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Angelo M.

MGT1107 Sec1

What I know
My knowledge about entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship before I read the article is
that entrepreneurship is about the individual person who will build his/her own company while
the intrapreneurship is about the individual who works for a company and collaborate with other
intrapreneurs for the success of the company. I know that intrapreneurship is also called
corporate entrepreneurship which suggested that, as the name implies, they are an employee of
a corporation who work for the greater benefits of the corporation and work with other
intrapreneurs within the company. I know that the two have similarities and difference but I have
not yet learned the depth meaning of the two in order to accurately differentiate them. I only
know that entrepreneurs are independent in operations, raise their own fund, and starts their
own business. On the other hand, the intrapreneurs are dependent on their organization
resources, get their funds in organization, and brings their idea on their organization.
What I want to know
What I want to learn is how similar and different entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. I want
to learn their specific roles and works. I also want to learn the needed skills and abilities for the
two. I want to know the different terms that entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs used and learned in
order for me to not be confused in any of them. Furthermore, I want to know which of the two
have the highest chance to be successful, especially for beginners like me. This knowledge is
important for me to learn because as an entrepreneurial student, I want to own a business in the
future and I know that I have to work for a company first in order to save a capital for my
business. And lastly, I want to know the opportunities I have in entrepreneurship and
intrapreneurship such as what jobs I can choose in the company and what business is the most
effective for me in order to be successful.
What I learned
After reading the article entitled “Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship, A
literature Review”, I learned a lot of things and some of my knowledge in entrepreneurship and
intrapreneurship widened. Things like the definition of different researchers since then of
entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are all pretty similar and agreeing to what entrepreneurs
and intrapreneurs possess; entrepreneurs innovate, make decisions, risk-taker, acquired their
own resources, and have a sense of leadership, while intrapreneurs has a restoring character,
dependent on company’s resources, also a risk taker, and process innovation. In addition,
intrapreneurs applies their accumulated knowledge to innovate for the success of the company
their working for. Intrapreneurship is a good practice of business that gives the full credit to
entrepreneurs for its benefits and consumers/clients. Furthermore, intrapreneurship encircled
individual/team actions which behaves in entrepreneurial manner for the benefits of large
I know that entrepreneurs create creative destruction but I didn’t know the exact reasons
but after I read the article, I learned that it’s because entrepreneurs create new product and
productivity in the market which outdrives all the existing products resulting to the disequilibrium
of economics because entrepreneurs are re-allocating the available resources for greater
satisfaction. I also just learned that entrepreneurs don’t necessarily need to manage his/her own
business, but he/she must be only had innovative behavior. I also learned the similarities and
differences of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurs. They were both innovative people, adding
value to the products and services they offering, and risk-taker on opportunities and resources.
Angelo M. Duldulao
MGT1107 Sec1

The differences between them are that intrapreneurs activity has a restoring character while
entrepreneurs’ activity has a creative character; the main obstacles in intrapreneur is the
company’s culture while the entrepreneurs is the market; the funding of intrapreneurs is the
company’s resources which can be large while for entrepreneurs is their own funding with huge
risk of loss.
I also learned many terms which are new to me, as follows:
Residual Claimants – entrepreneurs that owns the business.
Freeholder – employee or associate with higher commitment
Intra-property – profit centre, assets and rights that is not controlled by corporate centre
Intra money – wealth within the enterprise that symbolize independent
Exopreneurship – the innovation is facilitated by external entrepreneurs
Frantrepreneur – entrepreneurs who specializes in franchising and innovate it.

In conclusion, innovation is very important in every business, large or small, because the world
is quickly changing and the preference of people will not be always the same. Entrepreneurs
and intrapreneurs can bring this innovation and this innovation can bring creative destruction
that might change the whole economy of the country. Lastly, it doesn’t matter whether you
choose to be entrepreneur or intrapreneur in order to be successful because both professions
can make you successful if you just play the right card.
Angelo M. Duldulao
MGT1107 Sec1

Sequence of Events
Story: Federal Express (FedEx)

FedEx success is because of the entrepreneurial activity that was led by the CEO
Frederick Smith. It started on his term paper but he brought it to life in year 1971
with his own resource with goals of quick delivery and reliability which was a
problem back then. It succeeded because he oversees the management to make
sure the satisfaction of the customers (which is the primary goal) by giving
quality service and knowing beforehand the needs of customers. He used his
own resources to start the business and think primarily how to satisfy his market

"Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they
judge themselves - and by which they are willing to be judged". This is a very
notable wisdom from Frederick Smith because he became the leader of his own
company and lead it to success despite of having "unrealistic" idea and no one
believe him at first. But, because he works hard, oversee the whole operations,
and commit to his goal in mind, FedEx became the largest delivery service in the

After reading the news that FedEx gave direct relief works to those affected by
Ukraine crisis. I know that every big business have social corporate responsibility,
that's why fedex helps the affected people, but what inspires me is that they
used their primary service in order to help those people and it makes me think
that I should start a business that can help people no matter how far or
dangerous their place. I know that we start a business to earn profit but I want to
give back to the customers that helps my business, just like what fedex does.

(2022, March 27). Direct Relief Works with FedEx to Deliver Critical Aid to Those Impacted by
Ukraine Crisis. FedEx Newsroom.
Naville S. (2019). A Journey Into Entrepreneur [Photo]. Geneve Business News.
Associated Press (2022). FedEx founder Fred Smith to step down as CEO [Photo]. Manila

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