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5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Electrical Notes & Articles

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Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base

KVA Method)




Calculate Fault current at each stage of following Electrical System SLD having details of.

Main Incoming HT Supply Voltage is 6.6 KV.

Fault Level at HT Incoming Power Supply is 360 MVA.
Transformer Rating is 2.5 MVA.
Transformer Impedance is 6%. 1/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles


Let’s first consider Base KVA and KV for HT and LT Side.

Base KVA for HT side (H.T. Breaker and Transformer Primary) is 6 MVA
Base KV for HT side (H.T. Breaker and Transformer Primary) is 6.6 KV
Base KVA for LT side (Transformer Secondary and down Stream) is 2.5 MVA
Base KV for LT side (Transformer Secondary and down Stream) is 415V

Fault Level at HT Side (Up to Sub-station):

(1) Fault Level from HT incoming Line to HT Circuit Breaker

HT Cable used from HT incoming to HT Circuit Breaker is 5 Runs , 50 Meter ,6.6KV 3 Core
400 Aluminum Cable , Resistance of Cable 0.1230 Ω/Km and Reactance of Cable
is0.0990 Ω/Km.
Total Cable Resistance(R)= (Length of Cable X Resistance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Resistance=(0.05X0.1230) / 5 2/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Total Cable Resistance=0.001023 Ω

Total Cable Reactance(X)= (Length of Cable X Reactance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Reactance=(0.05X0.0990) / 5
Total Cable Reactance =0.00099 Ω
Total Cable Impedance (Zc1)=√(RXR)+(XxX)
Total Cable Impedance (Zc1)=0.0014235 Ω——–(1)
U Reactance at H.T. Breaker Incoming Terminals (X Pu)= Fault Level / Base KVA
U Reactance at H.T. Breaker Incoming Terminals (X Pu)= 360 / 6
U. Reactance at H.T. Breaker Incoming Terminals(X Pu)= 0.01666 PU——(2)
Total Impedance up to HT Circuit Breaker (Z Pu-a)= (Zc1)+ (X Pu) =(1)+(2)
Total Impedance up to HT Circuit Breaker(Z Pu-a)=0.001435+0.01666
Total Impedance up to HT Circuit Breaker (Z Pu-a)=0.0181 Ω.——(3)
Fault MVA at HT Circuit Breaker= Base MVA / Z Pu-a.
Fault MVA at HT Circuit Breaker= 6 / 0.0181
Fault MVA at HT Circuit Breaker= 332 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV
Fault Current = 332 / 6.6
Fault Current at HT Circuit Breaker = 50 KA

(2) Fault Level from HT Circuit Breaker to Primary Side of


HT Cable used from HT Circuit Breaker to Transformer is 3 Runs , 400 Meter ,6.6KV 3 Core
400 Aluminium Cable , Resistance of Cable 0.1230 Ω/Km and Reactance of Cable
is0.0990 Ω/Km.
Total Cable Resistance(R)= (Length of Cable X Resistance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Resistance=(0.4X0.1230) / 3
Total Cable Resistance=0.01364 Ω
Total Cable Reactance(X)= (Length of Cable X Reactance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Reactance=(0.4X0.0990) / 5
Total Cable Reactance =0.01320 Ω
Total Cable Impedance (Zc2)=√(RXR)+(XxX)
Total Cable Impedance (Zc2)=0.01898 Ω——–(4)
U Impedance at Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu)= (Zc2 X Base KVA) / (Base KV x Base
U Impedance at Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu)= (0.01898X6) /(6.6×6.6×1000)
U Impedance at Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu)= 0.0026145 PU——(5)
Total Impedance(Z Pu)=(4) + (5)
Total Impedance(Z Pu)=0.01898+0.0026145
Total Impedance(Z Pu)=0.00261——(6)
Total Impedance up to Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu-b)= (Z Pu)+(Z Pu-a) =(6)+(3)
Total Impedance up to Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu-b)= 0.00261+0.0181
Total Impedance up to Primary side of Transformer (Z Pu-b)=0.02070 Ω.—–(7)
Fault MVA at Primary side of Transformer = Base MVA / Z Pu-b.
Fault MVA at Primary side of Transformer = 6 / 0.02070
Fault MVA at Primary side of Transformer = 290 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV 3/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Fault Current = 290 / 6.6

Fault Current at Primary side of Transformer = 44 KA

(3) Fault Level from Primary Side of Transformer to

Secondary side of Transformer:

Transformer Rating is 2.5 MVA and Transformer Impedance is 6%.

% Reactance at Base KVA = (Base KVA x % impedance at Rated KVA) / Rated KVA
% Reactance at Base KVA = (2.5X6)/2.5
% Reactance at Base KVA =6%
U. Reactance of the Transformer(Z Pu) =% Reactance /100
U. Reactance of the Transformer(Z Pu)= 6/100=0.06 Ω—–(8)
Total P.U. impedance up to Transformer Secondary Winding(Z Pu-c)=(Z Pu)+(Z Pu-b)=(7)+
Total P.U. impedance up to Transformer Secondary Winding(Z Pu-c)=0.06+0.02070
Total P.U. impedance up to Transformer Secondary Winding(Z Pu-c)=0.0807 Ω—–(9)
Fault MVA at Transformer Secondary Winding = Base MVA / Z Pu-c
Fault MVA at Transformer Secondary Winding = 2.5/0.0807
Fault MVA at Transformer Secondary Winding =31 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV
Fault Current = 31 / (1.732×0.415)
Fault Current at Transformer Secondary Winding = 43 KA

Fault Level at LT Side (Sub-station to Down


(4) Fault Level from Transformer Secondary to Main LT


LT Cable used from Transformer Secondary to Main LT Panel is 13 Runs , 12 Meter , 1KV,
3.5C x 400 Aluminium Cable , Resistance of Cable 0.1230 Ω/Km and Reactance of
Cable is0.0618 Ω/Km.
Total Cable Resistance(R)= (Length of Cable X Resistance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Resistance=(0.012X0.1230) / 13
Total Cable Resistance=0.00009 Ω
Total Cable Reactance(X)= (Length of Cable X Reactance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Reactance=(0.012X0.0618) / 13
Total Cable Reactance =0.00006 Ω
Total Cable Impedance (Zc3)=√(RXR)+(XxX)
Total Cable Impedance (Zc3)=0.00011 Ω——–(10) 4/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

U Impedance at Main LT Panel (Z Pu)= (Zc3 X Base KVA) / (Base KV x Base KVx1000)
U Impedance at Main LT Panel (Z Pu)= (0.00011X2.5×1000)/(0.415×0.415X1000)
P P.U Impedance at Main LT Panel (Z Pu)= 001601 Ω ——(11)
Total Impedance up to Main LT Panel (Z Pu-d)= (Zc3)+ (Z Pu-c) =(11)+(9)
Total Impedance up to Main LT Panel (Z Pu-d)= 0.001601 +0.0807
Total Impedance up to Main LT Panel (Z Pu-d)=0.082306 Ω.——(12)
Fault MVA at Main LT Panel = Base MVA / Z Pu-a.
Fault MVA at Main LT Panel = 2.5 / 0.082306
Fault MVA at Main LT Panel = 30 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV
Fault Current = 30 / (1.732X0.415)
Fault Current at Main Lt Panel = 42 KA

(5) Fault Level from Main LT Panel to Sub Panel:

LT Cable used from Main LT Panel to Sub Panel is 2 Runs , 160 Meter , 1KV, 3.5C x 400 Aluminium Cable , Resistance of Cable 0.1230 Ω/Km and Reactance of Cable is0.0618
Total Cable Resistance(R)= (Length of Cable X Resistance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Resistance=(0.160X0.1230) / 2
Total Cable Resistance=0.008184 Ω
Total Cable Reactance(X)= (Length of Cable X Reactance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Reactance=(0.160X0.0618) / 2
Total Cable Reactance =0.004944 Ω
Total Cable Impedance (Zc4)=√(RXR)+(XxX)
Total Cable Impedance (Zc4)=0.0095614 Ω——–(13)
U Impedance at Sub Panel (Z Pu)= (Zc4 X Base KVA) / (Base KV x Base KVx1000)
U Impedance at Sub Panel (Z Pu)= (0.0095614 X2.5×1000)/(0.415×0.415X1000)
P P.U Impedance at Sub Panel (Z Pu)= 13879 Ω ——(14)
Total Impedance up to Sub Panel (Z Pu-e)= (Zc4)+ (Z Pu-d) =(14)+(12)
Total Impedance up to Sub Panel (Z Pu-e)= 0.13879 +0.082306
Total Impedance up to Sub Panel (Z Pu-e)=0.2211 Ω.——(15)
Fault MVA at Sub Panel = Base MVA / Z Pu-a.
Fault MVA at Sub Panel = 2.5 / 0.2211
Fault MVA at Sub Panel = 11 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV
Fault Current = 11 / (1.732X0.415)
Fault Current at Sub Panel = 16 KA

(6) Fault Level from Sub Panel to Motor Control Panel:

LT Cable used from Sub Panel to Motor Control Panel is 6 Runs , 150 Meter , 1KV, 3.5C x 400 Aluminium Cable , Resistance of Cable 0.1230 Ω/Km and Reactance of Cable is0.0739
Ω/Km. 5/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Total Cable Resistance(R)= (Length of Cable X Resistance of Cable) / No of Cable.

Total Cable Resistance=(0.150X0.1230) / 6
Total Cable Resistance=0.003075 Ω
Total Cable Reactance(X)= (Length of Cable X Reactance of Cable) / No of Cable.
Total Cable Reactance=(0.150X0.0739) / 6
Total Cable Reactance =0.0018475 Ω
Total Cable Impedance (Zc5)=√(RXR)+(XxX)
Total Cable Impedance (Zc4)=0.003587 Ω——–(16)
U Impedance at Motor Control Panel (Z Pu)= (Zc5 X Base KVA) / (Base KV x Base
U Impedance at Motor Control Panel (Z Pu)= (0.003587 X2.5×1000)/(0.415×0.415X1000)
P P.U Impedance at Motor Control Panel (Z Pu)= 05207 Ω ——(17)
Total Impedance up to Motor Control Panel (Z Pu-f)= (Zc5)+ (Z Pu-e) =(17)+(15)
Total Impedance up to Motor Control Panel (Z Pu-e)= 0.13879 +0.2211
Total Impedance up to Motor Control Panel (Z Pu-e)=0.27317 Ω.——(15)
Fault MVA at Motor Control Panel = Base MVA / Z Pu-a.
Fault MVA at Motor Control Panel = 2.5 / 0.27317
Fault MVA at Motor Control Panel = 9 MVA
Fault Current = Fault MVA / Base KV
Fault Current = 9 / (1.732X0.415)
Fault Current at Motor Control Panel = 13 KA

Summary of Calculation:

Sr.No Fault Location Fault MVA Fault Current (KA)

1 At HT Circuit Breaker 332 50

2 At Primary Side of Transformer 290 44

3 At Secondary Side of Transformer 31 43

4 At Main LT Panel 30 42

5 At Sub Main Panel 11 16

6 At Motor Control Panel 9 13


About Jignesh.Parmar (B.E,Mtech,MIE,FIE,CEng)

Jignesh Parmar has completed M.Tech (Power System Control), B.E(Electrical). He is member of
Institution of Engineers (MIE) and CEng,India. Membership No:M-1473586.He has more than
16 years experience in Transmission -Distribution-Electrical Energy theft detection-Electrical 6/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Maintenance-Electrical Projects (Planning-Designing-Technical Review-coordination -

Execution). He is Presently associate with one of the leading business group as a Deputy
Manager at Ahmedabad,India. He has published numbers of Technical Articles in “Electrical
Mirror”, “Electrical India”, “Lighting India”,”Smart Energy”, “Industrial Electrix”(Australian
Power Publications) Magazines. He is Freelancer Programmer of Advance Excel and design
useful Excel base Electrical Programs as per IS, NEC, IEC,IEEE codes. He is Technical Blogger
and Familiar with English, Hindi, Gujarati, French languages. He wants to Share his experience
& Knowledge and help technical enthusiasts to find suitable solutions and updating themselves
on various Engineering Topics.

69 Responses to Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base

KVA Method)

d says:
September 9, 2014 at 5:02 pm
really useful notes

Patanjali says:
February 25, 2018 at 12:38 pm
Thank you sir

BASKAR. C says:
September 10, 2014 at 2:12 am
Good Morning,

Thank you for sharing valuable information.

Your explanation and simple and easy to understand,

Keep going…

Thanks & Regards,


palani says:
September 10, 2014 at 4:06 am
Hello sir, Good morning. I have one doubt for fault current calculation. Please explain me
what are the methods are available for caculate the fault current? Thsnks, palani from
kolhapur india.

Sent from Samsung Mobile

Yaqdhan Merzah says:
September 10, 2014 at 5:22 am 7/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Dear Parmer,
Kindly i would like to inform you there is a mistake in the calculation in the first one (1)
Fault Level from HT incoming Line to HT Circuit Breaker which is hapened when you
calculating the Resistance ( 0.05*0.1230)/5=0.00123 and this cause change in the total
impedance and so on
thanks for your great effort.
wish u all the best

vasant Joshi says:
September 11, 2014 at 4:22 am
Dear Jignesh.Parmar thank you very much for sharing Nice article on Fault level
calculations. Regards V V Joshi

uday kuamr says:
September 11, 2014 at 11:48 am
Hello sir,

For a typical industrial power distribution system, which predominantly have induction
motors, do we need to consider the motor contribution to the short circuit curents ? if yes
then how do we do it ?

Uday Kuamr

shantan mishra says:
September 17, 2014 at 2:15 am
Dear Jignesh.Parmar thank you very much for sharing Nice article on Fault level


shantan Mishra Bangalore.

Ateeq says:
September 22, 2014 at 6:08 am
Dear Sir Could you explane me from where we get 360/6=0.01666 u reactance at HT Breaker
incoming terminal ,,and also please tell how to take Fault Level at HT Incoming Power
Supply is 360 MVA please

c.sundarrajan says:
August 16, 2016 at 9:10 am
Sir,how you calculate fault level at HT incoming side ie 360MVA

Aniket says:
August 16, 2016 at 4:58 pm
Hello please tell me how to calculate Earth fault current from Transformer to panel 8/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Deepak says:
October 1, 2014 at 9:15 am
Please help me that how Transformer impedance comes in picture to decide fault level on
primary side of Transformer?

Aditya Pavan Kumar U says:
October 5, 2014 at 3:24 pm
Sir, With due respect, I would like to say that In the above calculations Z(impedance of
cable) having units in ohms is added to Z pu(of cable) having no units. I think that addition
should be avoided in these calculations because only Zpu(upto that particular point) is the
only parameter that should be used during every step of finding FAULT MVA. Also in a few
areas(at HT SIDE particularly) 1.732 was missed. Thank You

weyfortey says:
November 4, 2014 at 4:27 am
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Have you wri en books on Electrical Engineering?

jai says:
January 7, 2015 at 7:15 am
dear sir,

how to calculate electrical clearance in substation

any formula pls send us sir

james says:
February 15, 2015 at 6:28 am
A 315kva 3phase has 120A, 115A and 130A. What is the total current and power

Dhananjaya.H says:
March 7, 2015 at 7:27 am
Dear Sir Could you explane me from where we get 360/6=0.01666 u reactants at HT Breaker
incoming terminal (X Pu).

M.Palanisamy says:
May 18, 2015 at 6:32 am
Dear Sir,

Could you explain that how to select base KVA for different KV levels

Naresh says:
July 7, 2015 at 1:21 pm
Jignesh sir, I am very thankful to you for providing a great material and educating all of us. 9/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Sir I have a small doubt in short circuit current analysis.

Sir Why do we consider the same cable size(I.e.400 aluminium) at all the sections(
both H.T,L.T.) sides.
Please let me know my doubt sir thanking you…

EDWIN says:
August 18, 2015 at 5:29 am

September 7, 2015 at 9:23 am
Jignesh Ji , well explained about short circuit calculations.

shiv kumar says:
November 10, 2015 at 7:11 am
Dear Sir ,
How you considered –
Base KVA for HT side (H.T. Breaker and Transformer Primary) is 6 MVA
Plz tell me .

Thanks & Regards


Shiv Kumar says:
November 26, 2015 at 7:37 am
Dear Sir ,

If Transformer secondary to LT panel , we will use Bus bar than how to calculate Current / or
as per above details consideration will be same . Plz reply my comments



Breaker says:
January 15, 2016 at 9:29 am
Hi brother

Can you please show Method for calculate electric breaker both mono,three-phase use in
hours or Apartment and give example.

Thank and best regard!


farhad says:
January 20, 2016 at 4:20 am 10/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles


murugadoss says:
February 10, 2016 at 1:32 pm
sir, could you please how you are taken 360/6?

indra says:
March 1, 2016 at 9:13 am
I would like to know the fault level will be given ?

Abhishek says:
March 8, 2016 at 10:17 am
What is U Reactance

Pramod.Patil says:
March 17, 2016 at 5:59 am
You are sharing excellent knowledge it will help us to build our technical skill thanku

Bhanu bansal says:
March 17, 2016 at 7:18 am
Thank you so much for such a wonderful explaination best i have ever seen

April 4, 2016 at 5:07 pm
Dear Sir can you kindly explain me from where we get 360/6=0.01666 u reactants at HT
Breaker incoming terminal (X Pu).

Pongo says:
April 22, 2016 at 8:54 am
Great article. As an electrician I struggled with this for a long time. If you have an I Phone
there is s great App called Transformer Pie that works out a trannies short circuit current for
you. Maybe if use? Pongo

kbl seth says:
May 7, 2016 at 11:23 am

Bhawana says:
May 18, 2016 at 4:37 pm
Thank u a lot of for best explanation and make understand in be er way. Thanks u so much

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5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

muiz says:
May 19, 2016 at 2:13 pm
Hello sir, I have one doubt for cable short circuit calculation & lighting calculation. Please
explain me what are the methods are available for caculate ? Thsnks,

Mohamed Akram Khan says:
May 22, 2016 at 4:41 am
Eng. Parmar, Sir, excellent example of fault calculation. One of the best I have come across. I
have one question. How did you get the Base KVA as 6 MVA and should this not be base
MVA. The transformer capacity is 2.5 MVA but the Base KVA is taken as 6 and I do not know
from where this value was taken.
Kindly assist.

raju says:
May 25, 2016 at 10:18 am
dear jignesh
there are some of mistake are there in calculation(not in procedure). some time not convert
the impedences into per units.please rectify

Rajvi says:
May 31, 2016 at 10:43 am
Dear Sir Could you explane me from where we get 360/6=0.01666 u reactants at HT Breaker
incoming terminal (X Pu).
and how base KVA is 6 MVA for incoming

irfan says:
June 3, 2016 at 5:35 am
Hi sir.

Fault Level at HT Incoming Power Supply is 360 MVA. how u taken that fault MVA?

francis nkrumah says:
June 21, 2016 at 9:54 am
hi am francisnkrumah from ghana and i want u to help me with some problem i need to
meter a 2.5mva transformer with a ct panel i want to know what ct rating can be used for the
2.5mva hope to hear from u soon

My TV says:
July 5, 2016 at 9:45 am
H.T, What does this mean ? can you help me ? thank so much

anandmc05 says:
July 12, 2016 at 5:32 am
I Just want to tell, the methods are very complicated and not understandable . How did you
get this (Base KVA for HT side (H.T. Breaker and Transformer Primary) is 6 MVA) . 12/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

universal electric says:
September 29, 2016 at 2:06 am
thanks sir

Harish says:
December 7, 2016 at 1:17 pm
Thank u for ur information

hyuga says:
January 4, 2017 at 3:59 am
Where did you get the information of reactance of the cable as well as the resistance of it?

Rajendra Yadav says:
January 23, 2017 at 1:30 pm
how to calculate LL, LG & LLG Fault current pls advice.

sharat das ( mahindra vehicle manuf... limited ) says:
March 11, 2017 at 11:44 pm
Good Morning,

Thank you for sharing valuable information.

Your explanation and simple and easy to understand,

Keep going…

Rajesh says:
April 8, 2017 at 2:50 am
Dear Sir,
In first step for (3)=(2)+(1)
In this 1 and 2 are in different units ,one is p.u another one is ohm how do you added this 2
different units, please explain Sir

June 10, 2017 at 3:47 pm
Very easy to understand thank you

nikhil says:
July 1, 2017 at 11:38 am
hello sir i have query how you considered base MVA for HT side .if you have any anther
method for short ckt calculation .plz give me

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5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Biswajeet Rout says:

October 16, 2017 at 9:04 am
I want to calculate the the GMR and GMD of under ground cable.Can you help me to find it
with the help of an example.If you need I have the physical data also but i don’t know how
to calculate it.

Naresh ram says:
November 19, 2017 at 6:23 pm
Dear sir, thankyou for the example. But I have a doubt, how did you consider the base MVA
as 360 (fault level HT side) another boubt is how did you get the “Base KVA for HT side
(H.T. Breaker and Transformer Primary) is 6 MVA”.

Kindly clarify my doubt.

mathanshankar says:
December 5, 2017 at 8:15 am
how to find the fault level 360 at HT incoming power supply, pls answer

Prabakaran Rajendran says:
December 30, 2017 at 12:44 am
How did u assume that Base KVA is 6 MVA??

raj kumar singh says:
January 24, 2018 at 7:32 am
I am working in a RGGVY project. We are constructing 11kv new line using weasel
conductors. While working on these lines we use discharge rods as safety measures. What
current in the weasle conductors can cause the melting of the discharge rods cable which is a
copper wire of 10 sq mm of length 13 mtrs.

Sehnaaz says:
February 19, 2018 at 1:44 pm
As usual excellent explanation but what really irritates me is that calculation values are
always wrong. It confuses your readers.

Amzad hossain says:
June 29, 2018 at 4:25 am
Dear sir
i want to know that we have use 630A VCB and Cable 30 Me er X-former Imp-5 and VCB
set .8 how we will do calculate the Earthing rod /Cable please let me know

Shahbaz hussain says:
August 27, 2018 at 8:49 am
In the first calculation it should be baseKVA/MVA.

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5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Nagaraju says:
October 29, 2018 at 12:29 pm
How to Calculate Fault level without Transformer ., It means If It is Feeder Protection how
can i calculate the fault level..??

Chetan Kumar says:
December 22, 2018 at 10:52 am
you sir

bhavesh mali says:
January 21, 2019 at 1:12 pm
how to calculate faulat MVA for 20MVA transformer???

bhavesh mali says:
January 21, 2019 at 1:14 pm
how to calculate Faulat MVA of 66KV/11KV ,20MVA transformer ..??

U am Sheet says:
February 13, 2019 at 2:23 am
Dear sir,
Please clarify the asume base KVA for HT breaker,U reactance, PU .

Andy says:
May 2, 2019 at 5:43 am
U Reactance at H.T. Breaker Incoming Terminals (X Pu)= 360 / 6.
Please let me know where 360/6 comes from.

Andile Ronny Qumbisa says:
May 27, 2019 at 3:13 pm
Good information very useful. Can you send me the pdf or word of the presentation or

Rajesh Shingre says:
June 1, 2019 at 5:19 am
Sir, It’s really a good explaination..I have to asked how you select base MVA at HT side?

Stephen simeluta says:
February 21, 2020 at 12:13 pm
Great stuff

Stephen simeluta says:
February 21, 2020 at 12:23 pm 15/16
5/27/2020 Short Circuit Current Calculation (Base KVA Method) | Electrical Notes & Articles

Thanks for this great sharing

U am biswal says:
April 15, 2020 at 7:05 am
could you explain how to calculate the incident Energy for Arc Flash


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