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Practice Test y

Track 243

still meeting me
Are you at the mall today?
Sure. where should i find you .7

- thoughtwe _ could meet by the coffee shop.

- think ive been there before . Is that
across from the restaurant

W: No, it's on the east end of the mall, past the department

Oh. Is it by the book store



It's across from the bookstore, next to the_

candy shop
which shop you mean
OK, - know -'H be there at 3:00 p.m.

Track 244

what are you doing

W: _ _ _ _ today?
M: - _ to go
_ shopping
_ _ . My twin brothers are
having a birthday
W: That sounds fun! Do you know what you're getting them

have no
M: No, - idea
_ _ . First, i need to figure
_ out how
i can spend on
much _ _ _ each present.
how much can
W: Well, _ you_
_ to spend

M: - have $50. - could get more if they are having a clearance sale

the same on both of them so

W: Well, you should probably spend
they dont get mad

M: You're right. Thanks for the help

Dictation Book 49

3,, OTrack 245

Wow! you look tired What have you been doing

just finished exercising._
My whole _body hurts

I'm trying to start a fitness program that

i can do regularly

good for you ! What days are you going to exercise?

they gym is closed i cant go then
Well, on the weekends, so

So, youduring
can go _ - ―·
the week

- think I'll get too tired if - go five days a week _ _


Also, - have to work on thursday

could exercise four times

We I-, you --_ a week.

need a day off between
No. I'll _ my exercise days.

4. 釀 Track 246
be careful when shopping
VV: Attention, shoppers. Please
-n the frozen food section . There has been a spill
and the floor is still wet
We have mopped the floor, but it has not dried

We want to caution you when walking in this area

There's a possibility you could slip and fal-
if possible
_ · please avoid this aisle until the
floor has dried . Thank you, and have a nice day

。 ·. 。
『 『。
. 4-
CT ice ■ esT /

蔘 Track 248
M: Some students do not enjo y learning
_ about math . They dont
think It's very interesting . It can be hard to remember
all of the rules . Most of all, many students don't see
how much math relates to their lives
, But math is
the only language understood across the world. People use it everyday

when they are paying bills , cooking, or even just

managing their time
_. One day, these students
who arent interested in they'll be thankful
math _ they
learned it.

6. OTrack 249

cant decide what to do

about this summer.

You havent made-up your mind yet?


W: No. I'm afraid that yhat ill miss my friends and family too much.
M: It's only three months could call them
. You

That's true. And it wo이d be such a great opportunity

Yeah. You'll be able to speak french so well

by the time

you get

W: - know. Going to France over summer vacation will be

so exciting ㅣ

M: - wish i could go with you

Dictation Book 5,
7 OTrack 252

W: decided to take little brother swimming

my _ -
got in the water
this morning. He right away
without cring I was so proud of him
float on our backs few minutes
Then, we decided to _ _ for _ _
look over he was trying new
: When -
swimstroke and doing a really good job.
We practice a little longer before we
take a break a light snack and a drink.
. - bought him
before getting back into the water. He did
We rested
a really good job for his first time in the water

驪 OTrack 253

tell me what
M; Can youhappen _ _ _?
W: Yeah. - was just driving like normal _,
and my engine started smoking _.
sounds scary
M: That . What happened next?

W: Then my
_ car stopped running _. just
- made
_ it_ _ to
the side of the_
road brokeit
before down_ _.

you foundthat
M: OK. Well, it's good a toe truck
_ _ _ _ _ to bring your
car here. -‘ ∥ _
take a look and what's
see wrong
__with it _ _ _.

W: That sounds good.

in the meantime go to our office
M: , you can - _ - -,
call someone pick you up _ _ _.
and to
you're open
W: Thanks for your help. I'm so 이 ad _ _ _ today.


Track 254

What do you think of this style of clothes _ ?


the animal brand

Wow 니 t looks great. like
M: - thought
_ _, so too. - know it's a lot different
_ than
you usually see

_ _ _ _ in shopping centers.
That's true. I think it will be very popular

lighting is ready
You look so good 니 think all of the to

begin taking picture


W: That's great. Maybe we can try that soft wool outfit next

i'm for that idea


OK. Just tell me what you want me to be.

10. OTrack 255

仇/ ; The first kind of

this invention was made
by the
ancient chinese . To make it, they pat gunpowder into tubes

_ and set the gunpowder on_fire . As the gunpowder

burn it caused the tube to move forward . One kind
one kind was used as fireworks
Later, they were commonly
used to launch people
as weapons or and
machines to space In 1 969, one of these was used to
take people to the moon

Dictation Book 53
coming to the amusement park

too cold
extra money
to call loans

could you borrow it

money from her last week

baby sitting

my neighbors i babysit for put of town

anything you could do earn extra money

would pay me clean the house

go ask her

you are ever arrested drunk driving

have to see a judge the first place to call
all we can avoid
in the court room want to avoid
paying fines sent in in jail
to cut your time down
to serve you
are opens
made mistakes
anytime you need us
help you learn from yours

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