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The Endocrine System

The endocrine system, vital to homeostasis, plays an important role in regulating of body cells.
Ba acting through blood-borne chemical messenger called hormones, the endocrine system
organs orchestrate cellular that leads to growth and development, reproductive capability,
and the physiological homeostasis of many body systems.

This chapter covers the location of the various endocrine organs in the body, the general
function of the various hormones, and the consequences of their hypersecretion or


I. Complete the following statement by choosing answers from the key choices. Record
the answer blanks.

Key Choices
A. Cardiovascular system C. More rapid E. Nervous system
B. Hormones D. Nerve impulses F. Slower and more prolonged

1. _____________ The endocrine system is a major controlling system in the

body. Its means of control, however, is much _(1)_ than
2. _____________
that of the _(2)_, the other major body system that acts
to maintain homeostasis. Perhaps the reason for this is
3. _____________ that the endocrine system uses chemical messenger,
called _(3)_, instead of _(4)_. These chemical messengers
4. _____________ enter the blood and are carried throughout the body by
the activity of the _(5)_.
5. _____________
II. Complete the following statements by choosing answers from the key choices. Record
the answers in the answer blanks.

Key Choices

A. Altering activity F. Negative feedback K. Steroid or amino acid-based

B. Anterior pituitary G. Neural L. Stimulating new or unusual activities
C. Hormonal H. Neuroendocrine M. sugar or protein
D. Humoral I. Receptors N. Target cell(s)
E. Hypothalamus J. Releasing hormones

All cells do not respond to endocrine system

1. ________________
stimulation. Only those that have the proper _(1)_

2. ________________ on their cell membranes are activated by the

chemical messengers. These responsive cells are
3. ________________ called the _(2)_ of the various endocrine glands.
Hormones promote homeostasis by _(3)_ of body
4. ________________
cells rather than by _(4)_. Most hormones are _(5)_
5. ________________ molecules.

6. ________________
The various endocrine glands are prodded to
7. ________________ release their hormones by nerve fibers (a _(6)_
stimulus), by other hormones (a _(7)_ stimulus), or
8. ________________
by the presence of increased or decreased levels
9. ________________ of various other substances in the blood (a _(8)_
stimulus). The secretion of most hormones is
10. ________________ regulated by a _(9)_ system in which increasing

11. ________________ levels of that particular hormone “turn off” its

stimulus. The _(10)_ is called tie master endocrine
12. ________________ gland because it regulates so many other
endocrine organs. However, it is in turn controlled
13. ________________
by _(11)_ secreted by the _(12)_. The structure
identified as #12 is also part of the brain, so it is
appropriately called a _(13)_ organ.
III. For each key phrase, decide whether it better describe the mode of action of a steroid
or amino acid-based hormone, and insert its key letter on the appropriate answer blank.
Key choices
A. Binds to a plasma membrane receptor
B. Binds to a receptor in the cell’s nucleus
C. Is lipid soluble
D. Activates a gene to transcribe messenger RNA
E. Acts through a second messenger such as cyclic AMP

Steroid hormones: ____________________ Amino acid-based hormones: _________________


IV. Figure 9-1 depicts the anatomical relationships between the hypothalamus and the
anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary in a highly simplified way. First, identify
each of the structures

Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary

Turk’s saddle of the sphenoid bone Posterior pituitary
V. Figure 9-2 is a diagram of the various endocrine organs of the body. Next to each letter
on the diagram, write the name of the endocrine-producing organ (or area). Then select
different colors for each and color the corresponding organs in the illustration. To
complete your identification of the hormone-producing organs, name the organs (not
illustrated) described in items K and L.

K Small glands that ride

“horseback” on the thyroid

L Endocrine-producing
organ present only in
Pregnant women.
VI. For each of the following hormones, indicate the organ (or organ part) producing or
releasing the hormone by inserting the appropriate letters from Figure 9-2 in the answer

_________1. ACTH ____________ 8. Glucagon ____________ 15. PTH

_________ 2. ADH ____________ 9. Insulin ____________ 16. Growth hormone

_________ 3. Aldosterone ____________ 10. LH ____________ 17. Testosterone

_________ 4. Epinephrine ____________ 11. Melatonin ____________ 18. Thymosin

_________ 5. Estrogen ____________ 12. Oxytocin ____________ 19. Thyrocalcitonin

_________ 6. Estrogen ____________ 13. Progesterone ___________ 20. Thyroxine

_________ 7. FSH ____________ 14. prolactin ___________ 21. TSH

VII. Name the hormone that best fits each of the following descriptions. Insert your
responses in the answer blanks.

______________________________ 1. Basal metabolic hormone.

______________________________ 2. Programs T lymphocytes
______________________________ 3. Most important hormone regulating the amount
of calcium circulating in the blood; released
when blood calcium levels drop.
______________________________ 4. Helps to protect the body during long-term
stressful situations such as extended illness and
______________________________ 5. Short-term stress hormone; aids in the fight-or-
flight response; increases blood pressure and
heart rate, for example.
______________________________ 6. Necessary if glucose is to be taken up by body
______________________________ 7. Four tropic hormones
______________________________ 8.
______________________________ 9.
______________________________ 10.
______________________________ 11. Acts antagonistically to insulin; produced by
the same endocrine organ.
______________________________ 12. Hypothalamic hormone important in regulating
water balance.
______________________________ 13. Regulate the ovarian cycle.
______________________________ 14.
______________________________ 15. Directly regulate the menstrual or uterine
______________________________ 16.
______________________________ 17. Adrenal cortex involved in regulating salt levels
of body fluids.
______________________________ 18. Necessary for milk production.
VIII. Name the hormone that would be produced in inadequate amounts in the following
conditions. Place your responses in the answer blanks.

______________________________ 1. Sexual immaturity

______________________________ 2. Tetany
______________________________ 3. Excessive urination without high blood glucose
levels; causes dehydration and tremendous
______________________________ 4. Goiter
______________________________ 5. Cretinism; a type of dwarfism in which the
individual retains childlike proportions and is
mentally retarded.
______________________________ 6. Excessive thirst, high blood glucose levels,
______________________________ 7. Abnormally small stature, normal proportions.
______________________________ 8. Miscarriage
______________________________ 9. Lethargy, falling hair, low basal metabolic
rate, obesity (myxedema in the adult)

IX. Name the hormone that would be produced in excessive amounts in the following
conditions. Place your responses in the answer blanks.

______________ 1. Lantern jaw; large hands and feet (acromegaly in the adult)

______________ 2. Bulging eyeballs, nervousness, increased pulse rate, weight loss

(Graves’ disease)

______________ 3. Demineralization of bones; spontaneous fractures.

______________ 4. Cushing’s syndrome-moon face, depression of the immune system.

______________ 5. Abnormally hairiness; masculinization.

X. List the cardinal symptoms of diabetes mellitus, and provide the rationale for the
occurrence of each symptom.

1. _______________________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________________


3. _______________________________________________________________________

XI. The activity of many end organs is regulated by negative feedback. Figure 9-3A shows
the basic elements of a homeostatic control system. Figure 9-3B shows a feedback loop
with selected parts missing. Assume, for this system, that the stimulus that initiates it
is declining T3 and T4 levels in the blood which produces a drop in metabolic rate. Fill
in the information missing in the boxes to correctly complete this feedback loop. Also
indicate whether it is a negative or positive feedback loop.
XII. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings.

1. Posterior lobe Hormone storage Nervous tissue Anterior lobe

2. Steroid hormone protein hormone Second messenger Membrane receptors

3. Catecholamines Norepinephrine Epinephrine Costisol

4. Calcitonin Increases blood Ca2+ Thyroid gland Enhances Ca2+ deposit

5. Glucocorticoids Steroids Aldosterone Growth hormone


XIII. Besides the major endocrine organs, isolated clusters of cells produce hormones within body
organs that are usually not associated with the endocrine system. A number of these
hormones are listed in the table below. Fill in the missing information (blank spaces) on
these hormones in the table.

Hormone Chemical makeup Source Effects

Gastrin Peptide

Secretin Duodenum

Cholecystokinin Peptide

Kidney in response
to hypoxia

Skin; activated by
active vitamin D3

Atrial natriuretic
peptide (ANP)

Human chorionic
gonadotropin (Hcg)

Leptin Adipose tissue


XIV. Complete the following statement by inserting your responses in the answer blanks.

1. _________________ Under ordinary conditions, the endocrine organs operate

smoothly until old age. However, a _(1)_ in an endocrine

2. ________________ organ may lead to _(2)_ of its hormones. A lack of _(3)_

in the diet may result in undersection of thyroxine. Later
in life, a woman experiences a number of symptoms such
3. ________________
as and mood changes, which result from decreasing levels
of _(4)_ in her system. This period of a woman’s life is
4. ________________ referred to as _(5)_, and it results in a loss of her ability
to _(6)_. Because _(7)_ production tends to decrease in
5. ________________ an aging person, adult-onset diabetes is common.

6. ________________

7. ________________

Roiger, D., & Bullock, N. (2019). Anatomy, Physiology, & Diseases

Foundations for the Health Professions (Second ed., Vol. 1). New
York, New York: McGrawHill.

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Tortora’s Principles of

Anatomy and Physiology (15th ed., Vol. 1). John Wiley and Sons,

Online Resources:

Boore, J. (n.d.). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing

Practice. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

Odya, E., & Norris, M. (2017). Anatomy & physiology for dummies.
Hoboken, NJ, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from

Thompson, G. S., & Thompson, G. S. (2020). Workbook to accompany

Understanding anatomy & physiology: A visual, auditory,
interactive approach. Philadelphia, MA: F.A Davis. Retrieved
August 07, 2020, from
Module Feedback Questionnaire
Human Anatomy and Physiology II
2nd semester, School Year 2021 to 2022

The purpose of the student evaluation process is to improve the quality of learning and
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academic staff, nor to be channels for student complaints, for which other procedures exist.
Module evaluation may be either qualitative or quantitative in emphasis. All modules offered
by a School must be evaluated on every occasion the module is taught. All forms of evaluation,
including questionnaires, should be made available to and collected from students in such a
way as to permit students sufficient time for a considered response, proportionate to the
nature of the evaluation. Schools should aim to achieve an optimal rate of return.

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1. The module was intellectually
stimulating.     

2. I have learned something that I

    
consider valuable.
3. My interest in the subject has
increased as a consequence of this     
4. I have understood the subject
    
materials in this module.
B. Skills development
1. This module has helped me to
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develop my problem-solving skills.
2. This module has sharpened my
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4. This module has helped me develop
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5. This module has helped me to
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develop my research skills.
C. Module content
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2. I was informed of the expected
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3. I found this module interesting.     
4. I found this module challenging.     
5. I found the module content
appropriate for helping my learning
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D. Organization
1. The module was well organized.     
2. I can easily understand the contents
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of the module.
E. Resources
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module were appropriate.
2. I found the recommended reading
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2. I have been satisfied with the
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staff on this module.
3. I was able to obtain guidance from
the instructor to support my studies     
when needed.
G. Assessment and feedback
1. I understood the assessment
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before starting the assessment.
2. The methods of assessment on this
module gave me a fair opportunity to     
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4. I received timely and helpful
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Overall, I am satisfied with the quality     
of the module.

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What problems did you encounter in the course of your studies?


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