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Nguyen Hoang Thuy Tien

Comments/Questions on 11/25 readings

1. After reading the article on language schools being the front for importing cheap labors, I
feel that this is very true, as I have witnessed many real-life examples of this phenomenon. Not
only language schools, but I believe vocational and even some colleges and universities are also
the same. Many university students are stressed because of financial problems, and among
those, many have resorted to working more than the 28 hours limit, sacrificing their sleeping
time to work night shifts to pay for their tuition. How can this problem be addressed?
2. In Vietnam, there exists a mindset among the lower-middle class that if one can go to Japan
as an export laborer, they will be able to make huge money and their lives would be changed.
However, in reality, few people can make enough money in Japan to send back to their families,
and most are trapped in a circle of working and paying rents, agencies and other fees. Because of
this, many Vietnamese have also been working far more hours than allowed. Many also get into
arranged marriage in order to have a safe and secure life in Japan. Is this a problem that the
Vietnamese and Japanese governments can work together to resolve?
3. In the reading, it was mentioned that foreigners are often stared by Japanese in public, and I
have experienced similar things in real life. Is it simply because Japanese have a culture of
disliking outsiders (all of those who are outside of their communities in general), or many of
them are racist? If the reason is just because Japanese people equally have opinions with non-
Japanese, why are white or East Asian people more well-liked, while people who have darker skin
(like Africans and South Asians) are more often negatively discriminated against? This is not to
mention the fact that in Japan, the population of South Asians and South East Asians are much
larger than that of White people.

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