commission Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Grand Amount The Grand Total displays the
Total amount
Total total amount including Tax and
of document
Freight in document currency
Create Button
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

Window: Commission Run

2. Tab: Commission Amount - C_CommissionAmt


Description: Commission line amounts

Comment/Help: For each commission line, a line is generated. You can overwrite the amount and quantity to modify the commission amount, but the suggested
way is creating additional Commission Detail lines. Please be aware that manual changes will not reconcile with the Commission Details.

Tab Level: 1

Table 197.2. Commission Amount Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission ID The Commission Amount
Amount indicates the resulting amount
Commission Amount
from a Commission Run.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Commission Table The Commission Run is a unique
Run Direct system defined identifier of a
Commission specific run of commission. When
Run or Process a Commission is processed on
the Commission Screen, the
Commission Run will display.
Commission Table The Commission Line is a unique
Line Direct instance of a Commission Run.
If the commission run was done
in summary mode then there
will be a single line representing
ccomline_ccomamt Commission Line
the selected documents totals. If
the commission run was done in
detail mode then each document
that was included in the run will
have its own commission line.

Window: Commission Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Actual Quantity The Actual Quantity
Quantity The actual quantity indicates the quantity as
referenced on a document.
Commission Amount The Commission Amount is the
Amount total calculated commission. It
Commission Amount
is based on the parameters as
defined for this Commission Run.

3. Tab: Commission Detail - C_CommissionDetail


Description: Commission Detail Information

Comment/Help: You may alter the amount and quantity of the detail records, but the suggested way is to add new correcting lines. The amounts are converted from
the transaction currency to the Commission Currency (defined in the Commission window) using the start date and the spot exchange rate.

Tab Level: 2

Table 197.3. Commission Detail Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commission ID The Commission Detail provides
Detail supporting information on
a Commission Run. Each
information for
document line that was
Commission Amounts
part of the Commission
Run will be reflected here.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Commission Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Commission Table The Commission Amount
Amount Direct ccommissionamt_ccomdetail indicates the resulting amount
Commission Amount
from a Commission Run.
Reference String Reference for The Reference displays the
this record source document number.
Purchase Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
corderline_ccommissiondetail Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_ccommissiondet Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Info String The Information displays data
from the source document line.
Actual Amount Actual amount indicates the agreed
The actual amount
Amount upon amount for a document.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_ccommissiondetail be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Actual Number The Actual Quantity
Quantity The actual quantity indicates the quantity as
referenced on a document.

Chapter 198. Window: Commodity Shipment
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2012-12-06 18:58:59.0

Updated:2012-12-06 18:58:59.0

1. Tab: Commodity Shipment - M_CommodityShipment


Tab Level: 0

Table 198.1. Commodity Shipment Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Product Search M_Product Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_mcommodityshipment Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Harmonized String
Country Table C_Country
Of countryofmanufacture_mcommodit
Export String

Window: Commodity Shipment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Commodity ID

Chapter 199. Window: Contact
Description: Maintain Contacts

Comment/Help: The Contact Window allows you to maintain Contacts who are individuals you deal with. Contacts may also be internal or external users who can
log into the system and have access to functionality via one or more roles. A contact can also be a business partner contact.

Created:2013-08-25 14:49:13.0

Updated:2013-09-12 01:13:21.0

1. Tab: Contact - AD_User


Description: The contact details

Where Clause: AD_User.C_BPartner_ID IS NOT NULL AND 'Y' = (select c_bpartner.iscustomer from c_bpartner where

Tab Level: 0

Table 199.1. Contact Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ad_user_client (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.AD_Client_ID=@AD_Client_ID@ (see same above)
Direct ad_user_org OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Contact

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
EMail String The Email Address is the
Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
Mail Address
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Fax String The Fax identifies a
Facsimile number facsimile number for this
Business Partner or Location
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND with whom you transact. This
Identifies a
cbpartner_aduser C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Business Partner
ReadOnly Logic: Employee or Salesperson
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_aduser to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Position Table C_Job.IsEmployee=(SELECT
Direct IsEmployee FROM
cjob_aduser Job Position
C_BPartner WHERE
Birthday Date Birthday or Birthday or Anniversary day
Anniversary day

Window: Contact

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Last Date The Last Contact indicates the
Date this individual
Contact date that this Business Partner
was last contacted
Contact was last contacted.
Last Result String The Last Result identifies the
Result of last contact
result of the last contact made.
User/ ID The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
- Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact

2. Tab: Activity - C_ContactActivity


Description: Contact Activity

LinkColumn: User/Contact

Tab Level: 1

Table 199.2. Activity Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Contact ID Events, tasks,
Activity communications
related to a contact
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
User/ Search (@AD_User_ID@) User within the system The User identifies a unique
Contact aduser_ccontactactivity - Internal or Business user in the system. This
Partner Contact

Window: Contact

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
could be an internal user or
a business partner contact
Activity List Email Meeting Type of activity, e.g.
Type Phone call Task task, email, phone call
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Sales Table AD_User(@#SalesRep_ID@) EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE this Region. Any Sales Rep
Sales Representative must be a valid internal user.
AND or Company Agent
Sales Table (@C_Opportunity_ID@)
Opportunity Direct
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Start Date Date (@SQL=SELECT The Start Date indicates
+Time SYSDATE AS First effective the first or starting date
DefaultValue day (inclusive)
End Date Date Last effective The End Date indicates
+Time date (inclusive) the last date in this range.
Complete Yes-No It is complete Indication that this is complete

Chapter 200. Window: Context Help
Description: Maintain Context Helps

Comment/Help: The Context Help window defines the context help message text to display in the help pane. It is for Web UI only.

Created:2013-02-05 14:52:07.0

Updated:2013-02-08 14:20:41.0

1. Tab: Context Help - AD_CtxHelp


Description: Context Helps

Comment/Help: The Context Help tab defines the type of context help

Tab Level: 0

Table 200.1. Context Help Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
AD_CtxHelp_UU String
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Context Help

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Context List Tab Process Form The Context Type field
Type Info Workflow Task indicates the type of context
Type of Context Help
Home All Node help (tab, process, form etc)
this context help is defined as
Context ID

2. Tab: Message - AD_CtxHelpMsg


Description: Context Help Messages

Comment/Help: The Message tab displays message text

LinkColumn: Context Help

ParentColumn: Context Help

Tab Level: 1

Table 200.2. Message Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Context Table
Help Direct
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Message Text Textual Informational, The Message Text indicates
Text Menu or Error the message that will display

Window: Context Help

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Context ID

3. Tab: Translation - AD_CtxHelpMsg_Trl


LinkColumn: Context Help Message

ParentColumn: Context Help Message

Tab Level: 2

Table 200.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Context Table
Help Direct adctxhelpmsg_adctxhelpmsgtrl
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlangu_adctxhelpmsgtrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Message Text Textual Informational, The Message Text indicates
Text Menu or Error the message that will display

Chapter 201. Window: Cost Adjustment
Description: Enter Inventory Cost Adjustment

Comment/Help: The Cost Adjustment Window allow user to enter cost adjustment for products

Created:2013-07-17 00:26:09.0

Updated:2013-07-17 00:26:09.0

1. Tab: Cost Adjustment - M_Inventory


Where Clause: M_Inventory.C_DocType_ID IN (SELECT C_DocType_ID FROM C_DocType Where DocBaseType='MMI' AND DocSubTypeInv='CA')

Tab Level: 0

Table 201.1. Cost Adjustment Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Perpetual Table The Perpetual Inventory identifies
Rules for generating
Inventory Direct mperpetualinv_minventory the Perpetual Inventory rule which
physical inventory
generated this Physical Inventory.
Create Button
Inventory Generate List
Count List
Update Button
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Warehouse Table M_Warehouse.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@ The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct mwarehouse_minventory Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
stored or Services are provided.
Process Yes-No
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

Window: Cost Adjustment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Phys.Inventory ID The Physical Inventory
Parameters for a
indicates a unique parameters
Physical Inventory
for a physical inventory.
Approval Amount Document Approval Amount for Workflow
Amount Approval Amount
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_minventory < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).

Window: Cost Adjustment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Table C_DocType.DocBaseType='MMI' The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_minventory AND Document type or rules determines document
C_DocType.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@ sequence and processing rules
Costing List Average PO Lifo Fifo AD_Ref_List.Value The Costing Method indicates how
Method Last PO Price Last in ('A','I','S') costs will be calculated (Standard,
Invoice User Defined Average, Lifo, FiFo). The default
Standard Costing costing method is defined on
Average Invoice _ Indicates how Costs accounting schema level and can
will be calculated be optionally overwritten in the
product category. The costing
method cannot conflict with
the Material Movement Policy
(defined on Product Category).
Movement Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Movement Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.checkPeriodOpen
Date a product the date that a product moved
was moved in or in or out of inventory. This
out of inventory is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_minventory Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_minventory Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_minventory Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Performing or
Organization adorgtrx_minventory or initiates this transaction (for
initiating organization
another organization). The owning

Window: Cost Adjustment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization may not be the
transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Inventory Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
Count options are listed in a popup
Posted Button _Posted Status The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

2. Tab: Cost Adjustment Line - M_InventoryLine


Tab Level: 1

Window: Cost Adjustment

Table 201.2. Cost Adjustment Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Phys.Inventory ID The Physical Inventory
Line Unique line in an Line indicates the inventory
Inventory document document line (if applicable)
for this transaction
Quantity Quantity The Quantity Book indicates
book Book Quantity the line count stored in the
system for a product in inventory
Quantity Quantity The Quantity Count indicates
count Counted Quantity the actual inventory count
taken for a product in inventory
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Internal Quantity Internal Use Quantity of product inventory
Use Qty Quantity removed used internally (positive if
from Inventory taken out - negative if returned)
Locator Locator (@M_Locator_ID@) M_Locator.M_Warehouse_ID=@M_Warehouse_ID@Callout: The Locator indicates where in a
(WH) mlocator_minventoryline
Warehouse Locator Warehouse a product is located.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Inventory List Inventory Difference The type of inventory difference
Type Charge Account (D) determines which account is
used. The default is the Inventory
Type of inventory Difference account defined for
difference the warehouse. Alternatively, you
could select any charge. This allows
you to account for Internal Use
or extraordinary inventory losses.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)

Window: Cost Adjustment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Cost Table The Physical Inventory
Parameters for a
Adjustment Direct minventory_minventoryline indicates a unique parameters
Physical Inventory
for a physical inventory.
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Product Search M_Product (stocked) Callout: Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Attribute Product Callout: The values of the actual
Set Attribute org.compiere.model.CalloutInventory.product
Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Current Costs (0) The currently
Cost Price +Prices used cost price
New Cost Costs (0) New current cost
Price +Prices price after processing
of M_CostDetail
Charge Table (C_Charge.C_Charge_ID The Charge indicates a
Direct IN ( SELECT type of Charge (Handling,
c.C_Charge_ID FROM Shipping, Restocking)
C_Charge c JOIN
C_ChargeType ct ON
ccharge_minventoryline (ct.C_ChargeType_ID
document charges
= c.C_ChargeType_ID)
ctd ON

Window: Cost Adjustment

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
JOIN C_DocType dt
ON (dt.C_DocType_ID
ctd.C_DocType_ID =
@C_DocType_ID@ )
= 0)

Chapter 202. Window: Cost Element
Description: Maintain Product Cost Element

Comment/Help: You can define your own product cost elements.

Created:2005-04-24 22:06:58.0

Updated:2005-04-24 22:18:10.0

1. Tab: Cost Element - M_CostElement


Description: Maintain product cost elements

Comment/Help: You can maintain multiple Material Costs. Which of the Material Cost Types is used for accounting is determined by the costing method. Define a
Costing Method (for Material Elements) only if you want the cost calculated for that costing method. For accounting, the costing method defined in the Accounting
Schema or Product Category Acct is used.

Tab Level: 0

Table 202.1. Cost Element Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Cost ID
Product Cost Element
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Cost Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Cost List Burden (M.Overhead) ReadOnly Logic:
Element Outside Processing @IsCalculated@=Y
Type of Cost Element
Type Resource Material
Costing List Average PO Lifo Fifo AD_Ref_List.Value < The Costing Method indicates how
Method Last PO Price Last > 'x' ReadOnly Logic: costs will be calculated (Standard,
Invoice User Defined @IsCalculated@=Y Average, Lifo, FiFo). The default
Standard Costing costing method is defined on
Average Invoice _ Indicates how Costs accounting schema level and can
will be calculated be optionally overwritten in the
product category. The costing
method cannot conflict with
the Material Movement Policy
(defined on Product Category).
Calculated Yes-No ReadOnly Logic: The value is calculated You cannot change values
@IsCalculated@=Y by the system maintained by the system.

Chapter 203. Window: Cost Type
Description: Maintain Cost Types

Comment/Help: You can define multiple cost types. A cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting.

Created:2003-06-01 23:19:56.0

Updated:2005-04-24 21:03:43.0

1. Tab: Cost Type - M_CostType


Description: Type of Cost (e.g. Current, Plan, Future)

Comment/Help: You can define multiple cost types. The cost type selected in an Accounting Schema is used for accounting.

Tab Level: 0

Table 203.1. Cost Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Cost Type ID You can define multiple cost
Type of Cost (e.g. types. A cost type selected
Current, Plan, Future) in an Accounting Schema
is used for accounting.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Cost Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 204. Window: Counter Document
Description: Maintain Counter Document Types

Comment/Help: When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document
type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". If you define a
relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. If not defined,
the first matching document type is used (e.g. AR Invoice - first AP Invoice document type)

Created:2004-04-14 12:51:49.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Counter Document - C_DocTypeCounter


Description: Maintain Counter Document Types

Comment/Help: When using explicit documents for inter-org transaction (after linking a Business Partner to an Organization), you can determine what document
type the counter document is based on the document type of the original transaction. Example: a "Standard Order" creates a "Standard PO". If you define a
relationship here, you overwrite the default counter document type in the Document Type definition. This allows you to define a specific mapping. You can define
conter documents for all organizations (of the original transaction) or for a specific organization.

Tab Level: 0

Table 204.1. Counter Document Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Counter ID When using explicit documents
Document for inter-org transaction (after
linking a Business Partner to an
Organization), you can determine
what document type the counter
Counter Document document is based on the document
Relationship type of the original transaction.
Example: a "Standard Order"
creates a "Standard PO". If you
define a relationship here, you
overwrite the default counter
document type in the Document

Window: Counter Document

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Type definition. This allows you
to define a specific mapping.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_cdoctypecounter Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Create Yes-No (Y) If selected, create specified
Counter Create Counter counter document. If not
Document Document selected, no counter document is
created for the document type.
Counter Table C_DocType The Document Type of the
Generated Counter
Document cdoctypecount_cdoctypecount generated counter document
Document Type (To)
Document List Approve Reject You find the current status in
Action Post Close Reverse the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate The targeted status
< None> Complete of the document
Void Unlock Prepare
Re-activate Wait
Complete (--)

Window: Counter Document

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Valid Yes-No The element passed
Element is valid
the validation check
Validate Button

Chapter 205. Window: Country Group
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2014-08-07 18:38:48.0

Updated:2014-08-07 18:38:48.0

1. Tab: Country Group - C_CountryGroup


Tab Level: 0

Table 205.1. Country Group Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ADClient_CCountryGroup (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ADOrg_CCountryGroup OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Country Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Date From Date Starting date The Date From indicates
for a range the starting date of a range.
Date To Date End date of The Date To indicates the end
a date range date of a range (inclusive)

2. Tab: Country - C_CountryGroupCountry


LinkColumn: Country Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 205.2. Country Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country ID
on Country
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ADClient_CCountryGroupCountry (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ADOrg_CCountryGroupCountry OR (same as first report)
Country Table
Group Direct
Country Table The Country defines a
CCountry_CCountryGroupCountry Country
Direct Country. Each Country must

Window: Country Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Date From Date Starting date The Date From indicates
for a range the starting date of a range.
Date To Date End date of The Date To indicates the end
a date range date of a range (inclusive)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

3. Tab: Translation - C_CountryGroup_Trl


LinkColumn: Country Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 205.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ADClient_CCountryGroupTrl (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ADOrg_CCountryGroupTrl OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_CCountryGroupTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting

Window: Country Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country Table
Group Direct
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 206. Window: Country Region and City
Description: Maintain Countries Regions and Cities

Comment/Help: The Countries, Regions and Cities Window defines the different entities that can be used in any address field. It defines the format of the address
as well as associating Regions with Countries and Cities with Regions or Countries. < p> You would define Countries usually only on System level.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Country - C_Country


Description: Define Country

Comment/Help: The Country Tab defines any country in which you do business. Values entered here are referenced in location records for Business Partners.

Tab Level: 0

Table 206.1. Country Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
ccountry_ccountry Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_countryclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_countryorg OR (same as first report)
ISO String Upper-case two- For details - http://
Country letter alphanumeric
Code ISO Country code nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1.html
according to ISO or -
3166-1 - http:// trade/rec/rec03en.htm

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Country Yes-No The Country has Region checkbox
has Region is selected if the Country being
defined is divided into regions.
contains Regions
If this checkbox is selected,
the Region Tab is accessible.
Region String (State) The Region Name defines the
Name of the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.
Address String (@C@, @R@ @P@) The Address Print format
Print defines the format to be used
Format Format for printing when this address prints. The
this Address following notations are used:
@C@=City @P@=Postal
@A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region
Reverse Yes-No If NOT selected the sequence is
Address Address 1, Address 2, Address
Lines 3, Address 4, City/Region/
Postal, Country. If selected the
Print Address
sequence is Country, City/
in reverse Order
Region/Postal, Address 4, Address
3, Address 2, Address 1. The
sequence of City/Region/Postal is
determined by the address format.
Capture String The Capture Sequence defines the
Sequence fields to be used when capturing

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
an address on this country. The
following notations are used:
@CO@=Country, @C@=City,
@P@=Postal, @A@=PostalAdd,
@R@=Region, @A1@=Address
1 to @A4@=Address 4. Country
is always mandatory, add a
bang ! to make another field
mandatory, for example @C!
@ makes city mandatory, @A1!
@ makes Address 1 mandatory.
Local String The optional Local Address Print
Address format defines the format to be
Format used when this address prints
for the Country. If defined, this
Format for printing format is used for printing the
this Address locally address for the country rather
then the standard address format.
The following notations are
used: @C@=City @P@=Postal
@A@=PostalAdd @R@=Region
Reverse Yes-No If NOT selected the local
Local sequence is Address 1, Address
Address 2, Address 3, Address 4, City/
Lines Region/Postal, Country. If
Print Local Address selected the local sequence is
in reverse Order Country, City/Region/Postal,
Address 4, Address 3, Address
2, Address 1. The sequence of
City/Region/Postal is determined
by the local address format.
Postal String < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Format of the
Code (Space) any character _ Space
postal code; Can
Format (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
contain fixed format
NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
elements, Variables:
space converted to upper case o
any Letter a..Z or space O any

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Letter a..Z or space converted
to upper case a any Letters %26
Digits NO space A any Letters
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"
Additional Yes-No The Additional Postal Code
Postal checkbox indicates if this address
code Has Additional uses an additional Postal Code.
Postal Code If it is selected an additional
field displays for entry of
the additional Postal Code.
Additional String < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Postal (Space) any character _ Space
Format (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
space converted to upper case o
any Letter a..Z or space O any
Format of the
Letter a..Z or space converted
value; Can contain
to upper case a any Letters %26
fixed format
Digits NO space A any Letters
elements, Variables:
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"
Phone String Format of the < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Format phone; Can contain (Space) any character _ Space
fixed format (fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
elements, Variables: NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
"_lLoOaAcCa09" space converted to upper case o

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
any Letter a..Z or space O any
Letter a..Z or space converted
to upper case a any Letters %26
Digits NO space A any Letters
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"
Media Size String The Java Media Size. Example:
"MediaSize.ISO.A4" (the package
is assumed). If you define your
Java Media Size own media size, use the fully
qualified name. If the pattern
for your language is not correct,
please create a iDempiere support
request with the correct information
Bank String
Format of the Bank
Routing Number
No Format
Bank String
Format of the
Bank Account
No Format
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_ccountry the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_ccountry be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Use Yes-No (N) Enable the IsPostcodeLookup
Does this country have
Postcode if you wish to configure a
a post code web service
Lookup post code lookup web service

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Allow Yes-No (Y) A flag to allow cities,
Cities out currently not in the
of List list, to be entered
Lookup String The URL of the web Enter the URL of the web service
URL service that the plugin that the plugin connects to in
connects to in order to order to retrieve postcode data
retrieve postcode data
Lookup String The ClientID or Enter the ClientID or Login for
Client ID Login submitted to your account provided by the
the Lookup URL post code web service provider
Lookup String The password Enter the password for your
Password submitted to the account provided by the post
Lookup URL code web service provider
Lookup String Enter the class name of the post
The class name of the
ClassName code lookup plugin for your
postcode lookup plugin
postcode web service provider

2. Tab: Region - C_Region


Description: Define Regions

Comment/Help: The Region Tab defines a Region within a Country. This tab is enabled only if the Has Region checkbox is selected for the Country.

Display Logic: @HasRegion@='Y'

Tab Level: 1

Table 206.2. Region Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Region ID Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region Region for this Country.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_regionclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_regionorg OR (same as first report)
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
ccountry_cregion Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.

3. Tab: City - C_City


Description: Define Cities

Comment/Help: The Cities Tab defines Cities within a Country or Region. Cities entered here are not referenced when entering the address.

LinkColumn: Region

Display Logic: @HasRegion@='Y'

Tab Level: 2

Window: Country Region and City

Table 206.3. City Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
City ID City City in a country
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_cityclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_cityorg OR (same as first report)
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
ccountry_ccity Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Region Table C_Region C_Region.C_Country_ID=@C_Country_ID@
Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region Region for this Country.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
ZIP String The Postal Code or ZIP
Postal code identifies the postal code
for this entity's address.
Area Code String Phone Area Code Phone Area Code
Locode String UN/Locode is a combination
of a 2-character country code
and a 3-character location code,
Location code - e.g. BEANR is known as the
UN/LOCODE city of Antwerp (ANR) which
is located in Belgium (BE). <
p> See:
Coordinates String This column contains the
Location coordinate geographical coordinates (latitude/
longitude) of the location.< p>

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
In order to avoid unnecessary
use of non-standard characters
and space, the following standard
presentation is used: 0000N
00000W 0000S 00000E where
the two last digits refer to
minutes and the two or three
first digits indicate the degrees

4. Tab: Translation - C_Region_Trl


LinkColumn: Region

Tab Level: 2

Table 206.4. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_CRegionTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_CRegionTrl (same as first report)
Region Search Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region Region for this Country.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_CRegionTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record)
identifier of the entity is used as an default search

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
option in addition to the
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

5. Tab: City (Without Regions) - C_City


Description: Cities without Region

LinkColumn: Country

Where Clause: C_Region_ID IS NULL AND C_Country_ID = @C_Country_ID@

Tab Level: 1

Table 206.5. City (Without Regions) Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
City ID City City in a country
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_cityclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_cityorg OR (same as first report)
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
ccountry_ccity Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Region Table C_Region C_Region.C_Country_ID=@C_Country_ID@
Identifies a The Region identifies a unique
geographical Region Region for this Country.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Country Region and City

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
ZIP String The Postal Code or ZIP
Postal code identifies the postal code
for this entity's address.
Area Code String Phone Area Code Phone Area Code
Locode String UN/Locode is a combination
of a 2-character country code
and a 3-character location code,
Location code - e.g. BEANR is known as the
UN/LOCODE city of Antwerp (ANR) which
is located in Belgium (BE). <
p> See:
Coordinates String This column contains the
geographical coordinates (latitude/
longitude) of the location.< p>
In order to avoid unnecessary
use of non-standard characters
Location coordinate and space, the following standard
presentation is used: 0000N
00000W 0000S 00000E where
the two last digits refer to
minutes and the two or three
first digits indicate the degrees

6. Tab: Translation - C_Country_Trl


LinkColumn: Country

Tab Level: 1

Window: Country Region and City

Table 206.6. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
ccountry_ccountrytrl Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_ccountrytrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Region String The Region Name defines the
Name of the Region name that will print when this
region is used in a document.

7. Tab: Country Group - C_CountryGroupCountry


LinkColumn: Country

Tab Level: 1

Window: Country Region and City

Table 206.7. Country Group Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Country ID
on Country
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ADClient_CCountryGroupCountry (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ADOrg_CCountryGroupCountry OR (same as first report)
Country Table The Country defines a
Direct Country. Each Country must
CCountry_CCountryGroupCountry Country
be defined before it can
be used in any document.
Country Table
Group Direct
Date From Date Starting date The Date From indicates
for a range the starting date of a range.
Date To Date End date of The Date To indicates the end
a date range date of a range (inclusive)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 207. Window: Currency
Description: Maintain Currencies

Comment/Help: The Currency Window defines any currency which will be used in documents or reporting. You would define used currencies on System level and
add currencies on Client level only for statistical currencies (e.g. for instable currencies)

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Currency - C_Currency


Description: Define Currency

Comment/Help: The Currency Tab defines any currency you will transact with or report in.

Tab Level: 0

Table 207.1. Currency Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency ID Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
EMU Date The EMU Entry Date defines
Date when the
Entry Date the date that this currency
currency joined /
entered, or will enter the
will join the EMU
Economic Monetary Union.
EMU Rate Number The EMU Rate defines the official
Official rate
rate to be used when converting
to the Euro
from this currency to the Euro.
The Euro Yes-No (N) The Euro Currency checkbox
This currency
Currency is used to indicate if this
is the Euro
currency is the Euro Currency.
EMU Yes-No (N) This currency The Emu Member checkbox
Member is member if is used to indicate if this

Window: Currency

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
the European currency is a member of the
Monetary Union European Economic Union.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_currencyclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_currencyorg OR (same as first report)
ISO String For details -
Three letter ISO 4217
Currency trade/rec/rec09en.htm
Code of the Currency
Symbol String Symbol of the The Currency Symbol defines
currency (opt used the symbol that will print
for printing only) when this currency is used.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Standard Integer (2) The Standard Precision
Precision defines the number of decimal
Rule for rounding
places that amounts will be
calculated amounts
rounded to for accounting
transactions and documents.
Costing Integer (4) The Costing Precision defines the
Precision Rounding used number of decimal places that
costing calculations amounts will be rounded to when
performing costing calculations.

2. Tab: Conversion Rates - C_Conversion_Rate


Description: Define currency conversion rates

Comment/Help: The Conversion Rate Tab defines the rates to use when converting a source currency to an accounting or reporting currency. Note that only the
multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only.

Window: Currency

LinkColumn: Currency

Tab Level: 1

Table 207.2. Conversion Rates Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Conversion ID The Conversion Rate defines
Rate Rate used for the rate (multiply or divide) to
converting currencies use when converting a source
currency to an accounting currency.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_conversion_rateclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_conversion_rateorg OR (same as first report)
Currency Table C_Currencies Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
ccurrency_cconversionrate be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Currency Table C_Currencies The Currency To defines the target
c_currencyconvrateto Target currency
To currency for this conversion rate.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Currency Table The Currency Conversion
Type Direct Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Valid to Date Valid to including The Valid To date indicates
this date (last day) the last day of a date range
Multiply Number Callout: To convert Source number
Rate org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.rate to Target number, the Source
Rate to multiple
is multiplied by the multiply
the source by to
rate. If the Multiply Rate is
calculate the target.
entered, then the Divide Rate
will be automatically calculated.

Window: Currency

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Divide Number Callout: To convert Source number
Rate org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.rate
To convert Source to Target number, the Source
number to Target is divided by the divide rate.
number, the If you enter a Divide Rate,
Source is divided the Multiply Rate will be
automatically calculated.

3. Tab: Accounting - C_Currency_Acct


Description: Currency Accounting

Comment/Help: The Accounting Tab defines the accounting parameters used for transactions including a currency. Please nore that if not defined, the default
accounts of the Accounting Schema are used!

LinkColumn: Currency

Tab Level: 1

Table 207.3. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_ccurrencyacct be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_ccurrencyacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Currency

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Realized Account The Realized Gain Account
Gain Acct indicates the account to be used
vc_realizedgain_ccurrency Realized Gain Account when recording gains achieved
from currency revaluation
that have been realized.
Realized Account The Realized Loss Account
Loss Acct indicates the account to be used
vc_realizedloss_ccurrency Realized Loss Account when recording losses incurred
from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.
Unrealized Account The Unrealized Gain Account
Gain Acct Unrealized Gain indicates the account to be used
vc_unrealizedgain_ccurrency Account for when recording gains achieved
currency revaluation from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.
Unrealized Account The Unrealized Loss Account
Loss Acct Unrealized Loss indicates the account to be used
vc_unrealizedloss_ccurrency Account for when recording losses incurred
currency revaluation from currency revaluation
that have yet to be realized.

4. Tab: Translation - C_Currency_Trl


LinkColumn: Currency

Tab Level: 1

Table 207.4. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Currency

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_ccurrencytrl be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_ccurrencytrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Symbol String Symbol of the The Currency Symbol defines
currency (opt used the symbol that will print
for printing only) when this currency is used.

Chapter 208. Window: Currency Rate
Description: Maintain Currency Conversion Rates

Comment/Help: The Conversion Rates window is used to define the conversion rates that will be used when converting document amounts from one currency to
another. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is for visualization only.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Conversion Rate - C_Conversion_Rate


Description: Define Currency Conversion Rates

Comment/Help: The Conversion Rates tab is used to define conversion rates to be used when converting document amounts from one currency to another. Conversion
rates can be defined for multiple rate types. They can also be effective for a defined range of dates. Note that only the multiply rate is used; The divide rate is
for visualization only.

Tab Level: 0

Table 208.1. Conversion Rate Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Conversion ID The Conversion Rate defines
Rate Rate used for the rate (multiply or divide) to
converting currencies use when converting a source
currency to an accounting currency.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_conversion_rateclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_conversion_rateorg OR (same as first report)
Currency Table C_Currencies Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
ccurrency_cconversionrate be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record

Window: Currency Rate

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table C_Currencies The Currency To defines the target
c_currencyconvrateto Target currency
To currency for this conversion rate.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Currency Table The Currency Conversion
Type Direct Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Valid to Date Valid to including The Valid To date indicates
this date (last day) the last day of a date range
Multiply Number Callout: To convert Source number
Rate org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.rate to Target number, the Source
Rate to multiple
is multiplied by the multiply
the source by to
rate. If the Multiply Rate is
calculate the target.
entered, then the Divide Rate
will be automatically calculated.
Divide Number Callout: To convert Source number
Rate org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.rate
To convert Source to Target number, the Source
number to Target is divided by the divide rate.
number, the If you enter a Divide Rate,
Source is divided the Multiply Rate will be
automatically calculated.

Chapter 209. Window: Currency Type
Description: Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Types

Comment/Help: The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Created:2003-12-21 00:29:33.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Conversion Type - C_ConversionType


Description: Maintain Currency Conversion Rate Type

Comment/Help: The Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define different type of rates, e.g. Spot, Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.

Tab Level: 0

Table 209.1. Conversion Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency ID The Currency Conversion
Type Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Currency Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.

Chapter 210. Window: Customer
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2013-08-25 14:50:07.0

Updated:2013-09-12 01:14:54.0

1. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner


Description: Customer information

Where Clause: C_BPartner.IsCustomer='Y'

Tab Level: 0

Table 210.1. Customer Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Logo Image logo_cbpartner
Dunning Date
Grace Date
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
One time Yes-No
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tax Group Table
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
PO Tax Yes-No (N) If a business partner is exempt from
exempt tax on purchases, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on purchases
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Order String Transaction Reference The business partner order
Reference Number (Sales Order, reference is the order reference
Purchase Order) of for this specific transaction; Often
your Business Partner Purchase Order numbers are given

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
to print on Invoices for easier
reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value Purchase The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND payment option method of purchase payment.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.

2. Tab: Opportunities - C_Opportunity


Description: Opportunities

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 210.2. Opportunities Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales ID
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
Document system and determined by the
sequence number document type of the document.
of the document If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Business Search (@C_BPartner_ID@) A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_copportunity - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_copportunity Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Sales Table C_SalesStage Callout: Stages of the Define what stages your sales
Stage org.compiere.model.CalloutOpportunity.salesStage
sales process process will move through
Probability Amount

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Expected Date The Expected Close Date indicates
Expected Close Date
Close the expected last or final date
Opportunity Amount ReadOnly Logic: The estimated value
Amount @C_Order_ID@> 0 of this opportunity.
Weighted Amount The amount adjusted
Amount by the probability.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_copportunity be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Order Table C_Order.C_Opportunity_ID=@C_Opportunity_ID@ The Order is a control document.
Direct The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
corder_copportunity Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Close Date Date The Start Date indicates
Close Date
the last or final date
Cost Amount Cost information

3. Tab: Contacts - AD_User


Description: Customer Contacts

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Window: Customer

Table 210.3. Contacts Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/ ID The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
- Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
EMail String The user name in the mail system
User ID is usually the string before
User Name (ID) in
the @ of your email address.
the Mail System
Required if the mail server requires
authentification to send emails.
Supervisor Search AD_User Supervisor for this The Supervisor indicates who
user/organization - will be used for forwarding
used for escalation and escalating issues for
and approval this user - or for approvals.
LDAP String Optional LDAP system user name
User Name for the user. If not defined, the
normal Name of the user is used.
This allows to use the internal
User Name used
(LDAP) user id (e.g. jjanke) and
for authorization
the normal display name (e.g. Jorg
via LDAP
Janke). The LDAP User Name can
(directory) services
also be used without LDAP enables
(see system window). This would
allow to sign in as jjanke and use
the display name of Jorg Janke.
EMail String Required if the mail server requires
Password of your
User authentification to send emails.
email user id
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
ad_user_client (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.AD_Client_ID=@AD_Client_ID@ (see same above)
Direct ad_user_org OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND with whom you transact. This
Identifies a
cbpartner_aduser C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' can include Vendor, Customer,
Business Partner
ReadOnly Logic: Employee or Salesperson
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
EMail String The Email Address is the
Address Electronic Mail ID for this User
and should be fully qualified
Mail Address
The Email Address is used to
access the self service application
functionality from the web.
Password String ReadOnly Logic: The Password for this User.
@AD_User_ID@=0 Passwords are required to identify
Password of any
authorized users. For iDempiere
length (case sensitive)
Users, you can change the password
via the Process "Reset Password".

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbplocation_aduser to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Title String Name this entity The Title indicates the name
is referred to as that an entity is referred to as.
Birthday Date Birthday or Birthday or Anniversary day
Anniversary day
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Fax String The Fax identifies a
Facsimile number facsimile number for this
Business Partner or Location
Notification List EMail+Notice EMail Emails or Notification sent
Type of Notifications
Type None Notice (E) out for Request Updates, etc.
Position Table C_Job.IsEmployee=(SELECT
Direct IsEmployee FROM
cjob_aduser Job Position
C_BPartner WHERE
Full BP Yes-No (Y) If selected, the user has full access
Access to the Business Partner (BP)
The user/contact has information (Business Documents
full access to Business like Orders, Invoices - Requests)
Partner information or resources (Assets, Downloads).
and resources If you deselect it, the user has no
access rights unless, you explicitly
grant it in tab "BP Access"
EMail Date Date Email
Verify +Time was verified

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Verification String Verification The field contains additional
Info information of information how the EMail
EMail Address Address has been verified
Last Date The Last Contact indicates the
Date this individual
Contact date that this Business Partner
was last contacted
Contact was last contacted.
Last Result String The Last Result identifies the
Result of last contact
result of the last contact made.

4. Tab: Activities - C_ContactActivity


Description: Customer Contact Activities

LinkColumn: User/Contact

Tab Level: 2

Table 210.4. Activities Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Contact ID Events, tasks,
Activity communications
related to a contact
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Sales Table AD_User(@#SalesRep_ID@) EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=bp.C_BPartner_ID must be a valid internal user.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity List Email Meeting Type of activity, e.g.
Type Phone call Task task, email, phone call
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
User/ Search (@AD_User_ID@) The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_ccontactactivity - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Sales Table (@C_Opportunity_ID@)
Opportunity Direct
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Start Date Date (@SQL=SELECT The Start Date indicates
+Time SYSDATE AS First effective the first or starting date
DefaultValue day (inclusive)
End Date Date Last effective The End Date indicates
+Time date (inclusive) the last date in this range.
Complete Yes-No It is complete Indication that this is complete

5. Tab: Locations - C_BPartner_Location


Description: Customer Locations

Tab Level: 1

Window: Customer

Table 210.5. Locations Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Partner ID Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
c_buspartner_locationclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct c_buspartner_locationorg OR (same as first report)
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Name String (.) The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Address Location Callout: The Location / Address field
(Address) clocation_cbplocation
Location or Address defines the location of an entity.
Phone String Identifies a The Phone field identifies
telephone number a telephone number
2nd Phone String Identifies an alternate The 2nd Phone field identifies
telephone number. an alternate telephone number.
Fax String The Fax identifies a
Facsimile number facsimile number for this
Business Partner or Location
ISDN String The ISDN identifies a ISDN
ISDN or modem line
or Modem line number.
Ship Yes-No (Y) Business Partner If the Ship Address is selected,
Address Shipment Address the location is used to ship

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
goods to a customer or
receive goods from a vendor.
Invoice Yes-No (Y) If the Invoice Address is selected,
Address Business Partner the location is used to send
Invoice/Bill Address invoices to a customer or
receive invoices from a vendor.
Pay-From Yes-No (Y) If the Pay-From Address
Business Partner
Address is selected, this location is
pays from that
the address the Business
address and we'll send
Partner pays from and where
dunning letters there
dunning letters will be sent to.
Remit-To Yes-No (Y) If the Remit-To Address is
Business Partner
Address selected, the location is used to
payment address
send payments to the vendor.
Sales Table C_Sales Region The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_bpartnerlocation Sales coverage region
Region (No summary) specific area of sales coverage.

6. Tab: Contract Prices - M_BP_Price


Description: Customer specific prices

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 210.6. Contract Prices Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner (Trx) A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_mbpprice AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Valid to Date Valid to including The Valid To date indicates
this date (last day) the last day of a date range
Comments Text The Comments field allows
Comments or
for free form entry of
additional information
additional information.
Price List Discount Fixed Price Type of price
Override override, fixed price
Type or discount off list
Break Number Low Value of trade Starting Quantity or Amount
Value discount break level Value for break level
Discount Amount The Discount indicates the discount
Discount in percent
% applied or taken as a percentage.
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_mbpprice be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
List Price Costs The List Price is the official List
List Price
+Prices Price in the document currency.
Standard Costs The Standard Price indicates
Price +Prices Standard Price the standard or normal price
for a product on this price list

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Limit Price Costs The Price Limit indicates the
Lowest price
+Prices lowest price for a product stated
for a product
in the Price List Currency.
Net Price Yes-No Net Price including If price is set as "Net Price" no
all discounts further discounts will be applied.

7. Tab: Requests - R_Request


Description: Customer requests

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 210.7. Requests Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Confidentiality List Internal Partner
Confidential Private
Type of Confidentiality
Information Public
Information (C)
Close Date Date The Start Date indicates
Close Date
+Time the last or final date
Product Search M_Product Product/Resource/ Invoicing uses the Product used.
Used (no summary) mproductspent_rrequest Service used
in Request
Created Date (SYSDATE) Date this record The Created field indicates the
+Time was created date that this record was created.
Asset Search An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Mail Table Callout: The Mail Template indicates the
Template Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyMail mail template for return messages.
Mail text can include variables.
The priority of parsing is User/
Contact, Business Partner and
then the underlying business
object (like Request, Dunning,
Workflow object). So, @Name@
Text templates
rmailtext_rrequest would resolve into the User
for mailings
name (if user is defined defined),
then Business Partner name (if
business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business
object if it has a Name. For Multi-
Lingual systems, the template is
translated based on the Business
Partner's language selection.
Result Text Result of the The Result indicates the result of
action taken any action taken on this request.
Request Amount The Request Amount indicates
Amount Amount associated any amount that is associated
with this request with this request. For example, a
warranty amount or refund amount.
Start Date Date First effective The Start Date indicates
+Time day (inclusive) the first or starting date
Role Table (-1) AD_Role.IsMasterRole='N' The Role determines security
Direct adrole_rrequest Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_rrequest - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_rrequest Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Request Search C_Invoice The generated invoice The optionally generated
Invoice for this request invoice for the request
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_rrequest Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Payment Search The Payment is a unique
cpayment_rrequest Payment identifier
identifier of this payment.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_rrequest AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_rrequest Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
End Time Date
End of the time span
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Shipment/ Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document
Quantity Quantity Quantity used
Used for this event
Related Search R_Request Related Request Request related to this request
Request (Master Issue, ..)

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Request ID Request from a The Request identifies
Business Partner a unique request from a
or Prospect Business Partner or Prospect.
Last Alert Date Date when last The last alert date is updated
+Time alert were sent when a reminder email is sent
Escalated Yes-No The Escalated checkbox indicates
This request has
that this request has been
been escalated
escalated or raised in importance.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Entry List Internal Partner
Confidentiality Confidential Private Confidentiality of
Information Public the individual entry
Information (C)
Self- Yes-No (N) Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Record ID Button The Record ID is the internal
unique identifier of a record.
Please note that zooming to the
Direct internal
record may not be successful for
record ID
Orders, Invoices and Shipment/
Receipts as sometimes the
Sales Order type is not known.
Start Time Date
Time started
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
RMA Search A Return Material Authorization
Return Material
mrma_rrequest may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Next List None Follow up (F) Next Action The Next Action indicates the next
action to be taken action to be taken on this request.
Invoice Search rinvoice_rrequest Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Standard Table Callout: Request Standard Text blocks to be copied
Response Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.copyResponse
Response into request response text
Order Search The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
corder_rrequest Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Request Table Callout: Request Types are used for
Type Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutRequest.type
Type of request (e.g. processing and categorizing
Inquiry, Complaint, ..) requests. Options are Account
Inquiry, Warranty Issue, etc.
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
Document in "< > ". If the document type of
sequence number your document has no automatic
of the document document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Group Table Group of requests (e.g. version
rgroup_rrequest Request Group
Direct numbers, responsibility, ...)
Category Table Category or Topic of the Request
rcategory_rrequest Request Category
Status Table EXISTS (SELECT Status if the request (open,
Direct * FROM closed, investigating, ..)
rstatus_rrequest sc ON Request Status
Resolution Table Resolution status (e.g.
rresolution_rrequest Request Resolution
Direct Fixed, Rejected, ..)
Priority List High Medium Low Indicates if this request The Priority indicates the
Minor Urgent (5) is of a high, medium importance of this request.
or low priority.
User List High Medium Low Priority of the
Importance Minor Urgent (5) issue for the User
Sales Table AD_User - The Sales Representative
Representative Internal(@#AD_User_ID@) Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Summary Text Textual summary The Summary allows free form
of this request text entry of a recap of this request.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Date last Date The Date Last Action
Date this request
action +Time indicates that last time that
was last acted on
the request was acted on.
Last Result String The Last Result identifies the
Result of last contact
result of the last contact made.
Due type List Overdue The Due Type indicates
Status of the next
Scheduled Due (5) if this request is Due,
action for this Request
Overdue or Scheduled.
Date next Date The Date Next Action indicates
Date that this request
action +Time the next scheduled date for an
should be acted on
action to occur for this request.

8. Tab: Orders - RV_OrderDetail


LinkColumn: Business Partner

Tab Level: 1

Table 210.8. Orders Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Drop Yes-No Drop Shipments do not cause
Shipment Drop Shipments any Inventory reservations or
are sent from the movements as the Shipment is
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search AD_User Business Partner
Contact Contact for invoicing
Lot Search Product Lot Definition The individual Lot of a Product
Margin % Number The Margin indicates the margin
Margin for a product
for this product as a percentage of
as a percentage
the limit price and selling price.
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Attribute Search The values of the actual
Set Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Delivered Quantity The Delivered Quantity
Quantity Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that has been delivered.
Discount Number The Discount indicates the discount
Discount in percent
% applied or taken as a percentage.
Document List Approve Reject You find the current status in
Action Post Close Reverse the Document Status field. The
- Correct Reverse - options are listed in a popup
Accrual Invalidate The targeted status
< None> Complete of the document
Void Unlock Prepare
Re-activate Wait
Complete (CO)

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Lot No String The Lot Number indicates
Lot number
the specific lot that a
product was part of.
Guarantee Date Date when Date when the normal
Date guarantee expires guarantee or availability expires
Invoice Search C_BPartner Location Business Partner
Location Location for invoicing
Invoice net Amount Indicates the net amount for
Net amount
Amount this invoice. It does not include
of this Invoice
shipping or any additional charges.
Invoice Search C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the shipment business
Partner to be invoiced partner will be invoiced
Lost Sales Amount Amount of lost sales
Amt in Invoice Currency
Lost Quantity When an order is closed and
Sales Qty there is a difference between
the ordered quantity and the
delivered (invoiced) quantity is
Quantity of the Lost Sales Quantity. Note
potential sales that the Lost Sales Quantity is
0 if you void an order, so close
the order if you want to track lost
opportunities. [Void = data entry
error - Close = the order is finished]
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Project Table
Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Project Table Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reserved Quantity The Reserved Quantity indicates
Quantity Reserved Quantity the quantity of a product
that is currently reserved.
Sales Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.
Credit Yes-No Credit Approved indicates
Credit has
Approved if the credit approval was
been approved
successful for Orders
Sales Yes-No The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Serial No String The Serial Number identifies a
Product Serial Number tracked, warranted product. It can
only be used when the quantity is 1.
Margin Amount Difference between The margin amount is
Amount actual and limit calculated as the difference
price multiplied between actual and limit price
by the quantity multiplied by the quantity
Product String Product Attribute
Attribute Instance Description
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Order Search The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Date Date Indicates the Date
Date of Order
Ordered an item was ordered.
Date Date The Date Promised indicates
Date Order
Promised the date, if any, that an
was promised
Order was promised for.
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Business Search A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Search Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
User/ Search The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
- Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact

Window: Customer

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Search Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Warehouse Table The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
stored or Services are provided.
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Product Search Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is based on to base product UoM quantity
the selected UoM
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Unit Price Costs The Actual or Unit Price
+Prices Actual Price indicates the Price for a
product in source currency.
Ordered Quantity The Ordered Quantity
Quantity Ordered Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that was ordered.
Price Costs Price Entered - the The price entered is converted
+Prices price based on the to the actual price based
selected/base UoM on the UoM conversion
Qty to Quantity
Qty to Quantity

Chapter 211. Window: Customer RMA
Description: Manage Return Material Authorization

Comment/Help: A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos

Created:2004-02-19 22:59:58.0

Updated:2009-09-11 00:49:06.0

1. Tab: Customer RMA - M_RMA


Description: Customer Return Material Authorization

Comment/Help: A Return Material Authorization may be required to accept returns and to create Credit Memos

Where Clause: M_RMA.IsSOTrx='Y'

Tab Level: 0

Table 211.1. Customer RMA Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Referenced Search M_RMA
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
M_RMA_UU String
Process Yes-No

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_mrma be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
RMA ID A Return Material Authorization
Return Material
may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Document Table C_DocType RMA Callout: The Document Type
Type cdoctype_mrma
Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
RMA Table Return Material Types of RMA
Type Direct Authorization Type
Shipment/ Search M_InOut M_InOut.MovementType The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt IN ('C-', 'V+') AND MaterialShipment
M_InOut.DocStatus Document
IN ('CO', 'CL')
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Sales Search AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
RMA Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Order Search The Order is a control document.
The Order is complete when
the quantity ordered is the same
corder_mrma Order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Create Button Process which The Create From process will
lines from will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Create Button
Generate To
Sales Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

2. Tab: RMA Line - M_RMALine


Description: Return Material Authorization Line

Comment/Help: Detail information about the returned goods

Tab Level: 1

Window: Customer RMA

Table 211.2. RMA Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Delivered Quantity The Delivered Quantity
Quantity Delivered Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product that has been delivered.
RMA Line ID Return Material Detail information about
Authorization Line the returned goods
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Referenced Table M_RMALine
RMA Line
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
RMA Table A Return Material Authorization
Return Material
Direct mrma_mrmaline may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue Unique line for control the display order of
FROM M_RMALine this document the lines within a document.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipment/ Table M_InOutLine.M_InOut_ID=@InOut_ID@Callout: The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt Direct minoutline_mrmaline
org.adempiere.model.CalloutRMA.inoutline indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y'Callout: sold in this organization.
Product, Service, Item
ReadOnly Logic:
0 | @C_Charge_ID@!0
Charge Table (C_Charge.C_Charge_ID The Charge indicates a
Direct IN ( SELECT type of Charge (Handling,
c.C_Charge_ID FROM Shipping, Restocking)
C_Charge c JOIN
C_ChargeType ct ON
= c.C_ChargeType_ID)
ctd ON
JOIN C_DocType dt Additional
ON (dt.C_DocType_ID document charges
ctd.C_DocType_ID =
@C_DocType_ID@ )
= 0)Callout:
ReadOnly Logic:

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Amount Amount ReadOnly Logic: Amount
@M_InOutLine_ID@! Amount
Tax Table The Tax indicates the type
ctax_mrmaline Tax identifier
Direct of tax used in document line.
Line Amount Indicates the extended line amount
Amount based on the quantity and the
Line Extended actual price. Any additional
Amount (Quantity * charges or freight are not included.
Actual Price) without The Amount may or may not
Freight and Charges include tax. If the price list is
inclusive tax, the line amount
is the same as the line total.

3. Tab: RMA Tax - M_RMATax


Description: RMA Tax

Comment/Help: The RMA Tax Tab displays the tax amount for a RMA based on the lines entered.

LinkColumn: RMA

Tab Level: 1

Table 211.3. RMA Tax Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
M_RMATax_UU String
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Customer RMA

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
RMA Search A Return Material Authorization
Return Material
mrma_mrmatax may be required to accept returns
and to create Credit Memos
Tax Table The Tax indicates the type
ctax_mrmatax Tax identifier
Direct of tax used in document line.
Tax Table
Provider Direct
Tax Amount Tax Amount The Tax Amount displays the
Amount for a document total tax amount for a document.
Tax base Amount The Tax Base Amount indicates
Base for calculating
Amount the base amount used for
the tax amount
calculating the tax amount.
Price Yes-No The Tax Included checkbox
includes Tax is included indicates if the prices
Tax in the price include tax. This is also
known as the gross price.

Chapter 212. Window: Customer Return
Description: Customer Return (Receipts)

Comment/Help: The Customer Return Window defines the receipt of product or material from a Customer Return.

Created:2009-09-11 00:33:23.0

Updated:2009-09-11 00:33:23.0

1. Tab: Customer Return - M_InOut


Description: Enter Customer Returns

Comment/Help: The Customer Return Tab allows you to generate, maintain, enter and process Returns from a Customer.

Process: Delivery Note / Shipment Print - Rpt M_InOut

Where Clause: M_InOut.MovementType IN ('C+')

Tab Level: 0

Table 212.1. Customer Return Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipment/ ID Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Receipt Document
Tracking String Number to track
No the shipment
Invoice Search cinvoice_minout Invoice Identifier The Invoice Document.
Ship Date Date Actual Date/Time of
Shipment Date/Time
+Time Shipment (pick up)
No Integer (1) Number of
Packages packages shipped
Sales Yes-No (@IsSOTrx@) The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Pick Date Date Date/Time when
+Time picked for Shipment
Date Date Date the document Indicates the Date that a
printed was printed. document was printed.
Process Button
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Create Button
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Printed Yes-No Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Referenced ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_minout < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Order Search (IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' The Order is a control document.
AND The Order is complete when
corder_minout DocStatus='CO')Callout: Order the quantity ordered is the same
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.order as the quantity shipped and
invoiced. When you close an

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
order, unshipped (backordered)
quantities are cancelled.
Date Date Indicates the Date
Date of Order
Ordered an item was ordered.
RMA Search (IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' A Return Material Authorization
AND Return Material may be required to accept returns
DocStatus='CO')Callout: Authorization and to create Credit Memos
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Order String The business partner order
Reference Transaction Reference reference is the order reference
Number (Sales Order, for this specific transaction; Often
Purchase Order) of Purchase Order numbers are given
your Business Partner to print on Invoices for easier
reference. A standard number

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Document Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType The Document Type
Type IN ('MMR', determines document
cdoctype_minout 'MMS') AND Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
Movement Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Movement Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct
Date a product the date that a product moved
was moved in or in or out of inventory. This
out of inventory is the result of a shipment,
receipt or inventory movement.
Account Date (@#Date@) The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N'Callout:Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.bpartner Employee or Salesperson
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct AND Identifies the (ship location of a Business Partner
to) address for this
AND Business Partner
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_minout - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Warehouse Table M_Warehouse.AD_Org_ID=@AD_Org_ID@Callout: The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct mwarehouse_minout
org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.warehouse Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
stored or Services are provided.
Priority List High Medium Low The Priority indicates the
Minor Urgent (5) Priority of a document importance (high, medium,
low) of this document
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper (P) How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Shipper Table M_Shipper Method or manner The Shipper indicates the
of product delivery method of delivering product
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete Order delivered. For example should
Defines the
Manual Force (A) the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
Freight List Freight included The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule Fix price Line indicates the method used
charging Freight
Calculated (I) when charging for freight.
Freight Amount The Freight Amount indicates
Amount Freight Amount the amount charged for Freight
in the document currency.
Charge Table C_Charge The Charge indicates a
ccharge_minout type of Charge (Handling,
document charges
Shipping, Restocking)
Charge Amount The Charge Amount indicates the
Charge Amount
amount amount for an additional charge.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Drop Yes-No (N) Drop Shipments do not cause
Shipment Drop Shipments any Inventory reservations or
are sent from the movements as the Shipment is
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Search C_BPartner (Trx) Business Partner If empty the business
to ship to partner will be shipped to.
Drop Table C_BPartner Location C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@DropShip_BPartner_ID@
Business Partner
Shipment dropshiplocation_minout AND Location for
Location C_BPartner_Location.IsShipTo='Y' shipping to
Drop Table AD_User AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@DropShip_BPartner_ID@
Business Partner
Shipment dropshipuser_minout Contact for
Contact drop shipment
Create Button Process which The Create From process will
lines from will generate a create a new document based
new document on information in an existing
lines based on an document selected by the user.
existing document
Generate Button
Generate To
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_minout IS NULL OR Financial Project
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_minout Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
ccampaign_minout Marketing Campaign
Direct unique marketing program.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Projects can be associated
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Movement List Production - Customer The Movement Type indicates
Type Shipment Customer the type of movement (in,
Returns Vendor out, to production, etc)
Returns Inventory
Out Movement Method of moving
From Movement the inventory
To Work Order +
Production + Vendor
Receipts Inventory
In Work Order -
Create Button
In Transit Yes-No Material Movement is in
transit - shipped, but not
Movement is in transit
received. The transaction
is completed, if confirmed.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Date Date Date a product The Date Received indicates the
received was received date that product was received.
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Shipment Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
In Dispute Yes-No The document is in dispute.
Document is in dispute
Use Requests to track details.
Posted Button _Posted Status The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

2. Tab: Customer Return Line - M_InOutLine


Description: Customer Return Line

Comment/Help: The Customer Return Line Tab defines the individual items in a Customer Return.

Read Only Logic: @Processed@=Y

Tab Level: 1

Table 212.2. Customer Return Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shipment/ ID The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Referenced ID
Shipment minoutline_ref
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Description Yes-No (N) If a line is Description Only, e.g.
Only Product Inventory is not corrected.
if true, the line is No accounting transactions are
just description created and the amount or totals
and no transaction are not included in the document.
This for including descriptive
detail lines, e.g. for an Work Order.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct adorg_minoutline < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Customer Search Material Shipment The Material Shipment / Receipt
Return Document
RMA Line Table M_RMALine.M_RMA_ID=@M_RMA_ID@Callout: Return Material Detail information about
Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.rmaLine
Authorization Line the returned goods
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue Unique line for control the display order of
FROM M_InOutLine this document the lines within a document.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
mproduct_minoutline Product, Service, Item
M_Product.IsActive='Y'Callout: sold in this organization.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
ReadOnly Logic:
Attribute Product Callout: The values of the actual
Set Attribute org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.asi
Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Locator Locator (@M_Locator_ID@) M_Locator.M_Warehouse_ID=@M_Warehouse_ID@Callout: The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_minoutline Warehouse Locator
(WH) org.idempiere.model.CalloutFillLocator.fillLocator Warehouse a product is located.
Charge Table (C_Charge.C_Charge_ID The Charge indicates a
Direct IN ( SELECT type of Charge (Handling,
c.C_Charge_ID FROM Shipping, Restocking)
C_Charge c JOIN
C_ChargeType ct ON
= c.C_ChargeType_ID)
ctd ON
ct.C_ChargeType_ID) Additional
JOIN C_DocType dt document charges
ON (dt.C_DocType_ID
ctd.C_DocType_ID =
@C_DocType_ID@ )
= 0) ReadOnly Logic:
Description Text Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity (1) Callout: The Quantity The Quantity Entered is converted
Entered is based on to base product UoM quantity
the selected UoM
UOM Table (@#C_UOM_ID@) ( EXISTS ( /* UOM The UOM defines a unique
Direct is a default UOM and non monetary Unit of Measure
no product selected
AND IsActive
='Y' AND
IsDefault='Y' AND
@M_Product_ID@=0 )
is the products UOM
M_Product p WHERE
@M_Product_ID@=p.M_Product_ID )
cuom_minoutline OR EXISTS ( / Unit of Measure
* For the products
UOM there is a
conversion that is
explicitly bound to the
product */ SELECT
* FROM M_Product
c ON
AND c.IsActive
='Y' ) WHERE
@M_Product_ID@=p.M_Product_ID )

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
* For the products
UOM there is a
conversion that is not
bound to any product
explicitly */ SELECT
* FROM M_Product
c ON
AND c.M_Product_ID
='Y' ) WHERE
@M_Product_ID@=p.M_Product_ID ))Callout:
Movement Quantity (1) Callout: The Movement Quantity
Quantity of a
Quantity org.compiere.model.CalloutInOut.qty indicates the quantity of a
product moved.
product that has been moved.
Picked Quantity
Target Quantity Target Movement The Quantity which
Quantity Quantity should have been received
Confirmed Quantity Confirmation of a Confirmation of a received quantity
Quantity received quantity
Scrapped Quantity (0) The Quantity scrapped
Quantity due to QA issues
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
cproject_minoutline (C_Project.C_BPartner_ID Financial Project or external activities.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_minoutline AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Project Table C_Project_ID=@C_Project_ID@
c_projectphase_minoutline Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Project Table C_ProjectPhase_ID=@C_ProjectPhase_ID@
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_minoutline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.

3. Tab: Attributes - M_InOutLineMA


Window: Customer Return

Description: Product Instance Attribute Material Allocation

Tab Level: 2

Table 212.3. Attributes Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Shipment/ Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_minoutlinema indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Movement Quantity (1) The Movement Quantity
Quantity of a
Quantity indicates the quantity of a
product moved.
product that has been moved.
Date Date Time used for This field is used to record
Material LIFO and FIFO time used for LIFO and
Policy Material Policy FIFO material policy

4. Tab: Confirmations - M_InOutLineConfirm


Description: Optional Confirmations of Receipt Lines

Comment/Help: The quantities are in the storage Unit of Measure!

LinkColumn: Shipment/Receipt Line

Window: Customer Return

Tab Level: 2

Table 212.4. Confirmations Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_minoutlineconfirm Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Phys.Inventory Search The Physical Inventory
Line Unique line in an Line indicates the inventory
Inventory document document line (if applicable)
for this transaction
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Shipment/ Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_minoutconfirm indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Ship/ Table Confirmation of Shipment
Material Shipment or
Receipt Direct minoutconfirm_minoutlineconf or Receipt - Created from
Receipt Confirmation
Confirmation the Shipment/Receipt
Ship/ ID Confirmation details
Material Shipment
or Receipt
Confirmation Line
Confirmation String
Confirmation Number
Target Quantity Target Movement The Quantity which
Quantity Quantity should have been received

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Confirmed Quantity Confirmation of a Confirmation of a received quantity
Quantity received quantity
Difference Quantity Difference Quantity
Scrapped Quantity The Quantity scrapped
Quantity due to QA issues
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

5. Tab: Matched POs - M_MatchPO


Description: Purchase Order Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line

LinkColumn: Shipment/Receipt Line

Tab Level: 2

Table 212.5. Matched POs Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Delete Button
Match PO ID The matching record is usually
Match Purchase created automatically. If price
Order to Shipment/ matching is enabled on business
Receipt and Invoice partner group level, the matching
might have to be approved.
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Posted Button _Posted Status The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Shipment/ Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_mmatchpo indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
Transaction Date
Date the date of the transaction.

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
corderline_mmatchpo Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_mmatchpo Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_mmatchpo AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.

6. Tab: Matched Invoices - M_MatchInv


Description: Invoice Lines matched to this Material Receipt Line

LinkColumn: Shipment/Receipt Line

Tab Level: 2

Table 212.6. Matched Invoices Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Delete Button
Match ID Match Shipment/
Invoice Receipt to Invoice
Account Date The Accounting Date indicates
Date Accounting Date the date to be used on the General
Ledger account entries generated

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Posted Button _Posted Status The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Shipment/ Search The Shipment/Receipt Line
Line on Shipment or
Receipt minoutline_mmatchinv indicates a unique line in a
Receipt document
Line Shipment/Receipt document
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
Document document sequence defined, the
sequence number field is empty if you create a new
of the document document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name

Window: Customer Return

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Transaction Date The Transaction Date indicates
Transaction Date
Date the date of the transaction.
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line convoiceline_mmatchinv Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_mmatchinv AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.

Chapter 213. Window: Dashboard Content
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2007-07-09 00:00:00.0

Updated:2013-09-12 17:06:23.0

1. Tab: Dashboard Content - PA_DashboardContent


Tab Level: 0

Table 213.1. Dashboard Content Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dashboard ID
User/ Table (0) The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_padashboardcontent - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Role Table (0) AD_Role.IsMasterRole='N' The Role determines security
Direct adrole_padashboardcontent Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Dashboard Content

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Column Integer (1) Dashboard content column
Dashboard content
No number, not used by the
column number
swing client at the moment.
Line No Number Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
HTML Text Long
Gadget String URI for Dashboard Gadget.
URI This can be absolute path
URI for
to a zul file or an unique
Dashboard Gadget
gadget id which is instantiated
through OSGi factory services.
Goal Table The Performance Goal indicates
Direct pagoal_padashboardcontent Performance Goal what this users performance
will be measured against.
Goal List HTML Table Chart (T) Type of goal display Display goal on dashboard
Display on dashboard as html table or graph.
Window Table Data entry or The Window field identifies a
Direct display window unique Window in the system.
Process Table The Process field identifies
Direct adprocess_padashboardcontent Process or Report a unique Process or
Report in the system.
Embed Yes-No (N)
Embed report content
into dashboard
Process String Comma separated A list of name value pair process
Parameters process parameter list parameter separated by comma
Chart Table

Window: Dashboard Content

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Collapsible Yes-No (Y) Flag to indicate Flag to indicate the state
the state of the of the dashboard panel
dashboard panel (i.e. collapsible or static)
Collapsed Yes-No (N) Flag to set the
By Default initial state of
collapsible field group.
Show in Yes-No ('Y') Show the dashlet
Dashboard in the dashboard
Show on Yes-No (Y)

2. Tab: Dashboard Content Access -


Display Logic: @#AD_Client_ID@ > 0

Tab Level: 1

Table 213.2. Dashboard Content Access Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_padashboardcontentacc (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_padashboardcontentaccess OR (same as first report)
Dashboard Table
Content Direct

Window: Dashboard Content

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
User/ Search AD_User(-1) The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact user in the system. This
aduser_padashboardcontentacces - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Role Table The Role determines security
Direct adrole_padashboardcontentacces Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

3. Tab: Translation - PA_DashboardContent_Trl


Tab Level: 1

Table 213.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Dashboard Table
Content Direct
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlangu_padashboardcontenttrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record)
identifier of the entity is used as an default search

Window: Dashboard Content

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
option in addition to the
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
HTML Text Long

Chapter 214. Window: Dashboard Preference
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2012-08-22 17:27:17.0

Updated:2012-08-22 17:31:25.0

1. Tab: Preference - PA_DashboardPreference


Where Clause: PA_DashboardPreference.AD_Client_ID = @#AD_Client_ID@

Tab Level: 0

Table 214.1. Preference Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (see same above)
(same as first report)
User/ Table (0) The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_padashboardpreference - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Role Table (0) The Role determines security
Direct adrole_padashboardpreference Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Dashboard Table
Content Direct
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Column Integer (1) Dashboard content column
Dashboard content
No number, not used by the
column number
swing client at the moment.

Window: Dashboard Preference

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Line No Number Indicates the unique line
Unique line for for a document. It will also
this document control the display order of
the lines within a document.
Collapsed Yes-No (N) Flag to set the
By Default initial state of
collapsible field group.
Show in Yes-No ('Y') Show the dashlet
Dashboard in the dashboard
Dashboard ID

Chapter 215. Window: Depreciation Methods
Description: Depreciation Methods

Comment/Help: The Depreciation method windows allows the user to review the depreciation calculations available in Adempiere

Created:2008-05-30 17:04:06.0

Updated:2012-04-12 16:02:35.0

1. Tab: Depreciation Functions - A_Depreciation


Tab Level: 0

Table 215.1. Depreciation Functions Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No (N) The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Script Memo
Depreciation ID
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
DepreciationType String

Window: Depreciation Methods

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 216. Window: Discount Schema
Description: Maintain Trade Discount Schema

Comment/Help: Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage

Created:2001-12-28 21:01:25.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Discount Schema - M_DiscountSchema


Description: Trade Discount Schema

Comment/Help: Trade discount schema calculates the trade discount percentage

Where Clause: M_DiscountSchema.DiscountType< > 'P'

Tab Level: 0

Table 216.1. Discount Schema Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount ID After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema price, the trade discount percentage
the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Valid from Date Valid from including The Valid From date indicates
this date (first day) the first day of a date range
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record)
identifier of the entity is used as an default search

Window: Discount Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
option in addition to the
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Discount List Flat Percent Breaks (('@IsSOTrx@'='N' Type of procedure used to calculate
Type Pricelist Formula AND Value='P') OR Type of trade the trade discount percentage
('@IsSOTrx@'='Y' discount calculation
AND Value< > 'P'))
Script Text Dynamic Java Use Java language constructs to
Language Script define the result of the calculation
to calculate result
B.Partner Yes-No Use flat discount For calculation of the discount,
Flat defined on Business use the discount defined
Discount Partner Level on Business Partner Level
Flat Number
Flat discount
Quantity Yes-No (Y) The calculation of the trade
Trade discount
based discount level is based on the
break level based on
quantity of the order and not
Quantity (not value)
the value amount of the order
Accumulation List Line (L) Level for accumulative
Level calculations
Renumber Button

2. Tab: Discount Break - M_DiscountSchemaBreak


Description: Trade discount based on breaks (steps)

Display Logic: @DiscountType@=B

Window: Discount Schema

Tab Level: 1

Table 216.2. Discount Break Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Discount ID Trade discount based
Schema Trade Discount Break on breaks (steps)
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Discount Table After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema Direct price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_mdsbreak the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Sequence Integer (@SQL=SELECT The Sequence indicates
NVL(MAX(SeqNo),0)+10 the order of records
AS DefaultValue Method of ordering
FROM records; lowest
M_DiscountSchemaBreak number comes first
Product Table ReadOnly Logic: Identifies the category which
Category Direct @M_Product_ID@!0 this product belongs to.
mprodcategory_mdiscountsbreak Category of a Product
Product categories are used
for pricing and selection.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
mproduct_mdiscountsbreak Product, Service, Item
ReadOnly Logic:
Break Number Low Value of trade Starting Quantity or Amount
Value discount break level Value for break level

Window: Discount Schema

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
B.Partner Yes-No (N) Use flat discount For calculation of the discount,
Flat defined on Business use the discount defined
Discount Partner Level on Business Partner Level
Break Number Trade Discount Trade Discount in Percent
Discount in Percent for for the break level
% the break level

Chapter 217. Window: Document Sequence
Description: Maintain System and Document Sequences

Comment/Help: The Sequence Window defines how document numbers will be sequenced. Change the way document numbers are generated. You may add a
prefix or a suffix or change the current number.

Created:1999-06-11 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Sequence - AD_Sequence


Description: Sequence Definition

Comment/Help: The Sequence Tab defines the numeric sequencing to use for documents. These can also include a alpha suffix and / or prefix.

Tab Level: 0

Table 217.1. Sequence Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Current Integer (100) This field is for system use only
Next sequence
Next and should not be modified.
for system use
Sequence ID The Sequence defines the
Document Sequence numbering sequence to
be used for documents.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
sequenceclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct sequenceorg OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Document Sequence

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Auto Yes-No The Auto Numbering checkbox
Automatically assign
numbering indicates if the system will assign
the next number
the next number automatically.
Used for Yes-No The document The Used for Record ID checkbox
Record ID number will be used indicates if the document id will
as the record key be used as the key to the record
Value String < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Format (Space) any character _ Space
(fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
space converted to upper case o
any Letter a..Z or space O any
Format of the
Letter a..Z or space converted
value; Can contain
to upper case a any Letters %26
fixed format
Digits NO space A any Letters
elements, Variables:
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"
Increment Integer (1) The Increment indicates the
The number to
number to increment the last
increment the last
document number by to arrive
document number by
at the next sequence number
Current Integer (1000000) The next number The Current Next indicates the next
Next to be used number to use for this document

Window: Document Sequence

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Decimal String Option Decimal pattern in
Pattern Java Decimal Pattern Java notation. Examples:
0000 will format 23 to 0023
Prefix String The Prefix indicates the
Prefix before the
characters to print in front
sequence number
of the document number.
Suffix String The Suffix indicates the characters
Suffix after the number
to append to the document number.
Organization Yes-No (N) This sequence
level can be defined for
each organization
Org String Fully qualified The Organization Column indicates
Column Organization column the organization to be used in
(AD_Org_ID) calculating this measurement.
Restart Yes-No The Restart Sequence Every
sequence Year checkbox indicates that the
Restart the sequence
every Year documents sequencing should
with Start on every 1/1
return to the starting number
on the first day of the year.
Date String The Date Column indicates
Fully qualified
Column the date to be used when
date column
calculating this measurement
Restart Yes-No (N)
Start No Integer (1000000) ReadOnly Logic: The Start Number indicates
@StartNewYear@=N Starting number/ the starting position in the line
%26 position or field number in the line
Activate Yes-No Activate Audit Trail The Activate Audit checkbox
Audit of what numbers indicates if an audit trail of
are generated numbers generated will be kept.

Window: Document Sequence

2. Tab: Sequence No - AD_Sequence_No


Display Logic: @StartNewYear@='Y' | @IsOrgLevelSequence@=Y

Tab Level: 1

Table 217.2. Sequence No Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
sequence_noclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct sequence_noorg OR (same as first report)
Sequence Table The Sequence defines the
Direct ad_sequence_sequenceno Document Sequence numbering sequence to
be used for documents.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
YearMonth String YYYYMM
Current Integer The next number The Current Next indicates the next
Next to be used number to use for this document

Chapter 218. Window: Document Type
Description: Maintain Document Types

Comment/Help: The Document Type Window defines any document to be used in the system. Each document type provides the basis for processing of each
document and controls the printed name and document sequence used.

Created:1999-06-29 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Document Type - C_DocType


Description: Define a Document Type

Comment/Help: The Document Definition Tab defines the processing parameters and controls for the document. Note that shipments for automatic documents like
POS/Warehouse Orders cannot have confirmations!

Tab Level: 0

Table 218.1. Document Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charges Yes-No The Charges checkbox indicates
that charges can be added to
Charges can be added
this document. Charges can
to the document
include items like shipping,
handling or bank charges.
Document ID The Document Type
Type Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Document Text The Document Note is used
Additional information
Note for recording any additional
for a Document
information regarding this product.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
GL Table The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category Direct glcategory_cdoctype is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Sales Yes-No The Sales Transaction
This is a Sales
Transaction checkbox indicates if this
item is a Sales Transaction.
Document List Material Production The Document Base Type
BaseType AP Credit Memo AR identifies the base or starting
Credit Memo GL point for a document. Multiple
Journal AP Invoice document types may share a
AP Payment AR Logical type single document base type.
Invoice Sales Order of document
AR Pro Forma Invoice
Material Receipt
Material Movement
Purchase Order Bank

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Statement Cash Journal
Payment Allocation
Project Issue Match
PO Manufacturing
Order Quality Order
Payroll Manufacturing
Cost Collector
Match Invoice GL
Document AR Receipt
Material Delivery
Purchase Requisition
Material Physical
Inventory Maintenance
Order Distribution
Order Fixed Assets
Disposal Fixed Assets
Addition Fixed
Assets Depreciation
SO Sub List Prepay Order On The SO Sub Type indicates the type
Type Credit Order POS of sales order this document refers
Order Warehouse to. This field only appears when
Order Standard Order the Document Base Type is Sales
Quotation Return Order. The selection made here
Material Proposal will determine which documents
will be generated when an order is
processed and which documents
must be generated manually or in
batches. The following outlines
Sales Order Sub Type
this process. SO Sub Type of < b>
Standard Order< /b> will generate
just the < b> Order< /b> document
when the order is processed. The
< b> Delivery Note< /b> , < b>
Invoice< /b> and < b> Receipt< /
b> must be generated via other
processes. SO Sub Type of <
b> Warehouse Order< /b> will
generate the < b> Order< /b> and <

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
b> Delivery Note< /b> . The < b>
Invoice< /b> and < b> Receipt< /
b> must be generated via other
processes. SO Sub Type of < b>
Credit Order< /b> will generate the
< b> Order< /b> , < b> Delivery
Note< /b> and < b> Invoice< /
b> . The < b> Receipt< /b> must be
generated via other processes. SO
Sub Type of < b> POS< /b> (Point
of Sale) will generate all document
Inv Sub List Physical Inventory The Inventory Sub Type indicates
Type Internal Use Inventory the type of inventory this document
Cost Adjustment refers to. This field only appears
when the Document Base Type
is Material Physical Inventory.
The selection made here will
Inventory Sub Type determine which window must
be used and which data in the
lines is relevant for the document.
Internal Use inventory (based on
Internal Used Quantity) or Physical
Inventory (based on difference
between Qty Counted vs Qty Book)
Pro forma Yes-No The Pro Forma Invoice checkbox
Invoice Indicates if Pro indicates if pro forma invoices
Forma Invoices can be generated from this sales
can be generated document. A pro forma invoice
from this document indicates the amount that will be
due should an order be shipped.
Document Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType='ARF' he Document Type for Invoice
Type for Document type used indicates the document type that
ProForma for pro forma invoices will be used when an invoice
generated from this is generated from this sales
sales document document. This field will display
only when the base document

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
type is Sales Order and the Pro
Forma Invoice checkbox is selected
Document Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType The Document Type for Invoice
Type for IN ('ARI', indicates the document type
Document type
Invoice 'API','ARC','APC') that will be used when an
used for invoices
cdoctype_invoice AND invoice is generated from this
generated from this
C_DocType.IsSOTrx='@IsSOTrx@' sales document. This field will
sales document
AND display only when the base
C_DocType.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@ document type is Sales Order.
Document Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType he Document Type for Shipments
Type for IN ('MMR', indicates the document type that
Document type
Shipment 'MMS') AND will be used when a shipment
used for shipments
C_DocType.AD_Client_ID=@#AD_Client_ID@ is generated from this sales
generated from this
document. This field will
sales document
display only when the base
document type is Sales Order.
Document Yes-No (Y) The Document Number Controlled
The document has a
is Number checkbox indicates if this document
document sequence
Controlled type will have a sequence number.
Document Table AD_Sequence Document sequence The Document Sequence
Sequence for Documents determines indicates the sequencing rule
the numbering to use for this document type.
of documents
Overwrite Yes-No (N)
Definite Table AD_Sequence
Sequence for Documents
Overwrite Yes-No (N)
Date on
Pick/QA Yes-No The processing of the Shipment
Require Pick or
Confirmation (Receipt) requires Pick (QA)
QA Confirmation
Confirmation. Note that shipments
before processing
for automatic documents

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
like POS/Warehouse Orders
cannot have confirmations!
Ship/ Yes-No The processing of the Shipment
Receipt (Receipt) requires Ship (Receipt)
Require Ship or
Confirmation Confirmation. Note that shipments
Receipt Confirmation
for automatic documents
before processing
like POS/Warehouse Orders
cannot have confirmations!
Split when Yes-No (N) If the confirmation contains
Difference differences, the original document
is split allowing the original
document (shipment) to be
Split document when
processed and updating Inventory -
there is a difference
and the newly created document for
handling the dispute at a later time.
Until the confirmation is processed,
the inventory is not updated.
Difference Table C_DocType C_DocType.DocBaseType='@DocBaseType@' If the confirmation contains
Document differences, the original document
is split allowing the original
Document type document (shipment) to be
cdoctypedifference_cdoctype for generating in processed and updating Inventory -
dispute Shipments and the newly created document for
handling the dispute at a later time.
Until the confirmation is processed,
the inventory is not updated.
Prepare Yes-No (Y) Prepare generated
Split split shipment/
Document receipt document
In Transit Yes-No Material Movement is in
transit - shipped, but not
Movement is in transit
received. The transaction
is completed, if confirmed.
Create Yes-No (Y) If selected, create specified
Create Counter
Counter counter document. If not

Window: Document Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
selected, no counter document is
created for the document type.
Default Yes-No When using explicit documents
Counter for inter-org transaction (after
Document linking a Business Partner to an
Organization), you can determine
what document type the counter
The document type
document is based on the document
is the default counter
type of the original transaction.
document type
Example: when generating a
Sales Order, use this Sales Order
document type. This default can
be overwritten by defining explicit
counter document relationships.
Mandatory Yes-No (N)
Charge or
Print Table (0) The print format determines
adprintformat_cdoctype Data Print Format
Format Direct how data is rendered for print.
Document Integer (1) The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.

2. Tab: Translation - C_DocType_Trl


Description: Translation

Comment/Help: The Translation Tab defines a Document Type in an alternate language.

Tab Level: 1

Window: Document Type

Table 218.2. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_cdoctypetrl Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_cdoctypetrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Document Text The Document Note is used
Additional information
Note for recording any additional
for a Document
information regarding this product.

Chapter 219. Window: Dunning
Description: Maintain Dunning Levels

Comment/Help: The Dunning Window defines the parameters that will be used when generating Dunning Letters. Each customer can be associated with a Dunning

Created:1999-12-04 21:34:10.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Dunning - C_Dunning


Description: Maintain Dunning Rules

Comment/Help: The Dunning Tab defines the parameters for a dunning level.

Tab Level: 0

Table 219.1. Dunning Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning ID The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Send Yes-No The Send Dunning Letters
dunning Indicates if dunning checkbox indicates if dunning
letters letters will be sent letters will be sent to Business
Partners who use this dunning rule.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Dunning

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.
Create Yes-No If selected, the dunning
levels letters are created in the
Create Dunning Letter
sequentially sequence of the dunning levels.
by level sequentially
Otherwise, the dunning level
is based on the days (over)due.

2. Tab: Level - C_DunningLevel


Description: Maintain Dunning Level

Comment/Help: The Dunning Level Tab defines the timing and frequency of the dunning notices.

Tab Level: 1

Table 219.2. Level Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning ID
Charge Yes-No Indicates if interest The Charge Interest checkbox
Interest will be charged on indicates if interest will be charged
overdue invoices on overdue invoice amounts.
Interest Number Percentage interest The Interest amount in percent
in percent to charge on indicates the interest to be charged
overdue invoices on overdue invoices. This field

Window: Dunning

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
displays only if the charge interest
checkbox has been selected.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cdunninglevel rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Days after Number The Days After Due Date indicates
due date Days after due date the number of days after the
to dun (if negative payment due date to initiate
days until due) dunning. If the number is negative,
it includes not the not due invoices.
Show Yes-No Show/print all The dunning letter with this level
Not Due invoices which includes all not due invoices.
are not due (yet).
Days Integer The Days Between Dunning
Days between sending
between indicates the number of days
dunning notices
dunning between sending dunning notices.
Show Yes-No Show/print all The dunning letter with this
All Due due invoices level includes all due invoices.

Window: Dunning

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Charge fee Yes-No Indicates if fees The Charge Fee checkbox
will be charged for indicates if the dunning letter will
overdue invoices include fees for overdue invoices
Fee Amount The Fee Amount indicates the
Amount charge amount on a dunning letter
Fee amount in
for overdue invoices. This field
invoice currency
will only display if the charge
fee checkbox has been selected.
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Dunning Table AD_PrintFormat Print Format You need to define a Print
Print adprintformat_cdunninglevel for printing Format to print the document.
Format Dunning Letters
Credit Yes-No If a dunning letter of this level
Stop Set the business is created, the business partner
partner to credit stop is set to Credit Stop (needs
to be manually changed).
Set Yes-No If a dunning letter of this level is
Set the payment term
Payment created, the payment term of this
of the Business Partner
Term business partner is overwritten.
Payment Table The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term Direct (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Collection List Dunning Collection Status of the invoice
Status Agency Legal Invoice collection process
Procedure Collection Status
Is Yes-No (N) Dunning Level
Statement is a definition
of a statement

Window: Dunning

3. Tab: Translation - C_DunningLevel_Trl


Description: Dunning Level Translation

Tab Level: 2

Table 219.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Dunning Table
Level Direct
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_cdunninglevel the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.

Chapter 220. Window: Dunning Run
Description: Manage Dunning Runs

Comment/Help: Manage Dunning Runs

Created:2004-03-06 00:59:09.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Dunning Run - C_DunningRun


Description: Manage Dunning Run

Comment/Help: Manage Dunning Run

Tab Level: 0

Table 220.1. Dunning Run Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning ID
Dunning Run
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Dunning Date (@#Date@)
Date of Dunning
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cdunningrun rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Dunning Table C_DunningLevel.C_Dunning_ID=@C_Dunning_ID@
Level Direct

Window: Dunning Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Create Button
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Send Button

2. Tab: Entry - C_DunningRunEntry


Description: Dunning Run Entry

Comment/Help: Maintain details of the dunning letter to a business partner

Process: Dunning Letter - Rpt C_Dunning

Tab Level: 1

Table 220.2. Entry Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning ID
Dunning Run Entry
Run Entry
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Dunning Table
cdunningrun_cdunningrunentry Dunning Run
Run Direct

Window: Dunning Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning Table (@C_DunningLevel_ID@) C_DunningLevel.C_Dunning_ID=@C_Dunning_ID@
Level Direct AND ((SELECT
FROM C_DunningRun
cdunninglevel_cdunningrunentry IS NULL OR
FROM C_DunningRun
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Partner Table C_BPartner_Location.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@
Identifies the (ship The Partner address indicates the
Location Direct cbpartnerlocation_cdunningrune to) address for this location of a Business Partner
Business Partner
User/ Table (-1) AD_User.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ The User identifies a unique
User within the system
Contact Direct user in the system. This
aduser_cdunningrunentry - Internal or Business
could be an internal user or
Partner Contact
a business partner contact
Currency Search Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
ccurrency_cdunningrunentry be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Amount Amount Amount Amount
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.

Window: Dunning Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

3. Tab: Line - C_DunningRunLine


Description: Dinning Run Line

Comment/Help: Maintain the information of the dunning letter line

Tab Level: 2

Table 220.3. Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Dunning ID
Dunning Run Line
Run Line
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Dunning Table
cdunningrunentry_line Dunning Run Entry
Run Entry Direct
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: Dunning Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search ReadOnly Logic: The Invoice Document.
cinvoice_cdunningrunline @C_Invoice_ID@!0 | Invoice Identifier
Payment Search ReadOnly Logic: The Payment is a unique
cpayment_cdunningrunline @C_Invoice_ID@!0 | Payment identifier identifier of this payment.
Invoice Table The Invoice Payment
Invoice Payment
Payment Direct cinvoicepayschedule_cdunningru Schedule determines when
Schedule partial payments are due.
Amount Amount Amount Amount
In Dispute Yes-No The document is in dispute.
Document is in dispute
Use Requests to track details.
Open Amount
Open item amount
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Days due Integer Number of days
due (negative: due
in number of days)
Times Integer Number of times
Dunned dunned previously
Fee Amount The Fee Amount indicates the
Amount charge amount on a dunning letter
Fee amount in
for overdue invoices. This field
invoice currency
will only display if the charge
fee checkbox has been selected.
Interest Amount The Interest Amount indicates
Amount Interest Amount any interest charged or
received on a Bank Statement.
Total Amount The Total Amount indicates
Total Amount
Amount the total document amount.

Window: Dunning Run

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

Chapter 221. Window: Element
Description: Maintain System Elements

Comment/Help: The System Element Window is the Central Repository for Field Names Descriptions and Help/Comments

Created:1999-09-26 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Element - AD_Element


Description: Element

Comment/Help: The Element Tab defines each system level element.

Tab Level: 0

Table 221.1. Element Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
System ID System Element The System Element allows
Element enables the central for the central maintenance
maintenance of column of help, descriptions and
description and help. terminology for a database column.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
DB String The Column Name indicates
Name of the column
Column the name of a column on a
in the database
Name table as defined in the database.
Name String Alphanumeric The name of an entity (record)
identifier of the entity is used as an default search

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
option in addition to the
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
entityt_adelement synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
PO Name String Name on PO Screens
PO Print String Print name on PO
name Screens/Reports
PO String Description
Description in PO Screens
PO Help Text Help for PO Screens

2. Tab: Translation - AD_Element_Trl


Tab Level: 1

Window: Element

Table 221.2. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
System Table System Element The System Element allows
Element Direct enables the central for the central maintenance
maintenance of column of help, descriptions and
description and help. terminology for a database column.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_ad_element_trl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Print Text String The Label to be printed indicates
The label text to be
the name that will be printed on
printed on a document
a document or correspondence.
or correspondence.
The max length is 2000 characters.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
PO Name String Name on PO Screens
PO Print String Print name on PO
name Screens/Reports

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PO String Description
Description in PO Screens
PO Help String Help for PO Screens

3. Tab: Used in Column - AD_Column


Description: Used in Column

Comment/Help: The Used in Column Tab defines the table and column this element resides in.

LinkColumn: System Element

Tab Level: 1

Table 221.3. Used in Column Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
columnclient (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Identifier Yes-No The Identifier checkbox indicates
This column is part of
that this column is part of the
the record identifier
identifier or key for this table.
Reference Table AD_Reference System Reference The Reference could be a display
Data Types and Validation type, list or table validation.
Column Button AD_Column ReadOnly Logic: Display encryption (in Window/
Encryption Encrypted(N) @IsKey@=Y | Display or Storage Tab/Field) - all characters are
@IsParent@=Y | is encrypted displayed as '*' - in the database it
@IsIdentifier@=Y | is stored in clear text. You will not

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
@IsTranslated@=Y | be able to report on these columns.
@ColumnName@=AD_Client_ID Data storage encryption (in Table/
| Column) - data is stored encrypted
@ColumnName@=AD_Client_ID in the database (dangerous!) and
| you will not be able to report
@ColumnName@=AD_Org_ID on those columns. Independent
| from Display encryption.
| @ColumnSQL@!''
Length Integer Length of the column The Length indicates the length of a
in the database column as defined in the database.
Synchronize Button When selected, the database
Change database
Column column definition is updated
table definition
based on your entries in
when changing
the Column definition of
dictionary definition
the Application Dictionary.
Key Yes-No The key column must also be
This column is the
column display sequence 0 in the field
key in this table
definition and may be hidden.
Callout String Fully qualified A Callout allow you to create
class names and Java extensions to perform certain
method - separated tasks always after a value changed.
by semicolons Callouts should not be used for

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
validation but consequences of a
user selecting a certain value. The
callout is a Java class implementing
org.compiere.model.Callout and
a method name to call. Example:
instantiates the class
"CalloutRequest" and calls
the method "copyText". You
can have multiple callouts by
separating them via a semicolon
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
entityt_adcolumn synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Column String You can define virtual columns (not
SQL stored in the database). If defined,
the Column name is the synonym
Virtual Column (r/o) of the SQL expression defined here.
The SQL expression must be valid.
Example: "Updated-Created" would
list the age of the entry in days
Read Only Text format := { expression} [ { logic}
Logic { expression} ] expression := @
{ context} @ { operand} { value}
or @ { context} @ { operand}
Logic to determine { value} logic := { |} | { %26}
if field is read only context := any global or window
(applies only when context value := strings or numbers
field is read-write) logic operators := AND or OR with
the previous result from left to right
operand := eq { =} , gt { %26gt; } ,
le { %26lt; } , not { ~^!}
Examples: @AD_Table_ID@=14

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
| @Language@!GERGER
@PriceLimit@> 10 |
@PriceList@> @PriceActual@
@Name@> J Strings may
be in single quotes (optional)
Default Text The defaults are evaluated in the
Logic order of definition, the first not
null value becomes the default
value of the column. The values are
separated by comma or semicolon.
a) Literals:. 'Text' or 123 b)
Variables - in format @Variable@
- Login e.g. #Date, #AD_Org_ID,
#AD_Client_ID - Accounting
Schema: e.g. $C_AcctSchema_ID,
$C_Calendar_ID - Global defaults:
Default value e.g. DateFormat - Window
hierarchy, values (all Picks, CheckBoxes,
separated by ; RadioButtons, and DateDoc/
DateAcct) c) SQL code with the
tag: @SQL=SELECT something
AS DefaultValue FROM ...
The SQL statement can contain
variables. There can be no other
value other than the SQL statement.
The default is only evaluated,
if no user preference is defined.
Default definitions are ignored
for record columns as Key,
Parent, Client as well as Buttons.
Version Amount Version of the The Version indicates the
table definition version of this table definition.
Sequence Integer Method of ordering The Sequence indicates
records; lowest the order of records
number comes first
Always Yes-No (N) The column is always If selected and if the window / tab
Updatable updateable, even is not read only, you can always

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
if the record is not update the column. This might
active or processed be useful for comments, etc.
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct columnorg OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Max. String Maximum The Maximum Value indicates the
Value Value for a field highest allowable value for a field
Min. String Minimum The Minimum Value indicates the
Value Value for a field lowest allowable value for a field.
System Search Callout: System Element The System Element allows
Element org.compiere.model.Callout_AD_Column.element
enables the central for the central maintenance
maintenance of column of help, descriptions and
description and help. terminology for a database column.
Value String ReadOnly Logic: < B> Validation elements:< /B>
Format @#UIClient@!swing (Space) any character _ Space
(fixed character) l any Letter a..Z
NO space L any Letter a..Z NO
space converted to upper case o
any Letter a..Z or space O any
Format of the
Letter a..Z or space converted
value; Can contain
to upper case a any Letters %26
fixed format
Digits NO space A any Letters
elements, Variables:
%26 Digits NO space converted
to upper case c any Letters %26
Digits or space C any Letters
%26 Digits or space converted to
upper case 0 Digits 0..9 NO space
9 Digits 0..9 or space Example
of format "(000)_000-0000"

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Reference Table AD_Reference Values AD_Reference.ValidationType=CASE The Reference Value indicates
Key WHEN Required to specify, where the reference values are
ad_reference_columnvalue@AD_Reference_ID@ if data type is stored. It must be specified if
IN (17,28) THEN Table or List the data type is Table or List.
Dynamic Table These rules define how an entry
Validation Direct Dynamic is determined to valid. You
Validation Rule can use variables for dynamic
(context sensitive) validation.
Process Table The Process field identifies
Direct adprocess_adcolumn Process or Report a unique Process or
Report in the system.
Selection Yes-No Is this column If selected, the column is listed in
Column used for finding the first find window tab and in
rows in windows the selection part of the window
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Parent link Yes-No This column is a link The Parent checkbox
column to the parent table (e.g. indicates if this column is
header from lines) a link to the parent table.
- incl. Association
key columns
Updatable Yes-No (Y) The Updatable checkbox
Determines, if the
indicates if a field can
field can be updated
be updated by the user.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Mandatory Yes-No Data entry is required The field must have a value for the
in this column record to be saved to the database.
Table Table Database Table The Database Table provides the
Direct information information of the table definition
Column ID Link to the database
Column in the table
column of the table

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
DB String Callout: The Column Name indicates
Name of the column
Column org.compiere.model.Callout_AD_Column.columnName the name of a column on a
in the database
Name table as defined in the database.

4. Tab: Used in Process Parameter - AD_Process_Para


LinkColumn: System Element

Tab Level: 1

Table 221.4. Used in Process Parameter Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Process Table The Process field identifies
Direct adprocess_adprocesspara Process or Report a unique Process or
Report in the system.
Process ID
DB String The Column Name indicates
Name of the column
Column the name of a column on a
in the database
Name table as defined in the database.

5. Tab: Used in Info Column - AD_InfoColumn


LinkColumn: System Element

Tab Level: 1

Table 221.5. Used in Info Column Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Info Table Info and search/ The Info window is used to
Window Direct select Window search and select records as

Window: Element

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
well as display information
relevant to the selection.
Info ID Column in the Info Window for
Column display and/or selection. If used
for selection, the column cannot
Info Window Column be a SQL expression. The SQL
clause must be fully qualified
based on the FROM clause in
the Info Window definition
DB String The Column Name indicates
Name of the column
Column the name of a column on a
in the database
Name table as defined in the database.

Chapter 222. Window: Entity Type
Description: Maintain System Entity Type

Comment/Help: The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "iDempiere" should not be used and are
maintainted by iDempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition).

Created:2006-06-11 11:22:09.0

Updated:2006-06-11 11:41:58.0

1. Tab: Entity Type - AD_EntityType


Description: System Entity Type

Comment/Help: The entity type determines the ownership of Application Dictionary entries. The types "Dictionary" and "iDempiere" should not be used and are
maintainted by iDempiere (i.e. all changes are reversed during migration to the current definition).

Tab Level: 0

Table 222.1. Entity Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Entity ID The entity type determines
Type the ownership of Application
Dictionary entries. The types
"Dictionary" and "iDempiere"
System Entity Type
should not be used and are
maintainted by iDempiere (i.e.
all changes are reversed during
migration to the current definition).
Client Table (0) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (0) (see same above)
(same as first report)
Entity String The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Dictionary Entity
Type "iDempiere" and "Application"
Type; Determines
might be automatically

Window: Entity Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
synchronized and customizations
ownership and deleted or overwritten. For
synchronization customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Version String Version of the The Version indicates the
table definition version of this table definition.
Classpath String If your appplication requires
additional jar files, enter them
Extension Classpath here. The jar files must be located
lib directory.
ModelPackage String By default, the Java model
classes for extensions are in
the compiere.model package.
If you provide a jar file in the
classpath, you can define here
Java Package of your specific model package.
the model classes The model classes are used to
save/modify/delete entries and
as well as in Workflow. Refer to
the Compiere naming convention
to make sure that your class is
used rather then the base classes.

Window: Entity Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Register Button

2. Tab: System Modifin - AD_Modification


Description: System Modification or Extension

Comment/Help: Description of the System modification or extension

LinkColumn: Entity Type

Tab Level: 1

Table 222.2. System Modifin Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Modification ID System Modification Description of the System
or Extension modification or extension
Client Table AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (see same above)
(same as first report)
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
adenritytype_admodification synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Sequence Integer (@SQL=SELECT The Sequence indicates
COALESCE(MAX(SeqNo),0)+10 Method of ordering the order of records
AS DefaultValue records; lowest
FROM number comes first

Window: Entity Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (same as first report) (see same above)
Version String Version of the The Version indicates the
table definition version of this table definition.

Chapter 223. Window: Error Message
Description: Display Error Messages

Comment/Help: The Error Message Window displays all error messages generated. This is for System Admin use only. The records must be manually deleted.

Created:2000-09-15 14:51:56.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Error Message - AD_Error


Description: Error Message

Comment/Help: The Error Message Tab displays error messages that have been generated. They can be deleted with an automated clean up process.

Tab Level: 0

Table 223.1. Error Message Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Error ID
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlangu_aderror the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting

Window: Error Message

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Validation String The Validation Code displays the
Validation Code
code date, time and message of the error.

Chapter 224. Window: Expense Report
Description: Time and Expense Report

Comment/Help: The time and expense report allows you to capture time spent on a project, billable time and to claim expenses.

Created:2002-06-15 22:08:17.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Expense Report - S_TimeExpense


Description: Time and Expense Report

Comment/Help: Enter the time and expenses for the Employee or Contractor (Business Partner). The price list determines the default costs of the expenses, products
or resource to be reimbursed. In that sense, it is a "Purchase Price" list. The Warehouse is used to correct the inventory of items invoiced to customers (i.e. if not
invoiced, the inventory is not adjusted). Please note that the Business Partner < b> must< /b> be an Employee with an Address and Contact!

Tab Level: 0

Table 224.1. Expense Report Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Expense ID Time and
Report Expense Report
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Process Yes-No
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
sequence number
system and determined by the
of the document
document type of the document.

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
which usually have an external
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Business Table C_BPartner A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Employee w Address Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Report Date (@#Date@) Expense/Time Date of Expense/Time Report
Date Report Date
Price List Table Price Lists are used to determine
Unique identifier
Direct mpricelist_stimeexpense the pricing, margin and cost
of a Price List
of items purchased or sold.
Approval Amount Document Approval Amount for Workflow
Amount Approval Amount
Warehouse Table The Warehouse identifies a unique
Storage Warehouse
Direct mwarehouse_stimeexpense Warehouse where products are
and Service Point
stored or Services are provided.

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Expenses Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.

2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine


Description: Time and Expense Report Line

Comment/Help: Enter the expense items and billable or non-billable hours. If you enter a non-zero amount in Invoiced Amount, that amount will be used for billing
the customer - otherwise the price on the current sales price list of the customer.

Read Only Logic: @Processed@=Y

Tab Level: 1

Table 224.2. Report Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sales Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
corderline_stimeexpenseline Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Expense ID Time and Expense
Line Report Line
Time Type Table Differentiate time types
Direct stimetype_stimeexpenseline Type of time recorded for reporting purposes
(In parallel to Activities)
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_stimeexpenseline Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Price Costs The priced invoiced The invoiced price is derived
Invoiced +Prices to the customer from the Invoice Price entered
(in the currency and can be overwritten. If the
of the customer's price is 0, the default price on
AR price list) - 0 the customer's invoice is used.
for default price
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Expense Table Time and
Report Direct Expense Report
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Expense Date (@DateExpense@; Date of expense
Date of expense
Date @DateReport@)

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Time Yes-No Line is a time report The line contains
Report only (no expense) only time information
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y'Callout: sold in this organization.
Product, Service, Item
ReadOnly Logic:
Resource Assignment Callout:
sresourceassign_steline Resource Assignment
Assignment org.compiere.model.CalloutAssignment.product
Quantity Quantity (1) ReadOnly Logic: The Quantity indicates the
@S_ResourceAssignment_ID@! Quantity number of a specific product
0 or item for this document.
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
cuom_stimeexpenseline Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Expense Amount Callout: Amount for Expense amount in currency
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount
this expense
Currency Table (@$C_Currency_ID@) Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_stimeexpenseline
org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Invoice Costs Unit Price in the currency of
Price +Prices Unit price to be the business partner! If it is
invoiced or 0 0, the standard price of the
for default price sales price list of the business
partner (customer) is used.
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_stimeexpenseline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_stimeexpenseline IS NULL OR Financial Project
Project Table C_ProjectPhase.C_Project_ID=@C_Project_ID@
cprojectphase_stimeexpenseline Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Project Table C_ProjectTask.C_ProjectPhase_ID=@C_ProjectPhase_ID@
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_stimeexpenseline AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Quantity Quantity The reimbursed quantity is
Reimbursed The reimbursed derived from the entered quantity
quantity and can be overwritten when
approving the expense report.

Window: Expense Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Price Costs The reimbursed The reimbursed price is derived
Reimbursed +Prices price (in currency from the converted price and
of the employee's can be overwritten when
AP price list) approving the expense report.

Chapter 225. Window: Expense Type
Description: Maintain Expense Report Types

Comment/Help: null

Created:2002-06-15 21:53:30.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Expense Type - S_ExpenseType


Description: Maintain Expense Report Type

Tab Level: 0

Table 225.1. Expense Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Expense ID
Expense report type
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
cuom_sexpensetype Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Product Table Identifies the category which
Category Direct this product belongs to.
mproductcategory_sexpensetype Category of a Product
Product categories are used
for pricing and selection.
Tax Table The Tax Category provides a
Category Direct method of grouping similar
ctaxcategory_sexpensetype Tax Category
taxes. For example, Sales
Tax or Value Added Tax.

2. Tab: Expense Product - M_Product


Description: Product definition of Expense Type

LinkColumn: Expense Type

Tab Level: 1

Table 225.2. Expense Product Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight Table Freight Categories are used
Category Direct mfreightcategory_mproduct Category of the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Expense Table
sexpensetype_mproduct Expense report type
Type Direct
Units Per Costs The Units per Pallet indicates
Pallet +Prices Units Per Pallet the number of units of this
product which fit on a pallet.

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Shelf Integer The Shelf Width indicates
Width Shelf width required the width dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Shelf Integer The Shelf Depth indicates
Depth Shelf depth required the depth dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Print detail Yes-No The Print Details on Pick List
Print detail
records on indicates that the BOM element
BOM elements
pick list products will print on the Pick
on the pick list
List as opposed to this product.
Verified Yes-No (N) The Verified check box indicates
The BOM if the configuration of this
configuration product has been verified.
has been verified This is used for products that
consist of a bill of materials
Stocked Yes-No (Y) ReadOnly Logic: The Stocked check box
@ProductType@=R | Organization indicates if this product is
@ProductType@=E | stocks this product stocked by this Organization.
Verify Button (N)
Min Integer When selecting batch/products
Guarantee with a guarantee date, the
Minimum number
Days minimum left guarantee days
of guarantee days
for automatic picking. You can
pick any batch/product manually.
Self- Yes-No (Y) Self-Service allows users to enter
Service This is a Self-Service data or update their data. The flag
entry or this entry indicates, that this record was
can be changed entered or created via Self-Service
via Self-Service or that the user can change it via
the Self-Service functionality.
Locator Locator The Locator indicates where in a
mlocator_mproduct Warehouse Locator
(WH) Warehouse a product is located.

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Bill of Yes-No (N) ReadOnly Logic: The Bill of Materials check
Materials @ProductType@=R | box indicates if this product
Bill of Materials
@ProductType@=E | consists of a bill of materials.
Featured in Yes-No In the display of products in
Web Store If selected, the the Web Store, the product is
product is displayed displayed in the initial view or
in the initial or if no search criteria are entered.
any empty search To be displayed, the product
must be in the price list used.
Print detail Yes-No The Print Details on Invoice
records on Print detail BOM indicates that the BOM element
invoice elements on the invoice products will print on the Invoice
as opposed to this product.
Drop Yes-No Drop Shipments do not cause
Shipment Drop Shipments any Inventory reservations or
are sent from the movements as the Shipment is
Vendor directly from the Vendor's inventory. The
to the Customer Shipment of the Vendor to the
Customer must be confirmed.
Shelf Amount The Shelf Height indicates
Height Shelf height required the height dimension required
on a shelf for a product
Weight Amount The Weight indicates the
Weight of a product weight of the product in the
Weight UOM of the Client
Mail Table The Mail Template indicates the
Template Direct mail template for return messages.
Mail text can include variables.
The priority of parsing is User/
Text templates Contact, Business Partner and
for mailings then the underlying business
object (like Request, Dunning,
Workflow object). So, @Name@
would resolve into the User
name (if user is defined defined),

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
then Business Partner name (if
business partner is defined) and
then the Name of the business
object if it has a Name. For Multi-
Lingual systems, the template is
translated based on the Business
Partner's language selection.
Attribute Product The values of the actual
Set Attribute Product Attribute Product Attribute Instances.
Instance Set Instance The product level attributes
are defined on Product level.
Resource Table
sresource_mproduct Resource
Subscription Table Subscription type and
csubscriptiontype_mproduct Type of subscription
Type Direct renewal frequency
Product ID Identifies an item which
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Attribute Table Define Product Attribute Sets to
Set Direct add additional attributes and values
mattributeset_mproduct Product Attribute Set to the product. You need to define a
Attribute Set if you want to enable
Serial and Lot Number tracking.
Guarantee Integer If the value is 0, there is no
Days Number of days limit to the availability or
the product is guarantee, otherwise the guarantee
guaranteed or available date is calculated by adding
the days to the delivery date.
Version String
Version Number
Volume Amount The Volume indicates the
Volume of a product volume of the product in the
Volume UOM of the Client
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_mproduct (same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct ad_org_mproduct OR (same as first report)
Search String ReadOnly Logic: (see same above)
Key @ProductType@=R |
(same as first report)
@ProductType@=E |
Name String ReadOnly Logic: The name of an entity (record)
@ProductType@=R | is used as an default search
@ProductType@=E | option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
@ProductType@=O search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String ReadOnly Logic: A description is limited
Optional short
@ProductType@=R | to 255 characters.
@ProductType@=E |
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Document Text The Document Note is used
Additional information
Note for recording any additional
for a Document
information regarding this product.
UPC/EAN String Use this field to enter the bar
code for the product in any
of the bar code symbologies
Bar Code (Universal
(Codabar, Code 25, Code 39,
Product Code or its
Code 93, Code 128, UPC (A),
superset European
UPC (E), EAN-13, EAN-8, ITF,
Article Number)
MSI/Plessey, and Pharmacode)
SKU String The SKU indicates a user defined
stock keeping unit. It may be
Stock Keeping Unit
used for an additional bar code
symbols or your own schema.

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Product Table M_Product Category ReadOnly Logic: Identifies the category which
Category Direct @ProductType@=R | this product belongs to.
mproduct_mproductcategory Category of a Product
@ProductType@=E | Product categories are used
@ProductType@=O for pricing and selection.
Classification String Classification The Classification can be used
for grouping to optionally group products.
Tax Table ReadOnly Logic: The Tax Category provides a
Category Direct @ProductType@=R | method of grouping similar
ctaxcategory_mproduct Tax Category
@ProductType@=E | taxes. For example, Sales
@ProductType@=O Tax or Value Added Tax.
Revenue Table The Revenue Recognition
Method for
Recognition Direct crevrecognition_mproduct indicates how revenue will be
recording revenue
recognized for this product
UOM Table ReadOnly Logic: The UOM defines a unique
Direct @ProductType@=R | non monetary Unit of Measure
cuom_mproduct Unit of Measure
@ProductType@=E |
Sales Table AD_User - SalesRep The Sales Representative
Representative Sales Representative indicates the Sales Rep for
or Company Agent this Region. Any Sales Rep
must be a valid internal user.
Product List Item Service Resource The type of product also determines
Type Expense type Type of product accounting consequences.
Online Asset (I)
Purchased Yes-No (Y) The Purchased check box
indicates if this product is
purchases this product
purchased by this organization.

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Sold Yes-No (Y) Organization The Sold check box indicates if this
sells this product product is sold by this organization.
Discontinued Yes-No The Discontinued check
This product is no
box indicates a product
longer available
that has been discontinued.
Discontinued Date Discontinued At
At indicates Date
when product
was discontinued
Image URL URL of image; The image
URL is not stored in the database,
URL of image
but retrieved at runtime. The
image can be a gif, jpeg or png.
Description URL URL for the
URL description

3. Tab: Price - M_ProductPrice


Description: Expense Type Pricing

Comment/Help: The Pricing Tab displays the List, Standard and Limit prices for each price list a product is contained in.

LinkColumn: Product

Tab Level: 2

Table 225.3. Price Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_mproductprice AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Price List Table Each Price List can have multiple
Version Direct Identifies a unique versions. The most common
instance of a Price List use is to indicate the dates
that a Price List is valid for.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
List Price Costs The List Price is the official List
List Price
+Prices Price in the document currency.
Standard Costs The Standard Price indicates
Price +Prices Standard Price the standard or normal price
for a product on this price list
Limit Price Costs The Price Limit indicates the
Lowest price
+Prices lowest price for a product stated
for a product
in the Price List Currency.

4. Tab: Accounting - M_Product_Acct


Description: Define Accounting Parameters

Comment/Help: The Accounting Tab defines the defaults to use when generating accounting transactions for orders and invoices which contain this Expense Type.
Not all accounts apply.

LinkColumn: Product

Tab Level: 2

Table 225.4. Accounting Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Product Table Identifies an item which
Direct m_product_m_product_acct Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_mproductacct Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Product Account The Product Asset Account
Account for Product
Asset vc_passet_mproduct indicates the account used for
Asset (Inventory)
valuing this a product in inventory.
Product Account The Product Expense
Expense Account for Account indicates the account
Product Expense used to record expenses
associated with this product.
Product Account The Product COGS Account
COGS Account for Cost indicates the account used
of Goods Sold when recording costs
associated with this product.
Purchase Account The Purchase Price Variance is
Difference between
Price used in Standard Costing. It reflects
vc_ppurchasepv_mproduct Standard Cost and
Variance the difference between the Standard
Purchase Price (PPV)
Cost and the Purchase Order Price.
Invoice Account Difference between The Invoice Price Variance is used
Price vc_pinvoicepv_mproduct Costs and Invoice reflects the difference between the
Variance Price (IPV) current Costs and the Invoice Price.
Trade Account The Trade Discount Receivables
Discount Trade Discount Account indicates the
Received Receivable Account account for received trade
discounts in vendor invoices

Window: Expense Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Trade Account The Trade Discount Granted
Discount Trade Discount Account indicates the
Granted Granted Account account for granted trade
discount in sales invoices
Product Account The Product Revenue
Account for
Revenue Account indicates the account
vc_prevenue_mproduct Product Revenue
used for recording sales
(Sales Account)
revenue for this product.

Chapter 226. Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)
Description: View expenses and charges not reimbursed

Comment/Help: Before reimbursing expenses, check the open expense items

Created:2003-02-06 12:27:51.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Employee, Vendor - C_BPartner


Description: Business Partner to be reimbursed

Comment/Help: Select the business partner to be reimbursed.

Where Clause: C_BPartner.C_BPartner_ID IN (SELECT DISTINCT C_BPartner_ID FROM S_TimeExpense WHERE Processed='Y')

Tab Level: 0

Table 226.1. Employee, Vendor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Company Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Agent if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales
sales representative
representative may also be an
or company agent
employee, but does not need to be.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT Price List used by by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM this Business Partner purchased by this organization.

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Company Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Agent FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Price List Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate After calculation of the (standard)
Schema not PL mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount price, the trade discount percentage

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
One time Yes-No
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Reference String Your customer or The reference number can be
No vendor number at the printed on orders and invoices
Business Partner's site

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
to allow your business partner
to faster identify your records.
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Defines the
Line Complete delivered. For example should
timing of Delivery
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
the entire order is complete,

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' How you pay the method of invoice payment.
Credit Direct Debit the invoice
Mixed POS Payment

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine


Description: Time and Expense Report Line (not reimbursed)

Comment/Help: View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense header where the expense lines
were not invoiced yet.

LinkColumn: Client

Where Clause: S_TimeExpenseLine.ConvertedAmt < > 0 AND S_TimeExpenseLine.C_InvoiceLine_ID IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM
S_TimeExpense t WHERE t.S_TimeExpense_ID=S_TimeExpenseLine.S_TimeExpense_ID AND t.C_BPartner_ID=@C_BPartner_ID@ AND t.Processed='Y')

Tab Level: 1

Table 226.2. Report Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Costs Unit Price in the currency of
Price +Prices Unit price to be the business partner! If it is
invoiced or 0 0, the standard price of the
for default price sales price list of the business
partner (customer) is used.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Purchase Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
corderline_stimeexpenseline Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.
Expense ID Time and Expense
Line Report Line
Price Costs The priced invoiced The invoiced price is derived
Invoiced +Prices to the customer from the Invoice Price entered
(in the currency and can be overwritten. If the
of the customer's price is 0, the default price on
AR price list) - 0 the customer's invoice is used.
for default price
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Expense Table Time and
Report Direct Expense Report
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Expense Date (@DateExpense@; Date of expense
Date of expense
Date @DateReport@)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Time Yes-No Line is a time report The line contains
Report only (no expense) only time information
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_stimeexpenseline Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
Product, Service, Item sold in this organization.
ReadOnly Logic:

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Resource Assignment Callout:
sresourceassign_steline Resource Assignment
Assignment org.compiere.model.CalloutAssignment.product
Quantity Quantity (1) ReadOnly Logic: The Quantity indicates the
@S_ResourceAssignment_ID@! Quantity number of a specific product
0 or item for this document.
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
cuom_stimeexpenseline Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Quantity Quantity The reimbursed quantity is
Reimbursed The reimbursed derived from the entered quantity
quantity and can be overwritten when
approving the expense report.
Expense Amount Callout: Amount for Expense amount in currency
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount
this expense
Currency Table (@$C_Currency_ID@) Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_stimeexpenseline
org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Price Costs The reimbursed The reimbursed price is derived
Reimbursed +Prices price (in currency from the converted price and
of the employee's can be overwritten when
AP price list) approving the expense report.
Time Type Table Differentiate time types
Direct stimetype_stimeexpenseline Type of time recorded for reporting purposes
(In parallel to Activities)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Expenses (not reimbursed)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_stimeexpenseline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_stimeexpenseline IS NULL OR Financial Project
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_stimeexpenseline AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Project Table C_ProjectPhase.C_Project_ID=@C_Project_ID@
cprojectphase_stimeexpenseline Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Project Table C_ProjectTask.C_ProjectPhase_ID=@C_ProjectPhase_ID@
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.

Chapter 227. Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)
Description: View expenses and charges not invoiced to customers

Comment/Help: Before invoicing to customers, check the expense lines to be invoiced

Created:2002-07-14 18:54:12.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Customer - C_BPartner


Description: Business Partner (Customers) to be invoiced

Where Clause: C_BPartner.C_BPartner_ID IN (SELECT C_BPartner_ID FROM S_TimeExpenseLine WHERE IsInvoiced='Y' AND C_OrderLine_ID IS NULL)

Tab Level: 0

Table 227.1. Customer Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_cbpartner OR (same as first report)
Tax ID String The Tax ID field identifies the legal
Tax Identification
Identification number of this Entity.
Reference String The reference number can be
Your customer or
No printed on orders and invoices
vendor number at the
to allow your business partner
Business Partner's site
to faster identify your records.
Discount Yes-No The Discount Printed Checkbox
Print Discount on
Printed indicates if the discount will
Invoice and Order
be printed on the document.
Document Integer The Document Copies indicates
Number of copies
Copies the number of copies of each
to be printed
document that will be generated.

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Actual Amount The Actual Life Time Value
Life Time Actual Life is the recorded revenue in
Value Time Revenue primary accounting currency
generated by the Business Partner.
Employee Yes-No The Employee checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is an
Business Partner Employee. If it is selected,
is an employee additional fields will display which
further identify this employee.
Summary Yes-No A summary entity represents
Level a branch in a tree rather than
This is a
an end-node. Summary entities
summary entity
are used for reporting and
do not have own values.
Send Yes-No Send emails with document
Enable sending
EMail attached (e.g. Invoice,
Document EMail
Delivery Note, etc.)
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
URL URL Full URL address The URL defines an fully
- e.g. http:// qualified web address like
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_cbpartner (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Purchase Table M_PriceList M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Identifies the price list used
Pricelist = 'N' AND (SELECT by a Vendor for products
COUNT(*) FROM purchased by this organization.
Price List used by
mpricelistpo_cbuspartner WHERE
this Business Partner
Order String The Order Description identifies
Description to be
Description the standard description to use
used on orders
on orders for this Customer.

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Amount The Credit Limit indicates the total
Limit amount allowed "on account" in
Total outstanding primary accounting currency. If
invoice amounts the Credit Limit is 0, no check is
allowed performed. Credit Management is
based on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Flat Number
Flat discount
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Vendor Yes-No The Vendor checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is
Business Partner a Vendor. If it is selected,
is a Vendor additional fields will display
which further identify this vendor.
Credit List Credit Hold Credit Credit Management is inactive if
Status Watch No Credit Credit Status is No Credit Check,
Check Credit Credit Stop or if the Credit Limit
Stop Credit OK is 0. If active, the status is set
Business Partner automatically set to Credit Hold, if
Credit Status the Total Open Balance (including
Vendor activities) is higher then
the Credit Limit. It is set to Credit
Watch, if above 90% of the Credit
Limit and Credit OK otherwise.
Acquisition Costs The Acquisition Cost identifies
The cost of gaining the
Cost +Prices the cost associated with making
prospect as a customer
this prospect a customer.
Business ID A Business Partner is anyone
Partner Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Rating String Classification The Rating is used to
or Importance differentiate the importance
PO Table M_DiscountSchema Schema to calculate
Discount not PL mdiscountspo_cbpartner the purchase trade
Schema discount percentage
Language Table AD_Language System The Language identifies
Language for
ad_language_c_buspartner the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value The Payment Rule indicates the
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'B' AND Purchase method of purchase payment.
Credit Direct Debit AD_Ref_List.Value payment option
Mixed POS Payment < > 'M'
Invoice List After Delivery The Invoice Rule defines how
Rule Customer Schedule a Business Partner is invoiced
Frequency and
after Delivery and the frequency of invoicing.
method of invoicing
Immediate After
Order delivered
First Sale Date The First Sale Date identifies
Date of First Sale the date of the first sale
to this Business Partner
Delivery List Pickup Delivery The Delivery Via indicates
Via Shipper How the order how the products should be
will be delivered delivered. For example, will the
order be picked up or shipped.
Employees Integer Indicates the number of employees
Number of employees for this Business Partner. This
field displays only for Prospects.
Sales Integer Total Volume of The Sales Volume indicates
Volume Sales in Thousands the total volume of sales
in 1.000 of Currency for a Business Partner.
Invoice Table AD_PrintFormat You need to define a Print
Print Format for
Print Invoice adprintformatinv_cbpartner Format to print the document.
printing Invoices

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight List Freight included Fix The Freight Cost Rule
Method for
Cost Rule price Line Calculated indicates the method used
charging Freight
when charging for freight.
Invoice Table The Invoice Schedule
Schedule for
Schedule Direct cinvoiceschedule_cbpartner identifies the frequency used
generating Invoices
when generating invoices.
Min Shelf Integer Minimum Shelf Life of products
Life % with Guarantee Date instance. If
Minimum Shelf Life
> 0 you cannot select products
in percent based on
with a shelf life ((Guarantee Date-
Product Instance
Today) / Guarantee Days) less
Guarantee Date
than the minimum shelf life,
unless you select "Show All"
Credit Amount The Credit Used indicates the
Used total amount of open or unpaid
invoices in primary accounting
Current open balance currency for the Business Partner.
Credit Management is based
on the Total Open Amount,
which includes Vendor activities.
Dunning Table The Dunning indicates the
Dunning Rules for
Direct cdunning_cbpartner rules and method of dunning
overdue invoices
for past due payments.
Greeting Table Greeting to print The Greeting identifies the greeting
Direct on correspondence to print on correspondence.
Order String The business partner order
Reference reference is the order reference
Transaction Reference for this specific transaction; Often
Number (Sales Order, Purchase Order numbers are given
Purchase Order) of to print on Invoices for easier
your Business Partner reference. A standard number
can be defined in the Business
Partner (Customer) window.
Payment List Direct Deposit Credit AD_Ref_List.Value How you pay The Payment Rule indicates
Rule Card Check Cash On < > 'M' the invoice the method of invoice payment.

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Credit Direct Debit
Mixed POS Payment
Potential Amount The Potential Life Time Value
Life Time Total Revenue is the anticipated revenue in
Value expected primary accounting currency to be
generated by the Business Partner.
Partner ID The parent (organization)
Parent cbpartner_cpbartnerparent Business Partner Parent of the Business Partner
for reporting purposes.
D-U-N-S String Dun %26 Used for EDI - For details see
Bradstreet Number
Discount Table M_DiscountSchema After calculation of the (standard)
Schema to calculate
Schema not PL price, the trade discount percentage
mdiscounts_cbpartner the trade discount
is calculated and applied
resulting in the final price.
PO Table C_PaymentTerm The PO Payment Term indicates
Payment Purchases Payment rules for the payment term that will
Term a purchase order be used when this purchase
order becomes an invoice.
Business Table The Business Partner Group
Partner Direct provides a method of defining
cbpgroup_cbpartner Business Partner Group
Group defaults to be used for
individual Business Partners.
NAICS/ String Standard Industry Code The NAICS/SIC identifies
SIC or its successor NAIC - either of these codes that may be applicable to this Business Partner.
Delivery List After Receipt The Delivery Rule indicates
Rule Availability Complete when an order should be
Line Complete delivered. For example should
Defines the
Order Manual Force the order be delivered when
timing of Delivery
the entire order is complete,
when a line is complete or as
the products become available.

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Share Integer Share of Customer's The Share indicates the percentage
business as of this Business Partner's
a percentage volume of the products supplied.
Sales Table AD_User EXISTS (SELECT * The Sales Representative
Representative FROM C_BPartner indicates the Sales Rep for
bp WHERE Sales Representative this Region. Any Sales Rep
or Company Agent must be a valid internal user.
Link Button ReadOnly Logic: The business partner is another
Organization @AD_OrgBP_ID@!0 organization in the system. So
when performing transactions,
the counter-document is created
The Business Partner is automatically. Example: You have
another Organization BPartnerA linked to OrgA and
for explicit Inter- BPartnerB linked to OrgB. If you
Org transactions create a sales order for BPartnerB
in OrgA a purchase order is created
for BPartnerA in OrgB. This
allows to have explicit documents
for Inter-Org transactions.
Prospect Yes-No (N) Indicates this The Prospect checkbox indicates
is a Prospect an entity that is an active prospect.
SO Tax Yes-No If a business partner is exempt
exempt from tax on sales, the exempt tax
rate is used. For this, you need to
Business partner
set up a tax rate with a 0% rate
is exempt from
and indicate that this is your tax
tax on sales
exempt rate. This is required for
tax reporting, so that you can
track tax exempt transactions.
One time Yes-No
Sales Yes-No The Sales Rep checkbox indicates
Indicates if the
Representative if this business partner is a
business partner is a
sales representative. A sales

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
sales representative representative may also be an
or company agent employee, but does not need to be.
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Name 2 String Additional Name
Customer Yes-No The Customer checkbox indicates
Indicates if this if this Business Partner is a
Business Partner customer. If it is select additional
is a Customer fields will display which
further define this customer.
Price List Table M_PriceList.IsSOPriceList Price Lists are used to determine
Direct = 'Y' AND (SELECT the pricing, margin and cost
COUNT(*) FROM of items purchased or sold.
Unique identifier
mpricelist_cbpartner WHERE
of a Price List
Payment Table C_PaymentTerm Sales The terms of Payment Payment Terms identify the
Term (timing, discount) method and timing of payment.
Open Amount The Total Open Balance Amount is
Balance the calculated open item amount for
Customer and Vendor activity. If
Total Open Balance the Balance is below zero, we owe
Amount in primary the Business Partner. The amount
Accounting Currency is used for Credit Management.
Invoices and Payment Allocations
determine the Open Balance
(i.e. not Orders or Payments).

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

2. Tab: Report Line - S_TimeExpenseLine


Description: Time and Expense Report Line (not invoiced)

Comment/Help: View and modify Time and Expense Report Lines. It lists expense items for the business partner on the expense line where the expense lines have
no orders yet. (Sales Orders are created).

LinkColumn: Business Partner

Where Clause: S_TimeExpenseLine.IsInvoiced='Y' AND S_TimeExpenseLine.C_OrderLine_ID IS NULL AND EXISTS (SELECT * FROM S_TimeExpense t
WHERE t.S_TimeExpense_ID=S_TimeExpenseLine.S_TimeExpense_ID AND t.Processed='Y')

Tab Level: 1

Table 227.2. Report Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Invoice Search The Invoice Line
Line cinvoiceline_stimeexpenseline Invoice Detail Line uniquely identifies a
single line of an Invoice.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Price Costs The reimbursed The reimbursed price is derived
Reimbursed +Prices price (in currency from the converted price and
of the employee's can be overwritten when
AP price list) approving the expense report.
Expense ID Time and Expense
Line Report Line
Quantity Quantity The reimbursed quantity is
Reimbursed The reimbursed derived from the entered quantity
quantity and can be overwritten when
approving the expense report.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Expense Table Time and
Report Direct Expense Report
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Expense Date (@DateExpense@; Date of expense
Date of expense
Date @DateReport@)
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Time Yes-No Line is a time report The line contains
Report only (no expense) only time information
Invoiced Yes-No Is this invoiced? If selected, invoices are created
Sales Search The Sales Order Line is a unique
corderline_stimeexpenseline Sales Order Line
Order Line identifier for a line in an order.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
AND is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y'Callout: sold in this organization.
Product, Service, Item
ReadOnly Logic:
Resource Assignment Callout:
sresourceassign_steline Resource Assignment
Assignment org.compiere.model.CalloutAssignment.product

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Quantity Quantity (1) ReadOnly Logic: The Quantity indicates the
@S_ResourceAssignment_ID@! Quantity number of a specific product
0 or item for this document.
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
cuom_stimeexpenseline Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Quantity Quantity The Invoiced Quantity indicates
Invoiced Invoiced Quantity the quantity of a product
that have been invoiced.
Expense Amount Callout: Amount for Expense amount in currency
Amount org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount
this expense
Currency Table (@$C_Currency_ID@) Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_stimeexpenseline
org.compiere.model.CalloutTimeExpense.amount be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Invoice Costs Unit Price in the currency of
Price +Prices Unit price to be the business partner! If it is
invoiced or 0 0, the standard price of the
for default price sales price list of the business
partner (customer) is used.
Converted Amount The Converted Amount is the
Amount result of multiplying the Source
Converted Amount
Amount by the Conversion
Rate for this target currency.
Price Costs The priced invoiced The invoiced price is derived
Invoiced +Prices to the customer from the Invoice Price entered
(in the currency and can be overwritten. If the
of the customer's price is 0, the default price on
AR price list) - 0 the customer's invoice is used.
for default price
Time Type Table Differentiate time types
Direct stimetype_stimeexpenseline Type of time recorded for reporting purposes
(In parallel to Activities)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Expenses (to be invoiced)

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Note Text Optional additional The Note field allows for
user defined optional entry of user defined
information information regarding this record
Campaign Table C_Campaign.IsActive='Y' The Campaign defines a
Direct AND unique marketing program.
C_Campaign.IsSummary='N' Projects can be associated
ccampaign_stimeexpenseline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Project Table C_Project.IsSummary='N' A Project allows you to
Direct AND track and control internal
(C_Project.C_BPartner_ID or external activities.
cproject_stimeexpenseline IS NULL OR Financial Project
Activity Table C_Activity.IsActive='Y' Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_stimeexpenseline AND Business Activity are performed and used to
C_Activity.IsSummary='N' utilize Activity based Costing
Project Table C_ProjectPhase.C_Project_ID=@C_Project_ID@
cprojectphase_stimeexpenseline Phase of a Project
Phase Direct
Project Table C_ProjectTask.C_ProjectPhase_ID=@C_ProjectPhase_ID@
Actual Project A Project Task in a Project
Task Direct Task in a Phase Phase represents the actual work.

Chapter 228. Window: Export Format
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-03-05 00:52:09.0

Updated:2009-12-01 22:44:58.0

1. Tab: Export Format - EXP_Format


Tab Level: 0

Table 228.1. Export Format Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Create Button
from a
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Version String Version of the The Version indicates the
table definition version of this table definition.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Export Format

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Table Search Database Table The Database Table provides the
information information of the table definition
Sql Text The Where Clause indicates
WHERE the SQL WHERE clause to
Fully qualified SQL use for record selection. The
WHERE clause WHERE clause is added to the
query. Fully qualified means
Test Button
Test Button
Export ID

2. Tab: Export Format Line - EXP_FormatLine


Tab Level: 1

Table 228.2. Export Format Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Format ID

Window: Export Format

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Export Table
Format Direct
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Position Integer (@SQL=SELECT
AS DefaultValue
Mandatory Yes-No Data entry is required The field must have a value for the
in this column record to be saved to the database.
Type List XML Element The Type indicates the
Type of Validation
Referenced EXP type of validation that will
(SQL, Java Script,
Format XML occur. This can be SQL, Java
Java Language)
Script or Java Language.

Window: Export Format

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Attribute Embedded
EXP Format (E)
Column Search AD_Column.AD_Table_ID=@AD_Table_ID@ Link to the database
adcolumn_expformatline Column in the table
column of the table
Is Part Yes-No (N)
Embedded Table EXP_Format
Reference Table AD_Reference System Reference The Reference could be a display
Data Types and Validation type, list or table validation.
Date String ReadOnly Logic: The date format is usually detected,
Format @AD_Reference_ID@! but sometimes need to be defined.
Date format used
15 %26
in the input format

Chapter 229. Window: Export Processor
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-03-05 00:53:10.0

Updated:2008-03-05 00:53:10.0

1. Tab: Export Processor - EXP_Processor


Tab Level: 0

Table 229.1. Export Processor Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Export ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Export Table
Processor Direct expprocessortype_expprocessor

Window: Export Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Host String
Port Integer
Account String
Password String

2. Tab: Export Processor Parameter - EXP_ProcessorParameter


Tab Level: 1

Table 229.2. Export Processor Parameter Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Processor ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Export Table
Processor Direct
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)

Window: Export Processor

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Parameter String

Chapter 230. Window: Export Processor Type
Description: null

Comment/Help: null

Created:2008-03-05 00:53:56.0

Updated:2008-03-05 00:53:56.0

1. Tab: Export Processor Type - EXP_Processor_Type


Tab Level: 0

Table 230.1. Export Processor Type Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Export ID
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record

Window: Export Processor Type

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Active Yes-No ('Y') (same as first report) (see same above)
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Java Class String

Chapter 231. Window: Field Group
Description: Define Field Group

Comment/Help: The Field Group Window allows you to define subsections in a tab. For System Admin use only.

Created:2001-01-11 17:28:09.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Field group - AD_FieldGroup


Description: System Admin use only. Field Groups allow for grouping of fields within a window

Tab Level: 0

Table 231.1. Field group Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Field ID The Field Group indicates the
Logical grouping
Group logical group that this field belongs
of fields
to (History, Amounts, Quantities)
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: Dictionary Entity The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D Type; Determines "iDempiere" and "Application"

Window: Field Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
might be automatically
synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Field List Tab Label Collapse
Collapsed Yes-No (N) Flag to set the
By Default initial state of
collapsible field group.

2. Tab: Translation - AD_FieldGroup_Trl


Tab Level: 1

Table 231.2. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Field Table The Field Group indicates the
Logical grouping
Group Direct adfieldgroup_trl logical group that this field belongs
of fields
to (History, Amounts, Quantities)
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_adfieldgrouptrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.

Window: Field Group

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

3. Tab: Used in Field - AD_Field


LinkColumn: Field Group

Tab Level: 1

Table 231.3. Used in Field Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Tab Table The Tab indicates a tab that
ad_tab_field Tab within a Window
Direct displays within a window.
Field ID Field on a The Field identifies a
database table field on a database table.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Chapter 232. Window: Financial Report
Description: Maintain Financial Reports

Comment/Help: Financial Reports are the combination of a Report Column Set and Line Set.

Created:2001-05-13 09:38:47.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Financial Report - PA_Report


Tab Level: 0

Table 232.1. Financial Report Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Financial ID
Financial Report
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_pareport OR (same as first report)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_pareport Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Calendar Table The Calendar uniquely identifies
Direct an accounting calendar. Multiple
calendars can be used. For
ccalendar_pareport example you may need a standard
Calendar Name
calendar that runs from Jan 1
to Dec 31 and a fiscal calendar
that runs from July 1 to June 30.

Window: Financial Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Report Table
Line Set Direct
Report Table The Report Column Set identifies
Collection of
Column Direct pareport_columnset the columns used in a Report.
Columns for Report
Report Table PA_ReportCube PA_ReportCube.C_Calendar_ID=@C_Calendar_ID@
Define reporting Summary data will be
Cube cube for pre- generated for each period of
calculation of summary the selected calendar, grouped
accounting data. by the selected dimensions..
Jasper Table AD_Process_JasperReports The Jasper Process
Process jasperprocess_pareport used by the printengine
if any process defined
List Yes-No List Report List the Source Accounts for
Sources Line Sources Summary Accounts selected
List Yes-No List the report List the transactions of
Transactions transactions the report source lines
Include Yes-No (N) List the Source Accounts with
Include source
source or without transactions for
accounts with no
accounts Summary Accounts selected
transaction for list
with no
report line sources
Create Button
Print Table (0) The print format determines
adprintformat_pareport Data Print Format
Format Direct how data is rendered for print.

Window: Financial Report

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Create Button

Chapter 233. Window: Form
Description: Special Forms

Comment/Help: The Forms Window defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only.

Created:2000-07-13 18:08:09.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Form - AD_Form


Description: Special Form

Comment/Help: The Forms Tab defines any window which is not automatically generated. For System Admin use only.

Tab Level: 0

Table 233.1. Form Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Special ID The Special Form field identifies a
Special Form
Form unique Special Form in the system.
AD_Form_UU String
jsp URL URL For the Web UI, define the
Web URL of URL to perform the function
the jsp function (usually a jsp). The URL also
can be external to the system.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
identifier of the entity
option in addition to the

Window: Form

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Beta Yes-No This functionality Beta functionality is not
Functionality is considered Beta fully tested or completed.
Entity Table _EntityTypeNew(U) ReadOnly Logic: The Entity Types "Dictionary",
Type @EntityType@=D "iDempiere" and "Application"
Dictionary Entity
might be automatically
Type; Determines
entityt_adform synchronized and customizations
ownership and
deleted or overwritten. For
customizations, copy the
entity and select "User"!
Data List System+Client Indicates the access level required
Access Client only Client for this record or process.
Access Level required
Level +Organization System
only All Organization
Classname String The Classname identifies
Java Classname the Java classname used
by this report or process.
Context Table AD_CtxHelp_ID
Help Direct IN (SELECT
adctxhelp_adform FROM AD_CtxHelp
CtxType IN ('A', 'F'))

Window: Form

2. Tab: Access - AD_Form_Access


Description: Form Access

Comment/Help: The Forms Access Tab defines the access rules for this form

LinkColumn: Special Form

Tab Level: 1

Table 233.2. Access Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Special Table The Special Form field identifies a
adform_adformaccess Special Form
Form Direct unique Special Form in the system.
Role Table The Role determines security
Direct adrole_adformaccess Responsibility Role and access a user who has this
Role will have in the System.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Read Yes-No The Read Write indicates that this
Field is read / write
Write field may be read and updated.

3. Tab: Translation - AD_Form_Trl


Tab Level: 1

Window: Form

Table 233.3. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Special Table The Special Form field identifies a
adform_adformtrl Special Form
Form Direct unique Special Form in the system.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
adlanguage_adformtrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Translated Yes-No This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.

Chapter 234. Window: Freight Category
Description: Maintain Freight Categories

Comment/Help: Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected

Created:2003-06-07 21:51:15.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Freight Category - M_FreightCategory


Description: Category of the Freight

Comment/Help: Freight Categories are used to calculate the Freight for the Shipper selected

Tab Level: 0

Table 234.1. Freight Category Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Freight ID Freight Categories are used
Category Category of the Freight to calculate the Freight
for the Shipper selected
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Search String (see same above)
(same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: Freight Category

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)

Chapter 235. Window: GL Budget
Description: Maintain General Ledger Budgets

Comment/Help: null

Created:1999-09-26 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Budget - GL_Budget


Description: The GL Budget Tab defines a General Ledger Budget

Comment/Help: The GL Budgets are used to define the anticipated costs of doing business. They are used in reporting as a comparison to actual amounts.

Tab Level: 0

Table 235.1. Budget Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Budget ID The General Ledger Budget
identifies a user defined
General Ledger Budget budget. These can be used
in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: GL Budget

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Primary Yes-No Indicates if this is The Primary checkbox indicates if
the primary budget this budget is the primary budget.
Budget List Approved Draft (D) The Budget Status indicates
Indicates the current
Status the current status of this
status of this budget
budget (i.e Draft, Approved)

Chapter 236. Window: GL Category
Description: Maintain General Ledger Categories

Comment/Help: The GL Category Window allows you to define categories to be used in journals. These categories provide a method of optionally grouping and
reporting on journals.

Created:1999-06-29 00:00:00.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: GL Category - GL_Category


Description: Define General Ledger Categories

Comment/Help: The GL Category Tab defines optional identifiers for a document or journal. Each Category may be used on a document, manual journal or import

Tab Level: 0

Table 236.1. GL Category Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
GL ID The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct OR (same as first report)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Window: GL Category

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Category List Manual Document The Category Type indicates
Type Import System the source of the journal for
Source of the Journal
generated (M) this category. Journals can be
with this category
generated from a document,
entered manually or imported.
Document List Material Production The Document Base Type
BaseType AP Credit Memo AR identifies the base or starting
Credit Memo GL point for a document. Multiple
Journal AP Invoice document types may share a
AP Payment AR single document base type.
Invoice Sales Order
AR Pro Forma Invoice
Material Receipt
Material Movement
Purchase Order Bank
Statement Cash Journal
Payment Allocation
Project Issue Match
PO Manufacturing Logical type
Order Quality Order of document
Payroll Manufacturing
Cost Collector
Match Invoice GL
Document AR Receipt
Material Delivery
Purchase Requisition
Material Physical
Inventory Maintenance
Order Distribution
Order Fixed Assets
Disposal Fixed Assets
Addition Fixed
Assets Depreciation

Window: GL Category

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Default Yes-No The Default Checkbox
Default value indicates if this record will
be used as a default value.

2. Tab: Translation - GL_Category_Trl


LinkColumn: GL Category

Tab Level: 1

Table 236.2. Translation Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) ReadOnly Logic: 1=1 (see same above)
ADClient_GLCategoryTrl (same as first report)
Organization Table (see same above)
ADOrg_GLCategoryTrl (same as first report)
GL Search The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category GLCategory_GLCategoryTrl is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Language Table AD_Language The Language identifies
Language for
ADLanguage_GLCategoryTrl the language to use for
this entity
display and formatting
Translated Yes-No (N) This column The Translated checkbox indicates
is translated if this column is translated.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.

Chapter 237. Window: GL Distribution
Description: General Ledger Distribution

Comment/Help: If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of
the distribution lines. The distribution is a one-step operation based on the percentage of the lines.

Created:2004-03-19 12:50:50.0

Updated:2000-01-02 00:00:00.0

1. Tab: Distribution - GL_Distribution


Description: General Ledger Distribution

Comment/Help: If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of the
distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the percentage of the lines. If the total percent is less then 100 and one line is 0 (null), it gets the remainder.
If there is no line with 0, any rounding is adjusted in the line with the biggest amount.

Tab Level: 0

Table 237.1. Distribution Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
GL ID If the account combination
Distribution criteria of the Distribution is
met, the posting to the account
combination is replaced by the
General Ledger
account combinations of the
distribution lines. The distribution
is prorated based on the ratio
of the lines. The distribution
must be valid to be used.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_gldist OR (same as first report)

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Name String The name of an entity (record)
is used as an default search
option in addition to the
identifier of the entity
search key. The name is up
to 60 characters in length.
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Comment/ Text The Help field contains
Help Comment or Hint a hint, comment or help
about the use of this item.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Accounting Table An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct defines the rules used in
cacctschema_gldist Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Create Yes-No (Y) Indicates that reversal
Reversal movement will be
created, if disabled the
original movement
will be deleted.
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Document Table The Document Type
Type Direct cdoctype_gldistribution Document type or rules determines document
sequence and processing rules
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Organization account segment will match.
Match any value of the If not selected, but no value
Organization segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) adorgorg_gldist (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Account account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the Account segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) cevalueacct_gldist Account used The (natural) account used
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Activity account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the Activity segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_gldist Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Product account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the Product segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_gldist AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Bus.Partner account segment will match.
Match any value
If not selected, but no value
of the Business
of the accounting segment is
Partner segment
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Project account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the Project segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Project Search A Project allows you to
cproject_gldist Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Campaign account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the Campaign segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_gldist Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Location account segment will match.
Match any value
From If not selected, but no value
of the Location
of the accounting segment is
From segment
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Location Table C_Location The Location From
Location that inventory
From clocfrom_gldist indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Location account segment will match.
To Match any value of the If not selected, but no value
Location To segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Location Table C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To clocto_gldist the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
Any Sales Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Region account segment will match.
Match any value of the If not selected, but no value
Sales Region segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Sales Table The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregopn_gldist Sales coverage region
Region Direct specific area of sales coverage.
Any Trx Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
Organization account segment will match.
Match any value
If not selected, but no value
of the Transaction
of the accounting segment is
Organization segment
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
User 1 account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the User 1 segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Any Yes-No (Y) If selected, any value of the
User 2 account segment will match.
Match any value of If not selected, but no value
the User 2 segment of the accounting segment is
selected, the matched value
must be null (i.e. not defined).
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Total Number Sum of the
Percent Percent details
Valid Yes-No (N) The element passed
Element is valid
the validation check
Verify Button

2. Tab: Line - GL_DistributionLine


Description: General Ledger Distribution Target Line

Comment/Help: If the account combination criteria of the Distribution is met, the posting to the account combination is replaced by the account combinations of
the distribution lines. The distribution is prorated based on the perecent value of the lines. A Percent value of 0 (null) indicates the remainder to 100. There can
only be one line with 0 percent.

Tab Level: 1

Table 237.2. Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
GL ID If the account combination criteria
Distribution of the Distribution is met, the
General Ledger
Line posting to the account combination
Distribution Line
is replaced by the account
combinations of the distribution

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
lines. The distribution is prorated
based on the ratio of the lines.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) (AD_Org.IsSummary='N' (see same above)
Direct adorg_gldistline OR (same as first report)
GL Table If the account combination
Distribution Direct criteria of the Distribution is
met, the posting to the account
combination is replaced by the
General Ledger
gldistribution_gldistline account combinations of the
distribution lines. The distribution
is prorated based on the ratio
of the lines. The distribution
must be valid to be used.
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Percent Number The Percent indicates
the percentage used.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the If not overwritten, the value of
Organization account segment the original account combination
Organization with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Organization Table AD_Org (Trx) adorgorg_gldistline (same as first report) (see same above)

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
Account the original account combination
segment Account with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
Account Table Account_ID (Trx) cevalueacct_gldistline Account used The (natural) account used
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
Activity the original account combination
segment Activity with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
Activity Table Activities indicate tasks that
Direct cactivity_gldistline Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
Product the original account combination
segment Product with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
Product Search M_Product.IsSummary='N' Identifies an item which
mproduct_gldistline AND Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
M_Product.IsActive='Y' sold in this organization.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the account If not overwritten, the value of
Bus.Partner segment Business the original account combination
Partner with the is used. If selected, but not
value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Business Search C_BPartner.IsActive='Y' A Business Partner is anyone
Partner AND Identifies a with whom you transact. This
C_BPartner.IsSummary='N' Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
Project the original account combination
segment Project with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
Project Table A Project allows you to
Direct cproject_gldistline Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the If not overwritten, the value of
Campaign account segment the original account combination
Campaign with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Campaign Table The Campaign defines a
Direct unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_gldistline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the If not overwritten, the value of
Location account segment the original account combination
From Location From with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Location Table C_Location The Location From
Location that inventory
From clocfrom_gldistline indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the If not overwritten, the value of
Location account segment the original account combination
To Location From with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Location Table C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To clocto_gldistline the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the If not overwritten, the value of
Sales account segment the original account combination
Region Sales Region with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.
Sales Table The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_gldistline Sales coverage region
Region Direct specific area of sales coverage.
Overwrite Yes-No Overwrite the account If not overwritten, the value of
Trx segment Transaction the original account combination
Organuzation Organization with is used. If selected, but not
the value specified specified, the segment is set to null.

Window: GL Distribution

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) The organization which performs
Organization or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
User1 the original account combination
segment User 1 with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
User Table Account_ID - User1 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 1 list element #1 that have been defined for
this account combination.
Overwrite Yes-No If not overwritten, the value of
Overwrite the account
User2 the original account combination
segment User 2 with
is used. If selected, but not
the value specified
specified, the segment is set to null.
User Table Account_ID - User2 The user defined element
Element User defined displays the optional elements
List 2 list element #2 that have been defined for
this account combination.

Chapter 238. Window: GL Journal
Description: Enter and change Manual Journal Entries

Comment/Help: The GL Journal Window allows you to enter and modify manual journal entries

Created:2012-07-23 11:18:20.0

Updated:2012-07-23 11:18:20.0

1. Tab: Journal - GL_Journal


Description: General Ledger Journal

Tab Level: 0

Table 238.1. Journal Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Journal ID The General Ledger Journal
identifies a group of journal
General Ledger Journal
lines which represent a
logical business transaction
Process Button
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Printed Yes-No (N) Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Accounting Table (@ An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct $C_AcctSchema_ID@) defines the rules used in
c_acctschema_gl_journal Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch Direct gljournalbatch_gljournal identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
PostingType List Actual Budget The type of The Posting Type indicates the
Statistical Reservation posted amount type of amount (Actual, Budget,
for the transaction

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Commitment Reservation, Commitment,
(@PostingType@) Statistical) the transaction.
Budget Table The General Ledger Budget
Direct identifies a user defined
glbudget_gljournal General Ledger Budget budget. These can be used
in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.
Document Table (@C_DocType_ID@) C_DocType.DocBaseType='GLJ' The Document Type
Type Direct AND determines document
cdoctype_gljournal C_DocType.AD_Org_ID Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
IN (0,
GL Table (@GL_Category_ID@) null The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category Direct glcategory_gljournal is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Document Date (@DateDoc@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@DateAcct@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.period; the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Period Table C_Period (all) (EXISTS The Period indicates an exclusive
(@C_Period_ID@) ( SELECT * FROM range of dates for a calendar.
= pc.C_Period_ID
c_period_journal Period of the Calendar
AND pc.PeriodStatus
C_AcctSchema a,
C_Period p WHERE

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
= p.C_Period_ID AND
a.AutoPeriodControl =
'Y' AND ( (p.StartDate
OR (p.EndDate
Currency Table (@C_Currency_ID@) Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_gljournal
org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.rate be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Currency Table Callout: The Currency Conversion
Type Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.rate
Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Rate Number (1) The Currency Conversion Rate
Currency indicates the rate to use when
Conversion Rate converting the source currency
to the accounting currency
Control Amount If the control amount is zero, no
If not zero, the
Amount check is performed. Otherwise
Debit amount of the
the total Debit amount must be
document must be
equal to the control amount,
equal this amount
before the document is processed.
Approved Yes-No (Y) Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Total Amount (0) The Total Debit indicates the
Total debit in
Debit total debit amount for a journal or
document currency
journal batch in the source currency
Total Amount (0) The Total Credit indicates the
Total Credit in
Credit total credit amount for a journal or
document currency
journal batch in the source currency
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Journal Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Copy Button Copy From Record
Copy From Record
Posted Button _Posted Status(N) The Posted field indicates the
Posting status status of the Generation of
General Ledger Accounting Lines

2. Tab: Line - GL_JournalLine


Description: General Ledger Journal Line

Comment/Help: The GL Journal Line Tab defines the individual debit and credit transactions that comprise a journal.

Tab Level: 1

Window: GL Journal

Table 238.2. Line Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Journal ID The General Ledger Journal
General Ledger
Line Line identifies a single
Journal Line
transaction in a journal.
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Processed Yes-No ('N')
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
adclient_gljournalline (same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND
adorg_gljournalline (same as first report)
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal
Direct identifies a group of journal
gljournal_gljournalline General Ledger Journal
lines which represent a
logical business transaction
Line No Integer (@SQL=SELECT Indicates the unique line
NVL(MAX(Line),0)+10 for a document. It will also
AS DefaultValue control the display order of
Unique line for
FROM the lines within a document.
this document
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Generated Yes-No The Generated checkbox
identifies a journal line that
This Line is generated was generated from a source
document. Lines could also be
entered manually or imported.

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table (@C_Currency_ID@) Callout: Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_gljournalline
org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.rate be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Account Date (@DateAcct@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.rate the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Currency Table Callout: The Currency Conversion
Type Direct org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.rate
Currency Conversion Rate Type lets you define
Rate Type different type of rates, e.g. Spot,
Corporate and/or Sell/Buy rates.
Account Table C_ElementValue (trx) EXISTS (SELECT The (natural) account used
account_gljournalline Account used
Business Search C_BPartner (Trx) Callout: A Business Partner is anyone
Partner org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account
Identifies a with whom you transact. This
Business Partner can include Vendor, Customer,
Employee or Salesperson
Trx Table AD_Org (Trx) Callout: The organization which performs
Organization org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account or initiates this transaction (for
another organization). The owning
Performing or Organization may not be the
initiating organization transaction organization in a
service bureau environment,
with centralized services, and
inter-organization transactions.

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Activity Table C_Activity Callout: Activities indicate tasks that
(No summary) cactivity_gljournalline
Business Activity are performed and used to
utilize Activity based Costing
Campaign Table C_Campaign Callout: The Campaign defines a
(No summary) org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account unique marketing program.
Projects can be associated
ccampaign_gljournalline Marketing Campaign
with a pre defined Marketing
Campaign. You can then report
based on a specific Campaign.
Sales Table C_Sales Region Callout: The Sales Region indicates a
csalesregion_gljournalline Sales coverage region
Region (No summary) org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account specific area of sales coverage.
Project Table C_Project (No Callout: A Project allows you to
summary) cproject_gljournalline
Financial Project track and control internal
or external activities.
Sub Table C_SubAcct.C_ElementValue_ID=@Account_ID@ The Element Value (e.g. Account)
Account Direct may have optional sub accounts
for further detail. The sub account
Sub account for is dependent on the value of the
Element Value account, so a further specification.
If the sub-accounts are more or
less the same, consider using
another accounting dimension.
Product Search M_Product Callout: Identifies an item which
(no summary) mproduct_gljournalline
Product, Service, Item is either purchased or
sold in this organization.
Location Search C_Location Callout: The Location From
Location that inventory
From clocfrom_gljournalline
org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account indicates the location that a
was moved from
product was moved from.
Location Search C_Location The Location To indicates
Location that inventory
To clocto_gljournalline the location that a
was moved to
product was moved to.
User ID Callout: A user defined accounting element
Column 1 org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account
User defined referres to a iDempiere table. This
accounting Element allows to use any table content
as an accounting dimension (e.g.

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User ID Callout: A user defined accounting element
Column 2 org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.account referres to a iDempiere table. This
allows to use any table content
User defined as an accounting dimension (e.g.
accounting Element Project Task). Note that User
Elements are optional and are
populated from the context of
the document (i.e. not requested)
User Table Account_ID - User1 EXISTS (SELECT The user defined element
Element * FROM displays the optional elements
List 1 C_AcctSchema_Element that have been defined for
ae WHERE this account combination.
User defined
AND list element #1
User Table Account_ID - User2 EXISTS (SELECT The user defined element
Element * FROM displays the optional elements
List 2 C_AcctSchema_Element that have been defined for
ae WHERE this account combination.
User defined
AND list element #2
Alias List Table C_ValidCombination Callout: The Combination identifies a
Valid Account
(with Alias defined)aliasvalidcombination_gljourna
org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.alias valid combination of element
Alias List
which represent a GL account.
Rate Number (@CurrencyRate@; 1) Callout: Currency The Currency Conversion Rate
Conversion Rate indicates the rate to use when

Window: GL Journal

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
converting the source currency
to the accounting currency
Combination Account Callout: The Combination identifies a
Valid Account
org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.alias valid combination of element
which represent a GL account.
Create Yes-No ('N')
Asset Search A_Asset_ID An asset is either created by
Asset used internally purchasing or by delivering a
or by customers product. An asset can be used
internally or be a customer asset.
Asset Table The group of assets determines
Group Direct default accounts. If an asset
aassetgroup_gljournalline Group of Assets group is selected in the product
category, assets are created
when delivering the asset.
Source Amount Callout: The Source Debit Amount
Debit org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.amt
Source Debit Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Source Amount Callout: The Source Credit Amount
Credit org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.amt
Source Credit Amount indicates the credit amount for
this line in the source currency.
Accounted Amount The Account Debit Amount
Debit Accounted indicates the transaction
Debit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
Accounted Amount The Account Credit Amount
Credit Accounted indicates the transaction
Credit Amount amount converted to this
organization's accounting currency
UOM Table The UOM defines a unique
cuom_gljournalline Unit of Measure
Direct non monetary Unit of Measure
Quantity Amount The Quantity indicates the
Quantity number of a specific product
or item for this document.

Chapter 239. Window: GL Journal Batch
Description: Enter and change Manual Journal Entries

Comment/Help: The GL Journal Window allows you to enter and modify manual journal entries

Created:1999-06-29 00:00:00.0

Updated:2012-07-23 10:36:10.0

1. Tab: Batch - GL_JournalBatch


Description: General Ledger Journal Batch

Comment/Help: The GL Journal Batch Tab defines the control parameters for a Journal Batch. A Batch can consist of multiple Journals. If the Control Amount is
not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency.

Tab Level: 0

Table 239.1. Batch Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Journal ID The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
Process Button
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Client Table (@#AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@#AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)

Window: GL Journal Batch

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment (A) Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
Statistical) the transaction.
Document Table C_DocType.DocBaseType='GLJ' The Document Type
Type Direct AND determines document
cdoctype_gljournalbatchC_DocType.AD_Org_ID Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
IN (0,
GL Table null The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category Direct glcategory_gljournalbatch is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.

Window: GL Journal Batch

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@#Date@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.period the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Period Table C_Period (all) (EXISTS The Period indicates an exclusive
( SELECT * FROM range of dates for a calendar.
= pc.C_Period_ID
AND pc.PeriodStatus
C_AcctSchema a,
C_Period p WHERE
= p.C_Period_ID AND
c_period_journalbatch a.AutoPeriodControl = Period of the Calendar
'Y' AND ( (p.StartDate
OR (p.EndDate

Window: GL Journal Batch

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Currency Table (@$C_Currency_ID@) Indicates the Currency to
The Currency
Direct ccurrency_gljournalbatch be used when processing
for this record
or reporting on this record
Control Amount If the control amount is zero, no
If not zero, the
Amount check is performed. Otherwise
Debit amount of the
the total Debit amount must be
document must be
equal to the control amount,
equal this amount
before the document is processed.
Approved Yes-No Indicates if The Approved checkbox indicates
this document if this document requires approval
requires approval before it can be processed.
Total Amount The Total Debit indicates the
Total debit in
Debit total debit amount for a journal or
document currency
journal batch in the source currency
Total Amount The Total Credit indicates the
Total Credit in
Credit total credit amount for a journal or
document currency
journal batch in the source currency
Document List Waiting Confirmation The Document Status indicates
Status Approved Completed the status of a document at this
Drafted Invalid time. If you want to change
Reversed Voided The current status the document status, use
In Progress of the document the Document Action field
Waiting Payment
Unknown Closed
Not Approved (DR)
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Batch Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Copy Button Copy From Record
Copy From Record

2. Tab: Journal - GL_Journal


Window: GL Journal Batch

Description: General Ledger Journal

Comment/Help: The GL Journal Tab defines the control parameters for a single GL Journal. If the Control Amount is not zero, it is compared to the Total Debit
Amount. The Control/Debit/Credit Amount is in Source Document Currency.

Tab Level: 1

Table 239.2. Journal Fields

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Journal ID The General Ledger Journal
identifies a group of journal
General Ledger Journal
lines which represent a
logical business transaction
Processed Yes-No The Processed checkbox
The document has
indicates that a document
been processed
has been processed.
Printed Yes-No (N) Indicates if this The Printed checkbox indicates
document / if this document or line will
line is printed included when printing.
Process Button _Document You find the current status in
The targeted status
Journal Action(CO) the Document Status field. The
of the document
options are listed in a popup
Client Table (@AD_Client_ID@) AD_Client.AD_Client_ID (see same above)
(same as first report)
Direct <>0
Organization Table (@AD_Org_ID@) AD_Org.AD_Org_ID (see same above)
Direct < > 0 AND (same as first report)
Accounting Table (@ An Accounting Schema
Schema Direct $C_AcctSchema_ID@) defines the rules used in
c_acctschema_gl_journal Rules for accounting
accounting such as costing
method, currency and calendar
Process Button
Journal Table The General Ledger Journal Batch
General Ledger
Batch Direct gljournalbatch_gljournal identifies a group of journals
Journal Batch
to be processed as a group.

Window: GL Journal Batch

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document String The document number is usually
No automatically generated by the
system and determined by the
document type of the document.
If the document is not saved, the
preliminary number is displayed
in "< > ". If the document type of
your document has no automatic
document sequence defined, the
field is empty if you create a new
document. This is for documents
sequence number
which usually have an external
of the document
number (like vendor invoice).
If you leave the field empty, the
system will generate a document
number for you. The document
sequence used for this fallback
number is defined in the "Maintain
Sequence" window with the name
"DocumentNo_< TableName> ",
where TableName is the actual
name of the table (e.g. C_Order).
Description String Optional short A description is limited
description to 255 characters.
of the record
Active Yes-No (Y) (same as first report) (see same above)
PostingType List Actual Budget The Posting Type indicates the
The type of
Statistical Reservation type of amount (Actual, Budget,
posted amount
Commitment Reservation, Commitment,
for the transaction
(@PostingType@) Statistical) the transaction.
Budget Table The General Ledger Budget
Direct identifies a user defined
glbudget_gljournal General Ledger Budget budget. These can be used
in reporting as a comparison
against your actual amounts.

Window: GL Journal Batch

Field Reference Values (Default) Constraint Value Validation Rule Description Comment/Help
Document Table (@C_DocType_ID@) C_DocType.DocBaseType='GLJ' The Document Type
Type Direct AND determines document
cdoctype_gljournal C_DocType.AD_Org_ID Document type or rules sequence and processing rules
IN (0,
GL Table (@GL_Category_ID@) null The General Ledger Category
General Ledger
Category Direct glcategory_gljournal is an optional, user defined
method of grouping journal lines.
Document Date (@DateDoc@) Callout: The Document Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutEngine.dateAcct the date the document was
Date of the Document
generated. It may or may not be
the same as the accounting date.
Account Date (@DateAcct@) Callout: The Accounting Date indicates
Date org.compiere.model.CalloutGLJournal.period; the date to be used on the General
Accounting Date Ledger account entries generated
from this document. It is also
used for any currency conversion.
Period Table C_Period (all) (EXISTS The Period indicates an exclusive
(@C_Period_ID@) ( SELECT * FROM range of dates for a calendar.
= pc.C_Period_ID
AND pc.PeriodStatus
C_AcctSchema a,
c_period_journal Period of the Calendar
C_Period p WHERE

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