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What is Software Testing?

Software testing is a process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding the
software bugs.It can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software
program or application or product:
 Meets the business and technical requirements according to design and development
 Works as expected
 Can be implemented with the same characteristic.

Why is software testing necessary?

Software testing is very important because of the following reasons:

 Software testing is really required to point out the defect and errors that were made during the
development phases.
 Testing makes sure of the Customer’s reliability and their satisfaction in the application.
 Testing helps to ensure Quality product to the customers helps in gaining their confidence.
 Testing is necessary in order to provide the facilities to the customers like the delivery of high
quality product or software application which requires lower maintenance cost and hence results into
more accurate, consistent and reliable results.
 Testing is required for an effective performance of software application or product.
 Testing helps to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be
very expensive in the future or in the later stages of the development.

What are software testing objectives and purpose?

Software Testing has different goals and objectives.The major objectives of Software testing
are as follows:
 Finding defects which may get created by the programmer while developing the software.
 Gaining confidence in and providing information about the level of quality.
 To prevent defects.
 To make sure that the end result meets the business and user requirements.
 To ensure that it satisfies the BRS that is Business Requirement Specification and SRS that is
System Requirement Specifications.
 To gain the confidence of the customers by providing them a quality product.

What is Defect or bugs or faults in software testing?

Definition: A defect is an error or a bug, in the application which is created. A programmer while

designing and building the software can make mistakes or error. These mistakes or errors mean that
there are flaws in the software. These are called defects.When actual result deviates from the expected
result while testing a software application or product then it results into a defect. Hence, any deviation
from the specification mentioned in the product functional specification document is a defect. In
different organizations it’s called differently like bug, issue, incidents or problem.When the result of
the software application or product does not meet with the end user expectations or the software
requirements then it results into a Bug or Defect. These defects or bugs occur because of an error in
logic or in coding which results into the failure or unpredicted or unanticipated results.

What is a Failure in software testing?
If under certain environment and situation defects in the application or product get executed
then the system will produce the wrong results causing a failure.Failures may also arise because of
human error in interacting with the software, perhaps a wrong input value being entered or an output
being misinterpreted.Finally failures may also be caused by someone deliberately trying to cause a
failure in the system.
Difference between Error, Defect and Failure in software testing:
Error: The mistakes made by programmer is known as an ‘Error’.  This could happen because of the
following reasons:
–           Because of some confusion in understanding the functionality of the software
–           Because of some miscalculation of the values
–           Because of misinterpretation of any value, etc.
Defect: The bugs introduced by programmer inside the code are known as a defect. This can happen
because of some programatical mistakes.
Failure: If under certain circumstances these defects get executed by the tester during the testing then
it results into the failure which is known as software failure.

What is the difference between Severity and Priority?

There are two key things in defects of the software testing. They are:
1)     Severity
2)     Priority
What is the difference between Severity and Priority?
1)  Severity:
It is the extent to which the defect can affect the software. In other words it defines the impact that a
given defect has on the system.
Severity can be of following types:
 Critical: The defect that results in the termination of the complete system or one or more
component of the system and causes extensive corruption of the data. The failed function is unusable
and there is no acceptable alternative method to achieve the required results then the severity will be
stated as critical.
 Major: The defect that results in the termination of the complete system or one or more
component of the system and causes extensive corruption of the data. The failed function is unusable
but there exists an acceptable alternative method to achieve the required results then the severity will be
stated as major.
 Moderate: The defect that does not result in the termination, but causes the system to produce
incorrect, incomplete or inconsistent results then the severity will be stated as moderate.
 Minor: The defect that does not result in the termination and does not damage the usability of
the system and the desired results can be easily obtained by working around the defects then the
severity is stated as minor.
 Cosmetic: The defect that is related to the enhancement of the system where the changes are
related to the look and field of the application then the severity is stated as cosmetic.
2)  Priority:
Priority defines the order in which we should resolve a defect. This priority status is set by the tester to
the developer mentioning the time frame to fix the defect. If high priority is mentioned then the
developer has to fix it at the earliest. The priority status is set based on the customer requirements.
Priority can be of following types:
 Low: The defect is an irritant which should be repaired, but repair can be deferred until after
more serious defect have been fixed.
 Medium: The defect should be resolved in the normal course of development activities. It can
wait until a new build or version is created.
 High: The defect must be resolved as soon as possible because the defect is affecting the
application or the product severely. The system cannot be used until the  repair has been done.
High Priority & High Severity: An error which occurs on the basic functionality of the application
and will not allow the user to use the system. (Eg. A site maintaining the student details, on saving
record if it, doesn’t allow to save the record then this is high priority and high severity bug.)
High Priority & Low Severity: The spelling mistakes that happens on the cover page or heading or
title of an application.
High Severity & Low Priority: An error which occurs on the functionality of the application (for
which there is no workaround) and will not allow the user to use the system but on click of link which
is rarely used by the end user.
Low Priority and Low Severity: Any cosmetic or spelling issues which is within a paragraph or in the
report (Not on cover page, heading, title).

What is the Psychology of testing?

 The comparison of the mindset of the tester and the developer.

 The balance between self-testing and independent testing.
 There should be clear and courteous communication and feedback on defects between tester and

Comparison of the mindset of the tester and developer:

The testing and reviewing of the applications are different from the analysing and developing of it. By
this we mean to say that if we are building or developing applications we are working positively to
solve the problems during the development process and to make the product according to the user
specification. However while testing or reviewing a product we are looking for the defects or failures in
the product. Thus building the software requires a different mindset from testing the software.

The balance between self-testing and independent testing:

The comparison made on the mindset of the tester and the developer in the above article is just to
compare the two different perspectives. It does not mean that the tester cannot be the programmer, or
that the programmer cannot be the tester, although they often are separate roles. In fact programmers
are the testers. They always test their component which they built. While testing their own code they
find many problems so the programmers, architect and the developers always test their own code
before giving it to anyone. However we all know that it is difficult to find our own mistakes. So,
programmers, architect, business analyst depend on others to help test their work. This other person
might be some other developer from the same team or the Testing specialists or professional testers.
Giving applications to the testing specialists or professional testers allows an independent test of the
system.This degree of independence avoids author bias and is often more effective at finding
defects and failures.

There is several level of independence in software testing which is listed here from the lowest level of
independence to the highest:
i.  Tests by the person who wrote the item.
ii.  Tests by another person within the same team, like another programmer.
iii.  Tests by the person from some different group such as an independent test team.
iv.  Tests by a person from a different organization or company, such as outsourced testing or
certification by an external body.

Clear and courteous communication and feedback on defects between tester and  developer:
We all make mistakes and we sometimes get annoyed and upset or depressed when   someone points
them out. So, when as testers we run a test which is a good test from our viewpoint because we found
the defects and failures in the software. But at the same time we need to be very careful as how we
react or report the defects and failures to the programmers. We are pleased because we found a good
bug but how will the requirement analyst, the designer, developer, project manager and customer react.

 The people who build the application may react defensively and take this reported defect as per-
sonal criticism.
 The project manager may be annoyed with everyone for holding up the project.
 The customer may lose confidence in the product because he can see defects.

Psychological Misconcepts about testing are

1.) “The purpose of testing is to show that a program performs its intended functions correctly”
2.) “Testing is the process of establishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do”
3.) “Testing is the process of demonstrating that errors are not present”

If our goal is to demonstrate that a program has no errors, we tend to select test data that have a
low probability of causing the program to fail. On the other hand if our goal is to demonstrate that a
program has errors, our test data have a high probability of finding errors.
A well-constructed and executed software test is successful when it finds errors that can be
fixed. The same test is also successful when it eventually establishes that there are no more errors to be
found. An unsuccessful test case is one that causes a program to produce the correct result without
finding any errors.People perform poorly when they set out on a task that they know to be infeasible or
impossible. Defining program testing as the process of uncovering errors in a program makes it feasible
task, thus overcoming this psychological problem.
A problem with the common definitions such as “Testing is the process of establishing
confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do” is that programs that do what they are
supposed to do still can contain errors. That is an error is clearly present if a program does not do what
it is supposed to do; but errors are also present if a program does what it is not supposed to do.So in
program testing we establish a confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do and does not
do what it is not supposed to do.

Software Testing Guidelines

 A necessary part of a test case is a definition of the expected output or result.

If the expected result of a test case has not been predefined, chances are that a plausible, but
erroneous, result will be interpreted as a correct result because there is a subconscious desire to see
the correct result. One way of combating this is to encourage a detailed examination of all output by
precisely spelling out, in advance, the expected output of the program.

 A programmer should avoid attempting to test his or her own program.

It is extremely difficult, after a programmer has been constructive while designing and coding a
program, to suddenly, overnight, change his or her perspective and attempt to form a completely de-
structive frame of mind toward the program. In addition, the program may contain errors due to the
programmer's misunderstanding of the problem statement or specification. The programmer will have
the same misunderstanding when attempting to test his or her own program. This does not mean that it
is impossible for a programmer to test his or her own program rather, it implies that testing is more ef-
fective and successful if performed by another party.

 A programming organization should not test its own programs.

In most environments, a programming organization or a project manager is largely measured on the

ability to produce a program by a given date and for a certain cost. One reason for this is that it is easy
to measure time and cost objectives, but it is extremely difficult to quantify the reliability of a program.
Therefore it is difficult for a programming organization to be objective in testing its own program, be-
cause the testing process, while increasing the reliability of the program, may be viewed as decreasing
the probability of meeting the schedule and cost objectives.

 Thoroughly inspect the results of each test.

This is probably the most obvious principle, but again, it is something that is often overlooked. A
significant percentage of errors that are eventually found were actually made visible by earlier test
cases, but slipped by because of the failure to carefully inspect the results of those earlier test cases.

 Test cases must be written for invalid and unexpected, as well as valid and expected, input condi-

There is a natural tendency, when testing a program, to concentrate on the valid and expected input
conditions, at the neglect of the invalid and unexpected conditions. Hence many errors are suddenly
discovered in production programs when the program is used in some new or unexpected way. Test
cases representing unexpected and invalid input conditions seem to have a higher error-detection yield
than do test cases for valid input conditions.

 A program must be tested to see if it does something it is not supposed to do.

Examining a program to see if it does not do what it is supposed to do is only half the battle. The
other half is seeing whether the program does what it is not supposed to do. This is simply a corollary
to the previous principle. It also implies that programs must be examined for unwanted side effects.

 Avoid throw-away test cases unless the program is truly a throw-away program.

The major problem is that test cases represent a valuable investment that, in this environment, dis-
appears after the testing has been completed. Whenever the program has to be tested again (e.g., after
correcting an error or making an improvement), the test cases have to be reinvented. More often than
not, since this reinvention requires a considerable amount of work, people tend to avoid it. Therefore,
the retest of the program is rarely as rigorous as the original test, meaning that if the modification
causes a previously functional part of the program to fail, this error often goes undetected.

 Do not plan a testing effort under the tacit assumption that no errors will be found.

This is a mistake often made by project managers and is a sign of the use of the incorrect definition
of testing, that is, the assumption that testing is the process of showing that the program functions cor-

 The probability of the existence of more errors in a section of a program

is proportional to the number of errors already found in that section.

Errors seem to come in clusters, and in the typical program, some sections seem to be much more
error prone than other sections. This phenomenon gives us insight or feedback in the testing process. If
a particular section of a program seems to be much more error prone than other sections, then in terms
of yield on our testing investment, additional testing efforts are best focused against this error-prone

 Testing is an extremely creative and intellectually challenging task.

It is probably true that the creativity required in testing a large program exceeds the creativity re-
quired in designing that program, since it is impossible to test a program such that the absence of all er-
rors can be guaranteed.

Testing Principles
There are 7 testing principles.

1) Testing shows presence of defects: Testing can show the defects are present, but cannot
prove that there are no defects. Even after testing the application or product thoroughly we can-
not say that the product is 100% defect free. Testing always reduces the number of undiscov-
ered defects remaining in the software but even if no defects are found, it is not a proof of cor -

2) Exhaustive testing is impossible: Testing everything including all combinations of inputs

and preconditions is not possible. So, instead of doing the exhaustive testing we can use risks
and priorities to focus testing efforts. For example: In an application in one screen there are 15
input fields, each having 5 possible values, then to test all the valid combinations you would

need 30  517  578  125  (515) tests. This is very unlikely that the project timescales would allow
for this number of tests. So, accessing and managing risk is one of the most important activities
and reason for testing in any project.

3) Early testing: In the software development life cycle testing activities should start as early
as possible and should be focused on defined objectives.

4) Defect clustering: A small number of modules contains most of the defects discovered dur-
ing pre-release testing or shows the most operational failures.

5) Pesticide paradox: If the same kinds of tests are repeated again and again, eventually the
same set of test cases will no longer be able to find any new bugs. To overcome this “Pesticide
Paradox”, it is really very important to review the test cases regularly and new and different
tests need to be written to exercise different parts of the software or system to potentially find
more defects.

6) Testing is context dependent: Testing is basically context dependent. Different kinds of

sites are tested differently. For example, safety – critical software is tested differently from an
e-commerce site.

7) Absence – of – errors fallacy: If the system built is unusable and does not fulfil the user’s
needs and expectations then finding and fixing defects does not help.

Economics of Testing

There is a definite economic impact of software testing. One economic impact is from the cost
of defects. This is a very real and very tangible cost Another economic impact is from the way we per-
form testing. It is possible to have very good motivations and testing goals while testing in a very inef-
ficient way .To combat the challenges associated with testing economics, we should establish some
strategies like black box and white box testing.

What is Test analysis / Test Basis? or How to identify the test conditions?

Test analysis is the process of looking at something that can be used to derive test infor-
mation.  This basis for the tests is called the test basis. The test basis is the information we need
in order to start the test analysis and   create our own test cases. Basically it’s a documentation
on which test cases are based, such as requirements, design specifications, product risk analysis,
architecture and interfaces.We can use the test basis documents to understand what the system
should do once built. The test basis includes whatever the tests are based on. Sometimes tests
can be based on experienced user’s knowledge of the system which may not be documented. 

From testing perspective we look at the test basis in order to see what could be tested.
These are the test conditions.  A test condition is simply something that we could test.While
identifying the test conditions we want to identify as many conditions as we can and then we se-
lect about which one to take forward and combine into test cases. We could call them test possi-
bilities.Testing everything is an impractical goal, which is known as exhaustive testing. We can-
not test everything.We have to select a subset of all possible tests. In practice the subset we se-
lect may be a very small subset and yet it has to have a high probability of finding most of the
defects in a system. Hence we need some intelligent thought process to guide our selection
called test techniques. The test conditions that are chosen will depend on the test strategy or
detailed test approach. Once we have identified a list of test conditions, it is important to priori-
tize them, so that the most important test conditions are identified. Test conditions can be identi-
fied for test data as well as for test inputs and test outcomes, for example, different types of
record, different sizes of records or fields in a record. Test conditions are documented in the
IEEE 829 document called a Test Design Specification.

What is traceability in Software testing?

Test conditions should be able to be linked back to their sources in the test basis, this is known
as traceability. Traceability can be horizontal through all the test documentation for a given test level
(e.g. system testing, from test conditions through test cases to test scripts) or it can be vertical through
the layers of development documentation (e.g. from requirements to components).

Why is traceability important?  

 The requirements for a given function or feature have changed. Some of the fields now have
different ranges that can be entered. Which tests were looking at those boundaries? They now
need to be changed. How many tests will actually be affected by this change in the require-
ments? These questions can be answered easily if the requirements can easily be traced to the

 A set of tests that has run OK in the past has now started creating serious problems. What func-
tionality do these tests actually exercise? Traceability between the tests and the requirement be-
ing tested enables the functions or features affected to be identified more easily.

Before delivering a new release, we want to know whether or not we have tested all of the specified
requirements in the requirements specification.

What is Test design? or How to specify test cases?

Test design is the act of creating and writing test suites for testing a software. Test analysis and
identifying test conditions gives us a generic idea for testing which covers quite a large range of possi-
bilities. But when we come to make a test case we need to be very specific. In fact now we need the ex-
act and detailed specific input. But just having some values to input to the system is not a test, if you
don’t know what the system is supposed to do with the inputs, you will not be able to tell that whether
your test has passed or failed. One of the most important aspects of a test is that it checks that the sys-
tem does what it is supposed to do.

In order to know what the system should do, we need to have a source of information about the
correct behavior of the system – this is called an ‘oracle’ or a test oracle. Once a given input value has
been chosen, the tester needs to determine what the expected result of entering that input would be and
document it as part of the test case. Expected results include information displayed on a screen in re-
sponse to an input. If we don’t decide on the expected results before we run a test then there might be a
chance that we will notice that there is something wildly wrong. 
What is Test implementation? or How to specifying test procedures or scripts?

The document that describes the steps to be taken in running a set of tests and specifies the exe-
cutable order of the tests is called a test procedure in IEEE 829, and is also known as a test script. 
When test Procedure Specification is prepared then it is implemented and is called Test implementa-
tion. Test script is also used to describe the instructions to a test execution tool.

The tests that are intended to be run manually rather than using a test execution tool can be called as
manual test script. The test procedures, or test scripts, are then formed into a test execution schedule
that specifies which procedures are to be run first – a kind of superscript.

What is test design technique?

By design we mean to create a plan for how to implement an idea and technique is a method or
way for performing a task. So, Test Design is creating a set of inputs for given software that will
provide a set of expected outputs.  The idea is to ensure that the system is working good enough and it
can be released with as few problems as possible for the average user. A test design technique basically
helps us to select a good set of tests from the total number of all possible tests for a given system.
A test design technique basically helps us to select a good set of tests from the total number of all
possible tests for a given system. There are many different types of software testing technique, each
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Each individual technique is good at finding particular types of
defect and relatively poor at finding other types.

Each testing technique falls into one of a number of different categories. There are two main categories:

1. Static technique
2. Dynamic technique

 Specification-based (black-box testing, also known as behavioral techniques)

 Structure-based (white-box testing or structural techniques)
 Experience- based

Dynamic techniques are subdivided into three more categories: specification-based (black-box, also
known as behavioral techniques), structure-based (white-box or structural techniques) and experience-
based. Specification-based techniques include both functional and nonfunctional techniques (i.e.
quality characteristics).

What is a static test technique?

Static test techniques provide a great way to improve the quality and productivity of software
development.  It includes the reviews and provides the overview of how they are conducted. The
primary objective of static testing is to improve the quality of software products by assisting engineers
to recognize and fix their own defects early in the software development process.

What are the uses of static test technique?

 Since static testing can start early in the life cycle so early feedback on quality issues can be es-
 As the defects are getting detected at an early stage so the rework cost most often relatively low.
 Development productivity is likely to increase because of the less rework effort.
 Types of the defects that are easier to find during the static testing are: deviation from stan-
dards, missing requirements, design defects, non-maintainable code and inconsistent interface
 Static tests contribute to the increased awareness of quality issues.

What is Informal reviews?

Informal reviews are applied many times during the early stages of the life cycle of the docu-
ment. A two person team can conduct an informal review. In later stages these reviews often in-
volve more people and a meeting. The goal is to keep the author and to improve the quality of
the document. The most important thing to keep in mind about the informal reviews is that they
are not documented.

What is Formal review?

Formal reviews follow a formal process. It is well structured and regulated.

A formal review process consists of six main steps:

1. Planning
2. Kick-off
3. Preparation
4. Review meeting
5. Rework
6. Follow-up

1. Planning: The first phase of the formal review is the Planning phase. In this phase thereview process
begins with a request for review by the author to the moderator (or inspection leader). A moderator has
to take care of the scheduling like date, time, place and invitation of the review. For the formal reviews
the moderator performs the entry check and also defines the formal exit criteria. The entry check is
done to ensure that the reviewer’s time is not wasted on a document that is not ready for review. After
doing the entry check if the document is found to have very little defects then it’s ready to go for the re-
views. So, the entry criteria are to check that whether the document is ready to enter the formal review
process or not. Hence the entry criteria for any document to go for the reviews are:

 The documents should not reveal a large number of major defects.

 The documents to be reviewed should be with line numbers.
 The documents should be cleaned up by running any automated checks that ap-
 The author should feel confident about the quality of the document so that he can
join the review team with that document.

Once, the document clear the entry check the moderator and author decides that which part of the docu-
ment is to be reviewed. Since the human mind can understand only a limited set of pages at one time so
in a review the maximum size is between 10 and 20 pages. Hence checking the documents improves
the moderator ability to lead the meeting because it ensures the better understanding.

2. Kick-off:  This kick-off meeting is an optional step in a review procedure. The goal of this step is to
give a short introduction on the objectives of the review and the documents to everyone in the meeting.
The relationships between the document under review and the other documents are also explained, es-
pecially if the numbers of related documents are high.

3. Preparation: In this step the reviewers review the document individually using the related docu-
ments, procedures, rules and checklists provided. Each participant while reviewing individually identi-
fies the defects, questions and comments according to their understanding of the document and role.
After that all issues are recorded using a logging form. The success factor for a thorough preparation is
the number of pages checked per hour. This is called the checking rate. Usually the checking rate is in
the range of 5 to 10 pages per hour.

4. Review meeting: The review meeting consists of three phases:

 Logging phase: In this phase the issues and the defects that have been identified during the
preparation step are logged page by page. The logging is basically done by the author or by a
scribe. Scribe is a separate person to do the logging and is especially useful for the formal re-
view types such as an inspection. Every defects and it’s severity should be logged in any of the
three severity classes given below:
— Critical:The defects will cause downstream damage.
— Major: The defects could cause a downstream damage.
— Minor: The defects are highly unlikely to cause the downstream damage.

During the logging phase the moderator focuses on logging as many defects as possible within a certain
time frame and tries to keep a good logging rate (number of defects logged per minute). In formal re-
view meeting the good logging rate should be between one and two defects logged per minute.

 Discussion phase: If any issue needs discussion then the item is logged and then handled in the
discussion phase. As chairman of the discussion meeting, the moderator takes care of the people
issues and prevents discussion from getting too personal and calls for a break to cool down the
heated discussion. The outcome of the discussions is documented for the future reference.

 Decision phase: At the end of the meeting a decision on the document under review has to be
made by the participants, sometimes based on formal exit criteria. Exit criteria are the average
number of critical and/or major defects found per page (for example no more than three
critical/major defects per page). If the number of defects found per page is more than a certain
level then the document must be reviewed again, after it has been reworked.

5. Rework: In this step if the number of defects found per page exceeds the certain level then the docu-
ment has to be reworked. Not every defect that is found leads to rework. It is the author’s responsibility
to judge whether the defect has to be fixed. If nothing can be done about an issue then at least it should
be indicated that the author has considered the issue.

6. Follow-up: In this step the moderator check to make sure that the author has taken action on all
known defects. If it is decided that all participants will check the updated documents then the modera-
tor takes care of the distribution and collects the feedback. It is the responsibility of the moderator to
ensure that the information is correct and stored for future analysis.

What are the roles and responsibilities involved during a review?

1. The moderator:

 Also known as review leader

 Performs entry check
 Follow-up on the rework
 Schedules the meeting
 Coaches other team
 Leads the possible discussion and stores the data that is collected

2. The author:

 Illuminate the unclear areas and understand the defects found

 Basic goal should be to learn as much as possible with regard to improving the quality of
the document.

3. The scribe:

 Scribe is a separate person to do the logging of the defects found during the review.

4. The reviewers:

 Also known as checkers or inspectors

 Check any material for defects, mostly prior to the meeting
 The manager can also be involved in the review depending on his or her background.

    5. The managers:

 Manager decides on the execution of reviews

 Allocates time in project schedules and determines whether review process objectives have
been met

What are the types of review?

The main review types that come under the static testing are mentioned below:

1. Walkthrough:

 It is not a formal process

 It is led by the authors
 Author guide the participants through the document according to his or her thought process to
achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback.
 Useful for the people if they are not from the software discipline, who are not used to or cannot
easily understand software development process.
 Is especially useful for higher level documents like requirement specification, etc.

The goals of a walkthrough:

 To present the documents both within and outside the software discipline in order to gather the
information regarding the topic under documentation.
 To explain or do the knowledge transfer and evaluate the contents of the document
 To achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback.
 To examine and discuss the validity of the proposed solutions

2.    Technical review:

 It is less formal review

 It is led by the trained moderator but can also be led by a technical expert
 It is often performed as a peer review without management  participation
 Defects are found by the experts (such as architects, designers, key users) who focus on the con-
tent of the document.
 In practice, technical reviews vary from quite informal to very formal

The goals of the technical review are:

 To ensure that an early stage the technical concepts are used correctly
 To access the value of technical concepts and alternatives in the product
 To have consistency in the use and representation of technical concepts
 To inform participants about the technical content of the document

3.    Inspection:

 It is the most formal review type

 It is led by the trained moderators
 During inspection the documents are prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before
the meeting
 It involves peers to examine the product
 A separate preparation is carried out during which the product is examined and the defects are
 The defects found are documented in a logging list or issue log
 A formal follow-up is carried out by the moderator applying exit criteria

The goals of inspection are:

 It helps the author to improve the quality of the document under inspection
 It removes defects efficiently and as early as possible
 It improve product quality
 It create common understanding by exchanging information
 It learn from defects found and prevent the occurrence of similar defects

What is Dynamic testing technique?

 This testing technique needs computer for testing.

 It is done during Validation process.
 The software is tested by executing it on computer.
 Example of this Dynamic Testing Technique: Unit testing, integration testing, system test-

What is black-box, Specification-based, also known as behavioral testing techniques?

 Specification-based testing technique is also known as ‘black-box’ or input/output driven test-

ing techniques because they view the software as a black-box with inputs and outputs.
 The testers have no knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the box. In
black-box testing the tester is concentrating on what the software does, not how it does it.
 The definition mentions both functional and non-functional testing. Functional testing is con-
cerned with what the system does its features or functions. Non-functional testing is concerned
with examining how well the system does. Non-functional testing like performance, usability,
portability, maintainability, etc.
 Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component testing
through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. For example, when performing sys-
tem or acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification may form
the basis of the tests.

There are four specification-based or black-box technique:

 Equivalence partitioning
 Boundary value analysis
 Decision tables
 State transition testing

What is white-box or Structure-based or structural testing techniques?

 Structure-based testing technique is also known as ‘white-box’ or ‘glass-box’ testing technique

because here the testers require knowledge of how the software is implemented, how it works.

In white-box testing the tester is concentrating on how the software does it. For example, a struc-
tural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software.
Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be
done regardless of the functionality of the software.
Structure-based techniques can also be used at all levels of testing. Developers use structure-based
techniques in component testing and component integration testing, especially where there is
good tool support for code coverage.

Structure-based techniques are also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are dif-
ferent. For example, the coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the
structural element in system or acceptance testing.

What is Experience- based testing technique?

 In experience-based techniques, people’s knowledge, skills and background are of prime im-

portance to the test conditions and test cases.
 The experience of both technical and business people is required, as they bring different per-
spectives to the test analysis and design process. Because of the previous experience with simi-
lar systems, they may have an idea as what could go wrong, which is very useful for testing.
 Experience-based techniques go together with specification-based and structure-based tech-
niques, and are also used when there is no specification, or if the specification is inadequate or
out of date.
 This may be the only type of technique used for low-risk systems, but this approach may be par-
ticularly useful under extreme time pressure – in fact this is one of the factors leading to ex-
ploratory testing.

What is Retesting? When to use it? Advantages and Disadvantages

Retesting is testing of a particular bug after it has been fixed. Usually tester raises the bug when they
find it while testing the product or its component. This bug is assigned to a developer and he fixes it.
Post fixing the bug is assigned to the tester for its verification. This testing is known as retesting.

 Retesting is done by replicating the same scenario with same data in new build.
 In retesting those test cases are included which were failed earlier.
 Retesting ensures that the issue has been fixed and is working as expected.
 It is a planned testing with proper steps of verification
 When a bug is raised and is rejected by the developer saying that it’s not re-creatable in their en-
vironment then in this case also the testers do the re-testing of the bug to ensure that whether it’s
a genuine bug or not.
 In some cases the entire module is required to be re-tested to ensure the quality of the module.
 The test cases of retesting cannot be automated.

Example of Retesting

Let’s assume that there is an application which maintains the details of all the students in school. This
application has four buttons like Add, Save, Delete and Refresh. All the other buttons functionality are
working as expected but on clicking on ‘Save’ button is not saving the details of the student. This is a
bug which is caught by the tester and he raised it. This issue is assigned to the developer and he fixes it.
Post fixing the issue it’s again assigned to the tester. This time tester tested only the ‘Save’ button func-
tionality. This is called retesting.

When to use Re-testing

 It is used to verify the specific bug or issue.

 It is also used to confirm to developers that the issue is valid and re-creatable.
 It is used to test even the entire module or component in order to confirm the expected function-
 It is used to check the quality of any particular feature or component or module of an applica-

Advantages of Re-testing

Below are few of the advantages of re-testing:

 It confirms that the issue is fixed and working as expected.

 It improves the quality of the application or product
 It requires less time for verification because it’s limited to the specific issue or any particular
 It does not require any new environment setup. Retesting is done with the same data and same
environment with new build.

Disadvantages of Re-testing

Below are few of the disadvantages of re-testing:

 It requires new build for verification of the defect.

 Once the testing is started then only the test cases of retesting can be obtained and not before
 The test cases for re-testing cannot be automated.
 It requires additional effort and time because of the re execution of the failed test cases.

What is Regression testing in software?

When any modification or changes are done to the application or even when any small change
is done to the code then it can bring unexpected issues. Along with the new changes it becomes
very important to test whether the existing functionality is intact or not. This can be achieved by
doing the regression testing.

 The purpose of the regression testing is to find the bugs which may get introduced accidentally
because of the new changes or modification.
 During confirmation testing the defect got fixed and that part of the application started working
as intended. But there might be a possibility that the fix may have introduced or uncovered a
different defect elsewhere in the software. The way to detect these ‘unexpected side-effects’ of
fixes is to do regression testing.
 This also ensures that the bugs found earlier are NOT creatable.
 Usually the regression testing is done by automation tools because in order to fix the defect the
same test is carried out again and again and it will be very tedious and time consuming to do it
 During regression testing the test cases are prioritized depending upon the changes done to the
feature or module in the application. The feature or module where the changes or modification
is done that entire feature is taken into priority for testing.
 This testing becomes very important when there are continuous modifications or enhancements
done in the application or product. These changes or enhancements should NOT introduce new
issues in the existing tested code.

 This helps in maintaining the quality of the product along with the new changes in the applica-


Let’s assume that there is an application which maintains the details of all the students in school. This
application has four buttons Add, Save, Delete and Refresh. All the buttons functionalities are working
as expected. Recently a new button ‘Update’ is added in the application. This ‘Update’ button function-
ality is tested and confirmed that it’s working as expected. But at the same time it becomes very impor-
tant to know that the introduction of this new button should not impact the other existing buttons func-
tionality. Along with the ‘Update’ button all the other buttons functionality are tested in order to find
any new issues in the existing code. This process is known as regression testing.

Types of Regression testing techniques:

We have four types of regression testing techniques. They are as follows:

1) Corrective Regression Testing: Corrective regression testing can be used when there is no change
in the specifications and test cases can be reused.

2) Progressive Regression Testing: Progressive regression testing is used when the modifications are
done in the specifications and new test cases are designed.

3) Retest-All Strategy: The retest-all strategy is very tedious and time consuming because here we re-
use all test which results in the execution of unnecessary test cases. When any small modification or
change is done to the application then this strategy is not useful.

4) Selective Strategy: In selective strategy we use a subset of the existing test cases to cut down the
retesting effort and cost. If any changes are done to the program entities, e.g. functions, variables etc.,
then a test unit must be rerun. Here the difficult part is to find out the dependencies between a test case
and the program entities it covers.

When to use it:

Regression testing is used when:

 Any new feature is added

 Any enhancement is done
 Any bug is fixed
 Any performance related issue is fixed

Advantages of Regression testing:

 It helps us to make sure that any changes like bug fixes or any enhancements to the module or
application have not impacted the existing tested code.
 It ensures that the bugs found earlier are NOT creatable.
 Regression testing can be done by using the automation tools
 It helps in improving the quality of the product.

Disadvantages of Regression testing:

 If regression testing is done without using automated tools then it can be very tedious and time
consuming because here we execute the same set of test cases again and again.
 Regression test is required even when a very small change is done in the code because this
small modification can bring unexpected issues in the existing functionality.

Difference between regression testing and retesting

Regression testing is carried out to ensure that the existing functionality is working fine and there are
no side effects of any new change or enhancements done in the application. In other words, Regression
Testing checks to see if new defects were introduced in previously existing functionality.
Retesting is carried out in software testing to ensure that a particular defect has been fixed and
it’s the functionality working as expected. Below are few of the differences between Retesting and
Regression Testing.
Regression testing Retesting
 Regression testing is done to find out
Retesting is done to confirm whether the failed
the issues which may get introduced
test cases in the final execution are working
because of any change or modification
fine or not after the issues have been fixed.
in the application.
 The purpose of regression testing is that
The purpose of retesting is to ensure that the
any new change in the application
particular bug or issue is resolved and the
should NOT introduce any new bug in
functionality is working as expected.
existing functionality.
 Verification of bugs are not included in Verification of bugs are included in the
the regression testing. retesting.
 Regression testing can be done in Retesting is of high priority so it’s done before
parallel with retesting. the regression testing.
 For regression testing test cases can be For retesting the test cases cannot be
automated. automated.
 In case of regression testing the testing In case of retesting the testing is done in a
style is generic planned way.
 During regression testing even the During retesting only failed test cases are re-
passed test cases are executed. executed.
 Regression testing is carried out to Retesting is carried out to ensure that the
check for unexpected side effects. original issue is working as expected.
 Regression testing is done only when
any new feature is implemented or any Retesting is executed in the same environment
modification or enhancement has been with same data but in new build.
done to the code.
 Test cases of regression testing can be
Test cases of retesting can be obtained only
obtained from the specification
when the testing starts.
documents and bug reports.

What are Software Testing Levels?

Testing levels are basically to identify missing areas and prevent overlap and repetition between
the development life cycle phases. In software development life cycle models there are defined phases
like requirement gathering and analysis, design, coding or implementation, testing and deployment. 
Each phase goes through the testing. Hence there are various levels of testing. The various levels of
testing are:
 Unit Testing: It is basically done by the developers to make sure that their code is working fine and
meet the user specifications. They test their piece of code which they have written like classes,
functions, interfaces and procedures.
 Component testing: It is also called as module testing. The basic difference between the unit testing
and component testing is in unit testing the developers test their piece of code but in component testing
the whole component is tested. For example, in a student record application there are two modules one
which will save the records of the students and other module is to upload the results of the students.
Both the modules are developed separately and when they are tested one by one then we call this as a
component or module testing.
 Integration testing: Integration testing is done when two modules are integrated, in order to test the
behavior and functionality of both the modules after integration. Below are few types of integration

 Big bang integration testing

 Top down
 Bottom up
 Functional incremental

 Component integration testing: In the example above when both the modules or components are
integrated then the testing done is called as Component integration testing. This testing is basically
done to ensure that the code should not break after integrating the two modules.
 System integration testing: System integration testing (SIT) is a testing where testers basically test
that in the same environment all the related systems should maintain data integrity and can operate in
coordination with other systems.
 System testing: In system testing the testers basically test the compatibility of the application with
the system.
 Acceptance testing: Acceptance testing are basically done to ensure that the requirements of the
specification are met.
 Alpha testing: Alpha testing is done at the developers site. It is done at the end of the development
 Beta testing: Beta testing is done at the customers site. It is done just before the launch of the

What is Unit testing?

A unit test is the smallest testable part of an application like functions, classes, procedures, interfaces.
Unit testing is a method by which individual units of source code are tested to determine if they are fit
for use.

 Unit tests are basically written and executed by software developers to make sure that code
meets its design and requirements and behaves as expected.
 The goal of unit testing is to segregate each part of the program and test that the individual parts
are working correctly.
 This means that for any function or procedure when a set of inputs are given then it should re-
turn the proper values. It should handle the failures gracefully during the course of execution
when any invalid input is given.
 A unit test provides a written contract that the piece of code must assure. Hence it has several
 Unit testing is basically done before integration as shown in the image below.

Advantages of Unit testing:

1. Issues are found at early stage. Since unit testing are carried out by developers where they test their
individual code before the integration. Hence the issues can be found very early and can be resolved
then and there without impacting the other piece of codes.

2. Unit testing helps in maintaining and changing the code. This is possible by making the codes less
interdependent so that unit testing can be executed. Hence chances of impact of changes to any other
code gets reduced.

3. Since the bugs are found early in unit testing hence it also helps in reducing the cost of bug fixes.
Just imagine the cost of bug found during the later stages of development like during system testing or
during acceptance testing.

4. Unit testing helps in simplifying the debugging process. If suppose a test fails then only latest
changes made in code needs to be debugged.

What is Component testing?

Component testing is a method where testing of each component in an application is done
separately.  Suppose, in an application there are 5 components. Testing of each 5 components
separately and efficiently is called as component testing.

 Component testing is also known as module and program testing. It finds the defects in the
module and verifies the functioning of software.
 Component testing is done by the tester.

 Component testing may be done in isolation from rest of the system depending on the develop-
ment life cycle model chosen for that particular application. In such case the missing software is
replaced by Stubs and Drivers and simulate the interface between the software components in a
simple manner.
 Let’s take an example to understand it in a better way. Suppose there is an application consist-
ing of three modules say, module A, module B and module C. The developer has developed the
module B and now wanted to test it. But in order to test the module B completely few of it’s
functionalities are dependent on module A and few on module C. But the module A and module
C has not been developed yet. In that case to test the module B completely we can replace the
module A and module C by stub and drivers as required.
 Stub: A stub is called from the software component to be tested. As shown in the diagram be-
low ‘Stub’ is called by ‘component A’.
 Driver: A driver calls the component to be tested. As shown in the diagram below ‘component
B’ is called by the ‘Driver’.

Below is the diagram of the component testing:

As discussed in the previous article of the ‘Unit testing’ it is done by the developers where they do the
testing of the individual functionality or procedure. After unit testing is executed, component testing
comes into the picture. Component testing is done by the testers.

Component testing plays a very important role in finding the bugs. Before we start with the integration
testing it’s always preferable to do the component testing in order to ensure that each component of an
application is working effectively.

Integration testing is followed by the component testing.

What is Integration testing?

Integration testing tests integration or interfaces between components, interactions to different parts
of the system such as an operating system, file system and hardware or interfaces between systems.

 Also after integrating two different components together we do the integration testing. As dis-
played in the image below when two different modules ‘Module A’ and ‘Module B’ are inte-
grated then the integration testing is done.

 Integration testing is done by a specific integration tester or test team.
 Integration testing follows two approach known as ‘Top Down’ approach and ‘Bottom Up’ ap-
proach as shown in the image below:

Below are the integration testing techniques:

1. Big Bang integration testing:

 In Big Bang integration testing all components or modules are integrated simultaneously, after
which everything is tested as a whole. In this approach individual modules are not integrated
until and unless all the modules are ready.
 In Big Bang integration testing all the modules are integrated without performing any integra-
tion testing and then it’s executed to know whether all the integrated modules are working fine
or not.
 Because of integrating everything at one time if any failures occurs then it become very difficult
for the programmers to know the root cause of that failure.
 In case any bug arises then the developers has to detach the integrated modules in order to find
the actual cause of the bug.

Advantage of Big Bang Integration:

 Big Bang testing has the advantage that everything is finished before integration testing starts.

Disadvantages of Big Bang Integration:

 The major disadvantage is that in general it is very time consuming

 It is very difficult to trace the cause of failures because of this late integration.
 The chances of having critical failures are more because of integrating all the components to-
gether at same time.

 If any bug is found then it is very difficult to detach all the modules in order to find out the root
cause of it.
 There is high probability of occurrence of the critical bugs in the production environment

Below is the image of the big bang integration testing:

Suppose a system consists of four modules as displayed in the diagram above. In big bang integration
all the four modules ‘Module A, Module B, Module C and Module D’ are integrated simultaneously
and then the testing is performed. Hence in this approach no individual integration testing is performed
because of which the chances of critical failures increases.

2.) Incremental testing:

What is Incremental testing in software?

The incremental testing approach has the advantage that the defects are found early in a smaller
assembly when it is relatively easy to detect the cause.

 Another advantage is that all programs are integrated one by one and a test is carried out after
each step. 
 A disadvantage is that it can be time-consuming since stubs and drivers have to be developed
and used in the test.
 Within incremental integration testing a range of possibilities exist, partly depending on the sys-
tem architecture:
o Top down: Testing takes place from top to bottom, following the control flow or archi-
tectural structure (e.g. starting from the GUI or main menu). Components or systems are
substituted by stubs.
o Bottom up: Testing takes place from the bottom of the control flow upwards. Compo-
nents or systems are substituted by drivers.
o Functional incremental: Integration and testing  takes place on the basis of the func-
tions and functionalities, as documented in the functional specification

a) Top-down integration testing: Testing takes place from top to bottom, following the control flow
or architectural structure (e.g. starting from the GUI or main menu). Components or systems are
substituted by stubs. Below is the diagram of  ‘Top down Approach’:
Advantages of Top-Down approach:

 The tested product is very consistent because the integration testing is basically performed in an
environment that almost similar to that of reality
 Stubs can be written with lesser time because when compared to the drivers then Stubs are sim-
pler to author.

Disadvantages of Top-Down approach:

 Basic functionality is tested at the end of cycle

b) Bottom-up integration testing: Testing takes place from the bottom of the control flow upwards.
Components or systems are substituted by drivers. Below is the image of ‘Bottom up approach’:

Advantage of Bottom-Up approach:

 In this approach development and testing can be done together so that the product or application
will be efficient and as per the customer specifications.

Disadvantages of Bottom-Up approach:

 We can catch the Key interface defects at the end of cycle

 It is required to create the test drivers for modules at all levels except the top control

c) Functional incremental: Integration and testing takes place on the basis of the functions and func-
tionalities, as documented in the functional specification.

What is Component integration testing?

 It tests the interactions between software components and is done after component testing.
 The software components themselves may be specified at different times by different specifica-
tion groups, yet the integration of all of the pieces must work together.

What is System testing?

 In system testing the behavior of whole system/product is tested as defined by the scope of the
development project or product.
 It may include tests based on risks and/or requirement specifications, business process, use
cases, or other high level descriptions of system behavior, interactions with the operating sys-
tems, and system resources.
 System testing is most often the final test to verify that the system to be delivered meets the
specification and its purpose.
 System testing is carried out by specialists testers or independent testers.
 System testing should investigate both functional and non-functional requirements of the test-

What is System integration testing?

 System integration testing (SIT) tests the interactions between different systems and may be
done after system testing.
 It verifies the proper execution of software components and proper interfacing between compo-
nents within the solution.
 The objective of SIT Testing is to validate that all software module dependencies are function-
ally correct and that data integrity is maintained between separate modules for the entire solu-
 As testing for dependencies between different components is a primary function of SIT Testing,
this area is often most subject to Regression Testing.

What is Acceptance testing or User Acceptance Testing (UAT)?

After the system test has corrected all or most defects, the system will be delivered to the user
or customer for Acceptance Testing or User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

 Acceptance testing is basically done by the user or customer although other stakeholders may
be involved as well.
 The goal of acceptance testing is to establish confidence in the system.
 Acceptance testing is most often focused on a validation type testing.
 Acceptance testing may occur at more than just a single level, for example:
o A Commercial Off the shelf (COTS) software product may be acceptance tested when
it is installed or integrated.

o Acceptance testing of the usability of the component may be done during component
o Acceptance testing of a new functional enhancement may come before system test-
 The types of acceptance testing are:
o The User Acceptance test: focuses mainly on the functionality thereby validating the
fitness-for-use of the system by the business user. The user acceptance test is performed
by the users and application managers.
o The Operational Acceptance test: also known as Production acceptance test validates
whether the system meets the requirements for operation. In most of the organization the
operational acceptance test is performed by the system administration before the system
is released. The operational acceptance test may include testing of backup/restore, disas-
ter recovery, maintenance tasks and periodic check of security vulnerabilities.
o Contract Acceptance testing: It is performed against the contract’s acceptance criteria
for producing custom developed software. Acceptance should be formally defined when
the contract is agreed.
o Compliance acceptance testing: It is also known as regulation acceptance testing is
performed against the regulations which must be adhered to, such as governmental, legal
or safety regulations.

What is Alpha testing?

Alpha testing is one of the most common software testing strategy used in software
development. Its specially used by product development organizations.

 This test takes place at the developer’s site. Developers observe the users and note problems.
 Alpha testing is testing of an application when development is about to complete. Minor design
changes can still be made as a result of alpha testing.
 Alpha testing is typically performed by a group that is independent of the design team, but still
within the company, e.g. in-house software test engineers, or software QA engineers.
 Alpha testing is final testing before the software is released to the general public. It has two
o In the first phase of alpha testing, the software is tested by in-house developers. They
use either debugger software, or hardware-assisted debuggers. The goal is to catch bugs
o In the second phase of alpha testing, the software is handed over to the software QA
staff, for additional testing in an environment that is similar to the intended use.

 Alpha testing is simulated or actual operational testing by potential users/customers or an inde-

pendent test team at the developers’ site. Alpha testing is often employed for off-the-shelf soft-
ware as a form of internal acceptance testing, before the software goes to beta testing.

What is Beta testing?

 Beta Testing is also known as field testing. It takes place at customer’s site. It sends the sys-
tem/software to users who install it and use it under real-world working conditions.

 A beta test is the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience
tries the product out. (Beta is the second letter of the Greek alphabet.) Originally, the term alpha
testing meant the first phase of testing in a software development process. The first phase in-
cludes unit testing, component testing, and system testing. Beta testing can be considered “pre-
release testing.

 The goal of beta testing is to place your application in the hands of real users outside of your
own engineering team to discover any flaws or issues from the user’s perspective that you
would not want to have in your final, released version of the application. Example: Microsoft
and many other organizations release beta versions of their products to be tested by users.\

Open and Closed Beta:

Developers release either a closed beta or an open beta;

 Closed beta versions are released to a select group of individuals for a user test and are invita-
tion only, while
 Open betas are from a larger group to the general public and anyone interested. The testers re-
port any bugs that they find, and sometimes suggest additional features they think should be
available in the final version.

Advantages of beta testing

 You have the opportunity to get your application into the hands of users prior to releasing it to
the general public.
 Users can install, test your application, and send feedback to you during this beta testing period.
 Your beta testers can discover issues with your application that you may have not noticed, such
as confusing application flow, and even crashes.
 Using the feedback you get from these users, you can fix problems before it is released to the
general public.
 The more issues you fix that solve real user problems, the higher the quality of your application
when you release it to the general public.
 Having a higher-quality application when you release to the general public will increase cus-
tomer satisfaction.
 These users, who are early adopters of your application, will generate excitement about your ap-

What is test coverage in software testing? It’s advantages and disadvantages

Test coverage measures the amount of testing performed by a set of test. Wherever we can count things
and can tell whether or not each of those things has been tested by some test, then we can measure coverage and
is known as test coverage.The basic coverage measure is where the ‘coverage item’ is whatever we have been
able to count and see whether a test has exercised or used this item.

Benefit of code coverage measurement:

 It creates additional test cases to increase coverage
 It helps in finding areas of a program not exercised by a set of test cases
 It helps in determining a quantitative measure of code coverage, which indirectly measure the quality of
the application or product.

Drawback of code coverage measurement:

 One drawback of code coverage measurement is that it measures coverage of what has been written, i.e.
the code itself; it cannot say anything about the software that has not been written.
 If a specified function has not been implemented or a function was omitted from the specification, then
structure-based techniques cannot say anything about them it only looks at a structure which is already

Why to measure code coverage?

 To know whether we have enough testing in place

 To maintain the test quality over the life cycle of a project
 To know how well our tests actually test our code

Where to apply this test coverage in software testing?

The answer of the question is that test coverage can be used in any level of the testing. Test coverage can
be measured based on a number of different structural elements in a system or component. Coverage can be
measured at component testing level, integration-testing level or at system- or acceptance-testing levels. For
example, at system or acceptance level, the coverage items may be requirements, menu options, screens, or
typical business transactions. At integration level, we could measure coverage of interfaces or specific
interactions that have been tested.
We can also measure coverage for each of the specification-based techniques or black-box testing:

• Equivalence partitioning: percentage of equivalence partitions exercised (we could measure valid and invalid
partition coverage separately if this makes sense);
• Boundary Value Analysis: percentage of boundaries exercised (we could also separate valid and invalid
boundaries if we wished);
• Decision tables: percentage of business rules or decision table columns tested;
• State transition testing: there are a number of possible coverage measures:

— Percentage of states visited

— Percentage of (valid) transitions exercised (this is known as Chow’s 0- switch coverage)
— Percentage of pairs of valid transitions exercised (‘transition pairs’ or

Chow’s 1-switch coverage) – and longer series of transitions, such as transition triples, quadruples, etc.
— Percentage of invalid transitions exercised (from the state table).

What are the types of coverage?

There are many types of test coverage. Test coverage can be used in any level of the testing.The different
types of coverage are:
1)     Statement coverage
2)     Decision coverage
3)     Condition coverage
4) Modified condition/decision coverage
5) Multiple condition coverage

What is Statement coverage? Advantages and disadvantages

 The statement coverage is also known as line coverage or segment coverage.
 The statement coverage covers only the true conditions.
 Through statement coverage we can identify the statements executed and where the code is not executed
because of blockage.
 In this process each and every line of code needs to be checked and executed

Advantage of statement coverage:

 It verifies what the written code is expected to do and not to do

 It measures the quality of code written
 It checks the flow of different paths in the program and it also ensure that whether those path are tested
or not.

Disadvantage of statement coverage:

 It cannot test the false conditions.
 It does not report that whether the loop reaches its termination condition.
 It does not understand the logical operators.

The statement coverage can be calculated as shown below:

Code sample

Let’s analyze the coverage of a set of tests on our six-statement program:

Test 1_1: X= 2, Y = 3
Test 1_2: X =0, Y = 25
Test 1_3: X =47, Y = 1

 In Test 1_1, the value of Z will be 8, so we will cover the statements on lines 1 to 4 and   line 6.
 In Test 1_2, the value of Z will be 50, so we will cover exactly the same statements as Test 1_1.
 In Test 1_3, the value of Z will be 49, so again we will cover the same statements.

Since we have covered five out of six statements, we have 83% statement coverage (with three tests). What test
would we need in order to cover statement 5, the one statement that we haven’t exercised yet? How about this

Test 1_4: X = 20, Y = 25

This time the value of Z is 70, so we will print ‘Large Z’ and we will have exercised all six of the statements, so
now statement coverage = 100%. Notice that we measured coverage first, and then designed a test to cover the
statement that we had not yet covered.

Note that Test 1_4 on its own is more effective which helps in achieving 100% statement coverage, than the first
three tests together. Just taking Test 1_4 on its own is also more efficient than the set of four tests, since it has
used only one test instead of four. Being more effective and more efficient is the mark of a good test technique.

What is Branch Coverage or Decision Coverage? Its advantages and disadvantages

 Branch coverage – Has each branch of each control structure (such as in if and case statements) been
executed? For example, given an if statement, have both the true and false branches been executed? An-
other way of saying this is, has every edge in the program been executed?
 Branch coverage is also known as Decision coverage or all-edges coverage.

 It covers both the true and false conditions unlikely the statement coverage.

 A branch is the outcome of a decision, so branch coverage simply measures which decision outcomes
have been tested.
 A decision is an IF statement, a loop control statement (e.g. DO-WHILE or REPEAT-UNTIL), or a
CASE statement, where there are two or more outcomes from the statement. With an IF statement, the
exit can either be TRUE or FALSE, depending on the value of the logical condition that comes after IF.

The decision coverage can be calculated as given below:

Code sample 4.3

3 C = A – 2 *B
5 PRINT “C negative”

Let’s suppose that we already have the following test, which gives us 100% statement coverage for code sample

TEST SET 2   Test 2_1: A = 20, B = 15

The value of C is -10, so the condition  ‘C < 0’ is True, so we will print ‘C negative’ and we have executed the
True outcome from that decision statement. But we have not executed the False outcome of the decision
statement. What other test would we need to exercise the False outcome and to achieve 100% decision coverage?

Before we answer that question, let’s have a look at another way to represent this code. Sometimes the decision
structure is easier to see in a control flow diagram (see Figure 4.4).

The dotted line shows where Test 2_1 has gone and clearly shows that we haven’t yet had a test that takes the
False exit from the IF statement.
Let’s modify our existing test set by adding another test:

Test 2_1: A = 20, B = 15
Test 2_2: A = 10, B = 2

This now covers both of the decision outcomes, True (with Test 2_1) and False (with Test 2_2). If we were to
draw the path taken by Test 2_2, it would be a straight line from the read statement down the False exit and
through the ENDIF. We could also have chosen other numbers to achieve either the True or False outcomes.

What is Condition coverage?

 Condition coverage (or predicate coverage) – Has each Boolean sub-expression evaluated both to true
and false?
 This is closely related to decision coverage but has better sensitivity to the control flow.
 However, full condition coverage does not guarantee full decision coverage.
 Condition coverage measures the conditions independently of each other.

For example, consider the following C function:

int foo (int x, int y)

int z = 0;
if ((x > 0) && (y > 0))
z = x;
return z;

Assume this function is a part of some bigger program and this program was run with some test suite.

 Statement coverage for this function will be satisfied if it was called e.g. as foo(1,1), as in this case, ev-
ery line in the function is executed including z = x;.
 Tests calling foo(1,1) and foo(0,1) will satisfy branch coverage because, in the first case, both if condi-
tions are met and z = x; is executed, while in the second case, the first condition (x>0) is not satisfied,
which prevents executing z = x;.
 Condition coverage can be satisfied with tests that call foo(1,0) and foo(0,1). These are necessary be-
cause in the first cases, (x>0) evaluates to true, while in the second, it evaluates false. At the same time,
the first case makes (y>0) false, while the second makes it true.

Condition coverage does not necessarily imply branch coverage. For example, consider the following fragment
of code:

if a and b then
Condition coverage can be satisfied by two tests:

 a=true, b=false
 a=false, b=true

However, this set of tests does not satisfy branch coverage since neither case will meet the if condition.

Modified condition/decision coverage

Condition/decision coverage requires that both decision and condition coverage be satisfied. However,
for safety-critical applications it is often required that modified condition/decision coverage (MC/DC) be satis-
fied. This criterion extends condition/decision criteria with requirements that each condition should affect the de-
cision outcome independently. For example, consider the following code:

if (a or b) and c then

The condition/decision criteria will be satisfied by the following set of tests:

 a=true, b=true, c=true

 a=false, b=false, c=false

However, the above tests set will not satisfy modified condition/decision coverage, since in the first test, the
value of 'b' and in the second test the value of 'c' would not influence the output. So, the following test set is
needed to satisfy MC/DC:

 a=false, b=true, c=false
 a=false, b=true, c=true
 a=false, b=false, c=true
 a=true, b=false, c=true

Multiple condition coverage

This criterion requires that all combinations of conditions inside each decision are tested. For example, the code
fragment from the previous section will require eight tests:

 a=false, b=false, c=false

 a=false, b=false, c=true
 a=false, b=true, c=false
 a=false, b=true, c=true
 a=true, b=false, c=false
 a=true, b=false, c=true
 a=true, b=true, c=false
 a=true, b=true, c=true

How to choose that which testing technique is best?

The decision of how to choose which testing technique is best,will be based on a number of factors, both internal
and external.

The internal factors that influence the decisions about which technique to use are:

 Models used in developing the system– Since testing techniques are based on models used to develop
that system, will to some extent govern which testing techniques can be used. For example, if the speci-
fication contains a state transition diagram, state transition testing would be a good technique to use.

 Testers knowledge and their experience – How much testers know about the system and about testing
techniques will clearly influence their choice of testing techniques. This knowledge will in itself be in-
fluenced by their experience of testing and of the system under test.

 Similar type of defects – Knowledge of the similar kind of defects will be very helpful in choosing test-
ing techniques (since each technique is good at finding a particular type of defect). This knowledge
could be gained through experience of testing a previous version of the system and previous levels of
testing on the current version.

 Test objective – If the test objective is simply to gain confidence that the software will cope with typical
operational tasks then use cases would be a sensible approach. If the objective is for very thorough test-
ing then more rigorous and detailed techniques (including structure-based techniques) should be chosen.

 Documentation – Whether or not documentation (e.g. a requirements specification) exists and whether
or not it is up to date will affect the choice of testing techniques. The content and style of the documenta-
tion will also influence the choice of techniques (for example, if decision tables or state graphs have
been used then the associated test techniques should be used).

 Life cycle model used – A sequential life cycle model will lend itself to the use of more formal tech-
niques whereas an iterative life cycle model may be better suited to using an exploratory testing ap -

The external factors that influence the decisions about which technique to use are:

 Risk assessment – The greater the risk (e.g. safety-critical systems), the greater the need for more thor-
ough and more formal testing. Commercial risk may be influenced by quality issues (so more thorough
testing would be appropriate) or by time-to-market issues (so exploratory testing would be a more appro-
priate choice).

 Customer and contractual requirements – Sometimes contracts specify particular testing techniques

to use (most commonly statement or branch coverage).

 Type of system used – The type of system (e.g. embedded, graphical, financial, etc.) will influence the
choice of techniques. For example, a financial application involving many calculations would benefit
from boundary value analysis.

 Regulatory requirements – Some industries have regulatory standards or guidelines that govern the
testing techniques used. For example, the aircraft industry requires the use of equivalence partitioning,
boundary value analysis and state transition testing for high integrity systems together with statement,
decision or modified condition decision coverage depending on the level of software integrity required.

 Time and budget of the project – Ultimately how much time there is available will always affect the
choice of testing techniques. When more time is available we can afford to select more techniques and
when time is severely limited we will be limited to those that we know have a good chance of helping us
find just the most important defects.

Mutation Testing
Mutation Testing is a type of software testing where we mutate (change) certain statements in the
source code and check if the test cases are able to find the errors. It is a type of White Box Testing which is

mainly used for Unit Testing. The changes in mutant program are kept extremely small, so it does not affect the
overall objective of the program.
The goal of Mutation Testing is to assess the quality of the test cases which should be robust enough to fail
mutant code. This method is also called as Fault based testing strategy as it involves creating fault in the

How to execute mutation testing?

Following are the steps to execute mutation testing:

Step 1: Faults are introduced into the source code of the program by creating many versions called mutants.
Each mutant should contain a single fault, and the goal is to cause the mutant version to fail which demonstrates
the effectiveness of the test cases.

Step 2: Test cases are applied to the original program and also to the mutant program. A Test Case should be ad-
equate, and it is tweaked to detect faults in a program.

Step 3: Compare the results of original and mutant program.

Step 4: If the original program and mutant programs generate the different output, then that the mutant is killed
by the test case. Hence the test case is good enough to detect the change between the original and the mutant pro-
Step 5: If the original program and mutant program generate same output, Mutant is kept alive. In such cases,
more effective test cases need to be created that kill all mutants.

How to Create Mutant Programs?

A mutation is nothing but a single syntactic change that is made to the program statement. Each mutant
program should differ from the original program by one mutation.

Original Program Mutant Program

If (x>y) If(x<y)

Print "Hello" Print "Hello"

Else Else

Print "Hi" Print "Hi"

Types of Mutation Testing

Mutation testing could be fundamentally categorized into 3 types– statement mutation, decision mutation, and
value mutation

1. Statement Mutation - developer cut and pastes a part of code of which the outcome may be removal of
some lines
2. Value Mutation- values of primary parameters are modified
3. Decision Mutation- control statements are to be changed

Mutation Score:

The mutation score is defined as the percentage of killed mutants with the total number of mutants.

 Mutation Score = (Killed Mutants / Total number of Mutants) * 100

Test cases are mutation adequate if the score is 100%.

What to change in a Mutant Program?

There are several techniques that could be used to generate mutant programs.

Operand replacement Statement modification
operators Operators
Replace the operand with Replace an operator or
Programmatic statements are
another operand (x with y or y insertion of new
modified to create mutant
with x) or with the constant operators in a program
value. statement.

Delete the else part in an if-else


Delete the entire if-else

statement to check how program

Some of sample mutation

 GOTO label replace-
If(x==y) ment
Example-  Return statement re-
We can replace == into placement
If(x>y) replace x and y values  Statement deletion
>= and have mutant
program as  Unary operator inser-
If(5>y) replace x by constant 5 tion (Like - and ++)
If(x>=y) and inserting  Logical connector re-
++ in the statement placement
 Comparable array name
If(x==++y) replacement
 Removing of else part
in the if-else statement
 Adding or replacement
of operators
 Statement replacement
by changing the data
 Data Modification for
the variables
 Modification of data
types in the program

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutation Testing:

Following are the advantages of Mutation Testing:

 It is a powerful approach to attain high coverage of the source program.

 This testing is capable comprehensively testing the mutant program.
 Mutation testing brings a good level of error detection to the software developer.
 This method uncovers ambiguities in the source code, and has the capacity to detect all the faults in the
 Customers are benefited from this testing by getting most reliable and stable system.

On the other side, following are the disadvantages of Mutant testing:

 Mutation testing is extremely costly and time consuming since there are many mutant programs that
need to be generated.
 Since its time consuming, it's fair to say that this testing cannot be done without an automation tool.
 Each mutation will have the same number of test cases than that of the original program. So, a large
number of mutant programs may need to be tested against the original test suite.
 As this method involves source code changes, it is not at all applicable for Black Box Testing.

What is test design technique?

A test design technique basically helps us to select a good set of tests from the total number of all
possible tests for a given system. There are many different types of software testing technique, each
with its own strengths and weaknesses. Each individual technique is good at finding particular types of
defect and relatively poor at finding other types.Each testing technique falls into one of a number of
different categories. Broadly speaking there are two main categories:

3. Static technique
4. Dynamic technique

 Specification-based (black-box testing, also known as behavioral techniques)

 Structure-based (white-box testing or structural techniques)
 Experience- based

What is Dynamic testing technique?

 This testing technique needs computer for testing.

 It is done during Validation process.
 The software is tested by executing it on computer.
 Example of this Dynamic Testing Technique: Unit testing, integration testing, system test-

What is black-box, Specification-based, also known as behavioral testing techniques?

 Specification-based testing technique is also known as ‘black-box’ or input/output driven test-

ing techniques because they view the software as a black-box with inputs and outputs.
 The testers have no knowledge of how the system or component is structured inside the box. In
black-box testing the tester is concentrating on what the software does, not how it does it.
 The definition mentions both functional and non-functional testing. Functional testing is con-
cerned with what the system does its features or functions. Non-functional testing is concerned
with examining how well the system does. Non-functional testing like performance, usability,
portability, maintainability, etc.
 Specification-based techniques are appropriate at all levels of testing (component testing
through to acceptance testing) where a specification exists. For example, when performing sys-
tem or acceptance testing, the requirements specification or functional specification may form
the basis of the tests.

 There are four specification-based or black-box technique:

 Equivalence partitioning
 Boundary value analysis
 Decision tables
 State transition testing(Finite state testing)
 Cause Effect Graphing
 Syntax Testing

What is white-box or Structure-based or structural testing techniques?

 Structure-based testing technique is also known as ‘white-box’ or ‘glass-box’ testing technique

because here the testers require knowledge of how the software is implemented, how it works.

In white-box testing the tester is concentrating on how the software does it. For example, a struc-
tural technique may be concerned with exercising loops in the software.
Different test cases may be derived to exercise the loop once, twice, and many times. This may be
done regardless of the functionality of the software.
Structure-based techniques can also be used at all levels of testing. Developers use structure-based
techniques in component testing and component integration testing, especially where there is
good tool support for code coverage.
Structure-based techniques are also used in system and acceptance testing, but the structures are dif-
ferent. For example, the coverage of menu options or major business transactions could be the
structural element in system or acceptance testing.

What is Experience- based testing technique?

 In experience-based techniques, people’s knowledge, skills and background are of prime im-

portance to the test conditions and test cases.
 The experience of both technical and business people is required, as they bring different per-
spectives to the test analysis and design process. Because of the previous experience with simi-
lar systems, they may have an idea as what could go wrong, which is very useful for testing.
 Experience-based techniques go together with specification-based and structure-based tech-
niques, and are also used when there is no specification, or if the specification is inadequate or
out of date.
 This may be the only type of technique used for low-risk systems, but this approach may be par-
ticularly useful under extreme time pressure – in fact this is one of the factors leading to ex-
ploratory testing.

Boundary Value Analysis & Equivalence Partitioning with Examples

What is Equivalent Class Partitioning?

Dividing the test input data into a range of values and selecting one input value from each range is called
Equivalence Partitioning. This is a black box test design technique used to calculate the effectiveness of test
cases and which can be applied to all levels of testing from unit, integration, system testing and so forth.In this
method, the input domain data is divided into different equivalence data classes. This method is typically used to
reduce the total number of test cases to a finite set of testable test cases, still covering maximum requirements.

In short, it is the process of taking all possible test cases and placing them into classes. One test value is
picked from each class while testing.E.g.: If you are testing for an input box accepting numbers from 1 to 1000
then there is no use in writing thousand test cases for all 1000 valid input numbers plus other test cases for in-
valid data.

Using equivalence partitioning method above test cases can be divided into three sets of input data called
as classes. Each test case is a representative of a respective class.So in above example, we can divide our test
cases into three equivalence classes of some valid and invalid inputs.

Test cases for input box accepting numbers between 1 and 1000 using Equivalence Partitioning:

1) One input data class with all valid inputs. Pick a single value from range 1 to 1000 as a valid test case. If you
select other values between 1 and 1000 the result is going to be same. So one test case for valid input data
should be sufficient.

2) Input data class with all values below the lower limit. I.e. any value below 1, as an invalid input data test

3) Input data with any value greater than 1000 to represent third invalid input class.

So using equivalence partitioning you have categorized all possible test cases into three classes. Test
cases with other values from any class should give you the same result.We have selected one representative from
every input class to design our test cases. Test case values are selected in such a way that largest number of
attributes of equivalence class can be exercised.
Equivalence partitioning uses fewest test cases to cover maximum requirements.

Example 2

Suppose a password field accepts minimum 6 characters and maximum 10 characters

That means results for values in partitions 0-5, 6-10, 11-14 should be equivalent

Test Scenario # Test Scenario Description Expected Outcome

Enter 0 to 5 characters in password System should not
field accept
Enter 6 to 10 characters in password
2 System should accept
Enter 11 to 14 character in password System should not
field accept

What is Boundary Testing?

Boundary testing is the process of testing between extreme ends or boundaries between partitions of the input

 So these extreme ends like Start- End, Lower- Upper, Maximum-Minimum, Just Inside-Just
Outside values are called boundary values and the testing is called "boundary testing".
 The basic idea in boundary value testing is to select input variable values at their:

1. Minimum
2. Just above the minimum
3. A nominal value
4. Just below the maximum
5. Maximum

‘Boundary value analysis’ testing technique is used to identify errors at boundaries rather than finding
those exist in center of input domain. Here we have both valid boundaries (in the valid partitions) and invalid
boundaries (in the invalid partitions). Boundary value analysis is the next part of Equivalence partitioning for de-
signing test cases where test cases are selected at the edges of the equivalence classes.

Test cases for input box accepting numbers between 1 and 1000 using Boundary value analysis:
1) Test cases with test data exactly as the input boundaries of input domain i.e. values 1 and 100 in our case.

2) Test data with values just below the extreme edges of input domains i.e. values 0 and 999.

3) Test data with values just above the extreme edges of input domain i.e. values 2 and 1001.

Boundary value analysis is often called as a part of stress and negative testing.

Examples 2: Input Box should accept the Number 1 to 10

Here we will see the Boundary Value Test Cases

Test Scenario Description Expected Outcome

Boundary Value = 0 System should NOT accept
Boundary Value = 1 System should accept
Boundary Value = 2 System should accept
Boundary Value = 9 System should accept
Boundary Value = 10 System should accept
Boundary Value = 11 System should NOT accept

Why Equivalence & Boundary Analysis Testing

1. This testing is used to reduce very large number of test cases to manageable chunks.
2. Very clear guidelines on determining test cases without compromising on the effectiveness of
3. Appropriate for calculation-intensive applications with large number of variables/inputs

What is Cause-Effect Graph?

Cause Effect Graph is a black box testing technique that graphically illustrates the relationship between
a given outcome and all the factors that influence the outcome.It is also known as Ishikawa diagram
as it was invented by Kaoru Ishikawa or fish bone diagram because of the way it looks. A “Cause”
stands for a separate input condition that fetches about an internal change in the system. An “Effect”
represents an output condition, a system transformation or a state resulting from a combination of

Cause Effect - Flow Diagram

Circumstances - under which Cause-Effect Diagram used

 To Identify the possible root causes, the reasons for a specific effect, problem, or outcome.
 To Relate the interactions of the system among the factors affecting a particular process or ef-
 To Analyze the existing problems so that corrective action can be taken at the earliest.

Benefits :

 It Helps us to determine the root causes of a problem or quality using a structured approach.
 It Uses an orderly, easy-to-read format to diagram cause-and-effect relationships.
 It Indicates possible causes of variation in a process.
 It Identifies areas, where data should be collected for further study.
 It Encourages team participation and utilizes the team knowledge of the process.
 It Increases knowledge of the process by helping everyone to learn more about the factors at
work and how they relate.

Steps in Cause effect graphing

Fig: Notations
Let’s draw a cause and effect graph based on a situation


The “Print message” is software that read two characters and, depending on their values, messages must be

 The first character must be an “A” or a “B”.

 The second character must be a digit.
 If the first character is an “A” or “B” and the second character is a digit, the file must be up-
 If the first character is incorrect (not an “A” or “B”), the message X must be printed.
 If the second character is incorrect (not a digit), the message Y must be printed.


The causes for this situation are:

C1 – First character is A
C2 – First character is B
C3 – the Second character is a digit

The effects (results) for this situation are

E1 – Update the file
E2 – Print message “X”
E3 – Print message “Y”


First, draw the causes and effects as shown below:

Key – Always go from effect to cause (left to right). That means, to get effect “E”, what causes should be true.

In this example, let’s start with Effect E1.

Effect E1 is to update the file. The file is updated when

–  The first character is “A” and the second character is a digit
–  The first character is “B” and the second character is a digit
–  The first character can either be “A” or “B” and cannot be both.

Now let’s put these 3 points in symbolic form:

For E1 to be true – following are the causes:

–  C1 and C3 should be true
–  C2 and C3 should be true
–  C1 and C2 cannot be true together. This means C1 and C2 are mutually exclusive.

Now let’s draw this:

So as per the above diagram, for E1 to be true the condition is

(C1  C2)  C3

The circle in the middle is just an interpretation of the middle point to make the graph less messy.
There is a third condition where C1 and C2 are mutually exclusive. So the final graph for effect E1 to be true is
shown below:

Let’s move to Effect E2:
E2 states to print message “X”. Message X will be printed when the First character is neither A nor B.
Which means Effect E2 will hold true when either C1 OR C2 is invalid. So the graph for Effect E2 is shown as
(In blue line)

For Effect E3.

E3 states to print message “Y”. Message Y will be printed when Second character is incorrect.
Which means Effect E3 will hold true when C3 is invalid. So the graph for Effect E3 is shown as (In Green line)

This completes the Cause and Effect graph for the above situation.

Now let’s move to draw the Decision table based on the above graph.

Writing Decision table based on Cause and Effect graph

First, write down the Causes and Effects in a single column shown below

Key is the same. Go from bottom to top which means traverse from effect to cause.

Start with Effect E1. For E1 to be true, the condition is (C1  C2)  C3.
Here we are representing True as 1 and False as 0

First, put Effect E1 as True in the next column as

Now for E1 to be “1” (true), we have the below two conditions –

C1 AND C3 will be true
C2 AND C3 will be true

For E2 to be True, either C1 or C2 has to be false shown as

For E3 to be true, C3 should be false.

So it’s done. Let’s complete the graph by adding 0 in the blank column and including the test case identifier.

Writing Test cases from the decision table

A sample test case for test case 1 (TC1) and Test Case 2 (TC2).

What is Error Guessing in Software Testing?

Error guessing is a technique on guessing the error which can prevail in the code. It is
basically an experience based technique that makes use of a tester's skill, intuition and experience in
testing similar applications to identify defects that may not be easy to capture by the more formal
techniques. Some people seem to be naturally good at testing and others are good testers because they
have a lot of experience either as a tester or working with a particular system and so are able to find out
its weaknesses. This is why an error guessing approach, used after more formal techniques have been
applied to some extent, can be very effective. It also saves a lot of time because of the assumptions and
guessing made by the experienced testers to find out the defects which otherwise won’t be able to find.

The success of error guessing is very much dependent on the skill of the tester, as good testers know
where the defects are most likely to be. is usually done after more formal techniques are completed. If
the analyst guesses that the login page is error prone, then the testers write more detailed test cases con-
centrating on the login page. Testers can think of variety of combinations of data to test the login page.

To design test cases based on error guessing technique, analyst can use the past experiences to
identify the conditions. This technique can be used at any level of testing and for testing the common
mistakes like:

 Divide by zero
 Entering blank spaces in the text fields
 Pressing submit button without entering values.
 Uploading files exceeding maximum limits.

Error guessing technique requires skilled and experienced tester. Following factors can be used to
guess the errors:
 Lessons learnt from past releases
 Historical learning
 Previous defects
 Review checklist
 Application UI
 Previous test results
 Risk reports of the application
 Variety of data used for testing.

Though Error guessing is one of the key techniques of testing, it does not provide a full coverage of
the application. It also cannot guarantee that the software has reached the expected quality benchmark.
This technique should be combined with other techniques to yield better results.

Drawbacks of Error Guessing?

The main drawback of error guessing is it depends on the experience of the tester, who is deploying it.


A Software Test Plan is a document describing the testing scope and activities. It is the basis for formally testing
any software/product in a project.

 test plan: A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities.
It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task,
degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques and entry and exit criteria
to be used, and the rationale for their choice,and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record
of the test planning process.

Importance of Test Plan

Making Test Plan has multiple benefits

 Test Plan helps us determine the effort needed to validate the quality of the application  under test
 Help people outside the test team such as developers, business managers, customers understand the de-
tails of testing.
 Test Plan guides our thinking. It is like a rule book, which needs to be followed.
 Important aspects like test estimation, test scope, Test Strategy are documented in Test Plan, so it can be
reviewed by Management Team and re-used for other projects.


One can have the following types of test plans:

 Master Test Plan: A single high-level test plan for a project/product that unifies all other test plans.
 Testing Level Specific Test Plans:Plans for each level of testing.
o Unit Test Plan
o Integration Test Plan
o System Test Plan
o Acceptance Test Plan
 Testing Type Specific Test Plans: Plans for major types of testing like Performance Test Plan and Secu-
rity Test Plan.


 Make the plan concise. Avoid redundancy and superfluousnessBe specific. For example, when you
specify an operating system as a property of a test environment, mention the OS Edition/Version as well,
not just the OS Name.
 Make use of lists and tables wherever possible. Avoid lengthy paragraphs.
 Have the test plan reviewed a number of times prior to baselining it or sending it for approval. The
quality of your test plan speaks volumes about the quality of the testing you or your team is going to per-
 Update the plan as and when necessary. An out-dated and unused document stinks and is worse than
not having the document in the first place.


The format and content of a software test plan vary depending on the processes, standards, and test management
tools being implemented. Test plan contains the following:

S.No. Parameter Description

1. Test plan identifier Unique identifying reference.
2. Introduction A brief introduction about the project and to the document.
3. Test items A test item is a software item that is the application under test.
4. Features to be tested A feature that needs to tested on the testware.
Features not to be
5. Identify the features and the reasons for not including as part of testing.
6. Approach Details about the overall approach to testing.
7. Item pass/fail criteria Documented whether a software item has passed or failed its test.
The deliverables that are delivered as part of the testing process,such as test plans,
8. Test deliverables
test specifications and test summary reports.
9. Testing tasks All tasks for planning and executing the testing.
Defining the environmental requirements such as hardware, software, OS, network
10. Environmental needs
configurations, tools required.
11. Responsibilities Lists the roles and responsibilities of the team members.
Staffing and training Captures the actual staffing requirements and any specific skills and training
needs requirements.
13. Schedule States the important project delivery dates and key milestones.
High-level project risks and assumptions and a mitigating plan for each identified
14. Risks and Mitigation
15. Approvals Captures all approvers of the document, their titles and the sign off date.

How to write a Test Plan

You already know that making a Test Plan is the most important task of Test Management Process. Follow the
seven steps below to create a test plan as per IEEE 829

1. Analyze the product

2. Design the Test Strategy
3. Define the Test Objectives
4. Define Test Criteria
5. Resource Planning
6. Plan Test Environment
7. Schedule & Estimation
8. Determine Test Deliverables

Step 1) Analyze the product

You should research clients and the end users to know their needs and expectations from the application

 Who will use the website?

 What is it used for?
 How will it work?
 What are software/ hardware the product uses?

Step 2) Develop Test Strategy

Test Strategy is a critical step in making a Test Plan. A Test Strategy document, is a high-level document,
which is usually developed by Test Manager. This document defines:

 The project’s testing objectives and the means to achieve them

 Determines testing effort and costs

Back to your project, you need to develop Test Strategy for testing that banking website. You should follow
steps below

Step 2.1) Define Scope of Testing

Before the start of any test activity, scope of the testing should be known. You must think hard about it.

 The components of the system to be tested (hardware, software, middleware, etc.) are defined as "in
 The components of the system that will not be tested also need to be clearly defined as being "out of

Step 2.2) Identify Testing Type

A Testing Type is a standard test procedure that gives an expected test outcome.

Each testing type is formulated to identify a specific type of product bugs. But, all Testing Types are aimed at
achieving one common goal “Early detection of all the defects before releasing the product to the customer”

The commonly used testing types are described as following figure

Step 2.3) Document Risk & Issues

Risk is future’s uncertain event with a probability of occurrence and a potential for loss. When the risk actu-
ally happens, it becomes the ‘issue’.

In the Test Plan, you will document those risks

Risk Mitigation
Team member lack the required skills for
Plan training course to skill up your members
website testing.
The project schedule is too tight; it's hard
Set Test Priority for each of the test activity.
to complete this project on time
Test Manager has poor management skill Plan leadership training for manager
A lack of cooperation negatively affectsEncourage each team member in his task, and inspire them to
your employees' productivity greater efforts.
Establish the scope before beginning work, pay a lot of attention to
Wrong budget estimate and cost overruns
project planning and constantly track and measure the progress

Step 2.4) Create Test Logistics

 In Test Logistics, the Test Manager should answer the following questions:

 Who will test?
 When will the test occur?

Who will test?

To select the right member for specified task, you have to consider if his skill is qualified for the task or not, also
estimate the project budget. Selecting wrong member for the task may cause the project to fail or delay.

When will the test occur?

You will start to test when you have all required items shown in following figure

Step 3) Define Test Objective

Test Objective is the overall goal and achievement of the test execution. The objective of the testing is finding as
many software defects as possible; ensure that the software under test is bug free before release.

To define the test objectives, you should do 2 following steps

1. List all the software features (functionality, performance, GUI…) which may need to test.
2. Define the target or the goal of  the test based on  above features

Step 4) Define Test Criteria

Test Criteria is a standard or rule on which a test procedure or test judgment can be based. There’re 2 types of
test criteria as following
Suspension Criteria

Specify the critical suspension criteria for a test. If the suspension criteria are met during testing, the active test
cycle will be suspended until the criteria are resolved.

Example: If your team members report that there are 40% of test cases failed, you should suspend testing until
the development team fixes all the failed cases.

Exit Criteria

It specifies the criteria that denote a successful completion of a test phase. The exit criteria are the targeted re-
sults of the test and are necessary before proceeding to the next phase of development. Example: 95% of all crit-
ical test cases must pass.

Step 5) Resource Planning

Resource plan is a detailed summary of all types of resources required to complete project task. Resource could
be human, equipment and materials needed to complete a project .The resource planning is important factor of
the test planning because helps in determining the number of resources (employee, equipment…) to be used
for the project. Therefore, the Test Manager can make the correct schedule & estimation for the project.

Human Resource Example

The following table represents various members in your project team

No. Member Tasks

Manage the whole project

1. Test Manager Define project directions

Acquire appropriate resources

Identifying and describing appropriate test techniques/tools/automation architec-

Verify and assess the Test Approach

2. Tester Execute the tests, Log results, Report the defects.

Tester could be in-sourced or out-sourced members, base on the project budget

For the task which required low skill, I recommend you choose outsourced
members to save project cost.
Developer in
3. Implement the test cases, test program, test suite etc.

System Resource Example

For testing, a web application, you should plan the resources as following tables:

No. Resources Descriptions

Install the web application under test
1. Server
This includes a separate web server, database server, and application server if applicable
The testing tool is to automate the testing, simulate the user operation, generate the test results
2. Test tool
There are tons of test tools you can use for this project such as Selenium, QTP…etc.
You need a Network include LAN and Internet to simulate the real business and user environ-
3. Network
4. Computer The PC which users often use to connect the web server

Step 6) Plan Test Environment

What is the Test Environment

A testing environment is a setup of software and hardware on which the testing team is going to execute test
cases. The test environment consists of real business and user environment, as well as physical environments,
such as server, front end running environment.

Step 7) Schedule & Estimation

. In the Test Estimation phase, suppose you break out the whole project into small tasks and add the estimation
for each task as below

Task Members Estimate effort

Create the test specification Test Designer 170 man-hour
Perform Test Execution Tester, Test Administrator 80 man-hour
Test Report Tester 10 man-hour
Test Delivery 20 man-hour
Total 280 man-hour

Then you create the schedule to complete these tasks.

Making schedule is a common term in project management. By creating a solid schedule in the Test Planning,
the Test Manager can use it as tool for monitoring the project progress, control the cost overruns.

To create the project schedule, the Test Manager needs several types of input as below:

 Employee and project deadline: The working days, the project deadline, resource availability are the
factors which affected to the schedule
 Project estimation:  Base on the estimation, the Test Manager knows how long it takes to complete the
project. So he can make the appropriate project schedule
 Project Risk : Understanding the risk helps Test Manager add enough extra time to the project schedule
to deal with the risks

Step 8) Test Deliverables

Test Deliverables is a list of all the documents, tools and other components that has to be developed and main-
tained in support of the testing effort.

There are different test deliverables at every phase of the software development lifecycle.

Test deliverables are provided before testing phase.

 Test plans document.

 Test cases documents
 Test Design specifications.

Test deliverables are provided during the testing

 Test Scripts
 Simulators.
 Test Data
 Test Traceability Matrix
 Error logs and execution logs.

Test deliverables are provided after the testing cycles is over.

 Test Results/reports
 Defect Report
 Installation/ Test procedures guidelines

Software Test Estimation Techniques

What is Software Test Estimation?

Test estimation is a management activity which approximates how long a Task would take to complete.
Estimating effort for the test is one of the major and important tasks in Test Management.
Why Test Estimation?

Two questions you can expect from your clients when discussing potential test engagements are

What to Estimate?

Resources:  Resources are required to carry out any project tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities,
funding, or anything else capable of definition required for the completion of a project activity.

Times : Time is the most valuable resource in a project. Every project has a  deadline to delivery.

 Human Skills : Human skills mean the knowledge and the experience of the Team members. They af-
fect to your estimation. For example, a team, whose members have low testing skills, will take more
time to finish the project than the one which has high testing skills.
 Cost: Cost is the project budget. Generally speaking, it means how much money it takes to finish the

How to estimate?

List of Software Test Estimation Techniques

 Work Breakdown Structure

 3-Point Software Testing Estimation Technique
 Function Point/Testing Point Analysis

Estimation Steps:

Step1) Divide the whole project task into subtasks

Task is a piece of work that has been given to someone. To do this, you can use the Work Breakdown
Structure technique.In this technique, a complex project is divided into modules. The modules are divided into
sub-modules. Each sub-module is further divided into functionality. It means divide the whole project task into
the smallest tasks.

After that, you can break out each task to the subtask. The purpose of this activity is create task
as detailed as possible.

Task Sub task

Analyze software Investigate the soft requirement specs

requirement specification

Interview with the developer & other stakeholders

to know more about the website

Create the Test Design test scenarios


Create test cases

Review and revise test cases

Execute the test cases Build up the test environment

Execute the test cases

Review test execution results

Report the defects

Create the defect reports

Report the defects

Step 2) Allocate each task to team member

In this step, each task is assigned to the appropriate member in the project team. You can assigned task as

Task Members

Analyze software All the members

requirement specification

Create the test specification Tester/Test Analyst

Build up the test environment Test Administrator

Execute the test cases Tester, Test Administrator

Report defects Tester

Step 3) Effort Estimation For Tasks

There are 2 techniques which you can apply to estimate the effort for tasks

1. Functional Point Method

2. Three Point Estimation

Method 1) Function Point Method

In this method, the Test Manager estimates Size, Duration, and Cost for the tasks

Step A) Estimate size for the task

In Step 1, you already have broken the whole project task into small task by using WBS method. Now you
estimate the size of those tasks. Let’s practice with a particular task “Create the test specification”.The size of
this task depends on the functional size of the system under test. The functional size reflects the amount of
functionality that is relevant to the user. The more number of functionality, the more complex system is.

Prior to start actual estimating tasks effort, functional points are divided into three groups
like Complex, Medium Simple as following:

Based on the complex of software functions, the Test Manger has to give enough weightage to each functional
point. For example

Group Weightage

Complex 5

Medium 3

Simple 1

Let’s take a simple example exercise to get clearer:

Take a look the software specification of website for Bank over here.More complex the function point, more is
the effort to test it is. The website is divided into 12 functionpoints, you can determine the complexity of each
function points as follows-

No. Module Name ApplicableRoles Description Weightage

1. Balance Enquiry Manager Customer:A customer can have multiple bank

Customer accounts. He can view balance of his accounts
Manager: A manager can view balance of all
the customers who come under his supervision

2. Fund Transfer Manager Customer:A customer can have transfer funds 5

Customer from his “own” account to any destination
Manager: A manager can transfer funds from
any source bank account to destination account

3. Mini Statement Manager A Mini statement will show last 5 transactions 3

Customer of an account
Customer:A customer can see mini-statement
of only his “own” accounts
Manager: A manager can see mini-statement
of any account

4. Customized Manager A customized statement allows you to filter and 5

Statement Customer display transactions in an account based on
date, transaction value
Customer:A customer can see Customized-
statement of only his “own” accounts
Manager: A manager can see Customized -
statement of any account

5. Change Password Manager Customer:A customer can change password of 1

Customer only his account.
Manager: A manager can change password of
only his account. He cannot change passwords
of his customers

6. New Customer Manager Manager: A manager can add a new customer. 3
Manager: A manager can edit details like
address, email, telephone of a customer.

7. New Account Manager Currently system provides 2 types of accounts 5

 Saving
 Current

A customer can have multiple saving accounts

(one in his name, other in a joint name etc).
He can have multiple current accounts for
different companies he owns.
Or he can have a multiple current and saving
Manager: A manager can add a new account
for an existing customer.

8. Edit Account Manager Manager: A manager can add an edit account 1

details for an existing account

9. Delete Account Manager Manager: A manager can add a delete an 1

account for a customer.

10. Delete Customer Manager A customer can be deleted only if he/she has 1
no active current or saving accounts
Manager: A manager can delete a customer.

11. Deposit Manager Manager: A manager can deposit money into 3

any account. Usually done when cash is
deposited at a bank branch.

12. Withdrawal Manager Manager: A manager can withdraw 3

money from any account. Usually done
when cash is withdrawn at a bank branch.

STEP B) Estimate duration for the task

After classifying the complexity of the function points, you have to estimate the duration to test them. Duration
means how much time needs to finish the task.

 Total Effort: The effort to completely test all the functions of the website
 Total Function Points: Total modules of the website
 Estimate defined per Function Points: The average effort to complete one function points. This value de-
pends on the productivity of the member who will take in charge this task.

Suppose your project team has estimated defined per Function Points of 5 hours/points. You can estimate the
total effort to test all the features of website Guru99 Bank as follows:

Weightage # of Function Points Total

Complex 5 3 15

Medium 3 5 15

Simple 1 4 4

Function Total Points 34

Estimate define per point 5

Total Estimated Effort (Person Hours) 170

So the total effort to complete the task “Create the test specification” of Bank is around 170 man-hours.

STEP C) Estimate the cost for the tasks

This step helps you to answer the last question of customer “How much does it cost?”

Suppose, on average your team salary is $5 per hour. The time required for “Create Test Specs” task is 170
hours. Accordingly, the cost for the task is 5*170= $850. Now you can calculate budget for other activities in
WBS and arrive at overall budget for the project.

METHOD 2) Three Point Estimation

Three-Point estimation is one of the techniques that could be used to estimate a task. The simplicity of the Three-
point estimation makes it a very useful tool for a Project Manager that who wants to estimate.

In three-point estimation, three values are produced initially for every task based on prior experience or best-
guesses as follows

When estimating a task, the Test Manager needs to provide three values, as specified above. The three values
identified, estimate what happens in an optimal state, what is the most likely, or what we think it would be
the worst case scenario.

For the task “Create the test specification”, for the above eg

You can estimate as following

 The best case to complete this task is 120 man-hours (around 15 days). In this case, you have a talented
team, they can finish the task in smallest time.
 The most likely case to complete this task is 170 man-hours (around 21 days). This is a normal case,
you have enough resource and ability to complete the task
 The worst case to complete this task is 200 man-hours (around 25 days). You need to perform much
more work because your team members are not experienced.

Now, assign the value to each parameter as below

The effort to complete the task can be calculated using double-triangular distribution formula as follows-

In the above formula, parameter E is known as Weighted Average. It is the estimation of the task “Create the
test specification”.

In the above estimation, you just determine a possible and not a certain value, we must know about the probability that
the estimation is correct. You can use the other formula:

In above formula, the SD mean Standard Deviation, this value could give you the information about
the probability that the estimation is correct.

Now you can conclude the estimation for the task “Create the test specification”

To complete the task “Create the test specification” of Guru99 Bank website, you need 166.6 ± 13.33Man-hour
(153.33 to 179.99 man-hour)

Step 4) Validate the estimation

Once you create an aggregate estimate for all the tasks mentioned in the WBS, you need to forward it to
the management board, who will review and approve it.The management board will review and discuss your
estimation plan

What is Test Monitoring and Test Control?

Test Monitoring and Test Control is basically a management activity. Test monitoring is a process of
evaluating and providing feedback of the “currently in progress” testing phase and Test control is an activity of
guiding and taking corrective action based on some metrics or information to improve the efficiency and quality.

Why do we monitor?

We need to actively monitor the project to

 Early detect and react appropriately to deviations and changes to plans

 Let’s you communicate to stakeholders, sponsors, and team members exactly where the project
stands and determine how closely your initial plan of action resembles reality
 It will be helpful for the Manager to know whether the project is going on the right track ac-
cording to the project goals. Allows you to make the necessary adjustments regarding resources
or your budget.

What do we monitor?

Monitoring will allow you to make comparisons between your original plan and your progress so far. You will
be able to implement changes, where necessary, to complete the project successfully.We should monitor the key
parameters as below


You have to estimate and track basic cost information for your project. Having
accurate project estimates and a robust project budget is necessary to deliver project within the
decided budget.


The schedule tells you

 When should each activity be done?

 What has already been completed?
 The sequence in which things need to be finished.

Resources are all things required to carry out the project tasks. They can be people or equipment required to
complete the project activity. Lack of resources can affect the project progress.  Monitoring resources will help
you to early detect any resource crunch and find a solution to deal with it.


Quality monitoring involves monitoring the results of specific work products (like test case suite, test execution
log), to evaluate whether its meets the defined quality standards. In case results do not meet quality standards,
you need to identify potential resolution.

How to monitor?

As your project comes to life, keep these questions in mind:

 Are you on schedule? If not, how far behind are you, and how can you catch up?
 Are you over budget?
 Are you still working toward the same project goal?
 Are you running low on resources?
 Are there warning signs of impending problems?
 Is there pressure from management to complete the project sooner?

Test monitoring Steps

To monitor project progress effectively, you should follow the following steps

Step 1) Create Monitoring Plan

You cannot monitor progress unless you have a plan to monitor progress with DEFINED metrics. In the Moni-
toring Plan, you must plan carefully about

What metrics need to collect and measure?

The metrics which you need to collect

 The cost (time, money) spent for the project so far

 How much resource (employees, equipment) are used for the project
 The status of the task (on schedule, behind or before the schedule)
 The quality of the work product (Run rate/pass rate, defect metrics)

When to collect the data?

Now decide when or how often you are going to collect the data for monitoring in the monitoring plan –Weekly
or monthly?  Or just at the start and end of the project?

How to evaluate the project’s progress via metrics?

In the monitoring plan, you should define the methods to evaluate the project’s progress via collected metrics.
Some methods you can refer are

 Compare the progress in plan with the actual progress that the team has made
 Define the criteria which are used to evaluate the project’s progress. For example, if the effort to com-
plete a task took more than 30% effort than planed a project delay.

Step 2) Update progress record

With time, your team member will be making progress on their project task. You must track their activity as per
schedule and ask them frequently update the progress information such as time spent, task status…etc. By
checking these records, you can immediately see the impact on the project plan. One of the best methods to track
the member progress is holding regular meetings.

In the meeting, all members report their current status and issues if any. If a team member or members have
fallen behind or have run into obstacles, formulate a plan for identifying and solving the problem.

Step 3) Analyze record and make the adjustment

There’re 2 sub-steps in the steps

Step 3.1) Analyze

In this step, you compare the progress you defined in plan with the actual progress that the team has made. By
analyzing the record, you can also see how much time has been spent on individual task and the total time spent
on the project overall, can early detect any issue which may happen to the project, and also you can find out the
solution to solve that issue.

Step 3.2) Adjustment

Make the necessary adjustments keep your project on track. Reassign tasks, modify schedules, or reassess your
goals. This will help you keep moving toward the finish line.

Step 4) Produce the Report

You need to prepare progress report of the project. Using the report is a good option to share the overall project
progress with team members or the Management Board. It is also a useful way to show your boss whether the
project is on track.

Best Practices in Test Monitoring and Control

 Follow the standards: One important consideration of project planning is to ensure standardization. It

means that all the project activities must follow the standard process guideline. Standardized processes,
tools, templates, and measurement values make analysis easy, facilitate easy communications, and help
the project team members understand the situation better.

 Documentation: What will happen if you do not write down any discussion or decision in a document?
You may forget them and lose many things. You should write down discussions and decisions at the ap-
propriate place, and establishing a formal documentation procedure for meetings. Such documentation
helps you to resolve issues of miscommunication or misunderstandings among the project team.

 Proactivity: Issues occur in all projects. The important thing is that you have to adopt a proactive ap-
proach to solve issues and problems that arise during project execution. Such issues could be budget,
scope, time, quality, and human resources

What is GUI ?

There are two types of interfaces for a computer application. Command Line Interface is where you type
text and computer responds to that command. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface where you interact with
the computer using images rather than text. Following are the GUI elements which can be used for interaction
between the user and application:

GUI Testing, is validation of above elements.

What is GUI Testing?

GUI testing is the process of testing the system's Graphical User Interface of the Application Under Test.
GUI testing involves checking the screens with the controls like menus, buttons, icons, and all types of bars -
toolbar, menu bar, dialog boxes and windows, etc.

GUI is what user sees. Say if you visit what you will see say home page it is the
GUI (graphical user interface) of the site. A user does not see the source code. The interface is visible to the user.
Especially the focus is on the design structure, images that they are working properly or not. In above example,
if we have to do GUI testing we first check that the images should be completely visible in different browsers.
Also, the links are available, and the button should work when clicked. Also, if the user resizes the screen,
neither images nor content should shrink or crop or overlap.

Need of GUI Testing

A normal User first observes the design and looks of the Application/Software and how easy it is for him
to understand the UI. If a user is not comfortable with the Interface or find application complex to understand he
would never going to use that application again. That's why, GUI is a matter for concern, and proper testing
should be carried out in order to make sure that GUI is free of Bugs.

What do you Check in GUI Testing?

The following checklist will ensure detailed GUI Testing.

 Check all the GUI elements for size, position, width, length and acceptance of characters or numbers.
For instance, you must be able to provide inputs to the input fields.
 Check you can execute the intended functionality of the application using the GUI
 Check Error Messages are displayed correctly
 Check for clear boundary/separation of different sections on screen
 Check Font used in application is readable
 Check the alignment of the text is proper
 Check the Color of the font and warning messages is aesthetically pleasing
 Check that the images have good clarity
 Check that the images are properly aligned
 Check the positioning of GUI elements for different screen resolution.

Approach of GUI Testing

GUI testing can be done through three ways:

Manual Based Testing

Under this approach, graphical screens are checked manually by testers in conformance with the
requirements stated in the business requirements document.

Record and Replay

GUI testing can be done using automation tools. This is done in 2 parts. During Record , test steps are
captured by the automation tool. During playback, the recorded test steps are executed on the Application Under

Model Based Testing

A model is a graphical description of system's behavior. It helps us to understand and predict the system
behavior. Models help in a generation of efficient test cases using the system requirements. Following needs to
be considered for this model based testing:

 Build the model

 Determine Inputs for the model
 Calculate expected output for the model
 Run the tests
 Compare the actual output with the expected output
 Decision on further action on the model

Some of the modeling techniques from which test cases can be derived:

 Charts - Depicts the state of a system and checks the state after some input.
 Decision Tables - Tables used to determine results for each input applied

Model based testing is an evolving technique for the generating the test cases from the requirements. Its main
advantage, compared to above two methods, is that it can determine undesirable states that your GUI can
GUI Testing Test Cases

GUI Testing basically involves

1. Testing the size, position, width, height of the elements.

2. Testing of the error messages that are getting displayed.
3. Testing the different sections of the screen.
4. Testing of the font whether it is readable or not.
5. Testing of the screen in different resolutions with the help of zooming in and zooming out like 640 x
480, 600x800, etc.
6. Testing the alignment of the texts and other elements like icons, buttons, etc. are in proper place or not.
7. Testing the colors of the fonts.
8. Testing the colors of the error messages, warning messages.
9. Testing whether the image has good clarity or not.
10. Testing the alignment of the images.
11. Testing of the spelling.
12. The user must not get frustrated while using the system interface.
13. Testing whether the interface is attractive or not.
14. Testing of the scrollbars according to the size of the page if any.
15. Testing of the disabled fields if any.
16. Testing of the size of the images.
17. Testing of the headings whether it is properly aligned or not.
18. Testing of the color of the hyperlink.

Demo: How to conduct GUI Test

Here we will use some sample test cases for the following screen.

Following below are the example of the Test cases, which consists of UI and Usability test scenarios.

TC 01- Verify that the text box with the label "Source Folder" is aligned properly.

TC 02 - Verify that the text box with the label "Package" is aligned properly.

TC 03 – Verify that label with the name "Browse" is a button which is located at the end of TextBox with the
name "Source Folder."

TC 04 – Verify that label with the name "Browse" is a button which is located at the end of Text Box with the
name "Package."

TC 05 – Verify that the text box with the label "Name" is aligned properly.

TC 06 – Verify that the label "Modifiers" consists of 4 radio buttons with the name public, default, private,

TC 07 – Verify that the label "Modifiers" consists of 4 radio buttons which are aligned properly in a row.

TC 08 – Verify that the label "Superclass" under the label "Modifiers" consists of a dropdown which must be
proper aligned.

TC 09 – Verify that the label "Superclass" consists of a button with the label "Browse" on it which must be
properly aligned.

TC 10 – Verify that clicking on any radio button the default mouse pointer must be changed to hand mouse

TC 11 – Verify that user must not be able to type in the dropdown of "Superclass."

TC 12 – Verify that there must be a proper error generated if something has been mistakenly chosen.

TC 13 - Verify that the error must be generated in the RED color wherever it is necessary.

TC 14 – Verify that proper labels must be used in the error messages.

TC 15 – Verify that the single radio buttons must be selected by default every time.

TC 16 – Verify that the TAB button must be work properly while jumping on other field next to previous.

TC 17 – Verify that all the pages must contain the proper title.

TC 18 – Verify that the page text must be proper aligned.

TC 19 – Verify that after updating any field a proper confirmation message must be displayed.

TC 20 - Verify that only 1 radio button must be selected and more than single checkboxes may be selected.

What is Automation Testing?

Manual Testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the test steps.
Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute your test case suite. The automation software
can also enter test data into the System Under Test ,  compare  expected and actual  results and generate detailed
test  reports.
Test Automation demands considerable investments of money and resources.Successive development
cycles will require execution of same test suite repeatedly.Using a test automation tool it's possible to record this
test suite  and re-play it  as required. Once the  test suite is automated,  no human intervention is required . Goal
of Automation is to reduce number of test cases to be run manually and not eliminate manual testing all together.

Why Automated Testing?

  Automated software testing is important due to following reasons: 

 Manual Testing of all work flows, all fields , all negative scenarios is time and cost consuming
 It is difficult to test for multi lingual sites manually
 Automation does not require Human intervention. You can run automated test unattended (overnight)
 Automation increases  speed of test execution
 Automation helps increase  Test Coverage
 Manual Testing can become boring and hence error prone.

Which Test Cases to Automate?

 High Risk - Business Critical test cases

 Test cases that are executed repeatedly
 Test Cases that are very tedious or difficult to perform manually
 Test Cases which are time consuming

The following category of test cases are not suitable for automation:

 Test Cases that are newly designed and not executed manually  atleast once
 Test Cases for which the requirements are changing frequently
 Test cases which are executed on ad-hoc basis.

Automated Testing Process:

Test tool selection

Test Tool selection largely depends on the technology the Application Under Test is built on.

Following steps are followed in an Automation Process

Define the scope of Automation

Scope of automation is the area of your Application Under Test which will be automated. Following points help
determine scope:

 Feature that are important for the business

 Scenarios which have large amount of data
 Common functionalities across applications
 Technical feasibility
 Extent to which business components are reused
 Complexity of test cases
 Ability to use the same test cases for cross browser testing

 Planning, Design and Development 

During this phase you create  Automation strategy & plan, which contains following details-

 Automation tools selected

 Framework design and its features
 In-Scope and Out-of-scope items of automation
 Automation test bed preparation
 Schedule and Timeline of scripting and execution
 Deliverables of automation testing

 Test Execution

Automation Scripts are executed during this phase. The scripts need input test data before there are set to run.
Once executed they provide detailed test reports.  Execution can be performed using the automation tool directly
or through the Test Management tool which will invoke the automation tool.

Example: Quality center is the Test Management tool which in turn it will invoke QTP for execution of
automation scripts. Scripts can be executed in a single machine or a group of  machines. The execution can be
done during night , to save time.


 As new functionalities are added to the System Under Test with successive cycles, Automation Scripts need to
be added, reviewed and maintained for each release cycle. Maintenance becomes necessary to improve
effectiveness of Automation Scripts. 

Framework in Automation 

A framework is  set of automation guidelines  which help in  

 Maintaining consistency of Testing

 Improves test structuring
 Minimum usage of code
 Less Maintenance of code
 Improve re-usability
 Non Technical testers can be involved in code
 Training period of using the tool can be reduced
 Involves Data wherever appropriate 

There are four types of framework used in automation software testing:

1. Data Driven Automation Framework

2. Keyword Driven Automation Framework
3. Modular Automation Framework
4. Hybrid Automation Framework

 Automation Tool Best Practices 

To get maximum ROI of automation, observe the following

 Scope of Automation needs to be determined in detail before the start of the project. This sets expecta-
tions from Automation right.
 Select the right automation tool: A tool must not be selected based on its popularity but it's fit to the au-
tomation requirements.
 Choose appropriate framework

 Scripting Standards- Standards have to be followed while writing the scripts for Automation .Some of
them are-
o Create uniform scripts, comments and indentation of the code
o Adequate Exception handling - How error is handled on system  failure or unexpected behavior
of the application.
o User defined messages should be coded or standardized for Error Logging for testers to under-
 Measure metrics- Success of automation cannot be determined by   comparing the manual effort with the
automation effort but by also capturing the following metrics.
o Percent of defects found
o Time required for automation testing for each and every release cycle
o Minimal Time taken for release   
o Customer satisfaction Index
o Productivity improvement

The above guidelines if observed can greatly help in making your automation successful.

Benefits of Automation Testing

 Following are benefits of automated testing:

 70% faster than the manual testing

 Wider test coverage of application features
 Reliable in results
 Ensure Consistency
 Saves Time and Cost
 Improves accuracy
 Human Intervention is not required while execution
 Increases Efficiency
 Better speed in executing tests
 Re-usable test scripts
 Test Frequently and thoroughly
 More  cycle of execution can be achieved through automation
 Early time to market

How to Choose an Automation Tool? 

Selecting the right tool can be a tricky task. Following criterion will help you select the best tool for your

 Environment Support
 Ease of use
 Testing of Database
 Object identification
 Image Testing
 Error Recovery Testing
 Object Mapping
 Scripting Language Used

 Support for various types of test - including functional, test management, mobile, etc...
 Support for multiple testing frameworks
 Easy to debug the automation software scripts
 Ability to recognize objects in any environment
 Extensive test reports and results
 Minimize training cost of selected tools 

Automation Testing Tools

There are tons of Functional and Regression Testing Tools available in market. Here are 5 best tools certified by
our experts

1. Selenium

It is a software testing tool used for regression testing. It is an open source testing tool that provides playback
and recording facility for regression testing. The Selenium IDE only supports Mozilla Firebox web browser.

 It provides the provision to export recorded script in other languages like Java, Ruby, RSpec, Python,
 It can be used with frameworks like Junit and TestNG
 It can execute multiple tests at a time
 Autocomplete for Selenium commands that are common
 Walkthrough tests
 Identifies the element using id, name , X-path, etc.
 Store tests as Ruby Script, HTML, and any other format
 It provides an option to assert the title for every page
 It supports selenium user-extensions.js file
 It allows to insert comments in the middle of the script for better understanding and debugging


It is widely used for functional and regression testing, it addresses every major software application and
environment. To simplify test creation and maintenance, it uses the concept of keyword driven testing. It allows
the tester to build test cases directly from the application.

 It is easier to use for non-technical person to adapt to and create working test cases
 It fix defects faster by thoroughly documenting and replicating defects for developer
 Collapse test creation and test documentation at a single site
 Parameterization is easy than WinRunner
 QTP supports .NET development environment
 It has better object identification mechanism
 It can enhance existing QTP scripts without "Application Under Test" being available, by using the Ac-

3. Rational Functional TesterIt is an Object-Oriented automated Functional Testing tool that is capable of

performing automated functional, regression, data-driven testing and GUI testing. The main features of
this tool are

 It supports a wide range of protocols and applications like Java, HTML, NET, Windows, SAP, Visual ba-
sic, etc.
 It can record and replay the actions on demand
 It integrates well with source control management tools such as Rational Clear Case and Rational Team
Concert integration
 It allows developers to create keyword associated script so that it can be re-use
 Eclipse Java Developer Toolkit editor facilitates the team to code test scripts in Java with Eclipse
 It supports custom controls through proxy SDK (Java/.Net)
 It supports version control to enable parallel development of test scripts and concurrent usage by geo-
graphically distributed team


It is an open source testing software for regression testing. It enables you to write tests that are easy to read and
maintain. Watir supports only internet explorer on windows while Watir webdriver supports Chrome, Firefox, IE,
Opera, etc.

 It supports multiple browsers on different platforms

 Rather than using proprietary vendorscript it uses a full featured modern scripting language Ruby
 It supports your web app regardless of what it is developed in


Silk Test is designed for doing functional and regression testing. For e-business application, silk test is the
leading functional testing product. It is a product of Segue Software takeover by Borland in 2006. It is an object
oriented language just like C++. It uses the concept of object, classes, and inheritance. Its main feature includes

 It consists of all the source script files

 It converts the script commands into GUI commands. On the same machine, commands can be run on a
remote or host machine
 To identify the movement of mouse along with keystrokes, Silktest can be executed. It can avail both
playback and record method or descriptive programming methods to get the dialogs
 It identifies all controls and windows of the application under test as objects and determine all of the at-
tributes and properties of each window

Tool Selection and Implementation

How to Select Best Automation Testing Tool / The importance of the software testing tool selection

Success in any test automation depends on identifying the right tool for automation. Selecting the “correct” Testing Tool for
your project is one of the best ways to achieve the project target. The following example will show you the benefit of the
testing tool selection

In the project Bank, to save the effort of testing, the project team decided to use an automated testing tool for the test
execution. After many meetings, your team selected a suitable tool for the project.

One month later, you got the report from the project team about this tool

The results are great. The new automated tool doubled the testing productivity. It means we saved 50% cost of test

This is an example of the benefit of using the testing tool in the project.  Selecting the right testing tool help you to improve
the project productivity and save project cost.

Type of test tools

There’re many types of test tool, which Test Manager can consider when selecting the test tools.

Open-Source Tools

Open source tools are the program wherein the source code is openly published for use and/or modification from
its original design, free of charge.

Commercial Tools

Commercial tools are the software which are produced for sale or to serve commercial purposes. Commercial tools
have more support and more features from a vendor than open-source tools.

Custom Tools

In some Testing project, the testing environment, and the testing process has special characteristics. No open-
source or commercial tool can meet the requirement. Therefore, the Test Manager has to consider the development of the
custom tool.Example: You want to find a Testing tool for the project Bank. You want this tool to meet some specific
requirement of the project.

Automation Feasibility Analysis

Before selecting the test tool, you must analyze the test cases and decide which test cases should be automated and
which test cases should not. This is the Automation Feasibility Analysis activity.Automation Feasibility Analysis is the
very significant contributor in testing. In this analysis, you need to check if the application under test is qualified for
automated test.

Some factors you need to consider:


5 Major Criteria for Selecting a Testing Tool

The major criteria for selecting a testing tool are

Flexibility and Ease of Use

It has to be made sure that the tool is very easy to use and its training and user adaptation time is very less. Every
organization, and in some cases every project follow their own model of testing. The testing tool should be configurable
enough to support these model variances.

Support for End-to-End Traceability

It is very important for the testers to able to trace back all their work in a centralized test management system. A bi-
directional traceability between test artifacts and the associated requirements and defects increase the efficiency of
measuring quality of a project. It also allows organizations to track the coverage of both Requirements and Test Cases,
failing which may lead to missing information, loss of productivity and fall in quality.

Real-time Reports and Dashboards

Most software projects fail due to the lack of proper visualization of analytical data related to a project’s progress. In the
absence of a centralized tool, the entire process of reporting is dependent on manual interactions, making it error-prone. So,
the tool to be procured should have the facility of providing real-time reports and dashboards, keeping stakeholders updated
with the latest status of progress and assess quality at every step.

Support for Test Automation

A testing tool must have the support for managing Test Automation scripts from a single repository. However, that is not
enough for a Test automation project. Test automation needs to be an integral part of the entire execution process. Features
like the central execution of test automation scripts, automatic capturing of test results and making them visible from a
central platform are necessary. Viewing Test Automation results needs to be a part of the end-to-end traceability chain.

Integration With Other Phases of Application Lifecycle

Testing is no longer an isolated phase or a security gate to final delivery, but an integral part of the entire lifecycle. To
achieve this and ensure quality right from the beginning, testing should get involved at every stage of the lifecycle.
Therefore, a testing tool should have the capability to integrate with tools from other phases of the lifecycle, so that a
centralized status update on the project’s progress and quality can be achieved.

Tool selection process

To select the most suitable testing tool for the project, the Test Manager should follow the below tools selection process

Step 1) Identify the requirement for tools

In order to select a testing tool, we have to precisely identify test tool requirements. All the requirement must be
documented and reviewed by project teams and the management board.

Consider the following example:

You want to find the testing tool for the Bank project. What do you expect from the tool?

A) The tool can generate the test cases automatically

B) The tool can generate the test result in the desired format

C) The tester can select which test cases to execute with given set of test data

D) The tool can execute the test case automatically

E) The tool can judge and perform test output validation and mark test cases pass or fail

F) All above the items

Step 2) Evaluate the tools and vendors

After baselining the requirement of the tool, the Test Manager should

 Analyze the commercial and open source tools that are available in the market, based on the project requirement.
 Create a tool shortlist which best meets your criteria
 One factor you should consider is vendors. You should consider the vendor’s reputation, after sale support, tool
update frequency, etc. while taking your decision.
 Evaluate the quality of the tool by taking the trial usage & launching a pilot. Many vendors often make trial ver-
sions of their software available for download

Step 3) Estimate cost and benefit

To ensure the test tool is beneficial for business, the Test Manager have to balance the following factors:

A cost-benefit analysis should be performed before acquiring or building a tool

Example: After spending considerable time to investigate testing tools, the project team found the perfect testing tool for the
project Bank website. The evaluation results concluded that this tool could

 Double the current productivity of test execution

 Reduce the management effort by 30%

However, after discussing with the software vendor, you found that the cost of this tool is too high compare to the value and

benefit that it can bring to the teamwork.

In such a case, the balance between cost & benefit of the tool may affect  the final decision.

Step 4) Make the final decision

To make the final decision, the Test Manager must have:

 Have a strong awareness of the tool. It means you must understand which is the strong points and the weak
points of  the tool
 Balance cost and benefit.

Object Oriented Testing:

Testing is a continuous activity during software development. In object-oriented systems, testing encompasses
three levels, namely, unit testing, subsystem testing, and system testing.

Unit Testing:

 In unit testing, the individual classes are tested. It is seen whether the class attributes are implemented as
per design and whether the methods and the interfaces are error-free.
 Unit testing is the responsibility of the application engineer who implements the structure.

Subsystem Testing:

 This involves testing a particular module or a subsystem and is the responsibility of the subsystem lead.
It involves testing the associations within the subsystem as well as the interaction of the subsystem with
the outside.
 Subsystem tests can be used as regression tests for each newly released version of the subsystem.

System Testing:

 System testing involves testing the system as a whole and is the responsibility of the quality-assurance
team. The team often uses system tests as regression tests when assembling new releases.

The traditional programming consists of procedures operating on data, while the object-oriented paradigm
focuses on objects that are instances of classes. In object-oriented (OO) paradigm, software engineers identify
and specify the objects and services provided by each object. In addition, interaction of any two objects and
constraints on each identified object are also determined. The main advantages of OO paradigm include
increased reusability, reliability, interoperability, and extendibility.

OO program should be tested at different levels to uncover all the errors. At the algorithmic level, each module
(or method) of every class in the program should be tested in isolation. For this, white-box testing can be applied
easily. As classes form the main unit of object-oriented program, testing of classes is the main concern while
testing an OO program. At the class level, every class should be tested as an individual entity. At this level,
programmers who are involved in the development of class conduct the testing. Test cases can be drawn from
requirements specifications, models, and the language used. In addition, structural testing methods such as
boundary value analysis are extremely used. After performing the testing at class level, cluster level testing
should be performed. As classes are collaborated (or integrated) to form a small subsystem (also known as
cluster), testing each cluster individually is necessary. At this level, focus is on testing the components that
execute concurrently as well as on the interclass interaction. Hence, testing at this level may be viewed as
integration testing where units to be integrated are classes. Once all the clusters in the system are tested, system
level testing begins. At this level, interaction among clusters is tested.

Developing Test Cases in Object-oriented Testing

The methods used to design test cases in OO testing are based on the conventional methods. However, these test
cases should encompass special features so that they can be used in the object-oriented environment. The points
that should be noted while developing test cases in an object-oriented environment are listed below.

1. It should be explicitly specified with each test case which class it should test.
2. Purpose of each test case should be mentioned.
3. External conditions that should exist while conducting a test should be clearly stated with each test case.
4. All the states of object that is to be tested should be specified.
5. Instructions to understand and conduct the test cases should be provided with each test case.

Object-oriented Testing Methods

The methods used for performing object-oriented testing are discussed in this section.


State-based testing

It is used to verify whether the methods (a procedure that is executed by an object) of a class are interacting
properly with each other. This testing seeks to exercise the transitions among the states of objects based upon the
identified inputs.

For this testing, finite-state machine (FSM) or state-transition diagram representing the possible states of the ob -
ject and how state transition occurs is built. In addition, state-based testing generates test cases, which check
whether the method is able to change the state of object as expected. If any method of the class does not change
the object state as expected, the method is said to contain errors.

To perform state-based testing, a number of steps are followed, which are listed below.

1. Derive a new class from an existing class with some additional features, which are used to examine and
set the state of the object.
2. Next, the test driver is written. This test driver contains a main program to create an object, send mes-
sages to set the state of the object, send messages to invoke methods of the class that is being tested and
send messages to check the final state of the object.
3. Finally, stubs are written. These stubs call the untested methods.

Fault-based Testing

Fault-based testing is used to determine or uncover a set of plausible faults. In other words, the focus of tester in
this testing is to detect the presence of possible faults. Fault-based testing starts by examining the analysis and
design models of OO software as these models may provide an idea of problems in the implementation of soft -
ware. With the knowledge of system under test and experience in the application domain, tester designs test
cases where each test case targets to uncover some particular faults.

The effectiveness of this testing depends highly on tester experience in application domain and the system under
test. This is because if he fails to perceive real faults in the system to be plausible, testing may leave many faults
undetected. However, examining analysis and design models may enable tester to detect large number of errors
with less effort. As testing only proves the existence and not the absence of errors, this testing approach is con -
sidered to be an effective method and hence is often used when security or safety of a system is to be tested.

Integration testing applied for OO software targets to uncover the possible faults in both operation calls and vari -
ous types of messages (like a message sent to invoke an object). These faults may be unexpected outputs, incor -
rect messages or operations, and incorrect invocation. The faults can be recognized by determining the behavior
of all operations performed to invoke the methods of a class.

Scenario-based Testing

Scenario-based testing is used to detect errors that are caused due to incorrect specifications and improper inter -
actions among various segments of the software. Incorrect interactions often lead to incorrect outputs that can
cause malfunctioning of some segments of the software. The use of scenarios in testing is a common way of de -
scribing how a user might accomplish a task or achieve a goal within a specific context or environment. Note
that these scenarios are more context- and user specific instead of being product-specific. Generally, the struc -
ture of a scenario includes the following points.

1. A condition under which the scenario runs.

2. A goal to achieve, which can also be a name of the scenario.
3. A set of steps of actions.
4. An end condition at which the goal is achieved.
5. A possible set of extensions written as scenario fragments.

Scenario- based testing combines all the classes that support a use-case (scenarios are subset of use-cases) and
executes a test case to test them. Execution of all the test cases ensures that all methods in all the classes are exe-
cuted at least once during testing. However, testing all the objects (present in the classes combined together) col -
lectively is difficult. Thus, rather than testing all objects collectively, they are tested using either top-down or
bottom-up integration approach.

This testing is considered to be the most effective method as scenarios can be organized in such a manner that
the most likely scenarios are tested first with unusual or exceptional scenarios considered later in the testing
process. This satisfies a fundamental principle of testing that most testing effort should be devoted to those paths
of the system that are mostly used.

Challenges in Testing Object-oriented Programs

Traditional testing methods are not directly applicable to OO programs as they involve OO concepts including
encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. These concepts lead to issues, which are yet to be resolved. Some
of these issues are listed below.

1. Encapsulation of attributes and methods in class may create obstacles while testing. As methods are in-
voked through the object of corresponding class, testing cannot be accomplished without object. In addi -
tion, the state of object at the time of invocation of method affects its behavior. Hence, testing depends
not only on the object but on the state of object also, which is very difficult to acquire.
2. Inheritance and polymorphism also introduce problems that are not found in traditional software. Test
cases designed for base class are not applicable to derived class always (especially, when derived class is
used in different context). Thus, most testing methods require some kind of adaptation in order to func -
tion properly in an OO environment.

State Transition Testing/Finite State Testing

What is State Transition Testing Technique?

State transition technique is a dynamic testing technique, which is used when the system is defined in terms of a
finite number of states and the transitions between the states are governed by the rules of the system.

Or in other words, this technique is used when features of a system are represented as states which transform
into another state. The transformations are determined by the rules of the software. The pictorial representation
can be shown as:

So here we see that an entity transitions from State 1 to State 2 because of some input condition, which leads to
an event and results in an action and finally gives the output.

To explain it with an example:

You visit an ATM and withdraw $1000. You get your cash. Now you run out of balance and make exactly the
same request of withdrawing $1000. This time ATM refuses to give you the money because of insufficient
balance. So here the transition, which caused the change in state is the earlier withdrawal

State Transition Testing Example in Software Testing

In the practical scenario, testers are normally given the state transition diagrams and we are required to interpret

These diagrams are either given by the Business Analysts or a stakeholder and we use these diagrams to
determine our test cases.

Let’s consider the below situation:

Software name – Manage_display_changes

Specifications – The software responds to input requests to change display mode for a time display device.

The display mode can be set to one of the four values:

 Two corresponding to displaying either the time or date.

 The other two when altering either the time or the date.

The different states are as follows:

Change Mode (CM)

Activation of this shall cause the display mode to move between “display time (T)” and “display date (D)”.

Reset (R)
If the display mode is set to T or D, then a “reset” shall cause the display mode to be set to “alter time (AT)” or
“alter date (AD)” modes.

Time Set (TS)

Activation of this shall cause the display mode to return to T from AT.

Date Set (DS)

Activation of this shall cause the display mode to return to D from AD.

State transition diagram

Now, let’s move to interpret it:


1) Various states are:

 Display Time(S1),
 Change Time(S3),
 Display Date(S2) and
 Change Date (S4).

2) Various Inputs are:

 Change Mode(CM),
 Reset (R),
 Time Set(TS),
 Date Set(DS).

3) Various Outputs are:

 Alter Time(AT),
 Display Time(T),
 Display Date(D),
 Alter Date (AD).

4) Changed States are:

 Display Time(S1),
 Change Time (S3),
 Display Date (S2) and
 Change Date (S4).

Step 1:

Write all the start state.  For this, take one state at a time and see how many arrows are coming out from it.

 For State S1, there are two arrows coming out of it. One arrow is going to state S3 and another arrow is
going to state S2.
 For State S2 – There are 2 arrows. One is going to State S1 and other going to S4
 For State S3 – Only 1 arrow is coming out of it, going to state S1
 For State S4 – Only 1 arrow is coming out of it, going to state S2

Let’s put this on our table:

Since for state S1 and S2, there are two arrows coming out, we have written it twice.

Step -2:

For each state, write down their final state.

 For state S1 – The final states are S2 and S3

 For State S2 – The final states are S1 and S4
 For State S3 – Final state is S1
 For State S4 – Final State is S2

Put this on the table as output / resultant state.

Step 3:
For each start state and its corresponding finish state, write down the input and output conditions
– For state S1 to go to state S2, the input is Change Mode (CM) and output is Display Date(D) shown below:

In a similar way, write down the Input conditions and its output for all the states as follows:

Step 4:

Now add the test case ID for each test shown below:

Test Schedule and Its Sample Template

A test schedule includes the testing steps or tasks, the target start and end dates, and
responsibilities. It should also describe how the test will be reviewed, tracked, and approved.

Test Case Generation Process and Technique

In software testing, there are four processes, which are: (1) design test cases (also known as test
case generation process), (2) prepare test data, (3) run program with test data and (4) compare results to
test cases. The test case generation process is a fundamental and the most critical process in the soft-

ware testing process. The test case generation process (or the process of designing test cases) is the first
and the most important process in software testing. The test case generation process is also known as a
“test development” process.There are many types of test case generation techniques such as random ap-
proaches, goal-oriented technique, specification-based techniques, sketch diagram based techniques
and source code based techniques.

Specification-based Test Case Generation Techniques

Specification-based techniques are methods to generate a set of test cases from specification
documents such as a formal requirements specification and Object Constraint Language (OCL)
specification.The specification precisely describes what the system is to do without describing how to
do it. Thus, the software test engineer has important information about the software’s functionality
without having to extract it from unnecessary details. The advantages of this technique include that the
specification document can be used to derive expected results for test data and that tests may be devel-
oped concurrently with design and implementation.

Advantages of Specification-based test case generation technique

The process of generating tests from the specifications will often help the test engineer discover
problems with the specifications themselves. If this step is done early, the problems can be eliminated
early, saving time and resources. Furthermore, the specification-based technique offers a simpler,
structured and more formal approach to the development of functional tests than non-specification
based testing techniques do. The strong relationship between specification and tests helps find faults
and can simplify regression testing.


The drawbacks of the specification-based technique with formal methods are: (1) the difficulty
of conducting formal analysis and the perceived or actual payoff in project budget. Testing is a
substantial part of the software budget and formal methods offer an opportunity to significantly reduce
testing costs, thereby making formal methods more attractive from the budget perspective and (2) there
is greater manual effort or processes in generating test cases, compared with techniques involving
automatic generation processes.

The OCL is part of the UML standard. It is a language allowing the specification of formal constraints
in context of a UML model. Constraints are primarily used to express invariants of classes, pre-
conditions and post-conditions of operations. These invariants become elements of test cases. In their
work, they aimed to generate test-cases focusing on possible errors during the design phase of software
development. Examples of such errors might be a missing or misunderstood requirement, a wrongly
implemented requirement, or a simple coding error. In order to represent these errors, they introduced
faults into formal specifications. The faults are introduced by deliberately changing a design, resulting
in wrong behavior possibly causing a failure. They focused dedicatedly on the problem of generating
test cases from a formal specification.

Sketch Diagram-based Test Case Generation Techniques
Sketch diagram-based techniques (model-based) are methods to generate test cases from model
diagrams like UML Use Case diagram, UML Sequence diagrams and UML State diagrams

A major advantage of model-based is that it can be easily automated, saving time and resources. Other
advantages are shifting the testing activities to an earlier part of the software development process and
generating test cases that are independent of any particular implementation of the design

In a software development project, use cases define system software requirements. A use case is used to
fully describe a sequence of actions performed by a system to provide an observable result of value to a
person or another system using the product under development. Use cases tell the customer what to
expect, the developer what to code, the technical writer what to document and the tester what to test.
The three-step process to generate test cases from a fully detailed use case: (1) for each use case,
generate a full set of use-case scenarios (2) for each scenario, identify at least one test case and the
conditions that will make it execute and (3) for each test case, identify the data values with which to

The practical problems in software testing as follows: (1) lack of planning/time and cost pressure, (2)
lack of test documentation, (3) lack of tool support, (4) formal language/specific testing languages
required, (5) lack of measures, measurements and data to quantify testing and evaluate test quality and
(6) insufficient test quality. Approach to resolve the above problems is to derive test cases from
scenarios/UML use cases and state diagrams. In this, the generation of test cases is done in three stages:
(1) preliminary test case and test preparation during scenario creation, (2) test case generation from
Statechart and dependency charts and (3) test set refinement by application dependent strategies
( experience-based testing).

Web based applications are of growing complexity and it is a serious business to test them correctly.
Four steps to generate test cases as follows: (1) prioritize use cases based on the requirement
traceability matrix, (2) generate tentatively sufficient use cases and test scenarios, (3) for each scenario,
identify at least one test case and the conditions and (4) for each test case, identify test data values.
They also presented that the test cases contains: a set of test inputs, execution conditions and expected
results developed for a particular objective.

Source Code-based Test Case Generation Techniques

Source code-based techniques generally use control flow information to identify a set of paths to be
covered and generate appropriate test cases for these paths. The control flow graph can be derived from
source code. The result is a set of test cases with the following format: (1) test case ID, (2) test data, (3)
test sequence (also known as test steps), (4) expected result, (5) actual result and (6) pass/fail status.

Test Case Generation Process

There are two processes in the test case generation technique, which break down briefly as follows:

This is a first process that allows software testing engineers to gather, analyze and define all pre-
requisite and required information, such as requirements, constraints and type of testing. There are four
sub-processes described shortly as follows:
Table 1 contains five columns: sub-process, purpose, description, input and output. The sub-process is a
sequential process to analyze requirements before generating test cases. The purpose is a goal that each
process aims to achieve. The description describes a short summary of what the process is and means to
software test engineers. The input is a required pre-requisite for each process while the output is an
outcome of each process.

This is a second process that aims to design, prepare and generate all elements in a set of tests, such as
test data, test sequence and dependencies of each test case. This process contains the following sub-

Table 2 also contains five columns: sub-process, purpose, description, input and output. The sub-
process is a sequential process to prepare and generate all test elements, such as test scenario, test se-
quence and test data. The purpose is a goal that each process aims to achieve. The description describes
a short summary of what the process is and means to software test engineers. The input is a required
pre-requisite for generating test cases while the output is a testing artifact.

The above process can help software test engineers to design, prepare and generate all elements in a set
of test cases.

What is White Box Testing?

White Box Testing is the testing of a software solution's internal coding and infrastructure. It focuses
primarily on strengthening security, the flow of inputs and outputs through the application, and
improving design and usability. White box testing is also known as Clear Box testing, Open Box
testing, Structural testing, Transparent Box testing, Code-Based testing, and Glass Box testing.

What do you verify in White Box Testing?

White box testing involves the testing of the software code for the following:

 Internal security holes

 Broken or poorly structured paths in the coding processes
 The flow of specific inputs through the code
 Expected output
 The functionality of conditional loops
 Testing of each statement, object and function on an individual basis

The testing can be done at system, integration and unit levels of software development. One of the ba-
sic goals of whitebox testing is to verify a working flow for an application. It involves testing a series
of predefined inputs against expected or desired outputs so that when a specific input does not result in
the expected output, you have encountered a bug.

How do you perform White Box Testing?


The first thing a tester will often do is learn and understand the source code of the application. Since
white box testing involves the testing of the inner workings of an application, the tester must be very
knowledgeable in the programming languages used in the applications they are testing. Also, the testing
person must be highly aware of secure coding practices. Security is often one of the primary objectives
of testing software. The tester should be able to find security issues and prevent attacks from hackers
and naive users who might inject malicious code into the application either knowingly or unknowingly.


The second basic step to white box testing involves testing the application's source code for proper
flow and structure. One way is by writing more code to test the application's source code. The tester
will develop little tests for each process or series of processes in the application. This method requires
that the tester must have intimate knowledge of the code and is often done by the developer. Other
methods include Manual Testing, trial and error testing and the use of testing tools as we will explain
further on in this article.

White Box Testing Techniques

A major White box testing technique is Code Coverage analysis. Code Coverage analysis, eliminates
gaps in a Test Case suite. It identifies areas of a program that are not exercised by a set of test cases.
Once gaps are identified, you create test cases to verify untested parts of code, thereby increase the
quality of the software product

Below are a few coverage analysis techniques

Statement Coverage - This technique requires every possible statement in the code to be tested at least
once during the testing process. 

Branch Coverage - This technique checks every possible path (if-else and other conditional loops) of a
software application. 

Apart from above, there are numerous coverage types such as Condition Coverage, Multiple Condition
Coverage, Path Coverage, Function Coverage etc. Each technique has its own merits and attempts to
test (cover) all parts of software code.

Using Statement and Branch coverage you generally attain 80-90% code coverage which is sufficient.  

Advantages of White Box Testing

 Code optimization by finding hidden errors.

 White box tests cases can be easily automated.
 Testing is more thorough as all code paths are usually covered.
 Testing can start early in SDLC even if GUI is not available.

Disadvantages of White Box Testing

 White box testing can be quite complex and expensive.

 Developers who usually execute white box test cases detest it. The white box testing by devel-
opers is not detailed can lead to production errors.
 White box testing requires professional resources, with a detailed understanding of program-
ming and implementation.
 White-box testing is time-consuming, bigger programming applications take the time to test

What is Verification and Validation?

There are two aspects of V&V tasks

 Confirms to requirements (Producer view of quality)

 Fit for use (consumers view of quality)

Producer’s view of quality, in simpler terms means the developers perception of the final product.
Consumers view of quality means users perception of final product.
When we carry out the V&V tasks, we have to concentrate both of these view of quality.

What is Verification?

Verification is a process of evaluating the intermediary work products of a software development

lifecycle to check if we are in the right track of creating the final product. The intermediary products
include the documents which are produced during the development phases like, requirements
specification, design documents, data base table design, ER diagrams, test cases, traceability matrix etc.
In other words we can also state that verification is a process to evaluate the mediator products of
software to check whether the products satisfy the conditions imposed during the beginning of the

What is Validation?

Validation is the process of evaluating the final product to check whether the software meets the
business needs. In simple words the test execution which we do in our day to day life are actually the
validation activity which includes smoke testing, functional testing, regression testing, systems testing

Diifferences between Verification and Validation:

Verification Validation
 Verifying process includes checking docu-  It is a dynamic mechanism of testing and 
ments, design, code and program validating the actual product

 It does not involve executing the code  It always involves executing the code

 Verification uses methods like reviews,  It uses methods like Black Box Test-
walkthroughs, inspections and desk- check- ing ,White Box Testing and non-functional
ing etc. testing

  Whether the software conforms to specifi-  It checks whether software meets the re-
cation is checked quirements and expectations of customer

 It can find bugs that the verification process

 It finds bugs early in the development cycle
can not catch

 Target is application and software architec-

ture, specification, complete design, high  Target is actual product
level and data base design etc.

 QA team does verification and make sure

 With the involvement of testing team vali-
that the software is as per the requirement
dation is executed on software code.
in the SRS document.

 It comes before validation  It comes after verification

Example of verification and validation

 Consider following specification

A clickable button with name Submet

 Verification would be check the design doc and correcting the spelling mistake.
 Otherwise development team will create button like

 So new specification is

A clickable button with name Submit

 Once the code is ready, Validation is done. A Validation test found –

 Owing to Validation testing, the development team will make the submit button clickable

What is Gray Box Testing?

Gray Box Testing is a technique to test the software product or application with partial knowledge of
the internal workings of an application.

In this process, context specific errors that are related to web systems are commonly identified. It will
increase the testing coverage by concentrating on all of the layers of any complex system.

Gray Box Testing is a software testing method, which is a combination of both White Box Testing and
Black Box Testing method.

 In White Box testing internal structure (code) is known

 In Black Box testing internal structure (code) is unknown
 In Grey Box Testing internal structure (code) is partially known

Why Gray Box Testing

Gray Box Testing is performed for the following reason,

 It provides combined benefits of both black box testing and white box testing both
 It combines the input of developers as well as testers and improves overall product quality
 It reduces the overhead of long process of testing functional and non-functional types
 It gives enough free time for developer to fix defects
 Testing is done from the user point of view rather than designer point of view

Gray Box Testing Strategy

To perform Gray box testing, it is not necessary that the tester has the access to the source code. Test
are designed based on the knowledge of algorithm, architectures, internal states, or other high -level de-
scriptions of the program behavior. For designing test cases, testers need the knowledge of internal
code and structures. Tester creates the test cases based on the knowledge of internal code and algo-
rithms and then test the application without needing internal code anywhere, on black box level.

To perform Gray box Testing-

 It applies straight forward technique of black box testing

 It is based on requirement test case generation, as such it presets all the conditions before the
program is tested by assertion method.

Techniques used for Grey box Testing are-

 Regression Testing: To check whether the change in the previous version has regressed other
aspects of the program in the new version. It will be done by testing strategies like retest all,
retest risky use cases, retest within firewall.
 Pattern Testing: This testing is performed on the historical data of the previous system defects.
Unlike black box testing, gray box testing digs within the code and determines why the failure

Usually, Grey box methodology uses automated software testing tools to conduct the testing. Stubs and
module drivers are created to relieve tester to manually generate the code.

Steps to perform Grey box Testing are:

 Step 1: Identify inputs

 Step 2: Identify outputs
 Step 3: Identify major paths
 Step 4: Identify Subfunctions
 Step 5: Develop inputs for Subfunctions
 Step 6: Develop outputs for Subfunctions
 Step 7: Execute test case for Subfunctions
 Step 8: Verify correct result for Subfunctions
 Step 9: Repeat steps 4 & 8 for other Subfunctions
 Step 10: Repeat steps 7 & 8 for other Subfunctions

The test cases for grey box testing may include, GUI related, Security related, Database related,
Browser related, Operational system related, etc.

Gray Box Testing Challenges

 When a component under test encounter a failure of some kind may lead to abortion of the on-
going operation
 When test executes in full but the content of the result is incorrect.

What is Domain Testing?

Domain Testing is a type of Functional Testing which tests the application by giving inputs and
evaluating its appropriate outputs. It is a software testing technique in which the output of a system has
to be tested with a minimum number of inputs in such a case to ensure that the system does not accept
invalid and out of range input values. . The main goal of the Domain testing is to check whether the
system accepts the input within the acceptable range and delivers the required output. Also, it verifies
the system should not accept the inputs, conditions and indices outside the specified or valid range.

Domain testing is different from domain specific knowledge you need to test a software system.

In domain testing, we divide a domain into sub-domains (equivalence classes) and then test using
values from each subdomain. For example, if a website (domain) has been given for testing, we will be

dividing the website into small portions (subdomain) for the ease of testing.

Domain might involve testing of any one input variable or combination of input variables.

Simpler practice of domain testing

Practitioners often study the simplest cases of domain testing less than two other names, "boundary
testing" and "equivalence class analysis."

Boundary testing - Boundary value analysis (BVA) is based on testing at the boundaries between
partitions. We will be testing both the valid and invalid input values in the partition/classes.

Equivalence Class testing - The idea behind this technique is to divide (i.e. to partition) a set of test
conditions into groups or sets that can be considered the same (i.e. the system should handle them
equivalently), hence 'equivalence partitioning.'

That simplified form applies for Domain testing –

1. Only to tests of input variables

2. Only when tested at the system level
3. Only when tested one at a time
4. Only when tested in a very superficial way

Domain Testing Strategy

While domain testing, you need to consider following things,

1. What domain are we testing?

2. How to group the values into classes?
3. Which values of the classes to be tested?
4. How to determine the result?

What domain are we testing?

Any domain which we test has some input functionality and an output functionality. There will be some
input variables to be entered, and the appropriate output has to be verified.

Domain Testing Example

1. Consider a single input test scenario:

C = a+b, where a and b are input variables and C is the output variable.

Here in the above example, there is no need of classification or combination of the variables is

2. Consider the below multiple inputs and appropriate output scenario:

Consider a games exhibition for Children, 6 competitions are laid out, and tickets have to be given
according to the age and gender input. The ticketing is one of the modules to be tested in for the whole
functionality of Games exhibition.

According to the scenario, we got six scenarios based on the age and the competitions:

1. Age >5 and <10, Boy should participate in Storytelling.

2. Age >5 and <10 , girl should participate in Drawing Competition.
3. Age >10 and <15, Boy should participate in Quiz.
4. Age >10 and <15 , girl should participate in Essay writing.
5. Age<5, both boys and girls should participate in Rhymes Competition.
6. Age >15, both boys and girls should participate in Poetry competition.

Here the input will be Age and Gender and hence the ticket for the competition will be issued. This
case partition of inputs or simply grouping of values come into the picture.

How to group the values into classes?

Partitioning some values means splitting it into non-overlapping subsets.

As we discussed earlier there are two types of partitioning:

1. Equivalence partitioning - Equivalence partitioning is a software testing technique that di-

vides the input data of a software unit into partitions of equivalent data from which test cases
can be derived. In principle, test cases are designed to cover each partition at least once.
2. Boundary value analysis - Boundary value analysis is a software testing technique in which
tests are designed to include representatives of boundary values in a range. The idea comes
from the boundary.

For the above example, we are partitioning the values into a subset or the subset. We are partitioning
the age into the below classes :

1. Class 1: Children with age group 5 to 10

2. Class 2 : Children with age group less than 5
3. Class 3: Children with age group age 10 to 15
4. Class 4: Children with age group greater than 15.

Which values of the classes to be tested?

The values picked up for testing should be Boundary values:

1. Boundaries are representatives of the equivalence classes we sample them from. They're more
likely to expose an error than other class members, so they're better representatives.
2. The best representative of an equivalence class is a value in between the range.

For the above example we have the following classes to be tested:

For example for the scenario #1:

1. Class 1: Children with age group 5 to 10 (Age >5 and <=10)

Boundary values:

1. Values should be Equal to or lesser than 10. Hence, age 10 should be included in this class.
2. Values should be greater than 5. Hence, age 5 should not be included in this class.
3. Values should be Equal to or lesser than 10. Hence, age 11 should not be included in this class.
4. Values should be greater than 5. Hence, age 6 should be included in this class.

Equivalence partition Values:

Equivalence partition is referred when one has to test only one condition from each partition. In this,
we assume that if one condition in a partition works, then all the condition should work. In the same
way, if one condition in that partition does not work then we assume that none of the other conditions
will work. For example,

(Age >5 and <=10)

As the values from 6 to 10 are valid ones, one of the values among 6,7,8,9 and 10 have to be picked up.
Hence selected age "8" is a valid input age for the age group between (Age >5 and <=10). This sort of
partition is referred as equivalence partition.

Scenario Boundary values to be taken Equivalence partitioning values

Input age = 6

Input age = 5
Boy - Age >5 and <=10 Input age = 8
Input age = 11

Input age = 10
Input age = 6

Input age = 5
Girl - Age >5 and <=10 Input age = 8
Input age = 11

Input age = 10
Input age = 11

Input age = 10
Boy - Age >10 and <=15 Input age = 13
Input age = 15

Input age = 16
Girl - Age >10 and <=15 Input age = 11 Input age = 13

Input age = 10

Input age = 15

Input age = 16
Input age = 4
Age<=5 Input age = 3
Input age = 5
Input age = 15
Age >15 Input age = 25
Input age = 16

How do we determine whether the program passed or failed the test?

Passing the functionality not only depends upon the results of the above scenarios. The input given and
the expected output will give us the results and this requires domain knowledge.

Determining the results of the example:

Hence, if all the test cases of the above pass, the domain of issuing tickets in the competition get
passed. If not, the domain gets failed.
Domain Testing Structure

Usually, testers follow the below steps in a domain testing. These may be customized/ skipped
according to our testing needs.

 Identify the potentially interesting variables.

 Identify the variable(s) you can analyze now and order them (smallest to largest and vice versa).
 Create and identify boundary values and equivalence class values as above.
 Identify secondary dimensions and analyze each in a classical way. (In the above example, Gen-
der is the secondary dimension).
 Identify and test variables that hold results (output variables).
 Evaluate how the program uses the value of this variable.
 Identify additional potentially-related variables for combination testing.
 Imagine risks that don't necessarily map to an obvious dimension.
 Identify and list unanalyzed variables. Gather information for later analysis.
 Summarize your analysis with a risk/equivalence table.


o "Logic" is one of the most often used words in programmers' vocabularies but one of their least
used techniques.
o The functional requirements of many programs can be specified by decision tables, which pro-
vide a useful basis for program and test design.
o Consistency and completeness can be analyzed by using boolean algebra, which can also be
used as a basis for test design. Boolean algebra is trivialized by using Karnaugh-Veitch charts.
o Boolean algebra is to logic as arithmetic is to mathematics. Without it, the tester or programmer
is cut off from many test and design techniques and tools that incorporate those techniques.
o The trouble with specifications is that they're hard to express.
o Boolean algebra (also known as the sentential calculus) is the most basic of all logic systems.
o Higher-order logic systems are needed and used for formal specifications.
o Much of logical analysis can be and is embedded in tools. But these tools incorporate methods
to simplify, transform, and check specifications, and the methods are to a large extent based on
boolean algebra.
o Decision tables are extensively used in business data processing; Decision-table preprocessors
as extensions to COBOL are in common use; boolean algebra is embedded in the implementa-
tion of these processors.
o Although programmed tools are nice to have, most of the benefits of boolean algebra can be
reaped by wholly manual means if you have the right conceptual tool: the Karnaugh-Veitch dia-
gram is that conceptual tool.

 It consists of four areas called the condition stub, the condition entry, the action stub, and the action entry.
 Each column of the table is a rule that specifies the conditions under which the actions named in the action
stub will take place.
 The condition stub is a list of names of conditions.


 A rule specifies whether a condition should or should not be met for the rule to be satisfied. "YES" means
that the condition must be met, "NO" means that the condition must not be met, and "I" means that the condition
plays no part in the rule, or it is immaterial to that rule.
 The action stub names the actions the routine will take or initiate if the rule is satisfied. If the action entry is
"YES", the action will take place; if "NO", the action will not take place.
 The table in Figure 6.1 can be translated as follows:

Action 1 will take place if conditions 1 and 2 are met and if conditions 3 and 4 are not met (rule 1) or if
conditions 1, 3, and 4 are met (rule 2).
 "Condition" is another word for predicate.
 Decision-table uses "condition" and "satisfied" or "met". Let us use "predicate" and TRUE / FALSE.
 Now the above translations become:

1. Action 1 will be taken if predicates 1 and 2 are true and if predicates 3 and 4 are false (rule 1), or if pred-
icates 1, 3, and 4 are true (rule 2).
2. Action 2 will be taken if the predicates are all false, (rule 3).
3. Action 3 will take place if predicate 1 is false and predicate 4 is true (rule 4).

 In addition to the stated rules, we also need a Default Rule that specifies the default action to be taken
when all other rules fail. The default rules for Table in Figure 6.1 is shown in Figure 6.3



 Decision tables can also be used to examine a program's structure.

 Figure 6.4 shows a program segment that consists of a decision tree.
 These decisions, in various combinations, can lead to actions 1, 2, or 3.

Figure 6.4 : A Sample Program

 If the decision appears on a path, put in a YES or NO as appropriate. If the decision does not appear on
the path, put in an I, Rule 1 does not contain decision C, therefore its entries are: YES, YES, I, YES.
 The corresponding decision table is shown in Table 6.1






 Karnaugh-Veitch chart reduces boolean algebraic manipulations to graphical trivia.


 Figure 6.6 shows all the boolean functions of a single variable and their equivalent representation as a
KV chart.

Figure 6.6 : KV Charts for Functions of a Single Variable.

 The charts show all possible truth values that the variable A can have.

 A "1" means the variable’s value is "1" or TRUE. A "0" means that the variable's value is 0 or FALSE.
 The entry in the box (0 or 1) specifies whether the function that the chart represents is true or false for
that value of the variable.
 We usually do not explicitly put in 0 entries but specify only the conditions under which the function is


 Figure 6.7 shows eight of the sixteen possible functions of two variables.

Figure 6.7 : KV Charts for Functions of Two Variables.

 Each box corresponds to the combination of values of the variables for the row and column of that box.
 A pair may be adjacent either horizontally or vertically but not diagonally.
 Any variable that changes in either the horizontal or vertical direction does not appear in the expression.
 In the fifth chart, the B variable changes from 0 to 1 going down the column, and because the A vari-
able's value for the column is 1, the chart is equivalent to a simple A.
 Figure 6.8 shows the remaining eight functions of two variables.

Figure 6.8 : More Functions of Two Variables.

 The first chart has two 1's in it, but because they are not adjacent, each must be taken separately.
 They are written using a plus sign.
 It is clear now why there are sixteen functions of two variables.
 Each box in the KV chart corresponds to a combination of the variables' values.
 That combination might or might not be in the function (i.e., the box corresponding to that combination
might have a 1 or 0 entry).
 Since n variables lead to 2n combinations of 0 and 1 for the variables, and each such combination (box)
can be filled or not filled, leading to 22n ways of doing this.
 Consequently for one variable there are 221 = 4 functions, 16 functions of 2 variables, 256 functions of 3
variables, 16,384 functions of 4 variables, and so on.
 Given two charts over the same variables, arranged the same way, their product is the term by term prod-
uct, their sum is the term by term sum, and the negation of a chart is gotten by reversing all the 0 and 1
entries in the chart.



 KV charts for three variables are shown below.

 As before, each box represents an elementary term of three variables with a bar appearing or not appear-
ing according to whether the row-column heading for that box is 0 or 1.
 A three-variable chart can have groupings of 1, 2, 4, and 8 boxes.
 A few examples will illustrate the principles:

Figure 6.8 : KV Charts for Functions of Three Variables.


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