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Take the quiz and assess your Intrapreneurial

profile, (Links to an external site.)
2. Describe your intrapreneurship profile base on your own understanding and assess
yourself how could it impact your firm’s performance in the future?
The result of my assessment in intrapreneurial profile is “The Expert”. From what I
understand, being “The Expert” is someone who seeks continuous learning and someone
who wants to perfect everything he do. He is someone who is not contented of half-
baked work, and he only forge excellence. More importantly, he is someone who’s skill is
his pride of attaining the success he experiencing because he knows he works hard for it
and face different obstacle and challenges he encounters. These kind of personality and
mindsets will be a great help to the performance of the company because quality will be
promise if an “expert” handles the project. He will make sure that all of the work will be
done according to the expected results set by the management. He will also be
adaptable and ready to learn something he don’t know in order to reach the
expectations of the management. And lastly, no matter how hard the work is, an expert
will do everything he can, research something he don’t know, and go out of comfort
zone in order to reach the perfect result.
3. Are you aware or already have a hint that this is your profile? If yes, how? If no, what
have you realized?
Truthfully, I’m not expecting that I will be categorized as “The Expert” because from the
past years of my student life, I just do what I can do and achieve what I think is
attainable with my current knowledge and skills. But I noticed that I do have the
competitive spirit within me when I do something that involves winning a certain award.
I thought that it got something with my zodiac sign because I’m an Aries. According to
Kelly (2021), Aries loves to be always number one and he is always passionate and
determine to build his own management and he always acts fast of whatever he does. I
just realize
4. Write a bio note that focuses on your personal profile as an intrapreneur. Format as

(Kelly, 2021)

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