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Read the remaining topics for accounts receivable (aging of receivable) and the 1st topic on notes
receivable. Answer the activity afterwards. Upload your accomplished file before the deadline.

MULTIPLE CHOICE – Highlight the answer of your choice.

Which of the following should be recorded in Accounts Receivable?

Receivables from officers representing employee loans
Receivables from subsidiaries
Dividends receivable
None of these

When the allowance method of recognizing bad debts expense is used, the entry to record the
write-off of a specific uncollectible account would decrease
the allowance for doubtful accounts.
the profit for the period.
the net realizable value of accounts receivable.
the working capital.

Which of the following factors would show the largest value for an interest rate of 12% for six
Present value of 1
Present value of an ordinary annuity of 1
Present value of an annuity due of 1
Answer cannot be determined

A higher interest rate results to

increased amount of present value.
decreased amount of present value.
same amount of present value.
Answer cannot be determined due to insufficient data

A shorter period results to

increased amount of present value.
decreased amount of present value.
same amount of present value.
Answer cannot be determined due to insufficient data

Under the allowance method of recognizing bad debts on trade accounts receivable, the effect of
writing off an account to an entity's working capital is
either a or b depending on the current level of the entity's working capital
no effect
COMPREHENSIVE PROBLEMS – Provide the requirements and show the solution for each

Information from the records of EMBEE CO. is shown below:

• Accounts receivable - net of ₱8,000 credit balance in
customers' accounts 100,000
• Notes receivable (trade) 15,000
• Notes receivable (non-trade), ₱15,000 collectible
within one year 30,000
• Dividends receivable 2,000
• Subscriptions receivable 2,000
• Advances to officers and employees (due in 10
months) 4,000
• Accounts payable - net of ₱10,000 debit balance in
suppliers' accounts 3,000

How much are the following?

1. Total trade receivables [1]
2. Total current receivables [2]

On December 27, 20x1, KRISTANJOY Co. received a sale order for a credit sale of goods with selling
price of ₱3,000. The goods were shipped by DULS on December 31, 20x1 and were received by the
buyer on January 2, 20x2. The related shipping costs amounted to ₱20. KRISTANJOY Co. collected the
receivable on January 5, 20x2. If the term of the sale is FOB destination, freight collect.

What is the journal entry on December 31, 20x1? [1]

How much net cash is collected on January 5, 20x2? [2]

FRANCHEZ Co. has the following information on December 31, 20x1 before any year-end
Net credit sales 6,300,000
Accounts receivable, December 976,500
Allowance for doubtful accounts, Dec. 31 (before any
necessary year-end adjustments)
Percentage of credit sales 2%

The aging of receivables is shown below:

Days outstanding Receivable balances % uncollectible
0 – 60 378,000 1%
61 – 120 283,500 2%
Over 120 315,000 6%
Total accounts receivables 976,500

Additional information:
• FRANCHEZ Co. uses the percentage of credit sales in determining bad debts in monthly financial
reports and the aging of receivables for its annual financial statements.
• Accounts written-off during the year amounted to ₱119,700 and accounts recovered amounted to
• As of December 31, FRANCHEZ Co. determined that ₱63,000 accounts receivable from a certain
customer included in the “61-120 days outstanding” group is 95% collectible and a ₱31,500
account included in the “Over 120 days outstanding” group is worthless and needs to be written-

1. How much is the balance of the allowance for doubtful accounts on January 1, 20x1? [1]
2. How much is the adjusted bad debt expense to be reported in the year-end financial
statements? [2]

On January 1, 20x1, MILO. Co. sold machinery costing ₱3,000,000 with accumulated depreciation of
₱1,100,000 in exchange for a 3-year, ₱900,000 noninterest-bearing note receivable due as follows:

Date Amount of installment

December 31, 20x1 400,000
December 31, 20x2 300,000
December 31, 20x3 200,000
Total 900,000

The prevailing rate of interest for this type of note is 10%.

1. How much is the initial measurement of the receivable? [1]
2. How much is the carrying amount of the receivable on December 31, 20x2? [2]

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