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Ini lah parameter oenentu minyak ini akan digunakan untuk apa. Bisa kebutuhan makanan,


PFAD produk sampingannya dapat digunakan untuk biodiesel atau produksi oleokimia







1. What do you know about this company?
Wilmar International is leading agribusiness group and headquartered in Singapore.
Wilmar business is integrated from Plantation, shipping, feed&industrial product, & food
Produk makanan : palm and oilseeds, sugar, flour, rice, noodles, specialty fats, snacks,
bakery, dairy, soy protein, starch and sweeteners
Wilmar Integrated Industrial Estate will provide and serve basic support for your activities
and that’s include :
 Concrete road with exclusive toll gate
 Supply gas up to 20 MMSCFD
 Electricity up to 500 MW
 Domestic water with SWRO/Desalination
 Fiber Optic for communication
 Hydrant System
 Incineration Plant
 Waste water treatment
 Public facility
 Railway

Refinery - Fractionation Factory salah satu unit pabrik di Kawasan Industri Wilmar Serang,
mampu menghasilkan 2 X 1500 Ton / Day Cooking Oil (sania, fortune, sovia, Siip brand

2. Why u Apply for this Job?
 Requirements match

 Company & products

 What's process engineer roles?
Process engineer Supervise and test existing processes and workflows in a plant. They
design, test, and implement new procedures depending on the targeted productivity. They
are tasked taking and tracking metrics to see the areas that need improvements. They also
report to the higher management on their finding and proposal.
4. What skills or qualities you have as a process engineer?
Hardskill related to energy conversion (like thermodynamic, heat transfer, fluid mechanic,
and so on), master Excel or other tools. Then, Softskills such as communication skill, critical
& analytical thinking, also problem solving is necessary

5. What is Process Engineering?

1. Have you ever involved in any project?
Yes, I have. It was in the sixth semester at my university. I had been assigned by my lecturer
to build a product with my team, actually the team consist of 4 people from 3 major. 2 of us
are from mechanical, one from mechatronic, and the other from industrial engineering. In
that project I was a team leader at that time based on our discussion. So, I am responsible
for the success of this group task. I started to make a plan, like determining of the
background, choosing what product we will make, why we made it, how to make the
product, and also make task division for each group member. I handle it. Moreover, I also
responsible to calculate maximum capacity of feeder (our product were automatic screw
feeder), power needed to operate feeder, and also assemble it.
2. What is your goals in your life?
 My goal is to apply my engineering knowledge in various ways that are useful for
other people.
 I also have a desire to send my parents to Hajj.
 What'd you see yourself in 5 year time?
Ok if I am accepted by Wilmar. After 5 years, I see this company growing more, and I see
myself as a good engineer that master my job at this company. I also see myself to be a
leader of a division or department. Please don't get too hard, that's only my desire
4. Explain your last work responsibilities (internship)
My responsibilities in that position is to participated in all maintenance activities, such as
observed the conditions of some equipment, what is the problems of the equipment, and
found out the solution for the problems. Then I arrange all of activities in one report and
made maintenance flowchart for each equipment. Besides, I also learn from other division, I
think this is my special personality. Even I was placed in mechanical maintenance division,
not only learn about maintenance, but also learn about Operation like how to start up and
shut down power plant, learn a little about warehouse system (SAP). And a lot more.
Besides, I also did a power plant simulation to see how the effect of Off service HPH.
5. The lowest level that I have through?how to handle it?
Everyone must have been in the lowest position in their life, including me. After I graduated
from high school, I had a great desire to become an ITB student. I took the college entrance
test without proper preparation. and you guessed the result, I didn't pass. it really made me
depressed and frustrated because if I didn't pass at that time, I had to wait 1 year later for
the retest.
How I handle it? About 1 week I was in a slump then I decided to get back up. I started to
analyze what made me not pass and I found that my English score was bad, very bad. then I
made a study program to prepare for the following year, specifically for English I took several
lessons and even took lessons to Pare Kediri.
Then, I passed ITB and now I am just graduate from there.

Patrick Star said to Spongebob; "you have to stop living your past, Go move on, You are just
hurting your heart"
6. the highest level that I have through?why?
The highest level in my life is when I'am still student of ITB (in offline mode, you know that
last 2 years all academic activities are online). OK lets back, the highest level of me in my life
is when I can manage all organizaional activities and my daily life over my academic. I did it
because I used to make a daily scheddule for what I did. When I was in that level, you know
life is so easy. There is no stress, no pressure. And I could do everything I want without any
Like I have a direction of my life if I well manage my activities as detail.
7. Strong point of you? (40)
My strong points are :
 I am eager to learn everything related to engineering
 I am a fast learner, maybe because of my first strong point
 I have a good managerial skill, strategic planning, and problem solve either
individually or as a team
 Never give up until situation force me to stop (Deadline, my body is no longer
possible [sick])
 Biggest Weakness? (40)
 I am easy to trust the other
 I am easy to say something to anybody (sometimes it's good, but sometimes is bad
when I say something bothering anybody, I can be avoided by anyone just know me.
 Have you ever disagreed with decision in the palce, what did you do?
Ok actually, I am kindda open minded person
Firstly, I will try to ask the positive of the decision, why the decision is made. Then, will list all
of the positive sides in that decision, and negative sides. Then I do the analysis of the
positive and negative sides of the decision. After that I compare them, if the negative side is
dominant, I will suggest to review the decision. Otherwise, if the positive side is dominant, I
think I will agree with the decision at the end without any complain. You know all of
decisions have their own risk. So, we have to choose the decision that give us a minimum
10. What do you do outside work?
As my explanation in the beginning, after I graduate from my university, I prepared myself
for work by joining some trainings (excel training, performance training, learn chinese and
english). Everything that may be useful for me. But I have a nonproductive activities too, like
every Sunday morning, I used to go fishing.
11. Do you have any questions for me?
 I want to ask, what is the biggest challenge in this position, because I am still fresh
 why you leave your current institution.
Actually, I have gain fantastic knowledge and experience there. However I think I have learnt
everything I can there. There is no room for me to grow inside the institution especially in
term Mechanical Engineering, energy conversion. Now, I am ready to step up to new
challenges to apply and develop my skills and experience in Mechanical Engineering World.
And I am glad your company offers that. I will not let this chance go easily and I will struggle

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